" w sqn'Bgt"viiggBt smsfrvyri". &- ' t' W , ' , : ' I V im :' I m 1 PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TBTBTJNE, AD3DFORD, OWKflOX, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1911. local and personal 1 Dr. timl Mrs. H. II. Porter motored with a jrnrty of frlonds to tlio Apple galb vnlloy Sunday afternoon. Mr. nml Mrs. Guu Newbury spent Sunday at their country homo on tho Applegate. "Will sell my home and some fur niture; homo valued low at $5,000; nil for $3,050 cash for quick sale. Address J. Ownor caro this office, tf Jack Corrlgan, manager of tho Dear Greek carngo took a large party of frlentlB on an extended auto trip In tho Ap)legato vnlloy. Do you want 14 lots 50x115 onch, for $2 100 dn onBy terms? C. W. II Kvorlmrd, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank iiiiii?. tf Prod Hopkins Is Bpendlng a few days With frlonds In .Medford. All kinds of bindery work done at Mnll Tribune office. Art li tir nrown. nubllHlior of tho Rogue magazine, linn roturnod from nn oxtanilotl trip north . 'Do Vou wnnt B acres In alfalfa, one mile south of Main street, clionp' C. "W. II. Evorhard, 212 Fruitgrowers llfinlr lililtr. tf Lynn Purdln a former rosldent of Medford Is now dnlployeil by the Vnl loy Record In ABhlnnd. Ashland Steam Landry, Mcdford office, phono No. 1201. tf. W. W. SaundorB of Willow (lien Is spending u few days in Medford. Two and one-half aiiros In alfalfa ono mllo south of Washington school, uasy terms. A. W. II. Kvorlmrd, 212 KmllirroworB'' Hank bide. If Arthur and Kdna Stonuett of Ash land Hponl Sundny In Medford visit ing Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stonnott of this city. Ixioho loaf ledgoro ninilo In Medford at tho Mall Tribune offlco'. It. W. (Iray of this city spent Sat urday In Contrail Point on luminous. Tho MIkbos Norwood of Central Point woro roccnt Medford visitors. 'Soo It. A. Holmes, Tlio Insurnnco Mnn, Over Jackson County bank. tf. II. C. Dunlap or Central Point spoilt Saturday In Mcdford. The ladles of tho Womon's Chrbi lliui Tenipornnco Union will hold a food sale Tuosday at Warner, Wort tunn & (Joro'H Htoro. George Horchburger of Centnil Point was a rqcont visitor. Ladies', phono C371 for vacuum cleaner, to clean rugs. 308 F. .1. Taylor who resides north of tho city was In Medford recently on it short bpslnuss trip. i. Medford locnl Socialist party moots ovory Sunday aftomoon, 2:110 at Sinlth'B hall on North Grapo utrcot. Everybody invited. tf. Mrs. Fred Ponnlngnr of Klamath Falls Is visiting relatives In tho vnl lay. IlolohHtoln for wood. Yard cornor Fir nml Tontli. !129 Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Murphy or Cen tral Point spout Sunday with frlonds In tills city. Hnvo you $100 In tlio bank? Why don't you put it to work? lluy a lot on tho installment plan and In three months double your monoy. Talk (his over with Tinny, 201 Gnrnott Coroy bide. Ho has sovernl lots Hint (mil hu bouuht like this. 300 MiM Ponrl Peart or Fort Dodge. in.. Is oxpeoted to arrive aooir In Med ford to mak hor homo with hor uls ter Mrs. A. F. Stonnott. Call phono 2101, 1032 for baggage wagon. -Hl John WlniilimliHin of Unite Fulls hu returned to hU homo after in abort visit In Medford. ! Made In Medford, any stylo of loose lonf or blmik book, at Mall Tribune offlco. i.ee ItiHiUliuw uud Tom Klnu lwve roturnod from h short bimlnenh trip to Untie Fulls. Printing, nil kinds at Portland price. Mult Trlluino offlco. A. (5. Oiilulol mid fnmll lia liioxed from their Horuo rlvor ranch to Mcdford where they will reside. Mr. Gabriel sold his ranch, which consists of 190 acres, to Minnesota parties at $S0 an acre. Our specialty, fresh oysters and fish direct from ocean to Louvro Cafe. 309 Smoker givon by teamsters union of th Rogue Rlvor Valley on Wed neiduy night, March 22. All team ster Invltod, of tho Roguo Rlvor Vnlloy. 311 M. L. Reckon of Breckinridge, la., arrived to visit Mr. and Mrs. F. .1 Newman. Mr. Beeson may later lo euto horn permanently. Smoker kIvoii by teamsters union of the Rogue Rlvor Vnlloy on Wed nesday night, March 22 at the Anglo Opera house. All teamsters Invited of the Roguo Rlvor Vnlloy. 311 Merchants lunch, 11:30 to 2 p. m. 35c nt Louvre Cafo. 309 Quick service, Merchants Lunch, 11:30 to 2 j. m. Louvro Care. 309 Lato uuigilnes, periodicals and pa pers nt tho free rending room In chap el back of Hie Prosbytorlan church Open evonings from 7:00 to 10 p. ni. All mon nnd boys nre Invited. tf II. B. Pnttorson, 110 E. Main, ban somo nice English Hollies and all kinds or shade trees. Roscb (all tlio best). Now Is n good linio to plant. Drop In and seo mo. tf Is your hoiiBO wired? Ono cigar loss a day would pny for a hundred por cent Increase in comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf Thoro will bo a muslcnlo at tho Medford theater Monday evening for the benefit of tho now hospital 'fund. Dr. J. E. Shoaror, physician and surgeon. Offlco over Strnng'a drug Btoro. ' John 11. Carkln, nttomoy at lnw, over Jackson County hank. A soveii-room completely furnish oil, strictly modern house, on South Laurel street; price $3000; easy tonus. Cornltlus-Garnor Realty Co., 133 Wont Main street. 309 Gregory loading photograpbor, vIowh, portraits. 323 SHERIFF JONES I DOG TAX LAW TO BFJHANGED City Dads Contemplate Passing New Ordinance Which Can Force Resi dents of City to Pay Up-Old Ordinance is Dead Letter. Because the present ordinance ini- iMihiiig" u tax on dogs in the city ' a dead letter, the city dads nre plnn liiiiR tlio nnssngc of a new ordinance iniuosiiiL' hucIi u tuS which cun hot enforced. Practically no attempt lias boon made to impono such ii tax during the past two year owing to the fact tluil if n man rof lined to pay It lie gen ornlly ttleooodcd in escaping it. It is proposed to make the new tax high enough to niiiko it nil object tor some person to take tlio job of col lecting the tax on 'a coinmisHion busi-iii1-. . t-r4- Welcome, CQLQNISTS-Jggg . GRAND JURY IS AT I WORK Over. Thirty Witnesses From Various Sections of tho County Are Called to Jacksonville prisoners Before Inquisitorial Body. N N Mrs. Trask Drops Suit for Reward in Mock Case Ayninst Jones and Names Deputy Eheriff Mnnnliifj Defendant Will Be Heard Soon Mr. Alioo Trash, who brought suit some months! ugo against Wilbur .lotion, sheriff, for I lie inward offorod for tlio arrohl of .liiliiin A. iMuel; while lie was nt lingo, following tlio murdor of Johho Smith ln.st .Septem ber in thi city, Iiiih dropped lior Niiit njjuiiiHt ShoiilT Jones and has kiumI J. N. iMiiiining, deputy shcrilT. Mix. ThihI; claim lliat Manning paid hor but a portion of the money turned oi'iii" to him by the sheriff ui though hhe wiirt entitled, tiooordiug ii the complaint, to it all an she roe- npuivod .Mock when ho appeared nt hor place tor food and phoned to the ul'liccis who biiiiiuht him ' lackMiiili The grand jury convened in JucU Konvillo this niorniug and are hard at work considering the many ease which are to come before it. Over .10 witnesses from various sections of tho county hnvo been called and appeared today at tho county scat. The oases of tlio prisoners, l." strong, wlio were in Hie county jail have been taken up. The iMarch term of the circuit court opens net Monday. A WKLCOJIH HKAItTILY K VTK.VDKI) YOL' JIVTIIK WESTERN BONDING & INVESTMENT CO. And wo wish to offer you the courtesies of our Information nnd Investigation Departments. Thce departments arc maintained tor your help and guidance and are yours to command at all times In person or by mall, though these departments ye arc able to trlvn vmi oiiv liifdl'inilf Ion reiririllll!' binds OV IllVCStlllClltS In tllO state of Oicgon or Xortliern Cilll'oi'nla. Heiiioinbor that Ashland has the croani of the Koguc Itlver Yalli'V nml better laniN can bo bought for loss money hero than any other part of this valley. NOW IN KSTIClATli THIS and you will w tho facts. LAND CAN UK BOUGHT ON THIS COAST FOR ?5.00 1M3II ACKB AND t'F. THE WESTERN BONDING & INVESTMENT CQ. . Ellts Bldg. Ashland, Ore. Notice to investors Inco.no bearing orchards apples or pears, In Itoguo IHvor Valley, Ore gon, Medford district, In largo or small tracts. Improved land, suitablo for Biib-dlviding Tor orchards or alfalfa. From flvo acros to flvo hundred acres, good deep soil. Near shipping points. Cholco buslncsa property, residences and vacant lots In Mcdford, Ore- son. IiA 1.0MA KUAIi i;Hiaiii te AV. II. Stewart, V. l. Amy, YV H. Savage, I'liones: Pacific 5:551. . Hooui J, Stewart Building. Home 2(1K T 0 OF 401 m.tSAjr'X M r PL'TTIXG UP BIG Mllil.S Is an easy matter for a big bank like ours. Wc have tho resources the capital so are nover caught nap ping. On tho reserve capital of a bank depends Its reputation for solid ity and reliability. Wo handle tlio accounts of the best and shrewdest commercial men In tho community and enjoy their confidence complete ly. Wc solicit new accounts from re sponsible concerns and Individuals. Farmers & Fruit Growers Bank California Irrigated Lands IX sriJDIVISIOXS, 20 ACItHS AXI) t'PWAKDS I3ASY PAV.MKNTS THIS 110MK OF ALFALFA, IDlOAL CONDITIONS FOR OKANGES AND LEMONS. y Write us for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co. DIXOX, CALIKOB.V1A. THINK ' BUYING REAL ESTATE IS 10 llllllK OL UK' LINCOLN - BARNEBURG - HOKE CO. Sop our listings of orchards, fruit hinds and city property. They will please yon. GARNETT-COREY BUiJjJJlU Phones Pacific 6661. Home, 571. ..OrcJhard Tracks Flvo and ten-acre orchard tracts, planted to Hiolco varieties of pears; best fruit land In valley; ono inllo from town; also some ono-acrc tracts In big oak grove. If you would like a fine suburban home, have a look at these tracts. Beautifully located on macadam road. Good car service. Depot on property. Our prices aro right. (Ol ee PERRY, Owner' !OI West ."Main St., Mcdford or Mcdford Xallonnl Bank. R N IS TO BE ENLARGED Editor Pnttison Buys Old Globe Plant anil Will Better His Paper In Or der to Keep Abreast of the Times in Central Point. I OPENS Weeks & McGowan Co. ITNDKRTAKKRS .DAY PHONIC 21271 Night 'Phenes: k W. Wooka, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3C92. LADY ASSISTANT i "! BUTTE FALLS APR. 1 Larye Number of Residents In That Section Have Taken Stock G Barker Is to Be Cashier of tho New Institution Davis is President. The Central Point Herald Is soon to bo enlarged and bettered, Editor Pnttorson hnvliiK purchased tho plant of the defunct 11 lobe" and Is now on Kaxed in ihovIiik It into bis office. The step was deemed necessary In asmuch as Central Point is makliiK rapid strides In Improvements. That this spirit or civic betterment exists is due In no small degree to Editor Patterson and his booster sheet. CALL FGR BIDS ON SEWER SYSTEM Central Point Will Let Contract fni Lai-yc System Soon A Mile of Streets Is to Be Paved Bonds Voted to Extend Water System. !-- -' John A. Perl Undertaker and Fnibalniur Successor to the uudortnkliiK dif partmont of Medford Furulturo Co. Office With Mcdford Furniture Company Slok and Injured eonveywd to any jmrt or city or country. Tolqphonoa; Day 351. NlgtiU John A. Perl 4111. C. W. Conkllu, 3C01. J. H. Butlsr, 8B71. The lieu bank in Itulle I'alh in to be iipeni'd on Apnl I. H. Harker liaiiillo (lit inUliilioii liaviuu Lhcii mimed euKliitr. A Im-Re niiuibor of loMiluhU in tli.it end ui' 1 1 tt loiiuty have Mibscribed to sliM'k in tht ti t it nt lMi Heinle 1.. Onus il (bis (ii i prt'Milcut and If. 1) Mlllr. I- h-i ili-lili'lit GUN TO FIGHT AIRSHIPS 18 SOON THE TESTED WASIIl.NiSTON, H C March SM A Kn'i i il f. hihI ini'otile to u'iuU' aeroplane mtmku han bn iUMiierted by I lie ordlnmu'w offlclxU of tht government. H Is Maid tbat Hit kuu will be mounted at Sandy Hook whdrc experiment will be made wltk H. BORN. KEACIAN-Ln ItwMburK. ilurck U, It) 11, to tit viU at W. T. ItMitmi fonneHy at tUU oily, g Mine ami a liMlf Huud u''rf- -f-f-f-f-f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. - ff 4 tf "i- HIOIICKOFT residence sites arc scll itir daily; make your selection bo lero choice lots nre sold. t FOII SALH A farm with stocu took, etc. Farm eouswls of Kill ncros of o'i ul liiml situated in the Applefjuto-'ValJeyv 2S acres 'in -falfa, HI ooil dairy cows, !) year linni, 1 ho, spnii of work Hors-., lot of ebickens, wiioii, liuji.v nd bnrne.ss; foil outfit of farm imple ments nnd look, hliickxinitli s-hop mid tools; good lioiie nnd barn; telephone in bouse nnd intcrosl m telephone line jjnos with property Price $(l.i()(b .1. Ilnrtinun, office op posite l. ?. hold, Jacksonville) h :i:m F()l SALK A brand new o-room strictly moiloru bunjiiilow close in nnd on a street to be paved within lid days. This house is phihlered, has elec- liuhlf. bath, toilet, built-in buffet 1 cabinet kitchen, nnd every conven ience known to buiiKolows of a more expensive type. The price is tf'JoOU on verv easy lerius, $"."() ensh, bnl nuce like rent ifdivircd. ('ornetiii" (larner IJealty Co., Kill V. Minn Kliect. H10 vmi SALK -Some one mul have oeiloikiil Hint six-voom liou-e lliMt we adcrlied. li hn. elcelric Imlit-, citv wnler, ol". ; js on S. Now low n between V. Mnfii and V. lOtli stieelx. and can be bouJit for jrhsno, on eHiy lernn. Think of the locution, look ut the price, then e ii.. ('oriiilius-flnriier Uenlly Co. C8 W. .Main st. :i 1 tl Cent in 1 Point It advertising for blda for the coiiatruction of u tk'wer and will let a contract for that pur tKMto April SO. The little rlty la rnpldly fornliiK to tho front in the mutter of chic bottrtriiient. a mile of atreet la to bo paved this summer and tho water dlatrlbiitlug system uivatly extended For Hie latter purpose bondi In au amount of $15,000 weriS voted last week. HnskliiH .or IloalHi. NOTICK. noglniilng April 1st, ID 11, the union soalo for imi I ntors will bo $1 per day. On that dnto tho Initiation foa Into local union, No. 043, lire Iberbood of Palntors & Decorators of America, will bo raised. The union meets every Thursday night at S p. m. In Angle hall. O. YV. HAItUlNOTON. Secretary. 401 North nnrtlott St. 310 NQTIOIi. To tk mutter plumber, oontraotOM and, builder? of M&dfoni and violulty. kUnt uu nnd after Ayrll (Ue ffmt. tbo lululiHUiu eoale of wane for Journey. FOK SAI.K-Ouoil pnyiiiK lmsinfrt with low lease for ule; ."rSOO eaoli buys it. Aihli'oss Owner It, this of fice. If WAN'I'KD To runt lmjjv.v hh'I Minnie hnrnc.. for a week or I wo. Addro hx 11, eaiu .Mil Tribune of fice. 3QS WANTF.D MarHed man. :VJ, V'"l education, Ioiik busjne eHruuei desirous of M)Hliti in Medfoul. would like employment. Would ac cept oiiiile work. Address "In quirer," Mail Tribune. :Ul mon iilumbers mid stenuifittors shall bo J5 per day, olght hours, J. Franz. president; c. H. Kosher, secretary UiMtal Union No. 302. 319 For Sale 15 acres. 3 miles from Talent, fenced, timber, alfalfa and fruit land; Kood hause and water; 300 peari trees; near school. ?ouu, nail casn. 3) acres, 1 mile from Talent; 12 acres In Nowtowns peach-filled; 7 acres timber; Reed house; plenty of water; pumping plant, $13000: $7000 citsh; easy terms. 20 acres finest alfalfa and fruit lnnds with timber; 1 mllo from Tal ent; $325 per acre; cash. Talent city lots at lowest figures, will doublo In a year. 17 acres, M acros comniorcI.il or chard, 2 mllos from Talent; $10,000, half cash. SO acros finest timber, $2000, half ensh. 10 acre fruit land, 3 miles from Talent; $120(1 of timber on It; good btilldliiKs: $2000; $1200 cush. 21) acres orchard and alfalfa land 4tih Irrigated. 2 1-2 miles south of Talent; $1300 fruit trees, bouse and outbuildings; superior fences; $225 per acre; half cash. 100 acros finest timber, 39 miles from Portland, $5000 cash. 5 acres richest fruit nnd alfalfa land, I acres now In alfalfa; only 1-3 mile from city of Talent. Wo will set It nil to any kind or trees tire buyer wants. Now house, Irrigating well. $3000; $1000 cash. to acres furni. deep fruit soil; ii miles south or Medford; S acres in apples and peuches; 0 acres Hlfulfu: Kood house and bayn, gaoline englnp. team, cow, wagon etc; all for $B30ii, $2000 cash. Kino home of IS ncros, rlclicM soil. Irrigated; 12 acres In pears. 2 acre in Nowtowns, all heavy bearing. 2 acres alfalfa; 0 loom house; onh one UlocK iroiti iiiioni .urn ouice; team; cow; tools; all for $120on; J7MI0 cash; oosy terms. 1 mile from Talent on Ashland road; S acros good soli, I 1-2 nnvs choice orchard; up to date bungHlow ; barn: packing house, and outbuild ing; plenty of water; $IS00; half cash. 8 SO acros, 2 1-2 miles east of Tal ent; 180 acres cultivated, all soil, flue for pears and apples; well feuced. surrounded by superior or er chards: house, burn: outbuildings, windmill etc: only $125 ptr ucte: $12000 cask; ict easy terms. Mfttn n Q A OCIUUUUIl of our small cukes nml specialties and you'll have a collection' of ai tempting and toothsome dainties as wore ever sot before u kinp. Don't bo too Into coming -for yours, how ever. Wo can never deem to bake enough no mailer how many extra wo hake fresh daily. Medford Bakery (&1 Delicatessen TOD!) & CO. SOUTH CKXTJtAL AVKXUB HOM13-MADI0 PIES AND PASTRY LADY COOK IN CHARGE. NsrNT.srr .4ssNr Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANT3, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all limes to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHOHE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. r- X X s s X X s X )t J. B. BXYART, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-President F. K. .MERRICK, VIce-Prcsldnt JOHN S. ORTII, Caohlor ? W. D. JACKSON, ABs't Cashier. M I? '? V V 2 tf4tfratfrctT4''rrtf'o The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 KU'H DKPOSIT UOXnS FOR KENT. A OKXHRAT IIANK1NO IJUSIXKSS TKAXHACTKI). Wo SOLICIT YOl'K PATHOXAtJE. fr't -m-wrr--rTrri' "'""'' ' ' " ' " ' I M.MI. n II !,! .1. I i w. ! i ,M M , , , ,,,, , ,, . miiMnmw a. The QUAKER NURSERYMAN aUMAN N. JUDD, Agent XOTICE. Notice la oervtiy slvon thai the un dersigned will apply to tue city coun cil of the city of iledford, Or., at IU regular meeting on Mar. SI, 1911, for a license to ioll sulrltoua, vill oma and malt liquors In quantlUos lwt thau a gallon at IU nlaoe of bus tueee t loU VI and IS, blook 20, No. 1 South Front street. In said clt'. for a prlod of six utoutiw. tt J. W. SUUNT.R. TlflT, ORIt.ON -r- UatUlk if IKmUU). TAKE UP A CLAIM livery cltlaon, man or woman has a timber ami stone right of ICO aerea, price to the government $2.50 per acre. No cultivation, realUence or Improvement required. 1 have about twtMtyflw olalttu to locate, sm m mid have u talk, this laud U worth MIO.OO wr er. Call or write. A. II. SAMXO, Uoom III .Indian I Everything in the Nursery Line Sco the nice English Hollies. All kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only tho mast perfect plants), and full lino of poar. pencil, apple, apricot, prunes, County Haul; UiiIIiIIh;: SIS' tt Office (16 Main Street t Office Phone 2381 -Res. Phone 2493 : 4 a f. :r",A i tit TSSjSKBtm di -m - i