t Medford Mail Tribune CLEARINGS llunk clearings today were WEATHER l'nlr Bur. 20.71. Max. 77, 3lln. 30, Mean. ft. 9no.N72.l-t FORTIETH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, ALAROII 20, 1911. No. 309. EAGERLY AWAIT TWENTY-THREE VOTERS IN EAGLE POINT VOTE TO SEND AGENT GOVERNOR IWEST First Oregon Executive to Take an Interest in This End of State SKIDOO FOR DEMON RUM JM WEILO PROBE ANIENT Mill. Thirty Others Vote In Favor so Saloons Will He Allowed Hotel to Ho Pat in lly Doc llynu If i UriW " DEMOCRATS 0 WORD OM I W ul Army Leaders Believe That Mexican Minister of Finance Bears With Him Ultimatum From United States Things May Happen Soon. TRAIN HELD FOR INSTANT USE ON CLEAR TRACK Officers Continue Plans for Invasion Vera Cruz is Said to Be Se lected for Point of Attack. SAN ANTONIO, Texan, .March 20. Relieving that Mexican Finance 'Minister Limuntour hears with liim an American ultimatum on which the invasion of Mexico depends, army commanders, hero today are eagerly waiting for tlie result of Lhnuutour's conference with President Diaz and Mudero's lieutenants in Mexico City. Helioving that intervention in the Mexican trouhlo is certain unless Washington's demands, as voiced hy Limuntour, are granted, army of ficers today are continuing their plans for invasion. It is pointed out that the mobilization of marines and transports at Guantaiiamo is proof that Vera Cruz has been selected as theinitial point of attack. In line with this view is the fact that the Galveston coast artillerymen are being drilled for field duty. Fur them evidence that a quick move to Mexico is believed probable is seen in the fact that a train of l.'t Pull mans and f0 stock car.-,, with the whole noiitoon equipment of llio army, are in readiness for instant use. The train is being held on n .lnr Ii-im'Ic, -m tlmt-;t may be run out of the yards hero on a moment's no tice. AMBASSADOR BARRA DENIES REPORT THAT DIAZ SOON TO RETIRE WASHINGTON, I). C, March 'JO. Flat denial that Minister of Finance Liiunntoiir is to succeed President Diaz of Mexico was made here to day by Mexican Ambassador do la Hurra, who also declared that he had rccehod u message from Foreign Mini-tor Creel saying that report, that Diaz's palace has been stoned by a mob were untrue. Gustavo Madero, brother of Fran cisco Murium, provisional president of .Mexico, had asserted that certain business interests hud decided i depose Diaz at once and that Limun tour would be named proisional president until a new election could be held. TAFT AND CABINET WILL CONFER TONIGHT REGARD THE MEXICAN SITUATION WASHINGTON, I). C, .March 'JO Although no of'lioiul confirmation could be obtained, the report that President Taft and his cabinet were to meet tonight to discuss important new developments in (he Mexican sit uation was generally credited here 10 day. Taft arrived at noon from Atlan ta and cabinet member.-, who have been out of town have returned. The president is said to be greatly wor ried over indications that an un friendly congross probably will rio uuind an investigation of the mob ilization. Telegraphic advices from Sonor Limuntour, recontly arrived in Mex ico City, arc said to have been the immediate cause of the MimiuouiiiK of the cabinet. PERMANENT SUPPLIES ARE MARKED "RUSH" AND SENT TO BORDER LINE HOISK, Ida., March "JO. Marked "rush," Tinted States, all pommne.it teutage of the First Cavalry regi ment, from Hoii-B today tor the Ari zona border whero the Kill. I cavalry is now encamped. The tents pilod high i freight ear with tho rush order igi on thorn ,,u..,. ..1,1 ,m..i(lnrnl)!o attention her in urn i . -- and inspired inuoh speculation atnonjr CltUtfU". A "golng-away" boarder nood not worr you If you koep a good board ing house, and advertise. Although the official skidoo num ber twenty-three was registered against the salo of the demon rum when tho newly iacoiporated town ot Eagle Point voted on the saloon question Saturday, the demon re fused to skidoo for it found 110 voters who were in favor. As a result of the election the wet adherants claim that sdvoral in vestments arc to be mado at once among them being the erection of a hotel by Doc Kyan of this city. ROOSEVELT RAPS JUDICARYRECALL Ex-President Attacks Constitution of Arizona in Relation to Judiciary Recall in First Manuscript Speech Made on Present Trip. PHOENIX, Ariz., March 110. In tho first wpeech ho has mado from prepared manuscript since leaving on his Southern and Western trip, Col onel Theodore Roosovclt today at tacked the constitution of Arizona in Its rotation to tho judiciary. Roosevelt said in part: "I do not ngreo with tho form in which Arizona has adopted tho recall especially as regards tho judiciary, but while I regret that Arizona Ii.ib adopted tho recall In this fashion, 1 Insist this is a matter purely for Arizona's own decision, and that neither the opinion of myself or of any other outsider has tho slightest bearing on Arizona's rlf?ht to tho pri vilege of statehood. What Now York or Texas views may bo has nothing whatever to do with Arizona's right to her own views. "It Is difficult for mo to discuss seriously tho assertion that tho adop tion of the Initiative, referendum and recall make a form of 'government not republican. Switzerland has all threo and to sn'y that Switzerland is not a republic is simply a contradic tion In terms. No one can he taken seriously If he asserts that Oregon or California in its form of govern ment is not as absolutely republican as Connecticut, Pennsylvania or Mis sissippi. This being so, thore can be no ground for refusing to admit, the territory to statehood, when Its pro posed constitution does not essential ly differ from the actual constitutions if certain states already In the un ion." E Carpenter Mistakes Him for a "Peeping Tom" and Beats Booker T. Washington Negro Says He Was Attacked Without Warning. NIOW YORK. March 'JO. Admit ting that ho mlitook Hooker T. Wash ington president of TuskoRoo Insti tute, for a "pooping Tom," and that ho gave him a good boating, Albert Ulrlch, a carpenter, was arralgnod in tlfo west sldo police court today on the chargo of assault. Ulrica tostl flod that ho saw Washington loiter ing about the hallway of his homo and claimed that tho educator spoke dlsropoctfully to Mrs. Ulrica. Washington said ho had gono to tho address at 11 1-2 Sixty Third street to .find D. C. Smith, auditor of ruskogoo, who wag visiting his cous in. Ho claimed ho was nieroly look ing at tho name on the letter boxos whan' Ulrica assaultod him. Washing ton's scalp was cut In two places, and he wan severely beaten about tho face CINCINNATI. Ohio. March 20 The attompt of George H. Cox. "boss" of Cincinnati, who Is under Indict ment for perjury, to swoar Judge Gorman off the bench during tho Cox trial on the ground of prejudice was defeated today. Jtidge Charlos Hunt, who will jirealde at the trial. dMlarad that he was not authorized to paw upon tko Cox affaldavlt of prejudice. IE 0 AOR S EN N Many Matters Will Probably Be In vestigated by Congress When It Meets April 4 in Special Session Ways and Means Committee. WILL SEEK REAL REASON FOR ARMY MANEUVERS Will Also Attempt Unsealing of Sen ator Lorimcr Ballinger May Not Escape Searchlight. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 'JO. Tho democrats are divided today over the question whether to "open up" a series of investigations during tho special session about to be con vened, or to concentrate their ener gies upon the next regular session. The house ways ami means com .nittce, as it will be cr.istiti.led ''a remarkable committee in a remarka ble congress," as it has been termed -is meeting daily for discussion ol plans to bo followed at the special session. The committee holds the newly acquired power formerly wielded by Speaker Cannon, that of appointing all the other committee-. Therefore, whatever il may deter mine will be the working program of the house inajorttv. In addition to consideration of Ca nadian reciprocity and revision ol certain tariff schedules, tho follow ing investigations may be taken up: After drastic revision of the fed eral payroll, congress will seek to learn the real reason for the military ''maneuvers." To discover why the steel trust was not prosecuted under the Sherman anti-trust law. To fix responsibility for the salt of the Friar lands in tho Philippines to tho sugar (rust. To attempt the unseating of Sou a lor Lorimcr. To investigate the piirchaso of tin Panma canal from (he Krench com pany in order to learn what the pro moter of tho deal received. To determine whether soft berths are being given systematically to men defeated at the recent elections. To investigate the interior depart ment under Secretary BalliugorV tenure of office. Inquiry into the postoffico depart ment ml the.,departnient of justice re garding charges of favoring Diaz agents in prosecuting Mexican rebels on American soil. POEICE WATCH FOR MURDERER Portland Fiend Who Outraged and Murdered Five-year Old Girl is Thought to. Be Aboard Steamer Bound for San Francisco. SAN FUANCISCO. Cal., March 20. The police are kuupiug a close watch on all incoming vessels from tho north for the fugitive murderer of little Durham Iiollzmuu, who was clain in a Portland rooming house several days ago. Detectives today searched the schooner" Kifield, Cres cent City and the Kli.abeth, hut lo no avail. One of the crew of the Hliabotli (old the police that a man answering the dceriptioii questioned him as to the destination of the ves sel the night it left Huiidoti, Or., and it was believed that he might have se creted -himself aboard. SEATTLE MEN CLIMB ABOARD WATER WAGON SKATTLK. Wahh . March 20 More than 100 Soattle nion are on the water wagon today and thoy have promised to stick. At a mooting of a loaal temporauce society, Mayor DIHIng read a letter from Prosldent Taft and urged that all p rosea t promise to forogo tho domon rum. One hundred of thorn did. Local Real Estate Men Charge That There Is Something Wrong In Port land Which Prevents Homcscckers Coming to Southern Oregon. MATTER WILL BE TALKED OVER TUESDAY EVENING Agent May Be Sent to Portland to Meet Colonists and Induce Tlum to View This Section. Openly declaring that there is something wrong In Portland ajid that this "something" Is responsible for the fact that only" a few colonists are finding their way to Medford and southern Oregon points, real estate men in this city nro planning to send 11 "colonist agent" to Portland to meet the homscekors and head off the "something which Is sending tho colonists to other sections of tho state. Ways and moans will bo dis cussed at a meeting of tho real es tate association Tuesday evening. Local real estate men have not been able to figure out why southern Oregon hns not received inoro of the 8000 nowcoiners reaching Portland last week. They chargo that certain Influenco aro at work In the metro polis to keep these people from com ing hero. It is proposed to send a local man to Portland to rciniiln-uutll after tho Colonist rates go out or effect, In or ler to have him meet hpinseokcrs and induce them to seo southern Oregon boforo locating permanently . SPOKANE RATE CASES TO END Final Argument is Begun Before In terstate Commerce Commission Many Shippers Arc Represented at Hearing. WASHINGTON, I). C., March 20. Klnnl argument In tho Spokane rate cases, was begun today before tho Interstate commerce commission. Tho cases Involve freight and passen ger rates in tho Inter-mountain ter ritory and through rates between the east and west for routings through this territory. Shippers from Missouri Nevada, Utah, Oregon and Washing on, whose protest was the basis for Hie hearing, were represented nt the urgunientH today. They ask that, tho provisional reductions ordered by tho commission pending final adjustment bo made permanent. CRIsiSNEVER SEEMS TO COME Dilatory Tactics by Mexican Govern ment Keeps Battle at Distance Ranchers Arc Bearing Brunt of Border Warfare. SAN DIKGO, Cal . March 20. - Dilatory tact Is by tho Moxlcan gov ernment koop tho border insurrection from rouchlng a crisis or conclusion. While troops are Idle at Knsenada, whoro tho bund plays all tho time, a handful of Mexican soldiers at To carte are waiting to fight 200 Insur gents oncamped twelve mllos away. The federals number 126 and urgent reqiiosts liavo lieoa sent to Kiisouada for additional men. ' Tho ranchers botwoen Tla Jiiaiia and PlcachoH are bearing tho brunt of tho border warfare. Klrst their scuuty stores and small herds of cut-. tlo wore drawn upon td food tho federal-soldiers advancing to meet tho rebols. When the fedorals parsed, tho rebols came and cleaned up what , was left. Then, for a fiilshlug touch,. tho federals camu attain, usod tho ranch sites for battlefields, (jffgatual ly destroying even the Improvement. BSninEHSc '-Ir'ti 1 irMBiffn M 1 mi " . .HHh9B lgKWiBiflfarf ' KT'vwSuK J& JHNhHI lsHS5R?331fe'.'.iiift2 .-. .nLiV VTVhS.!,. i9nN$i MBsHxjTH.jrlnloJ--l .iWtWi t. rJMgg& , - k i-1 j , SHHWUv i HHkImSEEwR''- Bv wv ' v- 'l'1 ""wBm gMW4iWwMi-' (w -WP Aitak ijiBw I Hslggy ffflfflSttifHBftff X 'ysf ' thH Jgg9j.J37 r - (MmBmS BHnnnHiinwKfiUsfBi . SbBbbw' '"'.iSSE GERMAN EXPERT SCORES OUR ARMY Says It is Inferior to Third Class Po lice Force and That Our Navy is Only a Shade Better Says Re cent Maneuvers Bear Him Out. HHIILIN, March 20.---Krcoly trans latted from tho German Herr Colonel Gaedko's export military opinion Is that the United States army Is In ferior to a third class police force, and that the United States navy Is only a shade bettor. The opinion was given lit tho Tago blatt. Gaedko believes that tho weak ness of the American army, compared with Kuropeau forces, Is extreme ami that It Is a loose body of troops with out any bond between them for co operation. The United States laoks generals; It lacks organization and It lacks military progressives, accord ing to tho Berliner. Tho navy would helpless when Japan or any other power shall sink a warship In the Panama Canal, (faodko calls the Aniorlcaii-.Iap-aneso war a possibility but not a pro bability, and declares that tho mill to ry mobilization Is really for mane uver purposes, and that It developed all the weaknesses he claim exist. IS TARGET Battleship Texas to Be Bombarded by Fourtecn-inch Guns Gunnery Officers of Entire Fleet Assembled to Observe Effect. AIJOAUD KI.AC1SIIIP CONNECTI CUT, vis CU IHHKIIJI.D. Md., March 20.- -Surrounded by tho whole United Slates Atlantic fleet, tho old battle ship Texas today lies off Tangier Is land. In Chenpoak Bay, whore she will htt honibarded by tho 11 Inch KUiis of the battleship New Hamp shire. Tho Texas Is dismantled, practically only her hull and some of her heavier upper works remaining to reccJve the Now Hauiiwhlre's fire. On the MrliiK battleship the gun nery officers of the entire fleet are assembled. They have been Instructed to observe the shots and U estimate adjustments In the s,000 yard range of the big guns. During the Spanish war the Tejntt was one of the best United States i battluiihlps. After the war, however, the Toxus frequently became disabled and uii(H Hank without warning. M WA NOW ERNOR TO ASHLAND'S AID West Informs Commlttco That State Board Will Consider Leasing Buildings of Normal School to. City at a Nominal Figure. The idle and empty southern Ore gon Stale Norma! school buildings at Ashland will be turned over to the city of Ashland by the stale, if the iio.nI legislature fulfills the program out lined by Governor West and the slate hoard. (lovernor West Monday morning inspected the Stale Normal school grounds mid buildings at Ashland, lie wns escorted there by a committee consist in;; of .Mayor Noil, K. A. Kai ser and L. I;. Mullit. The buildings were found to be in good condition though deteriorating from non-use. To the committee tho governor stated that the state board would make a lease of the property to the city of Ashland for u purely nominal figure until tho next legisla tive session, and would recommend that the properly be deeded to the city of Ashland, which recommenda tion will undoubtedly be carried out by the legislature. The proposition was accepted by Mayor Neil as satisfactory to the people of Ashland and at the next meeting of the hoard the property will be formally turned over by the -tale to the oily. lu-t what the city will do with it is undecided. The grounds nro a beautiful natural park and if some educational institution is not induced to locate, can be used or park pur poses. T L JOHNSON IS AT DEATH'S 000R CBHVIil.ANl), Ohio, March 20. Bulletins from tliu budsldu of Tom I,. Johnson today say that his condi tion Is unchanged. This ineaus, ac cording to his trlvuds, that hu is not rallying from the serious relapse. Hu suffer a few days. It was announced that bis death might ho expected within a few hours, but Dr. Oscar Thomas, chief of tbo staff attending him, said there was no Immediate danger. Firemen Save 20. SIMUNtlKIKLI), Mo., March J0. -Firemen early today resulted 20 nion who weer asleep in the Y. M. C A. hmliluig here when tho stritoturo caught fire. Many of tho mull wore, almost suffocated. Tho building was 1 1. tally destroyed, V AM N E IS SOUGHT Says It Would Be Nothing Short of Criminal Not to Change Conditions in Order That Fish Can Get Up Stream to Their Spawning Ground. CALLS ON CALKINS FOR COURT ORDER TO REMEDY Governor States That Law Prevent ing Obstructions in Streams Must Be Enforced in Rogue. Governor Oswald West nrrlved Sunday and Inspected conditions at the Anient dam. As a result, ho is convinced that fish nro not ascond Ing and cannot proporly nscond tho Roguo River under existing condi tions and the stato hoard of fish commissioners will at nnco order tho immediate construction of an a de limit o flshway, settling for all tlmo this never ending aourco of trouble Ah the dnmo Is In litigation and In the jurisdiction ot tho court. Gov ernor West Monday afternoon, with representatives of tho Roiuo River l-'lsh Protection association called upon .ludgo Calkins to securo nn or der of court authorizing tho construc tion of the fish wny by tho receiver. Tho matter la wholly in tho hands of tho court. Governor West, said: "Tho stato law forbids tho malntalnancc ot ob structions or dams In the streams without adequate flshwayH. Tho law must ho compiled with and I am hero to seo that It is. "Because the stato has previously expended money In constructing fish ways at the dam, tho dam ownnrs nro not freed from responsibility or from hnvlng to obey tho law. "The people of Oregon closod tho Uoguo river to coiumofclnl fishing last November. That tho will of the people might remain tho law. And the fish of tho Roguo receives pro tection. I vetoed tho bill passod by the legislature reoplnlng tho rlvor. As a result, thoro will bo millions of fish ascending tho stream to tholr spawning grounds. It would bo lit tle less than a crime to permit tho progress of these fish to bo impeded by faulty flshways. Tho conditions nt the Anient dam aro deplorablo and adequate flshways must bo construct ed at once." Deputy Fish Wardoii Sam Sandry and representations of tho Roguo Rlvor Fish Protection association ac companied Governor West to tho Anient dam and also to Jacksonville. At the Amnit dam, they found that one of the gates In tho dam has been closed, evidently in expectation ot tho governors visit, permitting some water to go through tho flshway, but on account of its location, It Is evident that hut few fish nro finding It. Hundreds of fish can bo soon leaping against the temporary dam construct ed at the oast side, which la to bo roplaced with a concroto structure. "ICnglneer Reed, who Is in chargo of construction work, states that fish aro ascending through tho main gates In the dam, but fish warden Sandry denies this. It Is evident that tho construction of an adequate flshway Is necessitated If the summer run Is lo reach tho upper river, and tho fish In the Itoguo aro to rocelvo protec tion voted them b ytlio people. After Inspecting tho Anient dam, tho governor and party Inspected tho Gold Ray fish laddor, which was found working satisfactory. Tho gov ernor stated that another flshway oil the west side ot tho dam would probably be constructed this spring. Balloon Is Lost. HUHUN, March '20, When tho balloon Dunsoldorf, in which Paul ICnyfur, a prominent aeronaut and u passenger loft Krefeld yesterday, it was blown into tho Zuyder Zoo, ac cording to news received hero today, Kayfor was drowned and hit; pusseii gur rewound with difficulty, barely alivo. This is tho seventh balloon fatality in this viuiuity within threo months. i ' 1 1 M 1 i it i i i 1 il i "v. i t)