MEDFORD MAIL TBIBUKE, MEDFORD, OREO ON, SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1911. PAGE TWO ? II, MUCH WORK FOR 'ERUJUONR Cases are Numerous and Long Ses sion is Outlook Cases Range From White Slavery to Larceny One May Be Scratched. The grand Jury, which will con vono in JncltHonvllIo Monday, will find Us hands full of work. Thcro is a lengthy list of cases to come before It for consideration und much work is to be done. Tho cases on the calendar are thoso of the stato against Joseph It. Watson; "John I)oo" Watson; John Williams and John Smith, burglary, committed at Ashland; Alfred Far mer, alleged "whlto Blaver," commit ted from Justlco of the peace; Glenn O. Taylor's court In Medford; M. A. Nerlng and J. N. Canon, arrested for committing a burglary on a track walker's cabin in tho Siskiyou mountains and committed from tho justice court in ABhland; William liillls, S. II. Mooro, W. I). Mooro and Jorusha Mooro, hold under $1500 bonds each to koop tho peace in tho Justlco court in Woodvillo; J. B. Cut bort, alleged board bill beat, com mitted In Ashland; Sam Chorry, hold under ?100U bonds to await tho ac tion of tho grand Jury on a charge of larceny from n building, anr com mitted from Ashland; and Ilort Cuin mlngs, charged with larceny. Tho caso of William Ellison Mc Guffio, held by tho Justlco court in ABhland for obtaining money under false pretenses, will In nil probability bo scratched from tho calendar, the prisoner having boon turned over to the authorities nt San Jobo, Cal., by tho local officers to nnBWor to n chnrgo of larceny in tho California city, giving tho authorities there prior claim on him. His offoiiBo hero conslBlBted of passing checks drawn on n mythical bank account. Ho was wanted In tho south for tho alleged theft of a quantity of gold and plat inum from tho office of u chemist In which ho was employed. HOMESTEADERS LOCATE LAND Still Some of Uncle Sam's Land to Be Had by Those Who Are in Search of Homes Several Locat ed During Past Few Days. QRCHARDESTSAKE CHICAGO MAN 1 BUYSJHAILEY Strife Between Former Residents of Chicago Over Who Can Boast nf . Best Roguo River Valley Orchard : Ono More Added to Colony. Although thero 1 n general Impres sion existing In Medrord that there is no moro government land open to settlement In this section of the state, local dealers who make a practice of placing homesteaders have done con siderable business during the past month. No less than ten honu'stead orB havo been located during tho past few days and three of them are within five miles of this city. Timber claims havo also been locat ed recently. Kor these tho locator Is forced to go back Into tho hills quite it distance. "During tho past tlueo days 1 havo placed three homesteaders," states A. 11. Sallng, a local real 8tato man, "and I am placing several moro. Whilo government land Is scare, It Is by no menus all taken, aB seems to bo tho Impression." SPRAYJWARKED Bandaged Hands and Plaster Cover ed Faces Testify to Fact That Spray Time is Here One Man Js Seriously Injured. , JAPAN TRYING TO INCREASE HER RESOURCES TOKIO, March 18. That Japan, in addition to conserving national re HourceH, in doing everything in her power to increase her financial re sources was shown today in tho dis cussion oC tht government's plana for insuring private concerns against loss. The question wui raised as to whether the government uih the right to enter upon the iiiHiiraiiee husi ncss, mill criticism of its course is being made in several of the lead ing papers, notably the Hochi Sliim-l)im. Saturday, many orclmrdists were seen on the streets of Medford with hands bandaged ami sticking plan ter stuck here an there on there faces. These insigniao were mark of the lime sulphur spray which is now being squirted on tho trees in nil puits of the valley, in one or two eases blood poisoning has re suited from the burns and the wounds have become serious. Theie seems to be one bright ex ception to injury from contact with tlit: poisenoiis spray. (Jus Clark a well known orchard hand who has been recently working on a Griffin Cicek orchard claims to have hud ln eyesight improved by contact with spray dope. Several years ago flus lost the sight of one eye from a fly ing chip of steel while working in a saw mill at Weed, California. After the pain from n splash of lime sul phur in the injured eye had subsided, flus claimed to be able to see with bis formerly blind eye. FIFTY THOUSAND FOR SAN DIEGO'S EXPOSITION SACRAMENTO, Oil., March 18. -San Diego is given $r0,000 of stale funds to draw plans for and start a California building at the San Diego Panama. Exposition by u bill which passed Hit) assembly today. The sennlo already had favored tho bill which now is up to the governor u sign. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part-of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldgi Rock Spring Coal On hand all the time. Phone 1002. j BURBIDGE THK COAIj MAN. OF T O THINK REAL ESTATE There is tho keenest rivalry in the city of Chicago over who can boast tho ownership of the best orchard in the llogue Hivor Valley. The Pal mer boys tjliiim consideration for their investments. A Court) Fiem lakes a back seat for no one, Hoiid iuot Connor points to bis magnificent oak grove, .). n. Aiiitiuun uiuim on his hat to Mt. I'itt as sunrise regular ly, nntl claims to have the best over und now comes Vincent I'. Dole, the prominent jobber in table daiuticH olives, etc,, and this week jump into tho gaum by putlchase of a one-thirti interest in tho great Annul View Or chard traet in the Talent neighbor hood, lie and two other of tht Mock holders in the company contemplate building modern bungalows on the oommmidiug heights soulh of the present building on the tract, and overlooking the whole valjoy, afford ing n view surpassing ocu the horseshoe curve of the Siskiyou mountain, and havo given older that the uncleared laud on the piem ises be put in shape for ceding to pears during tho coining oiir. SEVERAL MEXICANS KILLED IN CLOSE RANGE BATTLE PUKSIDIO, Texas, m Mnrfa Texas. March 18. Several .Mexican federal soldiers were killed and one mortally wounded in cIom range fichtiiiL' near OJiuiiga. it was re ported loday in the resumption of insurrooto operations. The lederal command was renortod bottled up whilo Colonel Derantes and eighty of bis soldiers are surrounded in a group of linusoa not moro than a jnile from the garrison. T0M JOHNSON SUFFERS ! RELAPSE; IS SINKING .CLEVELAND, Ohio, March 18. Tom I. Johnson, trnier mayor nf Cleveland, who hub been aerioiulj ill for several month, buffered a re hipso Wednesday, from which !n failed to recover. His oondition has booh kept secret anil was only re vcaletl when his family, aiunmonutl from Now York, arrived here nl noon For' a tinio Johnson wnB iineon Ht'ious ami wns aiiiiouniunl this af iernooii that lib condition was cnti oaL BUYING is to think of tho LINCOLN - BARNEBURG - HOKE CO. See our listings of orchards, fruit lands aud city properly. They will please you. 401 GARNETT-COREY BUILDING Phones Pacific C661. Home, 574. FINE MILLINERY Tho new Spring ntylea will ploaso you. Call and leave your order. Our trimming room Is turning out mail)' exceptionally taking patterns. Barnard & Cornoyer SOUTH CHNTKAli AVKXUIC. 4(44W&' H. L White & Co. j rm--4 REAL ESTATE V X 52 Yearsln Rogue River Valley Ask Any Bank In Ashland V r'-ssrr''sr Ashland Oregon j VICTOR and EDISON Hear the New Records N UFF vSED Wetsel Music Co. With Sherman Clay THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms' Suites with private bath Hooms include large elnscls and sleeping po relics. Also 1ml rnd cold water in connection. Breakfast Bcrved. if dosirud. Reception rooms for guests. Gentlemen only. 706 S. Oaktlale Ave. MEDFORD, ORE. Magic So maiiv people make a great mistake in buying 'Garden I lose. The cheap, poorly constructed hose that retails at from 12 to 15 cents is absolutely worthless, especially where the waler pressure is as groat as it is iii iMedl'ord. Such hose is not guaranteed and is dear at any price. I f you want a that is guaranteed, one that will stand all sorts of abuse and give absolute satisfac tion, ask lor the "MAGIC." Medford Hardware Co. v V Furni Rugs tn re. "' v, WE SELL FOR LESS ..fl.atfgaiffiSBK Next door to Post Office.-Gentral and 6th St. The house that made it possible to buy House Furnishings in Medford at reasonable prices i. MM - i j