V . JT " 15t" 'Tf" tf pBH JU'J? MEDFORD MATTj TRIBUNE, jTODFORD, OREGON, FRTDAY, MARCTT17, 1911. HET" P3LGEF0TJR Medford Mail Tkibune AN INDRPENDKNT NEW8PAPEH PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT 8ATUII- DAY DY THE MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Tho Democratic Tlmp, The Medford Mall, Tlio Medford Tribune Tho Soutli orn OroRonlan, Tlio ABliland Trlbuno. OEOItOE PUTNAM, Editor and Manager z Entered an second'Clnas matter No vrmber 1, 1909, at tlio poatofflco at Medford, OruRon, under tho uul of March 3, 1S79. Official Paper of tho City of Medford. " HUDSOKirTION BATJSI. One year, by mall 16,00 one tnontn ty man uu Per month, delivered by currier In Medfsrd, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point to Sunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly, per year 1 60 BWOHH OIRCUfcATIOW. Dally n vertigo for hIx monthH ending December 31, 1910, 2721. Toll Zioaird Wire United Frtis SUpatcliea. FREIGHT BUTTE FALLS Mi. 27 GOLD HILL TO THE RESCUE. Chief Engineer Gcrifj of Pacific & Eastern States That Much Progress Is Being Made hy Crews Now Put ting Road in Shape for Traffic. "We will run our first (ruin curry iiitf; fruijlil into Uutto KiiIIh about Mtiruli 17," Hlati'd Cliiof Kngineor Ourig Friday, "and oipcH to have regular train sorviuo iiiHtitutt'd al'toi April 1. Tlio crow now at worn bringing tlio track up to grade is making rapid progress and a regular train service will hooii lie instituted." H'eBidents of Uutto Falls are ex pected big business tbis suinuier. Tlie hullo Falls Lumber company bae aui'ouiieed tlial they will start, (lie (TovelopmciiL of tbeir timber tract us soon as tbey can erect mills and a. box factory while tho Crater Lake Fuel company will soon lujvo a large crow at work in tlio woods nenr thai point. In addition to this thoro will bo considerable railroad work done in extending tho Pacific & Kastern. Then there will bo the campers who arc sure to flock to thai section es pecially if tho railroad is in opera tion. Untie Falls believes that all winters like the one Ibrougli which Uiqv have just nned with miles of muddy wagon roads to navigate lio forc reaching outside points ate past, SODA SPRINGS DAILY MAIL CUT IN HALF Nollco has been received from tlio postmaHtor general thai the bIx-Uiiioh-a-wook matt aorvico bclweea Aslilund anil Soda Springs luiH boon ordered out In two, beginning noxt Tuosdny. flails will leave AhIiIuiiiI oach Tuoh day, Thursday and Saturday at 8: Id a, in. and arrlvo at thoro at It: 16 on tlio return trip on tlio Bamo dny. Tlio order at tlio name tlmo cuts In two the pay of the contractor, W. It. Potter, whoso oompniiKntlnn for tho prtMout Hurvive la approximately $900 per year. In addition to tho Immediate pnt rotiB of tho potoffloe on thl ronto, about 10 familluK who have an In dividual mull sack aorvico Imtwuon thin city hiuI Boda Springs will have tliolr mall delivery curtailed by tho reduction order. MISS PAYNTER'S SHOWING OF MILLINERY A FINE ONE CITIZENS of the Rogue River valley and southern Ore gon are sighing with relief over the determination of the patriotic citizens of Gold 'Hill to erect fortifications and enlist a militia company for the defense of the valley against the Japs. The rapid fire gun to be mounted on the top of the high hill back of the city will afford protection to Grants Pass, .Medford and Ashland, and we can now go to bed knowing that we will not wake up with the little brown men in possession of our orchards. Gold Hill should invite Mr. Ilobson to move there, as it is a city after his own heart, and with Jiobson to kiss the ladies, we could beat Ihiwley for congress. We move a vote of thanks to the jingoes of Gold Hill. Ncvei' will the mikado dare to declare war when lie learns of Colonel Riley Hammersley's company of militia and his big gun. Gold J Li 1 1 has saved the nation! MEDFORD 'S FINE STORES. SPIt TNG openings given by Medford merchants this week call attention to the fact that this city possesses stores that would be a creftit to any city and that tire un rivaled in a city of this si.e. The display of spring and summer apparel is all that the most exacting could ask. A visit of inspection will convince the most skeptical that they can buy at home natty, up-to-date apparel just as soon and a litlle sooner than they can secure it in Portland or San Francisco, or in the eastern centers, and buy them at just as reasonable a figure. 'Phe people of the Rogue River valley owe it to south ern Oregon to patronize the wide-awake and progressive merchants of Medford, for only by encouraging enterprise and keeping the money at home can this section grow and prosper. BENEFIT FOR I P Passmoro Trio to Play Monday Evening at Benefit for New Build ingAre Musicians of Highest Or der and Give Enjoyable Program. Mint I'a liter pnniiiMx to be .i factor in the Millinery line in Med ford this M'uxon. Th"i' who nl tend ed the opening e-.ciday were er well pluiiMd with the diHppluyrt and o.pi'uHcd a belief Una ulie would do Ujood bnniiiefH. Piil'oituniitely, Mi- l'ayntor lin been hick and unable to a I tend to the arranging for the opening benielf, and a ft ooiimoo, ntiiice few ole knew about it . JJvuryune in invited to call at her , show rooiUH over (lie H1 office and sue (hu new opiing tftyle iim conwiud by one who ban had experience h outoriiig to the .Medford Indies. Marjorie Mandeville Co. In "Turned Up." 'J'lio Aiarjoric Mandeville ouuihui will present N'.il. (loodwin't Kercuut iilj? funic "Tinned rp.M ut lh Aleil ford ThiUifer Sundav night instead of 'Zanu ns originally Uillail. Tli muiingoumnt doided ihut Medfor.l .kIiow .goers would rather liitva good QQinody thiui hiiv other form of drujiui, huiiee the change. ,Sais now Bfc . The passmoro Trio is coming Monday to play u benefit for the now hospital. This trio of sisters are beyond a doubt tlio finest in their particular lino. Their csemblo is next thing to perfection. It is a well known fiyt thai n trio or quartette of in struments or voices must work to gether a lino while to got anything like a perfect unity of expression While these ladios are all solosits of the higher ordor, yet it is not their individual excellence that counts so much as tho tnanner in which they phrazo exactly alike. They have played together since early child hood. Their parent, took them abroad and remained in Germany for four years, where tho girls were placed under the best nmsteis of ICurope. They won considerable dis tinction in some of tho cities of Clor many before they caino home. A little htory is told of the fam ous Spoofing (piurtette. Thoy had played together for years and had oHlnbliHhcil a great reputation. The viola player was called back to (ler inany and while there wius probably a score of viola players as good in Chionifo and New York, yet it wan two year before Mr. Spooring got a mnu that thoroughly filled the place and was able to bring the quartette up to it old standard. A trio of quuitotlo of player that render kiu-Ii miini an Tromeii oi SeliiiUei-U seread must think and broulhe and play like one individual Hear this trio and you will under stand what it is, a trio that, has played tnuclhor .i long u thoy are like one great musical soul. COSTS Ili'T A TRIFLE TO ClUtIC CATARRH. How many renders of the Mall Tribune know that In Inland Austra lia whore the (nigh limit of euoalyptuit tree grow In abuudiuice. that thoro it uo consumption, catarrh or dht eaww of the respiratory trHct. The refieMhlug linltmm thrown out by these trees fills the air and is Uresthed Into the lung by the In littbita4iUi suil all germ life lo des troeii. if you have catsrrh you cannot go to inland Australia except at great expeus. but you can breathe right in your owM home tho mim pleas ant, southing, healing, germ kllliug air you would breathe If you were living in the eucalyptus district of Australia. Just breath 1IYOMUI; it is wade from Australian eucalyptus and sol ut lOcally combined with thymol suit other auliMptics employed In the Listeria!! system. I'our a few drops of UYOM1BI In the inhaler and breathe it As it CROWDS FLOCK TO GOLDEN RULE Spring Opening Attended by Larger Throng of Sight Seers and Shop persEntertaining Musical Pro gramDisplays Win Praise. Whistler Gets Appointment. C. R WliMer of ihii. cilv has been iippuiiittfil liv (loero..r Wet u mem-' I8 ' ' catarrh infected wem liy'r of tho TriinsjH.rlalioa eommittee ' ! eaii the for Oregon of the American applel- ed surface, oongicsii. Jl. Wlii-ier has been ue- UMKl U guarautMHl to our c. tfviiy identified with the fniil busi- ,""'' b. c'Ws. croup and sore iiqss of tho northwest and ha done,M"Ui" "' """" ck Cmplet.. out. much good work. The upHutment, '" ' '''' "''"' J'"" :' caino aw n surpriHO t.. Mr. Wiulei Itomwuf 1IVOMBI coal but R0 rents . Sold ti Chas SitaiiK uud drunlt The largo display rooms of the Golden liule Store were filled t overflowing with a throng of people last evening. The event was oni long to bo remembered. New good1 were out for inspection and the dis play did credit to a city much larg- cr than Medford. .The attendance was gratifying to the tnanageinent which could not have found a mou motropolitnl crowd outside a largi city. Messrs Akins and Henton are well pleased with their reception b tho people of this vicinity and ii return aro giving values that are up preciated. If you were among the numbor win attended the opening last night, yo.i know that tho music was very en tcrtainiug and the displays all that could bo expected. Tho opening marks tho beginiug ol a sovon day sale of bargains th.ii will please all will have a chance ' become acquainted with the method' employed by the Golden ltule slon which has an admirable location. Tb. light from the west and south allow the finest and most effective di-php of merchandise and tho new good are in abundance to show. Small prices and good honest a! lies are found in every department and there is something htro for even member of the family. You cannot fail to be interested fo. the moment you ,,(,. 1 1 1 store and you are sure to find something thai will appeal to you in (he way ol dress. Koiidy to wnrch for men, wo men and children. Dry goods, mil! inery, ihoes and fuitiinlungx. Guatemala Pmllnet Inaugurated Ot'ATUMAhA CITY. .Mai eh 17 Kstrada Cabrera today began his third sl-.eur term a president oT litiiititiualii. Cabrera's public Inaugu ration waa delayed, however, as he was not In good enough health to at tend. XOTICU Notice U hereby given that the clt of Medford. Jackson County, Oregon, will take up ami caucol tho following bonds, Hint that interest thereon bhall cease at the Interest payment pel but next following. (April list, 19 1 n Improvemetit bonds Nos. 1, 2 "i 10, 11 and 18. dated April lt. l!oi luiprovumeut bonds Nos. 9 to, n and 13. dated October lit. 1909 Water uinlu bonds No. 1. 8, 3 i " and . series "A" dated April 1 ' ' 1810. If h. JACOBS City Treaouur l)tel Kebruary IS, lilt. SPRING OPENING SALE MANN 1 Our Great Six Day Sale Opened With a Rush-Store Crowded allDay With Eager Buyers.-Many NEW BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING Souvenirs Given Away While They LastShop Saturday Morning to Avoid the Rush.-SOMETHING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT BELOW COST Ready-to-wear Dept. NEW SPRING COATS 2f women's lonj spring Coats; made of sill wool sorgo; new spring shades; very speeial for this -1 f sale Heiier Coats at Wash Goods Dept. 5000 yards best Dress Prints and 2000 yards good Apron Gingham; for this sale only, 5c .$15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 NEW SPRING SUITS 25 Women's Now Spring Suits Beautifully tailored; made of till wool materials; up-fo-dato in style; all good colors; very speeial -J r for fhis sale XOC Bettor Suits at $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00 NEW WASH DRESSES The best values in women's and children's Wash Drosses in tho city. Women's Dresses from $2.98 up to $15.00 Children's Dresses from $1.25 up to $5,00 NEW SPRING SKIRTS 100 women's Tailored Skirts; made of serges, panamas, hrilliantines and fancy mixtures; all sizes d A QO and colors; Viiry special for this sale (pfi.iO Better Skirts at $5.98, $6.98, $8.98, and $9.98 WAISTS 100 good 'Cham bray Waists; all colors; will not fade; very o special VJ WAISTS "Peter Pan" Waists; new styles; made of good mate rials; very special . $1.19 DRESS GINGHAM 5000 yards now Zephyr Ginghams; beautiful patterns; fast colors; for this sale only, per 1 f yard 1UC klaxon Cloth, all new patterns, a yard 19c tfkyptian Tissue, beautiful styles, a yard 28c SHEETS 72x90 Sheets; good quali ty; special Satur- AQn day, each frOC PILLOW SLIPS 42-and -!ineh Pillow Slips; special Sat- - A urday, each IrrC "BURSON" HOSE Saturday we will place on sale one case "Burson" 3 lose in' black; regular 25c grade; for, a -1 RT pair IOC RIBBONS 1000 yards wide all silk Ribbon; good colors, worth up to 25c; special, in i VII I'd Avv GLOVES Our J3est $1.25 Tv i d Gloves, on sale h-j rf Saturday, pair .. M l.Uy CHILDREN'S HOSE 100 dozen children's Ribbed Hose; all sizes; 1 f on sale Saturday, a pair 1UC VESTS Women's Summer Vests, speeial, ET ouch vJC NOTIONS Good Hair Nets; good Safety Pins; Q each OC Medford's Popular Price Store Central Avenue Near Postoffice MANN'S BENEFIT NEW HOSPITAL Medford Theatre MONDAY, MARCH 20 THE CELEBRATED PASMORE TRIO Theso Well Known Artists Need No Introduction. Entire Proceeds Go to Hospital Fund. PRICES BEST SEATS, $1.00. SEATS ON SALE AT HASKINS' SATURDAY A. M. NOTIUK, ' llttglimliiK April let, 1911, t) utilou siile fur iwlutrs will tc t por any. Ou tlial iluto tho lultiat r fM Into IochI union, No. iS-t 3 Hr Uisrliooil of l'nlntors & I)oorators of Amrlea, will lio rnlsul. Tlio union inaotn over? Thursila) light ut S n. m. In Anglo hall. C. W. UAIUtlNOTON'. Socrotury srsrr- " " """H HII ' ITIXii I 1 lll(i MILLS 4 IHIIM 4 f-EPH A rrsks- v it 7"s'8rb,i!aci"ir Moqi MJJ Y UIlSlVyllOLl JiJLX. 'JfUtll ngs m The Presbyterian Church IPK Sunday Mar. 16. Kxenhody is invited to I'linie. Rev. J. A. McVeigh of Portland, Or., is the fiijjri? oangelist. Meetings Sun 5 ';A -li Ht 1 1 . m. and 7:110 p. m. Kvory afternoon at 2 -oil p. in., and every evc l.mg at 7:30 o'clock. Aroet iny loiiunence with song csuwew U-. IM P- L9 15lA y ' l m. I 1 Xo I l 9 "" i JHi v ? Is an msy matter for a big bank like ours. Wo have tho resources the capital ho aro never caught nnp piiiB. On tho roBorvo capital of a bank ilepoiuls its reputation for solid It anil reliability. Wo hanillo tho accounts of tho best and shrewdest commercial nin in tho community and enjoy their confidence complote l.. We solicit new accounts from re sponsible concerns and Individuals. Farmers & Fruit Growers Bank J E, ENYART, President F i: MERRICK, Vice-Presld "it V. D. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier V V f V z V V s :v J Ml i: mil'USlT IIOXIS rOU lir.VT. A filAl'IMt. nivinwi The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 J. A. PERRY.. Vice.ProBldnnt i iniiv c nniui ot., I, --..., , win it vukuiur ,' 1 ii i IlaskliiH for Health. (('!) lllltf. ,105 North llartlftt St, 810 1UMNP-SS TUAXSAITKI). We SOLICIT Vol It lMTIlOXAOK. t - t rN u r , T----wW--r9---44---- ,.rm- m m .m n.