PAGE SEVEN The Opportunity You are Looking for Is Probably on This Page JUEDFORD ALAIL TJtIBlINE, MEDFOttDOliEGON, WEDNESDAY, MATCCII 15, 1911. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FO. RSALE Hotel, and. business house and livery bnrn; one of the best paying hotels in southern Or egon. G. W. Owings, Eagle Point, Oregon. tf IIIGIICROFT residence sites are des tined to double and treblo in value. tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five . passenger 4-eylindor touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office tf FOR EXCHANGE. Ileal KsUito FOR EXCHANGE Medford and .suburban property, ranches, timber lands, for other property. AddroBS Box 199, care Mail. Tribune. ... tf Miscellaneous. FOR EXCHANGE One 1910 Buiek automobile, cost $1400 new in Au gust, one saddle and driving mare safe for children; want 20 to 40 acres timber laud southwest of Mud ford not to exceed seven miles out Anyone having such a tract can get a good trade. Address Box 01(1 Medford. Or. 307 THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms Suites with private bath Rooms include largo closets and sleeping porches. Also hot pud cold water in connection. Breakfast served, if desired. Reception rooms for guests. Gentlemen only. 706 S. Oakdale Ave. MEDFORD, ORE. EXCHANGE 20 acres fine fruit land all cleared, ecloso to town and railroad. Price .$2500, tako Medford property, will assume. Equity in 10 acres Griffin Creek for team. Profitable and long established busi ness. Price $5500, for Medfoid property. 7 rqom now modern house, close in. take $1500 cash and balance in city lots. Seattle apartment, finely located, in come $575, monthly, for good ranch. City Property Furniture' nnd lense of 11 room house on paving, $000. fl room modern bungalow, now, eou- plctely furnished, $3000, terms. 7 room house, modern, now, bath, pantry, cement fundation and walk, firo place, built m buffet, excellent location, the best value in Medford at tho price $3500, good terms. Lots on West Second with sower nnd water, 50x120, $125, easy terms. Corner lot on West Hamilton, $575. Westmoreland lots if taken now, $275 4 room house, lot (10x106, $950, good terms. Three-room houso nnd 3 lots, each 00x125, $18800, terms. Six-room bungalow on pnv'ng, clos-o in, new, $4000; good terms. 5 room bungalow, close to paving $1300, easy terms. Fine lot, on N. Central, trade for anything. West Walnut Park lota, ?275-3."0; $25 down, $10 month, G per co;u 5 rooms, bath, pant-y, near fcchool $1750; terms. RANCHES 120 ncres, fine fruit lnnd, fenced woven wire, lovol, clay sub soil ample depth, 20 acres cleared, 3Vi miles to railroad, sell part, fino building site, $50 per acre. 110 acres black granite- soil . 3 miles to station; 70 acras denied; $S5 per acre. Tract of bearing orchard finoly sit uated, $1000 per acre; good steady income, not a prospect. WANTED City and ranch property to list. ranch hands. Girls for general housework, !) Man nnd wife on ranch. 2 Primers. E. F. L Room 206. Phlpps Buildini FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANTDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. TIN 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg FOR SALE OR RENT. Business1 rrbperty, FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general merchandise sto'e in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 200 W Main. tf. FOR SALE OR RENT Small tracts of land, Inquire II. M. Maine, 410 N. Ivy or Main phone 742. 305 FOR SALE OR RENT One nnd nno third acre tract, improved, 5-room house, large barn and other build ings, trees, vines, etc.; corners southeast with school grounds; chickens, wood, hay, house fur nished for $2000, half cash. The best nnd cheapest property in Cen tral Point, Or. Two other fine resi dence properties close in, 2 lots each, 5 rooms each; all newly paint ed and pnpered for $1000 and $1200. Seo me before others for bargains Box 180. Owner at white house southeast crtrner of school grounds Titles guaranteed, taxes paid. FOR RENT. Board and Rooms ROOM AND BOARD at 21(1 N. Front st. Two blocks from Main. 300 ROOM AND BOARD With Mrs. J. D. Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. 310 North Bnrtlett. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOM Meals served family style. 900 E Mnin street. 307 i(irnlslied Ilonma FOR RENT-rSleeping rooms, well furnished, bath, hot and cold water close in. Phone Main 401. 310 FOR RENT Modern furnished room No. 20 Ross Court. 1108 FOR RENT Lai-go furnished room Willi or without a stove, $1.50 per week. 1001 S. Central. 300 FOR RENT Three furnished rooms 020 S. Newtown. 309 FOR RENT Furnstaed sleeping room; everything now and clean; reasonable price; easy walK from Main st. Only men need apply. Olcson and W. Hamilton sts. Phone Main 4474. tf FOR RENT At tho Cottnge, mod em furnished rooms with or with out board. Rooms equipped with private telephone sorvico, hot nnd ' cold running water, sleeping por ches, bath accomadations and heat if desired. 004 West 10 st. Phone call private exchange 141. tf. FORT RENT Furnished rooms for transients only. No. 10 N. Grape st., next to Farmors & Fruitgrow ers' bank. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room reasonable price. 129 South Ivy sireer. juu FOR RENT Elegant furn ished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wntcr, baths, electric lights, newly furnished, single rooms or on suite, by tho dny, wcok or month. Inquire room 103 Electric building. 218 West Mnin street. tf. Housekeeping Ilooms FOR RENT A modern 2-room suite of light housekeeping rooms. N small children. 222 S. Holly street. tf FOR RENT Threo newly furnished housekeeping rooms, closo in. Cnll mornings at 110 E. 11th st. Phone 5381. 307 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms one and two in suites. 711 N. Cen tral avo. 305 I louses FOR RENT Six room house, not modern, $22.50. V. T. York & Co. tf FOR RENT Two houses. Inquire at Palace hotol. 309 FOR RENT Nino-room house, all modern conveniences, 3 blocks, from Mnin street on pavement. Mrs. Os onhruggo, 401 E. Riverside. (f FOR RENT Four-room house. 719 S. Central ave. 30(5 FOR RENT 5-room modern house. Call 60 N. Orange st. tf FOR KENT Good 0 room house, $15 Humphrey, room 3, Adkins block 30G ISumIiiohs ICoouia FOR RENT Business room on W Mnin st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or othei business, stoam heat. Gold Ra Renltv Co.. 210 W. Main st tf Parma FOR RENT Farms from 40 acm to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general fanning ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 West Mnin. tf Offices for Hent. FOR RENT Over tho postoffico with heat and light. Sen A. A. Davis, tf. FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, eloctrio light, baths, Initot. lint nnd cold water. QoiU Ray Realty (Jo., 210 W. Maia st. If FOR RENT Miscellaneous FOR RENT Large bam, 801 N. Riv erside ave. 300 FOR RENT Acre of garden with all kinds of fruit, barn and largo cluck en pnrfc. Call GO North Orange street. tf. FOR RENT Garden lnnd in tracts o f rqm one aero upwards, with wa ter for irrigation. Owner will fur nish team and implements for cul tivating and seed for share of crop or will rent for cash or share of crop. Inquire of Bnffum, Rogue River Electric Co., 210 West Mnn street. tf. FOR RENT Storage on the track at reasonable rates. E. M. MeKeany room 1, Stowart building. tf. FOR SALE. Iltulnofis Property FOR SALE Choict business prop erty, at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Pn. . . Acreage ". FOR SALE By F. O. Burgess & Co. 303 E. Main st., some choico 1, 2, 3 5, 10 and 20 acre tracts, 1 to ts miles out, tf FOR SALE 100 acres of fine level land; 40 acres set to commercial or chard 2 years old, bearing fruit J small house, bnrn, etc. Price $100 per acre, easy terms. F. O. Burgess & Co., 303 E. Main st. Phono 591. tf FOR SALE $500 per aero 10 acres half mile of Centrnl Point, G ncres 5-ycar-old pears, 2 acres 2 and 3-year-old pears, balance not planted. Bartlett, Bosc and Cornice. Tonus. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR SALE 5 and 10-aoro tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE 10 aoro tract, closo to depot, school and church. Good nine roomed house, bnrn, largo packing houso; fine, sightly loca- , tion; G acres in bearing penrs, 5 acres in young grapes, 2 acres fam ily orchard, bearing, small patch al falfa. Excellent buy, either for a homo, investment or speculation. Seo J. W. Gillette, owner, Second hbusc north of Jacksonville depot. tf. FOR SALE 5 ncics of land on cduhly road, y uiilo from famous Hillcrest Orchard, also family horse harness, and top buggy prncticnlly now. A. II. ICoehler, Hillcrest Or chard. 307 Lota FOR SALE Two lots on Boardman street for $275 each; $20 down and 10 per month. A bargain. Tinny. 201 Gamett-Coroy bldg. 307 FOR SALE Threo cast front lots in Rose Park addition for $350 each; $50 down and $10 per month. Lo cated corner Dakota and Plum streets. Tinny, 201 Gnrrnett-Coroy bldg. 307 FOR SALE Fine cast front lot 2 room house, $075; small cash pay ment, bnlanco like rent. F. O. Bur gess & Co., 303 East Main. Phono 391. tf IIIGIICROFT residence sites have the most superb view of tho city, val ley and mountains. tf FORSALE A bargain for a shoit time, 100 feet on pavement and sidetrack, adjoins Medford Grocery house, best location for wholesale house; closest truckage to bo had. see owner, Humphrey, room 3, Ad kins block. 305 FOR SALE Lot comer Nortli Con trnl nnd Court streets, 50x215. Good location for grocery or meat mar ket. Triced low for quick salo. W. T. York & Co. tf nouses FOR SALE Two-story 0-room plastored house on good lot, 50x100 Price $1200,, half cash, balance to suit purchaser. F. O. Burgess & Co. 303 E. Main. Phoio 591. tf SOR SALE Wo have ono of the best buys in Medford in n 0-room fur nislieil bungalow, beam ceiling and elegantly finished, good neighbor hood. Burgess & Co., 303 E. Main st. Phone 591. tf FOR SALE Almost new 8-room, modern houso; built by tho day for a home. Water and sewer; nice lawn, roses, cement walks; 1 block of street to bo paved tliN summer; good locntion; houso, lot nnd fur niture worth over $5000; income averages $40 a month. Will sell all at quick sale for $11050 cash for quick turn. Address J., Owner, euro of this office. tf FOR SALE House ulose in, No. 31 S. Orange, $2 J 00. John Hvnderxoii Box 331. 312 FOR SALE Houses FOR SALE Modern 5-room house on Ninth street, excellent location lot 50x102. This is nn exceptionally good buy, $2000; $1500 cash, bal ance 2 years 0 per cent. F. O. Bur gess & Co., 303 E. Main street. Phono 501. tf FOR SALE Seven room houso, city water, lights, bath, sewer walks all paid for, 5 blocks from bank cor ner. Largo fertile lot, plenty of fruit. Price reasonable. X Y Z care Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE Free; a now 2-story house and 16t to tho purchaser of four lots joining this property nt their market value. Enquire at tho Snvoy Barber Shop, 10 N. Front street. tf HIGHCROFT residence sites aro des tined to doublo nnd treblo mi value. tf FOR SALE Throo-room houso largo lot or will build to suit purchaser; pay liko rent. O. M. Rose, 902 E. 9th. Box 522, Medford. Phone Main 5002. 315 FOR SALE A 3 room finished houso with a largo sleeping porch on an cast front lot. just ton uiinul6s walk from this office for $1500 on easy terms. Tumy, 201 (larnott Corey building. 305 FOR SALE $1700 buys a 4 mom furnished house-on nn east front lot on a paved street, closo in. $350 puts you in possession of this home which is now rented for $20 por month. Como enrly. Tumy, 201 flnr nott -Corey building. 300 FOR SALE Two houses nnd two lots. Inquire at 02G S. Now town. 309 FOR SALE Almost new houso and barn, nice lot, sower and wntor n. This is a closo in and very dosirablo property and will bo sold in tho noxt fow dnys. With or without furniture. See owner 529 South Grnpo streot. I 305 FOR SALE Strictly modern 8 room huulnlow. Very reasonable. Phone 3451. 307 ItenlKst4Uo SEE OUR LIST. OF PROPERTY Offico in Garnett-Coroy Building, Room 217, Second Floor. Tako tho - elevator. FiyoNand 10-nuro tracts on monthly payments for thoso earning salaries. Bearing orchards, young orohnrds,? alfalfa land, largo nnd small traces of unimproved lands on ensy terms. City property. Lots in all parts of tho city. Somo good buys in bungalows thut aro modern and reasonable. A good buy in n good paying furnished rooming houso. A snap 0-room house, with largo lot, $2100. Have a good buy in a stock ranch. Wo aro always pleasod to show customers. Courteous treatment to nil is our motto. Mnke yourself at homo in our office. JackBon County Realty Co., II. M. Coss, Manngor, Garnett Coroy Bldg., Medford, Or. IIlGHCROFr residence sites aro of fered ut present prico for a short time only, tf FOR SALE 5 to 50 acres adjoining city, GrnntHPnB8, address Box 553. 315 FOR SALE 50 aero farm on tho county roud south of Medford, idoul for chicken, fruit or truck farming only $240 por norc. This is a part of a well known cstnto and hns never been on market before. Close to splendid school Address E. L Taylor, 521 Hamilton streot west. Phono 2455. 307 Seed and Trees. FOR SALE Corn. Inquiro Dr. Clancy office, Phipps Bldg., or phono Main 501. tf. FOR SALE Choice rhubarb roots ten cents each, phono Farmer 711x3 aftor six p. m. 305 FOR SALE Htrnwborry and Blaok borry plants. C. E. Kirk, Box 285. 314 Poultry nnd ICggf. FOR SALE Orders tuken for day old chicks from best White Leg horn stock, lOo each. Address Lock Box 31, Jacksonville, Or. 328 FOR SALE-Silver Laced Wyan dott eggs for setting, $1.00 for 15 eggs. Enquire at 518 W. Juckson boulevard. 311 FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn eggs for hatching fr6m puro bred White Leghorn liens which have boon selected and brod to standnrd cockerels for the past nine years. Greatest layers winter and summer, No birds for salo; $1.50 per setting of 15; $1 for 50; $7 per 100. John P. Miller, Jack sonville, Or. 313 FOR SALE Barred Rocks from sol ected laying stock, eggs $1 per 10. V. Bursell, Central Point, Ore. Phono Medford Funnors 7180. 319 FOR SALE. Poultry nnd Eggs. FOR SALE Eggs for hntching, $1 for 15, $5 per 100; Brown Leg horns, fine layers, day-old chicks 12.o each; $10 per 100. I. A. Arm- strong, Box 138, Medford. Or. 308 FOR SALE Rhode Islnnd red eggs $1 per setting of 15 eggs. C. R. La mar. 210 Court st. 30G .Miscellaneous FOR SALE Grass and alfalfa hay mixed, $12.00, delivered. E. F. Hef ler, 1035 W. Dili st. Telephone 0282. 305 FOR SALE Ono span of 5-ycar-old, horses, weight 2200; 2V&-n. wagon, nearly new; ono set of har ness. Enquire at 411 N. Grapo. 307 FOR SALE New 'Oliver typewriter .$00, n bavgnin. F. O. Burgess' & Co., 303 E. Mnin st. Phono .591. tf FOR SALE 4000 bricks for salo at 518 W. Jackson st. 308 FOR SALE Cheap 1-800 pound mule 4 years old or will trade far young 3300 to 1400 p6und horse and pay difference. Room 1G P. O. building if FOR SALE Ten hives of bees. Writo Jns. Stowart or Inquire corner Ninth nnd Hamilton street. Medford. 303 FOR SALE Family horse, harnoss and top buggy, prnctically now, ni so fi acres on county road, 1-4 mile from fnmous HillcVost Orchard. A. II. Koohlor, Hillcrest Orchard. 307 FOR SALE Good milch cow. Ad dress P. O. Box 732. tf FOR SALE A bargain in Automo biles. As good as now. Owner pur chased larger machine. Crutor Lake Garage, Riverside avenue between Main nnd Eighth streets. tf. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male WANTED Salesmen itf ovory local ity of thn northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many mako ovor $1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Vulloy Nursory Co., Top ponish. WaBh. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Experienced millinery suleshuly nt Ahrens. tf WANTED Girl for general .house work. WngoB $1 per day. Inquire Buffuui, .Rogue Rivor Elcotrio Co., 210 W. Main st. tf WANTED At once, a middlo aged woman to work outside of city principally cooking; steady work for right party. Call or address E. F. Raymond, 733 W. 11th st. city. tf WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED Small furnished houso of two rooms for light housekeeping Address R. K. N., this office. 305 WANTED Clcnn rags at Mail Trib uno office. WANTED TO BUY Second luiml cook stove, dresser and a fow chairs, must bo reasonable. Ad dress J. J. IC. caro Mail Tribune. WANTED Reliable party to rout nnd mauago a first class dining room. Call at room 217 Qarnott Corey bldg. lf WANTED Cattlo to pasture April 1st, 2 miles southwest, $1.75 per month. For sale (I bushols seed corn, yellow dent, $2.00 por bushel, corn to feed 85 cents per bushel; 500 pounds barbed wire rolled up 3 cents per pound, rails fir $3.00 per hundred. Good mower and rake, $45.00. E. E. Morrison, R. F D. No. 1, Box 47. 308 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Position as caretaker or housekeeper outside Medford by capable woman. Address W. 1'. K. caro this offico. 30(1 WANTED Position wanted by man and wife in the country. Address Box 22, care Mail Tribune of fice. 310 WANTED Position as bookkeeper nnd stenographer, A-l reference. Phone Farmors 715x5. Address P-J earn Mail Tribune offico. 308 WANTED Portion ns staionary, traction or donkey engineer. Phone 5101. 311 WANTED Position as mnnatior by nn allround poultry man and or chardist, experience in nil branches of poultry ruining and horticulture; willing to raise poultry on shurcs, percentage or in lien of earing for property, Address Box 17 this offi co. 300 MISCELLANEOUS HIGHCROFT residenco Bitec will bo known as tho real "Nob Hill" of Medford. tf FREE DIRT For the huuling. Sec "Shortie" Gnruett ut Garnett-Cmey Hardwnro Co. tf FOR SALE IIIGIICROFT residence sites hnve delighted everyone who has seon tho property. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants D. R. WOOD Genornl accountant. Your books audited nnd kopt for i rensounblo figuro; your business solicited. Office Phipps bldg., room 209. Phono 3122. Assnyer and Analyst EARL V. INGELS, B. S. Boat equipped assay offico in Oregou; food products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, water, etc., an alyzed. QrantB Pnss. Architects JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main Phone Mnin 3471. Residence phone 744. A. P. GOODWIN, Arohitiot, office 340, corner Front nnd Third. Attornoys COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Roames. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bank build' lug. flooond floor. t PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-nt-law. Nos. 3 nnd 2. Postofficn huildine. A. E. REAMES Lawyor, Garnott Corey bldg. WITIIINGTON & KELLY Lawyers Palm building. B. F. MULKEY Lawyor. Room 30 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Illlltard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend tho hot after uo6nB. Mill Posters VERNE T. CANON BUI poster am Distributor. All orders promptly fillod. Room 29, Jackaoa Count) Bank building, Medford, Or. Cigars and Tobacco IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokekouse Doalors in tobacco, cigars am1 smoroka' supplios. Exclusive agent? of Lewis .Single Binder, El Merit and El Paloncia. 212 West Main stroot. Contractors and Builders. CONTRACTING AND B'JiI oiivfl - W. J. Kaufman of C'intoi, Ohio, is now located nt 123 tfotttji Ho'lv and desires to giv'o any ono nn c. liniuto on buildings of any size o" description; 25 ynur experience in this lino of work. Lowest prices consistent with good wjrk. Soo me before lotting your "ontrnct or cull phono Mnin 1801. 320 Mcdonald & lovbelace, con tractors and buildon. Estimator furnished on short notice. Phono 3032. 330 Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., denlors in now and sioond-hand furniture nnd hardware Agonts for Houso hold stoves and rangos. 10 South Fir street. Phono Mnin 31GI. Home 2G5-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS -Corner 8th and Holly ctroots, Med ford. Mission furnituro mndo to order. Cabinet work of nil kinds A trial ordor solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF CookBtovof and ranges. Now and socoiid-hnnd furnituro. Eads' old stand, 18 W F st., South. Phono 01. Home 283-K. Medford. Granite Works GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 216 W Mnin st., manufacturers anil donl ors in gmonumontnl nnd bulldin granito, crushed granite common briok and pressed brick, coarue and fine washed river sand MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brisk; denlors in pressed briok nnd limo. Offico in Gnrnott-Corov block, room 209. 2d floor. Phone No. 3181. IIoiim) Cleaners. JAMES JOHNSON Electric, Vno mini Cleanor. Clounn drnperies, rugs, pianos, organs, etc. All work gunrnnteod. 911 S. Central. Phone Main 5751. 320 Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC Room Phipps bldg. 2fl7 HELEN N. YOC'KBY, Notary Public Bring your work to mo at the sign of the Mail Tribune. tf Touts and Awnings MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING Co., mnkors of now, ropairors ol old. Both phonos 405, S. Oukdale. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flowers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Mnin. Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES-Oar trws aro budded, not grafted. Our Btock is not irrigated. Wo gunranteo ev erything put out. Wo are not m tho trust. H. B. Pattorson, offico removod to 110 E. Main st ROGUE RPTER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers .of high grndo nursory stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tol. 1201 Physicians nnd Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, M. D., Physicinn ami burgeon. Special attention given to internal medicino and gen eral office practice Offico hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Offico phone 731, residenco phono 4542. Office over Strang's dru store DR. S,. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. Office 21G E. Main, st., ovor Haw kins' drug storo. Phono Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phy sieians and surgeons, Taylor ank Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 501, residence phono 012. Office hours 0 a. r.i. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to Rooms 41G and 417, Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. Phone Main 0351. DR. E. II. PORTER DiseMOB of women a specialty. Rooms ft, 6, 7 8. St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Oi Phonos i Office 40G1, resident 49G1. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prao tico limited to diseasos of tho eye, oar, nose and throat. Offico Suite 318, Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE, Dentist Office jn Rinlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for ex traction of teoth. Telophouo Mam 081. Night phono 4432. DR. W. W. WICKHomeopathk physician; residence 203 Olson st., phono Mnin 4474; office, rooms 3 and 4 St. Mark's block, phono Main 1871. DR. STEARNS Physician nnd Bur geon. Offico Garnett-Coroy bldg. rooms 211-212, phone 1092. R03 douce 113 Laurel st., phono 2092. "' 1 1 1 DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD -Practico limited to diseases of wo meu. Offico Haskins bldg. Phon Main 1001. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoo. Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoo. Don lists. Garnett-Coroy bldg., suito 318, Mod- ford. Or. Both Phono. DR. R. E. GREEN, oyo, ear, noso and throat. Rooms 212-213 Gnr-nnott-Coroy bldg. DR. E. E. KOCH, Chiropractic dom onstralor of Psychology. Easo for all disease. No drugs. No knives. Phono 0701, or call at 300-307 Garnett-Coroy blk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 0, and 7 to 8; by appointment 011 Sundays. CHOW YOUNG'S Chinoso medicines will euro rhoumntism, catarrh, colds, goiters, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, pri vate diseases and nil kinds of chronic nnd nervous ailments. Stom ach trouble, constipation, indiges tion, womb nnd bladder troubles. Seo mo nt 241 S. Front St., Med ford, Or. DR. LEROY M. GORDON Chiro prnotio spinologist; ovor Medford Hnrdwnro Co., 210 E. Main st.. Medford, Or. DR. J. J. EMMENS Practice limit od to dLensos of tho oyo, car, noso and throat. Officos 210 E. Main st. Piano and Voice. MRS. J. J. IIAUItf, piano and voice. 211 Stark streot. Phono 5232. 322. Printers und Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tho best equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; llook binding; looio loaf systems; cut paper, otc, otc, Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Pahu Block. Stenographic work don quickly and well. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, 402 Gnrnett-Coroy Bldg., Medford, pf. Miss L. J. ningston. Tolophono Home 95. Tin Shops J, A, Smith Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North Q st. 1 Read Signs, VALLEY SIGN ADVERTISING CO.'S SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phone 802. 18 Riverside Ava, j 1 fc i . ,'. s$ mwmti,