wkv mimmahu9w' i PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, JVEEDFORP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, aiARCII 15, 1911. Our Correspondents WOODVILLE ITEMS. Professor O'Gura will give an ail dread in til" vfhool house at 'J p. m. Saturday, March -8. Wo hope (ha every pcron who can poslbly do si will nltcnd this meeting. The com mereial dull has gone to eoiwitlera hie (rouble to got Hjienkcrs here, ant we owe it to ourselves ami to 111 community, to tdiow our npprecia tion by attending and thus ileari much that will ho a benefit to us Mrs. Colwell moved into her new - house on Monday. Mrs. II. C. Kcnlner will upend th weck in Woodvillc, the guest of iMrs , Streets. Douglas Wind and family arrived in tWoo(lville on Monday from Will la Wnlln. Mr. Wind purchased 3'. acres on lloguo river Inst siuniner iiik" will build a house on his place Ihh hpring. C. It. Hosser has purchnsed i business lot on Hroadwny. Mrs. Dr. Chishohn went to Gold Hill on Monday. The ladies of Woodvillc have or ganized into a "civic improvement club." It will be their aim to aid in all work that will improve our town. Officers have been elected as fol- lows; President, Mrs. J. P. Winl; , vice president, Mrs. George Sonmoti; secretary, Mrs. J. W. Jacobs, treas urer, Mrs. George Loud. Thero will bo an old fashioned "spelling bee" and "hard times so cial" in tho school house on I'Vidnv night, under th" itu.jieuH of CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Miss Alice Whipple of Woodvillc has been visiting i datives here. At Hie city election held Monday II. W. Lindsay and D. C. Grim were lected coiinciltncn, J. W. Jncobs was fleeted recorder. Tho amendment lo tho city charter for the extension of the water sys tem carried by a big majority. Also tho amendment to change tho 11111110 of the otwn to City of Central Point carried overwhelmingly. Miss Mary Pcningcr of Tolo wan the guest of Mit-s Pearl Itoss and other friends Monday. Misses Koss and Olson accompanied her on her return to Tolo and returned Moiulny night. Mrs. .7. W. Merritt and daughter Hiss Esther, spent .Monday in Gold Hill. M. 11. England, the druggist, is spending this week in Portland. Tho county has constructed a tcm- norarv bridire over Hour creek nil Ibis point which is greatly appreci ated by tho traveling public. Monday was a great day in the mil linery business in Central Point. "Improvement club." John Sweeney, whoso homo is 18 miles ui) Kvans creek, was stricken with paralysis last week, and it was necessary to move him to tho hotel in Woodvillo in order that he might bo near a doctor. His daughters and a trained nurho arc caring for him I bit and he in improing slowly. i KODAKS Have you noticed tho sun shiuo? Time to get that Kodak. Only one place, lot us show you. Medford Book Store A want adcampalgn will euro you of your iuHblHinIin concerning a man's chances, nowadays, to find profitable and sultablo employment vhere.Uie road to promotion la not closed. FOR SALE 0 6 AT Till Jllffl Famous Elylilh Mexican Re(jlment Veterans of Yaqul Wars, Arrive Ic Garrison Border Town No Battle in Slijlit Yet. AWL men mi w NG COMPANY Jtcrllnn Gold Quartz & Millintj Com pany Elects Larjjo Board of Direc tors W. H. Canon is Named President. SAN 1)11X10, Cal., March 10. With U00 Mexican regulars expect ed at Tin Juaiia from Eiiscmidn General Tanker II. Jlliss, cammaud iug tho United States army forces here, today is all ready for any even tualities thaf may develop, and has strengthened tho American force at tho border town by Company II of thu Eighth regiment, which, reporting to Captaip Evans there, will bo in n position to sufeguard American in terests. That tho coming of the Mexican regulars to Tin Juana will have no ef fect 011 conditions there further than to render them more sociiro to prop crty is tho opinion of Geneial Hisi who is going iihcad with the selectio1 of a site for the maneuvers, which, l.i declares, is the object of the moil ili.ntion here. The only possibility of trouble, lie unserth, is 011 thu Mo. icun side, where tho KeiiM'iinda con tingent of federals amy come iuti conflict with a small rebel baud in Teonrto unless the hitler take to tin hills at news of tho oveipoweriiic foreo uppoM'd to them, The 100 men coining to Tin Juuun arc of thu famous rhghlh Mc.icm lugimciit, which bin for year beci active in (ho Yaipii wars. The com mnnd lutu hint night pnsxod LnMiirn !If) uiilu uouth of Tin Juana, and oxpeotcd to loach the border not lulei (I11111 noon today. Another contin gent of KID muii will follow mioii. Thoie linn hceu no hijju of activilv bo far among the nnal force heie Admiral Thulium' wpiudnm of ciui burs are at uiichor niiUido the har bor tiff Corouado Mcncli, and (he de htroycrs, torpedo boatx, hiilimiiiine and (ho gunboat Itulfalo are moortd in tho iuiur haibor. NOTICE TO CONTItACTOItS. The Sterling Gold Quail. & Milling compnuy held their annual meeting Tuesday evening and elected a new hoard of directions, the membership of which was increased from seven lo cloven. The new directors are W. 11 Canon, J. L. Dcnimor, K. L. Hoblil M. J. Love, II. II. Loriiuer, W. W Glasgow, l' J. Newman, A. P. Whit ney, Fred Fredigor, jr., L. M. Lyons and E. C. Ireland. Tho board of directors lected offi cers as follews: W. II. Canon, pres idcut; E. C. Ireland, vice president; 11. II. Loriiuer, secretary, and P. J Newman, attorney. II. L. Hay wa 1 reappointed inuiingcr. The bills of hiding for tho new machinery which is to bo installed at tho mine has arrived and mh soon as the machinery follows i will be put in operation. .Many new build ings at the mine are to be elected and development work niulerliiKcn on 11 large scale. A tow -foot e111 has been struck which assays .fill gold a ton. Prospects a 10 bright indeed for the new company. Ill M ! ' (MTV TUKASVItHK'S NOTICE. Office of tho City Ticasuir, Mod ford, Orogoa, Muroh Uth, 1IU1. Notice Is hereby given that there are funtlii 011 hand In tho city treiiu ur for tho redemption of outstanding city warrants Issued against tho fol lowing funds: WuniuitH No. I1! and 03, 011 South Holly street Improvement bond. Warrants No. 0 and 10 on sower district No. 11. Warrants No. la, 13 and II, on1 water main Improvement ruiid No. 1! ' Warrant No. IS on trunk sewer1 fund. Interest on same will cease after tho aliovo (lute, aon l, l. .1 a cons, City Treasurer Wanted 100 Wood Choppers Apply to Ed Walker Butte Falls or EDGAR HAFER Medford, Ore. Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March 0th In Elec tric building, 218 West Main streot. Everything now and modern, Includ ing fiteam bent, baths, etc. Host In city. Kates reasonable Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors Over 7000 acres of land, splendid river bottom and foot hill, greatest bargains: sonle as low as $4 per. acre. Now our contracts are out in 30 days and your oppor tunity gone. No. 1, 4000 acres splendid foothill and grazing land well wooded and watered in one body, at $4 per acre. No. 2, 1G00 acres, fine foothill and grazing land, with considerable grain land, well wooded and wattered, a splendid, bargain at $5 per acre, in one body. No. 3, 1120 acres, fine grazing and some grain land, we'll wooded and watered, nothing so good at the price, $4 per acre. No. 4, 415 acres, the finest real sandy loam garden soil, 200 acres finest full bearing orchard, mostly peaches. 'finest grafted fruit, 150, in alfalfa, bal ance in grain, with abundance of water to irrigate the whole tract the entire year, free; full drying, spraying, and implement equipment; annual income . $15000 to $25000; price only $60,000; terms, only ( $10,000 down and easy yearly payments. Just think, you need never put your hand into your pocket after the first payment. And ninny other equally fine bargains in large and small homos and fruit and grain aud alfalfa ranches, must be bought very soon to bo had at present prices. Address Oregon 6 California Land Co. ' RED BLUFF, CALIFORNIA, BOX 117. SEE THE NEW t Spring Styles New shoes for men, women, boys, girls and infants. New sandals, pumps for women, nrisstfs and infants. New low shoes and ties for men, women, boys and girls. .. Everything New You are invited to see the new, dependable goods. Sealed hidti will be recehed b tlu bouiil of directors of School Dlstilct No. 1!2, Talent, OroKou, until March Ufi, 1'J 11, I o'clock p. in., for Hit erection and completion of public hoIiooI building, according (o plain and BpeclflcatloiiB prepared hi Cjharloa II. Hurggruf, architect, Ah bany .Oregon. All bids iniiHt bo ac companied by n certified check nny nblo to "Sohppl DlBlrlct No. 22, Tal- out, Oregon' for the sum of 1600.00, as a guarantee (hat tho contractor will furnish an approval bond equal to CO per cent of tho contract within , ton duyH after tho awarding of (ho contract. All bids must bo made nut on blank proposals for thu same. Wanks furnished upon application by tho clerk or nrchlluot, Plans and xpaolfl. cntlonB may bo booh at Talent, Ore gon, or at tlo architects officio. Tho board rosorves tho right (a re ject anjand all bids. , Ily ordpr of School Hoard No. 22, .Talent, Oregon. J. N. MANNING, ' ' Chairman O. V. SHERMAN. Clerk 30U NOTICE. Nollco Is lummy gueu that the un deralxnnd will apply to tho clly coun cil of tho city of Medford, Or, at j IU regular mooting on Mai 21, 1911, for a license to sell wplrltous. vin ous 'nud malt lbiuurs In quantities loss than a gallon nt UK placo of bus lueas at lots 12 and 13. block 20. No j 7 South l'ront trout, In said clt. for a period of six mnudis. (t J. W. SMNCICH NOTKJK, neglnulng April 1st, 1011, (u union soalo for painters -will bo 4 per day. On that date (he Initiation fee Into local union, No G43, llro tlidiliood of l'alntors & Decorators of Ainorloa, will bo rlJJd. Tho union meet y"y Thursday night at S p. m. In Anglo hull. O. W. HAimiNGTON, Sooretary 405 North Hnrtlett St. 31 0 HuBkllta rm UontlU Spring Opening We Announce for Thursday Evening March Sixteenth Eight to Ten o'Clock Our Formal Showing of Millinery, Suits, Coats, Dresses Waists and Accessories Approved by Fashion for the Spring and Summer Nineteen Eleven s in' Music by Crowell and Crawford. We Cordially Court the Prestige of Your Presence c9ky r - , I MaKi&$S Medford BaKery TODI) & CO. HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY Make a Selection , . of our small enhos nnd spdcialtics and you'll have a collection of as tempting nnd toothsoino dainties as wore ever set before a king. DonH bo too late comins for yours, how over. We can never seem to bnhc enough no matter how many extra we bake fresh daily. ( ( (EL Delicatessen' BOUT J I CENTHAL AVENUE LADY COOK IN CHARGE. ...Orchard Tracts... Five and ten-acro 'orchard tracts, planted to "holce varieties of pears; best fruit land in valley; one mllo from town; also some onc-ncro tracts In big oak grove. ir.you would llko a fine suburban home, have a look at these tracts. Beautifully located on macadam road, Good car service. Depot on property. Our prices aro right. See J. A. PERRY, Owner OOl West Main St., Medford or Medford Nationnl IJnnlc. Spring Has Came! Wake Up Some! Tho bargain of tho season Is an eight-room houso to bo placed on good cast front lot on high ground In tho Nob Hill addition, on which, for a few days, wo are ablo to mako a snap price of two thousand dollars, paya blo half cash, balance to suit at G per cent. This Is a hard-finished houso, and the upper rooms will bo Just tho placo to board tho school-marms when tho now East Side schoolhouso Is completed. Tho houso will bo plac ed In Its now location for this amount. You will get nothing equal to this for tho monoy for less than doublo In Medford. i RogueRiverLandCo NO, 11 NORTH CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON v ,,M,""''"2?, vw ii rv t4Vj2s'7 '-"-i copvrioht Would You Buy Gold Dollars for Fifty Cents? Very Best Fruit Tracts AT REASONABLE PRICES VERY BEST RED SOIL IN CHOICEST OF LOCATIONS CIobo to Rogue River Orchard Company's 3000 acres now boing de veloped nnd sold nt ?r00 PER ACRE. An SO-ncro tract, ono-half cleared, one-fourth more nenrly cleared, largo family orchard, excellent condition, $loo PER ACRE. Two 10-acro tracts, each about one-third cleared, ready to bo sot out In trees, $100 PER ACRE. One -10-acro tract, family orchard and grapes; several walnut trees, houso, barn, largo well and windmill, $80 PER ACHE. 160-acro tract, about 30 acres cleared, $75 PER ACRE. These on main county road. An elegant proposition for development nud subdivision. A. N. PARSONS REAL ESTATE GRANTS PASS, ORE. rrSsrSSSrr N H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN Everything in the Nursery Line Seo tho nice English Hollies. 'All kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only the most perfect plants), and full lino of pear, peach, apple, apricot, prunes, etc., etc. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381-Res. Phone 2493 - i y Y 2,rm