t PJlGE two MEDFORD MA rL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAROIT 35, 1911. PLOT FOILED By MISSIONARY Preparations to Dynamite Japanese Governor General of Korea is Made Known Through American Forty Koreans Arrested. THE MAN ON THE BOX" TONIGHT. Genuine nnd wholesome comedy such as 1ms lion seldom offered ninco Ihu days of Ilia AiitfiiHtin iJaly coin jinnies will ho the vogue nl the Med ford tonight when the nnwl conspic uous comedy success of the past hea soii in New York city, will he pro Kcnled. "The AInn On the Box" was almppy selection for Air. Ous Ar thur's lour, inasmuch hh (he title ride fits him as though it went writcn c jiressly for him. lie is I he pcrhoni fication of the dashnur iiimy officer who falls in love with a pietty ,'iil on a steamer. Later ly mistake lit ahducts her, and afterward when slit seeks to turn (he joke upon him anil find out his identity accepts her of fer to ho her groom, in older that lie may he near her always. This ma terial furnishes ahundaiicc of com edy of the linesl calibre, 'and at Jhe same lime contains all the elements of a play of a deep heart interest The dialogue is criHp, witty, and the dramatic situations profoundly itn pressivo and interesting. NAVAL DEFENSE A YEAR FOR AUTO n s Rear Admiral Henderson Outlines Plan for Co-operation With British Authorities That Will Involve an Outlay of 52,000,000 Pounds. MtiUlOUHNI-:, Australia, March 3f. Hear Admiral llendorMin, who at tho ruipieBt of the common wealth Koveriunon't was sunt out by tlio ad miralty to lmpiiro Into tho condition of tlio naval defeiiBo or tho country lino mndo his report to tlio caliluot which has been JubL ihiIiIIhIioiI. Tho Veil I admiral miilutnlnu that Australia cannot afford to koop up n navy eoininoiiHiinito with tho length of Its coiintllno, conflO(piontly the commonwealth must eo-oporato with tho Itrltlsli aiitliorltloH on a popula tion bnslrf. At prnsont at outlay of 10,000,000 Ih Involvod in tho work ; of pollclm; tho South 1'aolflc. Ho ' rccoinmeudb for AiiRtralla a flout of fifty-two wamhlpB. Tho cost of tho construction program Is to bo spread livor 22 yimi-H nnd will Involvo an out lay of 52,000,000 potindB. THOUGHT WOOD ;N SAFE Three Licenses Must Be Paid Under New Model Law; Tays to Be in Culurs New Lnw Goes Intq Effect in A9u(iist. R Huge Stront Box Owned by Eiljjar S Hafcr is Badly Damaued by Ycmjs Who Probably Believed Fuel Was Stored in Its Interior. Two daji after Udjjur S. 1 Infer nn lioutianl the foruuitioii of the Cintei huko Fufl comiwuy ho found that Hafo oraekuru hud oiuleinoieil l wrotik a huge Hiifo owned by him, iiimI had worked a gieat deal of iitjiti I the ntrong box, lirt-iikiiitfolT the com binatioii and other wise duiuuxing without getting it iin, houtntr. Mi Hat or is at a h to explain the mailer union tho huIYIi run Lent wie Of tho oiiiiiiou that hu had wood btorod in the huIVh big interior. At Ihu providing price u biiI'o is a gnl phicu to keep fuel, to hem Mr. HnUxc aiulh.lt tell it. 3lr. I Infer lmd some months ho stoicd the lingo utioiig lm. WITNESSES EXAMINED IN ALASKA COAL CASE CIIICAOO, HI., Mih 13.- Fifteen wiliHWhuti were ciniined lodtty hi the govurumeut iui ligalion of lh Alaskan cohI ImimI entrim. No uVl'i nitu (loucliision hax bmi nHchfd nnd no indictment will he rvluruad until , nil tho evidence in in. AgsisUint Attorney Oaturul Town 6und; who i ooiiducting tin iiumii v gjiiil (hut it pnilmbly would uot Ik coiitiludijil Jml'oio tlio UHd uf Ui im-i-oitif wtajk. MALUM, Or., Mnrcli IT).-Under Oiegon's now model motor vehicle h cciiho law, persons who buy aulonio liili'H this spring will bo luipiiied to pay Ihree state licenses within a year. The new law does not go into effect until August I, so that pur chasers of atitoinohilcri are required now to tako out a licoiiMt under the present law nnd before August 1, in lake out a license, only valid until December III, 11)11, under tlio new law. Then, as annual licenses are re quired under the new law, auolhei slate license must m obtained aftei January 1, 10PJ, good to December .'U of that year. Tho lags for motor vehicles under tho new law will ho diffoieut m color from each your. The tags foi l!)ll luuo been selected bv Clriol Clerk Coioy of I ho secretary ol stale's office, and tliev will bo a blight yellow with loiters in conspic uous black. They have already been oi doied, and a great many applica tions for licenses have aheady been received in order to got choice num bers, such as 1, 2!l, )'l and oilier sim ilar uuinhcrh, Two tags mul bo dis played, ouo at each end of tho car. Hxcepl for Ibis olio inconvenience Ih.il will have pascd wlih this year tho now motor chicle lioouio law is a model in oery lospecl. It embraces the best part of (he automobile ln of other Mates. II will bring an uug nionted ioumiuo into (he coffers ol the state trviwury, but at tho nine time will entail considerable extra ex pense as a roMill of the work lu get ting out tho lioonso tag and certifi catcx oucc aniiualh. The new law lm ben puntd ill pninphll form by the c iiturv dt st.itc to niccl the de iiuiiid for ( opu-. ol the law. iOli WRESTLER T lack )iiii.iii, wic-thr, who -mn Inm-clt a- the "i h.impinii lulu hciv. wtiglit ( hainpiii.i nl Amciiiaii," in a coiiiiiiiiuicatiou uddtchst'd to the sporting editor of tin- Mail Tribune Hiutos ilia I he will lie glad to ivnio '. tins citv and meet Ciul Mum'Ii, win uer take all and m iiilHlUiiK bet IIh can b cniniiitmicatcd with at 'J I (I Sprnijf sti.d, Si itilc, Wash. IIutkliiM for Health. COOK WANTED. Cool; for moil on ranoh. I Ioll w..l Oiohari), phono Faunor 70(0 ut i n liout or uftor 0:30 p. in. tf PHONE 901 Old customers sond mo your address. Now Premiums, Now Ser vice, New Agent. Bui tho samo old stand ard goods. AGENOY GRAND UNION TEA CO. llOTltiri'STUKKT SIXH'L, Korea, March 1". A plot to assassinate former war minister Seiko Terutichi, who is at piesent Japanese governor general of Korea, wa sreea1ed today by an American missionary just beforu the conspira tors had picpared to dynamite a tram on which the distinguished of iicial was traveling. Forty Koreans wr arrested. They will he executed if oomicted. The military police arrested Aug Ming Ken as ling lender. He is a cousin of An Chung Ken, ussussin ol I'rince Ito, late lesident general ol Korea. Thatlhc plot to kill Torauchi was well laid and failed only through the bravery of tho American missionary was admitted by the Japanese au thorities. Tho missionary received a terrorist iiiufiifcsto conveying the se cret information that a plot existed against tlio governor's life. The mis sionary, risking death, disclosed Hie plans of (he Koienns to tho police. More (hull -10 Koreans wore in the plot, but only that number were cap luicd. I'irlher arrests will be difli cull, as (ho plollois fled across (he Russian bolder when (hey learned (hat their plans had failed. Japan will call upon ltussia to return the accomplices, according to an of Iicial here. Jnpan's close lelations with Hussia probably will seeuio tho re turn of the fugitives upon demand ot (lip mikado's agents. Trial of tho accused men will take jilaco every night in Seoul until ail have been convicted or exonerated. l'recautioiiH am being takon lo protect (ho American missionary and (ho officials even withhold his ntiiuc for four that ho might ho killed be fore ho could leave (ho country. ITnsklns for Hoalth. Clever Vaudeville At the Ms SEE PERRY AND BERRY IN THEIR SIDE SPLITTING, BOWING AND RUBBER ACT TONIGHT IJo sum and conic to tho Ists to night and enjoy the clcvorcst vaude ville stunt that has ever been brought to this city, norry and Horry are cortnlhly tho best team that you bavo over seen und you will go away feel ing that yon got double the price paid. Clover tumbling and flinging and a new stunt that has never been pulled of before. Tho stand strnlgbt up, then bow and bend as though they wero mudo of rubber. You will wonder how they keep their balance. mrorTi'io'rk . CONSERVATORY J JFUJK MUaiU AND NAT. BUILDING !; ALL BRANCHES OF i; MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. n IPATTT A ATTM-EITI ' nTTrrcfiTOT?. TO CURH A COM) IN OXH DAY Tako LAXATIVE 11HOMO Quinine Tablets. Diugglcts refund money If It falls to cure. 13. W. GUOVB'S sig nature I on each box. 2Cc. Hasklns for Health. Draperies We carry a very complete lino of draperies, lace curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all classes of upholstering. X special man to look after this work exclu sively and will glvo as good service as Is possible to get In oven the largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co ffoysMJawM Restores color to Gray or Faded .hair Removes Dan druff and invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. SI.0OnJMc at Vtul Stbrci or direct open receipt rl price and dealers lumc. Scad 10c for ample bottle. 1'hilo Hay Specialties Co., Newark, N. J U.S.A. HUI'USli ALL SUUSTITUTKS For Sale and Recommended by Leon II. Hasklns. SPECIAL 0G0 acres of tlio finest fruit soil in the valley, located not too far from railroad town; soil is black gran Ho und 20 feet deep; splendid drainage, but not too steep; 200 acres cultivated. There is wood enough to pay for clearing the balance; 500 acres can be cultivated. .'Fine county road cuts the tract nearly through the center. m A splendid subdivision proposition. AVe have Ibis exclusive. There is money in this for someone. Why not you? Price $82.11 per acre. Terms on part. C. AJcArtiiiir Phenes: Main 3681: Home 279... Room 3 P. O. Block. Toilet Specialties imm? Guaranteed Pure LETTrCK ('ttliiAM (cleanses) WTirTtiNiNU CKMAM (bleaches) TISSUE FOOD (nourishes) ACME CREAM (reduces large pores) MARJNKLLO POWDER (protects) Facial and Scalp Treatments Shampoo Manicure IIairdressing , Chiropody M annex ii i- i . IO OllOD ROOM 5, OVER KENTNER'S. Phone 111 k Main Street Business Property Nets Over 8 Per Cent Interest Best location. Great increase in value. 'Lot 50 feet by 140 feet. Splendid buy for invest ment or speculation. Special price for quick action. Address Owner, Medford t. P. O. BOX NO. 477. V J. B. ENYAIIT, President P. K. MEKRICIC, Vlce-Prcsltlut WJH9JJWW ' z J. A. PERRY, Vice-President j JOHN S. ORTH. Cashier 5 W. I). JACKSON, Asa't Cashier. ss-rssrNrNsNrsrNrNN iJEjMJ The latest up to date smart set collar pins of artistic desighns, also the latest in gents full dress sets and coat ihuins. Martin J. Reddy The .Jeweler Near Port Office, Med ford, Ore. FOR SALE BY OWNER Small l-room house on east front lot 50100, six lion ting pnino and two-jear pour livos, water and stnvoi, paved strrtot, Kim i t lujiiso, oodshol, ohiokon ho'iM' mul ml PRICE 31200 Terms: One-half cash, balance llko rent. 528 S. Fir St. Van Dyke Realty Co. t'lTV PltOl'KKTY TAUMS, 1'IU'IT UAXCIIKfl 1U: K. MAIN STHHKT, The Medford National Bank Caoital. SIOO.OOO.OO Surplus, $20,000.00 I &. 1 4 V SAFE DEPOSIT 1JOXES FOIt 11KNT. A OKXEKATi HANKING $ X IIUSINKSS TUANSAOTEI). Wa SOLICIT YOUK PATltONAGE. g Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. S 9 rwri?'vffi'4rsa Steam and Hot Water Heating If you want to he comfortable, heat vourhome with Hot Water. Jt costs you nothing to talk with Ponting 6 Renz the only straight Healing Shop in Medford. 37 SOUTH CENTRAL. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. - 'r''L''-''Nr4Nssss Grand Openin ...AT- Rule X The Golden Thursday Evening, March Store open from eight to ten o'clock. Everyone cordially invited 16 M US1C furnished by Eames Orchestra Souvenirs for men and Women . W r . w