rW'"- ' lfw PAGE SIX MEDFORP MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORP. OREGON, MONPAY, MARCII 13, 1911. ft by a party of Mexican federal-, yes-la .mall band oL iedernls. flicy niw terday afternoon following the bat- took him for it icbel scon and an tic of Agua Prieta. Captain Wheeler mediate opened lire. Wheeler escap was rounding up horses on the Mexi- ed into the hills and mnde his way to can side of the line, when he sighted1 Douglas, Arizona. E PRODUCTS COME THIS DISTRICT LEADS OTHERS FUEL COMPANY MEXICAN FEDERALS FIRE UPON RANGERS IIUACIirCA, Ariz., March 13. Captain Wheeler of the rangers re ports today tbnt he was fired upon HE WILL WIN IS tatv&'1fr r W MEffiSIC HIGH PORTLAND ORGANIZED B l. .1" Local Hcavywclflht Willing to Wagrr on His Ability to Throw the Dutch manScats Reserved for Ladies Special Train From Jacksonville. .loo Momsle, fotnieily a member of llio MtMl'onl police force, will tiiOft Gml HiiSfh in u catch us catch cm: Wrestling mulch t the Nntntoriiii i lhis evening. The contest will he iwi J'nlls out of three and on a wiimei take all husis. Muiinio weighs approximately 00 )oiiih1r more tlntn lliisch, ami it on lhis fact that ho is Imsiiic hi- chief hope of victory. Althouuh Hunch hns hecn in training for your.-., irnil is conceded lo he one of the hewt mnl artiHlH in the country, Meiiisi" holiovcH that with lii weight and mii"cular Htrengtli, he will he aide to force Hunch to the mat. lloth men iu well trained and the contest promises In he a good one. Special arrangements are being made for the accomodation of liuliua and their escorts. There will he, a good preliminary preceding the main event which will Hlarl at 8 p. m. NEW REAL ESTATE COMPANY ORGANIZED ' A real cstale partuerHhip has hcen formed under the name of Im homa real estate company, by . II Stewart with office in the Slewnit buildiiiL'. ovor the Nicholson Ilnnl- ware company. Mr. Stewart is 0110 of the pioneer orchuniislw of the val ley, a Hon of the firnl commercial or chards, and well informed regal cl ing the history and p.t, .-ihihtieH of this Hcctiou. Mr. Amy !h also a punem- of the valloy, moving hero a year apo from -.Central Point where he rehided for many years. Mr. Savage came lure recently from Corvall'iH, where he is widely known and has an enviable vcpulntiou. Already money piopcrtics have been listed with the new firm and a rushing busincHH irf in pros peel. IDAHO NATIONAL GUARD QUARREL PATCHED UP UOJSi:, Idaho, March Ml- The quarrel between ev-(lovcrnor Unit! and former Scci clary of State Lam don whieh began while Hrady ui. governor and threatened to disrupt the national guard of Idaho in he lieyod to have ended today, follow ine the election of W. II. Kdelhlute a colonel of the Hooond regiment. ' f 'haahdoa wan removed from the colonelcy by Hrady who charged 'at hu wiik insubordinate because Latin don icfui-eil lo appear before an ex amining bonid. It 1h beliecd that Klcdhlute's t-Vc lion cimIh all effort of LuiimIhiV fiinniln to ie-iiiHtaule bun. Durlnfj Past El(jht Years Prices Paid Farmers for Farm Products Have Advanced 3 to 4 Per Cent Rec ords are Ransacked. NOTION. IloglnnliiK April lat, 1011, the. union scnlo for pnintorH will bo ?4 per day. On tlint dnto the Initiation fee Into loonl union, No. 043, Nro thorliooil of Pnlntora & Uocoratora of America, will bo raised Tlio union niootH every Thurmlny ulgbt at 8 p. m In Aik1o bnll. C. W. HA1UUNOTON, Secretary, tor. Nortb Ilnrtlott St. 310 PORTLAND, Ore., March V.i. Pii'es paid the fanner for bin pro duets in the Portland market have ad vanced more than .'11.4 per cent dur ing the past eight years, according to figures compiled by President Harvey Hcckwilh of the Portland Commercial Club, lie ransacked the iccoids of the Wells-Kargo 10 x press company, of which he is general ugcii, for prices in the local market during the spring and fall of JDO'J, 1 !)()!") and 1010 and basel his com parison upon these figures. President Heckwith's findings are startling. That the staple farm pro ducts have advanced in price almost ono-IIiird is not generally known, al thoiigb the householder has had it impresed upon him frequently that the essentials wcie flying high. They are still up in the blue and still ru ing. The final altitude lccord does not appear to be yet in sight. The eleven commodities investigat ed by President Hcckwilh are plain .necessities. They have nothing to do vilb high living and are potatoes, on ions, mutton, veal, ham, tomatoes, turnips, butter, eggs, cheese and poultry. Turnips, alone, have re mained I he snmo price in October, 11)10, as in October, 1002. However, it is noted that the humble turnip got ambitious in 11)02 and jumped over 10 per cent between Apiil and Oc tober of that year. Notice Fruit Growers Wo bavo leaned tbo Pngo Packing tintiHo and will operate In tbo Mod ford dlHtrlct tills coming Heaoon. Wo hro tbo oocond oldest company in Pallfornfn mid are members of tbo California Fruit Distributors wbo handled 70 per rent of tbo dccldcoui fruit out of California tills past Ben son. Call on our nortliwoHtoru iiRont 10. M. MelCeany, room 1 Htowart building and talk matters over with lilm before making your hciihoiih ar rangements. Advances made If do sired. ritomvioitB ritriT ro. Forecaster Beals Says Rogue River District In Foremost in United States Prevention Work Due to Prof. O'Gara. "Mcdford leads the United States in the scientific fighting of frost and Prof. O'Clara is the daddy of it nil." Sucli is the unqualified statement of K. A. Heals of Portland, dis rid forecaster who has iust installed complete weather machines in Med ford which will be used by Prof. O' Oara in local forecasting. High praise is given this section for its progressivencss in this matter b l Ik forecaster who states further thai every fruit distiiet in the Oiled States is copying methods in vogm locally. "It has long been a known p,ict,'' states Mr. Heals, "that you can not grow apples and pears successfully ii a frostless belt. Orchardists hav heretofore taken a blind chance oi the weather and have won some vca ti mid lost occasionally. Hut now with the success attained in this valle other distiicts are turning their at tention to scientific prevention a worked out by Prof O'Gara. Am T would not bo surprised if the dc partment eventually 'borrowed' bin from .Jackson county to instruct othe districts in frost prevention. " lb worked it all out and placed it on . sound scientific basis." While the frost season will no open until April first this year a the blossoming of the trees is bad: ward Prof O'Gara has already aindi complete arrangements for this sea sou's fight of Jack Frost. HnRktns for Healtti FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldj. -TUESDAY- Specials Garden and Flower Seeds (jtCompli'tc new Block lm Indian inery ntlct adaptable lo tbU al ' ly. Chicken Feed IJOrit, ground hi'iu , onlcr hIicII, oblck fed unclad wheat, etc, otc. You inn double jour nop of Oggfl by feeding our biaiuU of ohlolcoa feed, , OLMSTEAD --AND-- MBBARD LADIES' FANCY COLLARS 10 tl7.iMi ladies' light weight, soil'i not and silk trimmed fancy Collars; regularise value; sale price, 15c each, 2 for 25c FANCY WORK BASKETS 20 doz. folding cord braid Work baskets; ribbon tied; regular I He value; sale price, 5c each 200 Fibre Lunch Boxes; regular lfe and 20c size; salt price, each 10c 1000 cakes Toilet Soap, 3 for 10c 2.") dozen men's canton flannel (Moves, with tight knit wrist, 10c pair, three for 25c Men's good all leather Work Cloves, pair . 50c 2,") dozen ladies' fine wool cashmere Hose and Burson fleece lined Hose; sale prit e, 19c pair, 2 for 35c Wo are closing out all boys' and missos' floeco lined Vests and Pants at, your choice, 25c each EASTER POST CARDS lc EACH. Crater Lake Fuel Company Will Operate on Large Scale and Fur nish Fuel to Residents of Entire Valley Capitalized at $50,000. Kilgnr S. 11a fer, mannger of the Crater Lake Lumber company, whose timber holdings are among the most extensive in Southern Oregon, today announced the organization of the Crater Lake Fuel company which will at once enter the local field and fur nish fuel to residents of the Rogue Hier Valley. The new company is capitalized at $.ri(),()00. Mr. I Infer is president and manager. The company plans to put n large force of men in the timber at once and start cutting wood on a large scale. The Pacific & Eastern now tnps n tract of timber owned by Mr I Infer which will furnish at least 50, 000 cords of wood. The wood will bo furilished in large quantities and will solve the fuel question for Mcd ford as this city has been paying ex tremely high prices for firewood in he past. The wood will be cut in such i manner as to clear off the land for future logging purposes. Mr. Hnfer states that his company will be able to haillo any contract for fuel no mutter what tbo size. large woodyard is to be established ilong the route of the Paeifio & Ensr "rn near the city utirl from this as a supply point tbo entire valley will be furnished with fuel. With several hundred men at work n the woods adjacent to Ilutto Falls during the summer months the pay roll will mean considerable to this itv. -IRRIGATION- . Means More and Better Fruit $600 has been taken off an acre of strawberries -YOU CAN DO THE SAME-- Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Managor. Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank Bldg -Irrigated Orchard Tracts- At the end of five years your Orchard has cost you $400.00 per acre -CAN YOU DO BETTER- ROGUELANDS INC. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDFORD A MILLION STRONG o GO O REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP First National Bank at Medford, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, March 7, 1911. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 473,233.92 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 2,323.93 V. S. bonds to secure circulation 100,000.00 U. S. bonds to secure U. S. dospits .1,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 7,537.50 Bonds, securities, etc 181,573.52 Banking bouse, furniture and fixtures 22,050.00 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) 1 ,799.89 Due from approved reserve agents 130,871.04 fhecks and other cash items 15,581.35 Notes of other national banks 8,255.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 208.07 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie 02,523.35 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per pent of circulation) : 5,000.00 Total $1 LIABILITIES. Oapittd stock paid in $ Surplus fund '. Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding Due to state and private banks and bankers.... Due to trust companies and savings banks Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit lime eertitieates ot deposit Cashier's checks eutstanding: United States deposits Reserved for taxes ,012,558.17 100,000.00 30,000.00 10,9S0.28 99,997.50 9,743.27 85.81 30.00 057,401.70 31,630.82 01,932.73 750.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 Total $1,012,558.17 State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss: I, AI. L. Alford, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. M. L. ALFOKD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of lareh, 19.11. J. W. BERKIAN, Notary Public. Correct Attest: AVM. S. CROWELL, R K. DKLMSL, CI IAS. STRANG, Directors. it r-r- GO W -? Hussey's ., ALWAYS RELIABLE W'