PAGE MVT3 This Paper Is the Great Exchange Medium of the Rogiie Valley : ' . MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1911. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FO. RSALE Hotel, and. business house and livery barn; one of the best paying hotels in southern Or egon. Q. W. Owings, Eagle Point, Oregon. tf IIIGIICROFT residence sites are des tined to double and treble m value. tf FOR SALE A nice business .open pig for right party with small enpi till. Address Ohio. 303 LOST. LOST Nash hotel lavotary, gold watch and hair chain. Liberal re ward offered. .Phone Home 135-L 304 LOST A red collie dog with white markings, answers to nnmo of David. Howard if returned to W. H. Brooke, care Bear Creek orchards. 304 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE J-'Olt SALE OR ' EXCHANGE Will take good automobile1 as firnt )ay inunt on 10 or 20 acre orchard tract balance long time at (i per cent. Address box 312, Medford, Oregon. 304 FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE For city property in Medford or near by towns a 10 and 20 acre orchard tracts, half mile from good town and railroad. Address box 470, Med ford. 304 FOIfSALE OR EXCHANGE Thum hie pain wagon. 31. for lighter wagon. Address P. 0. Box 03G Med ford. Oregon. 304 FOR, SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-cylinder touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mnil Trihnnp nffico if THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms Suites with private bath Rooms include large closets and sleeping porches. Also hot rnd cold water in connection. Breakfast served, if desired. Reception rooms for guests. Gentlemen only. 706 S. Oakdalc Ave. MEDFPRJ), ORE. . , EXCHANGE 20 acres fine fruit land all cleared, ecloso to town and railroad. Prjee $2500, lake Medford properly, will assume. Equity in 10 acres Griffin Creek for team. Profitable and long established busi ness. Price $5500, for Medfoid property. 7 room new modern house, close in. take $1500 cash and balance in city lots. Seattle aparimcnt, finely locnted, in coino $575, monthly, for good ranch. City Property Furniture and lease of 11 room house on paving, $000. (J worn modern bungalow, new, com pletely furnished, $3000, terms. 7 room house, modern, new, bath, pantry, cement fuudtttimi and walk, fire place, built in buffet, excellent location, tho best value- in Medford nt the price $3500, good terms. Lots on West Second with sewer and water, 50x120, $425, easy terms. Comer lot on West Hamilton, $575. Westmoreland lots if taken now, $275. 4 room house, lot 00x100, $950, good torms. Three-room house and 3 lots, each 00x125, .$18800, terms. Six-room bungalow on pnv:,ig, close in, new, $1000; good terms. 5 room bungalow, close to pnviii'r $1300, easy terms. Fine lot, on N. Cent ml, trade foi anything. West Walnut Park lota, $S75-350; $25 down, $10 iiio.itli, 'J per cent 5 rooms, bath, pnnt'-y, near tchool $1750; terms. RANCHES 120 neros, fine fruit land, fonced woven wiro, level, clay sub soil ample depth, 20 acres cleared, 3'. miles to railroad, soil part, fine building site, $50 per nero. 310 acres black granite -oii , 3 nilios to station; 70 ncr? eleaied; $S5 per acre. Tract of bearing orchard finoly sit uated, $1000 por acre; good s toady income, not ajimspjjct. WANTED City and ranch property to list. ranch liand. OirU for general housework, fl Man and wife on ranch. 2 Primers. L F. L Room 206. Pllipps BuIldlnOj ras FOR SALE OR RENT. Business Property FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general merchandise store in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 200 W Main tf. FOR SALE OR RENT Small traots of land. Inquire M. M. Maine, 410 N. Ivy or Main phone 742. 305 FOR EXCHANGE. Ileal Estate FOR EXCHANGE- Colorado and Nebraska farm lands to exchange for Rogue River properties. The Best Fuller Realty company, Grants Push, Oregon. 303 FOR EXCHANGE Medford and juburban property, rnnchos, timbor lands, for othor property. Address Box 109, euro Mnil Tribune. - tf FOR RENT. Board and Rooms BOOM AND. BOARD With Mrs. J. D. Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. 310 North Bartlett. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOM Meals served family style. 90(5 E Main street. 307 BOARD for women and child. Or chard lands preferred. Main 4301 304 Furnished Rooms FOR BENT Furnished sleeping room for gentleman; 14G South Ivy street. 304 FOR RENT Modern furnished room No. 20 Ross Court. 304 FOR RENT Furnsned sleeping room; everything new and clean; reasonable price: easy walK from Main st. Only men need apply. Olcson and W. Hamilton Bts. Phone Main 4474. tf FOR RENT At tho Cottage, mod ern furnished rooms with of with out board. Rooms equipped with private telephone sorvice, hot and cold running water, sleeping por dies, bath nccomadations and heat if desired. G04 West 10 st. Phone crill private exchange 141. tf. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients only. No. 10 N. Grapo st., next to Fanners & Fruitgrow ors' bank. tf FORBENT Nicclv furnished room reasonable price. 129 South Ivy street. " 300 FOR RENT Elegant furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wnter, baths, electric lights, newly furnished, singlo rooms or en suite, 1)3' tho day, week or month. Inquire room 103 Eleetrio building. 218 West Main street. tf. Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms one and two in suites. 711 N. Con trol avo. 305 J louses FOR RENT 4 room house, $8, also 3 room house, $5. Inquiro 33 West Sixth street. 304 FOR RENT 5-room modern house. Call CO N. Orange st. tf FOR KENT Good (! room house, $15 Humphrey, room 3, Adkius block 300 RunIucsh Rooms FOR RENT Business! room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitablo for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray RpoHv Co.. 210 W. Mnin st tf Farms FOR RENT Farms from 40 acros to 400 acros, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general fanning ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 West Mnin. tf Offices for Rent. FOR RENT Ovor tho postoffice with heat and light. Sen A. A. Dims. tf. FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, eleetrio light, baths, toilet, hor and cold water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W.Jtfain sttf .Miscellaneous FOB RENT Storage on the track at reasonable rates. E. M. MeKenny room 1, Stewart building. tf. FOB RENT Acre of garden with all kinds of fruit, barn and large chick en park. Call 00 North Orange street. tf. FOB RENT Good bam and lot. Call 510 S. Contra! uve. 304 FOB BENT Garden land in tracts of from one nero upwards, with wa ter for irrigation. Owner will fur nish tonm and implements for cul- ""tivating and seed for share of orop or will rent for cash or share of orop. Inquire of Baffum, Rogue Rivor Electric Co., 210 West Main stroot. tf. FOR SALE Iluslness Property FOR SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; easv tenns. Addrcbd Condor Wo- ter Power Co. FOR SALE. Acreage FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargaitl, on 5 annual pay irients. Address Condor Wntei Power Co. FOR SALE 1G acre tract, close io depot, school and church. Good nine roomed 'house, barn, large packing house; fine, sightly locn tion; 0 acres in bearing pears, 5 ncrcs in young grapes, 2 acres fain ily orchard, bearing, small patch al falfa. Excellent buy, either for a home, investment or speculation. See J. W. Gillette, owner, Second house north of Jacksonville depot tf. FIVE AND TEN ACBE TRACTS Arc now on sale in the Pierce Sub division, near the city, nice buildiiuj sites, under irrigation. Inquiro o1 any regular dealer or of owner, nt 923 East Main street. 303 FOR SALE 5 acres of land op countv road. J mile lrom lainous Hillcre8t Orchard, also family honte harness, and top buggy practically new. A. II. Koehler, llillcrest Or chard. 307 Lota HIGHCBOFT residence sites hnvo the most supqrb view of the city, val lcy and mountains. tf FOR SALE Nice high lot on West Ninth, nexiv. to pavement, $500, terms'. Inquiro 1035 West Ninth Telephone 0282 Main. v02 FOR SALE Let us lake you out o Siskiyou Heights and show you lots that have some sjize to them, are uj high where you can see the Valley, where you are in a restricted dis trict, and if wo can't give you . closer price on them than you have ever had made before wo won't say another word. Cornitius Gnrnor Garner Realty Co., 133 West Main street. AL FOR SALE A bargain for a short time, 100 feet on pavement and sidetrack, adjoins Medford Grocery house, best location for wholesale house; closest trnckago to bo had See owner, Humphrey, room 3, Ad- kins blook. 305 FOR SALE Speaking of good lots that are cheap, lot us show you a lot in the Westmoreland addition, 50x128, south front, for $275. This spring this property will bo a half block from a paved street. Conic tius-Gnrnor Realty Co., 133 W. Mam st. tf FOR SALE Lot corner North Cen tral and Court streets, 50x215. Good location for grocery or meat mar ket. Priced low for quick sale. W. T. York & Co. If FOUR EAST FRONT LOTS In Rose Park Addition for $300 each on the monthly payment plan. A good chance for a small speculation Tumy 201 Gurnet t-Coroy baildi'ig. .JOO" Til It KB LOTS mi Fourteenth Mrcet between Newtown and King for $375 each on simple terms. Tiiinv, 201 Gametl-Corey building. 3t Ilouses FOR SALE House close in, No. 31 S. Orange, $2100. John Henderson Box 334. 312 FOR SALE Free; a now 2-story house and lot to the purchaser of four lots joining this properly at their market value. Enquire at thr Saoy Barber Shop, 10 N. Front stroot. tf IIIGIICROFT rosidenco sites are des tined to doublo and treble ;n value. tf FOR SALE Three-room house large lot or will build to suit purchnsei" pay liko rent. O. M. Rose, 902 TJ 9th. Box 522, Medford. Phone Main 5002. 315 FOB SALE A 3 room rr.ripio.l house with a largo sleeping porch on an east front lot, just ten minutes walk from this office for $1500 -n easy terms. Tumy, 201 Harnett Corev building. 3(1" FOB SALE-$1700 biii a 1 room furnished house on nn east front lot on a paved street, close in. $350 puts you in possession of this Ihum which i now rented for $20 per mouth. Come early. Tumy, 201 Gar-nett-Corey building. . I Oft FOR SALE New four room Bunga low on went Eleventh street, large Iot cheap, $1000; terms. Cornitius Garner Benlty Co., 133 West Main street, 304 FOR SALE--Almost now bonne and barn, uico lot, sewer and water In. This is a dose in and very desirable property and will bo sold in the next few day. With or without furniture. Seo owner 529 South Grapo street. 305 FOR SALE Now 5 room Bungalow cheap, call at 218 Neatly stroot. 304 FOR SALE Strictly modern 8 room buulnlnw. Very reasonable. Phono 3151. 307 ' FOR SALE Houses FOR SALE I have a good little business and need a partner; $500 buys one half interest. Address K. L. T. 303 FOR SALE Wo have a six room house on South Newtown street, be tween West Main and West Tenth street, that is plastered, has city water and sewer at the ridiculous price of $1800.00. Now Mr. Buyer stop and consider this location, and then come up and let us tell you what good terms you can get on it. Cor Bealty Co., 133 West Main street 300 Real Kstato SEE OUR' LIST OF PROPERTY Offico in Gnrnett-Corcy Building, Boom 217, Second Floor. Take tle elevator. Five and 10-acre tracts on monthly payments for those earning salaries. Bearing orchards, young orchards, alfalfa land, lnrge and small tracts of unimproved lands on easy tenns. City property. Lots in all parts of tho city. Some good buys in bungalows that are modern and reasonable. A good buy in a good pnying furnished rooming house. A snap 0-rooin house, with lnrgo lot, $2100. Have a good buy in n stock ranch. Wo are always pleased to show customers. Courteous treatment to all is our motto. Make yourself at homo in our offico. Jackson County Realty Co., II. M. Coss, Mannger, Garnett Coroy Bldg., Medford, Or. IIIGIICROFT resident sites aro of fered at present prico for a short timo only. tf FOR SALE fi to 50 acres adjoining city, Grants Pass, address Box 553. "315 FOR SALE 100 ncres land, 20 ncrcs improved; goo',1 building, heavy tim ber 25 acres. J. E. Day, Woodville Or. 304 FOR SALE 50, aero fann on the county road south of Medford, idoal for chicken, fruit or truck farming only $240 por acre. This is a part of a well known estate and has never been on mnrkot before. Close to splendid school Address E. L Taylor, 521 Hamilton street west Phono 2455. , 307 Seeds and Trees. FOR SALE Peaoh trees, 4 to 0 feet, $10 por 100; Royal Ann chorry, 4 to 0 feet, $12 per 100. Donald Nur scry Co., Donald, Or. 303 FOR SALE Corn. Inquiro Dr. Clanoy offico, Phipps Bldg., or phono Main 501. tf. FOB SALE Choice rhubarb roots ten cents each, phono Farmer 711x3 after six p. in. 305 FOit SALE Strawberry and Black berry plants. C. E. Kirk, Box 285. 314 Poultry mid Kggs. FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn eggs for hatching from puro bred Whito Leghorn hens which have been selected and bred to standard cockerels for the past nino years. Greatest layers winter nnd summer. No birds for sale; $1.50 por setting of 15; $4 for 50; $7 por 100. John F. Miller, Jack sonville. Or. 313 FOR SALE- S. C. Wh. Leghorns and White Orpingtons. Send us your or der nOw for baby chicks or hatch "K ejws for April and May deliv ery. Have already booked orders for all our March chicko and eggs. Our breeders aro all trapnested. Can give pedigree of each egg. Unquestionably tho earliest and best layers in tho county. "Better birds, more eggs." Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville. Or. tf FOR SALM-Rhode Island red eggs $1 por setting of 15 eggs. C. R. La mar. 210 Court st. 300 FOR SALE- -Eggs for hatching, $1 for 15, $5 por 100; Brown Log horns, fino layors, day-old chicks 12ac each; $10 per 100. I. A. Arm strong, Box 138, Medford. Or. 308' FOR SALE Barred Rocks from sel ected laying stock, eggs $1 per 15. V. Bui-sell, Central Point, Ore. Phono Medford Fanners 7180. 310 Miscellaneous FOR SALE 4000 bricks, apply iM rear of 118 West Fourth strcot 30.3 FOB SALE- Cheap 1-800 pound mule 4 years old or will trade fn- young 1300 to 1400 pound horse inul pay difference. Boom 10 P. O. Iinildiiiv if FOB SALE Victor phonograph with mahogany intisio stand and 50 first class records, like new, $75. 503 South Ortkdnhs 30 1 FOB SALIC Ten hives of boos. Write .las. Stewart or luquiio corner Ninth and Hamilton street. Medford. 303 FOB SALE-Family horse, lianioss and top buggy, practically now, ai so 5 acres on county road, 1-4 mile from famous Hillorout Ou-hard. A II. Koehler, Hillorubt Orchard. Q07 I FOR SALE. Miscellaneous FOB SALE First class Underwood typewriter for sale. Address Box 8, care Mail Tribuno office. 303 FOR SALE I library table 21x30; 1 squnro center tnblo; 1 sowing chair; 2 glass doors; also two screens cheap; cnll morning nt 20 Laurel street or phono 3S01. 303 FOR SALE Four year old light driving, horse, sound and gentle nearly new buggy and harness cheap. Also Jersey cow fresh. Ap ply to L. P. Hubbard, corner of Benll Lane and Upper Jacksonville road. 303 FOR SALE Soven double windoAvs, size 24x34. Address R. F. D. Box 23, Medford. 303 FOB SALE Lumber, shingles and shavings; mill work. Schunnan & Lawronco, Farmers' phono 7150, Phoenix, Or. 304 ' FOR SALE Good milch cow. Ad dress P. O. Box 732. tf FOR SALE A bargain in automo biles. As good as now. Owner pur chased larger machine. Crater Lake Garago, Riverside avenue botwoen Mnin nnd Eighth streets. tf. FOB SALE 4000 bricks, npply at 518 West Jackson street. 303 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Mnlo WANTED Salesmen in every local ity of tho northwest; monoy ad vanced weekly; many mnko ovor $1000 month; ohoico of territory. Yakima Vnlloy NurBery Co., Top ponish, Wash. WANTED Two good canvassers, snap for right parties. .Apply be tween 7 and 8 o'clock evenings, 203 N. Grape. 303 Help Wanted Fotualo. WANTED Girl for general house work. Wugos $1 per day. Inquire Buffiun, Bogue Bivor Electric Co., 210 W. Main st. tf WANTED At once, a middle aged woman to work outside of city principally cooking; steady work for right pnrtfV. Call or address K. F. Raymond, 733 W. 11th st. city. tf WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED Small second hand safe at right prico. Address P. 0. Box 434. , 304 WANTED Singlo horse, 2 hand farm wagon. Address R. F. D. Box 23, Medford. 303 WANTED Clean rags at Mail Trih lino offico. WANTED To set and take charge of young orchard; hnvo tho oxpori enco in pruning or cultivating, and nm an eastern single man. Address J. M. Steelo, Gon'l Del., Medford, Or. 304 WANTED TO BUY Second bund cook stove, dresser nnd a few chairs, must bo reasonable. Ad dress J. J. K. care Mail Tribune. WANTED TO BUY-Good little driv ing horse, also buggy and htmics; must bo reasonable. Address box 79 care Mail Tribuno oi'fio. tf WANTED Bcliable party to rent and manage a first class dining room. Call at room 217 GarnuM Corcy bldg. tf WANTED Cattle to pasture Aptil 1st, 2 miles southwest, $1.75 per month. For sale 0 bushels seed corn, yellow dent, $2.00 per bushel, corn to feed 85 cetitH per bushel; 500 pounds barbed wiro rolled up 3 cents per pound, rails fir $3,00 per hundred. Good mower and rnke, $45.00. E. E. Morrison, B. F D. No. 1, Box 47. 308 "SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Position as bookkeeper and stenographer, A-l reference Phono Farmers 715.X.7. Address P-l caro Mail Tribune office. 308 WANTED - Plain sewing, house dresses, underwear, alterations made. No. 515 West Eleventh street. 301 WANTED Portion as stationary, traction or donkey engineer. Phone 5101. 311 WANTED Position ns maniiacr by an allrnund oiillry man and or-' chardist, experience in all branches of poultry raising and horticulture; willing, to raisi) poultry on share, percentage or in lieu of caring for property. Address Box 17 this offi co. 300 MISCELLANEOUS HIGHCBOFT residencn sitec will be known as tho real "Nob Hill" of Mudford. tf FREE DIBT-For the hauling. S'o "Shortio" Garuott at Garnett-Corey Hardwuru Co. tf FOR SALE HIGHCBOFT rcsidonce sites hnve delighted everyono who hns seon the property. tf j BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kopt for a ronsonnblo figure, your business solicited. Offico Phipps bldg., room 209. Phono 3122. Assnyor and Analyse EARL V. 1NOELS, B. S. Best equipped assay offico in Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, water, etc., an alyzed. Grants Pass. Architects JOHNS & TURNER, Architects nnd Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Rcsidonce phone 744. A. P. GOODWIN, Archiliot, office 340, corner Front and Third. Attorneys COLVIG & REAMER W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyors. Of fico Medford National Bank build ing, Booond floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM, P. MEA LEY Attonioys-nt-law. Nos. 1 and 2, Pos'toffico building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett Corey bldg. WITH1NGTON & KELLY Lawyors. Palm building. B. F. MULKEY- Lawyer. Room 30. Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Rllllard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spond tho hot after noons. 11111 rosters VERNE T. CANON BUI poBtoranc Distributor. All ordora promptly fillod. Room 29, Jackson Count Bank building, Medford, Or. Cigars and Tobacco IRELAND & ANTLft, SmokohoiiBO Doalors in tobacco, cigara nnd smoroks' supplies. Exclusive ngouts of Lewis Single Binder, El Meritt and El Palencia. 212 West Mam stroot. Contractors and HiiIIiIci-n. CONTBACTINO AND B'JiloLNG W. J. Kaufman of O'ltitim, Ohio, i now located at 123 South HoMv and desires to give any ono an " tininlo on buildings of nr.y size o description; 25 years oxporioiUM in this lino of work. Lowest price? consistent with good wirk. See me boforo lotting your iouti-act or call phono Main 1801. 320 Mcdonald & lovbelace, Con- traetors and builders. Estimntos furnished on short notice Phone 3032. 330 Furulturo H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in now nnd Bwoond-haud furniture and hardware Agents for House hold Btovos nnd rnugos. 10 Snutl. Fir Btroet. Phono Main 3101. Home 205-L. MISSION FURNITURK WORKS Corner 8th and Holly drools, Mod ford. Mission furniture mado ti order. Cabinet work of all kinds A trial ordor solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstovo and ranges. Now and socond-hanc furniture Ends' old stand, 18 W F st., South. Phono 91. Home 283-K. Medford. flraultu Works GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W Main st., manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumontnl nnd buildiu granite, crushed granite common brick and pressed brick, coarao and fine wn shnd river "and. MEDFOBD BRICK CO. Goo. W Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors nnd manu facturers of brisk; dealers in pressed brick nnd lime. Office in Qnrnott-Corov blook. room 209. 2d floor, Phone No. .1181. House Cleaners, JAMES JOHNSON Electric, Vac uum Cleaner. Cloana draperies, rugs, pianos, organs, oto. tAll work guaranteed. 91 L S. Contnil. Phono Main 5751. 320 Notary 1'ulillc NOTARY PUBLIC Room 207 Phipps bldg, HELEN N. YOCKEV, Notary Public Bring your work to mo at tho sign of the Mail Tribune. tf Tents and Awnings MEDFOBD TENT AND AWNING Co., makers of now, repuirors oJ ' old, Both phones 405, S. Oakdale BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flowers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Mnin. Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. Wo aro not in tho trust. II. B. Pnttoreon, offico removed to 110 E. Main st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers of nigh grado nursery stock. Offico 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201 Physicians nnd Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, M. D., Physician and Surgoon. Special attention given to internal medicino nnd gen eral offico practice Offico hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Offico phono 731, residence phono 4542. Offico over Strang's dru store. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nnd Surgoon. Offico 210 E. Mnin st., ovor nap kins' drug store Phono Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phy Bicians nnd Burgeons, Taylor an& Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, rcsidonco phone 012. Offico hours 9 a. r.i. to 8 p, m. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osloonathie physicinns. Moved to RoomB 410 nnd 4J7, Garnott-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 0351. DR. E. II. PORTER DisoMos of women n specialty. Rooms 6, 6 7 8. St. Mark'o bldg., Medford, Ot Phenes: Office 4901, residonoi 4951. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the oye, ear, noso nnd throat. Offico Suite 318, Garnott-Coroy bldg. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE, Dontist Offico in Rinlto bMg., 123 E. JVinin. Has administered for ox traction of teeth. Telephone Mam 081. Night phono 4432. DR. W. W. WICK Homooplthit physician; rcsidonce 203 Olson st., phono Mnin 4474; offico, rooms 3 nnd 4 St. Mnrk's block, phono Mnin 1871. DR. STEARNS Physician nud sur geon. Offico Garnett-Coroy blilg. rooms 211-212, phono 1092. Red denco 113 Laurel at., phono 2092. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD -Prnctico'limitod to diseases of wo mon. Offico Basking bldg. Phone Mnin 1001. ' Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoo. Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoo. Doutists. aarnolt-Corey bldg., suite 318, Med- ford. Or. Both Phones. DR. R. E. GREEN, oyo, oar, nose and throat. RoomB 212-213 Gar-nnott-Corey bldg. DR. E. E. KOCH, Chiropractio dem onstrator of Psychology. Ease for all disease No drugs. No knives. Phono 0701, or call at 300-307 Garnett-Coroy blk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 0, and 7 to 8; by appointment on Sundays. CHOW YOUNG'S Chinoso medioinos will euro rhoiimntism, catarrh, colds, goiters, throat and lung trouble, doafnoss, paralysis, pri valo discasos and all kinds of chronio and nervous ailments. Stom ach trouble, constipation, indiges tion, womb and bladder trouble. Seo mo nt 241 S. Front st., Mod ford, Or. DR. LEHOY M. GORDON Chi ro praotio spinologist; ovor Medford Hnrdwaro Co., 210 E. Main st.. Medford, Or. DB. J. J, EMMENS Practice limit ed to di. easos of the oyo, oar, nose and throat. Offices 210 E. Main st. Piano and Voire. MBS. J. J. 1IAUBI, piano and voice. 211 Stark stroot. Phono 5232. 322. Printers nud Publishers MEDFOBD PRINTING CO., has tho host equipped job offico ia South ern Orogon; Book binding; loose loaf Bystcms; cut papor, etc, etc., Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Stenographers BLLA M. GUANYAW Paha Block. Stenoxr&phio work dona quickly and well. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, 402 Garuott-Corey Bldg., Medford, Or. MiBs L. J. Hingston. Telophono Home 95, Tin Shops J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and aheot iron wnre on hand and made to order, 128 North G st. Road- Signs. VALLEY SIGN ADVERTISING CO.'S "SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phono 802. 18 Riverside Avo. tsjt ItfAlfe