PAGE FOUR MED3?OKP MATL TttTB'UNlS, MIODFOttD, ORKCION, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1911. ' ! Medford Mail Tribune AN 1NDKPENDRKT NEWSPAPER PUHUBHKD DAILY EXCEPT HATUR- DAY HV TUB MBIJKORU PRINTING CO. Tlio Democratic Times, Tlio Medford Mnll, Tlio Alodford Tribune, Tim Houtli rrn OroKonlnn, The Ashland Tribune OEORClfi PUTNAM. Editor nnil Manager Entered un Hccond-clasa mitttur No vi-mbor 1, 1900, at tlio pontofflco nt jwearoru, urucon, unaor tne rci or Mnrcli 3, 1879. CAN ISSUE BONDS FOR ROADS. Official Paper of thn City of Medford. SUBSCMPTIOH XATEN. One ynir, by mall 5.00 One month ty innll CO Pur inontli, delivered by carrier In Medfcrd, .litcliKoavllIo nnd Cen tral Point 60 Bunday only, by mall, por year.... 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.50 rull Xionsea Wlio United Preia Slipatchcs. Tho Mall Trlbuno In on Bale nt tlio Kerry News Htand, Kan Krancloco. Portland lloto Newo Stand, Portland. Uowrnan Nows Co., Portland, Or. W. O, Whitney, Seattle, Wnnh. Ilotol Spolcano News Htond, Hpoknno. couraoBoiiD LAW IS EFFECTIVE Attorney General Decides No Lcujs Intivc Enniitinn Act Is Required If Sustained It Will Mean Much to , Counties. ACCORDING o an opinion rendered by Attorney Gen- ernl Crawford, nn enabling act in not necessary to permit comities to issue bonds for road building purposes. Prominent attorneys of Medford take tbe same view, and the supreme court will be asked to pass upon the question. Last November, the people, by a majority of 18,000, adopted an amendment to the state constitution permitting counties to contract indebtedness for permanent roads, and this amendment, it is asserted, gives the counties au thority necessary without a special enabling act. The amendment reads as follews: "Section 10, article XI No county shall create any debts or liabilities which shall singly oV in the nirirroiratc exceed (he sum of 0000, except to suppress insurrection or repel invasion, or to build permanent roads within the county, but debts for permanent roads shall be incurred only on approval of a majority of those voting on the ques tion." The proposed enabling act was butchered in the legis lature and vetoed by the governor because of its weak ness. .But if such an act is not Jiecessary, the situation is much simplified. Hood River county will proceed to issue bonds for road building purposes and test the matter in the courts. Jack son county should do the same, and not waste any more time about it, either. The county court should act at once and call an election for the purpose of voting upon the bonds. Last year, Jackson county spent $103,000 upon road struction. This is six per cent upon $1,700,000. Ln er words, the county could have spent this latter amount through the sale of bonds, and the cash expendi ture for interest been no larger the laxes no higher. GRADERS Will BE HERE W WEEK Not Beinfj Loaded In Sacramento Work Will Probably Start Here by First of Next Week Big Seasons Work Ahead. Where to Go Tonight con othei Uoforc the cud of this week the KnuHiiK machinery, for the Clu'kc Ilenery construction company will be in Medford and next Monday will in all probability fcoo the resumption of work on the pnviiig of this city'fc streets. The grading outfits nre be iii" loaded in Sacramento and will soon be here. Tbe Htreets of the city are now in u condition which permits of their being graded. According to a resolution ndopt'm by the city council nt a recent meet ing the work will start on Juckbon iiouievuni ana men win jump 10 o'.n er streets as rapidly as possible The men who spread the "hot stuff" will follow closely. The Clnrke-I lottery peopio expect to no more tins your limn last as they get an earlier start and have all the work it is possible for them to do. U-60 CO AND 10c DOOltS Ol'KX 7:00 1. M. ji 'i :: :: :: ; !J ItKKLS MOVING I'lCTUIUlS II j !; Latest and Best. 5 V ffltltww. Un. .....l 13...I .!.. ...on S .... .....i. kji.i .inn fcJIUIWUJ' MiOU : 5c nnil IOC. TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE. Entire Change. ,1 If sustained by the county courl, an opinion roudored this week by Attor ney General Crawford .will hac grcal effect in the road building plans of Jl r . .... uio uregon counties, u tlio inRt gT. is fit I election u good road nireiid int'iit to the slalo constitution was adopted by a large majority. H was always understood that thi amend ment simply iudoblednoHs for road making, but (hat (ho logMulti'o would Jill vo (o pn.H an enabling act rpeoh- ing (ho ways in which bonds sjiould be innuuii uuioro 1110 lUIU'-WlllfUl oouni becomo operalivo. In answer lo a request from County Judge George 1). Culberlson of Hood lllver, the at torney general held thai coi.nlies aie 'empowered to bond themselves for road purposes without the express authority of the enabling act such as was adopted by the legislature and vetoed by (ho governor because of its weakness. Acting upon this authority, it is an nounced thai the people of Hood Hivor county will proceed lo isuc bond for road buildim?. ami lluil oilier counties of (he stale, pailieu Jurly coualioH In the Willamelio val'ey and along (ho coast, will follow the load. The attorney gPiiornPs opinion menus (hat the peopio provided Ihem selves with a road making plan at the la election which the logWntme oould not undo by rsuiiliiting and butchering the highway In'lh submit -lod (o il. The highway hills will of coin-no not bo paued over (ho .oi llor'a velo ai Iho no sp-inu of llir JOKUtluIur beans other luu'iwii,- nieis tiros will (hen be prip i-.u I, nnd Ik -Uttuao the vetoed act have only a fow fiietuls. iV i-mihI iuMmmiI Crawford miyn gi'xs fnin'ies author iiliioiidliieiil wbieh Atlnrnoy leier..l i(y to ItfHiio roud inaliiug homls read ua follews: "Suction 10, ailiele XI No countv almll ornate any debt or liabilities wIiIpIi mIihII Kingly or hi the aggregate oxewjd he Kiiui of Vil)()l), o.vepl to Hippie iiiKiueeljon or repel invas ion, or lo build puruiHiiont muds with in I tin county, but dehU for pennn iiunl roads mIniIJ be incurred only on approval of a majority of IIioho vol injc on th question." Should the amendment bo prove.l wlf-npurmiv, tbe Oreuott Gooi' Jtuiitla tiMOfintioit will likely oncrgi iia plmi to reoijraiiige (he good nn ! moviMMont in Oivgou by instil tiling a highway campaign in each eoui.ty Ono of the plana projected is to mii ploy a piwcliPMl road builder ln will ho able to demonstrate for tie benofil of the pmtplo wiiuliiig the a ! vice, bow roadn mn be Meietitiliiall Imill. TRUSTS ABUSE OPPORTUNITY. npllIO bitterness against trusts is due in no small degree to the abuse of opportunity by the trusts. The competitive system entails a waste of energy which combination eliminates. The cost of production and of marketing is materially diminished by consolidation. Tlio trust is an economic necessity in the evolution of civilization. Carried to its logical conclusion, the trust means event ually the abolition of the middleman the go-between who produces nothing, but preys upon both producer and con sumer, Vet, in spite of the" saving to the producer made pos sible in this era of trusts, the cost to the consumer has .steadily increased. The trust, instead of being utilized to lessen the cost to the consumer, has been used solely to increase the cost to him, used merely as an instrument to secure swollen profits upon inflated securities. The Irust has had the advantage of improved equip ment, of revolutionary processes, of new discoveries. Yet each in turn, though cheapening the actual cost, has been used but as a jimmy to hold up still further the producer. Had the trust given the public the benefit of decreased cost of production, instead of pocketing it as profit, there would not now be the agitation against the trust that ren ders it a questionable investment. If the profit of monopoly was shared with the public, the people would not be in arms against it. Neither the oil trust, nor the steel tyust, nor any oilier trust has permitted the public to share in the benefits conferred upon the industrial world by the trust. I low, then, can the trust expect a favorable verdict from the court of last resort, the people I TO CUIIH A COLD IN ONE DAF Tftko LAXATIVE OROMO Qulnlno Tnblots. bnigglrts refund money If It falln to euro. E. W. GROVE'S sig nature b on each box, 25c, j Medford'a Exclusive Picture Tbo-; ator. Latest Licensed Photo- One Dime.: MEDFORD THEATRE Wednesday, Mar. 15 H. E. PIEECE AND CO., OFFER MR. GUS ARTHUR IN THE MAN ON THE BOX BY. HAROLD McGRATII. THE RECORD BREAKING COMEDY SEAT SALE OPENS MONDAY, MARCH 13. :; ! ; playa. I mOH6 Dime No More 7 NOTICK. Notlco is norooy given that tho un dersigned will npnly to the city coun cil or tbo city of Medford, Or., at Its regular meeting on Mar. 21, 1011, for a license to sell splrltous, vin ous and malt liquors In qunntitlcs less than a gallon nt Its nlnco of bus iness at lots 12 nnd 13, block 20, No. .'17 South Front street, In said city, for a period of six months, tt J. W. SLINOER. THOSE CLERICAL ERRORS. IT IS now stated that (lovernor West may have to call the legislature in special session to repass appropria tion bills on account of errors and omissions made by the senate's clerical force. II would be interesting to know just what was the mat ter with that senate clerical force. Hints and rumors of incompetency have been numerous before and since ad journment. The governor was forced i return many bills, improp erly engrossed or otherwise imperfect, during the ses sion -through the fault of this clerical force. A crisis was reached when the chief clerk of a former session was em ployed at a salary of $2;") a day to supervise the work of the present chief clerk, who also drew a fat salary. Then the chief clerk, after adjournment, resorted to the courts to prevent interference or assistance in writing up the journal. Hills strangely missing, were found in discarded rubbish. (c)ueer things happened in one way or another, and now tha public is informed that roll-calls on important measures have been lost or at least are miss ing. The public should lie informed as to the real situation attempts to conceal it tnl arouse suspicion. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Senlod bids will be recolvod by tho board of directors of School District No. 22, Talent, Oregon, until March 2C. 11)11, 4 o'clock p. m., for the erection nnd completion of public school building, according to plnns and specifications prepared by Charles II. Hurggraf, architect, Al bany .Oregon. All bids must bo nc ronipnnled by n certified check pay able to "School District No. 22, Tal ent, Oregon," for tho sum of $500.00, as it guarantee that tho contractor will furnish nn approval bond equal to CO por rent of the contract within ten days after the awarding of tho cont met. All bids must bo mndo nut on blank proposals for tho same, ninnks furnished upon application by tho clork or architect. IMnns nnd speclfl cations may bo soon nt Tnlent, Oro gon, or at tho architect's offlco. Tho board reserves tho right to re ject any and all bids. Ily order of School Hoard No. 22, Talent, Orogon. J. N. MANNING, Chairman. l W. SHERMAN, Clork. 30G NATATORIUM TONIOIIT WRIMTLlXn MATCH JOE MK.MHIO VB. CARL HUSCII Skating, Rowling, Peel, Illlllnrds, ! Rlflo Shooting. Tub and Shower; Ruths for Indies and gentlemen. Mcrifonl's Amusement Palace. ; I I ' i iii. ; . I J few ' a$iaBBBtt?IIHI( BBBW'iaaMJniwiBm. -WWSmtmSv, UffWKs. J niiiniy v'y (OS 42 -I I i HmaMMBBaa THE ISIS THEATRE SURE CURE I'Oll THE RLUES CERRV AND KERRY THE LAUGH MAKERS j! To sco thorn tumblo Is to laugh, ; I; to hear them sing Is a cream, to !; ; see them bou ovor tho foot lights ', Is to Intigh ns you never did be-;; fore, tho only act of ifts kind ovor; brought to Medford. !; -www "wn,wr'-''Tiar' "NAT" THEATRE VSN' -S-4 '1 '1 'i li '. ; Shows all tho latest and best films. ; jl Chango of program Sunday, Titcs- I day nnd Fridays. Good program FORD 1911 OPEN ROADSTER, $825.00 Fully equipped, f. o. b. Medford Four-cylinder, shaft drive, 100-inch wheel-base, mag neto of course. "Let us show you." Ashland Motor Car Co. II lit Ml LL STREET, ASH LAND, OREGON. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative. Phone 2551. for tonigiit. ADMISSION 10c. Raskins for Health. MEDFORD PE0RLE WHO ARE PORTLAND GUESTS .POKTIiAN'l), Ore.. March J 3. (Special to tlio Mail Tribune.) Southern Oregon people registered at Portland liotoltt during the weuk a ifuljews: From Modronl Dr. II II. Pick-!, Mr. nnd .Mr. F, 11. Muddcn, Ml lh I'ortluudi V. I. VinvJor, Hr. and Mr... K. II. Swly, .Air. ami Jin.. 1- K. Wako mn, at the Imperiul; Di'lm Cleinaiil, at the Of on; .Mr. and .Mi. L. 11. Willull, at tlio Sowurd. Prom AalilHiul C. O. Ilifki-. at the Kitton, Fituu Ornnta Pnas rr. itud Mr-.. J. K. Vfiilln, nt Uio Imperial. From IU)ubuiy .1. ,&, WJIpy, Mv. ami ATi -. F. 1). auiCully, 1 tlio lut; V h, ItJugur, nt (he pn Mns. J'roin Mar-lifieM lie pi I...1. JVom inain M i I van, nt tin iieuKM'coiirmaEicii ORGANIZED IN CITY IMPROVED IN SOUTH 1 Wo I u v iimiihi luive been IiiiiiikI ill the it and will leeeive their charters in the iuitr tuliiie. The toauiHtert. and chant l'eiu coiiiirit oii0 Hitd the eviuvui wurken. the nee-; und. riifr 1 m)m htune talk of lb" Im,- SN rUAMMSCO. Marih 13 With oloar weather proallliiK In uearl) every bectlon of the atatu, traf fic hna been leiuiUBd on all tlw railroad linen put nut of coin inlMiiou 1- tho flooiU. After being cut off from mu side, eummunlcatlon lendora fomilnft u local uuioi Int M, for ',ro, days. tb Southeru I'aiiflcU. TAIENT Real Estate FOR SALE A flue tract, quarter of a mllo from Talent, 8-room houeo, good barn; 300 trees. I'rlco J4.000; terms given. Uooil hutducHfl oiiporluultlea and lo cations, all paying. A OG-acro tract, Ti-rooni house aud lnrge barn, 3 miles from Talent, partly cleared aud lots of good wood on place; must bo sold boou; will go for $1100, A (SO-noro tract, water to lrrlgnto same; has a fi-rooin bouse and barn to hold 0 head of horses, Im plements to run tho place, and a wagon. This plueo put up 30 tons of hay last year, and no watr was used. Price, $3000, halt down. A 74-acro tract, a i miles from Tal ent, good 8-room house and large barn; 8 acres under ditch aud In al falfa aud garden land; 34 aares un der plow, and troesj 30 ncroa of or chard, of which 5 acres are In bear lug; $10,000, halt cash, balance good tarma and o.iay payments. ' W4 s s WHEN DOWN TOWN DROR IN AT THE W Confectionery ICE OHEAM, SOFT DRNIKS, CONFECTIONERY, LUNCH A light, pleasant room, open from S a. in. to midnight. L. M. GRAMES, Proprietor J 4 X vicinity, and wo will got It, too, If you but NOW Is the time lo have your ground laid out. Wo bavo the experience and the knowledge lis to bow they hhonld bo laid out to the best advantage. We have also a fino lino of ornamental hhrubs, shado trees and two year old roses which will bloom this year. Prices for atunu can be bad nt the store, corner Sixth and Central. Phono MM. Greenhouse and nursery near city reservoir. Phone 5181. J. T. UROADLEY (EL CO. Florists and Landscape Gardeners. aud P. Landscape 0. Wax 621. Remember we are experienced in all lines of florist aud landscape work. After the Business of All Wo are not asking simply for tho custom of the readers of ono paper, but for a sharo of tho trado of every person In Medford and Give Us a Trial Call and sen our now fltnro--and you will bo surprised at tho completeness of our stocks nnd tho neatness of our displays. Allen Grocery Co. f x X t PHONE .MAIN U7I 1 HO.ME iJ71. V SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. Canton Restaurant .Meals fiei-vitl nt nil Hours, flood Cooking, flood Service, Rea.son. able Prices -:- .;. .;. ... Sam Lock, Prop. I'pstnlo on South Front Street. GET THE HABIT Of calling us If you bavo any olectrlo work of any klud. We can fix you up ln the best posslblo stylo. It Is a Good Habit and Will Cost You Nothing Electric Construction Co. PHONE MAIN 0501 -0 WEST MAIN STREET L.r,, Nothing Just as Good as the REXALL Remedies EAGLE PHARMACY, 109 East Main St. Phenes: Home G3; Pno. 232 WEST SIDE PHARMAC. 20G West Main Street Phenes: Home 43; Pac, 4041 far uo action Un been taken. NOTICU. To lh master plumber, toutractora aud bNtldors of Mdford aud vicloli) . . tlmt n and after prll tha flrat. tha minimum m ,ile '. w,u:. s tor J our Hay-i A .7 Mendel .) " r" l,,,,,,,, rw ' ' J 'c.imf itteu tha 11 1 I iiuratiuK trains uut of Santa Cm, A itMlay. TUh brldtio over Nllw Canyon erHk, damaatHl b floods, Ua ben repaired aud train nre ruunluc on nchiHlule time to Sau Jo. COOK WANTED. 11 1-3 acre tract, lias entirely In city limits; has 0-room plastered house, good barn, well aud power for Irritation of whole traot. Part ly sot to tvea; easy terms. For plenty. or address of other bargains call ) .1 iin'ij.l. ' pn" l.lfin : c I .OI ll 1 ll"tl l It l.iMiii-r. i 1 P i HtMTelnr .lH Cook for men oh ranch. Hollywood t)nbsid. plume Parmer TiUi 1 al no, hi , . I .1 ,. ,, ,f G. A. Gardner TM I AT, ORKHON, ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Thos. Bartholomew, Pli. C, General Mgr. Hie Roxall Store3 Medford, Ore. Steam and Hoi Water Heating' Tf you want to bo i-uinfortahlo, heat your homo with Hot Water. It posts you nothing to 'talk with Ponting' & Renz tlio only straight Heating shop in Arodford. 37 SOUTH CENTRAL. iff 3 s- V i 4 f r