MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, arEDEORD, OREGON", MONDAY, MAR On 13, 1911. PAGE THREE DEMAND FOR APPLES GOOD Ben Davis Bring $1.60 a Box f. o. I). Orchard Gano Bring $1.75 New town Seconds Brings $1.40 a Box at Ashland. Tho Northwestern Fruit Exchange Isstio the following market bulletin: Portland, Or., March 11. The de mand for apples Is considerably In excess of the Btinnly, and consequent ly prices for good fruit In good con dition are advancing steadily. Since our Inst report wo have made a sale which perhaps represents the highest prices of the entire season for the northwest In tho varieties concerned, being a car from Peshastln, Wash., 080 boxes of extra fancy grade, two thirds Ben Davis, nt $1.G0, and one third Gano, at $1.75 per box f. o. b. Peshastln, to a buyer In Massachu setts. In our Judgment, the market Is about at the highest level for the sea son, with tho exception perhaps of Newtowns, which will probably reach a still higher level next month, for such fruit as holds up in first-class condition. The exchange- wishes to call atten tion to tho following Incident, which serves to Indicate the need for mar keting service such as it Is rendering. Under date of March 0 it has n let ter from the Ashland Fruit and Pro duce association, Ashland, Or., as fol fel fol eows: "There Is a car of second Newtowns here which are sound nnd In good con dltlon. They will average about, 1G3 to the box, some larger and suinu smnllor. Party wants $1 g. o. b. Ash land, Or." This letter was received yesterday, and today we are wiring an order to tho Ashland association for this enr nt $1.10 per box f. o. b., which Is 40c per box more than tho grower asked, or a difference of $240 on a minimum car. Values are based on the law of supply nnd demand, tho operations of which aro not alwnys understood by local shippers whose view point Is necessarily limited. Tho point is thnt no mnn, no mat tor how capable, can hnndlo tho many problems of production and prepara tion for tho market and nt tho same time handle tho marketing end effi ciently. AGED MAN ASKS COURT FOR DIVORCE Seeking to have tho bonds of mat rimony, by which ho was on February 4, 1S71, wedded to Mary E. Stroud, annulled, Franklin Stroud has filed n request In tho circuit court praying for an nbsolute divorce nnd such oth er relief as the court may caro to be stow. They wore married In Iowa, accord ing to the complaint, which also charges Mary K. Stroud, the wife, with having left his roof and enre In December, 18S9, and with having re- j fused to return. ! There aro no children. Tlnsklns for Health. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. :r Mrs. Lizzie Heal of Ashland Is vis iting her many friends hero. Mrs. W. L. Lewis and daughtor, Miss Nettle, were Mcdford visitors Saturday aftornoon. Mrs. Kd Moore, Mrs. Will Scott, Mrs. W. K. Price and Mrs. W, H Furgueson attended the Uobokahs convention nt Medford Saturday. Miss Mlldrod Elliott or Rock Point Is visiting relntlvos and frlonds bore. Mrs. Iluffutn nnd dnughtor, Vir ginia, of Medford, wero visiting friends bore Saturday. ' Rov. Coen of Woodvllle Bpent Sun day In Contral Point. The corresponding secretary of tho Portland Missionary socloty gava a vory interesting talk at the M. E. church Sunday evening. K Harry Tuttlo of Medford addrossod tho Y. M. C A. Sunday aftornoon. Tho Missos Norwood wero Medford visitors Saturday. Glen Owons, W. H. Furguoson, Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Carter spont Sat urday aftornoon In Medford. George Hesselgravo spent Sunday In Phoonlx. William Hammltt vlsltod frlonds nt Ashland Sunday. MU Hoke. Mr. Hoke and Wayne hoover wore Medford visitors. J. C. Cllne made a trip to Raygold j and Tolo Sunday. ' Roglstored at Hotel Dunlap the last of the week were: R. F. Rnglo. San Francisco; W. K. Flack. H. Ren' gale. K. G. Hubbard, all of Pertland: George H. Coltlen, Charles , Allere. Ragl: J. C Rlgglo, KiiKne; J D Armor, Seattle; Sadie C'brlsman, Cot- Our Correspondents FIRST PRACTICE . OF BALL TOSSERS Veterans Romp With Youngsters on Local Field Strong Aggregation is in Sight for Coming Season Muscles Sore Today. There is much timber in sight for the Mcdford baseball team this sen son, there being over thirty bull tos- sers nt the park Sunday for the first hlrinj,' turn out. Most of them were new faces but local fans discerned a large number of the veterans in har ness and prospects look bright for the invincible team. The first practice was n hot one nnd today sore muscles arc the rule But daily work will soon put the teams back in shape for the valle' league. Among tho old timers who nrc sure to make good was "Pug" Isaacs. "Shorty'' Miles, Jack Wilkenson, Dick Antic nnd "Kid" Burgess. Anion.; the new comers that looked good wn-. Cnpt. Crowes of Corvallis, Norton of Corvnllis, nn infielder, and "Old Inner" MeFnrrnn. HARMONY TEACHER IN LEGAL DISCORD Professor John St. Ongc, a music teacher whose homo is said to bo nt Ashland, was fined $10 by Justlco of the Pence Henry G. Dox In Jackson ville Friday on a charge of indecent exposure. According to the testimony given by witnesses St. Ongo was intoxlcntod at the time. He denied all knowledge of the alleged misconduct, which took place on tho Main street. "The Man on the Box." The Mcdford theater will have one of the greatest treats of the season Wednesday, March loth, when Messrs II. E. Pierce & company will offer their superlatively filio east of star players in Harold McGruth's great -eAl play, "The Man on the Box." This line cxitmplo of modern comedy needs little or no introduction to u discrim inating public, but for the benefit of the unfortunate few who have novel ccn it, or never read the book, let it bo snid that it stands today as the epitome of high class comedy ns pre sented in high priced houses, and has interested more theater goers than any other play written in the last twenty yours, in offering it to the public. II. E. Pierce & company feel that they have reached tho cli max of their careers thus far, in that they feel thay have spent the maximum amount in securing tho fin est scenic production nnd tho be.-t cast sent out. Not content with thi- however, they phut bigger and bcttet things, in return for the hearty sup- now which the imlilic has irivon them in years pa-t. Haskins for Health. KANES CREEK ITEMS. George Hlglnbothnm, who has been quite sick, Is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Russell will leave In a few days for Roseburg to spend the summer. Karly garden making Is tho order of tho day. Mrs. Taylor was doing shopping In Gold HU1 Thursday. C. Thompson nnd family, who have boon rosldonts of this plnco for bov oral yoars, will loave soon for Grants Pass, their future homo. Juntos McDugall, an old nnd high ly respected cltlzon of Illackwoll, died on Wodnosday night, owing to his ad vanced nge and feoblo condition the onil wns not unoxpectod. Mrs. Swindon camo down front Medford on Tuosday on business, re turning on Thursday. Mrs. Dusonberry and children of Sardlno Crook aro at prosont the gunsts of hor pnronts, Mr. and Mrs Housoholdor. Charley Stlnoburg Is engaged haul Ing lime to Gold Hill for northorn shipment. Mr. and Mrs. howls wore Medford visitors one day recontly. Mmo. Stlnoburg and Mardon wore guests of Anna Hlglnbotham on Tues- j day. tage Grove; J. A. Gamine!!, Phoonlx; Hugh Storey, Jr., Hugh Storoy, Sr., Chicage: V. A. Davis, Table Rock; B. A. Holden, city; J. H. Drown, Med ford; W. W. Potter, Salem. A rocwptloa win he tender! Rev. KmeM and wife, the new pastor of the Christian church, by the mem- berg Tuwila filing March 14. COURT? USE MlEWa Xew Cases. Minnie C. Hunter vs. Joh.i C, Hun ter suit for divorce. Lyons Y. Patterson vs. Madge Pnt torson, suit for divorce. State of Oregon vs. Sum Cherry criminal notion. Prolintc. Ill (he inntcr of tho application of Lucieii 1 Tictjen for cluing.! of litiniu to hucion F. Costal order iniuio to publish application for 4 suoee'soive weeks. Estate Jnnieo K Van Sum!, order made discharging executor nt.d clos ing cstnte. Estnto James Cook, order :nn.le ap pointing John Cook administrator and W. T. Qrnrj O. Kcevan nnd John Wilson appraisers. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following list of lettors remain uncnlled for at tho postofflco at Med ford, Oregon, Wednesday, March 8, 1311: A F Hartford, W D Bain, Mrs II M Benson, Win F Bowcn, 11 E Bowman, II D Bush, Barney Colo, Mrs Alice M Collins, B L Concher, h II Cook, J D Dawson, Mrs Mlchell Dean, It J Dodge, Kd Faucett, Mrs Stella Flem ing, Mrs Fletcher, Crawford Freeman, II C Gage, Mrs II C Gage, J V Go goru, Mrs A B Gould, G Hamilton, Jack Hcrshbergor, Willio Hewitt (2), G H Henry, Fred Ilollbaugh, M C Horton, John I Kado, Andrew Kelly, Win Knighton, 13dd hnymnn, Robert Moore, F R Moore, Mrs R A Moore, D E Marshall, Duge Noise, William II Paul, Anna Person, Mrs James W Poart, S W Phillips, C D Putnom, Rogue River Valley Apple Orchard, Tyler Seeley, Mrs Ellen St howls (2), Carl Smith, Prudence Smith, D A Smith, Harry Slcvln, J M Taylor, Vant Folt, Jos A Thompson, Hnzol Toroy, K C Waterman. Harry It Weber, Wil liam Wilcox, Davis Taft Wilcox, Fred Youngqulst. Tho following list of letters remain uncalled for at tho postofflco at Med ford, Oregon, March S, 1911: John A Allen, F II Aldrlch, Hattle Anom, R G Anderson, J J Bailey, John Brown, Mrs Anna Brown, J R Brown, J J Roland, Btteno Vlsto Or chard Co, Harry D Bush, G A Butt, James Carkhuff, Urania Checsomnn, Mrs J C Collins, Mrs C. F. Crawford, J D Dawson, Mrs Jennie Donnelly, Kthel Durfcc, Evcrot Engcl, Mrs Rosa Ford, Mrs Marlon R Gage, Mrs Ella Garrison, Alex Hanson, E II Holt, Mrs Cnssa R Holmes, Dr II M Hoi brook, W K Holmes, A II Houston, Huinano Socloty, J W Hunt, E Kugol incn, S Herbert hnnyan, hennrd and Roberts, hlchtensteln & Morris, Bon Mathews, P Manson, Racliol Martin, loo Meyer, G B shrdlupunpunpun .loo Meyer, Mrs G B Myers, Bertha Miller, Elinor Morris, Carrol h Mc Millen, Dr and Mrs Hugh Mellow, Chnrloy McLean, John Motts, Duge Noise, Tom Owons, Mrs G O'Reilly, J J O'Connor, Chns F Pezlncua, Clar ence Robblnctto, Mrs J P Roblnott, II M Rooke, Mrs Ellon St Louis, heon nrd C Scott, V V Scott,, Mrs C Taylor, Jus A Thoinpson, Mrs I Thompson, Joslo Tompson, George Unger, Mrs Ora VogcllI, Gcrnld Walmnn, M h Warner, Mabel West, Frank Wilson, Jack Wilson, Emily Wilson, Mrs Jen nie Whlto (2). F J Wortman. Packages Mrs W II McMantts. Parties calling for tho above let ters will plene say "advertised." A charge of one cent will bo inudo upon dellvory. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. Haskins for health. Unsklns for Health PHONE 901 Old customers scud me your address. New Premiums, New Ser vice, New Agent. But the same old stand ard goods. AGENCY GRAND UNION TEA CO. 110 TRIPP STREET 1 C.Hiii Natatorium Monday Evening Mar.13 7:30 P.M. Wrestling Match 7:30 P.M. Carl Busch, 165 lbs vs. Joe Merasic, 235 lbs Middleweight Champion of l S. formerly -Momhcr Mcdford Police CATCH- ASCATOH-CAN STYLEWINNER TAKE ALL. Ladies specially invited. CITY NOTICES. RESOLUTION. Be It resolved by tho city council of tho city of Medferd: That It Is the Intention of tho coun cil to cause Minnesota street from Geneva street to Roosevelt aventto In said city to bo Improved by placing on both sides of said street a concrete curb nnd by paving tho same for n width of HO feet with brlckollthlc pavement, all In accordance with tho general specifications prepared by Blse & Foss, which general speci fications aro on rllo In the office of the city recorder of said city, and nssess the cost thereof on the prop erty ndjacent to said improvement. Tho council will meet nt the coun cil chamber In the city hall In snid city on the 21st day of March, 1911, at 7:30 p. in., at which time nil pro tests against tho limiting of said Im provements nnd the assessing the cost thereof, as aforesnld, will bo heard. The city recorder Is hereby ordered to publish this resolution once In the Dally Mall Tribune a nowspapor of general circulation In snid city, and to post tho same as required by the char ter, at least ten dnjs before tho date of said mooting. The foregoing resolution wns pass ed by tho city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, on the Sth day of March, 1011, by tho following vete: Merrick ayo Watt aye, Wortman ab sent, Emorlck aye, Elfort aye and Millar aye. Approved March 9th, 1911. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TEhFER. City Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be It resolved by tho city council of tho city of Medferd: That it is tho intention of tho coun cil to cause Geneva avontio from north lino of Enst Main street to Sherman street In said city to bo Im proved by placing on both sides of said streot a concroto curb and by paving tho same for a width of 30 feet with brlckollthlc pavement, all In accordanco with tho goneral specifi cations prepared by BIso & Foss, which general specifications aro on fllo In tho office of tho city rccordor of said city, nnd assess tho cost there of on the property ndjacent to said Improvement. Tho council will meet at the coun cil chninber In tho city hall In said city on tho 21st day of March, 1911, at 7:30 p. nt., ut which time all pro tests against tho making of said Im provements and tho nsscsslng of the cost thereof, as nforcsald, will be heard. Tho city recorder Is heroby ordered to publish this resolution once In tho Dnlly Mall Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation In snid city, nnd to post the snnio ns required by tho charter, ut least ten days boforo the date of said meeting. Tho foregoing resolution wns pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 8th day of March, 1911, by the following vete: Merrick nye, Watt aye, Wortman ab sent, Emorlck ayo, Elfert ayo and Millar ayo. , Approved March 9th. 19 11. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT.' W. TEhFER, City Rccordor. UKSOhUTIOxT" Bo it resolved by the city council of tho city of Medferd: That the council heroby requests tho Southern Puclflc company to con voy to tho city of Mcdford for park purposes a triangular piece of ground hounded on tho eaBt by Orapo street, on tho west by Vermont aventto and on the south by property owned by R. A. Holmes, being lot 3, block (il, of the original town of Medford, still owned by the company. This prop erty fronts 112 foot on Grapo streetl and 135 foot on Voriuont avenue, runs to a point, it is worth less than the assessments which will placed against It for street Improvements and Is of no commercial value. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 8th day of March. 1911, by tho following vete: Merrick aye, Watt ayo, Wortman ab sent, Emorlck nyo, Effort ayo and Millar ayo. Approved March 9th. 1911. W. II CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROUT W. TEhFER, City Recorder 'h'-rs MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. LIBERAL REWARD for return of black horse io D.AWLuke. lOOmVcstMain Street, Medford. 1500 ADMISSION 50c RINGSIDE 75c. S. It. GRAHAM, FIRE INSURANCE MAN, Representing old lino companies. Room 3, P. O. Block., would kindly nsk a aharo of your patronngo, hnv- ing come to Medford to Invest nnd mnko my homo. TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, lnan or woman hna a timber and stone right of ICO acros, price to tho government 2.B0 per ncre. No cultivation, rosldcnco or Improvement required. I hnvo nbottt twenty-five claims to locate, seo me and have a tnlk, this land is worth $20.00 per acre. Call or wrlto. A. 1). HALING, Room ill Jackson County Bank Building. 318 Stop, Look and Listen! Prospective purchasers will snvo money to seo us boforo buying. Wo hnvo orchard tracts, alfalfa lands, etc., city property, Improved nnd unimproved. We hnvo tho ban ner orchard of Rogue River Valley for salo; lC-yoar-old applo trees, nlso chorry and peach orchard, bearing on this farm, consisting of vory best pny Ing varieties; 2000 smnll fruits nnd berries. See us nt once. A bargain. hist your orchard and city proporty with us. Mining lnnds, etc. OREGON REALTY & MINING CO. Phono 101)2. Room Jill) Gut'itett-Corey Building. FOR SALE BY OWNER Smnll 4-rooin house on enst front lot 50x100, six bearing pruno nnd two-yonr pour trees, wuter nnd sewor, paved street, gas in house, woodshed, chicken house nntl yard. PRICE $1200 Terms: One-half cash, balance like rent. 528 S. Fir St. Opportunities for Fine Investments ni CITY PROPERTY XO. I hot GOxlOO, nu nrtlstlc, well built, convonlontly urrnnged bungalow, well located, on cornor, cast front; 0 rooms and bath; laundry trays; built-in buffet, window scats and bookcases; beamed ceilings In den, living room uud dining room; pnuolod wainscoting In three rooms; 37 electric lights; electric fireplace; also wood fireplace; sowor and city water; complete plumbing; ce ment walks; street to bo paved j this year; screened porch; wood shed conncctod. $3800.00 NO. a hot nOxlOO; n strictly up-to-date bungalow; beamed ceil ings, buffot and bookcases with leaded glass doors, vestlbulo, two flroplncen, etc. This houso In ox tra well built; 2x0 raftors, con crete foundation. Owner must siell. Terms. Price, $3700.00 NO. :t Now bungalow and up-to-date lot fiOxlOO, on paved street; cement sldeualks and front stops; cement basomont; C room), living room, den, dining room, 2 bed rooms, kitchen, bath room; tiled floor In bath and toilet, bullt-lu bookcases with leaded glims doors; writing dosk with panolod doors; bullt-lu soats In don nnd dining room; built-in buffet with loaded ghiKK doors; beamed ceilings In living room, don and dining room; fireplace; up-to-dato combination electric and gas fixtures, piped for giiH heater and range; hot nnd cold water and laundry trays In basement. Pi Ice, with tonus, $6500.00 La Loma Real Estate Co. Roiiiii U, Stewart liillldlllg. W II Stewart V M. Amy W. II. Hnvago Pacific ."iltr.l lhiincl!()lIC Ciood Preliminary fMMMWWWWIMWWMM J J. M. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-President F. 13. MERRICK, Vlco-Prcsldint JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier W. R. JACKSON, Ass't Cashlor. The Medford National Bank Capital, SIOO.OOO.OO ; Stsrpltis, $20,000.00 SAKE DEPOSIT ROXKS FOR RKNT. A OENERAL HANKING Z BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Wo SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. -W-4M'44 4r Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS J Money on hand at all times I I i: and fruit land. : PH0NE323I. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST Ail kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE CO. FOR SALE OR TRADE Cadilac Car, 1910 Model Good as New, $1250 Cash Will Take It, Call at 11 North Fir Street st:!! PLUMBING STFAM AMn HOT All Work Guaranteed COFFEEN i!5 HOWARD RLOCIC, ENTRANCE '&&& Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing .RV lirtJII ELLIOTT, (ho noted lioiho nIiocc. I carry (ho largest Mock mill keep not hint; hut the uiccIiiiiiIch anil gtiaraiitco nil work. Wo Make a Npcclalty of ulioliig ilrlviiif; Ikicsch. Corner Itlvcifddo ami Eighth Htiwt. Phono Home ill). Pacific ZSIOI, Medford Bakery TOI)l X: CO. HOME-MADE PII58 AND PASTRY H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER Everything in the Nursery Line Seo the nice English Hollies. All kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only the most perfect plants), and full lino of pear, peach, apple, apricot, prunes, w Lt, w Lv. Office 116 Office Phone 238 1 srs COUNTY WARRANTS, to loan on improved ranches 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. WATFB HFATIMr: 4 Pricos Reasonable & PRICE ON (ltli STREET. PHONE :0Jl 't Make a Selection of our tsmnll enkos anil special! ii!rt mill you'll luivo a collection of as tempting ami tootlisoino dainlics as were over set boforo a kin. Don't bo too into coming for yours, how over. Wo can novcr seem lo bako onoiieji no mutter how many extra wo Imko fresh ilnilv. (El Delicatessen SOUTH CENTRA Ij AVENUE LADY COOK IN CHARGE. NURSERYMAN S Main Street - Res. Phone 2493 t . ! u ft ' W feifJi