rimwr'; " - MEDFORD MAIL TRTBTTNE. MEDFORD, ORMON, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1911, PXGE TWO LOCAL AND .John Ih BcllInRor la tho Intent candidate for game warden. Chief Engineer Gcrlg of tho Pa cific & Eastern left Tor Portland Sun day ovcnlng on a business trip. Lnto magazines, periodicals and pa pers at tho free reading room(ln chap el hack of tho Presbyterian church. Open evenings frim 7:00 to 10 p. in. All men nnd boys are Invited. tf Colonel Frank H. liny and II. C. Stoddard have returned from San Francisco. H. 13. PatterBon, 11 C E. Main, hnB Home nlco English Hollies and all kinds of Hhado trecB. noses (all the boBt). Now In a good tlmo to plant. Drop In and seo inc. tf Councilman J. E. Watt Is upending n few days In Chlco, Cnl looking uftor property Interests ho hns near that city. Is your Iioiibo wlrod? Ono cigar Jobs a day would pay for a hundred per cent increase In comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf W. A. Hobblim left Sunday evening for an extended visit In Portland on business. Ladles If you hnvo any hair to seJi or wish It mndo Into fashionable colfuers plonBo bring It to Madame Ii. L. Heamo, 24C North Oakdale nv'nnuo. 30C George Morrlman loft Sunday ovo nlhir for a visit In Portland and So nttlo. In tho lattor city ho will vlfllt with his mothor, Mrs. A. Morrlman who expects to leavo In a fow weeks for n visit In Montana. Dr. J. E, Shearer, physician nnd Burgeon. Offlco over Strang's drug soro. M Charles P. Goonee of Ited niuff Is visiting with bin brother, who ro sldos Just south of this city. Porsonnl I lovo my Iioiibo, but, oh you bungalow! For full description and terms call on Cornltlus-Gnrnor Realty Co., la.'l West Main St. 304 J. L. Kingston of Unrron Is In Mod ford for a fow days visiting with friends. John II. Cnrkln, attorney at law, ovor Jnckson County bnnlc. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grlovd of Jnck boiivIUo spout Monday In Mcdford with friends. ' Call phono 21tJl, 1032 for baggago wagon. 451 William Froncbor of Phoenix was In Medford Monday on a Bhort bual uobs trip. Misses Campbell and Schlobler of Central Point wish to announce tholr spring opening Saturday, Murch 11, and tho following Monday and Tuob day, showing an elegant lino of pat tern liutB, Imported MlbuiB and Homp's. Wo nro iiIbo agents Tor tho celebrated I). B. Flsk nllorod hatH of Clilcago. We nro paying much less rent hero than If located In Medfoi'd, therefore wo nro propared to sell at from 1C to 20 per cent less. 303 D. 8. AmcB of Griffon creek spoilt Monday In Medford with trio mis. Gregory lending photographer, vIowh, portraits. 323 Hnvo you $100 In tho bank? Why don't you put it to work? Buy a lot on tho Installment plan and In three months double your money. Talk this ovor with Tumy, 201 Gainett Coroy bldg. Ho has several lots that can bo bought llko thlH. 30! Lost Collier dog name Glnddlo; about three weeks ago. Suitable re ward. John 1 Merrill, Gold Hill. Oregon. 30(i Harry U. Stoddard of, Urn Hoyuo River Elortrlc company has returned from a business trip to San Francisco. All kinds of bindery work dono at Mall Trlbuno office. J. M. Wllfloy of Eagle Point spent Sunday In Medford. Medford local Socialist party meets every Sunday afternoon, 2:30 at Smith's hall on North Grape slroet. Everybody Invited tf. Carl von der llellen of Wellen was n Medford visitor Monday. WccRs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PIIONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. L'ADY 'ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Kmbaliiiuf Successor to tho uudortaklug dV partmont of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company Sick and Injured convoyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 361. Night; "John A. Porl 4111. C. W. Conklln, 3601. J. II. Uutle-, 3G71. PERSONAL Ed Purdy expects to leave In tho near future for Klamath Falls, where ho will look after property interests, j Seo It. A. Holmes, Tno Insurance Man, Ovor JackBon County bank. tf. N. V. Combs of Wllllnms Creek spent Monday In Medford on busi ness. Loose loaf lodgers made In Medford at the Mall Trlbuno offlco. James Kershaw of Antelope was In Medford on business Monday. Try tho now barber shop; every thing clean and sanitary; opopslto P. O. Samuel Rosenborg nnd wife of Se attle, who purchased tho Bear Creek orchard, arrived Sunday and will spend sonio days looking over their Investment. Ashland Steam Landry, Medford office, phono No. 1201. tf. Mrs. L. M. PIttmiui of Sams Valley was a Medford visitor Sunday. Mado In Medford, any Btylo of loose leaf or blank book, at Mall Trlbuno offlco. 10. W. Carlton of Table Rock spent Sunday In Medford. Printing, all kinds ut Portland prices. Mall Trlbuno office. It. M. Whitman or Talent Iiub spent tho paBt fow days In Medford. Experienced millinery saleslady wanted. Aureus. tf Rev. J. A. McVeigh will begin ovnngellstlo meotlngs Sunday, March I ilth at tho First Presbyterian church. tf- DENYS THAT DIAZ IS SORE AT UNITED STATES FOR RECENT ACTIVITY WASHINGTON, . C March 13 Denying Hint Diaz really resents liny plan lor intervention by tin United Slntes in the Mexican trou bles, Hie revolutionary lenders here (odny isHiied Hie following Htnte inent: "Wo beliove, in npito oC official statement to tho contrary, Hint Din, would welcome intervention. Tlicy will have lo resort to trickery lo get it, nnd iniiHt deliberately nttnek tin American citizen in Mexico. It is pos sible nnd probable that Din, will hcj that thin is done nnd thon declare that the revolutionists made the nt Inolc. We uru on the lookout for mich trickery. New Road Urfjeil. A movement has been put on fool to open u new road from Medford ! InokMiuvillo pui'iillcliug the Rogue River valley railroad in order thai a OutuhorH of the owners of the small tracts in that section can more easily reach their homes. Clever Vaudeville At the Isis SEE PERRY AND BERRY IN THEIR SIDE SPLITTING, BOWING AND RUBBER ACT TONIGHT He sure mid coino to the Isis to night and enjoy the cleverest vaude ville stunt that has over been brought to this city, Kerry and Horry are certainly the best team that you have ever seen and you will go away feel ing Unit you got double tho price paid. Clever tumbling and singing and n now stunt that has never been pulled of before. The stand straight up, (hen bow and bend as though thoy woro made of rubber. You will wonder how thoy keop tholr balance. (MTV TitiasriiKit's XOTICK. Orflce of tho City Treasurer, Med ford, Oregon, March llth. 10 11. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on hand In the city treas ury for tho lodomptlou of outstanding city warrants Issued against the fol lowing funds: Warrants No. C2 and 03, on South Holly street Improvement bond. Warrants No. ! and 10 on sewor district No. 11. Warrants No. 12, U and It. on water main Improvement fund No. ". Warrant No. IS on trunk sewer fund. Interest on shiuo will cnso after the above date. aOb L. L. JACOllS, City Treasurer TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. fJTHTHH HHHT IllCMlCHOFr nwiilnifo sites are noil-' intf daily; make your holoction bo. I'oro eboice lotw are kolil. tf I STUDIO I 7M SOUTH OAKOALi: l'HO.NK 11071!. Private or class Unwqiii lu oil, wa ter color or tapestry. Ordors takou. Min ri rtr rnn HAS fLAut t-UK CITYGARBAGE Mayor Finds Two Men Who Will Con tract to Desposc of it Will Be Hauled Some Distance and Dumn-ed- It is highly piobable that llie gnr biigo question which has been the bane of more than one city udmin Ul ration in this city will be satis factorily disponed of during the next few days, its Mayor W. II. Canon has n deal on whereby the garbue of the city will bo collected and dis poned of. For some lime tins mayor has been seeking someway out of the dilcmna. He has succeeded in finding two men who reside nhout I wo miles from Med ford who have 20 acres of creek bot tom which is not near any habita tion where garbage can be dumped. Thoy nre ready to enter into a con tract with the city for hniiling it away and disposing of it. FIR A8E AFTER ENGINEER'S JOB List of Applicants for City Engineer Increasing Mayor Gives No In timation of What His Action Will Be Who They Are. With llie appointment of u city en gineer eminent there is a constantly increasing list of applicants for the position, there now being four men in tho field after tho job Engineers Uoveriilge, Annspigcr, Murlin uud Under. So fur the city administra tion has given no intimation of which of tho four, if any will bo named. Annspigcr is said lo bo lending h'n opponents by u neck. City Engineer Foster soniolimo ago slated Hint he intended to retire from the place and devote his attention to printe work. The position pays jflfiO n mouth. Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March Gth In Elec tric building, 218 West Main streot. Everything new and modern, Includ ing steam heat, baths, etc. Host In city. Hates reasonablo. Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors Wanted 100 Wood Choppers Apply to Ed Walker Butte Falls or EDGAR HAFER Medford, Ore. V I COLUMBIA Medford Music Shop McNealey & Co. 220 West Main St. ion niniriif liSb PibRthi. PASSES AWAY Jackson County Girl Dies Suddenly Lcavlntj Large Circle of Friends Was Born Near Table Rock Twenty Four Years Ago. Miss Dorothy Pickens, a Juckson county girl, who has resided in Med ford "for intinv years, passed away at her home Sutidnv morning between one nnd two o'clock. The funeral will he held at 1:'M p. in. Tuesday from the residence nt 210 South Cen tral avenue. The death of Miss Pickens came as a great shock to her many friends throughout the city and country. Sat urday apparently well, she attended to her duties in the offices of the Mail Tribune, where she wns employ ed, and left for home without inuk iuk any reference lo an illness. She wns stricken nhout nine o'clock in the evening and died after n few hours of great suffering, hemorage of the lungs causing dentil. Miss Pickens was horn at Table Hock September f, 1887 and wns 21 years of age. Her life was spent in 'Jackson county where she leave. a large circle of friends. She is 'sur vived by her parents who reside in Sisikiyou county nnd by three sis ters nnd two brother. For years Miss Pickens has been connected with tho' Mail Tribune and its predecessors, having first taken up newspaper work under Charier Nickel! the pioneer newspaper man of Southern Oregon, working as com positor and mail clerk. She wns widely known mid popular among tic (uaintanccs. 4- .. -- ..- - McMinnvifle Has 2.400 f WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 4 f 1.1. Tho census bureau has f announced tho census of Mc- -f f niinnvllle, Or., ns 2 100. -f -f -H- Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY lMtOl'KUTV FAKMS, FUUIT RANCHES 1U. 13. MAIN STHKET. Rock Spring Coal On hand all the time. Phono 100 '2. BURBIDGE THE COAL MAN. FOR SALE ORCHARDS, VARiMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. i 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg' Draperies Wo carry n vory completo lino of drnperlea, laco curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all cIobsos of upholstorliiB. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will glvo as good service as Is possible to got In oveu the largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co npv ranTn BUA rfluiu IT BUTTF FALLS Butte Falls Lumber Company Plans to Operate Soon Recent Consoli dation Is Busy With Plans for Future. If the plans of tlM Unite Falls lum ber company do not miscarry thej will have it box factory in operation, in Unite Falls by 'early' summer and will he employing a large number of men. They nlso plan to increase tln-ir milling facilities and develop their properties. The Dutle Falls lumbor company i11 tiie consolidation of the holding.-, of Hewing brothers, Ed Woodbury nnd' Kate Curtenioiis which was effected some lime ago. The beddings are the largest in that section aside from the properly owned by the Crater Lake lumber company. i II. D. Mills the manager of thei company states that his company in-1 tends to develop its holdings at once A spur from the 1'ncific & Eastern j is to be built at once. teth Restores color to Gray or Faded hair Removes Dan druflfand invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. $1.00 and 50c at Drujt Stores or direct upon receipt ol price and dealer name. Send 10c lor (ample Imttlc Philo Hay Specialist Co.. Newark. N. J.. U.S.A. Rlii'USB ALL SUUSTITUTU3 For Salo and Itccomnientled by Leon It. Hnskins. Sporting Goods . ! - Call and see our lino of sporting supplies. You'll find Just what you want at the right prices. Medford Book Store . a . a mm a Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVERUAULTKa ti MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN M31. Corner Contrul Ave. and Btk St Medford, Or. " j Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without Ibis splendid, refreshing drink. Cull up uud order a ense seut to the house. The purest, most healthful drink known ii SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. Spring Has Came! Wake Up Some! m'UfcXJ; y v-M'C ..' - iO&v.. 3rei arT'l "3 .". e ra jmj) "Mf 5pL,iM'l?:P 57 ft? vjw :?mizk. -s J-i? ji ,rftf3 X- "fd$ TSt-rr MiAii".iJ'. mi 'fi-fS ViSSm'ffljStBl JpI3 htffl ti lyrAV Wfei jr:t ? (fffc. xrr ed In Its new location for this amount. You will get nothing equal to this for tho money for less than doublo In Medford. Rogue River Land Co. NO. It NOIU'll CHXTKAf, Main Street Business Property Nets Over 8 Per Cent Interest Best location. Great increase 1 in value. Lot 50 feet by 140 feet.- Splendid buy for invest ment or speculation. Special price for quick action. Address Owner, Medford a P. O. BOX NO. 477. Would You Buy Gold Dollars for Fifty Cents? Very Best Fruit Tracts AT REASONABLE PRICES VERY BEST RED SOIL IN CHOICEST OF LOCATIONS Close to UoKiio Itlvor Orchard Company's .1000 acros now hciiiK de veloped and sold at !?.-( IMJIl ACKIJ. An SO-ncre tract, one-half cleared, one-fourth inoro nearly cleared, InrKo family orchard, excellent condition, $100 I'KK A CI IK. Two 40-acro tracts, each about one-third cleared, ready to bo set out In trees, tfioo I'KK ACKK. One 10-acro tract, family orchard and grapes; several walnut trees, houso, barn, largo well nnd windmill, 8) l'KK ACKK. 100-ncre tract, about .10 acres cleared, $7." l'KK ACKK. These on main county road. An elegant proposition for development mid subdivision. A. N. PARSONS Notice to Investors Income bearing orchards in Rogue River Valley, Ore gon, Medford district, in large or small acreage. .Apples or pears; improved land, suitable for subdividing for or chard purposes. From five acres to five hundred acres. Hood, deep soil. Near shipping points. Choice business property, residences and vacant lots in Medford, Or. LA LOMA REAL ESTATE CO. W. H. Stewart F. M. Amy W. H. Savage Room 2, Stewart Building. Pacific 5351. Home 201-K e.. Orchard Tracts... Fle nnd ten-acre orchnrd tracts, planted to choice arlotlos of pears; host fruit land In valley; ono uillo tiuiu town; tUao soma one-am tracts in big ok grov.. If you would Mho a fine suburban home, have a look nt these tmcu. Ueautlfully loosted on macadam roajl. Qoo4 car wrfpf. Uepot on property. Qur urfott art nrht. See J. A. PERRY, Owner IOI WcnI Main St., Medfoul or .Mcdfoixl National Haul;. The bargain of the. season is an eight-room house to be placed on good nn.i frn.it inf nti hlih crnunil In the vt. Tttii ...1.111 1.... nn vtrhioh fnv .1 1UU lull auumuu, ,,...-.., .-. - few days, we are able to make a snap price of two thousand dollars, paya- bio half cash, balance to suit at C per cent. This Is a hard-finished house, and the upper rooms will be just the place to board the school-marms when the new Kast Side schoolbouso is completed. Tho houso will bo plac .MHDFOUI), OUKfiOX REAL ESTATE GRANTS PASS, ORE. i. V ? AON1CS H. UUANT. I