Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 10, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Oregonlans to Convene Session on
Hallowed Spot Simultaneous Ses
sions of Grand Lodge In Portland
and Palestine Unique In History.
A Ml ANY, Or.. March 10. When
t?in Mnuontc Brand lodge of Oregon
convenes In annual session In Port
jand June 14 next, thrco leading Ore
gon Masons will convene a session
pr the Oregon grand lodge on the
slope or Mount Morlah, In Palestine,
a mountain notoworthy In Masonic
history. It will bo the first time In
the history of Oregon Masonry that
n -session of the grnnd lodge or hub
stale has been convened In tho Holy
land. Tho men who will participate
In .the unique coremony nre llov. J.
It. N. Bell, jiftHtor oi tno runt i .....
hytnrlan church of CorvnlllH; Pro
fessor 'J. II. Homer of the Oregon
agricultural coIIoro and Dr. J. T.
Hll of Albany,
Thcso men have Calculated tho ox
act 'hour, Palestine time, at which
the' grand lodge or Oregon will con
vono In Its annual session and at that
moment they plan to bo on Mount
Morlah and convene their session,
For au cotlnuotia years Dr. Hell has
served as grind chaplain of tho grand
lodge of Oregon, thereby achfoVliiR
tho record of holng tho oldest grnnd
chaplain In Masonry In tho world,
and he will at that tlmo repeat IiIh
prayers as grand chaplain, though
on tho opposite sldo of tho world
from IiIh brothor Muhoiis of Oregon.
l)r, Holl has Inla-n 32 Scottish lllto
degrees and U York Ulto degrees,
In addition to 00 "Egyptian degrees."
Ho belongs to tho bluo lodge at Halt
er City, tho chuptor of Itoyal Arch
MftBons and the. council at Corvnllls,
tho commandory of Knights Templar
at linker, tho Eastern Star at Cor
vallls, tho Scottish ltllo templo at
Portland, and Ib a elmrter member of
El Kndor temple, Nobles of tho Myn
tic Shrine, at Portland.
Professor Homer Is also an active
Mason, being a momhor of sovoral
Masonic organizations nnd having
served recently ns omlnent cominnn
(for of tho Albany ebnuunndory of
KnlghtR Tomplar. Dr. Hill Iiiih also
been a Mason many yours.
HAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., March 10.
CluirlcH Hnrrotl iutohIoiI in Hull
Lnl;o for alleged comjilli'lly in Hie
llioft of olcl liulliou from lite Alnlm
Steamer Humboldt, wiih jrivon his i-
lease totlny on u writ "I habeUH cor
pus, wnly i lie ul once ru-iiiTuHlml
on n.wiiiTiuil from Pnilluiul, Oro
KO. No Tickets to Mexico.
Major Dell, Colonel Lail mill Ma
jor Wiiihlilii were ordered todjiy lo
proceed at once lo San AtiUniio
Texan, for duty on Iho Hlnff of .Ma
jor flcnornl Curler. They loft 1
o'clock Ibis al'leruoon, Major Wright
of Moutoroy arrived loduy to InUo
iilmrgo of the adjutant gonornl'a of
flee duriuj,' Colonel l.add's ubsnnuu.
A provisional company of cnnl ur
Ullory, haHtily fouued Monday night
in wniljijg marehiut; ordurs. Wciii
hilionn for warm weather uniforuw
have boon ihbiunl. Coiiipany B, hot.
)ilal corps, loaded equipment, in
cluding an ambulance, on a Hpceinl
train today and expected lo ntatl for
San I Hugo tonight.
Tho Southern Pacific has diecoii'
tinned lite fiwlo of excursion tickets
to Muxiqo City nnd Awim. Irnvolohi
agaiiiHl goiiiB to Mexico.
To tho mnster plumber, contractors
nnd builders of Medford and vicinity.
that on and after April tho first, iho
minimum scale of wages for Journey
men plumbers nnd Bteaintlttora shall
bo $G per day, eight hours, J. Fran,
president; C. II. Umber, sucruttiry;
Local Union No. 3G2. 319
Our Correspondents
Frank Do Ford of Kiuim Valloy
was hero iransacliug biibiuebhi Tiiur
day. "Mi'h. J. E. Harwell in Blling loadd
p have her EiihIoi opening in (Up
lipur ful urc. .Her Ijuu of nuifiiory
the, lulest and one onn bo otutly siiiltKl
Hk Home beautiful hultf are' oil dli
jjlny in nil kimlii of ntraw and faiioy
' Tlw MiiJMonnry Hnoiety of die
(frrtykH church mot at die liilTiji)
erf JkffiwKrtitli ilrowu Thursday nf;
irMmiH '"jL
PwHMfwW Atlornoy 11. Y. MulJ
ytiu iMUwfwof i' ') (( 1 biisiueHH TIiuih-
iky. ''.,
I3r K. Kr4H(88ucr uib in from
bl uUfflffltNUtU
l i k, &
Oregon Forest Fire Members Express
Appreciation of Governor's Aid in
Gcttlnti Atlvantancous Measure
Passed By Lcolslature.
SALEM, Or., March 10. Resolu
tions commending Governor West for
his activity In behalf of Hid forest fire
protection measure that was enncted
by the 2flth legislative assemjjly,
which wore adopted by the 'Oregon
Forest Flro association, hnvo been
forwarded to the governor and wore
received by him yesterday. They wero
as follews:
Whereas, the Oregon ForoBt Flro
association, an organization repre
senting a largo amount of standing
tlmbbr In tho state, and working In
the Interest of f!r prnvuntlon and
protection, to tho end that a valuable
rosourco may contribute to tho up
building of Oregon nnd prolonged
prosperity, Is henrtlly In sympathy
with tho ncllon of tho legislature In
passing Iioubo bill 50, and
WhereaB, wo ronllzo that his ox
collcncy, Governor Oswald West, frco
ly exerted his groat lnfluonco to pro
Inoto tho passage of tho bill, now bq It
llcsalved, That this association ex
tond a vote of appreciation to Gov
ernor Oswald Went for his Interest In
nnd support of Hie forest flro meas
ure and pledge 'lilni our support and
help In carrying out Its provisions, ho
that, settlors, minors, stockmen nnd
tlmbor owntrs may bo free from dan
der or forest fires, and bo It further
Resolved, That a copy or this reso
lution bo sont to Governor West.
OwiiiK to Iho dishilildoiieincnt of
Iho "LocomobiloK," one of tho tennis
in (ho oily howling league,' a inoollu;;
of all tho bowling ontliusuiHlH in the
oily hart boon culled in lake phiet'
in (lie Nalatoriuni Friday evening.
riuiiH for tho reorganization of the
league will ho dinoiiKBOil mid n new
oiilondiir for the (ennm made up.
Bin Wind Traverses South.
ATLANTA, (la., March 10. For
mer President RoohovoII arrived to
day. Ho wiih grouted by a hig crowd
and wan escorted through the streets
by tho Fifth regiment (leorgia nu
tioual guard. lie will addresH the
Southern Commercial congress to
uiglii. n i n i i m
Save (bo Drinking llUHbaiid or Ron
by Using OiTliH'-j-Cnn Ho
CJIven Hecretly.
No moro terrible affliction" can
cumo to any homo than tho exces
sive uso of Intoxicant!) by husband or
son. Think of tho money wnstod in
drink, which Is needed In tho homo
to purchase food and clothing. ' If
you have b drinking husband or sou,
give him Orrluo.
It will prove an efficient nld In
destroying tho craving for Intoxi
cants. ThotuinudH of women have
boon mado'hnppy, bocatisn Orrluo has
saved their loved ones from lives of
dissipation and driinkeuuoBS, Start
ubIiik Orl-lno today. Wo aro so confi
dent that Orrluo will benefit the per
son who ilrliikR that wo nay to all
wlvoa and inothors. you can glvo Or
rluo a trial and If It falls to be'aerit,
we will refund your money,
ORlllNW Is prepared In two foruiB,
N'o. 1, secret truatmout, n powder.
abBulutuly tustuloas and odorlom, giv
en microtly In any food or drink. OR
R1N13 N'o. 3, In pill form, Is for those
wliu doulro to taku voluntary treut
inuut. OUHIN10 costs only $1.00 a
box. Wrlto for Froo Orrluo llooklet
(mnlled In plain Heated euvolnpe) to
ORUINK CO., 033 Orrluo Hulldlng,
WashlnKlon. U. C. ORRIN'K Is roe
uiumeiided and la for sale In thU
illy by I.KON H. 1IA8KINH. Medford,
hi Hotfiie ier ranch Tliui-Hilay on
a biiHiia', 1 1-1 1 a.
Jacob Sliiiu mid wife kmiu Tlutr
day iu Mcdfntl.
Ho(iiil0rd ut Hotel Ihmlnp up to
11 ii. in. Tliunulnv. u.,1-,.. II it i!...i.Ml"M"W binder, huh a two-inoii want-
::.... "j. '. T'. , ."" in
niuon, bl. Loiiu, .Mu., 1(. 1 Wllfc'iP.Uhogoaeral HiiiuilfluatloiiH prepared by
Clliongo, II. U Moomi, J. ('. Morriii, .I.J (ho city oiiylnvor of said city, nnd
0. Murry, ail or Han FnuiiUtmj J. Willi addltlonul pwfcnlonB imbinli
Ct. 'tuwwA. Portland. W. tirimr! !tf l,y Ul $ Humiry Construe-
II....II.U.I. I t Mill .. II II
i"ii vi. ". Jimn, .iiiiiiu'iiHiiih;
Al, b. Parker, Mium-nMHN: II. s.
A.ikou, Froupfct ; T. M. J.ou-s, cit ;
IL Ii Qnnyi-n. cit.
Tlii, M1-'H tiiiiilifll iuuI St In ilil-'
Mlllinuiv I'.nti' -in . vi i iiiiiiv nitt -
lorn lial-. ibiu t.iil b. .hi display
IiiiU liifiu lliioago. Call and mc
Jtwil Kstate TraiiHfers.
John lleoker to J. L. Demmer,
property in Fairmouilt addi
tion, Mcdford ,Jf
Huhy O. Stout to Win. derrig,
100 acres in scetion V2, town
ship 30, range 1 eafet 1001
IFeiiry llayues to W. C. Sander
hoii, 2 uureH in Ashland .... 280(
II. II. .Mitchell lo Hicliol V.
NieholH, northenHt nuarler of
bouthenst quarter Hcction 10,
township .'III, range 2 wcHt. . 10f
Fred Carlson to Anna liomrey,
properly in Collage addition,,
Mcdford, bond for deed .... 4001'
Thomas Collins to Harvey Jam
ison, property in Mcdford., 1
Ilonry Humphrey to L. O. Por
ter, lot 4, block 2, Central
HiibdiviKinii of Coltnge addi
iion, Mudford 1
L. (I. Porter to Henry Humph
rey, lot 2, block 2, Central
subdivision Cottage addition,
Medford 3
Abbio W." Hnckett et al lo Eliz.
F. Winchester, properly in
Houville I'M
Abbio J. Winchester lo Eliza
beth F. Winchester, properly
in Jacksonville 3C
E. W. Jnqua to C. A. Hamlin,
lot 0, block H, Kernwood ud
dition, Mcdford 2'n
Ilert Anderson to E. W. Ueb
hard, lot I), block 8, Imperial
addition, Mcdford JO
K. W. Ocbhard lo l'osoph Mnr
lin, lot 1), block 8, Imperial
addition, Mcdford 10
Deri Anilci-Hon to E. W. nob
hard, lot I), block S, Imperial
addition, Mcdford If;
J. M. K'ooney (o F. L. loyil, 80
acres in sectton 10, towiiHhip
:i8, rango 2 weflt ,-. 0000
Harris Dean lo Rebecca Eg
gloslon, U) 5, block 8, Ash
land 1"
E. 1). I'ickel e( al to M. J. Love,
proporty in Kiuumil uddilion,
Mcdford 800
M. J. I.ovo to Violin C. Alldor,
lot 8, block 2, Sunuuil addi
tion, Mcdford 800
James l.owo to Mrs. A. M.
Piirvcs, 0.00 acres in dounlion
land claim 4r, townsliip .'ID,
range 1 cast JO
0. 11. Johnson to F. L. lloyd,
liroperty near Mcdford ..... 10
John S. Orth to J. H. Hnuiinh,
lots 1 and 2, block 2, Davis'
addition, Mcdford 700
Welborn Joom!i lo Under nnd
Thompson Co., hind in lowu-
shli) 118. raiiL'o west 10
All tenmstorH aro requested to moot
In .Anglo opora hnuso at 8 o'clock
Hnlurday ovonlng, March 11.
Scaled bids will bo rccelvod by tho
hoard of directors of School District
No. 22, Tnlent, Orogon, until April
25, 1911, 4 o'clock p. m., for tho
orcctlon and completion of public
school building, according to plans
and BpoclflcatloiiB proparod by
ChnrlOH II. llurggraf, architect, Al
bany .Oregon. All bids must bo ac
companied by a coitlfled chock pny
able to "School District No. 22, Tal
ent, Oregon," for tho sum of $t00.00.
as a guarantee that tho contractor
will furnish an approval bond equul
to GO per cent of tho contract within
ton days after tho awarding of tho
All bids must bo made out on
blank proposals for the same. Rlnnks
furnished upon application by tho
clerk or architect. I'buiti and specifi
cations may bo seen at Talent, Oro
gon, or nt the architect's offlco.
Tho bonrd roservos tho right to re
ject any and all bids.
lly order of Schuol Hoard No. 22,
Talent, Oregon.
C. W. SHERMAN, Clerk. 302
lie U rofjolvod by the city council
of tho city or Modferd: '
That it is tho Intention of tho coun
cil (o cause West Sixth street from
Oakdnlo nvenuo to Southern l'nolflo
Railway Company right of way In
yald city to bo. Improved by placing
on both sldou of said street a con
crete curb and gutter and by pavlue
(he same tor a width of 40 foot with
asphalt pavement, constating of a
flvo-lucli concreto Imao, a one-Inch
k ufnai.k ik 1 1 la nnfolMilnnnik katttti
I '"" VIIIII.IUU), iiwui ui niiuii. m-'inMiu
and additional BpceiflonUona. are on
file In tho of(lot or tho city recorder
Of ald city, und aKosji tbq coal thoro
of on tho proporty adjacent to said
Tbu council will meet at (ho coun
cil chamber In the city ball In said
c,t: "u a,Bt ; Miirch (Oil.
nunit and tho nusoKalug or the cost
thereof, as aforoaald, will bu beard.
The city recorder Is hereby ordered
.o publish thls resolution pnee in tho
"Dally Mnll Tribune, a newspaper of
onornl circulation in said city, and
",o post the snmo as required by tlio
lhartor, at least ten days before the
late of said meeting.
The foregoing rosolutloh was pass
;d by the city council of tho city of
Bedford, Oregon, on the 8th day of
larch, mil, by the following vete:
derrick nye. Watt aye, Worfman an
ient, Emerlck aye, Elfert ayo and
Millar nye.
Approved March 9th, 10.11.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Itecorder.
P.o It rcsohfxl by tho city council
ir the city of Modferd:
Tlint It-Is tho'lntentlon of tho coun
;11 to cause Eighth street from Cen
.ral avenue to Riverside nvenuo In
tald city to bo Improved by placing
in both slde3 of said Btrcot a con
iroto curb and gutter and by paving
he same for n width of -10 feet with
mphalt pavement, consisting of a
Ive-inch concreto base, a one-Inch
isphaltlc binder, nnd a two-Inch
vcarlng surface, all In accordance
.vlth tho general specifications pre
jared by the city engineer of said
dty, and with additional specif Ica-
ioiiB Hubmitted by the Clsrl: 4i Ji"n-
sry Construction company, liotn or
which, general and additional speci
fications, are on file In tho offlco of
tho city rccordur of said city, and
issess tho cost thoreof on tho prop
arty adjacent to cnld Improvomont.
Tho council will meet at tho couti
ill chamber In the city hall In said
Mty on the 21st day of March, 1911,
it 7:30 p. in., at which tlmo all pro
tests against making of said Improve-
'hereof, will be heard.
Tho city recordor Is-horeby ordorod
a publish this resolution once in tho
Daily Mnll Trlbuno, a newspaper of
general circulation In anid city, and
t post tho aame as required by the
ihartor at least ton days beforo the
date or bald mooting.
Tho foregoing resolution vns pasa
'd by the city council of tho city of
Mcdford, Orogon, on tho 8th day of
March, 1911, by tho following vete:
Merrick nye, Watt aye, Wortman nb
Tent, Emerlck ayo, Elfort ayo and
Millar nye.
Approved March flth, 1911.
V. II. CANON, Mayer.
City Recorder.
Ho It Resolved by tho City Council
if tho City of.Modford, Orogen:
That thoro bo arid hereby is called
special election In and for tho City
if Medford, to bo held on tho 10th
lay of March, 1911, botweon tho
houro of 9:00 o'clock a. in. and 5:00
Tclock p. m., for the purposo of sub
mitting to thi) qualified electors of
ald city, for tholr approval or re
jection, tho Tallowing ontlllod amond
nont to the charter of tho City of
Medferd: "
1. An amendment to the chnrter
of tjio City of Medford, providing for
a bonrd of registration, and Ita duties
and the registration of voters.
2. An amendment to tlio cnartor
of tho City of Mcdford .amndolng
aocllon 72 thereof, providing for an
ucreaso of the bonded Indebtedness or
ild City to tho extent of $30,000,
laid sum to bo used for tno solo pur
oso of mnklnc Improvements in the
wator system of said city and paying
for trunk, sanitary and storm sowers,
heretofore or hereafter constructed
by said city.
.1. An amendment to tho charter
of the City or Medford, amending sec
tion 72 thoroof, providing for aa In
crease of tho bondod indebtedness of
said city to tho oxtont of $8000, said
sum to bo used for tho solo purposo or
tho Improvement of tho flro depart
ment of said city.
4. An amendment to tho charter
of tho City of Mcdford, amending soc
tlon 72 thoroof, providing for tho
roullon of u sinking fund for the pur
poso of tho retirement of the bdnds of
tho City of Medford.
5. An ninondmont to tho chnrtor or
tho city or Modrord amending section
87 of said charter, providing for re
payment of nmcflint paid by purchas
ers at sales of proporty for dolln
quont assessments In said city In
case the salo Is vacated, sot nsldo,
or doclaied void by any court.
Tho following named porsoua aro
heroby appointed judges nnd clerks
of said electien:
First Ward: J. W. Ling Judgo, 1).
T. Lawton Judgo and clork, h. L.
Damon judge nnd clerk.
Second Ward: Joo Derry judge,
Chas. P. Tnlont Judgo nnd clork, Win.
Ulrlch Judgo and clerk. .
Third Ward: P. W. ChelgHn Judge,
J. Summorvlllo judgo and clork, 11.
II. I.orlmcr judge and clork.
Tho following aro hereby designed
ns the places for holding said elec
tion. First Wnrd: Hall over Hasklns
Drug store.
Second Ward: Hotel Nash samplo
Third Waid: City Hall.
It Is further resolved that tho re
corder of said City of Medford bo
and hereby Is ordered to glvo notice
of said election la tho manner pro
vided by the charter In tho caso of
annual elections of said city.
Tho forogolng resolution was pass
ed by the city council of tho City of
Modroril, Oregon, on tho 10th day of
February, 1911, by tho following
Merrick nbsont, Watt ayo, Wort
man ayo, Kiuorlck ayo, Elfort ayo,
and Millar aye.
Approved February 10th, 1911 ,
Attest: Mayor.
ROUT. W. TKLFKR, City Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that n ape
clal election will bo held In and ror
tho city or Medford on March 10th.!
1911, ror tho adoption or rejection of
those corlaln proposed charter
amendments to tho charter or tlio city!
or Medford, sot forth In tho foregoing
resolution. Said election to bo held
at (ho tlmo and places designated In
said resolution.
City Recorder City of Mediord.
Stop, LooH and Listen!
Prospective purchasers will save
money to 6c& turbettf'b'buylhg. ' ''
We have orchard tracts, alfalfa
lands, etc., qlty property, Improved
and unimproved. We have the ban
ner orchard of Rogue River Valley for
sale; lG-year-old apple trees, also
cherry and poach orchard, bearing on
this farm, consisting of very beat pay
ing .varieties; 2000 small, fruits and
berries, See us at once. A barKojti.
, List your orchard and city property
with us.
Mining lands, ctp.
I'llOIMl 101)2.
. Room 319 GnmcU-Corey llulldliig.
Small 4-room houso on east front
lot 50x100, Hix' boariug" prttno and
two-year pear trees, water and sewer,
jmved street, gas in house, woodshed,
.chicken house und yard.
PRICE $1200
lerms: unc-nati cash, balance
like rent.
528 S. Fir St.
vory citizen, man or woman 1ms a
tlmbor and stono right of 1C0 acres,
prlco to thp government J2.cp per
acre. Np cultivation, rcsldcnco or
improvement required. I havo about
twonty-flvo claims tq lQcato, Beo m6
find have a talk, this land Is wqrth
$20.00 per acre. Call or write.
A. 15. BALING, Room SI Jackson
pounty Rank Hulldlng. 318
Real Estate
A fine tract, quarter of a mile from
Tnlent, 8-room house, good barn;
300 trees. Prlco $4,000; terms
Good business opportunities and lo
cations, all paying.
A GG-ncro tract, D-room houso and
largo barn, 3 miles trom Talent,
parlly cleared and lots on good
' wood on place; must bo sold soon;
will go ror $1100.
A GO-acro tract, water to Irrlgato
same; has a C-room bouso and
bn'rn to hold G head or horses, Im
plements to run tho place, and a
wagon. This placo put up 30 tons
or hay last year, and no wator was
used. Prlco, $3000, half down.
A 74-acro tract, 2Vj miles from Tal
ent, good 8-room bouso and largo
barn; 8 acres undor ditch and In al
falfa and garden land; 34 acreB un
dor plow, nnd trees; 20 acres of or
chard, of which 5 acres aro In bear
ing; $10,000, hnlf cash,- balance
good terms and easy paymonts.
A 14 1-3 aero tract, lies onHroly In
. city limits; has 9-room plastered
bouso, good bnrn, well and power
ror Irrigation or wholo tract. Part
ly Bet to trees; easy terms.
For plenty or other bargains call
or address
G. A, Gardner
Van Dyke
Realty Co.
You can't afford to do without
this spleudid, refreshing drink.
Call up and order a ease sent to
the house. The purest, most
healthful drink known is
P. C. IIGKAM, Agent.
5 ' .....
v. R. MRnmnic.Vicc-Presldjat
W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Casnier.
The Medford
Capital $100,000.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
... -rvmr t'rim mTIJnVAilR..
Ii ' 5G0 itores of the finest. fruit soil in the valley, located
not too far from railroad town; soil is black granite
and 20 foet deep; splendid drainage, but not too steep;
200 acres cultivated. There is wood enough to pay
for clearing the balance; 500 acres can be cultivated.
Fma county-road cuts the tvnnt nearly through, the
center. , :i
A splendid subdivision proposition. We have this
exclusive. There is money in this for someone. Why"',
not youY Price $82.14 per acre. Terms on part.,
C. A.McAf thur
Phones:. Main 3681; Home 279..
Spring Has Came!
' Wake Up Some!
ed In Its new location for this amount. You will get nothing .equal to
UiIb for tho money for less than double In Mcdford.
Rogue River Land Co.
Would You Buy Gold Dollars for Fifty Cents?
Very Best Fruit Tracts
Close to Roguo River Orchard Company's 3000 acres now bolag de
veloped and sold at .$500 PER ACRE.
Au 80-acro tract, one-half cleared, one-fourth moro noarly cleared,
largo family orchard, oxqollont condition, $100 PER ACRE.
Two 40-acro tracts, each about pne-Uilrd cleared, ready to bo set
out la troos, !JMH) PER ACRE.
Ono -10-acro tract, family orchard and grapes; sovornl walnut trees,
house, baru, largo well nnd windmill, HO PER ACRE.
IGO-ncro tract, about 30 acres clear'cd, $75 PER ACRE.
These on main county road. An ologant proposition for development
and subdivision. ' ':& fe, Mil mal..
Main Street Business Property
Nets Over 8 Per Cent Interest
Best location. Great increase
in value. Lot 50 feet by 140
feet. Splendid buy for invest- .
' meiit or speculation. Special .
price for quick action. Address ;:'
Owner, Medford
tV at P. O. BOX NO. 477.
t a rnnnnv. vico-PreBldent x
JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier X
National Bank
t i ii
auinu. xw. ,
' .. ::
Room 3 P. 0. Block.
The bargain or tho season Is an
eight-room hotiBO to bo placed on good
east front lot on high ground In the
Nob Hill addition, on which, for a
lew days, wo aro ablo to make a snap
prlco ot two thousand dollars, paya
ble hair cash, balance to suit at C per
cent. This Is a hnrd-rinlshed house,
nnd tho upper rooms will bo just tho
placo to board tho Bchool-marms
when tho now East Sldo schoolhouso
Is completed. Tho houso will bo plac-