t l MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, M3ftDT?0RD, OREOOff, WEDNESDAY .ftfAROH. 8, 1911. &Ab$TJfiBMk. a A. f 1 T WOULD EXHUME BAKER Illinois Society, at Annual Gathering in Pythian Hall Tuesday Night, Endorse Proposal to Remove Re mains of Former Senator Baker jb tho result Of a movement pro pose! at tho annual gathering o( tho i Illinois society In tho Pythian hall Tuesday night, tho futuro reunions of tho society will bo held on the anni versary ot tho birth of Lincoln. It was decided, however, that tho so tclety should-hold another feto In tho form of a picnic in celebration or the opening of the Pacific & Eastern rail road's line between hero and Hntte Falls this summer. The affair last night was attended by about 12 5 former residents of the "Sucker" Btato, and was ono of the , most enjoyablo entertainmonts of its kipd ever held here. During tho eve ning several addresses w.oro niado and among other things it was decided "by the members to taho tho initia tive in a movement to have tho re mains of.formor United States Son v ator Edward Dickinson Baker exhum ed from tholr present burial placo noar San Francisco and removed to Saicm. Baker, a former Illinolan, was for a long linio a resident of tho REMAINS state of California, and tho movement ,to remove tho remains to Oregon is proposed by tho society as being fit ting that his bones should find a final resting placo within tho borders of the state tho pcoplo of which recog nized his Worth sufficiently to send him to tho senate. ,Tho following officers wero elect ed: H. 13. Waterman, president; Dr. Henry Hart, vico-presidont; Mrs. E. E. Gore, secretary; J. A. Wcaterlund, treasurer. District Attorney B. F. Mulkey pre sided as toastmaster and a program, consisting of tho following numbers, was rendered: Male quartot; speech by Dr. Ray; reading by Miss Margaret Hoy; vocal solo, by Mrs, "W. N. Van Scoyoc; speech, by B. F. Mulkey; violin and piano selection, by Miss Perl and Miss ' Gurley; male quartet; reading by C. W. Conklinj violin solo, by Miss Etta Dates; address by J.' A. Westor-lund. TAILOR WOULD CUT OUT FAWCETT AT ELECTION TACOMA, Wash., Mnreh 8.- Charles Ii. Drury, proprietor of n tailoring establishment today an nounced himself ns a candidate against Mayor Faweett, whoso re call election is scheduled for April 1. Drury is tho first umn in tho field . against tho present .mayor. Ho an nounces his campaign will be made upon a reform platform. Hotel Arrivals. The Nush. It. D. Hoke, Central Point; V. II. Pattello, Grants Pass; Q. C. Sooy-Smith, city; K. S. Stinton, Iloston; Mr. and Mrs. lJoltz, Eaglo Point; Harry Starr, Portland; W. II. Raymond, Portland; C. V. Lumlior- ...... Pofllmwl' .T P Morris. lVirt- hind; Max Friedentlial, Portland; II. II. Janes, Saginaw, Mich.; M. S. Janes, Saginaw, Mich.; R. W. Mar tin, Senttlo; J. II. Wnrc, Seattle; K. L. Tot on, Portland; Joint V. Van Dike, Trenton, N. J.; J. C. Murray, San Francisco; J. F. Stolz, Port land; John Arnell, Seattle; K. A. Reals, Portland; George McNclly, San Francisco; J. It. Owens, Seattle; J. C. 'Bigger, Portland. The Moore -J. C. Pendleton, Ta ble Rock; John Winninghnm, Uutto Falls; W. L: Sanders, St. Louis; Carl Peterson, Portland; R. M. Ru iur, Portland ;S. II. Kilbourn, Ever ett; Miss Gale, Portland; IJ. II. Har ris, Gold Hill; V. N. Dili, Portland; H. E. Richardson, St. Louis; Charles Royco, Portland; A. W. Stone, Port land; J. C. Taylor, Portland; W. E. Flack, Portland; J. H. Thorpe, Port land; R. I. Bnrkliurst, Portland; A. Eiken, Portland; Mr. aud Mrs. F. Pe lonzo, Eaglo Point; It. Pelouzo, Ea glo Point; C. S. Ray, Portland; E. T. Ijihlmrd, Portland; Thomas Irwin, Portland; E. D. Powell, Portland; E. D. Skinner, Senttlo; W. J. Jeffries, Portland; E. D. Duffy, Portland; E. S. Shute, Boston; G. E. Maeken, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. George B. Von der llellen, Eaglo Point. She Stayed in Hert. Ingram, Texas. "Ever sflico I be came a woman," writes Mrs. E. M. Evans of this place, "I suffered from womanly troubles. Last fall I got so bad I had to stay in bed for nearly a weok every month. Since I have taken Cardul I feel bettor than I have for hided at a business session and gave years." You can rely on Cardul. It the members a niiort talk. Mr. M. 0. acts on the womanly organs and ( Caroy installed four of their officers helps the system to robaln its normal after which a lunch was served, Mr. state of health in a natural way. Pre- Bonnett- returning at 11 p. ni., mid pared especially for women, It pre-i took the party home. May tho vontH womanly pains by acting on neighbors como often and bring this tho cause, and builds up womanly jovial spirit with them, strength in a natural .ray. Purely . Mrs. Isnbello Fnnolier of Medford vegetable. Mlhl. but certain In action I ,ne( win, qUne a Mriou accident Try it. 'near PhuPiiix Inst Friday. In com- HIGH PRAISE FOR E VALLEY Expert in Pomalogy Sends Professor O'Gara Letter Containing Words of Praise for Local Fruit Condi tions and Products of Valley. Voicing high praise of tho Rogue River valley as a fruit district and extolling the merits of its products, E. It. Lake, expert in charge of pom ology, U. S. department of agricul ture, has written Professor O'Gara of this city In regard to local condi tions. "It Is certainly very flattering to your district," he writes, "to know that your prices scale so much highor than the average prices for northwest sections. "There can bo no question about tho Incomparablo position of your dis trict on tho pear situation." ANDERSON FUNERAL TO TAKE PLACE WEDNESDAY The funeral of tho late, J. J. An derson, a sheet metnl worker, . who died at the Southern Oregon hospital hero as tho result of a stomach af fection of long standing, will bo held in tho Perl Undertaking company' chapel Wednesday afternoon. The interment will follow in tho I. 0. 0. F. ccuiotcry. Hanna Sustained. The supremo court has unstained Judge Hanna in a decision In tho case of Grants Pass Banking & Trust com pany, appellant, vs. Enterprise Min ing" company, defendant, and Condor Water & Power company, respond ent, vs. Entorprlso Mining company, appellant. Affirmed by Justlco Mooro. This Is a controversy between credi tors as to tho priority of a lien. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. The students of tho Central Point high school will give a play In the noar future. Tho city council mot Monday eve ning In regular session. Mayor Lee and all councllmcn present except councilman Kylo. Recorder Jacobs was also in attendance; also Attor noy Wlthlngton and City Engineer T. W. Osgood. On petition of property owners a comont sidewalk was or dered put In on tho west side of Fourth street from tho northwest cor ner of Manzanlta street to Hazol street. Engineer Osgood presented a plan and specifications for a sow orago system In Central oPlnt which wero accepted and tho recorder was Instructed to advortlso for bids for tho construction of a soworago sys tem hero. Mrs. J. W. Myers and Mrs. A. W. Doobo and George Trax spont Tues day in GrnntB Pass. A. E. La Ponto made a business trip north Tuesday. C. D. Gay of Medford was visiting his father and mother here Tuesday. EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. A family gathoring took place out at Mr. and Mrs. E. Calhounds plaue last Sunday. Mr. Calhoiuurs broth er, John Calhouud, leaves for Wash ington next week and a family gath ering and a big dinner was given in his honor. David Payne, on6 of our old time fanner boys, ciimo hack from Wiu ncmucen, Nov., this week and went to Medford. Dave seemed surprised nt tho change all over tho vnlloy. And especially at tho growth of tho city of Medford. W. E. Carlock who had a small tract of land northwest of Phoenix on the county road, lias sold out to hi mnu from Illinois. Mr. and Mm. Carlock will move to this placo up at Brownsboro. Mr. Carlock lias a fine tract of land tliero with an abundnnce of wator on tho land. . Mrs. C. Carey was favored witli a. very pleasant surprise from special organizer Baker for tho Women of Woodcraft who is at Medford. And Mrs. II. G. Shearer, Mrs. N. S. Ben nett, Miss M, Jewett. The party were brought out by Mr. Bennett in his auto. They took tea with Mr. and Mrs. Caroy, and tho later in tiie evening surprised Oak Circle No. 242 nt Phoenix, where Miss Baker pre GU M !! HI I I Our Correspondents FARM HANDS TO I Local Orchardists and Ranchers Arc Experiencing Difficulty in Obtain ing Necessary Number of Laborers for Spring Work. That a marked shortage in laborers Is threatening the Roguo RIvor valley for the Beason just opening is tho opinion of local employment ngencles. .Tournoymcn are to be had, hut un skilled labor Is difficult to obtain. Numerous positions as ranch unnds aye offered, but few nro being taken. Orchardists and farmers who have much spring work to do aro wonder ing where tho holp is coming from. It is reported that a largo number of men who have heretofore sought positions on farms in the Roguo are turning 'their attention to railroad work In central Oregon becauso of the luigo amount cf work available jcl the good wages being paid. HARLAN REGRETS LIMP IN TAWNEY'S STRIDE WASHINGTON, D. C, March 8. Justlco Harlan of the Biiprcmo court today wroto James Tawney of Mln nossotn, ono of tho lamo ducks who limped out of congress at tho ex poratlon of- tho sixty-first session, to day expressing regret that Tawney Is not to remain at the national capi tal in soma official capacity. Justlco Harlan's letter read: "I cannot consent to your retire ment without expressing tho deepest regret that circumstances roqulro you to take this step, and it Is hoped that some Way will bo devised which will kcop you In tho nntloual capital In a position worthy ot your roputatlon and experience. Any administration would bo fortunato to have you with It nt ill times." EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (By A. C. Howlett.) Slnco my last there has been a continued string of people coming and going through our lively llttlo town and among tho number that have been guests at tho Sunnyaldo wore Messrs. 13. E. and A. Adams of Dudley. They camo out a part of tho way on snowshoeo and tho rest of tho way walked, reaching tho Sunnysldo nt 7:30 p. m. After eating tholr sup por thoy procured ono horse. They tried to got a rig or two saddlo horses but none could bo found, as thoro Is such a demand for horses and rJgs that tho most of tho tlmo thoy have to bo engaged In ndvanco; but thoy procured a saddlo horso and took It turn about, riding nnd walking, and wont on to Medford that night, reach ing there about 1:30 a. m. tho next day, or rathor night. Thoy camo back, ato their supper and started for home. B. E. Adams' wlfo was sick when ho loft her with two small chil dren, which waB tho causo of tholr being in such a hurry; Such Is Hfo In tho far wost. Tho autos havo been qulto plentiful tho last few days and tho occupants report that tho road between horo and Medford, as getting qulto smooth. Among the callers at tho Sunny sldo is F. II. McCluro of Portland. Ho Is horo looking ovor our country taking for a tract of land whoro threo or four families can locnto and raise alfalfa and havo wator to Irrigate. Ho took a team from horo Saturday, looked at sonio of tho places along Roguo river and up toward Browns boro and Sunday and Monday has been looking over some of tho fnrms around horo closo to town. Ho Is rather reticent as to his plans, but Booms to bo In earnest looking for something. Saturday night among othor call ors wo had S. M. Wood of Ashland, who was soliciting for tho Medford Grocory company of Medford. A. II. Wobor, also of Ashland, who wbh representing Clark, Woodward Drug company, and A. II. Granger, repre senting tho Cudahy Packing company of Portland, Or. Thoy all threo took orders from our local merchants and promised to return In about bIx weeks. Thoy were all threo surpris ed at tho wonderful prosperity of our thriving town. Mr. and Mrs. 13. M. Hegglund of Plorco, S. D., woro horo looking for ajocatlon for a restaurant and room ing house. pany with Mrs. Arthur Hover and JD"8. Fnuehcr'g motjicr, Mrs. Cox, the woro driving when the hone ho enino friRliteiwd and ran nway, throwing all tho oeeupantH out of the rig. Mra, Fanoher'n head struck a tree and her injuries were feared iiu rtwjifif7 J lit? muuj KUIirn !-Vj sustained hruirios, hut not of iv ser ious nature. HARD N SHAW AGAIN IS ELECTED MAYOR Cronemilicr Elected Treasurer of City Over Benjamin M., Collins by Few Votes Dox Re-elected Justice of the Peace. Many of the old officers wero re tained by tho city of Jacksonville at the election Tuesday which result ed ns follows : Mayor Dr. T. T. Shnw. Couneilmeh Fred Fick, W. T. Grieve, Charles Dunford, Emil Brit I Treasurer Jnmcs Cronemiler. Hot-order Henry G. Dox. Strict commissioner Louis Eaton. Marshal M. 1). Jones. Tho mayor and eouncilmcn for ro election worts unopposed. . The fol lowing is the vote on the other off I cers: ' ' Treasurer. ' ... Jiunos Cronemilicr . . . 85 Benjamin CoUiisa ; Itecorder. it. g. Dox . . , . :..: 101 D. W. Bngslmw i il Street Commissioner. Louis Eaton 78 Al Learned fit) .Marshal. M. D. Jones, not oppcd. NOTICE. " Beginning April 1st, 1911, tho union scalo for painters will bo ?4 por day. On that dato tho Initiation foe into locnl union, No. G43, Bro therhood of Painters & Decorators of America, will bo raised. Tho union meets every Thursday night at 8 p. m. In Anglo hall. 0. W. HARRINGTON, Socrotary. 405 North Bartlett St. 310 ,JWfWJf,MrWWWM I MEDFORD CONSERVATORY POR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OP MUSIC. PULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark Draperies Wo carry a vory complete lino of draperies, laco curtains, fixtures, etc., nnd do all classes of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will glvo as good sorvlco as is possible to got In ovon tho largest cities, Weeks & McGowan Co Van Dyke Realty Co. C1TV PKOPKItTT PAHMS, FKUIT HAXGIIKS 123 K. MAIN STRUI5T. KnorwnAirou wank I iiavnuhkt vm ""cil-the lcl quality SASH AIM) ppORB, IlcM-ptMminstockforgutck i ja i wit on prlca una tell onlv. .11 hlvn mv mm fipfnrv It COitc nie trtucf) leui la mlcA mv avvl nd lets to Be.'l then lx-iiuo I maku and iwll in Uriro quar"es. jThu prlcn are taken from my ratalojr copy of which Ii will miuliy ma i on rennetti Front Door, double iMck ! 33.28 up raney I rent Ilovrt, tlylitb 45.00 up G-crou pauel Doori.for palnllne 51.23 o-croM panel Uoort, for ttalnlng NewCrnflainanOoor.forljunHatow 30 CO jt.l 7.II-L. Uf. .I.... .t..l. ..II tul i-Hght Harn 3ti ..- .1 42c up Cupboard Doord with plain iUm 31.00 K.I). Doorframe) 75c h, P..Sailt inroei 00c J Do net a 1 t j R -J ipa your )U.t of ma. leruii for ptlfet ana freight etiargtg. 'JAHC tor uaiaiotf no. LlB.'Aa ?' n f :ig Kj HI MmLkf i m uojiv.ry, m tor cult Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March Cth In Elec tric building, 218 West Main street. Everything now and modorn, Includ ing steam heat, baths, etc, Best In city. Rates reasonable . Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small tracts MOOR-EHNI bo. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg TALENT Real Estate FOK SALE A flno tract, quarter ot a mllo from Talent, 8-room houso, good barn; 300 trees. , Prico $4,000; torins given. Good business opportunities and' lo cations, nil paying. A CC-ncro tract, C-room houso. and largo barn, 3 mllos from Talent, partly' cleared and lots of good wood on place; must bo sold soon; will go for ?1100. A OO-acro tract, wator to Irrigate samo; has n C-room houso and barn to hold G head of horses, Im plements to run the placo, and a wagon. This placo put up 30 tons of hay last year, and, no wator waB used. Prlco, $3000, half down. A 74-acro tract, 2& miles from Tal ent, good 8-room houso and largo bnrn; 8 ncres undor ditch and In al falfa and garden land; 34 acres un dor plow, and trees; 20 acres ot or chard, ot which 5 acres arc In bear ing; $10,000, halt cash, balance good terms and easy payments. A 14 1-3 aero tract, lies ontlroly In city limits; has 9-room plastered houso, good barn, well and power for Irrigation of wholo tract. Part ly set to trees; easy terms. For plonty of othor bargains call or address G. A. Gardner TALKNT, OltKGOK. Canton Restaurant Meals Served at all Iloiirw. fioort Cooking, Good ,ServIce, ItciiHon nlilo Prices -:- -: -: :- Sam Lock, Prop. Upstali-H on South Front Street. Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a case sont to tho house. Tho purest, most healthful dritik known ia SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVEMIAUMNa & MACHINE IlEPAiniNa. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN M31. Corner Central Ave. anal 8tk St Medford, Or. LOOK WHAT'S HERri "? B. P. Are Going to Give a Real Show. . Fra Diavolo tVe MEDFORp THEATflUE TONIGHT LOOK WHO'S IN IT A. C. Burgess .Ed. .Androwa Frank Burgess Jack O'Brien Mrs. Qulscnbury ? And tho best ensemble ever on n Medford Stage. Special Scenery Magnificent Costumes. POPULAR PRICUS-50C, $1.00, $1.50. Seats on Sale Saturdav, March 4th. WRESTLING WtSfli LM Studebaker Garage Co. flsss Formerly Siskiyou Auto Co, This Garago and Machlno Shop Is now In chargo e: a practical auto repair man. All kinds of autos and gas engines woll and quickly repaired. Overhauling a specialty. Gars stored and cared for by tho month. Oil and gasollno for sale. i r 128-134 S. Riverside Ave. Phont 4131 rjtr-e. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. :- FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Boilers and Machinory. FAIRBANKS, Campbell & MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANT!, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times and fruit PH0NE323I. i JJJtJJJMJtJpJKJMJ PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT All Work Guaranteed COFFEE-N 'Jt!i IIOWAHI) IILOCIC, KXTItAXOB !eff4Vf"f Nothing Just as Good as EAGLE niATttrACY, 109 East Main St, Phonos : Home 63; Pnc. 232 Eagle Drug Tiios. Bartholomew, Tho Roxnll Stores errf - - 3S O. EtK Y5. t W. K. Edwards ,W. F. Qulscnbury" Mrs. Hazolrigg Miss Elfert Mis. Burgess fi MATCH NATATORIUM i p t Thursday Evening March 9th . CARL BUSCH ft -K vs.-' n ji!C'K REN'Z .of Medford, Oregon. ? ;)'' '' t f 1 mi 3 ij GOOD PRELIMINARIES Best two in threo falls; Oatch-as-catcli-can style. Adrnjssion, 75c; ringside, $1. Tickets on sale Wednesday at Nntatorium. - r n i i :: r4i ", Spraying Outfits, Iiimp, Agents in So. Oregon for MORSE k CO. Baumbacjh ! to loan on improved ranches : : '. land. i ii 320 GARNETT-COREY BUD&V i 1 , "' w WATER HEATING ' Prices Reasonable ! j O. PRICE " ij OX (ltd 8THRHT. PIIONK 80S the REXALL Remedies WE?T SIDE PnARMAC, 200 West Main Street Phenes: Heme 43; Puo. 4041 Co., Inc. Ph. C, General Mgr. icm mt tik. Jr j Medford, Ort. r V !? 1 A M H i mm tm j?y.ii AnSMHiJtiti'SmMXMtSM'.i