PAGE SIX t ' ' . ' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911. r i. .v. v . WEST i IS FRIEND TO ROADS Says That if Special Session he Called for Consideration of Good Roads, He Would Scorn to Play Politics To tho Editer: Ab a mombor of tlio last legislative assembly, I did my host for tho lm&sago of such road laws as would onabla Orogon to itnprovo lior highways. But too many con flicting opinions dofented what I am euro wnB tho wish and doalro of tho pconlo nt largo. And aH for my sin gle Kolf I fool a responsibility. I fool, as a body, tho legislature of 1011 has not faithfully fulfilled Its duty. At last November's election tho pooplo of tho tit til o called for adequate road laws by n majority of 18,000. Tho hj'-'xt four years, loading up to and In cluding tho great Panama exposition, will bo by far the most important pe riod in tho ontiro history of Oregon. Washington, to tho north of us, and California, our neighbor on the south, fully apprcclato tho lmportauco of tho groat wcBtorn movement, and are spending millions on tholr highways. California voted a rond appropriation nt her last election of 111,000,000. Washington is not only using hor pris on labor, but at tho prosont session of tho legislature appropriated over ?l,ri00,00a In cash for tho building of jior roads, and yot nolthor Washing ton nor California arc in anywhoro near tho need of adequate roads that Oregon Is, owing to tho naturo of our soil, togotbor with tho fact that west of fho Cascado mountains wo hnvo no frozen ground to help out during a part of tho yoar. Ah it now stands, unless something is dono In tho wny of a special Bosslon, wo must wnit two wbolo years boforo oven a Htnrt can bo mado, and all Ibis time ovory other section west of tho Hooky moun tains is getting roady for tho great est rush of emigration that this con tinent haB'ovor Boon. Hotwoon now nnd tho eloso of 101C thoro will bo nloro pooplo visit Orogon than tho sum of hor prosont ontiro population, I enmo to Orogon tho first timo In March', 1003, Wo woro 12 homoscok orB In tho party. Wo stopped first at linker City, and tlion at ovory town or city of Importance- until wo reached Portland. From Portland wo visited tho principal towiiB through tho WU lnmetto valley, whoro wo woro stuck In tho mud, looking ovor tho country at nearly ovory point whoro wo stop ped. Tho ontiro party was very fa vorably Imprcssod with Oregon and Its possibilities and ngreod that It was n Btato with a groat futuro, but said: "Who wanta to llvo in a country llko this, whoro tho pooplo don't appro cfato tho vnluo of good roads?" Tho result of thle homosoekors' pnr ty waH that I am tho only one out of tho 12 who decided to locato In tho stnto and make It my futuro home. Tho roBt roluruod oast disgusted, and thoy aro still writing mo, saying' "Orogon Is all right and will bo tho best state In tho Union whenever the taxpayers realize what good roads mean to tlieni. When you people wako up to this fact wo aro coming back and will bring dozens of our frlonds and relatives with us." It is n fact that fully 7G por cont of tho homoseekcrs from oastorn states who are looking for homos op tho coast, coino west between tho mouths of October nnd April, or during tho wlntor mouths, because at that time thoy aro at loasuro and wunt to got away from tho cold winters which aro so sovoro la tho eastern and middle western states. During this time Ore. gun has hor rainy season and when our oastorn visitors discover tho frightful condition of our public high ways thoy return homo disgusted. You will find that auyono who visits Oro gon between tho months of April and October duoldtm to stay or como back as ho gets n favoinblo Impression of tho stnto, becauso of tho fact that dur ing this part of tho yoar wo onjoy fairly good roads, In my humble opinion tho stnto of Orogon Is losing oyer $10,000,000 annually from those Investors on account of tho bad con dition that our highways aro In at tho prosont timo. Tho trans-contlnontnt rallronds aro active In building up nil parts of this state. Every community and ovory Interest wast of tho Rocky mountains aro trimming tholr sails for tho com ing flood tide of emigration, and yot ' (ho Oregon assembly, choson by tho pooplo to pass a few laws, has ad journed without passing tho most Im portant net that camo boforo It prac tical good roads laws. Now, speaking ns an Individual member of tho houso, I nm frank to sny that K that body ennnot got to gotbor In special bosbIoii, eallod by the governor, nnd pass without aulbblo tho proper rond Jaws, which will be satisfactory to tho governor, tho Good Honds association, tho farmer nnd nil oilier taxpayers, enabling nil parts of tho elate to go ahead nnd construct Bclontlflc and passablo Highways, then I say any mombor or sot of members who undertake to play politics and ILLJHOISANS TO T H UH T Election of Officers for Ensuing Year is Chief Business Lunch eon and Program Has Been Ar ranged for tho Evening. In tho Knights of Pythias hall this ovenlng tho Illinois 'Bocloty will meet In annual session. An election of now officers will bo hold, which will bo followed by n cafetorla luncheon from 7:30 to 8:30 nnd a musical and literary program. Tho program fol lews: Malo qunrtot; speech by Dr. Hay; reading by Miss Margaret Hoy; vocal solo, by Mrs. W. N. Van Scoyoc; speech, by U. P. Mulkey; violin and piano Boloctlon, by Miss Porl and Miss Gnrloy; malo quartet; reading by C. W. Cenklln: violin solo, by Miss Etta Bates; speech by J. W. Wcstor 1 iiiul. WOODVHLE IS BETTERING TOWN City Council Having Much Surveying Done on Streets Sidewalks Are to Be Installed Considering Electric Light Propositions. block tho work for which tho session would bo called would desorvo not only tho contempt of tho districts which sent thorn, but of tho state at largo. Let uh be honest nnd loyal not only to oursolves, but to our Bovornl communities and tho grand old state of Oregon, nnd get together In special session and push such good roads lawn au will uiinblu Oregon to keep pace with hor Blstor slates. I am sure tho govornor will bo In full Hympatby with any honest move looking to tho bottormont of tho stnto of which ho Is chief executive Very respectfully, J. A. WESTERLUND, Representative from Jackson County. TAKING THE NORTHWEST EAST. (Continued from pago 1.) M00. Tho interest hcciiih lo be most ly in farm lands with it little for fruit vulture. This ih u good work ing field and tho interested class seemed to bo listed uiuoiur the best people. Now Albany, Jnd. Nothing so far equals the attendance to tho Oro gon ear Htivh iib wo had nt Now Al bany. Starting early in the morning wo had u steady crowd of visit on for tho two days. On tho evening of the uvuoiul day wo paused through tho ear not loss tliau 1500 people be tween 7:00 iiml l):00 p. m. Jt was necoKiiry to do this, iik wo loft ut 0:30 p. m. J would estimate the at tendance during both days ul no less than 1)000 people. Franklin, Intl. KutliusinKin mid interest hIiowii here set u new mark for tho Oregon oar. Wo had fully 1000 visitors and llie hall in tho even ing wiih filled to overflowing. I have never experienced quite such mi ontliUHinKtio audience uh we encoun tered ut our lecture. After the lec ture we were kept busy for some time giving persounl interviews. Wo nlsif opened the onr nnd allowed the peo ple lo look the exhibits over until almost 11:00 p. m. Wo scoured the mimes of a large number of prospoo tivo lioinestenderH and tuumts for Oregon. k AiiKonin, Ohio. Attendance about (tOO. At the Hloreopticon lecture n the evening ovory seat in lite hall was taken. It was a rousing and es pecially interested orowd nnd the nt teudiineo wiih largo considering the size of the town. Several enmo to mo uftor the lecture in tho evening and staled that they wore going west this spring or summer. Woodvillo has undertaken Hie question of civic improvement in earnestness and many clinngcs in the npponrnnco of the little city will be made. The council has bad a lar,';e amount of surveying done and side walks are to be laid nlong tho main streets, tho (streets graded mid inn- eudcmized. The council is also considering tho mal tor of electric lights. Thoy have several propositions before them but hnvo as yet mado no decision. 1911 RUSH 10 GOLD FIELDS OF ALASKA OH MATCH FACTORY Oil EVANS CREEK i Diamond Match Company Which Re cently Acquired Holdings There Are Tearing Away Old Buildings Preparatory to Erection of Factory SKATTLT3, Wash., Mnrch 7. The 1011 rush for the gold fields of Alaska lias nlroady begun, although thoro is no accounting for the early migration to the frozen land of for tune. The steamer Admiral Sampson is steaming out of Puget Sound todnj on the first trip of the season to the fur north ports. AH pasengcr ac commodations wore taken long before the hour of, sailing last night, nnd tho vessel has 3000 tons of freight in her hold besides. Among tho pas gengers is II. W. Johnson, who take' 312 head of horses and sovoral crutet of live chickens. Ho is going to starl n farm in Tditarod, the farthest nortl mining camp, whore '1000 people air wintering. Johnson's chickens wil' bo tho only ones within f00 miles nl Iditarod and ho is figuring on charg iiiL (l n dozen for the cues. More than 300 of the passengers lire bound for tho now camp. PILES CUHEI) IN O TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Ib guaranteed to euro nny of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles In G to 14 days or monoy refunded. 50c. A want ad campaign will euro you of your poHslsmlsm concerning a man's ehancos, nowadays, to find profitable ami suitable employment - whoro tho road to promotion Is not closed. NOTICE Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho city of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, will tako up and cancol tho following bonds, nnd that Interest thorcon shall coaso at the Intorest payment ported noxt following, (April 1st, 1911): Improvement bonds Nob. 1, 2, 9, 10, 11 nnd 12, datod April 1st, 1909. Improvement bonds Nos. 9. 10, 11 nnd 12, dntod Octobor 1st, 1909. Water main bonds Nob. 1, 2, 3, A, B nnd (5, sorlcs "A" datod April 1st, 1910. I,. L. JACOnS, City Treasurer. Datod February 2S, 1911. 293 HOOK SP1UNC1S COAL. Two cars ot tho famous Hock Springs coal arrived this morning. Phono W. J. Ilurbhlgo, tho drayman, and got some of this. Tho best coal In tho wost, heating, cooking, or fur nace. Domand has oxcoedod tho sup ply, but wo havo two cars on tho track todoy, "CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTRY" Iloautlfiilly Illustrated in four col ors. "Tho Spoil," an unusual romnn tlo serial, by C. N. and A. M. Wil liamson, "What Womon Aro Doing lu tho West." Mnrch Sunset now on snlo Hi conts. ITnskinR for henlth. Spring Has Came! Wake Up Some! -..HIU&VS. Ck,, m ,1S T. . F WWSm IT -X'ArJLZ-'?J Tho bargain of tho season Is an eight-room houso to bo placed on good oast front lot on high ground in the Nob Hill addition, on which, for n few days, we are able to make a snap price of two thousand dollars, paya ble halt cash, balance to suit at t por cent. This is a liard-ftnlsbod house, and tho upper rooms will bo just tho plnco to board the Bohool-niurnis whon the now Eust Side sohoolhouso Is completed. The house will bo plac ed In Us iim location for thlc amount. You will got nothing equal to this for tho money for loss than double In Medford. Rogue River Land Co. 1 vjlUW 4? mm V -jsiSkV '' 3 I lt NO. 11 NORTH CENTRAL MKDFOHI), OREGON That the Diamond Match company contemplates the early erection of a factory and finwmill on Evans creek property recently acquired by them is forecasted by the work of tearing away tho old buildings on the prop erty -which wits stnrled last week. Tho company plans to mnko the I'iVuns creek property the site of one of its largest factories. Tho building to go wns the old stage barn which Was erected in the GO'h and used for 'years by pioneer travelers as a stopping place. BUFORD SAILS ON ERRAND OF MERCY BRATTLE, Wash., March 7. The transport Huford, carrying hundreds of Ions of wheat, and other food sup plies for the famine sufferers in China is steaming out of Puget Sound this morning, bound on a speedy voyage across the Pacific, tho holds carrying tho contributions of hundreds of American pcoplo who hnvo rushed to tho nid of tho dying Chinese. Tho relief was mado up under tho direction of tho Senttlo Commercial club, tho United States donating tho uso of the transport. Vnluo of the cargo is .$50,000, and goes to tho Ainericnn consul general at Slianghni for distribution. The largest individual donor wns the Christian Herald of Now York, providing 1,500,000 pounds of flour. MI-O-NA. Drives Distress From Upset Stomachs lu Fho Minutes. MI-O-NA stomach tablots not only euro Indigestion but build up tho en tiro Bystoni nnd make tho weak and frail strong and vigorous. Thoy aro gunrnnteed to do so by ChnB. Strang. Thoy cnuBo tho glbw of health to appear in tho checks nnd make tho eyes bright and sparkling. Thoy chnso out bad blood and causo pim ples nnd sallow skin to disappear. MI-O-NA Btonfach tablets aro Biich wonderful stomach Invlgorntors and upbulldors that they nro sold undor in ngreomont to rotum your monoy If thoy do not euro Indigestion or nny othor trouble nrlslng from nn upset stomnch such ns biliousness, dlzzi noss, sick hcadacho, Iosb of appotlto, formontation, norvousnoss, sleepless ness, night mare, etc. And only CO cents n largo box at druggists every whoro and Chas. Strang's. "Stomach troublo had bothered mo a long timo, nnd though I doctorod' and used sovoral remedies thoro wns ; no cure given mo until I used MI-O-NA. "I used to feel weak, bloodless and dopressod, but MI-O-NA built up my health and mado mo strong." Mrs. I. Newton, Uollovuo, Mich. NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby glvon Hint tho un dersigned will npply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Medford, Or., nt Its rogulur mooting on Mnrch 4, 1911, for a llconso to sell splritous, vin ous and malt liquors lu quantities loss than n gallon at, Its place of bus iness at lots 12 and 13, block 20, No. 37 South Front Btreot, lu Bald city, for a period of six months. tf J. W. SLINGER. Coffee Chase b Sanborn's Stands at the head (ljWhen you are asked to try something just aB good, just re member that tbo last- timo you changed you wcro sorry. You aro sure to return to the old re liable "SEAL BKAND" at 40c a lb The Same Price for 15 Years The Same Quality all the Time u 99 Blue Ribbon Ul you over trled'Dluo Ribbon Flour, you know that It Is Just n little bettor. If you havo novor tried It, wo will bo pleas ed to havo you try ono sack you'll bocomo n stendy user. Warner, Wormian Gore GHOCEHY PHONE 280. MAHKET PHONE 281. Ilasklns for Health. $$ j "No one thing will rjivo so much plea sure, to so many people, for so long a time, at so little cost, as a GRAPHOPHONE- Informal Concert any Hour of the Day Medford Music Shop McNeally & Co- ' 220 West Main St. Steam and Hot Water Heating If you want to be comfortable, beat your borne with Hot Water. It costs you nothing to talk with Ponting & Renz the only straight Heating Shop in Medford. 37 SOUTH CENTRAL. Inside City Property Exclusive Listings South Sixth Street, Corner, 50x100 $5000 South Sixth Street, Alley Corner, 50x100 $5250 North of New Hotel. Another Corner, Close to Business Center $7500 Still Another Corner, Close to Business Center....$5000 INSIDE ACREAGE. 40 Acres Only V' Mile from Depot, Only $300 Per Aero 9 Acres With Modern Bungalow '. $8000 These Lie Beautifully for Subdivision. A. N. PARSONS REAL ESTATE GRANTS PASS, ORE. aptaaftft!frrtirirtfttfihflrtflftgrtJrt t Hasklns for Health. rrrrrrf IF IT'S GOOD T EAT IT'S HERE All tbo Green Goods that the market affords can bo found here nt reasonable prices. The best stanlo and fancy grocorlos mny bo purchased horo at roasonablo prices and tbo quality Is sura to bo satisfactory. PURE WHITE FLOUR Btands Becond to none and Is giving per foct satisfaction lu hundreds of homos lu Medford and vicinity. aOLDEN GATE COFFEE has tho nroma that satisfies. It enjoys au exceptionally largo sale on tho coast. Our business hi this brand la Increasing rapidly. Allen Grocery Co. I I'llOXK M UN 271 1 HOME 271. XVi SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. e44444 f WATCH for the date of Our Big f c MMMMMMHIMMWM f Fire Sale ? f MMlMMMMiMMM t WONDER DEPARTMENT STORE thmtito,A - tf y