PAGE FIVE r ' ' ","it . , -Wrfe "-! J '--" - ii r ? .' Look at That Ad That Calls for You Its on This Page ? JUEDFORD MAIL .TRIBUNE, MEDflORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911. V r K- I & ; w t-' J y A BITTER FIGHT ON AT SEATTLE POLLS .SEATTLE,. Wash,, Ittrch 7. Out of 18 candidates, Scattlo voters will today, select Jhe n.lne, members of the counclj.'and ,a-letter fjeHt Ja on. Ar rayed against an even nine of the re form candfdateB aro ailno stnnd-pat ters, most of them prominent In thc presont.councH..-T)ie former have the support of, two of the local newspa pers. . . i ' , The people will alBO voto on an $800, Issue today for a mil niclpal "trolley system. NOTICE. To tho master plumber, contractors and builders of Medford and vicinity, that on and after April tho first, the minimum scale of -wages for Journey men plumbers and steamfitters shall be ?5 per day, eight bourn, .T, Franz, president; C. R. Losher, secretary; Local Union No. 302. l0 LOST. " LOST One fishing rod, between Medford and Griffin creek. Please return to W: 'I. .York & Co. 208 i ' LOST Hat pin with round fiat mother of peai'l end. Finder please leave at Nash Hotel, phone 31 and receive reward,. , 300 - FOR SALE OR RENT. , Business Property FOR SALE OR' RENT Good open ing for general merchandise store ill new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 206 W Main. tf. FOR SALE OR RENT Small tracts of land. Inquire M. M. Maine, 410 JSf. Ivy or Main phono ,742. 305 FOR RENT OR SALE Modem seven room house with two sleeping porches. Inouire of W. H. EverlittVd. 000 West 0th street, phono 4771. If FOR EXCHANGE. Ileal Estate. EXCHANGE Wo Tjavfi several good ranches to exchange for, Medford, Portland and'Sonttlo city property. List your property with us for ex change. Rogue River Laud Co., 11 N;Gentral-nver Two ii-room houses for rent. THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms Suites wjth private bath Rooms include largo closets and sleeping porchos. Also hot rnd cold water in connection. Breakfast served, if desired. Reception rooms for guests. Gentlemen only. 706 S. Oakdale Ave. MEDFORD, ORE. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 fruitgrowers Bank Bldg City Property Three-room house and .3 lots, en"h Q0xl25, $1800; tonus. Six-room bungalow on paving, close , in, new, $4000; good terms. 5 room bungalow, close to paving, $1300, easy terms, Fine city lots to trade for hoilse. -Fine lot on N. Central, trade for anything. 0-room house, take lots in 'part pay , ment. West Walnut Park lots, $275-$350; ; $25 down, $10 month, O'per cent 5 rooms, bath, pantry, near school, $1750; terms. i HAWrHF ll6 acres black granite ?dil, 3 miles J to station; 70 acres cleared; $83 ner acre. ... , Trnnt nf hnnrinrt nrflinri?."fhielv Klt- I uatcd, $1000 por acre;,c;ood steady ; income, not n prospect. - WANTED City and ranch property (o list. Girls for general housework, 0 c ranch bands. Man aud wifo on ranch, 2, Pruncrs. " E. F. L B1TTSER Room 206. Phlpps Bulldiny. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FORSALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-eylinder touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office. tf FOR SALE OR "EXCHANGE. .A five pasnenger 1010 Buick automobile, new it! August; run less less than COO miles; cost $1375; will sell or take lot in part pay. A. K. Ware, jMcuiom. uui EXCHANGE For 2 seated carriage n ney single carriage, the very fin est leather top, cost $150. See owner. Humphrey room 3, Address block. 208 FOR EXCHANGE. Ileal Estate FOR EXCHANGE Medford and .suburban property, ranches, timber lands, for othor property. Address Box 199, care Mail Tribune. tf FOR EXCHANGE Tho finest small orchard -in Rogue River Valley nt Ashluud, within city limits, a lovely home, paid 10 per cent net in 1909 on $32,000, all fine fmit, well as sorted, G room, 2 story rcsidonce, barn, packing house; price $12,500; will exchange for Los Angeles prop erty of equal value. Address E. T. Lewis, 571 Chestnut street, Ash land.Ore." 302 FOR RENT. Board and Room ROOM AND BOARD With Mrs. J. D. Fay, 3 blocks' from business con tor. 310 North Bnrtlett. BOARD With or without rooms. Mrs. J. Judson, 317 E. Jackson at. Phone 3712. 302 PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOM at JjIO North Riverside. tf ROOM AND BOARD Meals family style, homo cooking. 446 S. Ever green st. 298 Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Jurnshed sleeping room; everything new and clean reasonable, price; easy woIk from Main st. Only men need apply. Oleson and W. Hamilton sts. Phono Main 4474. - . tf FORvRENT At "the Cottage, mod ern furnished rooms with or with out board. 'Rooms equipped with private telephone .servico, hot and cold running water, sleeping por ches, bath accomadations and heat "if "desired. 004 West" 10 st. Phono call private exchange 141. tf.' " FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients only. No. 10 N. Grape st., next to Farmers & Fruitgrow ers' bank. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room nt 438 S. Fir st., 8 pecrnonth. Phono. XJ0SX. - tf Unfurnished Rooms. ROOMS Threo unfurnished rooms Cnll at 520 N. Front, suitable for housekeeping. 298 Houses FOR RENT 5-room modern house. Call CO N. Orange st. tf FOR RENT 4 room furnished house. Cnll 00 North Orango St. tf. FOR RENT Four room house, also furniture, for sale. 435 North Bar-lett- street. 298 Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Housekeeping" and .sleeping rooms, bath, hot wnter, telephone, .pave streets, close in, 405 South Oukdale, phono Main 1011. ' 300 Offices for Rent. FOR RENT Over tho postoffice with heat and light. Soo A. A. Davis, tf.- FOR RENT Office rooms in Eleo- ' trio building, modern equipment, steam heat, elootrio light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf Business Rooms FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitable fo? res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main st tf Farms FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general fanning ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 West Main. x tf FOR SALE ,v Acreago FOR SALE-ld aero tract, close to depot, school and church. Good nine roomed house, barn, large packing house; fine, sightly loca tion; 0 acres in bcariug pears, 5 acres in young grapes, 2 nores fam ily orchard, bearing, small patch al falfa. Excellent buy, either for u home, investment or speculation. See J. W. Gillette, owner, Second houso north of Jacksonville 'depot tfj FOR SALE. Acreage FOR SALE 5 and 10-acie tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. Lots FOR SALE A bargain for a short time, 100 feet on pavement and side walk, adjoins Medford grocery house, best location for wholesale house; close in trackage to bo had. See owner, Humphrey, room 3, Ad kins block. 298 HIGHCROFT residence sites havo the most superb view of the city, val ley and mountains. ti! FOR SALE On liberal terms, lots 1 and 2, block 2, lots 5, 0, and 7. block 4, Benson Addition, lot 4, Woodlawh Heights. Title being reg istered. Consider eastern ex changes; Address C C Lowrey, Norfolk, Va. 30 ! FOR SALE Closo in building sites on Ivy, Oakdale, Tenth stieet or Hamilton for sale at bargain prices. 299 i-wiv oiiuc ucip yourjeu 10 some money. Five good, high, enst front lots, just one block off W. Main, for $200.00 each. Houses being built nil around them. The block T7f o 4 ri.1 tt-1 . -.. li . i. goes lor .tujuu.uu on easy terms E. . Tumy, 201 Gnrnett-Coroy bldg. 300 FOR SALE" Speaking of good lota that nro cheap, let us show you n lot in tho Westmoreland addition, 50x128, nouth front, for $275. This spring this property will bo a half block from a paved street. Corna-tius-Garncr Realty Co., 133 W. Main dt. tf FOR SALE Large exceptional lot on West Main, cheap. Box G04, City.- 299 FOR SALE Lot corner North Con tral and Court streets, 50x215. Good location for Grocery or moht mar ket. Priced low for quick sale. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR SALE A Ross Court lot. with water, sower and paving nil in. Price $700. Only $100 down and $15 per month. E. S. Tumy, 201 Gnrnelt-Corey bldg. 299 nouses HIGHCROFT residenco sites are des tined to double and treblo ?n . value. tf FOR SALE New, two-story house and four lots. For n quick sale this goes for $1000. Inquire of John Retor, 10 N. Front st. 201 FOR. SALE Hero is just what yon are looking for. A four-room fur nished house on paved "street, close in; lot 50x110. Very chenp; only small payment dowu and rest like rent. Ask R. II. Lincoln, 21 Jack son County Bank bldg. tf FOR SALE Three-room houso largo lot or will build to suit purchaser; pay liko ront. 0: M. Rose, 902 E. 0th. Box 522, Medford. 315 FOR SALE 'Now 2-room houso on largo cast front lot; price $07.") ; monthly payments, liko rent. F. O. Buigess & Co., 303 East Main. Phone 591. , 299 FOR SALE Ono modern boven room house with largo porches, nnd fine onk trees, adjoining city park. Also ono new four room house. See owner 1300 North Central. 302 FOR SALE Ono of the most nttlac tivo houses in Oakdale. Modern in every rcspoot. Call Monday or Ttios day at 503 South Oakdale. 298 FOR SALE A famished 5-room houso just outside city limits on 11th, street, for on $1350 on onsy terms. Water and sower to be put in this spring. A bargain. E. S. Tumy 101 Garnott-Corey bldg. 209 FOR SALE A 6-room modem bun galow on Hamilton street close in for only $2050; on good terms. L S. Tumy 201 Gornett-Coroy build ,' 299 FOR SALE The neatest $300D houso to be had in Medford 0 rooms ,nnd bath, , fireplace; on u paved street. Everything that is desirn bio in a modern homo can bo found iir this; Terms. E. S. Tumy, 201 Garnott-Corey. 209 Business Property FOR SALE Chofct business prop erty nt a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. Real KMLnte FOR SALE 5 to 50 aoreh adjoining ' city, Gantg Pass, addiess Box 553. . " 315 FOR SALE Wo have for salo tho beat buy in tho valley, a splendid bearing orchard with fine improve ments. vFor particulars see Oregon Realty & Mining Co., room 319 Oar-nctt-Coroy bldg. ' 298 FOR SALE Real Estate HIGHCROFT residenco sites nro of ferod at present prico for a short time only. tf FOR SALE Special bargain, 2b acres, less than ono milo from Ea glo Point; woven wiro fencing; land lays nenrly level and is high grade sticky soil; 7 acres cleared, balance very easily cleared. Don't fail to seo this if yon are looking for a fino investment. Price $1000. C. C. Pierce, 128 East Main sth Medford. Or. 300 FOR SALE One of tho best fruit ranches on Rogue River; 14 acres in full bearing nnd a regular producer. Vi mile from station. Good road, fair building and fences. Price rensonablo, best of terms, For fur ther particulars inquire at 1012 E. Main st. 300 SEE OUR LIST OF PROPERTY Office in Gnmett-Corey Building, Room 217, Second Floor. Take the elevator. Five nnd 10-acrc tracts on monthly payments for those earning salaries. Bearing orchards, young orchards, nlfalfn land, large and small tracts of unimproved lnnds on easy terms. City property. Lots in all parts of tho city. Some good buys in bungalows that nro modern and reasonable. A good buy in a good paying furnished rooming house. A simp 0-room houso, with lnrgo lot, $2100. Have a good buy in n stock ranch. Wo arc always pleased to show customers. Courteous treatment to all is our motto. Mako yourself at homo ill our office. , JackRon County Realty Co., II. M. Coss, Managor, Gnnlctt Corey Bldg., Medford. Or. FOR SALE 100 rcres land, 20 acres unproved; goo'i building, heavy .tim ber 25 ucrca. J. E. Day, Woodville, Or. 304 FOR SALE Best 23-aoro, lOlycar old bearing .orchard m the valley, trees very best paying varieties, in fino condition. Less than $1000 per aero; a snap. Best applo land in tho valley, splendid improvements. Cnll on Oregon Realty & Mining Lo., room 319 Gnmett-Corey build iPf. ' 298 Seeds and Trees. VCkli HAT.T7" Pinnl, -..., .4 1. H (.) v.. .w mvii novo, -x iu V iioi, $10 per 100; Royal Ann cherry, 4 to O foot, $12 ppr 100. Donald Nur sery Co., Donald, Or. 303 FOR SALE Com. Inquiro Dr. Clnncy office, Phipps Bldg., or phone Mnm 501. tf. Poultry and Kggn. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Whlto Leghorn eggs,, for hatching from puro bred Whito Leghorn hon which havo been seleotcd nnd bred to standard cpokorels for tho past nine- venrs. Greatest lavers winter and summer. No birds for sale; $1.50 per setting of 15; $4 for 50; $7 per 100. John F. Miller, Jack sonville, Or. 313 FOR SAL10 S. C. Wh. Leghorns and Whito Orpingtons. Send us your or der now for baby chidks or hatch ing eggs for April and May deliv ery. Havo already booked orders for all our March chicka and eggs. Our broedors nro all trapnestcd. Can give pedigroo of each egg. Unquestionably tho carliost and best layers in the county. "Botter birds, hioro eggs." Mro. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Or. tf FOR SALE-rRhodo Island red eggs $1 per setting of 15 eggs. C. R. La mar. 210 Court st. 300 Poultry nnd Eggs. FOR SALE Full blood whito Loig- hornoggs. Farmer phono 5392. 302 FOR SALE Barred Rooks from sel ected laying stock, eggs $1 per 15. V. Bursoll, Central Point, Ore. Phono Medford Farmers 7180. 319 FOR SALE Full blood whito legh orn eggs, phono GUI or call at 515 West Second. 209 Miscellaneous FOR SALE A lO-horso power stenm engine; this engine is now, has not been runtwo months. If you want a bargain look this up. Pantorium Dye Works, No. 5 N. Fir. st. Phono 2141. 209 FOR SALFj A good snfo, good as uow. If interested call and seo sumo at tho Model Clothing Company's store. 298 FOR SALE A bargain in automo biles. As good as now. Owner pnr-. chased larger machine. Crater Lake Garage, Riverside avenuo behveen Main and Eighth stroots. tf. FOR SALE A nenrly new 3-horse-power gas. engine; coat $185. will sell for $90. A. K. Ware. Medford. FOR SALE Lumber, shingles aud shavings; mill work. .Schurtnan ft Lawrence, Farmers' phono 715(1, Phoenix, Or, 30 1 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous FOR SALE Peditnl dining table and six chairs, mission, used only two months. Phono Main 4001. 301 FOR SALE Saddle horso 7 ywiw old, weight 1050, free to go, price $110. Phone 7114. FOR SALE Check on Ellers nulsie house, $109. Address 4 x enro Mail Tribune office. FOR SALE Now farm wagon and harness. Mnnzinctta St., Kendall add. J. F. Pryor. 297 FOR SALE Furniture, reasonable, Inquire 240 S. Grape. 299 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, $1 for 15, $5 per 100; Brown Leg horns, fine layers, day-old chicks 12o each; $10 per 100. I. A. Ann strong, Box 138, Medford, Or. 308 FOR SALE Household furniture, all new, in use but six months; tnbloe. chairs, dressers, brass and etitttnolcd bedsteads, springs, uutreeB',K, com plete outfit for housekeeping nt it bargain if sold nil together or will sell separately; also visible type writer but little used, and 50 laying hens. Address N. Zimmer, R. F. D. No. 1, or phono 7078. 301 FOR SALE First class Underwood typewriter for snle. Address Box 8. euro Mail Tribune office. 303 FOR SALE Good milch cow. Ad dress P. O. Box 732. tf HELP WANTED. nelp Wanted Malo WANTED Salesmen in overy local ity of the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make ovoi $1000 month; choico of territory Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top nontsh. Wash. NVANTED Goodhouest hard work ing married man on ranch. Phone Farmer 7110. tf WANTED Two men with stump pul- lor to grub land, 334 W. Sixth St.. comcf Ivy. 299 WANTED Two good cniivnssors snap for right parties. Apply be tweon 7 and 8 o'clock evenings, 203 N. Grape. 303 Help WantedFemale. WANTED Middle aged widow with out children to keep houso for fam- . ily of two. Address Box 18, Phoenix Oregon. 301 WANTED Woman for gonorn' housework, family ofi two in coun try. Apply to Bouidnut Connor Nash hotel, 8 to 0 p. m., or 8:30 U 9:30 mornings. tf WANTED A woman to do house work in family of two. Stnto whore can bo seen. P. O. Box 724. 302 WANTED One woman in cud' county who desires employmont it homo town, $15.00 per week. Br independent and self-supporting. J S. Zieglor companyi Como block block, Chicago, 111. 298 WANTED Girl for general house work. Wages $1 per day. Inquire Buffuin, Rogue River Eleotrio Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf WANTED. Mlscollaneouji WANTED Clean rags at Mail Trib uno offico. WANTED To sot and tnko charge of young orchard; havo tho oxpoii onco in pruning or cultivating, and am an eastern singlo man. Addros J. M. Steele, Gon'l Del., Medford. Or. 304 WANTED Furnished house, five or six rooms. Moor-Ehni Co., 212Fruit growers Bank bldg. 305 WANTED You to try our home baking, salads, pies, oukos and otc, tho Mistletoe, 025 West Mnm, phono 5451. 2()8 WANTED To buy a good sooond hand incubator. P. O. Box 138. I. A. Armstrong. 301 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Position aa bank cash ier or accountant. Address A. X. caro Tribune. 302 MISCELLANEOUS HIGHCROFT residenco sitec will be known us tho real "Nob Hill" of Medford. tf BREEDERS ATTENTION! Having brought, to Medford tho fast pacing stallion Ashon, record 2:12Vi, will be pleased to talk with any porson owning a good maro that they wish to breed to tliQ fastont horso in southern Oregon. A. K. Wnro, ono mile South of Medford. 302 FREE DIRT For the hauling. See "Shortie" Garnott at Garnott-Covoy Hardware Co. tf WANTED Wo havo a customer for a modern bungalow, closo in. What havo you to offor. Oregon Realty & Mining Co,, 319 Garnott-Corey bldg. 298 I FOR SALE HIGHCROFT residoilco sites haVo delighted everyone who has seen the property. tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Now hotel, doitig good business, good locution. Address look box 75. Butto Falls, Or. 297 FO. RSALE Hotel, and. business houso nnd livery barn; ono of tho best pnying hotels in southern Or egon. U. W. O wings, Eagle Point, Oregon. tf HIGHCROFT residenco sites are des tined to double and treblo In value. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants D. R. WOOD Gtjnoral accountant; Your books audited and kopt for a reasonable figure: your business solicited. Offico Phipps bldg., room 209. Phono 3122. Assayer and Analyst EARL V. INGELS, B. S. Boat equipped assay offico in Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, spray produots, wator, etc., an alyeod. Grants Pass. Architects TOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main Phono Main 3471. Residence phone 744. A. P. GOODWIN, Architict, office 340, corner Front and Third. Attorneys COLVIG & REAMER W. M. Col- vig, C. L, Roames. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bank build ing, Boootid floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-at-law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoffice building. A.. E. REAMES 'Lawyer. Garnett-V Corov bldg. WITHINGTON & KELLY Palm building. -Lawyers, R. F. MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30. Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Billiard Parlors 4. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nieo, cool plaoo to spend the hot aftor noons. lllll rosters 'ERNE T. CANON Bill poster nno Distributor. All ordors promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank building, Medford, Or. Collections VCCOUNTS collected in any part of tho world. No ohargo if not col lected. Pacific Collecting Co., 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Cigars and Tobacco RELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouso Dea)ors in tobaoco, cigars and nmoreks' supplios. Exclusive agents of Lewis Singlo Binder, El Moritt nnd El Palonoia. 212 West Mam strcot. Fidelity and Surety londs U L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in tho best compnuios. 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Fumlturo FI. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in now and stoond-hand furniture and hardware Agonts for House hold stoves and tangos. 10 South Fir street. Phono Main 3103. Home 205-L. UISSION FURNITURE WORKS Conter 8th and Holly ctroots, Med ford. Mission furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstovos and ranges. New and socond-hnnd furniture Ends' old stand, 18 W F st., South. Phono 91. Home 283-K. Medford. Granlto Worka HOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 218 W. Mnin st., manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumontal and buildiu granite, crushed granito common brick and prossod brick, coarse and fiiio washed river sand. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brisk; dealors in prosscd brick and lime. Office in Garnott-Corev block, room 209. 2d floor. Phono No. 9181. Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC Room 307 Phipps bldg. HELEN N. YOCKEY, Notary Public Bring your work to mo at tho sign of tho Mail Tribune. tf Tents and Awnings MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING Co., makers of new, vepairors of old. Both phonoa 405, S. Oakdale. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN nOUSE Cut flowers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 023 E. Main. Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Out treefe aro budded, not graftod. Our stook is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. Wo are not in tho trust. H. B. Patterson, office removed to 116 E. Main st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growora ut nigh grade nnrsory stock Otfice 26 W. Main. Tel. 1201 Physician;) and Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, Mk D., Physiejan aud Surgeon. Special attention givon to intcrnnl medicino and gen eral offico practice. Offico hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Offico phono 731, residenco phono 4542. Offico over Strang's dru storo. DR, S. A. LOCKWOOD- Physician and Surgeon. Office 210 E. Main st., over Ha kins' drntr store. Phone Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phy. sicians and surgeons, Taylor aofc Phipps bldg,, rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phone 012. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Movod to Rooms 410 and 4J.7, Garnott-Corey bldg. Phone Mnin 6351. DR. E. H. PORTJER Diseases oj' women a Bpeolalty. Rooms 6, b 7 8. St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Qi PheacB: Office 4901, resident 4951. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat! Offico Suite 318, Garnott-Corey bldg. j DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE, Dentist Offico in Rinlto bldg., 123 Ei Mnin. Gas administered for ex traction of teeth. Tolophoue Mam 081. Night phone 4432. DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathi. physician; residence 203 Olson st. phono Main 4474; offico, rooms 3 and 4 St. Mark's block, phone Main -1871. -f- DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Gnmett-Corey bldg rooms 211-212, phono 1092. Res'" denco 113 Laurel st., phono 2002 DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Prnotico limited to diseases of wo raon. Offico Haskins bldg. Phone Main 1001. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoo. Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoo. Dentists. Garoctt-Coroy bldg., suito 318, Mod- frrd, Or. Both Phonos. DR. R. E. GREEN, eyo, oar, nose and throat. Rooms 212-213 Gar-nnott-Corcy bldg. DR. E. E. KOCH, Cbiropractio dem onstrator of Psychology. Enso for all disease. No drugs. No knives. Phono 0701, or call at 300-307 Garnett-Coroy blk. Hours 0 to 12; 1 to 0, and 7 to 8; by appointment on bunuays. CHOW YOUNG'S Chineso medicines will euro rhoumntism, cntarrh, colds, goiters, throat nnd lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, pri vato disoasos and nil kinds of ehronio and nervous ailments. Stom ach trouble, constipation, indiges tion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Med ford, Or. DR. LEROY M. GORDON Chiro praotio spinologist; over Medford Hardware Co., 210 E. Main St.. Medford, Or. DR. J. J. EMMENS -Practice limit ed to of tho oyo, ear, noso and throat. Officos 210 E. Main st. Pimm and Voice. MRS. J. J. IIAURI, piano nnd voice 211 Stark Btreet. Phono 5232. 322 PrlntcrH nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tho best equipped job offico in South orn Oregon; Book binding; looso leaf systems; cut paper, etc, etc., Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Paha Bloek. Stenographic work dose quickly and well. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, 402 Gartiott-Coroy Bldg., Medford, Or. Miss L. J. Kingston. Telephouo nonfo 95. Tin Shops J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and shoot iron ware on hand and mada to order. 128 North G st. Read Signs. VALLEY StGN ADVERTISING CO,'S SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phono 803. 18' Riverskk Avo. Ea I M I rjttt iir a, ALfwbmMiEi Atteaii