&. - - PAGE POUR MEDFORD MAIL TITErUHEAIEDFORD, OREGON, amSDAfe. fttefr, 1911. Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NBWSPAPKR -PUUL1HMED DAILY EXCEPT SATUR DAY UY THE MBDrORD PRINTING CO. 1 . . - Tlio Democratic Tlmen, Tlio Medford Mall. Tho Medford Tribune, The South cm brcKonlun. The Ashland Tribune. OROROn PUTNAM. Editor and Manager Entored ob necond-elasa matter No- vomljpr 1. 1909. nt tno pooiomce i Medford, Orison, undor tho act ELECTRICITY AND CEMENT. r Of CANINE GOLD HILL promises, within a short while, to become tlp site of scevral largo cement manufactories. Some of the largest deposits of limestone in the country are lo cated in this vicinity, and we have the word of the geo logical experts of the federal government that the quality of lime is of the highest grade. While the prospective manufacturers arc not making cement in the newspapers, and have little to say for )u lication, the lime deposits have been bonded and sufficient March g, ,. preliminary work quietly done to satisfy capital regard- Offlctol Paper of tho City of Medford. 1 J nnltf.v f tlio. lime Rlld tllO feasibility 111& HH, wt. .. .... vj -j w- $5.00 of making cement. Though it is not generally Known, ciccincjuy i-m.v n m 1.ii.rn itnvf in flin mniovr omiOAi filf'toi'V. A llU'lTC fuctoi'V f:S8 uses from 2000 H. P. upwards and it is doubtless to sup- ply the luturc aemanci oi inese ceinunb wimva niu uiu Romie River Electi-ic company is planning a great power plant near Prospect. JNo man Knows tnc History or cement, wanner umuug the ruins of ancient Home and you will find solid masonry, laid with cement made from volcanic ash mixed with lime iwl itrnfm. TTiafnvv Anna Tint: r.nll ivlln lflid tllCSC stollCS and how the first mason discovered the secret of his mortar., Visit -the ruined cities of the Aztecs in Central America and you will find intact their ancient masonry, laid with cement, and walls still standing made from cement and rubble. ...... Cement is made from a mixture of lime, silica and alu- innn ' 'iniiO lnny. Ill TIP V1PT1T, ru'tJTJUlLIUIJ. 1UIVU U1U 1I1IUI1. j-i-uv u...j5, -" v- o 1 i. i X)roperty of cohering until the product finally becomes as hard as stone. The lime is usually secured by burning limestone, the silica and alumina arc natural products of clav. In a modern ccmont plant the raw material is brought to the plant in cars and dumped into bins for the several mills, and from then on, until it is paciceu m uugs ruauy for shipment, it is handled' byxclcctrically-opcratcd machin- cry. The raw material irom ine storage uma is urakimuu aiid crushed ready for mixing. The various materials are then mixed in their proper proportions, pulverized and delivered to the burner building, where the raw material is thoroughly fused to clinker. The clinker is then delivered by electric cranes to clinker storage bins and allowed to cool, after which it is conveyed to the finishing mills, re crushed and pulverized, and, then delivered to the stock houses as finished product. Here the cement is packed into bags ready for shipment. It is electricity which handles the material and drives the powerful crushers and grinders. This same power pul ..rnt.ia tlio .rml snwl blows it into the drier kilns where the cement is roasted to a clinker. Even the finished product a niifninntfonllv wniirlmd hv an electric device. All the iimfnva nvn rliiafnvnnf nnd Jll'O blown out with COlimrcSSCd air cvorv 24 hours. The fact .that an electric motor is the only power unit which can stand a continuous 24-Jiour service in a dust-laden atmosphere makes it invaluable to the cement industry. soBscarPTiow bates One year, by-mall....... . . .... . 1. f. .. wtn II ........i.i... Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville) and Con- irai -oiiii -"n a.in.inv nuiv. iiv mall, oer year. . . .uv Weekly, per year rail, X.eBcd Wire United ? Slepatohei. The Mall Tribuno Is on nolo at the Ferry Newn Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel Nowu Stand. Portland. Bowman Now Co., Portland. Or W. O. Whitney. Seattle Wnh. Jlnl Spokane News Stand. Spokane msiersIe' TOLD BY Mary Jane Reveals to News Sleuth That City Recorder's Aqc is Thirty , Friends Congratulate Great . Day in and About the City Hall. City Recorder Robert W. Tclfcr was tho recipient ot tlio congrntula tlonB of his ninny, frlomlfl this morn ing when tho fact that today la his birthday uecaino known to his frlondB. The, coming of tho ovent had boon kept a closo Hccrct, not oven Mary Jnnc, canine, 3 months old, and, Blnco her arrival lit tho Telfor housoholtl Is Its "nig Nolso," having boon lot Into tho uccrct. However, with true womanly In tuition, Hho Biispected Homotlilng waa amiss whon sho discovered Mrs. Tel ler In the act of trying to hldo hoiuo tlilng In tholr homo. Sho waited nor chanco. dui? up tho "somothlnK" and found It to bo a birthday present in tho form of a sllvor enso for an Klk'n card, bearing tho lnBlgnla of tho II. 1. O. E., with tho words, "Robert W. Tolfor." ongraved aoovo It. Mary Jano told and to provo tho fullness of her knowledge- added that Dob Is ao years old todny. ALLEGED BEATS LAi III JAIL Arrested In Ashland on Charge of "Jumping" Board Bill, Twain Is Landed in County Jail to Await Action of the Grand Jury. CUDfHY TRIAL IS ON TODAY Professor J. P. Cudihy, of the Com mercial Class of the Medford High School, Being Tried on Assault Charge Before Justice Dox. J. K. Culbert and 11. S. MoKoUiiw, formerly employed in tho oulinury de partment of ono of tho local restau rants, were lodged i tlio oounly ail nt Jacksonville Tuesday by Coiiatn blo A. L. Irwin of Ashland, uhargod Avith an alloxod violation of tho state law which makes tho "jumping" of a board bill u groan mibdumuaiiur. According" to tlio uomplaiut. upon whieli the two men aro hold awaiting tho action of tho grand jury, they, after leaving thin city, established their retmlcnuo in a houso in Ashland V'liuro provender and a nightly 'Ho down" is oxohuntro for coin of the realm, lleiug short on 'dough," and long on appetite according to the al legations, tho twain hooauio peeved when pressing demautU for ante wore mado ami took their departure. They were urrtMcd and, in the juk lico court in Ashland, bound over to await tho iicliou of the grand jury. PETITlUOiCII. I IL . Claieiu'o A. Jfeeler has petitioned the city council Xor permission to .lorcot a modern frame residence witli- .c)jn tho oily fe limits. The jropert.v upon which the limine is to bo built 'i on North HartloU htroet between ' ?Tlriril and Fourth streets, on lot 3, "block 10, of Packard's uddlliou to ,,7ho city. ROAD WORK TO START APRIL 1 County Road Machinery Con tracts Will Be eLt Mapping Out Campaign. FOR DING PERMIT Democrats Laying Plans. - WASHINGTON'. I). C. March 7- Tho now wayfl nnd means of tho domo. crata In eocrot seaslon today begun outlining tho policy of tho next eon grea. !ThQ chlot problems of tlio conimtt teo aro tho doflnlto boUIIiib ot tho legislative program, orgaulrutlou of the house and particularly tho rovts lo of the tariff. i - Ilaskliui or Haltu. Tho trial of Professor Cudihy of, tli.t Moilfnril lilL'h HCllOOl. WllO is charged hy Court Hall with having assaulted Seoly Hall IiIb son, In tho corridor of tho school building hero last Thursday, was commenced before Justlco of the l'oaco Henry 0. Dox In Jacksonville this morning. Up to noon, whon a recess waB talc- on for lunoiieou, oniy tour m mu stato'n wltnoBsoa had been n tho wit ness Bland and their testimony tond od to Bhow that Protossor Cudihy was the aggressor in tho fist fight which took plnco between lie and young Hall, fiooly Hall wib tho first witness callod by District Attorney U. I. Mulkev. and he wiib followed on tho witness stand by Superintendent if Schools V. S. Collins. Mrs. Can- fluid, a teacher la the high school, i and Miss Alice Forbes, a pupil. When; court reconvened alter mo miicui'im porlod.'tho prosecution resumed their case. 1'rofosBor Cudihy Is represented at tho hearing by Attorney K. J. New man. Tho duronsoa ono win uuk' some llmo this afternoon, and a num ber of witnesses will bo called In an oudeavor to show provocation and that Soely Hall was the aggressor. Tho (Istlc oncotintor was precipi tated by an argument between tlio two .whon 1'iotossor Cudihy rebuked Hall for making m'toe when enter ing tho class room after the sosbIou ln.ll hAunn. Hall madu a rtrtoi't which aimered Cudihy so thst he ordoredj tho boy from th rcoin. Anothor ro- j mark followwl. with the lesult that t Cudihy followed thw Ikj from tho J room Into tli corridor, wmrv ine fight ocanrrod. CENTRAL BANK FOR ALDRICH Senator From Rhode Plan He Dares Not Make Public According to Authority. LONDON, March 7. "A great cen tral bank la tho core of Senator Ald rlch'B scheme for currency reform In the United States,'' says tho London Financial News, the foremost Eng lish authority upon all affairs of Interest to tho money world. "Of course ho repudiates tho Idea," tho Financial News continues. "He repudiates tho name. Ho call his Institution tho Reserve Association. Uut tho senator la accustomed to play In these comedies. Ho has un; dertnken more difficult parts la his tlmo, and In particular In tho great play oi tariff revision. Hut It Is qulto clear that Mr. Aldrlch, whoso astutences and acumen are unsur passed by nny of tho republican leaders, hccb a rock upon which his project may split. "Ho fearfl public opposition to a central bank, and American public opinion may bo etfclted against a central bank by tho apprehension that Its currency, llko Its oil, copper, rallroadB and foodstuffs, may becomo tho proy of what tho souator himself ciills an nmbitldiiB monetary Inter est. Ho explicitly stntes that tho scheme la crafted with this danger In view, and indeed, its intricacy is a great deal due to tho multiplica tions of precautions against it. Tho pollticloua brnnded as tho omlnontly dangerous class. This clause will re main as tho mark of tho level to which politicians havo fallen in America." BOISE, Idaho, March 7. While Island Favors there Is a prospect of an extra, session of the lcgislaturo today It Is gener ally bcliovedtbat tho covernor will English Financial Lot can it. The leciBlaturo which has Just ad journed Is regarded ae a Hbcrdl .body, Although It waB expected that a state wide prohibition law would bo enact ed, tho legislature declined to enact It or submit a resolution for prohibi tion by constitutional amendment. despite platform promises. The republicans promised- the crea tion of a railway commission law, but the measure was defeated. UKLIABLK TltKATMENT FOR WHISKY OIMJEFJl HABIT Try. It at Our Kxpeuso. Can You Abk Moro. Cnn Bo Given Secretly. We aro bo confident that OltUINE will destroy tho tcrrlblo craving for whisky, beer and all Intoxicants, that wo want you to try It at our expense Thousands of wives and mothors throuf.hout tho land havo, by tho aid of ORUINK, restored, drinking Iiub- bando and boiiu to lives oi sobriety, usefulness and happiness, Wo bollovo that ORRIN12 will prove successful oftor all other means havo failed, so wo say to wIvcb and mothers whoso homes aro blighted because of tho curso of Intomnoranno" don't bo- como dlscournKod, ovon If you havo tried other romodlos without benefit. Try ORRINE you try it at our ex- ponso If It faSlB to produce results. , , ,, . i H ponso If It faSlB to produce results. Road Engineer Harmon Assembling fnow thnt ormirfE 8tamls foro- DAHO MAY HAVE AN EXTRA SESSION JURY- FREES MAN; MOB TAKES ACTION BOWLING GREEN, Kj, March 7. i Llttlo effort will bo mado, It was conceded today, to .prosecute the members of. the mob who last alght shot and' killed" Wood Ayres, 6. proml nont farmer who waslet out ot Jail on heavy bond last fall after a Jury had failed to reach & teralct on a 'charge of murdering his mother-in-law. Aycrs was walking home last nlghtf whon he was met by 100 War ren and Allen county cltlzenB nnd his body riddled, with bullets. His horse escaped unharmed nnd its.arrl vaf home with' the blood-stained sad dler waa tho flrat Intimation his 'fam ily had of tho tragedy. ITALIAN RADICALS ARE AFTER WAR OFFICE ROME, March, 7. Radicals In the national . pnrljameat today aro de- manding an investigation oi mu - lty of tne war offlco, on a tosalt of dlsoloiurea following tho killing of Countess Glull dl Trlgona by Lieuten ant Paterno. Paterno was a cavalry lieutenant la good standing, despite tho fact thfct be had been guilty of brawling, cheating at cards, beating womon and defrauding hid creditors. Tho" minister of war saye Patomo was, not dismissed because tho war office did not know bis disreputable char acter.' ' - ' """ m0mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm On April 1 tho county of Jackson will boKln tt build real roads. W. W. Harmon, road engineer, la at present ongaged la gathering tho road ma chinery which Is scattorod from Bar ron to Woodvlllo, anil from Prospect to Sterling, overhauling it and maki lug ready for the campaign. Plans nro now being formulnted by Mr, Harmon and tho county court for a systematic Handling oi mo roan work. During tho Bummer much of tho work will bo lot by contract. Tho county Is planning to got something for tho $100,000 annually spent on roads, ALL STREETS BUT F OUR NOW DRAGGED Every unpnvod street in tho city will havo boon subjected to treatment with a "drag" by Wednesday night, If tho. present activities of Street Com missioner linker and hte force of as sistants aro able to continue their work. The draining wns commenced about four weeks ugu and Blnco that tlmo all but four streetB havo been gone over with tho exception of four, which will bo finished up by tomorrow. mAnt an a reliable aid to help tho drunkard. MceBrfl Sullivan & Slau ann. ihn woll known' drucglBts of Utlca, N. Y., havo boon selling Or rlnn for a. number of yearB. Road what they say: "During tho past five or bIx years wo'vo sold practically all tho dlfferont euros for the liquor habit on tho mnrkot. Wo'vo nover yet found ono that gavo tho entlro satisfaction which ORRINE has gtv on. Wo havo sovoral cases that havo come to our attention whoro excollent roHiilts havo been obtnlnod by the uso ot ORRINE. Wo aro so convinc ed of Its morlts that wo unhooltat- Ingly recommend and tfuarantoo it In all casoB of tho "Liquor Habit." ORRINE is propared lu two forniB. No 1, secret treatment, a powder,, ab- solnto tnstoless and odorloss, glvon ipprotlv In food or drink. ORRINE No. 2, In pill form, Is for those who doslro to tako voluntary treatment ORRINE costs only M.00 a box. Wrlt for Froo Orrlno Booklet (uinll od In plain sealed envelope) to OR U1N CO., G32 Orrlno Building, Wash ington. D. C. ORRINE is rcconW mended and la for salo In this city by Leon H. Haaklus. Hasklna for Hoalth. HIGH No Attack at Tla Juana. SAX UlKflO, Oil.. Marrh 7. Al though ronorlpd yentoitluy thai a furiHi of BO had cutltvrotl nuar U .- i Oujnii to imux'h o I Jtumn, m SCHOOL GIRLS ITO PLAY FRIDAY Two tennis of girls, composed ot vounic ladles attendlm: the Medford high school, will play a game of baa-lauro. kotbull at tho Nutatorlum Friday RYES TESTED S ATI SFI ED Customers aro my best adver tisements. That happy, peaceful, contonted expression of wearers ot my glasses signify good vision freedom from oye-strnln. Dr. Rickert S'iS... Ovir Kontiier'M, Medfoni. TCxsinMtOPKUIiY Flin'KI). oelvcd here odav ml trooij l , wo . toaroB 0 been sunt irom Montoroy, Cftlii., lo'""" . riniir tlio men from Port noRnernnt- yiiuidiiij; llio bonier near Tim Juana Hasklna (or Health. TAKE UP A CLAIM Every cltUen, man or woman has a timber and stouo right of 160 acrea, nrlco to tho govornmont S2.50 per No cultivation, residence or Improvement required. I havo about tweuty-tlvo claims to locate, 8o m( havo a talk, this land Is worth .00 per aero. Call or write. A. n. SAM.NO. nooBi S4 Jackson! County Bank llullillus. 313 IRRIGATION 'V ' Means More and Better Fruit CALL ON US FOR ,,-,; , WATER for your ORCHARD Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. Irrigated Orchard Tracts Means Independence for. Life v Buy an IRRIGATED ORCHARD TRACT on EASY PAYMENTS ROGUELANDS INC. FRED. N. CUMMINGS, Manager Offices: 3rd floor, Medford National BanR Bldtf. Horses For Sale I have a car load of work horses, weighing from 2500 to 3100 per team, for sale at the Union Livery Barn These horses are young, sound, and first-class in 'every way. They are all thoroughly broken i and fit to go to work. If you are in the market for a team come in and have a look at these a horses y n E: L; Robertson '19.11 f "i t 9 , it , ? 4