afEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON", TUESDAY, MAftCtt 7, 1911. Pl"GE THREE' UNION MUSIC IN CITY HEREAFTER Local Musicians Form Local Organ ization and Elect Officers Char ter Giving Jurisdiction Over Coun ty is Received kames is President Hercaftor union mtiBlc will nlono floai (or -whatever music Is supposed to' do) on tlio night nlr from local places of amusement, fqr Monday night local 478 of the Musicians' Mu tual association was organized In this city. Tho organization followed the arrival of a charter which gives Juris diction over Jackson county. The following officers were elected: W. A. Eames, president; W. E. Lane, vice-president; Don Colvlg, secre tary; A. II. Miller, treasurer; Basil Gregory, sergeant-at-arms; n. Mc Ilveen, W. J. Warner, Charles D. Ha zolrlgg, directors. The union will give a dance In two weeks at tho Natatorlum, at which the orchestra will contain 20 pieces. YOUNG SURGEON CALMLY OPERATES UPON HIMSELF PARIS, France, March 7. A young Roumnininn surgeon, M. Fzni- cou, lias just shown that ho possesses coolness and courage. Just before passing his examination, in Connec tion with which he hnd studied n new nnnesthotic, M. Fzaicou found it noc cssary to undergo an operation for u rupluro. Instead of bewailing his misfortune ho rejoiced at tho opportunity of trying tho effects of the new anaes thetic, which, whilo suppressing all sensibility, leaves the patient com pletely lucid. IIo had tho anaesthetic applied, and, sitting on the operntion table, calmly performed tho opern tion and stitched up the wound. He then wont to bed. GREEKS BLAME "BLACK HAND" FOR SALEM DYNAMITING SALEJL Or., March 7. Whole sale assassination of a colony of Greek laborers, employed in sewer construction work in this city and housed in South Salem, is believed to hiivo been attempted late when a boom was exploded within 10 feet of the door of a large shack con taining 18 Greeks. The Greeks them selves lay tho blamo to tho Black Hand. Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mr. Fred Hopkins of Portland, former owner qf Snowy Butte or chard here, spent Saturday in Cen tral Point. Tho Y. M. C. A. was a great attrac tion for tho men hnd boys. Sunday afternoon Mr. Smith of Portland gavo a splendid address. Special music consisting of a quartette composed of Mr: Moon, Henry Fainum,, George Farnuni and Henry Riley. It was greatly appreciated by all present O. W. Joffers and John Williams loft for Corning, Calif., Monday morning on a business trip. Mr.. Conger, jr., son of Dr. Con ger, one of our orchard men, had a runaway in Moon's lumber yard Mon day morning throwing Mr. Conger out of the hack and breaking his leg. At this writing Mr. Conger is rc&tr.ig easy. Dr. Andernon was called im mediately and Mr. Conger was tak en to Hotel Dunlap. John Grieve, after spending a week or more here, returned to Prospect the fii-bt of tho week. Miss Mary Peninger of Tolo is visiting Miss Pearl Ross and other friends in this city. About 2."i Central Point citizens spent Sunday in Medford. Mr. Crabtreek who was noting ra.l road agent has returned to Portland. It is rumored that a people's cau cus Avill bo held this evening at tho town hall, to nominato city officers. W00DVILLE ITEMS. There Is some talk of opening up tho "Homostako" mlno. Tho tunnels have been cleaned and tho wator pipes are being repaired and every thing put In order for tho oponlng. Tho old stage barn on tho property owned by "Tho Diamond Match com pany" Is being torn down. This Is one of the old landmarks, having been ubc(J as a feed barn In tho early days. Tho Diamond Match company pur chased this and other property along Evans creek some time ago and It Is understood that within a year they will erect a sawmill and factory on tho property. Tho city council la ngaln busy look ing into tho matter of olectrlc lights "ERA 0IAV0L0" STAGED TONIGHT Costumes Arrjvc and Dress Rehear sal is Given Cast is Splendid One Scat Sale is Heavy First Performance Tonight. With the costumes hero and- re hearsals at an end tho Elks will pre sent "Fra Divolo" at the Medford to night. Tho costumes arrived Sunday evening and last night a dress re hearsal was given. Tho costumes wero gorgeous and are tho best thnu have ever been seen in Medford. The orchestration of "Fru Diavo lo" is noted for" its beautiful music, especially in tho second act. Following is the cast: Fra Diavolo, a bandit disguised as ft marquis F. 0. Burgess Lorenzo, a captain of carbineers. . W. B. Edwards Lord All Cash A. C. Burgess Two of Diavolo's follewers: Bonno Ed Andrews Gincomo W. F. Qtiiscnberry Mnttco, an innkeeper. .Jack O'Brien Francesco, a fanner. . . .L. Bovoridge Roberta, a'waitrcss Mrs. Quiscnberry Lady All Caoh Miss Eifcrt Zerlinn, Mattco's daughter Mrs. Hazclrigg Chorus of Peasants, Soldiers, etc, LIQUID CUKES KCEMA WHERE SALVES PAIL In regard to skin disease, medical authorities are now agreed on this: Don't Imprison tho dlsenso germs In your skin by tho uso of greasy salves, and thus encourago them to multiply. A truo euro of all eczo matous diseases can bo brought about only by using tho healing agents In tho form of a liquid. WASH THE GERMS OUT. A simple wash: A compound of Oil of Wlntorgrcen, Thymol, and othor Ingredients as combined in tho D. D. D. Prescription. This penetrates to the disease germs and destroys thorn, then soothes and heals tho skin as nothing clso has ovor done. A 25 cent trial bottlo will start tho euro and glvo you InBtant relief. Medford Pharmacy, aiear post of flee. NOTICE W. E. Phipps has removed iiis law office to Phipps-Taylor building. J2n trance room 207. " 300 Hasktns for Health. EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson of North Phoenix district woro Medford visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hover of Valloy VIow orchards woro In Medford Sat urday to see Miss Langloy, who Is dangerously ill with pneumonia. Fred Rapp of Talent wns on tho early motor Saturday en routo to Medford and tho county seat. Harry Reams of Talent wont ovor to Jacksonville to pay his taxes Sat urday. J. S. Spltzor, Talent's grocor, was In Medford on business last Satur day. John Mills of Ashland came down to Phoenix Wednesday. Lem Hughes of Fern Valley was In Medford last Wednesday taking with him soma fat porkers dressed for market. Roy Cofman af North Talent was a Medford visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Johnson of Phoonlx was among thoso who wont down on Sat urday morning's motor to Medford. John Mast of Voorhles station went to Medford Saturday on business. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Caroy woro In Medford Saturday visiting friends and attending a social glvon by Chrysan themum circle, Women of Woodcraft, Saturday evening. and have several propositions boforo them. Tho council has had somo sur veying dono and sovernl hundred feet of cement walks will bo laid. Mrs. Ahern and two children of Medford are visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wlrtf. II. C. Kontnor and several friends of, Medford autoed to Woodvlllo on Sundny. M. B.tWhIpplo Is erecting a build ing to be used as a. harbor shop, Thero will bo a bath In connection-. Sam Matthews was a Medford vis itor on Thursday. W. Paulsoy of Gold Hill has leased tho Hotol Woodvlllo. Mr, Royer, from Oklnhoma, has purchased tho storo building of O. W. Wilcox that Is occupied by tho II. C. Kentnor company. Mr. Royer. also purchased tho Thrasher place on the Evans creek road. J. M. Vhlpplo spent Sunday with his family in Woodvlllo. EXTRA TRAINS FOR COLONISTS Railroads Making Preparations for Great Immigration to Oregon Thousands View Exhibits in Great Northern Car. Special trains on many lines will carry colonists from tho east to Ore gon on several days within tho low faro period which tho railroads have announced from March 10 to April 10. The Great Northern and Union Pa cific roads have announced their ln tontlon of oporatlng oxtra trains from eastern points and It Is Hkoly that other roads entering tho northwest will do likewise. Becauso tho exact volume of business cannot bo fore casted, tho number of special trains cannot bo arranged at this tlmo. Announcement has gono forth from tho office of tho Great Northern at St. Taul that a specially conducted excursion will bo organized In tho Mississippi valley and that a special train will bo operated through to tho coast. In a telegram received by H. A. Jackson, general agent of tho freight department of tho Great Northern, S. J. Ellison, who has charge of that road's Oregon's car which is touring tho east, states that tho attendnnco avorago 3000 dally and that from 600 to 1000 have been hearing tho evening lectures held In tho towns whoro tho car exhibits. In consoquenco much Interest is mani fested In Oregon and ninny recruits fov tho personally conducted excur sion are being obtained. Specials to Hun Out of Omaha. Tho Union Pacific has arranged to oporato special trains out of Omaha on tho first and last days of tho col onist period. Theso trains will con sist of tourist sleeping enrs qntlrely and will operate through to Califor nia and north Pacific points. On account of tho greater Interest In Oregon It Is likely that most of thorn will havo their destination In thlB stato. The first special will leave Omaha on Saturday, March 11. Others will follow on March 12 and March 13 April 8, 9, 10 and 11 also havo beon selected as dates upon which specials will lcavo Omaha. Tho trains aro scheduled to start from tho Nebras ka city at 5 p. m. and will arrive In Portland nt 11:15 a. in. on tho third day following their doparturo. Thoy will carry all tho tourist cars delivered to tho Union Pacific at Oma ha by eastern roads, excepting those cars that aro taken on tho regular trains. A fast schedulo will bo main tained, as tho trains will not stop to tako on passengors west of Omaha Thoy will oporato on tho Union Pa cific, Oregon Short Lino and O.-W, R. & N. lino Into Portland. In addi tion to tho cars received at Omaha from the eastern connections othor tourist Bloopers will bo filled thero with colonists from western Nebras ka and contiguous territory. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. sssssJSvs ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark Remington Wide Car riage Type writef Second Hand, used but little. $46.00 on terms Medford Book Store CITY NOTICES. ItESOLUTION. Bo it Resolved by tho City Council of 'tho City of Medford, Oregen: Thnt thero bo and hereby Is called a special election In and for tho City of Medford, to bo held on tho 10th day of March, 1911, botweon tho hours of 9:00 o'clock a. m. and 5:00 o'clock p. m., for tho purposo of sub mitting to tho qualified electors of said city, for their approval or re jection, tho following entitled amend ment to tho charter of tho City of Medferd: 1. An amendment to tho charter of tho City of Medford, providing for a. board of registration, and Its duties and tho registration of voters. 2. An amendment to tho chartor of tho City of Medford .amndolng Bcttlon 72 thereof, providing for nn ncrenso of tho bonded Indebtedness of said City to the extent of $30,000, Bald sum to bo used for tho solo pur- oso of making Improvements In tho wator system of said city and paying for trunk, sanitary and storm sowers, horetoforo or hereafter constructed by said city. 3. An amondment to tho chartor of tho City of Medford, amondlng sec tion 72 thereof, providing for an ln creaso of tho bonded indebtedness of said city to tho cxtont of $8000, said sum to bo used for tho solo purposo of tho Improvement of tho flro depart ment of said city. 4. An amendment to tho charter of tho City of Medford, amondlng sec tion 72 thoroof, providing for the xeation of a sinking fund for tho pur poso of the retirement of tho bonds of tho City of Medford. 5. An amendment to tho chortcr of tho city of Medford amending section 87 of said chartor, providing for re payment of amount paid by purchas ers at sales of proporty for delin quent nssessmonts In said city In case tho salo Is vacated, sot astdo, or declared void by any court. Tho following named persons aro hereby appointed Judges and clerks of said electien: First Ward: J. W. Ling judge, D. T. Lawton judgo and clerk, L. L. Damon judgo and clerk. Second Ward: Joo Derry judgo, Chns. P. Talent Judgo and clotk, Wm. Ulrlch Judgo and clerk. Third Ward: P. W. Cholgrin Judgo, J. Summorvlllo judgo nnd clerk, II. II. Lorlmor judgo and clerk. Tho following aro hereby designed as tho places for holding said elec tion. First Ward: Hall ovor HaBklns Drug storo. Second Ward: Hotel Nash samplo rooms. Third Ward: City Hall. It Is furthor resolved that tho re corder of said City of Medford bo and horoby is ordered to glvo notice of said election in tho manner pro vided by tho chartor In tho caso of annual elections of eaid city. Tho foregoing resolution was pass od by tho city council of tho City of Medford. Oregon, on tho ICth day of February, 1911, by tho following vote: Merrick absent, Watt ayo, Wort man ayo, Emorick ayo, Elfert ayo, and Millar ayo. Approved Fobruary ICth, 1911 . W. H. CANON, Attest: Mayor. ROBT.' W. T13LFER, City Recorder NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notlco Is hereby glvon that a spe clal election will bo hold in and for tho city of Medford on March 10th, 1911, for tho adoption or rojoctlon of thoso cortnln proposed" chartor amendments to tho chartor of tho city of Medford, sot forth In tho foregoing resolution. Said eloctlon to bo hold at tho tlmo and places designated in said resolution. ROBT. W. TELPER, City Rccordor City of Medford. NOTICE. Beginning April 1st, 1911, tho union Bcalo for painters will bo ?4 per day. On that dato tho initiation feo Into local union, No. G43, Bro therhood of Painters & Decorators of America, will bo raised. Tho union moots every Thursday night at 8 p. m. lu Anglo hall. C. W. HARRINGTON, Secretary. 405 North Bartlett St. 310 Canton Restaurant Meals Served at all Hoiii'H. Good Cooking, Good Service, Reason nlilo PiiccH -j. -: :- : Sam Lock, Prop. Upstair on South I'Yont Street. Draperies Wo carry a very completo lino of draporios, laco curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all classes of upholHtprlng. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will glvo as good sorvico as is possible to get In oven tho largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Van Dyke Realty Co. orrv rnoi'iiuTY FARMS, FRUIT RANCHES JIM! K. MAIN STHKET. u Get Acquainted Call and give us a trial order and you will soon get acquainted with our VALUES in staple and fancy gro ccries. Olmstead and Hibbard West Side Grocers. Have vour coffee "cube cut" on our new ma chine. Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March 6th In Elec tric building, 218 WeBt Main street. Everything now nnd modem, includ ing steam heat, baths, etc. Best in city. Rates reasonablo. . Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietor FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LAJSTDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE A flno trnct, quarter of a inllo from Tnlent, 8-room houso, good barn; 300 trees. Prlco $4,000; terms glvon. Good business opportunities nnd lo cations, all paying. A CG-acro tract, C-room houso and lnrgo barn, 3 mllos from Talent, partly cleared and lots of good wood on plnco; must bo sold soon; will go for $1100. a A CO-acro tract, wator to lrrlgato samo; has a G-room houso and barn to hold C head of horses, Im plements to run tho placo, and a wagon. This placo put up 30 tons of hay last year, and no wntor was lined. Prlco, $3000, half down. A 74-acro tract, 'iVz mlloa from Tal ent, good 8-room houso and largo barn; 8 acres undor ditch and In al falfa and garden lnnd; 34 acres un dor plow, and trees; 20 acres of or chard, of which 5 acres aro In bear lug; $10,000, half cash, balance good torniB and easy paymonts. A 14 1-3 aero tract, lies entirely Jn city limits; has 9-room plastorod houso, good barn, woll and powor for irrigation of whole tract. Part ly sot to trees; ousy terms. For plonty of othor bargains call or address G. A. Gardner TALKXT, OIIKGOX. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING-. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 6231. Corner Central Ave, ani 8tk St Medford, Or. LOOK WHAT'S HERE Mcd B. P. O. ELKS Are Going to Give a Real Show. Fra Diavolo tahte MEDFORD THEATRE Igjonighti Wednesdays LOOK WHO'S IN IT A. C. Burgess Ed. Androwa Frank Burgess Jack O'Brien Mrs. Qulsenbury J. 0 Ami the best cnscmblo ever on n Medford Stage. Special Scenery Magnificent Costumes. POPULAR PRICES 50c, $1.00, $1.50. Seat3 on Sale Saturday, March 4th. . WRESTLING MATCH wlmk I E. M. F. Cfrinha1nn - JIUUUUUIiUl UUIUglVU. Formerly Siskiyou Auto Co. This Garago and Machine Shop Is now In chargo or a practical auto ropnlr man. All kinds of autos and gas engines woll and quickly ropalrod, Overhauling a spoclalty. Cars stored and cared for by tho month. Oil and gaBolIno for salo. 128-134 S. Riverside Ave. Phone 4131 t Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE k CO. Campbell & Baumbach ! MORTGAGE LOANS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times and fruit land. PH0NE323I. nrrr -mitrrrm tfet) I PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT l..X. TV Ul h. uuuiautuuu COFFEEN y.- IIOWAIU) IILOClv, KXTUAXCE 444'tf4W t..e4r4' Nothing Just as Good as EAGLE PHARMACY, 100 East Main SU Phones: Home 03; Pno. 232 Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Thos. Bartholomew, Hi. C, General Mgr. I fho Roxall Storo Medford, Ore. j -er.'r W. B. Edwards W. F. Qulsenbury Mrs. Hazclrigg Miss Eifcrt Mrs. Burgess NATATORIIIM . it Thursday Evening March 9th CARL BUS CH vs. JACK RENZ of Medford, Oregon. GOOD PRELIMINARIES Best two in three falls. T Catch-as-catch-can stylo. m Admission, 75c; ringside, $li Tickets on sale Wednesday at Natatoriiun. wwfw f.a!irin f A FlfllldcrS rr COUNTY WARRANTS, i to loan on improved ranches oiu UMnnci i-uunti uuuu. WATER HEATING X uoo avuuduuuuio ca FB.ICE OX Mil STUKKT. P1IOXH !J03 i the REXALL Remedies WEST SIDE PnARMAC. 200 West Main Street Phenes: Home 43; Pao. 4011 :: db