PGKE TWO MEDFORD AfAIL TRIBUNE, MEDEORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911 .i 7) . 4?S -Sh7 PM?' hV "A -1 ) f V J. Vf ? TSf i 6 m : Personal k. 5 E. T. May, rorcnirtn ot tho Tabic Hock orchard, spent Sunday In Med ford. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Adams were in i Mcdford on hUAlncRS Snturdny. i Colonel It, C. Washburn wna n Sun.- ' tlnA'tiest'or E. o; DIbkoII nnd family ,.n North Central avenue. ":" ' Thoy saV "Tumy iat ' :!oi Garhoft- Coroy1 UulldiiiB has feoiho' awful good bargains in houses and lots on hand. '302 J. 13. Thorpe of Portland has Just arrived in Mcdford hurt will remain hero and open a tailor shop. .' A.Mi. Ttothrock bad arrived with IiIh family and household gponrt ami will build on his 20-acre tract pur- cliaseil from RoguelaudH Inc. s Dr. and Mrs. Seely are spending a few 'days in Portland. Clydo narntun and Vem Pendleton have returned from thrco weoka' work Inspecting tho orchards of tho lower Roguo Hivor valley. Tlicy re port tho orchards as n wholo in good condition." Mrs. Jean Thompson of Jackson ville spent Monday In tho city. Godfroy Sllvorstoln of New York is in tho city on a business visit. Dr. ;.T. E. Shearer, physician and Bitrgeoh. Office over Strang's drug store. ' tf . Deputy Supervisor Sam Swonnlng of tlio Crater national forest return ed to Mcdford from an oxttmdod'trlp through tho timber yesterday. Ho is in charge of tho local forestry office In tho nbsonce of Supervisor M. L. Ericksou. Prospective purchasor sco Oregon Jtcalty & Mining Company's classified advertisement. 208 Snmmlo Wharton is slowly recover ing from an attack of typhoid fever and In ublo to sit up sonio now. Miss Resale Maxwell of Portland Is visiting friends in Mcdford. Is your house wired? Ono cigar less u day would pay for a hundred per coat Increase in comfort. Start living tho electric llfo. tf Mr. and Mrs. Walter llonncssy of Spokane, Wash., are limiting a tour of tho Koguo ltlver valloy, Tlioy ar rived hero Tuesday morning from Grants Pass, Mr. Hennessey is inter ested in tho applo country around Wonatcheo, Wash. II, 11. Paltorson, 110 13. Main, has sonio nice English Hollies and ull kinds of shade trees. Hoses (all tho best). Now is u good time to plmit. Drop In and seo mo. tf Tho regular monthly meeting of tho Mcdford Roalty association will take placo in tho rooms of tho Com mercial club In tho Xntatoiiiim build ing next Tuesday evening. There will bo no mooting tonight. Cull pliuiio 2151, 10S2 for baggage wagon. 4 CI Miss Mabpl Mcai'8, a toucher In tho high school, spent Tuesday in Jack sonville. John II. Carklu, attorney at law, over Jackson County bank. Jake Geib of Central Point was a Mcdford visitor Monday. Spring hats in all their glory at Mrs. Salter's Home Millinery, at 1021 West Ninth strcot. 302 Mrs. Q. L. Scliorinorhorn has left for Sim Francisco for a month's visit. W. I. Vawtor has returned from a week's business trip to Portland, MIbb Craft, recently engaged In San Francisco, has ncroptod an engage nioiit with tho Hundlett Sisters as head trimmer. Perry Torwllllngor of Moutaguo was In Mcdford Monday. Hero is a tip. Tinny has t $3000 house for sale that can't bo duplicat ed. 302 George P. Kid hhI of Duusmiilr spout Monday in Medford, 'See It. A. Holmes, Tho Iusuranro Man, Ovor Jackson County bank, tf. Thomas Gavin of Paducah. Ky.. Is spending a few days In the Koguo It Ivor valloy, Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weoks,"2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY 'ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalnicr Successor to tho undertaking du partmont of Medford Furniture Co. Office with Medford Furniture Company About Mnrch I, Private Am bulance Sorvlco. 8Ick and Injured convoyed to any part of city or country, jv, Telophenoa: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. 0. "W. Coaklla, 3C01. J, II, ButUr, 8671. fiWfi- and Local District Attorney 13. 1 'Mulkoy .spent Tuesday in Jacksonville attend ing the session of Justice Dox court. Who Is Tumy? Ho Is a city property nellor at 201 Garnett-Coroy building. 302 Li. S, Dames of Los Angeles, Cal is visiting Mcdford on business, Loosoleaf ledgers made In Medford at the Mall Trlbuno office. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Norris rtre spending a few days In Portland. Try tho new harbor shop; every thing clean and sanitary; opopslto P. O. W. V. Johnson, a mining man from Goldflold, Nov., Is in Medford look ing over tho mining situation In the valley. Ashland Steam Landry, Mcdford office, phone No. 1201. tf. J. X. Porter, formerly an officer In tho Pacific Mail Steamship com pany's service and now retired, pass ed through Medford Monday on his way to Eugene. Ho expects to re turn hero artor visiting his son in Eu gene. Made in Medford, any stylo of loose lenf or blank book, at Mall Trlbuno office. Printing, all kinds at Portland prices. Mall Trlbuno office. I hear Tumy likes to show houses to his customers, 302 All kinds of bindery work dono at Mail Trlbuno office. Grnntu Pass ncreago for sale A snap 32 1-2 acres, tho most boautl f til subdivision acrcago in tho city, lays high and sightly: good modorn houso and other improvements; on main street; all cleared; close In; prlco $10,000; terms. Address P. O. Uox G80, Grants Pbbs, Oregon. Phono 239 It. 300 Gregory leading photographer, views, portraits. 323 PIONEER CITY IS IN ELECTION THROES Tho city of Jacksonville Is in the throes of a civic election today, and the voters of the county sent will bo given an opportunity to signify who, In their opinion, shall rule tho destiny of the pioneer city for tho ensuing year. Tho tickets bolng voted on are not long, but feeling is at a tension mid u closo race Is Inevitable In sev eral IllBtnUCCB. BALLINGER RESIGNS. (Continued From Page One.) Koeiatcs to this valuable property, accepted by the government. I lie first shot in the campaign which lias finally resulted in llio res ignutiou of Unlliugcr wiir fired it llie eotiHorviition congress held at Spok nno in 101(1 when c.-flovernor Par dee of California, in an address be fore (hut body bitterly assailed llnl linger lor his alleged partiality in the CuuiiiiiL'liam elii'mis, and iiIpo that lie was it bitter enemy to the (lur--field Pinchot policies for ooiiMrvtt tion of natural resources. This was closely followed by u re port filed direct with President Tafl bv Special Agent I.ouis It. (llavis, in which lie charged that the Cunning liani ol.ihniints were to "grab" the Alaska coal lands and charging Hal linger with using his official posi tion lo further (ho acceptance of Cuuiiiiigliiitn'H title to those Alaskan coal lauds, Many oilier charges were made against Hulliiigor in this report, others being that lie I nut ro liinpiixhcd water power sites for the purpose if allowing them to be filed on by wealthy corporations. The president, nfler some days deliberation, replied to fllavis' charge, by completely exonerating Halliugcr. This ippiirt directly led up to the resignation of Pinohot mid tho dis missal of (llavis by Secretary Hnllin ger. Thoroughly aroused (llavis and Piucluit formed a coalition and the fight for llallinger's official Mnlp was on. A demand was than made for a congroiwionnl iuvohtigution of the interior department which roMilted'in an official iuveutigntiou of G if ford Pinchot wn removed from his office b Piofcident Taft on account of his aelivitv against the secretary. Final lv tho investigating committee re turned a majority report onoe more giiuK Rnlliugor a clean bill of health. A minority report, bowovor, doelurod him "unfaithful to his trust." 4 H. 4.4 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. f f f ft lllGUCltOFT residence ait on are soil iug daily; mako your selection 1h fore choice lots are sold. tf LOST Latest model C. (1. Conn oor. net. Finder pieauo return to Hint Stull and receive icward, ,10'J WORK STARTS ON E Rogue River Valley Canal Company Assembles Teams ant) Outfits ant) Prepare to Start Season's Work Water Ready April I. The Rogue itlvcr Valley Canal com pany is busy assembling teams and outfltB ypropnratory to starting the season's work on their canal system. Tho rlrst work to he undertaken will bo that of cleaning" out the completed canals In ordor that water may be furnished to ciiBtomerB by April 1. The company is planning tho exten sion of their system on a largo scale this summer and much work will be done, under direction of Englueor Worthlngtou. LOUR REPORTED TO JAKE DIED An Unofficial Report, Received in This City Monday, Contains News of the Death in Los Angeles of Jack Lohr. An iincouflrmnhlo report received In this city Monday brought tho news that Jack Lohr, well known here, had died Saturday In Lob Angeles. Although tho report Is unofficial, tho ninny frlondu of Lohr In this city aro Inclined to give It crcdonco, ow ing to tho fnct that rocent communi cations from him from California would Indicate that his condition hnd Improved but little slnco his depart ure from hero for the uoulh. About a month ago, when tho pul monary trouble with which Lohr wiih affected, showed Bigns of getting tho bettor of him, frlendH of IiIh hero in duced him to go to Needles, Cat., in tho hope that the climate hero would cauHe a change for tho bettor. Ho re mained In Needles but n short tlmo, hut has hIiico been heard from from Los Angoles. An endeavor Is being made to Bcctiro confirmation of tho report of his death. NEW YORK LOOKS 10 ROGUE VALLEY This Is Popular Fruit District in Manhattan Many People to Come for liivestijjatlon and Purchase, States Local Man in Telegram. From Mr. Hurgesr., one of the for mer proprietor.-, of the Antelope or chard near Wollen, comes the news by wire Hint Mcdford may expect a great influx of people nnd capital from Now York city this season. In tense interest is being shown there, and already some largo parties aro wither on the way, or arc about to start for the Itogue Hivor valley, with Medford ns tlio destination. Thin information is in Hue with tho HtateinenU mado by ninny Mcd ford vcsidouts now in the east, and points to a reasonably definite fact Unit 11)11 will sen tile greatest activ ity in Medford that we have ever ex perienced. Tho whole oust is looking lo tltv Pacific, with Oregon as the promised stale, and Medford tho city with the first call. People are not looking for speculation this year lo the extent which it has prevailed in the west for several seasons, but are coming with good lOtumon soiit for homo and investment, nnd fruit production as 'followed in thin rii (riot lends all other pursuits. NKW YORK. March 7. Colonel Roosovelt will start on his Southern and Western trip Wednesday. At (Irand Canyon, ArUona, he will be Joined by Mm. Roosovelt and Miss Ethel, who will accompany tho for mer president to tho Pacific Coast. A want ad campaign will market, our real estate oven If wise-acres tell you "it's not n good time to sell " OU CANALS FINE MILLINERY Tho new Spring styles will pleaso you. Call and leave your ordor Our trimming room Is many exceptionally taklug patterns. Barnard & Cornoyer SOUTH CENTRAL A VEX UK." CLOSE TAB ON WEATHER NOW J. Pluv. 0'Gara Gets All the Instru ments for Making the Weather Be have Beals Here to Superintend Their Installation. IJeginning next ThurB.iay, the lo eal office ol (he railed Slntps weather burciiu forceiu.ling service will furnish daily reports showi'i the innximum nnd minimum tempera lures (luting the 21 hours, the bftrom etor reading';, the precipitation. wind, and the humidity. This dum ngc will be mnde possible with the installation of Die apparatus which District r'orecnsler K. A. Heals, of the Portland office of tho .service, who arrived this afternoon to super intend. The installation of the new appa ratus here will enable Professor O'Gara, in charge of the local office, io maintain records showing abso lutely (he prevailing weather condi tions in the Itogue itiver vnley, there by furnishing ioeill booklets wiih ac curate data upon which to base their assertions ami to down tho lies of maligiiers. MF. HOLDS ITS ! ANNUAL ROLL CALL Tlio Jocal lodge of tho J. O. O. F. held its annual roll call Monday evening in tlio rooms of tlio odge in mo now euuico on oixiu street, recently built by the lodge. Tlio attendance at the ceremony was (lie largest recorded at any meet ing held by tlio lodge recently and all present sponl nn onjoynblo evening. After tlio ceremonies of the even ing, a supper was served in the ban queting hall. ITnsklns for Health. Rev. Geo. Moseley will locturo nt tho Natatorium at Medford. March 7th, 8 o'clock, on tho "Power and the Elovatlon of Chrstlnn Womanhood," also tho "Catlf.0 of tho Downfall of Young Women of tho Preaont Day." Mr. Mosoley Is ono of tho best plat form orators, IJIblo student and mlnlstor or tho gospel. lie has trav eled through Europe, on tho Beas and In many parts of tho United Statos lecturing nnd pronchlng tho gospel. Ho waB a student of tho Great Brit ain school of arts. Ho has boon mas- tor machinist of one of tho largest cnglno works n Pittsburg, Pa., hav ing full chargo of sotting on and discharging and setting tho scale ot wages. Ho was superintendent of ono of tho best englno works nt Cleveland, O. Mr. Mosoley was plat form orator in tho oast in lS9a-91 and won the victory in souio of tho great strikes. Ho also Is a flno fluto and piccolo playor. nnd tonor slngor. Ho comes from tlio best of homes. Come and hear him. beats on sale nt Hnsklus' drug store. Lecturo GO conts. Hasklns for Health. STUDIO 700 SOUTH OAKD.MiE rilQXK (J07i5. Prlvato or clasa lessons In oil, wa ter color or tapestry. Orders takon. AGNES R. GRANT. NOW Is tho timo to buve your ground laid out, We have the experience and the knowledge ns to how they should bo laid out to the best advantage. We have also a fine line of ornamental shrubs, shade trees and two year old roses which will bloom tbid year. Prices for same can be hnd nt the store, corner Sixth and Central. Phone 1-151. Greenhouse and nursery near city roservoir. Phono 8181. J. T. BROADLEY Florists and Landscape Gardeners. P. 0. Uox 521, Hemoinbor w'e are experienced in all lines of florist ami landscape work. , I turning out Where to Go Tonight mMmM.&' U-GO ttOANDIOc DOORS OPEN X 7:00 P. I. TOXIfiHT Entire Chaugo of Program VAUDKVILLE "A ItUIIK IS XKW YOHK" Greatest Ititbo Character Ever in aiedford a itEKLS movixo pinritrcs a? latest auu iiest. Millllwi. yul. mill Uiimlnv !tll ."c tun lOc. ! r'-r'r NATATORIUM TODAY . J ltollcr ftkatlng, Howling, Peel, JUIIllaids, Illglo Shooting and Tub mid Shower ISatlis for ladles and gentlemen. t MF.DFORD'S AMUSEMEXT PAIiACE. t'V4rsrw fsrsvsrsr THE ISIS THEATRE SMITH AXI) ELLIS In their characteristic Irish Play- lei ciuuicu "SIIAVX THE CARTER" 2 3-REELS MOVIXG PICTURES-a i GOOD SOXG 1JY HARRY DLAXCHARI) --sssssn PSJ "NAT" THEATRE Complete chnngd of program Today Only tho best and latest films i tiliown. ! ' Admission 10c. r'sssssstfJ i'ir ' TiAfryA'a Vmtttotr- Dint.i.n WU l H.UU1UM1 o UAU1UDUU A1UIUIO 1UD'1 ' nfrtF T.ntf.Clf T.trtAMnnJ TJUaIa ' utui tiuiuab U1UUUDQU X UULU" ' plays. One Dime No Moro Ono Dime. s' WHEX DOWX TOWX DROP IX AT THE "Nat'' Confectionery ICE CREAM, SOFT DRXIKS, COXFEOTIOXERY, LUXCfl A light, pleasant room, opon from 8 a. m. to midnight. ; : Ii. M. GRAMES, Proprietor Stop, Look and Listen! Prospective purchasers will save monoy to seo us beforo buying. Wo have orchard tracts, alfalfa lands, etc., city property, Improved and unimproved. Wo lmvo tho ban ner orchard of Koguo River Valley for sale; ltl-yoar-old applo trees, also cherry and peach orchard, bearing on this farm, consisting very best pay lug varieties; 2000 small fruits mid berries. Seo us at onto, A bargain. List your orchard and city property with us. Mining lands, etc. OREGON REALTY & MINJNG CO. Phono 101)2. Room ail) Gurnett-Corcy Rulldlng. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Small 'l-room house on east frout lot 50x100, six bearing pruno and two-year pear trees, wator and sewer, paved streot, gus ia house, woodshed, chicken house nnd yard. PRICE $1200 Terms: One-half cash, balance like rent. 528 S. Fir St. PHONE 901 imt i v v-iiuiuiunj SJUllVl HiU your address. New Premiums, Now Ser- vice, Now Agent. v J3ut ttie snmo old stnud ,ard goods. AGENCY GRAND j UNION TEA CO. 110 TRIPP STREET ! GET THE HABIT Of calling us it you have any electric work of any kind. We can fix you up in tho best possible style. It Is a Good Habit and Will Cost You Nothing Electric Construction Cp. piioxe Main onoi r-f jWhrwjhfj&WP&AWWHM J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PEItRY, Vice-President F. E. MERRICIC, Vlce-Presld nt ' JOHN s ORTH, Cashier W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR 2 BUSINESS TRANSACTED Wo Timothy and Clover Ranch Most peoplo who know tho best farms In tho country hnvo heard of the Spencer farm on Williams crook. It sure Is an Ideal ranch, 140 acres all told, 130 of which is under irrigation, 100 acres In clover and timothy. There Is a uicq bearing family orchard, the best water right in tho valley, good house, big barns, just tho place you have boon looking for. We have It for sale at ?17,000.00, which Includes all per sonal property. Writo or come in and seo us and we will toll you moro about It. RIGGS LUCAS LAND COMPANY' GRANTS PASS, OREGON Main Street Business Property Nets Over 8 Per Cent Interest Best location. Great increase .in value. ,Lot 50 feet by 140 feet. Splendid buy for invest- ' ment or speculation. Special price for quick action. Address i?Wj' Medford Bakery TOI)I & CO. HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY tint'' H x "-- j" jj-f'j I lr 5pZIj Tlr H. B. PATTERS The QUAKER Everything in the Nursery Line See the nice English Hollies. 'All lands of shade trees, shrubhc, roses (only the most perfect plants and full line of pear, peach, apple, apricot, prunes, etc., otc. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 238! -Res. Phone 2493 220 WEST MAIN STREET RENT. A GENERAL BANKING SOLICIT YOUR TATRONAGE. 8 Owner, Medford a P. 0. BOX NO. 477. Make a Selection of our smnll cakes and spccinltiofi and you'll hnvo a collection of as tempting and toothsome dainties as were over set hofore n king. Don't bo too lute coming for yours, how ever. Wo can never seem to hake enough no mutter how many extra wo bake fresh dailv. (SL Delicatessen SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE LADY COOK IN CHARGE. NURSERYMAN 'i ;: IS I ! i: 'i 'i i 'p i 'i 'i 'i ' ON la. n j