PAOJD FOUR MEPFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE. ftrrcniTOTm. OREGON amimv T "DTTT s irnt MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, jUEDEORD, OR1K10X, MONDAY, MATCOIT G, 191 1. PAGE TWO i Personal and Local ' . niftrlt Utomcv 1J F AtulKov left the it Monday morning for n tilp to h I Mini. Dr. J. E. Shearer, puyslcian and Burgeon. Officio over Strang's drug store. ,, . tf. Tlflcy ny Tumy at' 201 Oninelt dorWy blinding bus sonic awful good Irarguln li hoiiHOs.find lots on liaud. I .102 jY-iA- Waggoner of "Woodvlllo is tnhvtng to Nordboff, California to tekldf. Prospective purchaser sec Oregon Hfclt fk Mining Company' classified advertisement. 298 Miss Margaret Williamson, of CirnnlM Pass. Hpenl Snturday and Sun day In Mod ford. 300 H. A. HolmoB, Tlie IiiHiiranco Jinn, Ovor Jackson County bank. tf. Dr. and Mis A. Penno spent SundHy in Jacksonville Is your jouho wired? Ono cigar Ichis a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increaso In comfort. Start living tlio electric life. tf. Arthur V. Clarke, of the Clark Tldnery cuiihIi uelloii uonimny wont to Hoiobtirg Sunday evening on liual- 1108B. Hoie Is a (l. Tinny lias a $3000 hoiiso for sale that can't ho duplicat ed. :02 Mh .and Mrs. Frederick Williams of Grants Pass spent Sunday In Med- furd. Mr. Williams nituined Monday , tnoriiliiK but Mis. Wllliains will spend tlio week visiting frionds bote. All' kinds of blndory work dono at Mall Tilbtino office. .1. C. Aiken of Woodvlllo is spend ing a few days In Medford on bust- 1104. Krank .oil, of the Applegalo ills Irlot, Hpnnt Monday In Mndford. W. 11. Stono of Talent was In Med ford Monday on business. Gregory loading photographer, vlows, portraits. 323 W. V. Tumor of Portland, auditor of tlio Oregon Trunk System spent Sunday in Medford, looking after lniUliiosH Interests. . x Loo Myers and Karl Parke spent , portion of last week in Ashland. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. S Newliall of North Jacksonville district and child have returned from a winter spent in California. II. 11. Patturson, 1 1C K. Wain, has 'kohio nice English Hollies nnd all kinds of shade trees. Poses (all tho best). Now Is a good tlmo to plant. Drqp In and seo me. tf .loo HnnimoiBloy and H. I). Peed of Hold 71111 were Modfoid visitors Monday. Who Is Tumy.? He is a city pioperty BOilor at 201 Garnott-Coroy building. 302 Lonio loaf lodgers mado In Medford lit tho Mall Trlbuno office. .1. Fred Lewis of Seattle is spend ing n fow days in Modfoid looking after propeity interests In the vallo Try tho now harbor shop; every thing clean and sanitary; opopslto P. O. Aahlnml Steam Landry, Modfoid Offloo. phone No. 1201. tf. V. C. Hrown Is in Yieka, California on m short IiubIiiom trip. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggago wagon. r 1 Henry U. Rowland of Central Point pMtud through Mcdfoid Monday on hit vvny to thw county sunt on busl nu. I her Tumy llkoa to show bonnet) to lila cuatomora. 302 C. II Whlaler la oxpeated to r lurti to Medford Tuiwdii) from n business trip to uortheiu purta. Omnia Push acreago for salo A snap 32 1-2 acioa, tho most buautl ful ubdlvlsion acnwgo in tlio city, lay hUti and aightly; good modern house and other Improvements; on inula street; all cleaiod; close In; prlco ?10, 000; terms Addioss P. O. llox 5K0, Giants Pass, Oregon. Phone 23U R 300 Weeks & McGovvan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3G92. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker (ind Hinboliiicr SuccMor to tho undortaUliiK do nartuiont of Medford Furnlturo Co. Office With , Medford Furniture Company About Mrch 1. Private Am nulance Horvlco. Sick and injured conveyed to nny part of city or oo mtrjr. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Pari 4111. C. yt Conklln, 3C01. J. II. Dutlor, 3J171. I V W KIHh of Trail fni-k was a icicnt vIhIidi in Mcdfoid, Spilng halt. In all thlnglorv at Mrs Battels, Home Mllllneiv at 102C. West Ninth sheet. 302 Homy W Seedsou TJf Eugene Is visit lug Modfoid. Made In .Medford, any style of loose loar or blank book, at Mall Tribune office. John II. Carkin. attorney at law. ovor Jackson County bank. Printline, all kinds at Poitlnnd prices. Mali Tribune office. V. J. Williams of Phoenix spent Mondn.v in Medfmd on business. Fine watch tepaiiing at H. T. Yin Do Car, 'l'liijtps liiiililinjr. U!)7 Howard watch sixteen carat limit -inc for :i7.i(), nt B. T. Van De Curs, Pliipps Biiildintr. 1!7 L0RIMER CASE IS HELP. (Continued from Page 1.1 Iowa rl political purity one when il lulled to approve the constitutional amendment providing for the direct election id' Tinted H(ul' -Hiiilm. I lie second when it voted lo give Wil liam I.orinicr his scat as -cnnlm from Illinois. On (lie vote on the direct election of senators the upper house of con gress for the first time went on rcc ord regarding this long sought iv- fonn. The lneasiue failed by font volcn mid the votes showed its jidvt- culcs their slrenglh mid their weak ness. It is u safe pretlicliun, from an analysts of the vole on this meas lire that within a few years the .sen ate will give the people the power to evercise their own choice and dis cretion in the selection of scnalors. In the seating of William Lonmei after Ihe blazonel lccoid thai marked the investigation of his ease will do much lo hasten the passage of a rti lect elections eonslilulioiuil nuieird nienl. That 10 senators were con vinced that Lorimor won his scat h improper melhoils nnd voted against seating him is 11 potent oommcntuiv on the present system of election b legislatures, in many cases all Ipo easily controlled by powerful inter ests. The ease with its tccord of sordid politic spread in glaring nakedness before the people will augment the nlrendy nisistuiit demand that the control of senatorial elections he tak en fiom the hands of Ihe legislatuie-. and vested in the sovereign power o( the lepnhlic, v The Lorimor ease is a practical demonstration, demanding that a sys tem pimod wiong, ho righted. DOUGLAS FARMER THREATENED (Continued ftoiu PiiKfi 1 ) tallied thai Scott hail been employed on the (lalllgher much several mouths pi lor to last January and that he was not on friendly terms with his former employer, suspicion pointed to him as the Kulltv one. To obtain possession of a specimen ol Scott's hnndwritlng that It might ho compaied with the letter written CSnl- luKher, theioon mailed to the sus I pc t a decoy letter In which he of feted him a position at a liberal sal arj On icieMng Scott's jeplv. the sheriff, after careful compailng tin wilting; In both communhations stat , ed that In lilHnplnlou the were writ . ten b. the satuo ptM-sou I Scott lefiiHos to talk further than to deny hia guilt. . STATE HEALTH BOARD WILL MEET MARCH 0 Dr. IS. 1). PliKel of tills ilts h.u. bHn inlornu'd t lint tlie ineetliiK of the I stHto boaid ot bcaltli to In.iiiKnrato .1 BtaU'ulilc educational lOinp.ilKU In bAlialf of public health him been lulled for ThurwlH) alteiiuuMi M.uib' New H'KtilutliniH and uiIoh hi t lit board detallliiK the iioiicv of tin i4.ird in cnfoiclutr licnltli lawt. win be udoitid tlnn. Mmt" cffi'iinal pu tut lluu of public health made pow-tliit !) the lucieiued aiirou latlon fiom $51)00 to $l.'i,000 will me Hit i. hit r Kiilijprt. A I fin bora of the ntntc bonrd lAUIH't lo hIIuikI (lie llHU.VIIIt'll f.CI (OKcthci iiii't'tliiu at the Poitlaud ('miiiicUI club tlio cvi iiIiir 1 1 Match . 11 nil, I uu for Hunlth. MMH4 4 itHt TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. " f -f llllllll Won' j-cMdcnco hilf. an m.I iiik ilitilv , uinkc jMtir -"U'clioii l loit cUtiit-p Uu Miv Mild. li WANTP.H Wc liat a u- louu i t ik iiiotlt'iu bungalow, cliii- in I i lmvc urn to otlVr. Oivmm K du tV Mining Co., 319 (biintti (', n lihlg. -"is LOST lntt. o()W ( (i KhkIim iilmi? return to Mum Su i anil lvt'vivo itwrti. JW7 i''()l SAUK -Jfir-t i-liixs liulfiw.. .1 tvH'H rilcr fur salt1. AiMii H" s .Hi M.ul Tiibunc nt lit . s SICK TWO YEARS: END CAME SUNDAY 1 Man Who Entered Business Here Re- Railroad City People Vote $7500 To I ccntly Dies at S. 0. Hospital as wards Erection of $30,000 Home Result of a Complaint From Which He Has Lonji Been Sufferer. 1 J. J. .Anderson, a sheet metal w inker, nnd n lucent arrival in tliifc city fiom Tacoma, Wash., died in he Southern Oiegon ho-pital Sunday morning from stomach double, fol lowing 11 difficult operation per formed by local surgeons to remove ll number of ulieeses which had formed in the mini's intestines. Jlrs. Anderson, who remained in Tacoma until her husband fehould get located here, arrived in .Medford hist niglil. The funeral arrangement'-, under the direction of the John A. Perl under taking establishment, will he an nounced later. Anderson, who was a member of the 'facoma local of the Sheet Metal Workers' union, came to this city a short time ago and engaged in bus iness with B. (i. Worthington here He has been in poor physical condi tion for over two years and a little over a year ago underwent an oper ation for appendicitis in the heli'i thul that was the illness fiom which he was Niilfcring. Later develop ments showed stomach complications 111111 lie uiioerwein aiiouier operano.i here. WILL FALL SAYS WEATHER M According to the local weather man the valley will be visited by light lain fall tonight. Tho barometer has eased off slightly. The average toinperattno today ranges around fil!. Illinois People to Meet. The Illinois Miciety of the Rogue liver valley will enjoy a baiupiel at IC. of P. hall Tuesday eveuine; .March 7. All toiiner llliuoisiaiis are cordi ally invited to attend without further invitation. 1 is desued to come in touch with nil former residents of Illinois and to that end legistry books, may he found at McBude's and ihe Mcrrivold shop whole il is hoped t have nil names listed. Anv I'urtliei I liifoinintiou desired regarding the bamiuef or society may ho obtained of J. W. Westeilu'iid. ii. K. Won ell. or K. B. Waterman. XOTK'K. The MlBslonniy Society of the Pros- b.vterlan chinch will meet at the homo of Mis lOngllsh. toot; South Oakdale i on Tuesday atteinoon at --.'t0. Mob- j (IttmcH. ltlnck. Won ell. Johnson and MIhs Portti .no on the program. All uie invited lo attend i yMlil'lSfljlA1fillllAllfl oHMtMMMMMMMMMM for me date of Our VMti?JtMMM'MMiMMMM)MMM Fire iiMMMMM'MMMMMM'Ml)KMDM i WONDER DEPARTMENT STORE <k'fi11iA&l1ll$ifr&i(iikiit ASHLAND VOTES ARMORY MONEY 1 for the Local Company of the Na tional Guard of Oregon. I As the result of a special election held In Ashland Saturday, tho citi zens thi'io voted to appropriate the 'sum of $7,500 towaids the erection !n that city of an armorv for tlio i local regiment f.f the National (Siinnl. i Tho stnto lirts already completed ui- jungomentB for the furnish::ig of $15,- 000 towards the location of an ar mory theio and Jackson county has I donated $7,500. The structure will bo built as soon as the necessaty plans, etc., can be completed. The other measures voted upon at the election were: Whether the city should vote $12, 000 for the purchase of two septic tanks, purchasing also sites and oth er details for their Installation. This carried. Whether tho salaries of council- men and mayor Bhould be Increased. This measure was defeated CITY LEAGUERS 10 LT The Locomobiles and the Siuol:e house tennis, both members of the .Medford city league, will howl a match game over the Ntaatorium al leys this evening. The games are the first in a new series being howled by the teams in the league since the reorganization of the personnel of thu tennis. y This is the fiiM tinif those two tennis have met so far in the tou.--liamcnt. The line-up will be: Locemobiles: ,1. Corbin Nel'f, enp tain; R Diamond, J. Diamond, Wil liam Keyes, G. iliiuger and Dr. H. If. Seoly. Smoke House A. Antic, captain; Lee Hoot, II. Kenliier, A. Clarke, II Woods, and il. L. Button. The game wil slart at 8 p. m, llasklns for Health. Canton Restaurant Meals Seivcd at all ilouis. Good Cooking, fJooil Service, lleasou alile Priics -:- :- :- -:- Sam LocR, Prop. Cpstaiis on South Trout Sheet. Big f Sale CENTRAL POINT E W. W. Harmon, County Road En gineer, Takes Action After Inspec tion of Structure, in Company of County Court Is Liable to Fall. 1 W. W. Harmon, county road en gineer. Monday morning closed' the Central Point bridge to traffic. The action followed an Inspection in corn puny of the county court, on Sunday. The bridge is liable to fnll at any moment. Teams will be able (o ford Pear creek at that point but the water is ns yet a llttlo deep tor automobiles. The county court and Mr. Harmon are busy outlining the plans for this I 8 'ason's road work and active work I will follow shortly. Stocks Held Up. NEW YORK, ilnrch . I'reside-.t Tnft's proolnmntion onlling an extra ordinary session of congress April 4 had no effect on (he stock market ut its opening today. NOW fs the time to have your ground laid out. We have'' Ihe experience and the knowledge as to how they should lie laid out to the bos advantage. We have also n line line of ornamental shrubs, hndc trees and two year old roses which will bloom this year. Prices for same can bo had at tho store, corner Sixth and Central. Phone l.'il. (irccnhousp and nursery near ity reservoir. Phone f181. J. T. BROADLEY Florists nn'il Landscape lai doners. 1. O. I5o.- .-21. IJenioinber we are experienced in all lines of florist and landscape work. Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March Cth In Elec tric building, 21 S West Main street. Everything now and modern, Includ ing steam heat, baths, etc. Dest In city. Pates reasonable . Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietor 0 Horses For E. L. IF IT'S GOOD t EAT i II tJ All the Croon Goods (hat the Market affords can bo foifnd here at reasonable prices. Tho best staple and fancy giocorlos may1 be purchased here at reasonable prices and tho quality Is sure to bo satlsMe'tory. PURE WHITE FLOUH stands second to none and is giving per- feet satisfaction In hundieds or homes in Medford and vicinity. OOLDEN GATE COFFEE has the aroma that satisfies. It enjoys an exceptionally large sale on the Is increasing rapidly. Allen Grocery Co. X PHONE MAI.y 271 1 HOME 271. studio FOR SALE 700 SOUTH oakdale ORCHARDS, FARMS Pl.OXE (.072. pRUIT jANDS Private or class lessons in oil, wa ter color or tapestry. Orders taken. Lai'L'C and Small Tracts AGN'ES R. GRANT. .... MOOR-EHNI CO. iiafikiuH lor health 212 FrtiitfiTowoi's Bank Bldg Inside City Exclusive South Sixth Street, Corner, ,"50x100 $5000 South Sixth Street, Allev Corner, TmOxIOO $5250 North of New Hotel. Another Corner, ('lose to Business ('enter . .$7500 Still Another Corner, Close to Business Center $5000 INSIDE ACREAGE. "I0 Acres Onlv ' U Mile from Depot, Onlv $300 Per Aero 9 Acres With .Modern Bungalow . .' . $8000 These Lie Beautifullv for Subdivision. A XT DAPCAXTC! ri. 1M, JL 73JLk3 I have a car load of work horses, weighing from 2500 to 3100 per team, for sale at the Union Livery Barn These horses are young, sound, and first-class in every way. They are all thoroughly broken and fit to go to work. If you are in the market for a team come in and have a look at these horses jz? jg? jg? jg? Robertson Q 1 1 A ill 1 J coast. Our business in. this bland IV2 SOI'TII CEXTKAL AVE. Property Listings REAL ESTATE GRANTS PASS, ORE. i. a T Jvii , ,sW,,