flows OUlf-n 13 UnKrrsUY clearings! I 'TM Weather Occasional Slitmers. . Week 00,(170.8.-1 ifi Monday ? i:c.-llT.t:t. JL jl, i FORTIETH YEAR. MEDFOTJD, OREGON, MONIUY, MAKHl (, mil. Xo. 297. Ml IT JU H HI fty Fjj A.T JLJLiJJL JLwJLJ JL JO? kL DOWIEiTES ARE MED; DEFY ILLINOIS Rcfrtsc to Submit to Order of Offi cials That All Be Vaccinated Ami themselves ami Await Coming of Authorities They Will Resist. ZION CITY IS TORN BY INTERNAL DISSENTIONS Election Will Be Held in April at Which Time Barrier to Theatres, May Come Down. ZION CITY. III.. Mch. C 1.. lei tles, under tho' Ii'adeisliip or Wilbur tllotin Volvln, who succeeded .lohn Alexander Dowio ns the titular liead of tho sect bearing Dowle's name, threaton civil war, or armed insur rection ngainst the authority of tho slulo of Illinois. The state has order ed that every citlreu of .Ion be vac cinated. The Zionists have to resist tho order "to the death." Intoriilconee strife also exists, re sulting in serious rioting in the streets. Armed guards have been misled to nrevont an outbreak by the Independents or anti-Vlollvaites who are holding a meeting today in tho tabernacle. ' Voliva has decided to post a guard with n drum in the tabernacle. The appearance of tho state vaccination squad will bo the signal for tho guard to beat the drum, summoning Zion ists to tho tabernacle armed find prepared to resist the physicians of llio slalo health board. A similar signal will also call the faithful together, to leslst any move ment on the part of tho Independents. Tho Voliva faction favors following tho rigid rules enacted by John Alex ander Dowle, when he was In absolute control of tho city prohibiting smok ing, oysters, soda water, drugs, pork, dancing and other amiixements. Tho independents are in favor of much laxity. Two years ago tho Indepen dents weio successful in placing mem bers of thoir faction In many Import ant city offices. SInco that time pork, clgais, cigarettes, drugs and ninny other things tabooed by Dowlo, have been Hold. Lust week, by purchaso, Voliva socurod control of tho city. Ho caus ed to bo posted In a conspicuous place, a sign bearing tho logend: "Zion City, tho perfect city. No tobacco, no whiskey, no theaters, no doctors, no drugs, no pork, no oys ters. It is a clean city for cloan peo ple " hater Voliva. with five hundred ad herents, paraded the streets and iuro attacked by the Independents. Last night giant negroes, armed with rifles, guarded tho sign posted b Volviu and this morning they were re lieved by four armed men. Volvla, In an Interview today said that guards would be maintained un til aftei election. April IS, when the OithodoX flow let les expect to l i torlous. District Forecaster Portland Office, Medford eTuesday Beals, of the Will Arrive in to Commenc Installation of Instruments. Proressor P. J. O'Gara, of the local wather office, recehed a telegram Mom District Forecaster E. A, Heals. t the twelfth district. with headquar "a at Portland, to the effect that .. Instruments ofr toe local office id been expressed from Washington h c. on March 2. Tbe telegram. liieh was dated today, wid: 'l will - in Medford tomorrow to instal the i iMiumeuts." Ti e location chosen for them U on 'l.i oof of the fjarnett-Corey build i'i-' Kvery instrument required to ' accurate forecasting ,anu to 1 1. 1, the local office to Keep P i, in moid-., U1 bi in-iall. d In i WEATHLR GRAPHS Dili HERE W ARIZONA CONSTITUTION WILL BE RATIFIED BY CONGRESS NEXT SESSION Vone of (lu Progi-essUor Clauses in tlu Measure av .doptcd Will ho Kliiiiiiinteil Asserts Deligntiou. WASHINGTON, D. C, Melt. G.-r Mt hough the senate failed 'to ratify the Arizona constitution because of its progres-dse provisions, which In clude the initiative, referendum and terall of judges, tho Arizona delega tion left for home today after hav ing been assured that the incoming congress will ratify the constitution at the earliest possible moment. It is said that none of the provls ions to which the standpat congress men objected will be eliminated by the incoming congress and it Is stat ed on high authority that the consti tution with lis popular government laws will ratified In its entirely. m CUDS OF El Lumber Dealers State That Amount of Lumber to Be Used in Mcdford DuriiiH 1911 Will Be 25 Per Cent Greater Than Total for 1910. Acroicling to the predictions made by local lumber men Monday, the amount of lumber that will be Im ported Into Medford during the com ing year wll be approximately -Ii per cent greater than was imported during 1910. Those figuies, based on the de mands for estimates alreafly In the hands of tiie lumber yards, which alone are 40 per cent greater that at this time last year, are only approxi mated, hut close figuring, taking these figures as a basis, show that something In tho neighborhood of IS, 000, 000 board feet, or about 720 cars, will be imported into this clt during 1911. From tho same sources, It Is as certained that thoro is more heavy construction either already under way or in course of planning In Med ford for completion during this year than has over been done previously. lloth In tho business buildings to bo erected, and in the residences that are contemplated, It Is noticeable that Instead of tho many hastily built structures that were of necessity built last year, this year will wltnoss tho erection of buildings moro substan tial, and erected nt a greater propor tionate cost than has ever been un dertaken here before. The lumbermen look for a Imuner output In 10U and their expectations are duplicated in the prophesies made by every other firm engaged In con .miction work In the local field i COICHI i iilii IS HERE The Straw Hat in All Its Glory is Seen on Metlford's streets Early Birds Beat Clothing Men to It But Can They Stick? dh Jdv! tin- ll ' hnt U here .-..mi. Winn d think! Threo of Yin. Count 'em. And they bent tlu .lot lung men to it fur ot one is uu .li-pluv et iu leading huberduher wiudows. 'Tw as eorly Monday tnorninjr when ev were Jirt spied. Three K'eut ' niuuu white Mrow huU were in i mueb cMdenco on Mum i.l reel, ui io title. was a lJuuauia "d tbe other " I sailor.." I'Johj inaction rex eu ed they were of lat year' intai;e tr i ... .1: ..I.. .. ti... not a Miigie wi.mow i.- s-traws. ,, 1 Soon come The time when ye wer-, rv hut chae will aain be in evi deuce ou local tliuioUKiuure. West Virfllnia Must Piy. washisutox. a c m ,I,,v handed .wn a tirn-n'ii ;1,. -t iU t W ..Ml 7 ' -I V1n.11 i.i 11 i-t . in. 11 1 1 ' ' 1 it i i IS 11 AN OLD A NINETY PERISH; THEATRE IS BURIED St. Petcrshurt Moving Picture Show Proves Fatal Fire Trap Over 500 Persons Were in Theatre When Fire Broke Out. FEATURES TRAMPLED BEYOND RECOGNITION IN STAMPEDE Authorities Arc Investigating Cause of Fire as Yet is Unknown Building Was Fire Trap. st. pi-rrrcusnuna, Men. g Ninety persons, mostly children, were turned and trampled to death in a fire here yesterday in a moving ple nuo thontro at Heloge. Forty were seriously Injured. Five- hundred wero In tho theatre .vhen it caught fire from an explo sion of the moving picture machine. Tho audience became piinie-strlek-'ii, and in tfielr mad rush for tho ex ts. clogged tho doors and passenfe- ways. Men, in their frenzy of terror beat down women and children and iannpled them under foot. Few of the bodies of tho victims vero recognizable. .W.W.'SWILLTRY out mam Say That Within a Week Over 1000 of Their Members Will Be in City of Antjels to Test Strength of Street Speaking Ordinance. LOS ANGISI-KS, Cal.. Mel). ).- -Tho advance guard of tho Industrial Workers of the World army, which recently lifted Its siege of Fresno has arrived in Los Angeles and threo of its inombois are in tho city jail. The trio wero arrostod In tho Southern Pacific railroad yards as they rolled off a frolght train and will bo chnrg ed with vagrancy. Tho inon stated that they w-ero among the speakorfi Jailod at Fresno. Within n week, they said. 1,000 members of tho or ganization will be here, to test tho strength of tin- Los Angeles street pialting ordinance. L E Will HELP CAUSE': So Says Representative Norris of Ne braska, Who Sums up Situation in United Press Obstacles Are but i Stepping Stones. . WASHINGTON'. March 0.-Doii- le adaiieement of tbo national neil: nite iNUtisan "baek to tbe pooiilo" moe ment will result from tbo teutiiiK of Wiiliain Loruner ot Illinois iu the m.i ute and the defeat by tbe senate d the ivsolutiun pminjc tbe way for t'le direct election of sunuturi. This somewhat paradoxieul a.ser- ormb tion wa the coucluxion reached towl day y ,p,)Ui,.inns who wutt,j,ed (,e tm,d t eeiin. Kepresentativo Xorri of X'b no aue Ucaniiiiii'ii V.irrw nl' Nebraska .,, un thu fcliiiatiuii in tb i .. .1... !.. l... C.l- iow ,,, gtutciaent wntteii i'or tbe preBjj. QfM eMM wa ifrndualy, siimuieu up m iiun - - 1 ,jiroUffn a h4,ries ot ap.ircnt reeren which in tb- end are proud to lure R.e ju rf ,; Y advuuetu. tJUtucIc , the - I' a ttn-ut moral moe- mvia become imam icppn. -.1..11. ... .,i- it b.i li.' 1. iu '" '' lJ , ' I ,,,li . 1 u'" , , , eu.' , 1 - H.h.liv p'.n-ca 1 wo sieppinK niuiien 11. )hA , thi I 11 ,1 tl Mil' mh I -- r I Uncle Sam's Greatest Fighting Ship "12. S &y&y&i'jfWAr ., ' RUEF MAKING I ACT PTA&in lhu! umnu Are Asking Supreme Court for Re hearing ExBoss Says Me Mas Hope of No Further Delay and Is Resigned to Trip. SAN FKANCISro C'al., Mch. C Abo Knot's uttoru')s nro making their last Btand this afternoon to v tho former political boss from the penitentiary. They ask the supreme court for a ro-hearlng. If tho ap plication is denied the lawyers pro bably will apply to the United Slates c-trmlt foui t tomorrow for a writ by which they hope to prevent Kuef be ing taken to San Qucntloii. Iluef said today he bad un hope further delay and was resigned tho trip to 'pilson. IS THREATENFD ordoreil to Place $250 on Post Let-! . ' tcr is Written and Mailed in Rose liuru Man Under Arot Charjjed With Attempt to Extort. ! ItOSKUUUfJ, Oie , Mch. 0. Accus- of attempting to extort I860 from j Anuiue uaiiiaavr, a wn wiawu- vllle farmer, W. J. Soott, who lives a short distance north or me City. IS iinftAM AI.I.AB han. tli.lnv mml ! tlAtllir ti . .-.- .--.-, .... .- .-- held ,,, 8h awaiting a preiimiaary waar- Sheriff Qulne def lures that Scott ,..... r,.. 11 1. ,,.. recnnny wrow a itnr u "'" , in which he ordered him to place 4260 on a fence post a shoa dUtance from the Galllgber home. In the event of ....- -,-. . -.. --- in m mw wtmm & i i i iii miibii h n.ilit,A. AksT lla Jf If.. ucijI ntrkln.is a . uamaiiT .... "- ....-.. WO" WOril SHU rau:n uui.uiuf. The letter was mailed In Howburg Februaryy 23 snd upon bolug re- lOIVtHl III Ull.l' - w.-. in lhu nhi-rlff. i " i. It " ' I nil' IIP Ii .1 '! I ' : 1 1 DOUGLAS FARMER DilOCWS MAY MjT rmiiRinrn lit I DHLLiiMK Impeachment of Secretary at Extra Session is Buing Planned Ollic James is Now Framing Resolution Seeking That End. WASHINGTON', I). C, Mureh fl.r InilKMi'liini'iit of Secretary Bulling''! at the extra session of ooiigress is being planned licro today by demo cratic Icndei'K. Ollic Jiuue of Ken tucky is framing the resolution ami it probably will be introduced by liim or by Repii'-ieiilutne Unilmin of llli lioirt. Tlic resolution will be referred to tho house judiciary eutnniiltee unci if it ih inJoiti'U by tbe limine I ho sen ate will ha,w I lie fate of Halliugcr in it-, lunula. JICK.CIIPPEIBF TRESSES. CAUSHT yoiiiiu Man Suffers Mania Which' I Loads Him to Cut Tressos From Heads of Fair Ones in Purtlmrl Hns Room Full of Souvenirs. I'OUThAND. Ore, M h. 6. Stuart MorrU nUni ,julbed 'Mack the Oily- - Mv . , ,. i ian today chamed with lic-lnu tlm culprit who:lddeiiiU according to nearly all the i. .,- .,..,..,,, i.i,.,,i,. ..im.itiu nt 27. . .. . .. . m M I.. ln0 n-esnes cii nuiinwia oi wuiuuu m i oljBnd rueentiy. The man was rested while In the act of cuttlUK off ,, -,,- 11Pi ,, , i,,. tn-..t. Wli.-n ..... his room was search, d. a large vm of puff(, Mr,M um ,ra(Mi btl, , ()f lnenJ hJack wt,re fuUIllJ ln l , ro0(n . Uni wj,o J. em-.iy. .1 In tiie real ami wi 11 iii.iKcm a I it In I i.- 11 11 - )i 1 1 In mi! in good appearan' .1' ' a mania for eii 1 : . n . wtiic-u tie cannot - m ....,. . .j .., after he had rut WW unir Mi ibiw 1 1. -I. -11 Law it in 1 . i.ily. a fl 1. ml on a iiai RAILROADS ALL ACCEPT DECREE Western Lines Submit to Decision of Interstate Commerce Commission Denyin Them Right to Increase Freight Rates. WASMINOTOK, I). C, Jlureli fl. Il lias been announced Dial even wchteru ruilroad has tuiliinitleil Ui the decision of (be interstate eommurce commiHion deuybig tbo rights of rail ioiicIh to iiiciense freight mien. Tbe roads have agreod to cancel tho pro lK)cl iiicreasos. The Northwchtern aiiij Burlington rond have filed new chcdiilcN ami otbeis bine promised to file thrin before .Ma.i-b HI. INFECTED RATS OVER ENGLAND Medical Experts State That Unless Rodents Are Wiped Out That Groat Pistfuo Epidemic Is Certain to Pollew. I.OXUON, Mid. ti I'uless ICuK land speedilv koU rid of Its rati It Is rortalnly koIuk to liave a plague Ui-ltlhh tucoerts. Tho rats uru eer- litU.li lrunlajl 'Phv Huwa ..ItMAB.It. ,..... . ., .. u..vu ai-,i'd lh ulaeaau ou to a few hu uia-i liiilgu. It will not lie lung he - - ' i 'he) will be nassina It ou to a many, mo exiu-ris ueriarv, un- the are extortoluated. .w,( H.B ,4.,.,,,,,,, UlH of vo(.in - j,, 0Ba n.dlcal au- tnoiiiv, wi-iiiiik Hi mo uonaon Bom ti-' rti.iiul.il .1 "Those who have .vi. iv.i iii iho east and have seeu )' 1. .uo in its many forms arc convinced of the fart. The rat la a strangely clever ani mal When disease. an -pl',ll. sui M ii.-' 1 as iiluKiii'. attacks the ii 1I1 . I. , in ,11 oine tn tulgiato IH CHARGED wnn PLOT 10 iWM TAFT Many Crimes Are Laid at Door of Two Spokane Men Police Have Watched Them Since Sullivan Was Killed Mayor Pratt Was to Go. PLOT TO ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT IS UNEARTHED One of the Men is Said to Have Been Instigator in Haymarket Riots and tho Other a "Red." SPOKANI3, Waah., Mch. C.-T'ln-, volvliiK nn alleged plot on tho part or Kustorii annrehlata to kill Prest lent Tart when ho loaves tbo Wblto HoiiHO on his vacation, tho contain plated niurclor of Mayor Sprntt, tho murder of Spolinno captain of police, ind other crimes wero cmbodlod ln liai'Kea filed UKnlnst Stuart Moffett ind John Stool lioro today. Morfett Is nlloKOd to have boon no of the IiiBtlKtitors of tho Ilnyniar Ket riots and Steele Is aliened to ho mo of tho inner circle of nnnrclilsts. They wore arrentnd Krlday night when Mofrett was found loItoriiiK .u'ountl the rosldenco of Mayor Pratt. Hoth Moffett and Stool Itavo boon . In Spolcnno for several years. Slnco ho niUrder of Captain Sullivan, when 1 heir suspicious notions attracted at Umtlonnl at tho funernl, thoy havo 'eon undor surveillance. Stool is nllcRod to havo told Moff .'tt and anothor man nftor tho shoot lug of Captain Sullivan that ho loft tho Bcene and walked down thoprjn- 1 Ipal streets to tho IjuhIhoss dlstrlacT IkihhIhk numerous policemen as thoy hurried hack and forth In search of ho iissasHlu. They flist plunnod to kill Mayor Pratt, It Is charged, as Captain Sul lau was killed, Moffett recnnnoltorod tho Pratt home, the police say, and found an ii-med guard watching tho nwlilonco.. He reported this to Stool ami tho pair declared thoy would "got him" omo other way. Moffott wont linck Friday night to soo If tho guard "ould not he avoided or put out ot tho way that moro mystery might ho attached to the crime, It Is nlluged. Tho first plan of tho alloged con spirators was to wait until aftor uloc tlon, says Captain of Uutectlvus M. J. Hums, for lomu unknown roiisou tho men are allegod to havo changod their plans. "Taft will get his when he leaves the white house on his vaoatlou," Steel Is alleged to have told his com panions. i claimed to he one of the Inner circle of anarchists aud bud i-orrcHiioiiili'iico regarding tho plot muliiHt Tat f fioni K'tiHt.-ru anarchists. PLi II $16,000 COUNTRY HIE Austin Corbin, New York Million aire, Who Purchased Brodshaw Orchard, Plans Splendid Buii(jalo,v for Home. Austin Corbin. the New Ymk inl lionuiro who purcbiibeil the Drnti ibuw oreburd in Antelope valley, Itaa xent out plans for a tjflU.OUU bungii low, which h to be erected at ona iiopti bis orchard, which U on uf , the l'iut'tk in the valley. Tn additiou to the bungalow, Mr. Corbin is to build a privnte bridgo over Littlo Butte creek, tsum wliiwb ho will construct a uutogdaubttxl , road to bin home. When his plana are oonipleted, Mr. Corbin will have one ot tho ahaw places of the valley. Modoro Djenounces Mnrjon. NKW YOHK, March U Referrttty to Kcnor ilugoii us "thai vile, .Ii tombliiu' ii. niairnuiii','' lit i-i.ni it I'r. -i.li 1 t M hI.-iii Ii i m it ten to ,i - 1 1 1 lli 1 1 1 - hi M- ,i i, iilif f.iu.in"- . I 1 Mil liiai uu ltiiti Ill-ill pluliiUnl IU pTni uiiial pif-iiUiie of .Mexico's iusur jjeut m eminent. B. V?