" MTCDFOKP MATL TRTrVTNE, arfcOFOUD, OREGON, FRIDAY, "VAT7CTT 3, 1911. FACIE THREE l r TAKEN III TRADE LOT IS "MINT" Two Small Lots, Taken in Exchange for $60 Worth of Firewood Four teen Years Ago, Prove to he Worth $2500 Now. Fourteen yenrs nyo. while a resi lient of this city, Charles Baleman purehnsed two lots from a friend, at (lie time in somewhat straitened circumstances, paying for them with fire wood to the value of about .fill). A short time afterwards, accompani ed by Airs. Hateinan, who before her marriage was Miss Mollic Chambers, he left to take up his residecc in the state of Washington. The lots, to ail intents and purposes were forgotten Two weeks ago, Mr. Balcmau was staggered, upon opening his mail oite morning to receive an offer of .fl, 500 for his two lots, situated ju't south of the Kenrdon warehouse on South Front street and now shown on the city plat as lots 8 and 0 in Luinsden's addition to the city of Medford. Thinking that perhaps the person making him the offer had located a gold mine on them, or that some such equally preposterous fate had fallen the property. Hateman hur riedly boarded a train, came to Med ford and, before his departure last night had refused $2300 for the property. "When I got the letter" he said before ho left " I was surprised at tho amount of money offered for the property. Had my correspondent of fercd mo $300 for the two lots, I would probably have accepted and sold them to him without a murmur, but when he started out with .fl5U0, and I saw by his paper that he was a real estate man, I decided that Medford must indeed have become what I had been told it was so f came personally." He expressed himself as surprised at the steps made in Medford since his departure fourteen years ago. NOBODY SPARED Kidney Troubles Attack Medford Men and Women, Old and Young. Kidney ills seize young and old. Come quickly with little warning. Children suffer in their early yea is Can't control the kidney socretions. Girls are languid, nervous, suffer pain. ' Women worry, can't do daily work. Men have lame and aching backs. The care for man, woman or child Is to cure the cause the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills, reach the cause. Medford testimony proves it. W. P. Gould, lit) W. Jackson street, Medford, Or., says: "1 usd Doan's, procured at Huskiu's drug store, and am pleased to say thai they have given mo more relief than any other kidney medicine 1 have over taken. Other members of my family have also used Doan's Kid nuy Pills and the results have been so satisfactory that I do not hesi tate ono moment in giving this state ment." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agonts for the Unit ed States. Hemeinbcr the name Doan's -and lake no other. WORK BEGUN IN EARNEST ON WILLIAMS VALLEY ROAD The driving of the silver spike in commemoration of the starting of Hip Grants Pa ., & Hogue Hivor Knilrocd wa participated in by nearly ."iOOH citizens of Grant Pa-... The cele bration was under tho nuspicos ot the Grants Pass Commercial club and the city council. Tho ceremonies were hold at the junction of the new road with the Soiithorn Pncific The opening address was made by L. B. Hall, president of the Commer cial club, followed by City Attorney, C. H. Clements on behalf of tho cit. council. Other addressee, wore made and tho first spike wa driven by A. D. Bowon and Mayor J. L. .Myers. The con-truetion of tin.-, new road. which will open up the Applegate and Williams alleys, will be pushed t.. completion us rapidly as possible Grants Pn. sub-enbed .fu'U,U0U to be paid during tho enud of con struction. LORD CREW FALLS FAINTING AND IS SERIOUSLY HURT LONDON. March 4.- Former Co lonial Secretary Lord Crewe is in n critical condition at the home ot Lord Hoseberry today suffering from bruin ooouion. While dining at ClBridge last night Lord Crewe fninlftl ami fell, bis bead finking tUu tiled floor. I ! was earned to the howa of iiwrd Hoebry nearby. r : AT THE CHURCHES. f - Methodist Church. Methodist Church, south, corner Main and Oakdale. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Epworth League and Bible study 0:110 p. m. preaching 7:30 p, in. There will be evangelistic services each evening of this wcej; at 7:30. Everybody cordially invited to nt tend these meetings. J. P. Hipps. pastor. First Church of Christ. First Church of Christ, Rcieiitt. Service Sunday morning at 11 o' clock. Subject of lesson, sermon : "Man." Sunday school at 10; testi monial meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. tn. All nre welcome. The rending room is open Wednes day from 2 to f p. in. also after the Sunday and Wednesday services. St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Services of St. Mark's Episcopal church in Guild hall. Sunday 10 a. in. Sunday school 11 u. in. morning prayer, sermon and holy communion, 7:30 p. m. evening prayer and ser mon. Thursday at 4 p. m. Friday at 7:30 pJ)m. Baptist Church Notes. Services will be held in the Bap tist church at the usual hours to day. Sunday school at 0:45 a. :u. Preaching 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. m. Young Peoples meeting (i:30 p. m. Subject of morning sermen: "How May 1 Knrtw 1 nm Saved?" Subject of evening service, "What is Con version?" Special music at all ser vices. All arc invited to attend. Presbyterian Church. Preaching at 11 a. in. Good music. Preaching tat 7:30 p. m. Sundny school at 10 a. in. C. E. society at (1:30 p. in. J. C. E. society at 4:30 p. m. Evangelistic meeting commence March 10th. Rev. J. A. McVeigh of Portland is the evangelist. All nro invited to these meetings. Union Meeting. A union meeting of tho foreign mission societies of tho Medford churches will he held in tho Baptist church on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Each church will contribute a part In the following pregram: A cordial Invitation Is extended to tho public: Papers, by Mesdames Powers, Stlne, Illnman, Loomis, etc.; duet, Mrs. English and Miss Elder; duet, .Mrs. Qulsenbery, Mrs. Wold; solos, Mrs. Horner and Miss Iloso Floldor; readings, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Web ster nail Miss Mnrle Secly. Christian Church. Corner Sixth and Ivy streets. Ulble school 10 a. m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Christian Kndeavor C:30 p. in. Evening servlco 7:30. At tho evening service tho pastor will preach on "What Medford Needs." Everybody welcome. Prayer meet ing Tuesday evening, 7:30. W. Theo Matlock, pastor. FOREST RESERVE LAND OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT WASHINGTON, D. C, Mch. 4. President Taft this afternoon signed a proclamation eliminating from the Inyo National Forest in California 27(1, 420 acres and added 80,532 acres, tho greater part of which is in California. Tho unnppropriutod portions eliminated will be restored to settlement. xotici:. Notice Is horeby given that tho un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil or tho city of Medford, Or., at Its regular mooting on March i, 1911, for a llconso to sell spIrltoiiB, vin ous and malt liquors In quantities lens than a gallon at Its place of bus iness at lots 12 and 13. block 20, No.H :t" South Front btreet, In Bald city, for a pei tod of six months. tf J W. SMNOER. PHONE 901 Old customers send me your address. New Premiums, New Ser vice, New Agent. But the same old stand ard goods. AGENCY GRAND UNION TEA CO. UOTUIPPSTUKKT FOR SALE BY OWNER Small 4-r".m h"ii-i- n ca-t fr"'it In ."iUxlon, -is bf.iin.j,' prune and two-f.ir p''.ir tivi - -''1 r .md -ewer, paved -tru U"- ''' hu-c, womUht-l, chicken bun e and j.ird. PRICE $1200 I Terms: One-half cash, balance; like rent. 528 S. Fir St. ffHH4 Mm ! POLICE STMT A SPRING CLEAN-UP Police Judge Canon and Chief of Po lice Hittson Co-operating to "Float" Riff-Raff Out of Town New Bunch Gets "Tickets" Daily. Chief of Police llittson started the tinnual spring clenn-up of the genus "hobo" Friday with the result that long before the sun had risen to its zenitli, and its warm rays had lured all of the breed out into the open. the city jail was filled almost to overflowing. "We are picking up the holdovers," the chief said "as we have a lot around hero now that have, gone stale from idleness. There are a lot of men in town who nre not working right now who will commence to do so the minute the paving work bo gins. I am not after those fellows but I am going to clean out the idlers here that I know spend their time 'looking' for work and praying they wont find it." Police Judge Canon is co-operating with the officers in cleaning out the riff-raff, with the result that every day now r.ees another detachment or dered from town. Oregon Postmasters Confirmed. WASHINGTON, 1). C, March 4.--The senate has confirmed the nomi nations of the following Oregon post pest masters: Madras, Fred Davis; Marshfiehl W. B. Curtis. City Property $250 will handle modem house, close in, east front, balance in monthly pnyments. $275 for Westmoreland lots if taken at once. $325 double lot on Locust street, five modern houses close in, take half payment in lots. 3 room house and enst fornt lot G0 125 feet, $700, terms, close to puv- ing. 5 room bungalow, close to paving. $1300, easy terms, f lots and rentable house, $2500, terms. Fine city lots to trade for house. Five lots nenr West Main, paving; $1900. Fino lot on N. Central, trade for anything. G-room house, now, modem, 3 sleep ing rooms and sleeping porch, clothes dryor, woodshed; prico cut to $3000 for quick sale. G-room house, take lots in part pay ment. Kenwood Lot, close to paving, $475; terms. West Walnut Park lots, $275-$350; $25 down, $10 month, 0 per cent 5 rooms, bath, pantry, near school, $1750; terms. RANCHES 116 acres black granite soil, 3 miles to station; 70 acres cleared; .$83 per acre. 50 ncros black soil, 2 miles to sta tion; 3-year apples and pears; $300 per aero. Eight acres, chicken ranch, nenr Medford; .foOO. Trnct of bearing orchard finely sit uated, $1000 por acre; good steady income, not a prospect. 120 acres, fino soil, fj miles to sta tion, .ff0 per aero. WANTED Citv and ranch properly to list. Girls for general housework, 0 ranch hands. Man nnd wife on ranch. o Pniners. Ono yard man, one kitchen man. E. F. L BITTNER Room 20G. Phlpps Building. Kemiagton Wide Car riage Type writer Second Hand, used but little, $46.00 on terras Medford Book Store Police Raid Gambling Game The chief got a gentle tip that a big gnmo was to be pulled off last night and cwore in half a dozen dep uties to assist him in the raid. Soon after dark had you taken notice, you may have seen several olficers in civilian clothes watching from the roof of buildings and in dark alleys, laying in wait to swoop down on the boya interested. Along about I) p. m. the boys began to drop in and when! tnc crowd iicgaii to come tntcKor ami thicker the boys behind the stars held a hurried consultation and de cided to close in. They ordered out the loner body buss to use as a hood lum wagon and when all was ready I ii. !.... . :.. .. ...in. i !. I uiey iiiuiriii'd six suoiig wiui iiriiwii revolvers along to the alley back of thu Garnett-Corey buildir.gs.' Kach man thought he could hear the shuf fle of cards and the clink of money. They had seen some of the best men of tho city wending their way to thi silent room. After they had scouted for a few minutes they located the bunch and after breaking in the door they found a larger crowd of them but only u few taking part. The po lice were much taken back when they found instead of the real gambling, only a few men had gathered to talk over and arguo the merits of the Toledo ramie. Mvers' best deen welD pump, an extra large quantity of paint that cover. the earth along with anything ono might want in the bard ware line. And while "Short ie" Gar- 3?ywf The Work of) Dutch Ne turies. l;iff COMPARE "When a man is right and sure of it he invites com- 1V11MS011S Tome in and see what; wonderl'iil facilities this store offers you for buying right. COMFORT Your living room and all yrtur evenings at homo will simply be enriched by a selection from these universally attractive designs. TABLtiS WITH QUALITY BUILT IN. There's more than surface quality to these library ta-bles- there's the built-in strength of sturdy oak and ma hogany finished to resist the bard wear that comes from i ' i m 1,1. .,.i. v..Klv it. f i oli.m.rnif mihsfim- (m KinilL It would afford us pleasure to show the TOURIST Collaspible Go-Cart (JOOU VALIJK In buying a cart one should consider two things service and satisfaction. The Tourist will give you both. II is a cart which makes friends with its users. It advertises itself. Whether the buyer chooses a low-priced cart or one of more elaborate finish, so Iomr as it is a Tourist, the qual ity and value is good. CONVKXlKNCIi: The Tourist folds very compactly. It is particularly convenient when traveling. It can very readilv be unckcd in an ordinarv trunk. It is a luxury which has become a necessity. FOLDIXd DKVirKNothing could be simpler than folding the Tourist. (J rasp the handle-bar with one hand and the front end of the running gear frame with the other; lift the cart from the floor and draw the hands together. It ouejis just as easily. When folded it is vvy compact. Weeks & McGowan Co. 114-124 WEST MAIN STREET. Licensed Agonts for HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS nctl and his sale hunch were making a IV w hurried sales, Mr. Corey was trying to convince some othtfr fellows that the only way to get along was for them to pay up their bills. You had just as well dig up when Corey comes in. You can find a game of this kind at anv time in the store of GAKXETT-COREV HAKDWAWE Co.'S NEW STOKE, MAIN AND GHAPE. WRESTLING MATCH Craftsmen Arts and Crafts Furniture whieh has just arrived is the handiwork of Dutch craftsmen. It represents the highest quality of cabinet work in modern furniture building. Tl is patterned after the quaint otherlands between the fifteenth Siu Such turnuure appeals 10 pcopte 01 uissruiiiiiiiiuiig It combines the beautiful and the practical. The li surprising feature is the price, which is below that of any high grade, reputable period reproductions we have seen. a V lll lum-li i.um; in wi tial build that fills the requirements lived in. YOUNG DUNSMUIR'GETS JUDGMENT FOR $102,500 SAN FHANCISCO, Oil., March i. -Judgment for $102,500 was ob tained here today by James Duus niuir, son of the late Premier of British Columbia, from H. Duns- niuir Sons & Co. Dunsmuir claimed COHNEHlthat he was due this amount for per- sonal loans made to tho compnny. NATATORI IM Thursday Evening March 9th CARL BUSCH vs. JACK EENZ of Medford, Oregon. GOOD PRELIMINARIES Best two in three falls. Oat ch-as-catch-can style. Admission, 75c; ringside, $1. Tickets on sale Wednesday at Nntatorium. old styles made in the and seventeenth con- ti ii .", .,.....,.,.... of a room that is Duy Your Flower &Vegetable Seeds from tho peoplo who can say .We know our seeds aro good becauso we havo tested them; Wo aro those peo ple. Cut flowers and all kinds of pot ted plants. J. T. BROADL.EY & CO. Cornor Cth and Central; Greenhouse near city reservoir. I O. Box 62l. Phones Store 14G1 Main, Greenhouse 5131 Main. THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms Suites with privato bath Rooms inchulo largo closols nnd sleeping porches. .Also hot nitl cold water in connection. Hrcnkfust served, if desired. Itcccption rooms for guests. Gentlemen only. 70G S. Oakdale Ave. MEDFORD, ORE. Coffee Chase h Sanborn's Stands at the head (Whon you aro asked to try something just iih good, just re monibor that tho last time you changed you wore sorry You nro suro to return to tho old ro Ilahlo "SI3AL MIAND" nt 40c a lb The Same Price for 15 Years The Same Quality all the Time JIf you ever tried Illuo Ribbon Klour, you know that It Is Just a llttlu bottor. It you havo novor tilod It, wo will bo nhms od to havo you try ono sack you'll become n steady usor. Warner, Wortman Gore GUOCKKV IMIOXIJ 2HO, MAItlvIST l'UON'K 281. Blue Ribbon" r I V t