jemmmnwmmM -vm . MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1911. PAGE TWO Y y MARCH I" JAIL TWO BY TWO CURB MERCHANTS i j M 1 I r I Petition, Siynctl hy Many, Asking That Ice Cream ami Pop Corn Merchants Bo Allowed to Continue in Business is Filed. Following close on the heels of n petition signed by n mnjority of the downtown business men, presented (it the Inst mooting of the city council nsklng thnt body to tako hU'jw to re move rrom the public atioulH the n'fi nut, Ice cream, hot lininhui'Kor wag ons, another petition, signed by u groater aiimber of people thnt the first, asking that the "Ico cream and pop corn" wagons be allowed to continue- In business as heretofore wns filed In the office of City Recorder Hobort W. Tolfer this morning. The moro recent potltlon, although Hlgned by a greater number of per sons thnn the first, does not loprosont In n single Instance any person In front of whose pioperty the wagons conduct their business, and the per sons who had charge of securing the signatures contented themselves with signers from the icsldentlal district. Inasmuch as the men who pay taxes and rentals on downtown properties have objected to the competition and presence in front of their places of biiBlnesB of tho curbstone merchants, It is not believed that the petition filed Friday will have very much weight In Influencing the meinliH of tho Btrect committee of tho council, who at present have tho matter under advisement. Squad of Six Sleepers, Found In Box. Car hy Patrolman Hcllam, Ordered Into Military Formation and! Marched to Jail. i - ....... ; l l' - m. mmim. GOLDEN Iluniiiijj tlie oiinN f many snor ing 'as lie walked hy nil empty bo ear on tlie Southern Pacific rail road riglit of way shortly after day light Hntuidny morning, I'atrolinan ('. llellniii pried open t!ie door and discovered I lie 4ix homele"" wandor er.s wlio had lukeii up their quarter-, there, were fast in tlie grip of Mor plicut, Wecogiiizing iiinong lliem several characters who have'loalVd around town for "ovorul week, llellniii inarched the entire sextette, in three rank's of two men each, to the lock up. Then men, icliinh of the llonler crusade, were i flensed upon promises to find work immediately or town. leave WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT LAUNCH CAMPAIGN Medford Theatre Tonight. The success of the Mnrjorie .Mnn villo company t Hie Medford theatre last Sunday "'glit proved that fheie 5b nn opening for a good oiirniii.:i tion playing at cheap prices eery Sunday night uud this popular com pany appears again tonight in tlie screaming farce, "Tlie Alan from iMo.i'o." Thi; piece 'jtjriginnll'y played by Willie Collier has made millions laugh mid is one of the standaul farce comedies. Although the com pany has been strengthened by the addition of (wo more people llieie will be no advance in pncoH -''" mid .'l. cents. Scuts on Mile at lliiskuis. Gage Millinery Kayser Gloves Am. Lady Corsets w B X B RULE Good for Bad Boy Shoe's Levi Strauss Overalls Thoroughbred Hats Spring Merchandise Arriving in All Departments Odds and Ends of Broken Lines BEING SACRIFICED In order to innaugurate a campaign to secure moie members for their or ganization, the Women of Woodernlt held a reception and meeting in the new 1. 0. 0. F. building last niglit.J itoirosnuioniH were sorvca during i the evening and plans outlined for the socuriiifr of a number of new members. Oririiniw Maker, of F'ordand. was Hit' honor mil" t of the oveninir. ? MORAN AND WOLGAST TO FIGHT AT TIA JUANA 10c $2.()."3 and 3.2;" ladies colored Waists; (M Q cleanup .. tfpi.Uef Ladies' IJ5c Holts and cellars: cleanup NEW RUGS, NEW SHADES, NEW CURTAINS AT CLEANUP PRICES One lot lor Lace Curtains; while only; cleanup iQ price, pair .. - u One lot 1.00 Lace Curtains; white and ecru; clean- Qp up ten dozen lot of 72x90 rn Bleached Sheets C Twenty dozen Towels, .bought at a great sacrifice: 20x37; go in cleanup sale at, n each 1W6 Ten dozen ladies' Summer Vests; loc values; clean- up price vt One thousand yards pure Linr on Lace; all widths; with i insertion to match wv Men's odd and broken Jots Suits; $15.00; clean- ffjn AA Men's Hats; broken (Pfl PC sizes; $y.00 values, at $1-WJ Men's AVool Sweaters; (j-! PC cle.ump price P " Men's Wool Sweaters; $1.50 values: cleanup Qr Glen's extra quality gray two piece Underwear; (fa A A cleanup price " vl" v I.OS ANdlOliKS, Cat., .March 1 Owen Moraii and Ad Wolgfist in a l.'i rouud contest will chri' ten the riiivt of Promoter Louis Hlot'H contOm platcd light arena at Tin .luiina, Mexico, if I (lot's plans mntciiali.c. Mlot is itwiiiling today answers from inimugers Hnrvey and .lones to an offer of a t'r'l 2,0(111 purse or a 7fi per cent cut of the unto. Mlot cis'iinn to have the written consent of the Mexican government lo bold long lights acroH the line. II' plans to sngi the first contest .lul I. OUR MUX'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOE DEPARTMENT IS FULL OF THE BEST VALUES THAT CAN POSSIBLY B,E 'HAD IN SOLID LEATH ER SHOES. EVERY PALR IS MANUFACTURED SPECIAI LV EOR US. NOT TOO CHEAP IN PRICE, BLTT MORE THAN $1.00 Worth of Value for Every $1.00 Charged You ASK ABOUT OUR PROFIT-SHARING PLAN rr t WWWW'WW V X 9 V 9 V V V V V V x V V p.rp-tf&P'M'&y'ww'' n V FOR. SALE The Banner Orchard of the Valley We have for sale the finest oivlmrd in Rogue River Valley, containing 215 acres, at less thnn $1000.00 an acre. The fruit from this orchard carried off PREMIUMS at the Spokane Apple Show and part of this yenr's-crop is now being exhibited in sUhie of the largest cities in the east, by the Southern Pacific railroad. .It is the greatest snap in the nlle and no doubt will be qiiirkh sold tit first Muht, as the price is $30,000 less than it has been offered before V V V v V V V V V V V V V THie apple orchanl is l(i cars .ld, of the best pawns? arieties of lives, in fine condition. Peach orchard in bearing, consisting of the very best marketable varieties, hcsiles other fruits, including L(00 cherry trees nf Royal Anne, Ring and Lamberts., plum trees, pears, almonds, etc Eive hundred grapes now bearing, including Tokay, Sweet-Water, Concord, etc; 'J000 Loganberries, Blackberries, etc. IMPROVEMENTS Seven-room bouse, with barn and other outbuildings, fanning iniploments, also spraying outfit, with splendid gasoline engine, hoso, etc. All go with (he place. Deeded water right for irrigation, with large rcscnoir for water supply. 9 For Further Particulars See ... Oregon Realty 6 Mining Co. LIST YOUR ORCHARD AND CITY PROPERTY WITH US. OWNERS OF MINING PROPERTIES, WRITE US FOR PARTICULARS. Room 319 Garnett-Corey Bldg. '1 V i V V V 9 V V f z V 9 Y y && X X V X X X rtfN-4'v-'''-' Z44444-J444''t-'-t