& ' PAGE SIX MEDFORT) MATTJ TRTBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCIT 5. 1911. t BRANCH LEAGUE R.R.VALLEY AGUE NO DEATHS ON WHITE SLAVER: Association, Planned at Winter Short Course Session at 0. A. C. to Pro mote Experimenting Among Rang ers, to Have Local Representation HUM LINES ARE jAPIURED Carry 49.491.000 Persons in SafeU Federal Marshall Takes Prisoners Report for 1910 Received by. Two Women at Lakcvicw Charged Local Agents Show No Fatalities. With Immoral Traffic and Brings I7.5G0 Miles Covered. Them to Portland. Tlio iiiiiJUilnlnry inei'linjc of (lie Iioguu llivcr Valley branch of 111" Oregon 'ApriiMilliiinl Experimental jagiio wns held in the University olub rooms Saturday afternoon. En UttiMHatiu talks, concerning the movement were made by Leonnnl Carpenter, Jlio proiilcnt of the Mute organization, Stanton Oriffis, it Sflcielnry and Professor 1. J. O'flari. 1'rcHidenl Carpenter bhowed (he yt'onl el'ficency in service that a live orjmnir.ntion of this kind in capable Of doing for the Itogitc Hiver Valley. In brief, he snid (lint although the , Xtnlo and federal officials are e. IHiriinenting to the limit of their pow er to ascertain the facts relative tu Pnch snbjectH as crop rotation, dury iny, fertilizing of orchards, povoi rop, and what certain varietie ihiivc bu.st in given districts, they ai. not able to maku rapid inroads imo- (lio gigantic! task confronting them J J he opportunity for service of new oign taxation is in the number of c. poriment thnt can be made in th many different lines of farming. Mr Carpenter olnssed the farmer wit' the manufacturer on the grounds thin ho is a food producer. Ho showed Unit whilo other Vnos of mannfacliir nig bad reduced thoir business to n roionce, making officiency suprcnu farming is still in a chaotic state duo to the ignorance of the true condi tions governing its varied branches .Knoli district, he said, should slick t. the culture of those fruits, cereill vegetables or whatevor they may br whioli can best be grown under it1 particular conditions. What these specific crops arc, ho said, can tnily bo found by extensive experi menting. - Sir. Carpenter vouchsafed that ar active branch of tlio leaguo formed hi this valley would in time gath-i alatistics which would show the eo-l of producing each crop under oven hind of condition. lie emphasised (.hi) fad that tbro is no reason foi Ijlok of harmony in the exchange i ideas between growers in the sami (Slnte for if a better grade of friii were produced (he reputation th.i' variety would bring to tlio slate would increase the profits of een othor grower of the variety. Staaton Griffii, the secretary I the leninie, followod .Mr. Carpenter with n short nddresit coiiccruiug thr Itiatary of the luague from it inccp Uon. Dui-ing the winter hhort coui-m Mawioji at the Oregon AKiicultura1 oiillogo at Corvnllis the (wo hundred or more practical fruit growers win were in nttondnuee couciied th idea of (ha iinmeuse benefit (but or HHiiited exMriiuiMitin(, being cnriUM' am niioultnneouwly hy faiinerN in nl1 ' (IUttiicts would be to tiic state. 1'rofeKftor (VOarn nured the nr jtaaiaatioii of his hearty eo-oporatioi ml aiioke briofly of the ctent .l th work of cMrhnenta leagues c other atatea. New York, he naid. kaa a league of 75.000 and has cn liajeil, through a priae sywteat. th-(o-operution of the acliool children in the making of experiment. In Xebmaka he stated (he vield of chip waa inertated one third aa the re auH of experiments in the select iui of seeds by the league there. Any on'lianli-t interested in ex perimental tk iu.i lc nine a mom Iier of i h.. Oicgtm imi irultutul cpi'f menial IriiL'iu'. Installation of safely devices and the block signal Hti'ni are cited for the record of the llarriman railroads in enrrying 1!MU1,000 pnsongers in 1010 without sacrificing a singlo life. The report was compiled in the of fice of .Julius Krnttschnitt, director Deputy I'nited Slates Marshall T. E. Ilainmer.ley pacd through. Med ford yesterday with too women pris oner.., who are going to Portland where they aro to be held under fed eral charges. The women were Hell Marshall mul Mario Weed. The fur- of inaiiitenance and operation, Chi-lnier is charged with the wry seri oago. It cowred the Ijiimiio-m of the' ns offense of being a "white -liner" Union Pacific. Southern I'aeilic and while the other woman is being taken affiliated roads, a total of 17,0(10 miles. The total number of passen gers caried on a mile basis is ;i,()00, 000.0(10. The Ilarrininn system carried 10 per cent of the estimated 1010 pas senger traffic. Tlio figures for most of the other railroads have not yet been compiled by the government, but in 100!) the number of passengers carried wa 2!),O(IO,0()O,(IO(). The fig ures for 11)10, it is said, will not exceed a billion more. iMnny otiier railroads Have gone through a year without a fatality to any of its passengers, but it is said that no system has made this record for such a largo total of passengers. Hosulls on the llarriman lines arc ascribed to a campaign waged by tlio manngeinenl for years to reduce acci dents. The llarriiaan system now has more miles of automatic block signnl protection than any other sys tem in the woild. Mr. Krultschnitt has directed special attention to the accident problem, and began several vears ago to hring about a reduction by" giving complete publicity to nil forms of accidents and their inves tigation, which it is helicved, spurred office and employes to greater ef forts to safeguard lives. In lOO.'MDOl the number of acci dents on the I'niou Pacific was 'JO for 1,000,000 locomotive miles. On the Pacific system of the Southern Pi eifio the number of accidents per 1,000,000 looomotiws miles wim re duced from 2!)..r to IO.'j in the sanx1 lime. along lor sine keeping as a wit ness. Those arrests arc the outcome cf thu strenuous efforts by the federal authorities tu stamp out the abomin able practice. In the complaint which was filed some time ugo in Portland the charge is made that Pell Marshall induced tlio Weed girl to move from Seattle to Lakeview. The testimony submitted at that time showed that the Marshall woman was one of a gang of "white slavers" which had to floe from Sh uttle when the lato change in (he ad ministrations was made there when Mn.or Gill was ousted by icoall and that she took with her for immoral purposes the younger woman and headed for Lakeview. Hoth the women were placed under bail of .flfiOO hy the authorities!, and as they could not raise this amount they will be taken to Portland where they will haw to remain in jail until the case in tinally settled in the fed eral court. JOHNSON CAR TRAIN IN FRISCO ROCK PILE BY CHICAGO DEMOCRATS " CHICAGO, March I Carter II. Harrison has undisputed title to the democratic nomination for mayor as a result of the official canvass of the primary vote. With the official tabu lation piactlcally completed, Harri son showed a net gain of -' votes over Kdward K. Diinnu, who Insisted tlu rnimiaa would return lilin tho nominee Ituger Sullivan, democratic commit teeman, and other democratic leaders who oppogod Harrliou in the primary, declared today tlioro U no question as to his nomination. MRS. SMITH TO BE INTERRED TODAY SAN KltANCISCO, March I Champion .link .IoIiiihou will lie given in opportunity to train for his next liattlo on tho rock pile. Tho big Kinokc will be aiTonted some time to- lav mi u aueuiiri elmnu. nf linvliiir vl. M'H- MlV F.li.illielll Smith, who 'at'ed the speed law and It l Honor-' ,,il''1 t her home here last Thursday illy believed Police Judge Woller will w" "oliuueU O"' ailcrnonn m l'u Hive him a jail sentence. ' ' - - v- ''I'luctciy. The funeril Patrolman William Coiner, who a.- T" ' '' ' "I ;,:-,l ' ' ui'i'kh ami .muownu company s SEATS FOR "FRA I'eatod the iiogto oeral weeks ago 'or automobile ipcodlng, yesterday Hftoinoou pulled hla watch on a inn hluo dilven by Joliiiaon. According to Colunr, the flghtor whk making :t0 mllea an hour. The officer called to him to stop, but the order waa llerognrded. Co I nar left for Johnson's uuurlerw it the beach this afternoon to take the negro Into custody. Johnson Is now at liberty on bull following hii appeal from Police Midge Coulon'h sonttMue of a JtOO flue or ton da.s la Jul!. Impel. HankliiH for Health. MADAME SHERRY COMING TO MEDF0RD THEATRE SOON, j j I lie om lug, ovcrwholiiiiug inuiciil -iici'is- til the decide is "Madame shery." lu music bus ineiivlod l'u- T n OT i -'"'"' '""' "" hnght ami original com i nM I IM' '" leaving a rail of linli viimc iii'ihiv iiiuguirr wiirri-rrr wie prmmr i " ' j ii"ii has been presented. Not only The jMh.uiec s.i.' tt .u. lor il.. j''W York and Chicago have found I ptrfwrujuiii c ot "Kia li.iv ....." i.. I. " the most eujoyahel pel'omiance n, given Hi the Modlt.ul op.'ia h..u-t 'm-'iiv oars. but in eery t it where xt Tueaday and ediio-du o u - '" i en the ennropoiuan errtu-t i iiypa under the auspices ol l he IoimI lodga of the M. P. () 11.. is piogreo alug rapidly. Almot ewry member t tile louge has dispsd ot all the tkikata aasigncd him and several hu i Mlurud i'r "more." The seats ar- to be procured from Mty U3wubr of the order or at llaa kkr'a dl'Ujf store. The porforuianee JU Ue given bv an amateur oust wfejou, in maia pmmouw erfonuuu om, litis gixiii a showing (hut tu 1 lungers m i -' il" tv who hap pigied to dii' "' ' luoir shm w is linrd tt uinkt lii'uu' i. tine lrom any but profes' tun - ASHLAND WINS IN FINAL iicfoptrd and ocprovod. "Kvcrv Lit lie Movement." the Huig theme of the pi i-e, s the linjge-t siing hit of a gr'i eration, mul ihoie are 'JO other f.is oi uitiug musical imiiihcrM in the pro diiohou nistas pi-pillar Cat, iiiusio. ooiuelv and pnidu Won all tnwt r hi'. id and shoulder-. ulnvi n' siunl.ii pot foimniiir otteiod lb.' plagir u . long time, lis will he -.en vlnn ilu piece upMars at the Modl.nd thcua soon. TALK vision vs. no. 7 MENTAL STATUS H Hr Ktckert, Medford. Ore. Culin'H hlUdVlll'M sIlnVV U Mllllk.ll llll'll-.tKl' ill till' ll. I lllll 111 of IIIMI llll, Ol slllll't-SlyllU-lllll MM. Ill Ml lllKll clillilrin hs tlu-y iiiHumv to llic IiikIi r olMsaoa, ond he offra us v UKnci" thut In tlio luHor araiit's I I t rent 'lsta. while SIS per cent rtvatU In tho unlvi'islty. It Is I'lHHigh to know, however, that iniiMt rhllitri'tt who are eunsitlered ImrkWMiil not to suy mentally al-niii-iiinl -u.ru suffering front some iiMihi'iiole condition some. Inthal nnee of the imiselea of the pye. Very often combined with an error of re. fiMi'tion, which, la if relieved, would in must Instunovs murk a ver deold ed Improvement in tlutr mental status. Kveiy teeh, r should h.tve MeOl.il li ilninu whleh will en.iMe them to vtetemiliie wlutlur or not it pupil MM MX' IM'llllnl illld If f.Hliul d f -live, Ilu i oinllllun Ml .Mild lc lepotled 10 the iMirutH oi KM.kldl.in of ll.cs I'llll't UIk III I ,111 .Mil. I M, ( k Hi" 11,1 I, i . ' I ( II p. 1, I I (iil,,IMl II 'St I l t 1 I V , I 'it ,1 I N. I ( M1 I'lillill . II J ,' I ( Dr. Rickert Optometrist Over Keutuer'. POCAHONTAS COUNCIL RECEIVES A SURPRISE The liulnliel- m! the P council, an alixillilil V tc I1 I, BASKET BALL MATCH i(t., m.d. i..oiv.,1 a d.hdiu.i TJia Alduad llis.li school teaat de tent ud tlio lounl huh sehool team h a lui-kot ball ic i d in Aahlaud l.-i maht bv U 0u to 1. The jrniue in tlio Illfij will' li ilu U- i nii'm tl.nr bonnr. u ill id. i in uiitteiile j '"" il ll. li.. i v prise Friday pvi-nunr ai tho -l - ..' their nicotine jp the now I O ti P buihlinir whou the trn ioo ( :,. ludtre served a aiuuptuotis I i Draperies We carry a very complete line of draperies, ittio curt.Uns, fixtures, etc , and do an classes of upholniei Injt A sio lal man to touk after tbU work exclu sivelv and will give aa good service us is )(M!U to get III even the Uiot ilties, Weeks & McGowan Co 'IT Fireless Cookers BAKES AND ROASTSFAR BETTER TH AN ANY OTHER STOVE THIS we etui prove to you beyond a doubt. Even tbo inexpericwofl cook can "turn out" most excellent baking, because the "Caloris" requires absolutely no atten tion tiftei' the raw 1'ood litis been placed into it it can't burn, no danger of overcooking. "Caloric" cooking means success every time. "Caloric" Fireless Cookstove saves you hours of attention to foods while cooking stives fuel and food expense saves time, money and worry. You can never know the real true efficiency of "('alone-" cook ing until after you have eaten a meal cooked in this wonderful kitchen marvel. .Meat, fish, game, poultry and practically all foods are rendered far more wholesome and, delicious when baked or roasted in the "Caloric." All the fine flavor is retained none is lost by evaporation as when tho ordinary oven is employed. The "Caloric" steams, stews and boils just as efficiently as il bakes and roasts. It is guaranteed to do just what we claim for it, or your money refunded. Satisfaction, bet ter cooked meals, and a less expenditure for fuel less time in the kitchen over a hot stove more time for reading, sewing, etc. "What better arguments can we offer you? Come into our store and let us tell you more about this wonderful kitchen marvel. You'll be amazed, at the seemingly impossible things it accomplishes. M agsglwHk'tt i ayg,j'vviiw'gy raw -re NEXT POSEOFFICE, SIXTH AND CENTRAL AVE. THE HOUSE THAT MADE IT POSSIBLE TO BUY HOUSE FURNISHINGS IN MEDFORD AT REASONABLE PRICES. vr-vr We've Scored a Hit with our decidedly exclu sive showing of Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses for women and misses. We've made another hit with our exceptional buy- c'di " r wr Ta'Tr Tivm i k-,xt w. ing. The Secret Is in the Make The Stle Craft ipii'iiiciit which is right in style, ma terial and price. STY L1C CRAFT srrTS from $24.00 up OTIIKR SC1TS KKOM $15:00. up -s r r r , ..- flfl'1' ' Il ' M 1 Pi vj 1 n ft VT'X') M ' - 1 Of 'Ij; , '' ' I H 1 craftj ; mffirWi ! ; f - v r What Will You Wear "What cloth, texture, pat tern, shade or design will you select? You can easi ly and so satisfactorily an . swer that question from our Spring showing of Style Craft Garments for women and misses; also Coats for juniors. Little women's and stouts, the make famous for "Fash ion plus skill," and for im provements on the impor tations. STYLF CRAFT COATS $12.50 to $35!00 Authentic Spring Styles in Millinery. Ready for Your Choosing Our pleasure to show our goods is your pleasure to see them cPmr 222 West Main St. y ) y y X H'Jl. - 4-t-4r4t4t4,,4,,ft4t4tt