3CEDF0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, IMEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH r, 191 1. PAGE THREE & ' MAGISTRATE IS PLEASING SKIT Play From the Pen of Pinero, Ably Acted on Opera House Stage by Pupils of Junior Class at Hijih School Delights Large Audience. WALLING WINS PROMISE SUIT Miss Anna Bcrthc Grunspan Loses Her $100,000 Breach of Promise Stiit Against Millionaire Socialist Who is Highly Elated Thereby. CUDIHY CASE IS iyirrTTT-i fc-- mT uW.KtfRSrSSETirsrwTr.,-, vtatfr - - -KaKxaxzsai Hearing Against Professor of Com mercial Branches in the High School Is Put Over Until Monday by Justice Dox at Jacksonville Motor Cars 0 mJMMSj w Before an enthusiastic and delight ed audience nt the Medford opera houso Friday night, tho pupils of the junior class of tho high school presented Sir Arthur Plnero's scream ingly funny fnrcc-coniedy, "The Mag istrate." The action of tho piece de pict the predicament of a wife, the mother of a 19-year-old boy by a for mer marriage, who, in order to cap ture her present husband, told him when they were married thnt she was .11 years old instead of 3G. To keep tho He up she has to He her son out of five years, reducing him, a boy of 19, to 14. C.t or Characters. Mr. Posket Fred Heath Mr. Bullamy Harold BIgolow Colonel Lukyn, from Bengal retired Emerson Merrick Captain Horace Vale, Shropshire Fu siliers Ernest Price CIs Farrlngdon, Mrs. Posket's son by her first marriage . . . Frank Ray Achlllo Blond Paul McDonald Isidore, a waiter ...Mark Leonard Mr. Wormington, chieh clerk Mulber- . ry street Armond Taylor Sergeant Lugg, metropolitan police! pice Raymond Crawford Inspector Messlter, metropolitan po- Burt Stull Wyke, servant at Mr. Posket's Lylc Marquis Agatha Posket Mary Deuel Charlotte, her sister. . . .Jessie Purdy Beatle Tomllnson Wray Curry Popham Orble Natwick During the intermission Miss Ethel Elfert sang "Strolling on the Beach." 'she was assisted by a chorus compos er tho Misses Wray Curry, Orble Nnt wlck, Marion Renshaw, Harriet Comp ton and Beth Blackford. -. PLAYED SERVANT TO HUSBAND'S AFFINITY PARIS, Mnrch 4. Ujilit wn tl.rown on n curiosity of French life today when the police investigated charges made by the wife of M. I'lanohon, n wealthy bakery propri etor, thnt she lived in terror of her husband, who forced her to piny ser vant to his affinity. Tlie police say l'lanclion'x wife did the drudgery, while his affinity rode in carriage, wore the family jewels anil at breakfast in bod, brought to her by Mine. I'lanchon. BURNS SEEKS EVIDENCE ABOUT SEATTLE POLICE OLYMPIA, Wash., March 4. Wil liam J. Hums, the detective, who ha been gnthering evidence of alleged corruption in the Seattle police dc ' partinent, is in 0mpia today, lie held a long conference with flovernnr Hay last evening. Neither the de tectives or those about the executive offices will discuss the significance of the visit. NEW YORK, March 4. Miss Anne Bert bo Orunsnan today lost her $100, 000 suit against William English Walling, the millionaire socialist, for breach of promise of mnrriago. The Jury retired shortly before 11 o'clock and wrangled all night before reach ing a verdict. When the verdict was announced Miss Grunspan paled. When she re covered from the shock, she turned to her attorney with "well, what do you think of that?" Attorney Adam Strlckler, chief counsel for Miss Grunspan, Immedi ately moved that the verdict bo set aside. "I consider that the verdict was in accord with tho evidence,'" replied Justico Gelgerlch. "The motion Is denied." Walling was elated. "When persons," ho said, "who know this woman In Europe heard that the case was going against me and realized the scandal and shame of It all, they came unsolicited to the courtroom and offered to help mo win my case, it Is a great victory for right and justice." Justice Giegerich announced after the verdict that he has heard thnt Juror No. 5, who repeatedly question ed witnesses, had received a. number of letters commenting on tho case. The naturo of thefcontents of these letters was not divulged. It was rumored that one of tho ju rors held out In favor of the girl until late this morning. Professor J. 1 Cudaliy of the high school, against whom Court Hall caused to be issued a criminal com plaint charging assault and battery, was yesterday given until Monday to plead by Ju-tico of the Pence Henry Q. Dov of Jacksonville, before whom the hearing wns brought. When ! fill! fillxn MK (llllnil Pttitiltv ilinlv ! i:. . . "" "' ' -vvv Hull, the 1( -year-old boy with whom tlie teacher engaged in a fistie en counter during school Thursday af ternoon, Court Hull and District At torney B. F. Mulkey were present. At the instance of the boy's father, the school board, which met in regu lar session nt the high school build ing lust night, deferred action on the ease until it ahull have been disposed of in the courts to which it has been assigned, and ns the result the board will take no cognizance of the matter until presented before them. "CALIFORNIA ORAXOK COUNTRY" Beautifully Illustrated in four col ors. "The Spell," an unusual romnn tic serial, by C. X. and A. M. Wil liamson. "What Women Aro Doing in the West." March Sunset now on sale 15 cents. NOTICE To contractors and builders of Medford, thnt on and after April 1 tho minimum scalo of wages for car penters shall bo $ I per day, eight hours at work. W. SHIRLEY, C. DALEY, . 295 Trustees Local 1840. ROCK SPJtINGS COAL. Two cars ol tho famous Rock Springs coal arrived this morning. Phone W. J. Burbldgo, tho drayman, and get somo of this. Tho best coal In the west, heating, cooking, or fur nace. Demand has exceeded the sup ply, but wo havo two cars on tho track today. NOTICE. Rev. Geo. Moseley will lecture at tho Natatorium at Medford, March 7th, 8 o'clock, on tho "Power and tho Elevation of Christian Womanhood," also the "Cause of the Downfall of Young Women of tho Present Day." Mr. Moseley Is one of tho best plat form orators, Blblo student and minister of the gospel. Ho has trav eled through Europo, on tho seas and In many parts of the United Stntes lecturing and preaching tho gospel. He wns a student of tho Great Brit ain Bchool of arts. Ho has been mns ter machinist of one of tho largest vnglno works In Pittsburg, Pa., hav ing full charge of setting on and discharging and setting tho scalo of wages. Ho wns superintendent of ono of tho best onglno works at Clovolnnd, O. Mr. Moseley wns plat form orator In tho enst In 18911-91 iiuul won tho victory In somo of tho great strikes. Ho also Is a fine flute and piccolo player and tenor singer. Ho comes from tho best of homes. Como and hear htm. Seats on sale at Hasklns' drug store. Lecturo 50 conts. HaBkins for Health Beginning April 1st, 1911, tho union scalo for pnlnters will ho $4 per day. On that date tho initiation fee Into local union, No. C43, Bro therhood of Painters & Decorators of America, will bo raised. Tho union moots ovory Thursdny night at 8 p. m. in Anglo hall. C. W. HARRINGTON, Secretary. 105 North Bartlett St. 310 HaBkins for Health. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BLANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. 0-S II The Cars That Are Built for Service MitGllGll MOdGl R SlnK, Unml)1 Seat l'"our-Cyllnilor, .'10 II. P. Equipment: Magneto, prjfn fiV Pflllinnpfl $l?fl0 mmiibii iiuuu rToi) Flve Llghtg GonoratoPi lloni nncl coniJlloto BOt or i, rnit,, miiy Miiip)eat arnuu t ui&!s. ti&awusu MltGllCll Model R s,imy Scnt' ro"r"Cyllllt,or 30 " v- rcnulpmeut: Magneto, prrft hilly pnilinnpfl KI7M mmmiu uuum i nyQ Gcncrator ,Iorili aml Climpklt0 BOt of i. MHMUIiy BtlUiPPeU. Jlfl)U -.V- "- 2rtt.i,.m'.A- Mitf.hPlI MnflPl T Eive-pnHBoiiKor Touring Car, Four-Cylinder, 30 II. P. Equipment: Prlrn fnlhronnlnnnd tRnn wirenen roooei 1 MnBnot0i ToP( pvo Lghl8 GomMalor Horll nnrt C0llll)lolo 8jt ;f tool8 rnco. imiyequipped. $1500 1 V IMMPMeli ZZSZrz-Ji: l.!!.!!' rrlce, fully equipped. S2250 ALL PRICES F. O. B. FACTORY For demonstration eall on or phone OFFUTT - R.ORNES AUTO CO. EIGHTH AND CENTRAL AVENUE MEDFORD, OREGON. TELEPHONE 6231 ,''-'s''Nr r-r- Satisfactory Roof ing Everything Good in Rex "Flintkote" Building Material For use on porches, dwellings, sheds, warehouses, Imrns, business houses or any place where a medium priced but highly ssatisfactory roofing is required. It is WA TER PROOF, FIRFPROFF and SUNPROOF, and will stand every test. Yon should investigate Rex 'FLINTlvOTF" you'll find it all that is claimed for the best. We not only own the mills that work up our lumber, the dry kilns, etc., but wo own the TRFFS. In this way we 'sell direct to tlie consumer. Isn't it reasonable to sup pose that we can sell you as good building materials in any dimension and finish and for just a little less.' Cut nt the middlemen. W oo d s Lumber Co. """'"""""""""""""""" f 4.