MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1911. PAGE TWO Overall Retires From Game. mines and oil fields wu today held CHICAGO, 111., March 3. OrviilJ responsible 4'or his letter to President Overall's interest in California gold I Murphy of the Sluengo Cubs that he was out of baseball for the present season at least. Haaklns for Healtn Where to Go Toiiight Personal and Local rr"" r , Mrs. II. L. Young and 3Irs. B, .1. Stocks of Urownsboro are In the city on a visit. V. L. Hansen, a mining man from Konuott. Cnl., Is In Mudfonl on btih- lllOHS. Dr. J. 13. Shearer, puyfllclan nnd surgeon. Office- over Strang's drug store. , tf. ' Krodll. Hopkins 't Portland, for mer owner of the Snowy Untto or chard, is upendln a few day In the vnllcy. Kred Hay, claim Inupoctor for the Southern Pacific railroad, ient Thursday In Medford on business. Soo H. A. Holmes, Tho IiiHunince Man, Ovor JiicUmoii County hank. tf. Captain Gordon VorhelB, owner of tho Hurrcll orchard, left for Portland Thursday after a day spent In tho val ley on his return from California. Mint IIuKuI Tko has returned to Medford from an extended visit with her sinter In Albany. 1b your touso wired? Ono cigar leas a day would pay for a hundred per cent lucroaso In comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf. Mrs. Leslie Uogers and children have returned to Klamath Falls after visiting her paronts In Medford. She was nccompanled home by her hus band. All kinds of bindery work done at Mall Tribune office. Mrs. K. II. Wagner of Ashland la visiting her daughter, Mrs, T. V. Miles of Medford. Gregory leading photographer, views, portraits. 323 Fred Polouso of Eaglo Point was a Medford visitor Thursday. S. V. Ueckwlth returned from a business trip to Portland Friday. II. II. Patterson, 11C 13. Main, has sonio nico English Ilolllen and all kindB of shndo trecB. Hoses (all tho best). Now 1b a good tlmo to plant. Drop In nnd soo me. tf , Mrs. J. S. Vilas of Dig Sticky was a Medford visitor Thursday. I)r, .lames M. Keono was a Jack sonville visitor Thursday. Looko leaf ledgers iimdo In Medford at tho Mall Tribune office. T. W. Miles was In Jacksonville Thursday on business connected with his abstract office. Try tho now harbor ohop; every thing clean and H.inltary; opopsito P. O. Attorney William P. Mealy Bpent Thursday In Jacksonville. Call phono 21C1, 1032 for baggage wagon. 4G1 O. C. Hoggs was In Jacksonville Thursday. Printing, all kinds at Portland prlQQfl. Mall Tribune office. Cojunol Frank Hay was a Medford visitor Friday. Uoibort llnnna of Jacksonville spout Thursday In Medford on bual- I10HS. Grants Pass acroago for sain A snap 32 1-2 ucros, tho most beauti ful Biibdlvlslon acreage In tho city, lays hUh and sightly; good modern holme and other Improvements; on main atreot; all cleared; close In; price $1G,000; terms. Atidress P. O. Ilnx 5S0, Grunts Pass, Oregon. Phono Stl It. ' 300 Frederick Williams or CiauU Puwi iwated through Medford this morn ing on 111 m way to attend the Heimlon of the circuit court In Jacksonville. Mado In Modrord, any style of loose lowf or blank book, at Mall Tribune office. ' II. I,. Getoholl and Mrs. Getcliell or Jnckaoiivillo Hitont ThurmUy In the city on bimluoati. John II. Carkln, nttornoy at law, over Juoluou County bank. StHiitou Grifriu r the "l.aurols" much spout FrldHy In Medford. Mr. F X. Wilson of Glendale It, vlHitliiK her son. (' A Wilson, owner Mini manager of the Woods Lumber cuniiaii WeeRs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmer Successor to tho undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co, Office With Medford Furniture Company About March 1, Private Am bulanco Sorvlco. Rick nud Injured convoyed to any part of city or country. Tolephones: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4 111. O. W. Conklln, 3C01. J. H. Uutlor, 3571. .- MAYOR GIVES IDLERTLOATER' Arrested Upon Vaijrancy Charges Andy Cherlios, Formerly a Boot black Here, is Ordered to Leave Town Told of Ficticious "Joh." Andy Chorbos, a Greek, arrested by filler of Police HlltHou anil Pa tiolmau llellam tills morning upon a charge or vagiancy. was ordered to leave town this artemoon by Police Judge Canon. Chorbos. who used to work here as a shoe-hlnck, Is alleged to have been Idle for several weeks. To the police this morning he said that he was a "man-catcher" for n firm of contractors engaged in building streets here, but investigation proved this statement to bo false. SEATTLE MAN BUYS IN ANTELOPE VALLEY Thirty acres of Hie (1. W. Stevens rcneli in (lie Anlelope valley section adjoining the Austin Corhiu orchard, lias been purchased by F. L. Lenbo ol" Seattle. The price paid wiw .$1000. The luiitl is uiiplunted. The sale w.ih made by .7. H. Harkdall. GOOD ADVICE To Men Who Drink Intoxicants Excess. to lhiiployers Waul HoIht Men. Competition Ib too keen and llfo Ib too strenuouB for an employer to keep on IiIb payroll men wh nro not In montnl or physical condition to perform their duties. Kvory line of buHlness Is closing Its doors to "drinking" men. If you nro a drink lug man it mny bo your tlmo next. Hotter stop drinking at once. Orrine, (be standard lemody for the liquor habit, will belli you. Hy the aid of Orrine thousands of men have boon restored to lives of sobriety and In dustry, hence they have become worth more' to their employers nnd best of all thev'vo made their loved onos happier. Orrine Is a Hlmplo home treatment. No loss of time from work while you are taking It. Start today. You will be Biirprlsed at tho roBiiltB. We are so sure tbnt Orrlno will benefit you that wo say to you that If nftor a trial you fall to got any boneflt from ttn lino wo will glvo your mono back OltlUNH Is prepared In two forms, No 1, secret treatment, a powder, absolutely tasteless and odorless, giv en secretly In food or drink. Oll UINK No. . in pill form, Is for those who desire to take voluntary treat ment. OltKINK costs only $1.00 a box. Write for Kroo Orrlno Dooklet (mailed In plain sealed envelope) lo OllltlNlC CO., ti:ia Orrlno nulldlng. WiiHliluKton, I). C. OltUlNH is ice onimendcd and Is for sale In this cltj by I.KON 11 IIASKINS. Medfoul Orc tlon. WILL H. BARRY SUED FOR DIVORCE AT OREGON CITY Aliening that William II Main well known in Medford as the mMiiiiI clerk m the slate senate, and who i- well known in Medt'oul us the I raveling representative of Hu-dioia A: Co.. w guilty of abusive ireatuien.. and that he has become Addicted !' habitual ecoic ue of intoxicant-. Mix i:itabolli Uueler Many ha filed ii Mill lor dioree in the t'lackaiuii coiiutv circuit eourt. Mii, Hurry luu obtained an ordei rciuinng her liinouitud to pn mi' court within J0 day $'MH) i miii coth and attorney' few and teni porary alimony. Harry is aUo re -drained from dUpiMUiujr of hi inter tereM in the buNine with whieli lit is connected, and of selliux the lioune hold goods, furniture and piano n their home. He is also accused of failing t provide for hi w'(v. A a remit Mr-. Ham nay nlu has boon compelled lo join the Woman's KchHiige to cam iiuniex for her support ami to w iii tain InlU for i'muiiv cnce..itie contracted by her nud her husband lv doinu such work as darning sock-, oilier ncwiiiu nnd washing. Harrv receive a sulury of fl7 a mouth. She asks for $To a tumuli pcriunttoiit alimony, the KH8iMin of the piano and household furuitmv and a half interest in Hurry's hnr' in i he 1 1 mi of HuKlmittf Sr Co. Killed hy Automobile. SAN KUANlMSri), Cal.. March .t Kilwurd Cnfftcrly, u deputy -r. vim w atrui'k last uight bv ANsor Dodge's autouiohiW, tlitnl to day without bavin rtaind eou-xeiousutn. TO SAVE SELF. , SAYS CAR N. G. jta l nn Chauffeur, Arrested for Speeding Car at Thirty-five Miles an Hour Clip Denies That Car, a Big Red One, Can Make That SpeedFined; Arrested Thursday night by Chief of Police HlttHon and charged with speeding his automobile at a rate of about :!i" miles an hour along Hast .Main stieet, Harry Treat, a chauf feur employed in a local garage, was this morning fined $r by Mayoi Can on. Tiost denied In court that his ma chine, a big red touring car, was ca pable of making a speed over H0 inlletf. t t i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. f IIIOHCUOI'T residenco sites are sell ing daily ; make your selection be fore choice lots are sold. tf FOK SAI.K-Xew Faris wagon and linrues. Manzinetta st., Kendall add. .1. F. Pryor. 'Jt)0 FOU SALIC Modern house, close in cast front; .$'J.')0 will handle, bal ence on easy monthly payments. Ilittner & Clark. '207 FOU SALK Lady's saddle, almost new, also man's saddle in good con dition, and top buggy. Inquire i0 ! S. Oakdale. Phono Main GO'21. 20li LOST Small gunmelal wntch on street between Kentner's nnd N. Front street. Upturn to Kentner's and receive reward. '29 ' FOR SAMS OK KXniAN(li..A fjvu passenger 11)10 Huick niitoinobile. new in August; run less less tnaii 00 miles; cost :flH7f; will sell or tuko lot in part pay. A. K. Ware, .Medford. 'Ml WAXTHD To real, three or four room cottage with stable; must be reasonable. Address L. F. W., "21 Mistletoe si. FOU SALK New two-slory house and four lots. Vw a quick sale this goes for $ 1(100. Inquire of John Holer, 10 N. Front st. 1201 FOK SALF -Household furniture, all new, in use hut six months; table, chairs, dressers, brass and enameled bedsteads, springs, nmlre.xses, com plete outfit for housekeeping at u bargain if sold nil together or will sell separately; also visible type writer but little used, and fit) laving liens. Address X. Ziniuier, H. F. ). Xo. I, or phone 707H. .101 FOU SALhV Here U ju-t what jun are looking for. A four-room fur nished house on paved street, close in; lot oOxllO. Very cheap; onlv small payment down and rest like rent. Ask H. 11. Lincoln, '21 .lack on County Hank bldg. If VWV.V. HIUT For the hauling. See "Shortie" (l.iruell at Oarnett-Coie.-Ilmdw.ire ( . tf MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. 000-J FOR SALE BY OWNER Small l-room Iioiim on ea.t front lo' "ilMOO, siv hcauiig prune and two-eur par trees, w.iicr and sewer, iaed street, ia i'i hou-e, wooiUhel, chicken hou-e and wird. PRICE $1200 Terms: One-half cash, balance like rent. 528 S. Fir St. Insurance All Kinds Best Companies Phone, 1002 ds. Phone -0UL' evciinnp.. Tell iu wUre. We'll be tlii. That's all Thank You NOVELT AH the Newest Ideas SEE Uniels Largest Horses For I have a car load of work horses, weighing from 2500 to 3100 per team, for sale at the Union Livery Barn These horses are young, sound, and first-class in every way. They are all thoroughly broken and fit to go to work. i If you are in the market for a team come in and have a look at these horses j& j& jz? j& E. L. Robertson The famous DELP ARK Neckwear .1, . for Spring has arrived and we are showing an endless variety of Soft collars with ties to match will be seasonably popular. We are in troducing this novelty in Medford. THE -CENTER WINDOW Fiji Men's Store in So. VM4 EGKWEAR X' nil ds Oregon rsvr-r Sale 11KJ DOl'HMl Itllili i THE ISIS THEATRE I TWO DAYS OXliV I i Don't fail to hear KVl'A t'HIUSTIAX i The Great Danish Violinist, play- I ing upon the only silver violin ! In tho world, given him by the ; n.miuii Uovnltv. Mr. Christian has toured the world, given con- certs everywhere ho has appeared. I He has won tho dlstlnctiou of be- ? 5 ing one of the world's greatest ? I masters of the violin. J ' Here They Are X LISTMAX AXD LISTMAX 5 J; Itcfiucd Physical Culture j I Introducinc Miss Llstman. the only J ill lady boxer In the world, who will i he seen each evening In a three- round sparring contest with her ? parltipr. I j '. i :: i 'i 'i p p i :: NATATORIUM j TODAY !' ...if ci....t... lt...U,i,r pvi, ; ' JloiiiT .-mining, j,n"h, IHIII.....IU Ulwuilliiir nnd Tit" i Milliards Itigle " " 'P . land Shower lint lis foi; ladles ....? i itll gentlemen. MKDFOltD'S AMr.SKMKN'T PALACE. Latest Movinji Pictures Doors Open at 7:00 p Admission 10c. "The Pinkerton Jinn" (drama). "Heaux Not Wanted" (coined v). "Girls He Left Hehind Him (comedy). "Tho Ironclad Lover" (comedy).? "1'nitlilul Mux" (drama). "A Clever Ruse" (comedy), Doors Open 7:00 p.'m ; Medf ord's Exclusivo Picture Tho- ;' ator. Latest Licensod Photo- olays. p "NAT" THEATRE Complete change Today of program ; Only r.liown. the best and latest films Admission 10c. --- s's-4 WIIEX DOW'X TOWX IX AT THE duop ; Nat, Confectionery ICE CKI3AM, SOPL1 DHXIKS, COXKKCTIOXEKV, LUNCH A light, pleasant room, open from 8 a. m. to midnight. 1 L. M. RltAMICS, Proprietor PHONE 901 Old eustoniors soucl me your address. Now Premiums, New Ser vice, New Agent. But tho same old stand ard goods. AGENCY GRAND UNION TEA CO. ItOTHIPPSTItHET : ,xrr " t i i i PALACE. I ik.ii y.i i x x :0ne nime No More-One Dime. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. I Automobiles GENERAL OVERHAULING & MACITINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 6231. Corner Central Avo, and 8tk St Medford, Or, ? X s Haaklus for Health.