WW0'' ' iVJv ord Mail Tribun CLEARINGS Dank clearings today vero $:ti,i)K!.i). WEATHER Italu tonight mid warmer. Temp., menu, 5(1; lini, 131). 15 FORTIETH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. MATtCIl" 3, 1911. No. 295. MEDF e ! Y IAFI FAVORS iARGH15F0R EXTRA SESSION President Lets It lie Officially Known That an Opening Day Has Been Agreed Upon as Result of Compro mise Between Leaders. EIGHT MILLIONS A MINUTE SPENT FOR THREE MINUTES Committee on Insular Affairs Reports That Charges of Graft in Sale of Friar Lands Unproved. "WASHINGTON, 1). C. March .1. Tlmt an extra session of congress Is a certainty was believed hero today following President Taft's official ad mission that ho favors March 15 for Iho opening day. Tho date represents a compromise reached at a conference of republican and democratic leaders. It is now believed that all chance of a vote on Canadian reciprocity at this session lias vanished. A majority of tho committee on in sular affairs reported thnt charges of graft In the sale or Philippine friar lands to lie sugar trust have not been proven. A minority report will b filed later. All th republicans of tho commlt lee. with Icticker and Forncs, demo crats, signod a majority report. The report exonerates tho Philip pines officials and recommends changes in (he law, removing tho "burdens of llmltutlons" from tho sal" otj the lands. A new lecord for spending is hung up in the archives of the senate today as the result of yesterday's legisla tive activities, when tho senators spout an average of ?S. 000. 000 for three minutes. In that time tho up per house passed the pensions bill, carrying f ISO. 000. 000; tho diplomat ic bill, $1,000,000, and the fortifi cation bill, $0,000,000. DUCHESS OF MANCHESTER t COMING TO CALIFORNIA SAX F1UNC1KCO, C.il.. March "t. Announcement tlmt the DuI.e n.n1 Duchess of Manchester will make si long visit to Cililornia in the ncni future was made liore today. Ku goiyj Zimmerman of Glucinium. father of the duolioss, will accom pany the party. Typhoid Epidemic at Ottawa. OTTAWA, Out., March 3. Tli onpital skeins to be us fur as eci from nnv solution of any caiws ol tlie typhoid lever epidemic. Toda. a ha- eer o'lu-r day, shown an in eivac in the number of c.-i-e. There lis'e lieen 771 n-piuted to the health ol I ice inn- .1. nii.nv 12. an increiw oci tl "iin Im r mi Wi-diiedav of 2s reedbooSed Newly Elsctad Senator From Mis souri Is New '"Hope" of Democrats of Southwest States Haskell of Oklahoma. KANSAS CITY, ifo., Murch 3.--Iu tho person ut James A. Hoed, Unit ed States senator-elect from Mis souri, a new "nope" in uw aemocrimc presidential race it being boomed here today as the result of a state ment by former Governor Haskell of Oklahoma that the southwe.t can uame the net White House candi date. "The six democratic states of the nthwt," said Hakell, "can con trol the democratic uatiounl coinen tion next year if they pull together. Oklahoma and the whole southwest thinks as much of Jim Heed as Mis souri doe. Ue has always been readv l.i help us. He may be the uet . i ts OB PRESIDENT democratic candidates, Haskell's southwest embraces Mis souri. Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas. LouiMU-.a and Kansas. Haskell i i-i-Iudi-. the let NT bec.iu-e he -.i- H in, I, i , I hi id Jl,,!ii 1, ji.ib ii . tiMlinl. CHILE REFUSES TO SELL EASTER ISLAND FOR JAP NAVAL USE Small Volcanic lle, lCnstei'iiinost ofj Polynesian CJroup, to H Kept by Republic for Its Own Use. f VALPARAISO, Chile, March 3. I It was authoritatively stated here to day that Chile has refused a secret offer from Japan to sell Easter id end for a fortified naval bno. Chile w; lied to use the island for her own naval purposes. . Easter island or Kappa Xui, is in the Pacific ocean 2300 miles west of the coast of Chile. It is small and volcanic and its highest point is 1070 feet above sea le el. It is the easternmost of tho Poly nesian group and is noted for its an cient statutes. mid enrved rocks, the works of a prehistoric people. The area of the island is about ,")0 square miles. iEF WEILS y Convicted Grafter Will Apply to Federal Courts on Writ of Error and Carry Case Through Supreme Court to Seek Freedom. SAN PKANCISCO, Cal., March .1. "We shall apply to tho state su premo court for an order of rehear ing before night," said George B. Keane, attorney for Abraham Htief today. "It we are denied this order wo shall then he in a position to ap peal to the United States circuit court of appeals for a writ of error. If (hat writ granted I under.slalid our client will be entitled to freedom on hail. If the Arit is denied wa shall appeal to Washington ....... ,.,,,,v... .v, ..... "I no Mine wipiemo conn may ( take our petition under advisement i mini iuiiiiuu, ii ib fiwnrMiiiu mill our client will go to San Quentin before we know whether tho appe-il will bo taken to the United States su premo ci nil. We shall, however, carry the case through until tho i" liearing is secured." Judge Dietrich, now silting in Or- egon, is tho justice, of the federal up-. !W TIMS peiiate court to wnom tne unci ap-ijUK a ci,alr into place, ho allowed It i ...:n i... ...1 :p 4i... j..i ... . ... . . jiriu win ui; iiikcu ii. i ill! siiiii- -'i preine court lefuscs to again cm -iilcr the case. IS GRILLED BY STUDENTS OIHSGON, 111., March 3. The fac ulty and students of Mount-Morris college, Senator Cullom'h alma mater, adopted today resolutions denounc ing Cullom for his voto in the Lorimer case, declaring that hi:; oto white- ll'.l wlllli.r r .ifllllfll 'll!l.l llflll (IVIH'nil ",tD,lri .V...... ...... !.... ...."... hi . proud record with shame and uImi SENATOR CULLOM biouglit into disrepute the toumiers tact with the wall, probably causing t the college as well n the people , considerable pain, whereupon the of the state, in setting before the na- boy hot his fist out nnd landed a nun a standard of conduct far too low blow on Cudihy's forehead that cut i or this generation to accept." (tho flesh over the eye. Cudihy re- . turned tho blow and. I understand, LOCATES MINERAL CLAIM struck Hall sevoral more limes. Thoy AT LOS ANGELES DEPOT1 broko apart and Hall rushed Into my I office, closely pursued by tho teueh- I.OS AXGKLKS, Cal.. March 3. 'or. Their facos were covered with Location notices covering a mineral blood and I made them wash and claim which includes in its 20 acres then tell me their story. Just as the Arcade depot of the Southern Pa- soon as I had heard Mr. Cudihy's side cifio and several millions of dollaib.of the story he returned to his class worth of property, may he soon to-'and thon, In order that he might hoar day jwsted in the haok yard of Mr, or the affair while It was still resli, Mrrgarot Hunter, opposite tho de- I took Hall to tho office of Mr. Coch pot. ' ran, a member of the school board, Mrs. Hunter says aue fouud "pay dirt" while planting a castor boanl hush and that she will develop her olaun. Tim nAlina was rnn ,ilnl linrl w as legal a document as a licensed at- lonuiir nrA ,nttU it ifisi llnnti.r hays work will be begun at once on'lng, besides In the presence of the her "mine," but she will wait until the value of it it. proed before she insists on tho railroad company re- moving its depot and rails. RECIPROCITY DEBATE IN OTTAWA DRAGS OTTAWA. Out., March 3.The reciprocity debate in the house draU'- ged today and indications seem to point to a protracted diM.'uion and a lone se- ion. In munc iimnler- ) i In lievcd tin ciioi,. ti .1. i' l.o,,.., i, J'i' , i- 'iu- .., tli v ili.it wi.l lilOllll p.UlluUlll.t llilb. -.tlili u.l' tOWS STRUCK I -.. by mmw ID SCHOLAR School Board Will Thresh Out Merits of High School- Scandal Tonight and Case Will Also Be Heard Be fore Jacksonville Justice of Peace. BLACK EYES BEAUTIFY INSTRUCTOR AND PUPIL Seely Hall and Professor Cudahy Ex- chaiifle Blows Youth's Father Files Complaint in Court. In order to thresh out tho scandal which broke loose in the high school Thursday when Professor J. P. Cud ihy, teacher of the commercial courses, and Seely Hall, the 17-year-old son of Court Hulland a pupil in tho commercial class, engaged in n fist fight In the main corridor of the school building, the school board will cause both contestants and as many witnesses to tho affair Itself and the actions which led up to It as can be found to appear before It at tRo regu lar meeting tonight. According to the findings of Super intendent of Schools U. S. Collins, who Investigated tho occurrence shortly after it happened, the blame seoms to He equally upon tho shoul ders of both of tho contestants. Doth today exhibit discolored eyes. In spoaking of tho happening this morning Mr. Collins said: Mr. Collins' Statement. "Thursday afternoon Hall catno to tut) and told me that he wished to piaco a Hpouigni in position on mu ... ... ... ....... .... .... Htn0 of tno ()1)0ni houao f()r the use f tho Jln,or ca8S wl01l thl,y Kivo tholr annual skit tonight, so 1 wrote him out an excuse from tho first clags of the afternoon session, lie went to the opera house and, finding that ho could not get tho use of the stage, hurried back to the school and, although somewhat lato for tho reci tation, hurried into tho classroom. According to what 1 am told, in pull- to drag along the floor In such a way as to make a noise, wheieupou Mr. Cudlliy, the teacher of the class, re marked: 'This Is no basketball game," nnd told tho boy to do the ! whole thing over again, but with loss noise. , "This started talk between tho two with the rosult that Cudihy ordered the boy from tho room. Ho oboyod, 'but In doing bo replied: 'If I leave this room I go for good,' and Mr. Cudihy followed him out. Hall Strikes Instructor. "In the corridor, Hall. I bollovo, took up a stand alongside of tho wall and Mr. Cudihy. walking up to him. put his hands under tho boy's chin tn rnlsa bis downcast head. Tho act I, llUgU B U'MUIMIB, ,. . -- caused Hall's hoad to como in con- and let him recite his story uiere. I'atlmr Issues Complaint. As soon ms Hall returned to his hmna hia father, noon hearing the utnrv nmiuad a COmillalUt to be lSSUOU against the teacber, with the result that tll BCrSUH Will be siven 811 alr- school uoaru, neiore juhi ut v Peace Hrfnry G. I3ox In Jacksonville, The caw will probably come up for hearing this afteruoou. I At the hearing before the board ' tonight Miss Jessie Purdy. a pupil In the school who witnessed the an- counter In the corridor will be suro- moned. aa will any others whose pretence la the Immediate vicinity of the battle might fit them to know something about It. In Tumble Ptc loudly. About a nioiiib ut-'o M. no KasU ..not In i i ui'il in CudiliN - !..- I-1' (Cuiitn.ueU on l'at- ) HAREM SKIRTS FOR SUFFRAGETTES IS PLAN OF NATIONAL LEADER Mrs. Ilarlier Thinks Adoption of (milt Would He.siilt in Certain Vic tory for the Cause. NEW YORK, March .1. Harem skirts for suffragettes Is tho plan announced here today by Mrs. A. L. Barber, national leader In the equnl rights movement, which she declares would result In certain victory for tho cause. "1 think It was one of tho best pos sible movements on the part of the suffragettes to adopt tho hart'm skirt," said Mrs. Barber. "It would slnglo them out. In a' short time we would be accustomed to tho change and thero could bo no objection on the ground of immodesty." Politicians interviewed agreed that the harem skirt would "single thoin out." COSTA RIMS THE SHOT Forty-five Suspects Cliarcjctl With Complicity in the Burning of the Cuartel at Managua Arc Con demned to Death. POUT I.IMON, Costa Rica, March a Fhty-fivo suspectrf charged with complicity m tho burning of tho Cuar tel at Managua, are to be shot, ac cording 0 tolegraphlc confirmation received hero today of advices brought by passengers from Nicara gua landing at Ptinta,Arenns. Most prominent among tho con demned prisoners Is Dr. Esplnosa, a physlclnn, who Is known from Mexi co to Argontlnn. Influential cltlzeit(wof this and neighboring cities nio planning meet ings of protest ngaliiBt tho proposed condemnations, nnd telegrams have been sent to President Tart, Secretary Knox and the Masonic lodge of San lose, the Costa Ulcan capital. DCCDCOO UIPTIjVI OF Lieutenant Tried to Extort $400,000 From Countess Trigona, and Shot Her When She Refused Cash Husband Threatens to Kill Paterno ROME, March .'! Queen Helena is prostrated today as the result of tho killing of the Countess Trigona by Lieutenant Paterno nnd tho king is roportod as inclined to censure her majesty for allowing the scandal to run so long beforo Its bloody fflialo. It developed today that Paterno, who Ik reported to be dying, tried to blackmail the countess and, fulling, murderod her when she demanded that ho break ofr their relations. Two blood spattered 'letters sinned by Pa terno wero fouud In the corsage of the dead countess. Thoy said Pn torno would coaso his attentions If the countoss would pay him ? 100,000 to enable lilm to pay his debts and Intimated that If the demand were refused ho would make the scandal worse than ever. The authorities are convinced that Paterno Intentionally exposed his own liasou with the countess when ho gave ono of his creditors a check signod by her. The countess body was today tak en to her husband's home, the king having partially reconciled the cou ple before the tragedy. Trigona throateus to kill Paterno. Tho as sassin, who Is closely guarded, re fuses to discuss the tragedy. U H 4 4- T J0HN CASEY IS NAMED ASHLAND'S POSTMASTER WASHIMi'ltiV D. C, March 3 -The piesldeut to day nominated the following pestmasters: Oregon Thomas Hancall. Oregon City; James Page, Eu gene; John R. Catay, Ash land. Mr. Casey Is reap pointed. I : I 4 4- (( 4 4- ft BLACKMAIL SUITS FILED i 10 BREAK UP 35 TRUSTS First Step In Government's Campaign Against Electrical Trust Othrr Suits Against Other Branches of Combine Arc Soon to Follow. CONTROL OUTPUT OF INCANDESCENT LAMPS Entire Output of Country Is Under Contrel: General Elcctrib anil Wcstlughousc Defendants. CL10VHLAN1). ()., March , Rig federal trust busting suits were filed here today in the United Stulus courts ugaiii.-t o.'i lump and electrical sup ply manufacturers. Twclvo of the companies are located in Ohio, four being Cleveland concern.). It is alleged that these companies handle 1)7 per cent of the country's business and that they are in a coin hi'iulion in restraint of trade. United Stntes Attorney Day filed tho trust-busting suit. It charges that a trust has been organized to control tho manufacture, sale and prlco of Incandescent lamps. Tho government's action Is tho ro suit or years of Investigation and Is Mio first step or tho' department or lustlce In a general campaign against tho olectrical trust. Other sultp against other branches of tho trust aro to follow. Tho concerns namod In tho govorn incut's petition Include the Cloneral Electric or Now York, tho Mbby (llasi. conipnny or Toledo, the WosllnghoiiHO Miuiufactiirlug company nnd the W'oBtlnghoiiso Lamp company of Pittsburg, the Aetna Electric com pany, tho American Incandescent Lamp company and tho Ilryant Marsh company company of New York, tho Columbia Incandescent and the Independent Incandescant com iiiiii) of Si. Louis, the Sun ban in In candescent company of Chicago, the flllinore Electrical company of Hob 'oii ami the Phoenix Class company of Pittsburg (t Is alleged that tho rust's rorma lou started soon after 1 1104, when inerlcan patents on carbon filament incandescent lamps expired, and bv August, 100(5, It Is charged, practi cally tho whole lamp output or the country wan In tho hands or tho coin iiluntlon. HELENA, Mont., March .1. -Chos-.n on tho very last or tho ballots when his name had not been before mentioned, .ludgo Henry Myers is tho successor to Pnlted State Senator Carter of Montana. The cleUlou barely camo In time to pi event the legislature expiring by constitutional limitation. The declination of Ronald Higgius a .Mihoiila insurgent republican, t support a motion to dissolve the joint assembly hiii die was tile attributed cause ot the election of Meyers. The motion was defeated when Higgiu suddenly ehunged his vole from yew to no. I5erv democratic, vote wus recorded for Meyers. Senator-elect Meyers said teday: "Politically 1 am a thorough dem ocrat and sin. II always stand with the d"niocrati- in the win. to on partv iimltors. On (pactions af footing Molilalia and t'ie imrllivc-l, I shall vote for v.'i. I I think i. hcsl for m ciilistltui Ills " STOCK MARKET FIRM WITH UPWARD TREND NKW YORK, M..i.h market wits im liw at gums uud losses being throughout the lit, but wuie nuriow. At midd Let U'ms on till' UliW.ilil ! Twilii'- tin opening, dixtribulcd fluctuation ,iv the uia I' ll end. The J. i . 1 m ill.i t clo- d -Hon li".ul- w it liim. MONTANA MAGAZINE WRITER CONVICTED OF FORGERY SENT TO SING SING Itrouglitou llraiulculiurg, Who Kaked lA'ttcr or Cleveland During Ijist i Campaign Sentenced to Prison. XKW YOKIv, March 3. lJrough ton J3randenhurg, magazine writer, was convicted of forgery this after noon and was sentenced by .ludgo Swann to not less than two yours nor more than four years in Sing Sing. In the last national campaign llrandenbiirg sold what purported to be u letter the late President Cloe land wrote denouncing William J. Hryan and the republicans used it as a campaign document until if was pronounced a forgery, llrandeu burg was acquitted of tho chargo of having forged this letter, but con victed of passing a forged check. When he wns sentenced today llrandenbiirg collapsed. POLICE CHIEF A iff Escapctl Convict Serves Five Years Under Assumed Name as Peace Of ficer Recognized by Drummer, Ho Returns to Prison. DANVILLE, Va March .1. Aftor escaping from a inurderer'B cell and serving five yeais here as chief of police under nn assumed mime, Ed gar Stripling is today on routo to Harris county, Georgia, to resumo his life behind the bars. After Stripling, who wns known as It. 10. Motrin while chler or pollco here, was recognized aa tho escaped iJeorgla alayor, ho hado rarowell to his wire and family and stinted back to n cell. Petitions are already ill rlrciilatlon for his pardon by Govern or Smith or Georgia. "I expected to bo recognized some time," said Stripling. "In fact, I courted publicity, as 1 felt I did no wrong in killing William Corbett, who tried to outrage my Bister. Cor bett was tiylng to got out bis gun when I rired. 1 simply got him be fore, he got me, but his friends wero In the majority at the trial and I was icat to prison for life. NEGRO SLATED FOR WASHINGTON, J). C, Muich II. .James (. Napier, a Tcnnece negro, loilav haw the endorsement of Presi dent Tuft to be icgister of the treas uy. With Napier's nomination, the president also recommended the pro motion of Lieutenant Colonel John Middle of the army engineer corps lo ho colonel. FIFTH OF A MILLION TO ADVERTISE OREGON POKTLAND, (Jr., March II. -Three bandied business men of Port land today are pledged to raiHw a fund of $200,000 by public subscrip tion lo continue tho work of exploit ing the resources of Oregon mid the Pacific northwest. Tho me pledged lliemsehes to un dertake the work at a "bo-tci-h' ban quet" ut the Commercial club room liibt night. COMMISSION PLAN IS SUSTAINED BY COURTS OLYMP1A, NViinh., March 3. The supreme court today sustained the principle of the commission plan of go eminent. The plan which is being earned out in Spokane, uud which is already i' operation in Taoomw, was attacked ui the court. Former I'uited States Senator Turner mude the final ar gument, pleading that it was uneou--titiitioiial lo combine federal aud Icginlativo Amotions. COURT REFUSES TO ENJOIN LEATHER TRUST M'.WAKK. X. J., March X Vice Cluiiicellur How ell today decided against the Wall street linn of J. f. Hue-he & Co., who n.-tki'd an injunc tion preventing election of directors bv the Ceutrul Leathor oompauy. Hache & Co. repre ented a minority iiiteict winch desired to b.ise ibe l-lri tlnll i uliillictcd llV Hl-pil'tota lp- p uUud by tho court OF TREASURY loennn u,uuu Senate Spends Day Discussing Ap propriations Refuses to Strike Out Provision for Fortifying Pan ama Canal. INCREASED POSTAL RATES FOR MAGAZINES ABANDONED Tariff Board Ordered to Report on Wool and Woolen Schedules Before Next December. WASHINGTON, D. 0., March 3. Whon tho sonnto ro-convnod today Sonntnr Stone, domoarat, Missouri, served notlco thnt nt tho eloso of con sideration of tho naval appropriation blU today ho would call up tho rec iprocity measure. Tho naval bill carries appropriations aggregating ?12C, 000,000. Another Culberson amendment to the sundry hill ordering a report by tariff board on wool and woolen schedules before the first Monday In next Docoinbor was adoptod after much wrangling. An amendmont by .Tones of Wash ington appropriating $12,000 to sup press tho lbiuor trafric In Alaska was , adopted. An nmoiidmont by Burton lo elim inate the appropriation ror the tortl flcatloa of tho Panama canal waB do featod on a vivo voco voto. When tho plan to lncreaso postal magazine rates was taken up l'enroso said ho renllzed'U wus"linpdBHlU!6 to pass It and would wltlidraw his ainoniliuont. Ho asked, as a substi tute, the appolntinout of a commis sion to Invest Igato the subject. Cum mins thereupon notified tho scnato that ho would discuss tho subject nt length ir Ponroso tried to press his proposal. Senator Lodge's amendment to tho naval appioprlatlon bill, Introduced to reward Captain Ilobort 13. Peary ror his polar expeditions, wns killed today la tho sonnto on a point or or- -dor. It was decided that tho subject was not a proper oao Tor a naval bill. After throo hours' discussion tho sundry civil bill, carrying 2 10,000,- 000, was nassod. Tho Owen amend ment, increasing the salaries of pub lic health and murine hospital sorv- co officials, was adopted. It makes v the salary or tho Hiirgoon genoral JCOOO. An amendmont by Senator Ciilborsou i educing the appropriation ror tho piosent tariff board oxports from I-100.000 to $200,000 and lim iting Its use to ono year was also adopted, ".i'J to 2 I. The naval bill passed In -IS min utes, the house provisions ror tho eight-hour law applying to battle ships being restored. The provision that the profit on armor plato bo lim ited to 100 per cent wns strlokon out. Owen deciured that tljo prohibition against purchasing from the stool trust should remain, "or tho conspir acy would be unbroken." The postoffico bill next came up for consideration, Postmaster Hitch cock remaining on the tloor during the discussion. OF TO SOON RETIRE MEXICO CITY, Mexvo. March 3. Yioe President Corral is shortly U retire. His pacing, according to a reliable stutemont today, will be tho first step lu a general ro-or&nnun-tion of President Ouu's oabiuet. .Min ister ot Finance Lhnantottr will be made minister of foreign islstions, aeording to the rejiort. Bnrioo Crseli prosent foreign minister, Is t bo olo vatsd. Congress meets April 1 nnd Cor ral's resignation, it is s,vpgatatlt will he presented thou. i i SSIW"" Houso Slate Is Clean. I., i f WASHINGTON, I). C, ravch :V With its slate clean of utipoi'LnU bills, the liou-.it today busied its.df with oild-i and ends and local ineu--nrn liilc awaiting tin- senate's cou lciem.v npoita lor cuii-uWulioii, (D I IV WW NAVAL BILL IS CONSIDERED MEXICO