PAOEMVE You Can Find Just What You Are Looking for on This Page MEDFOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, aiEDFORI). OREGON, THURSDAY, MABOH 2, 1911. nnmrn MlUtS REMAIN DULL Spitzcnbergs at Private Sale Bring $2.50 and Handsome Black Ben Davis $2.15 English Markets. Ssobel t Day, write under date nf New- York, Feb. 23. as follows. The prcsent-Hces in Enpland as per cab los just In 'arc as follews: Liverpool L. Connolly & Company rabk.r. Newtowns, California, 4 tier, 8s to 9s; Newtowns, California, 4 Ms tier. 7s 3d to 8s U 4; Newtowns, Washington, 9s to 9sCd; Arkansas Illacks, 8s to 9s3d; Ben, Davis Cs to 7s9d. They ndd that the prices on the California Newtowns aro according to the condition. London M. Isaacs & Sons cable: California Newtowns 8s to 9s, with a moderate demand. As you read in our last of the IS, the shipments for both Liverpool and London last week were moderate and we should like to see a higher range soon. The .Maurotunia for Liverpool yesterduy hud about 5,000 boxes. Some offerings at auction here this week .as. follews: "' Monday, 2 cars, Watsonvillo, New towns, AM tier, fl.GO. Tuesday, -1 car, Walsonville, Lou vers 1 tier, $1.80. Thursday, 7 cars, Newtowns, A M tier, $l.C0l.lifi; Newtpwns, 4 tier, $l.Cdl&n.r.B; Hen Davla, 4 tier, $1.35 1.30. Sqiiio handsome Black Ben Davis from Wenatcheo sold from $2.00 to $2.1S, and some Spitzcnbergs sold $2.25 to ?2.50, all at private salo. Barrel apples are higher and there Is a very good demand. Weather clear and fairly cold. THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms Suites with private bath Rooms include largo closely and sleeping porches. Also ho md cold water in connection, i Breakfast served, if desired. Reception rooms for guests. Gentlemen only. 706 S. Oakdato Ave. MEDFORD, ORE. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldjj City Property Fine city lots to trade for house. Five lots near West Main, paving; $1900. Fine lot on N. Central, trado for anything. G-rooin house, now, modern, 3 sleep ing rooms and sleeping porch, clothes dryer, woodshed; price cut to $3000 for quick sale. Modern house, closo in, east front, small payment down, balance monthly. fi-room house, take lots in part pny-: incut. Kenwood Lot, close to paving, $475; terms. West Walnut Park lots, $275-$35U; $25 down, $10 month, G per cent 5 rooms, 1-ath, pantry near school, $1750; terras. RANCHES Eight ncros, chicken ranch, near Medford; $500. 27 acres, bear crook bottom, $250 per ncro; torms. Tract of hearing orchard fiijoly sit uated, $1000 por acre; good steady income, not a prospect, 120 acros, fine soil, 5 niilos to sta tion, $50 per acre, SO acres, 2 mile station, 20 acros in, 5-year apples, 5 acres 3-year pea ib, $145 por ncro. Tonus. WANTED City and ranch property to list. Girls for general housework, 0 ranch bunds, Man and wife on ranch; 2 woman cooks on rnn?h. 2 Primers. E. F. L Room 206. Phlpps Building. APPLE BITTER LOST. LOST OR STOLEN Night of the fire under the rooming house No. 313 East Main, gold watch, set with diamond j initial inside of case, "L. N." Tins was n present to me from my ointlier, and will give lib eral reward for its return, and no questions asked if returned to 313 E. Main st. Mis L. Nowinuift 295 LOST (5-foot rug at corner of 3rd and Jackson, on Riverside, Monday afternoon. Anyone finding same please notify owner, 315 N. Riv erside. . 295 FOR SALE OR RENT. ltusincss Property TOR SALE OR RENT Good open . ing for, general merchandise store in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 200 W Main. tf. FOR SALE OR RENT Small tracts of land. Inquire M. M. Maine, 410 N. Ivy or Main phone 742. 305 FOR RENT OR SALE Modem seven room house with two sleeping porches. Inouirc of V. II. Everhavd. 000 West 9th street, phono 477J. It FOR EXCHANGE. Utjai .Estate. t EXCHANGE We have several good ranches to exchange for Medford, Portland' and Seattle city property. List your property with us i'or ex change.' Rogue River Land Co,, 31 N. Central ave. Two 5-100111 houses for rent. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE h'ORSALE OR EXCHANGE Five- passenger 4-cyIindor touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Will take good automobile as first pay ment on 10 or 20 acre orchard tract, balance long time at G per cent. Address Box 312, Medford, Ore gon. 204 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For city property in Medford or near bytowns, 10 and 20 acre orchard tracts, half mile from good town and railroad. Address Box 47i!, Medford. 294 FOR EXCHANGE. Ileal Estate TO EXCHANGE ! For Mnilfnr.l - property!; 20 acres, unimproved, i$:iOdO;,;.' 10 ncVes, i uniiriproved. "$i6ty)f 20 acre's, ' .uniniproved, ".innn'iR r.nna' .ininWmi. 7r.nn- 52 acres, improved, $11,000; 3(1 acrc3, improved, $G0OO. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE Medford and ju'burbnn property, randies', timber lands, for other property. Addros Box 19D, euro Mail Tribuno. If FOR EXCHANGE -The finest small orchard in Rogue River Valley nt Ashlaiid, within city limits, a lovely home, pnid 10 per cent net in 1909 on $32,000, all fine fruit, well as sorted, G room, 2 story residence, barn, packing house; price $12,500; will exchange for Los Angeles prop erty pf equal value. Address E. T. Lewis, 571 Chestnut street, Ash land, Ore, 302 FOR RENT Hoard and Kooms ROOM AND BOARD With Mrs. J D. Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. 310 North Bnrtlott. BOARD'-With or without rooms, Mrs. J. Judson, 317 E. Jackson st, P)ioue 3712. 302 PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOM nt 510 North Riverside. ' tf BOARD AND ROOM First class boaid and room, meals served fam ily &tyle. 90G E. Main street. 295 ROOM AND BOARD Moals family style, home cooking. 44G S.' Ever green st. 298 Furnished Itooma FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room; all conveniences, reasonable price. Only ladies need apply. 129 S. Ivy. 297 FOR RENT A very pleasant fur nished room in modern )ioue jiit olf W. Main st., Phone 4331. 15 Rose ave 294 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients only. No. 10 N. Grape st., next to Fanners & Fruitgrow ers' bank. tf FOR RENT At the Cottage, mod ern furnished rooms .with or with out board. Rooms oquippod with privato telophono service, hot and cold running water, sleoping por ches, bath uccomadalions ami Kept if deired. G04 West 10 st. Phone call private exchange 141. tf. FOR RENT 20 moaern equipped rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, electric light, toilets and baths, suitable- "for first-olass ropmiiiK house; rooms en suito, suitable for families or modern offices. Inquire Alduhagen, core Rogue River Kjec trio Co. ' Tf FOR RENT Furnished Jtoonis FOR KENT Furnshod sleeping room; everything now aud clean; reasonable price; easy wnlK from Main st. Only men need apply. Olesou and W. Hamilton sts. Phone Main 4474. tf FOR RENT One furnished front bed room. Phone 29SI, or call sit 203 North Holly, 2114 Unfurnished Kooms. FOR RENT 3 jilensant unfurnish ed room's, suitab'le for house keep ing, electric light. East Medford. 211 Stnrk street. Phone 5232. 295 ROOMS Three unfurnished rooms. Call nt 520 N. Front, suitable for housekeeping. 20$ Houses FOR RENT Houso to rent five blocks from Hotel Nash. Inquire at Englo Pharmacy. tf FOR RENT 5-rooin modorn house. Call GO N. Orange st. tf Housekeeping Kooms ' FOR RENT Two furnished housc kcepuig rooms. Jnquiro 325 South Ivy. ' 287 FOR RENT Folir-roomhoiisc. In quire 334 W. 0th st., corner Ivy. 295 FOR RE$T 4-rooni house" furnished for light housekeeping; modem. 717 N. Riverside. .Offices for Kent. FOR RENT Over the postoffico witli heat and light. See A. A. Davis, tt FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam " heat, eloctric light, .baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Go'd Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf Business Rooms FOR RENT Business room on W. Main pt., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Raj Realty Co., 210 W. Mnin st tf ' Farms I'OR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lnnds, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co., 21G.Wcst Mam., tf FOR SALE. Acreage FOR SALE 5 and 10-acro tracts just within and adjoining city Jim its, n't a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Addross Condor Water 'Power Co. FOR SALE A fine platting proposi tion, 5 acres bordering city limits, $3000. Don't miss this, if you want to double your monoy. O. R. Chnfteo Land Co., 10 Palm Blk. 200 JiOfS FOR SALE Of all the Kood buys we have had of Into, here is ono that wo think- deserves your atten atten teon: A 4-rootu furnished houso on a paved street, le-ws than 10 minutes walk from this office. All that will bo reserved out of this will be her sewipg machine. The house is' on an east front lot, has water and sewer, and is a good location. The price is only $1850.00, and look nt tho terms, $350 down, balance like rent if desired. Cornelius Gar ner Realty Co.. 133 W. Main st. tf FOR SALE Speaking of good lots that uro cheap, let us Phow you a lot in the Westmoreland addition, 50x128, i.outh front, for $275. Tlii spring this property will be a half block from u paved street. Corne-tius-Garner Reulty Co., 133 W. Main s,t. tf FOR SALE A bargain for a short time, lOO feet on pavement and side walk, adjoins Medford grocery house, hebt location for wholesale, house; close hi trackage to bo had. See owner, Humphrey, room 3, Ad kins block. 298 HIGHCROFT residonco sites have tho mo&t Miperb view of the city, vlil ley and mountains. tf AS FOR A MONEY MAKER Wo offer for tho firgt time a. block of lots in one of tho now solect addi tions to Medford. This is a rare offor for one with a few hundred dollar to invest. See us Monday. Huotloy-Kroinor Company, J 5 N. Central nvenup. FOR SALE-1 lot, 2-room hou-e, ohjcJ-eii houp and yiyd, fenced, .idowalk, force pump, pity water; fruit trees, $000. 305 Portland ave. 20(5 HoiIhCM HIGHCROFT roMdertoo hitet. are des finod to doublo and troble :n value tf I'OR. SALE Two ijqw 7 room 1iouk-. Oueor jgnt. Iu.quir Attorney II. A. rl'?lP4V.20-J fSfya-opri Bank Hfiltf, " 205. FOR SALE Houses FOR SALE Largo modorn houso with south and east front, 113 foot front on paved street, by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modorn; reason for selling, lady of buso needs n chance- of climato; this place is suitable for nice homo or first class rooming housm; easy terms to right party. S tho Jackson Couuty Realty Co., G04 West Tenth st. Wo also Imvo largo and small tracts of improved and unimprov ed orchard lands. Office 214 Gar net, Corey Bldg, 2nd floor. tf. FOR SALE Business or residence, $2300 modern house on paved street closo in $1300 cash, balance G per cent. O. R. Chaffee Land Co., 10 Palm Blk. 20(1' FOR SALE New 5 room cottage and block, 100x200 for sale cheap if taken soon. See owner at l4j7 West Elovejith or phono Home 384 K. 207 FOR SALE Three-room houso largo lot pr will build to suit purchaser; pny like rent. O. M. Rose, 002 E. 9th. Box 522, Medford. 315 FOR SALE 11-room private hoard ing house, all furnished, doing good business, $2000 down, bnhince terms. Address I), euro Mail Tri une, tf FOR SALE Hero is a $400 bargain, if, taken at once, a good 5 room house, with screened sleeping porch) is rented for $15.00 per month. Faces the east on Bcatty street, near North Central Avenue. $1200 is tho price now. $375 down, bal ance to suit. O. R. Chaffeo Land .Co., 10 Palm Blk. 290 Iliislness Property FOR SALE Choict business prop erty nt a bargain, on long time; onsy lorms. Addross Condor Wa ter Povor Co. FOR SALE Tho only business cor ner IcJLt on South Sixth street, Grants Pass May Be Had for four days only at a prico which will prove- a winner. Inquire of O. Mes senger, real e's,late, 508 S. Gth st., Grants Pass. 295 Real Kstnto IHGHCRQFT rpidelK-o sites nro of fcred at present prico for a sho-t time only. tf FOR SALE-Special bargain, 20 'acrosless than one mile from Ea gle Point; woven wiro fencing; land lays nearly level and is high grnde sticky soil; 7 acres cleared, bnlanp& vory easily cleared. Don't fail to see this if you aro looking for a iine lnvesunont. t'rico $1000. C. C. Pierce 128 Enst Main si., Medford. (Jr- fJUtl FOR SALE Sixty thousand acres of farm, frut and ranch land, mi one body, near railroad in Tehama County, California. Partly irriga blo, for sale cheap. Box 201. R"d Bluff, Cal., or JJox 51, Ashland, Oregon. 29G FOR SALE Ono of tho best fruit ranches on Roguo River; 14 acres in full bearing and a regular produce V mile from station. Good road, fair building and fences. Price reasonable, best of terms. For Au thor particulars inquiro at 1012 E. Main st. 300 Seeds and Trees. FOR SALE Peach trees, 4 to 0 feel, $10 per 100; Royal Ann cherry, A lo U leet, $12 per 100. Donald. Nur sery Co., Donald, Or. 303 FOR SALE Corn. Inquire Dr. Clancy oitico, Phipps Bldg., or phone Main 601. tf. Poultry and Hhk. FOR SALE -Thoroughbred White Loghoru eggs for hatching from pure bred White Leghorn honw which have been selected and bred to standard cockerels for the pat nine years. Greatest layers winter and Hummer. No birds for sale; $1.50 por setting of 15; $4 for 50; $7 per 100. John F. Miller, Jack sonville, Or. a 13 FOR SALE Burred Rock from sel ected laying stock, eggs $1 por 1. V. Bursell, Central Point, Ore. Phone .Medford Farmers 718(5. 3J1) FOR SALE S. C. Wh. Leghorns aud hito Orpingtons. Send us your or dor now for baby chick or hatch iug ogg for April and May deliv ery. Have already booked ordors for all our March ehickfi und (jgyn. Our broedors aro all trnpuoftod. Can give" pedigree of each egg. Unquestionably the oailieat and best layers in tho county. "Byttur birds, more oggs." Mix. E. E. Oman. Jacksonville, Or. jf FOR SALE Rhode Island rod eggs $1 por mming of 1ft oggu. C. R.'lJ. mar. 210 Court it. a&O FOR SALE. Poultry and I-ggs. FOR SALE Full blood white Leig horn eggs. Farmer phone 5392. 302 Miscellaneous FOR SALE Good piano and type writer at a bargain, if taken soon. Address Boy 3GG, Medford. 290 FOR SALE A 10-horse power steam engine; this eiigiuo is now, has not been run two mouths. If you want a bargain look this up. Pailtoriuni Dye Works, No. 5 N. Fir st. Phone 2411. 29!) FOR SALE A good safe, good as now. If interested call and see sanui at tho Model Clothing Company's store. 298 1M11 r-. t t . . it I i run oA'-ii:. several norses, two yearlings, price $200; two 2-yenr- oiiis, weight 1200 Douinls, each muu. aii wen mate icu. akiio.-. W. R. Leathers, Central Point, No. 2. 293 FOR SALE A .bargain in automo biles. As good as new. Owner pur chased larger machine. Crater Lake Garage, Riverside avenue between Mnin nndEighth streets. tf. FOR .SALE Emerson squnro piano with pianola self player And fifteci pieces perforated music, $150, Write lock box 7, Jacksonville, Ore. 204 FOR SALE A nearly Hew 3-horso-power gas engine; cosj. $135. will sell for $90. A. K. Ware, Medford FOR SALE A good iamily driving horse, weight 1200 lbs., jind a good ranch team, weight 2500. For sale cheap if taken at once. Inquire .0. R. Chaffeo Land Co., No. 10, Palm blk. tf FOR SALE Horses. 2 span 1200 lb. 5-year-old horses; 1 span 1(100 lb. 5-yenr-old-horscs. y A. Dun lap, Talent, Or. 29G FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, $1 for 15, $5 per 100; Brown Leg horns, fine layers, day-old chicks-12-c each; $10 per 100. 1. A. Ann strong, Box 138, Medford, Or. 308 FOR SALE HIGHCROFT residonco sites hnvi delighted everyone who has seen the property. tf HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male WANTED Salesmen in ovory local ity of tho northwest; monoy ad vancod weekly; many mako ove $1000 month; choico of territory Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penish. WANTED Married man With know- lcdgo of orchard work to take charge of fruit ranch, near Jackson ville. Address cum Mail Tribune office. 294 WANTED Goodhonosl hard work ing married man on ranch. Phone Farmer 71 1(5. If Help Wnteil ri'iniilo. WANTED Woman for cooking or general work; family of four on ranch near Eaglo Point. F. Pe lonze. 297 WANTHD-'oung woman to help euro for baby and able to do some sowing. Telophono 2112. 294 WANTED Young woman to help care for baby and able to do mum sowing. Telephone 0112. 294 WANTED. MI.HC'.'llum'oiiM WANTED Clean rags at Mail Trib uno office. WANTED Louso on share 5 neren near reservoir for grujn hay. Ad dnii.8 C. T. Harmon, Medford, Or. 290 WANTED-To set and take charge of young orchard; have the experi ence in pruning or cultivating, and am an eastern single man.' Address J. M. Steele, aon'l Del., Medford, Or. ao 1 WANTED Furnished house, five or six rooms. Moor-Ehni Co., 212Fruit growors Bank bldg. 305 WANTED Typewriter, make, visible writing. standard Must be reasonable. 295 good condition, price P. O. Box 09. ' WANTED Automobilo, five passon nngor. Prefer Chalmers or Buick. Must be in good condition; prico reiiHonnble. P. O. Box 114. 295 MISCELLANEOUS HIGHCROFT mwlwico site,-, will , known us tho real "Nob Hill" of Medford. tf BREEDERS ATTENTION! HtiviiiB brought to Medford the fust pacing stallion Ahuji, record 2:12'j, will bo ploniod to talk with any poison owning a good marc that they wisi io, '"'UA,J '" -" l'"6Uut hprgo iu no'jthoni Orogon. A. K. 'nm, ono milu Squill of Medford, 302 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE New hotel, doing good business, (rood location Address lock box 75, Butto Falls, Or. 297 FO. RSALE Hotel, and. business houso and livery barn; ono of the best paying hotels in southern Or egon. G. W. Owings, Eagle Point, Oregon. tf HIGHCROFT residence sites aro des tined to double and treble m value. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kopt for a rcnsonnblo figure; your business solicited. Office Phipps bldg., room 209. PJiono 3122. Assnyvr and Analyst EARL V. INGELS, B. S. Beat equipped assay offico in Oregon; tood products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, wnter, etc., an alyzed. Gntnts Pass. Architects JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main Phono Main 3471. Residonco phone 744. A. P. GOODWIN, Axchitiet, offico 34(1, corucr 1-Vonl and Third. Attorney's OLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, O. L. Rcnines. Lnvryors. Of fico Medford National Bank build iug, .sooond floor. PORTER J. NBPF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attonioys-nt-law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoffico building. A. E. REAMES Lnwyor, Garnott Coroy bldg. W1TIIINGTON & KELLY Lawyers Palm building. H. F. MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30. Jacksqn Co. Bank bldjr. llllllui'd Parlors 5. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up Btnirp, Young & JInll building. A nk-o, cool place to spend thp hot after noons. I1III rosters VERNE T. CANON Dill poster an. Distributor. All ordors promptly fillod. Room 29, Jackson Count Bank building, Medford, Or. Collections VCCOUNTS collected In any pnrt of tho world. No charge if not col Joctcd. Pacific Collecting Co., .13 Jnokson Co. Bank bide. Clears aud Tobacco RELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigurs and nnoroka' supplies. Exclusive ngentH of Lewis Smglo Binder, El Monti and El Paloucia. 212 West Mum strcot. Fidelity aud Surety honds U L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in tho boat cpmpanies. 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg, Fnriritiiro fl. F. WILSON & CO., dealors in now and sciond-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ruugos. 10 South Fir street. Phono Main 31(51. Home 2155-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th und Holly etroots, Med ford. Mission furniture made to ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A. trial order solicited; MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstoves and ranges. New and second-hand furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W F st., South. Phone 1)1. Home 283-K. Medford. (ranlto Works IOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main st., manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumontal nnd buildin granite, crushed granito common brick and pressed brick, coarbo and fino wnsliPd river sand MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brisk; dealers in proascd brick and lime. Offico in Oarnott-Corov block, room 209. 2d floor. Phono No. 3181 Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE - Cut flowors, potted plants, shrubbery bulbil. 923 E. Main. Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES-Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev orything put out. Wo uro not ji tho trust. IT. B. Pnttorson, office removed tn 110 E. Main st JIOGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR IncGroweru of SERY CO., nigh grado nursory sjpek. Pffjco 25 W. Muin. Tel. 1201. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Notary niblic 'NOTARY PUBLIC Room Ud7, Phipps bide nELEN M. YOCKEY, Notary Public. Bring your work to me nt the sign of ye Mail Tribune. tf l'lirslcluus and Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, M. D., Physician and Surcoon. Special attention given to internal medicino and gen oral officq practice, Offico hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Offico phono 731, residenco phono 4542. Offico ovor Strang's dru' store. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD- Physician and Surgeon. Offico 21GE. Main st., ovor Ha. kins' dniK store. Phone Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phv sicinns and Burgeons, Taylor aa Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, residence phone C12. Offico hours 0 a. ru. to 8 p. m. DR. P. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic phyBicinns. Moved to Rooms 410 and 417, Garnott-Coroy bldg. Phono Main (1351. DR. E. n. PORXER DIsomos of women a specialty. Rooms 6, G. 7 8. St. Mark's bids:., Medford, Oi Phenes: Office 4901, resident 4951. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prao tico limited to diseases of tho oyo, enr, noso and throat. Offico Suito 318, Garnett-Corcy bldg. DR. ARTEaiAS W. DEANE, Dentist Offico in Rialto bldg., 123 E. M,ain. Gns administered for ex traction of teeth. Telophono Main ,081. Night phono 4432. DR. W. W. WICK Homoopatliii physician; residonco 203 Olson st., phono Main 4474; offico, rooms 3 and 4 St. Mark's block, phono Main 1871. DR. STEARNS-Physiciun aud sur goon. Offico Gnmett-Coroy bldg rooms 211-212, phono 1092. Rea doneo 113 Laurel St.. phono 2002. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOQD -Prnctico limited to diseasos of wo men. Offico Haskius bldg. Phonf Main 1001. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoc. Dr. C. C. Vnn Scoyoo. Dontists. Garnctt-Co-ey bldg., suite 318, Med- ford. Or. Both Phonos. DR. R. E. GREEN, evo. ear. noso nnd thront. Rooms 212-213 Gar-nnott-.Corqy b)dg. DR. 13. E.' KOCH, Chiropractic dem onstrator of Psychology. Ease for all disease. No drugs. No knives Phono G701, or call nt 300-307 Garnott-Coroy blk. Hours 0 to 12; 1 to n, and 7 tn 8 by appointment on Sundays. CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, folds, goiters, tjiront and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, pri vato diseases and nil kinds of chronic and nervous nihnonts. Stom ach trouble, coustipntion, indigos tion, womb and bladdor troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front st., Med ford. Or. DR. LEROY M. GORDON Chiro practic spinologist; ovor Medford Hardwaro Co., 210 E. Main st. Medford, Or. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tho best equippod job offico in South ern Orogon; Book binding; looso loaf systems; out papor, etc, etc., Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Pat. Bok. Stenographic work dona quickly and woll. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, 402 Oariiott-Corey Bldg., Medford, Or. Miss h. J. Hingston. Telephone Home 95. Tin Shops J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and Bhoot iron waro on hand and made to order. 128 North G st. Road Signs. VALLEY SIGN ADVERTISING CO.'S SIGNS will help liujld up your bfli ucss. Phono 802. 18 Riverside Ave. Tents and Awnings MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING Co., makors pf now, repairers of old. Both phonos 405. S. Oakdale. Unions CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1S40, moots at old I. Q. O. F. .hull, cornor Main stroot and Central ave nue, ovory Wednesday evening ata 8 o'alook. AIL journeymen carpenters as well as Jooal members, urged to bo presont. Busino&s of vital inter est to all (nrpyn.tors transacted at thojW muutitige.