aototi&jp?'"' W' ,- ' p:&ge two i - Personal and Local Dr.' Ji E. Shearer, physician nnd surgeon. O'flco over Strang's drug store. tf. ""Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Pendleton of Table Hock enjoyed tho lioupltalliy of the BIhscII home on North Central avenue, Tuesday and Wednesday. See It. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance tonn, OverJneltHon County banlt. tf. DlRtriet Attorney II. V. toulkey hns returned froni a business trltf to San Pninclneo. ' 1b your lotiso wired? Ono clgnr leas a day would pay for a. hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Strirt living tho electric life. tf. ' Virgil Strang returned to CoiviiIIIb "Wednesday nfter u fortnight's vnea t!on spent hero. All kinds of bindery work done at Mail Trlbuno office. Fred I). 'Wagner, editor of the Ashland Tidings was a recent Me'd- ford visitor. Gregory leading photographer, views, portraits. 323 A phone message from Ashland states that Chas. Stennett Is very 111. His son A. K. Stennett" and Mrs. Stennett, left for Ashland Thursday to visit him. II. 13. Pntterson. JIG K. Main, has bowo nlco English Hollies and all "'kinds of shndo trees. Roses (nil the best). Now Is a good tlmo to plant. Drop In and seo me. tf A wire from Now York ronveys tho Information thai Dr. and Mrs. J. P. noddy have loft for Europe.1 Looru leaf ledgors made In Medford at' the Mull Trlbuno orflce. - J. C. Pcndlctou and wife nnd Mr. and Mrs. E. O. IJIssell and daughter were guests of Itlchard Jose, tho famous tenor, and wlfo at the Louvre after tho show at tho opera house Tuesday evening. Mr. I'ondloton hns known "Dickie" hIhco ho first came to America as a boy of ten nnd heard him tho first time ho over sang In public at twolvo. Ho hns watched his rise to fame with n great deal of pleasure, for no boy over had a hnrder struggle as ho waB hnndlrnped by being nn orphan with no ono but the friends ho made to help him to rlso above tho level but ho has made good. Try the now harbor shop; every thing clean and sanitary; opopslto P. O. CI 15. Undo, tho epntriictor, loft Inst nlaht on a trip to Now York. He Is accompanied by Mrs. Undo. They will stnytovcT'ln Chicago for a few days. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggago wagon. 4G1 Arthur Drown, editor ot tho Rogue Mngarlno, received word from Mrs. IlroVn from Eugene this "morning to tho effect that Mrs. W. C. Iniuan, Mth. Ilrown's mother, had greatly Jm proved In health. Mrs. Drown went to .Eugene lust week In lumWer to it telegram that Mrs. Inman was bcr lously 111. ' ' Printing, all kinds at Portland priced. Mnll Trlbuno office. - " Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Folthouso, mill MIbs 11. .1. Folthonhe. or York, Pa., nro visiting the city. GrantB Push acreage for salo A snap 32 1-2 acroB, tho most beauti ful subdivision acreage In tho city, lays high nnd sightly; good modern house ii nil other Improvements; on main street; all cleared; close In; prion $10,000; terms. AddreuH P. O. Hox 580, Grants Pass, Oregon. Phono 239 It. 300 V. P. Gordon, of Grants Pass, Bpent Thursday in Medford. Made iu Medford, any stylo of loose leaf or blank book, at Mall Trlbuno office. P. 15. ItuniBiiy, of Ashland, arrived In the city this morning on a busi ness trip. John H. Carkln, attorney at law, over Jackson County bank. Mr. nnd MrB. George Hordeanx and ErneBt Webb of Central Point district bpent Wednesday In Medford. Weeks & McCowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phones: P. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmcr Succceuor to tho undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Bedford Furniture Company Xbout March l, Private Am bulanco Service. Sick and Injured convoyed to any part of city or country. v.. Telephenes: Day 361. Night: John A. Porl 4111. O. W. Conkliu, 3G01. J. 11. Butlar, 3C71. ' i imrj , A. U.' Helms' or Ulondalo Is n Moll ford visitor. J. D. Jenkins or Eagle Point Bpent Thursday In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Edmunds or Yreka are Medford visitors. A. A. Randall of Talent spout Thursday In Medford. W. G. Unicorn' of Elbow Lake, Minn., C. A. Dalcom or Epplng, N. D nnd C. W. Hrooks, n brother of Mrs. A. A. Bnlcom, of Tncoma are visiting A. A. Dnlconi. Mrs. A. A. Dalcom is seriously 111. 11. O. Mills, or Klamath Palls, is a visitor to Medford. J. U. Jackson, or Eagle Point spent Thursday in Medford. L. V. Norton, a business man from San Francisco arrived in this city from Portland this morning. .Mr. Norton will remain In the valley about n week. Prank Drovvn, of Eagle Point, spent Wednesday In Jacksonville at tending tho Bosslon of the county court there. Judge P. to. Stewart, formerly u resident of this city, but now of Eagle Point spent Thursday In toed ford on business. W. 15. PhlppB has removed his law offices to Thlpps-Taylor building. Entrance room 207. CHICAGO STRIKING PRINTERS RETURN TO THEIR WORK CHICAGO, III., March 2. The striking- iMluipositoiM n the Cliienjro Examiner niul tho Chicago 'Evening American returned lo work today following tho action yesterday of tin1 Cliicugo Typographical union in call ing off tho strike. MOTEL ARRIVALS Hotol Nash .1. tf. EmmerBon and wlfo, Portland; S. O. Hurg, Seattle; A. Crrfft, Portland; Cecil' II. Upper, Seattle', Win. C. Krnsor, Rochester, Minn.; II. M. Porter, Des MoIiich, la.; Frank Conby, Rochester, Minn.; Kil. 12. Howe, Sacramento; 13. O. Jones and wife, Guthrie, Okln.; Holaud (irulib, San Krnuclaco. Hotel Moere: 8. II. Morse, Hobo burg; T. J. Pntorson, Portlntid; J. AV. Lujte, Portland; N. C. TltiiR, Seattle; h. V. .Ink. Portland; J. P. Loye, Chicago; M. Lawrence and wife, Seat tle; J. II. Peers, Sail Francisco; Win. !'. Uraun, Portland; H. S. Chamber lain, Portland. CARDS OF THANKS. We wish to extend our Blncero thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy dur ing the death nnd Illness of our dear father. MUS. P. A. TItANA, J. F. TItANA, (JEOHOK TKANA. ROOK SPRLVUS CO A I j. Two earn ol tho fnnidus Rock Springs coal1 arrived this morning. Phono W. J. Hurbldgo, tho drayman, and got Home of this. Tho bout coal Iu the west, heating, cooking, or fur nnco. Demand hns exceeded tho sup ply, but wo have two cars on the track todny. .VOTIOi: MERCHANTS. Regular meeting ot thu Medford MercliautK' association at Commercial Club Rooms .March Oth, at 8:00 p. in. UuslnesH for tho evening: Annual election of officers, report of director 10. N. Warner of the state merchants association, report ami consideration of credit rating committee report. All merchants of tho city Invited to at tend. 11. C. C5ARNKTT, President. J. 11. CARKIN, Secretary 29S Ilasklns for Health. m t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 4- 4 4- -f 4-4- 4- - HKIIICROKT residence bites ore well ing daily; make your selection l fiui' choice lots are sold. tf WANTED- - Wonmii for geneial housework, family of two, in eoiiu try. Apply NaMi hotel, mom III. b' to !) p. in.Tliuroilay, or S:W to J::i0 a. in., Friday. WANTKD "Korenuui to lake charge of .iQ-ucre lieuriug pour oreluiul. MuM thoroughly understand luiiul ling pear trees. Apply Hoiiiilnot Conner, Nn li liolel, S to D p. in TIiiii'm1.i., or H 10 to i Fnila luornmir. SIM r-rrr-rrt-r MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDTJSR, DIRECTOR. " MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, THREE GRADES OF t r APPLES IS PLAN ' r Northwest Fruitgrowers' Association in Convention at Walla Walla Adopts Standard Grades Whislcr to Be In Charge of This District. WALLA WALLA. Mch. 2. The or ganization of a central fruit selling ugpiioy for the northwest was favored by the Northwest Fruitgrowers As sociation In convention here. The mill districts were each made n divis ion and a grower was placed In charge or each. C. 13. Whlsle of Medford w'll be the representative of the Rogue River Valley district. Three grades of apples will be packed in the northwest hereafter, to Id known as extra fancy, standard and "C." lMra Fancy (Jnn! This grade cbuslsts of porrcct well formed npples only, free from all in sect pests, worm holes, stings, scale, i;cab, sun scald, dry rot, water core or other defects; limb rub, skin punc ture or evidence of rough handling shall be considered defects. All ap ples heavily coated with dirt or spray must bo cleaned. All varltles of apples admitted to the grade shnll be well matured and of natural color characteristic of the variety; Spltzenberg, Wlnesap, Jona than, Arkansas Dlack, Gano, Lawvor and other bolld red varlotles, must have 75 per cent of good red color. Hen Davis Rome Beauty, Daldwln Wagoner and other varieties of sim ilar color must be 50 per cent red. Red Cheeft Pippins and Winter Rnn anns must show a red cheek. Ktaiidard (Jnule. Apples of this grade must bo free front all Insect pests, worm, holes, scale, scab larger than a nickel, sun scald, dry rot, water core or othor de fects; skin puncture or evidence of rough' handling shall bo considered defects. Slight limb rub, or ono small sting healed over, or Hcab not larger than a nickel will bo permitted, pro viding not over 10 per cent of the ap ples admitted to this grade shall bo well matured and of natural color. Red varieties must show somo red '(" Grade. , This grade shall be mado up of all merchantable apples not Included In the extra fancy, or standnrd grades. These apples must bo freo from all in sect pests, worm holes or scalo, but will Include1 mis-shapen apples, or ap ples having ji limb rub or other like defects. Applets of this grade may also contain two worm stings or ap ples showing slight bruises. They need not bo wrapped. In'selllng'thlfi fruit It Is understood that all specifications of these grades shall be compiled with, as far as it Is practical. CIRCUIT COURT TSKESJECE8S Will Resume Work Friday Morning Where It Left Off Wednesday . i M. & C. L. Raiiroaa case, Long on Docket, Is Dismissed. The circuit court, in session Wednesday at the court hoiibo iu Jacksonville took u recess during the afternoon scuiun until Friday morn iug when it will resume the hearings of the oases on the docket. During the session yesterday, Judge F. M. Calkins granted Hub ert Uoswcll a divorce from hi wife, l.ouvena HoswcJI. The case was not contested and (he decree was grant ed by default. Mike Wooly, applicant for a di vorce from Mary Jane Wooly aKy, secured a decree by default. A case of long standing on the docket, that of J. F. lteddy, receiver for the defunct Crater Lake Railroad company against J. A. McCall et al, lor au accounting, was Dually dis posed of yesterday when Judge Cal kins ordered a dismissal of the pm-j eeedings. It. C. F. Aslbury et al, plaintiff in action to bring about a toreclos- ( are nguuiiit II. A. Vogel ot al, agreed upon tho dismissal of the ctuc, with) the riteult that, upon a stipulation off the attorney in the ease, Judge Ca'-( kins ordered a disiuisaa, , The pUiuation of Charles Carney et al to regibtor title va granted i) j default, the defendants, li. F. Maude,, i et al, failing to contest the ciue. i The court overruled tho applica- i tiou of II. It. AUeu, defeudtiut in uu action to recover money alleged to he.. , duo n a nolo brought by the Far-, t wait,' & Fruitgrower' bank of this I ejt, far a dwiuner nud gave the do- t'cuihuit 10 days iu which to pro J para a nw m, , I The aylion ljroi)t;lit by Clara ltador MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 1911., COURT? ouas I1EW Ileal Kstule Transfers. T 11. Caruer et al to 1 W. Ulaker! lot 'J, block (5, Carner iSc SiiImu's addi tion, Nordville; .fjlll). Louis C. CordeH to Claude Miles et al, land in township 'M, range 1 west, $!.i;i7f. Mary J. Coon to Carrie L. lliiwsoii, 2 acres in donation land claim 'VI. towusliip .'J7, range 1 west; '2400: bond for deed. Kuiil II. Conies U, Kiln 11. Dcane, assignment of bond. flcorge U. Young to L. J. Quigley et al, lot ii, block till, .Mcdfiml; i?l. Jiieksnn County Hulidinir & Loan association to II. C. Stoddard, lot '2, block .V2, Medford; $10. .Myrtle Lawton Forbes to Karl Bris coe, property iu Talent; l(i.'. Charles 11. llosley to C. V. Ueclev. hind in township '10, range 1 east: .$8000. .Marriage Llceiises. Mnnley M. Tlrower nnd Dale. Jlcilha Pomwcll. James Harvey Cray and Leta Wal lace. Married. Hhodes-lIauHcom In Medford, on February 24, IH11, by Rev. W. V. Khield.s, Klmer .James Rhodes and Lydia Violet JJansooni. Dougherty-lfendriekson In .Med ford, on February 22,-1911,' by A. A. Hones-, IJorL A. Dauglicrty nnd Vera K. Hendriekson. v Proluite. Estate of Evelyn liaily, rcjiorl of sale of real property filed. Estate of Andrew Johnson, inven tory and appraisement filed showing estate valued at "fiO. Guuril Ellen Taylor, order made confirming sale of real estate. Estate It. IJenedict order made dis diseharging executor. Estate M. S. Welch, order made discharging executor. Estate Ida Hriseoe, inventory and appraisement filed showing estate valued at $2000. Guard Frances Winifred Quigley. Guardian's bond filed and approved. Circuit Coin I News. Hogue River Commercial Oreluud Co, vs. Fanners & Trust Growers' bank et' nl, application to register title. Examiner of title appointed. State of Olegon vs. Win. 'Ellison McOuffie. ( Ahovo defendant orderod removed to California in accordance with requisition order. Ashland Manufacturing Co. s. Henry T. Wcntwortli, order made dis solving attachment. RF.MOVAL NOTICI3 rWeatoilka' Council' No. 20 will be at home on and nfter Friday, March 3, 1911, to ull members and visiting members in tho Odd Follows old hall, now known as tho Ragle hull, corner Main nnd Central avenue, third floor 1311a J. Shoults, keeper of records. 294 and Clara Pliipps as joint plaintiffs, to recover money alleged to be due them from Peter and Josephine Ap- plcgate was illsinis-cd upon appli- :'(. 'J'bc court ordered the name t.f Frederick l'enninger entered in the proceedings as parly-plaintiff iu mi notion being brought to cnncel a deed by the estate of the late John l'enninger, insane, against I. J. Han sen, et al, former udntinistrators of the estate. According to the testi mony the wife of Hansen, acting as co-administrator of the dead man's estate, sold to her husband a par cel of property belonging to the es tate, a transaction which the attor neys for Fred l'enninger, the dead maiiV bitither and now his adminis trator, claim was unlawful under the statutes which provide that trans fer of the property of a deceased person shall not be made between administrators and their wives, i.r vice versa. Remington Wide Car riage Type writer Second Hand, used but little. $46.00 on terms Medford Book Store mn s PUM2IUCU IU.OOI) Clias. Stang'sells a Proscription that Meaits Vigor, Vim, Vitality Because MI-O-NA causes the blood to cet better and more nourishment It is nt nil times a valuable tonic. It puts vigor Into the muscles, clears up the Improperly notuished brain and makes strong nerves .that will stand the severest test. Men who feel that their vitality is slipping away; that the vim and en arny that they formerly put into all their work Is lacking; that ambitious Impulses nnd clever Ideas do not come as tlioy used to are the kind of men thnt need MI-O-NA. These are the kind of men that a jionth.'s treatment will put In fine shape. Besides being a peerless remedy for indigestion MI-O-NA is a most pronounced tonic. It makes the skin ilcar nnd clean; it puts color In the cheeks and causes dull eyes to brigh ten. If you have that blue, discontented feeling through tho day and pass restless nights, trying .unsuccessfully to get a refreshing sleep, take a I month's treatment of MI-O-N'A stom-j ich tablets, and bring the sunshine , Into your life that health and hap-1 olness always bring. . i MI-O-XA costs but 50 cents at Chas. Strang and druggists every where. Guaranteed to cure Indiges tion and immediately relievo all itomnch misery, or money back. NOTICE To contractors and builders of Medford, that on and nfter April 1 thu minimum scale, of wages for car oentors shall be $1 per day, eight hours nt work. W. SHIRLEY, C. DA LEV, 2!)5 Trustees Local 1810. Ilasklns for Health. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un desslgnod will apply to tho city coun cil ot tho city of Medford, Or., at its rogular meeting on llnrch 7, 1911, Lfor a license to sell splrltous, vin ous and malt liquors In qunutttlos less thnn a gallon at Its place of bus iness at No. 21 South Front street, In said city, for a period of six months. B. S. R.ADCLIFF & CO. Haskins for Health. ISIS THEATRE Big' Double Bill Listruan and Listruan Hefined Physical Culture Introducing Miss Listruan the only lady boxer In thu world, holding the worlds record for help" the hard est hitter now before the public, nhe will be seen in a three round sparring contest with her partner every evening. HERE THEY ARE Barclay and Morriss Presenting Tho Dramatic Comedy Pluyet SMUDGE 11)11." Comedy Patchos Comedy. 3 REELS LATEST MOTION PICTURES 3 GOOD SONG BY HARRY BLANCHARD ADMISSION 20c AND 10c. You'll Say it Was Worth Double The Price. rtr 1 iiiiijiMi ! ii i mm 1 1 ' "" "'-" UikV7 ., v -sryr . JK& H7 Ula VUitnt Voki OF COURSE you are coming to hear the new Victor Records for March? You are sure to rhesr splendid 'new selec tions. Kvery kind ot music yu want band, orches tra, vocal, instrumental; classical and popular. Tome and hear them anv dav. WHETSEL MUSIC CO, With Sherman, Clay & Co. 'PILES CURED IX O TO 14 DAYS. I PAZO OINTMENT Js guaranteed; to cure any exse of Itching, blind,, i bleeding or promidlng piles In 0 to 1 14 dr.ys or money refunded. 50c. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE ' 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. 'Home 298 K. N. H. Mark Draperies We carry a very complete line of draperies, lace curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all classes of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively nnd will glvo as good service as Is possible to cet In even the largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Look Well to Your Eyes THAT THEY MAY BE A GUIDE TO YOUIt FOOTSTEPS AND A COMFOBT TO YOUU OLD AGE." The hand of time cannot be stayed. People grow old, as years advance, the eyes grow weaker,. Tq preserve the sight means to holp the eyes do their work; to help the eyes menus to wear glasses not any glasses, but scientifically fitted glasses. I am fully qualified and equipped to glvo you the best In this line. DR. RICKERT Over Kventner's, Medford. WASHINGTON, March 2. Sena- tor Chambeilaiu secured a favora- ble report from the public lands com- m;ttce ou lK bill vhich passed the J,onbe lor the relief, of K'ttlctv .,n ! the biletz rei'crvntioli. Where fco Go Tonight NATATORIUM TODAY Holler Skating, Bowling, Peel,; Billiards, ltiglo Shooting and Tub; and Shower Baths for ladles anil gentlemen. MEDFOUD'S AMUSEMENT PALACE. lU-GO Latest Moving Pictures Doors Open at 7:00 p. m. Admission 10c, "The Pinkerton Man" (drama). "Beaux Tot Wanted" (comedy). "Girls He Left Behind Him' (comedy). "The Ironclad Lover" (comedy). "Faithful Max" (drtuun). "A (.'lever Kuse" (comedy). Doors Open 7:00 p. m. vsr y fMeaM j Mcdford's Exclusive Picture The- ? .? atcr. nlays. Latest Licensed Photo- I Ono Dime No More Ono Dime. "NAT" THEATRE Complete change of program; Today Only the best aiul latest films shown. ' . Admission 10c. ' is IUG DOUBLE 11LLL THE ISIS THEATRE LTSTKVAX & 1I1STMAX lterlneil Physical Culture Introducing the only lady boxer In tho world. Hero They Are: BABCLAY & rMOItltl.S I In tho Dramatic Comedy Plnyet ? ( "SiiiimIro iii J )." . ? WHEN- DOWN TOWN IN AT THE DIIOP "NaP Confectionery I t ICE CHEAM, SOFT IHINIKS, COXFECTIONEHY, LUNCH A light, pleasant room, open t s s from S a. in. to midnight. L. M. GRAM IIS, Proprietor PHONE 901 Old customers send me your address. New Premiums, New Ser vice, New Agent. But the same old stand ard goods. AGENCY GRAND UNION TEA CO. 110 TRIPP STREET Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 6231". Corner Central Ave, and 8tk St Medford, Or. X Y