jfje- iiJi PAGE TWO BUTLER HELD IN 1300 BONDS Reputed Son of Influential Portland! Attorney Held in $300 Answer Circuit Court Support Charge. Bonds to on Non- Justice of the Pi'ii(!t Henry 0. Du.v, Hilling in court in Jacksonville Tues day, hold Ralph HiiIUt, u etudi'iit ( tiie Pnuifk' Xorthti,rn Dcutnl cul- . a" ...... . . i r . i prominent attorney in that city, over in ijiHUU bond1 to answer before the , cireuit court on a charge of non Hiipport of liis wife. According to the testimony intro duced at the hearing yesterday when assUlnnl district attorney Oeorgo V Chnrry placed the wife, Mertha Ilut ler, on tho stand, the couple were married in Redding, Cnl., in Feb ruary, 3910. At the time, il is alleged, Mrs. ilutler, who was then a divorcee, was the possessor of a fortune of Hovoral hundred dollars, all of which Khe charges Ilutler with having aided her in spending before last July, he loft her in Kcdding and returned to Iho home of his father in Portland. She told (he courl that, although she wmh niel: at the time, she followed him there but that hu refused to recognize- her as his wife. She left Poit laud and came to Ashland where, whenever her health has pormitted it, slio stated, she has supported her self siiH'o, Although tho defense failed lo put any witnesses on the stand at the hearing, K. K. Kelley, attorney for Uutler, stated that the defense based their case on the fact that at the time tho coremony between Huller and the woman was porftyvmed at llcddiug sho had not been divorced from her husband a sufficiently long time to permit her to enter upon nn olher marriage contract, and on those grounds, under the statutes of r the stato of Oregon, the marriage was null and void. I he prosecution endeavored 1 t have Hiitlcr's bajl set at a large sum, hut Justice Pox, after continuing the case for hearing before (he ue.vt term of the circuit court, set bonds at Jcge.ol t'orllniul ami Mint to n hip; static and L. W. DyrclMirjf. n wrest Mn of C. X. Dutlcr. a wealthy and'ler ol' local rami' ami formerly in - t'310. troubled with feinalo eouidaints, for Miss Heryl JAIiijhou, a dnughtor of j vor ten vear. I could iiot walk or Mrs. Sutton's by a former marriage, stand oniiiy feet, and had been ! appeared in court with her mother in ,m(!,t confined to the home, for a Whose behalf she testified. (,nx i,m., i ,0K,, (a(. r,mui, , immediately following the proenn-, th wninun's Ionic, and now 1 can tation of the ease Mtveral weeks nno before Uilriift Atornev It. V, .Mulkny' in (hit) city, the police or I'oillan.l, in aiiKwer to lelegraphie reipioHt, placed Hutler under arrest in that city and released him in .fJ.'O bail. Jle agreed to come to Hun city for trial and last Sunday came here uu- aeeompnaied. JOSPS VOICE J LITTLE WORN Tenor Heard in Silver Threads, a New England Play Time Has Frayed the Upper Register of His Marvelous Voice, Though. (ly Kil AudrT.) . Hiohurd Join and bis company guo u pluasUig eiitoitaiuniuut lat ititfld at the opera Iioiku. Tho play whk Stlvur ThruaiU, a vehicle in which to ililroduue Mr. Joe in bo repeiloire oj" popular old song.-,. Tliy plot of Silver Thread is imn-li Ji(ii inaiiy of the Now KukIhiuI rural plays that lumi bueu mhiii for the last fow yyaiH, dealing an it diMiu with tho simple life. The east was all very good with poibaps thu o.'ktnd of pavement up to Januar 1, caption of Mr. Miumcii who i-mhor ipn. ovor-aeted bik part, lie was a littltf 190 villianoug for n wdIMh-ihI fel 1qw. An to Mr, Jonu'k singing, bw luu a puoulinr voieo of vory uwoot quality. 1 a light toaor graduating into a falsetto. It a porhaM a little un- kfuil lo fritititoo Mr. Jimv for in thellf MUWni Midewalk were laid m 1010 liucb voice a sUalil eoiil 01 ten mats tho upper notvit and to say (but lie doproNud the key in mt of his up par tone i komeihiug that might be only temporary. We would tay, how oyer, thai time has wuru the upai i-Ogistor a bit and Mr. .lone would d wall to iug his IimIImiU in n lower ke whero hid voice Htdl retauix a preli good ipiality, vory iimilr to a con tralto, However, Mr. June hit nj the old tavonle atojigh fur yei a jiublio llmt lift thoroughly wgoytui WRESTLERS MEET AT NAT TONIGHT Before an Audience Which Promises to Include Many Ladies, Buscli and Dyrcborn Will Battle for Suprema-i cy Entire Section for Ladies. i llel'oro mi uiuliem'c which, from the advance bookiiiKu, prominPH to con tain many lnBnio. Carl I5ueh, claim ant to the title of iiuddltMM'itflit wicilliiiL' eluiiiiiHon of I lie Cnitcd struetor of wroHtliny to the Sacra mento, (Cnl.) Athletic club, will bat tle for supremacy on a mat t retched on the skating rink floor of the Kat alorium tonight. Moth men ltc.c trained hard during the past week and as they have met before, in Koso burg on l-'ebruary Hi lit-t, there is a keen rivalry between them. MiihijIi aiupiished Dyreborg after a strug gle which lasted for over one hour be fore but Dyreborg claims that the match was not a good one as be wes out of condition. The men will wrostlo for the. gate receipts tonight, tho winner to take a (JO per cent cut. Because of the fact that a num ber of local ladies have expressed a desire to attend (he match, the man agemeut of the Xaditoriuiu has set aside an entire section of the bal cony immediately facing the "mat" where oiil yladies, or ladies and their escorts, may be sealed. The iiiiiu agemont has also assured a large number of ladies that there will be nothing occur which would in any way cause a woman to rogrenl hnv iiiir attended the affair, ami the fn.-l 'that it is taking place in the Xalalor- iiini, where the interests of the wo men and children patrons are always safeguarded, is in itself a sufficient guaranteo for many. A preliminary between Frank Slo cutn mid Toy Watson will piece d tho main event immediately before the start of which (wo local wrestlers-, Joe .Meinsic und Jack Ken, will be bo introduced and will each challen,".e the winner of tho Husch-Dvreboig utti t Ii Worth Wclyht In Gold. Abingdon. Va. .Mis. Jennie Me- Call, of this i.laee. savs. "1 bad been wj. n.vwheie 1 want to pi. Cardui' ih worth iln weij-hl in g.ihl.'' This i! Ii'ikIi ehtimatc on a plain, heib nicd-l iciuc, vet then-are thoiihands ot wo- . w, d K,v ,,v (H ,.!,.,. f,. n.nied lo rclie'xe tl'ieir suffer-; ,.,. f,mlm ,ns .1,M others. Win1 lm oii? Tr it. Your druiruM sells l(, , $) bottles. $4,091,261 SPENT FOR GOOD STREETS Improvements Include Sixty-three Miles Pavement and 115 MilCSJ CI.I..Unlb n,l,. Il. Dnc. Vn. wiubnturw uiiiiiiH hut I .11 iui 215 Per Cent Gain. DuriuK lat year (Ut.-KI miles of Iihi.1 surface iwvementa were laid m,S'"V1k,, Ilo,,s'' ,IJ0' 78'"' ",ul 72ti- Portland, Mn iaoimiHe of 4'I.'JS miles over IIih roeovd Hindu in 1U0U, or 'JlJ per om. Illtiilltlile Leads. Piiipertv owners- of the eitv bine shown a decided purtuilit. for bitu ilthic iNiveineulx, It leads all othei wiemeals with a total mileage ol 5I.UJ to iU credit. Asphalt is nest with -Hi.lJ iiiilus. AH of thtfo U: iiiiM am hIiowii in Kngineor llauson's reHtit and wore tho totals ot em h Duriuir thu yvar, in addition to the hard Kinfaee pavements that were laid and Mcnwptod there were l'.':'i iuile completed whieh have not yet' been accepted, but will be very bortl.. ' ' The report slmwk that ll.'i.T mile and only walk. li 7 nidi's nf wood side- I MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. s s I ME I ) If OR 1) MAIL TRIBUNE, SALE OF SPRAY New Law Forbids Manufacture or Sale of Lime and Sulphur Solution Which Has Specific Gravity of Less Than 30 Degrees, Baumc Test. One ol the now- lawn imrc( which IntorcitB tho fruit groweis is that regulating the manufacture sale of lime and sulphur apray. It was In troduced by Senator Xottlnnlinin and was known as somite bill No. 17!t. It reads as follews: Section 1. No pel son, firm or cor poration shall Hell, offer or expose for mile any Unio and sulphur solu tion -or compound for spraying pur poses, which shall have a specific gravity of 'less than thirty degrees, Hoaunie teat, nor which contains aa thlng except products which arise rioui boiling lime and sulphur in water, and no salt or other soluble , substance shall bo used therein. Section 2. Rvery package of surh compound or solution sold, offered or exposed for sale shall be plainly I labeled 'with black-faced type, la let ters not of less than ono-aaii oi an Inch in length, stating tho contents of the compound or solution and the grlvity test thereof. Section .'1. Any person, firm or cor poration selling, offering or oppos ing for salo any Hmo and sulphur solution or compound which does not comply with tho provisions of tills Act, either iib to test, Ingredients, label 'or otherwise, shall ho deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction tliereor shall bo fined not less than $10 nor more $100, or by Imprisonment in tho county jail not more than sixty days, or by both nuch fine and Imprisonment, In tho discretion of the court. CITY LEAGUE E- ORGANIZE! Bowlers in City Lenyuc Divided More Evenly Amonji TeamsStart New Scries and "Senators" Beat "Smoke House" in First Game. REGULATED In order to leiiew interest in IliciJ bowling game beie, and to distribute the player among the teams com- f ponitig 1 lit) City league in a mou even manner, the member of the league recently reorganized the pei souuel of the four team which m future will be made up a follows- "Locomobiles" J. Coibin Nell, captain; V. Diamond, J. Diamond, William ICeyes, (1. Manger and Dr. i". It. Seelv. "Nat Specials" -O. J. Pulton, cap tain; J. KirkgaHser, Harvey Ling, W. Dudley, W. Downing anil K. Ilever ldge. k Smoke ilntuV A. Antle, cap- Lee b'oot, II. Kent tier. . II. WooiU, M. L. Patton. "Senator. - ltobert W. Teller. captain; Con Cady; O. Sony Smith; Woods, .M. .Morgan, C. Misc. The first game of the new weries played Monday night on the Natu- ,,",'"' '.V". Wfllltwl 111 H W hilling . . i,.,lllllnl.iaw ...., the "SmoLe House" team by two games out of three, 'file Ihm and deciding game whs won by threw pin. The corc weie: Senators, 7-1U, (D7, ami 72!. l lie liei unme, neiweeii i ne L eoiiiolules und (In take place at l he ' mg. Nat Specials wn! Nat" I'mbis een- ur "wammsagM Restores color to Gray or Faded hair Removes Dim drulfnnd invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, health) hair growth Stops its falling out. Isnotadye. $1 UlanJftlc 41 l),uii .Siure or direct iipou ttffiiit ul price ami dcalri iutu. Siud 9c fur nil twill - rt.il.. lUy Spcculm. Cu.. rCHrl.. N J . I' , Ittl'U.sU ALL SUUS riTUTI-S For Sale and Heeniiuendel liy l.oon It, HasUius. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE MtiDFQRD, OlflOOOX, WEDNESDAY, MARC1!! 1, 1911. Make Your Next Visit to Meeker's Store Soon For hosts of new spring goods have arrived since you were here last. It's none too early now for you to begin looking about for that new Easter costume. Our spring displays will give you a correct idea of what the new spring styles are "going to be. And here and there throughout the store you'll find many bargain offerings to add "nnice" to vour visit. x. '4V IfcfP. ,- fwHP I" Pi Just a Touch VmpvWMAM ' marks the differ- fMSi ieiSKl ence between vmm mlih bcing "weU 'Jflfjm mSMlm dressed" and 'Mm IeBKmfI " "dressed up." ) m so.3uS ffflM MSCALL PATTERNS I rft style with V W Simplicity. i NEXT SATURDAY IS HOSIERY DAY AVlii-n we will turn n livniul how spring lino loose at pvicos that doty (competition. Included are some .special pureliasos in hosiery "seconds." 12 1-2 and 19c pair Every purchase is guaranteed, every customer satisfied or no sale is our policy. 28 South Central Avenue p.W$v0JWP;.4r..P$ ft I -rffl mw 'i &&vfiikm L.L' -j- . ariiw' it i 'lAUA w 5 'I i t Fine Watch and Jewelry J?pvJJv.p;IfxrWi.XB,J,'JJkJNr,r'yf.Pvy the: children Tho children know in-: thev know an unusual pleasure and satisfaction in column1 to our store. You can send them to us to perform your errands; to get the simplest drug store product or the most vitally important medicine. "We shall serve them cheerful I v and carefully. ATe offer you and the child satis faction and pleasure in every respect. Orange Blossom and Lowneys Candies Meclford Pharmacy Phone Main 101, Night or Day. Near Post Office - --- -r Two If you are looking for a building site don't fail to investigate this. These lots are close to pavement-overlook the entire city and valley-good soil very low in price '"T"" '" '' '''' ' I ! I 111 ! II '' Will Sell One or Both for $400.00 Each Address Box G. B. care this office , Diaicnonds, Watclies and Jewelry Everything in the Jewelry Line. If You Want Quality, I Have It. MARTIN J. REDDY TII10 JIOWKIJCR XKAK POSTOL'MWE Repairing Diamond -- Fine ttit t Tiie New waists for Spring "Will suit you to n T. Never saw thorn more beautiful, and this collection contain-? all the bebt hellers. 89c to $1,50 The New Spring Foulards Await your criticism and choice here. We cannot at tempt to tell you of the new foulards in print because printers' ink cannot give you any conception of this collec tion's attractiveness. Just drop in when you are down our wjiv. Showingsat 85c-$1.00 yd Your Needs in Wash Goods can certainly be best met here. Lf there's anything in new wash goods that we ov erlooked, we'll get it for you. Big Showing's at 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c, 25c yd di? "a ryr f Setting and Engraving V Lots v L., fPffwwJ MHMMIHtnnHHH j i 'T??"7irr'i ; PETITION TO PAVE WEST ELEVENTH STREET Residents and property holders on Eleventh street are circulating; n. pe tition today to have their street, be tween Oakdale and Hamilton street-;, paved with a'-phnlr. Where to Go Tonight lif-lt-Clas 2 Vaudeville 'and X Moving lectures 5 D-GO Doors oH'li at ? T:0O P. M. saxfoud .v- mullkkv. Presenting "THE SPI1MT CH.UIHEIl" X A very clever little playlet hi which JJlss Mullery renders four character chango songs, opening In white and closing in black. MIH'IVfi lllCTl'lll'K T-nst nnil host Klil)1(ctR. ' vsrr'sNsNr Medford's Exclnaivo Picture The- X atcr. s nlayR. Latest Licensed Photo l One nime No More -One Dime.? "NAT" THEATRE Complete change of program Today ? Only the best and latest films ihown. Admission 10c. THE ISIS THEATRE l-'Oltl) AND MILIiKK ;; Tiie Dancer and the Yodlcr. J; Singing Talking Dancing Z Throughout the eastern cities Mr.;! Ford has the) reputation of being;; one of tho greatest dancers on the!; Amnrlpnn otnrrn ' MAItY GHAV Singing and Talking Direct from Paatages Circuit (Nu ft Scd) NATATORIUM TODAY Holler Skating, Itowiing, I'ool, ! minimis, ulKk. Shooting and Tub; j ami Shower Itaths tor ladies and i gentlemen. J WllUX DOWN TOW. IX AT TIIK DHOP "Nat" Confectionery ICI3 CKKAM, SOPP DHXIKS, COXFKC'J'IONimV, LUNCH A light, pleasant room, open from S a, in. to midnight. L. 31. GIU3IKS, Proprietor i PHONE 901 Old customers send me your address. New Premiums, New Ser vice, Now Agent. But the same old stand ard goods. AGENCY GRAND UNION TEA CO. IIOTIMPI STKKI-rr Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles 1 SSSSSt--SSSSSNt i ? .ilKIM'OKD'S AMUSK.MEXT J 0ENTERAI. OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 6231. Comer Coutrnl Ave. ani 8tk St Medford, Or. X Y i 22 South Riverside Phono Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H, Mark s X thorn ami ho bj bald 111 lugli Mim ; both iib i)i) niihil aud a gwtlutun i HasUliiB for IlQalth. b.i. -rr4t4