MEDFORD MATL TRTBTTNE, rLi)FOR"D, OREHON, MONDAY, EEBT?TT.VRY 27, 1911. 7 PXGETSTGHT WEST'S VETOES NEUOTAL 64 Dills Filed With Secretary of State Roach Total of 275 Chamberlain Filed 38 Vetoes List of Bills Carrying Appropriations. SALEM, Or., Fob. 2 7. With a to tal or 270 bills filed in tho office of secretary of state, tho first accurate general resunio of tho bobhIoii of tho legislature Just closed may be Bnl od as far as tho amount of legisla tion enacted Is concorned. A revision of tho list sIiowb that altogether there were CI bills vetoed by tho governor, somo of those which ho originally Intended to veto and for which messages were written wore withdrawn. There wero ;i8 vetoes by Governor Chamborlaln filed with tho secretary of state after tho preceding session and 23-1 bills, tho 20th assembly hav ing 11 more bills to Its credit than tho ono before. As far as can now bo determined, Governor West has eclipsed all records In Oregon for tho number of vetoed bills. Appropriation Approved. Tho ' appropriations as passed by both houses and receiving either the npproval of tho governor or being filed by him nre: 71. H. 13, by Abbott $20,000 for surveys for topographic maps. 11. II. 2.I, by KHgloston $1000 for soldiers burying plot adjoining Hlv orview cometory. II. H. 213, by Powoll $1714.15 to reimburse George Nessllng of Dallas for injuries received while In actlvo Borvlco for tho Oregon national guard. 11. IJ. fi3, by Huchanan $10,002 . to reimburse national guardsmen in fighting fires. II. II. 72, by Abrams $50,000 for malntonance of stato militia. II. H. 110, by committco on ways and moans $42,500 for support of oleemoBynary institutions. II. I). 417, by commlttoo on ways and means $55,041.09 to dofray claims for which no provision had previously boon made. II. D. 418, by commlttoo on ways and means $1,235,707 for malnto nance of institutions at Salem and soldlors' home. If. 11. 393, by commlttoo on ways and moans $951,320, salaries, for ' state officials. II. I). 394, by comnilttoo on ways and moans $152,045.49 providing for payment of deficiencies, II. 15. 198, by Ambrose $30,000 for maintenance of U. of O. medical dopartment at Portland. Monmouth Dormitory. II. n. 202, by Powell $50,000 for dormitory at Monmouth normal school. II. 11. 300, by Umatilla delegation $331,000 for eastern Oregon branch Insane asylum. 11. 11. 99, by Iluchauan $000 for sundry oxpoubcs of soldiers' homo at Hosoburg. 11. II. 254, by commlttoo on insur ance $10,000 additional malnte. nance for Insurance dopurtmont. II. II. 207, by McKlnney $1000 for creation of bureau of mines. II. II. 258, by Ambrose $9000 for streot paving at CorvalllB. II. 11. 302, by Collins $1200 for Milarlott of chaplains at penitentiary and reform school. II. 11. 351, by Chatten $15,000 for Hiilnion hatchorlon on Columbia river and Its tributaries. II. 11. 210, by Lane county deloga tJoi,$32K,2fi2.9S for maintenance of UnlveiBlty of Oregon. II. 11. 211, by Lane county delega tion $176,000 for new library build lug at University of Oregon. II. IJ. 185, by Brooke- $10,000 for brldgo acrosij Suako river at Nysga. II. IJ. ill, by Huntington $8109.41 to reimburse teachers and employee of old Drain normal school. II. II. 29, by McKlnnoy $10,000 for hridgo ucroHg Snake rivet In link er county, II. 11. B0, by Abrams $20,000 to croatii armory fund. This bill came to governor containing $10,000 ap propriation, but arrnngud to cut It In half. II. 11. 109, by Colo $1500 for Ore gon Humauo society. For ForeM Protection. II. II. 60, by Uuchanau $60,000 for foroet protection. 11. II. 5(48. by Nounor $20,000 for HHlinou hutcherlOH south of Columbia rivar. S. U. 28, by Lester $60,000 for Astoria contouuial celebration. S. 11. SI, by Ctrson $1,000 foi orotflcatlng fruit past. S. I). 08. by Jogoph $15,000 for UttUO board of health. a W. Ill, by Dlinleh $1250 for1 liruBOrviitlon of Mcl.oughllu homo 8. II. 118, by Oliver $16,000 for innlntonanco Union oounty oxporl mgnt otatlon. S. IJ. 09, by MiUnrkoy $18,000 for malntonnnco and oxtonglon of work of library oommhlon. i S, IJ. 200, by Molarity $10,000 for support of indigent orphans. ' S. 1). 73, by Malarke $36.000i WINDY CITY TO SEND HOST WEST Chicago Aflcnt of the Southern Pa-1 ciffc Railroad, in Mcdford on Brief Visit, Predicts Big Rush Here from Middle West. Kdfjttr M. Mattes, travelling pas senger iifjent for tho Ilarrimaii lines, with headquarters in Chicago pre dicts n rent influx of people o Mcdford liom tho oust this year. Mr. Mattes, who is visiting Mod ford as tho guest of ti. A. Kosenlmuin, Southern Pacific agent hero, said yesterday: "Tlie number of people who will visit litis section from the oast dur ing the next few mouths will surpass all previous years. The greatest rush, however, will probably not start un til about April. One reason why more people have not come to tne Koguo Kiver Valley this winter from Chicago mid tho middle west is that Hie past winter there lias not been as severe ns that season usually is, and as tlie result not ns great a number was driven (a seek u more equitable clhimte us would have done so had tho wcntlier there boon more rigorous". mm . - ' --"A v i a-5 - -, -'- ?- w s N Rev. Geo. Moseley PACIFIC 'PHONE L. A. Newton, Manager of the Local Offico of the Pacific Telephone Company Goes to Spokane to En ter Commercial Field. UlCIIAltD JOSE IV "SUA Kit THItEAOS. WAS FROM MEDF0RD BUT WHO WAS HE? Tho famous contra tenor, Richard J. .lose, will appear In tin role of "Silver Threads," a story woven about the sentimental ballad, "Silver Threads Among the Gold," at the Mcdford theater tomorrow night. Mr. Jose has chosen this play to make his return to the legitimate stage, many years featured In all the big leading minstrel companies. Then tho vau deville stage tempted him, and he became a lieadllnor in tho bettor class of "vaudeville productions. He was exceedingly popular in the west, par ticularly on the Pacllfc coast. In "Silver Threads," Mr. Jose be lieves ho has procured a legitimate after an absenco from it of several .successor to "Tho Old Homestead," years. For flvo years ho played In '"Way Down East" and "Shore tho "Old Homestead," and was fori Acres." RATE BETTERS CONDITIONS Says tlit Oregon City Enterprise: Tito man taken from (lie early train south yesterday morning on the Southern Pacific, and supposed to be insane, was simply insane because of loo much drink. While on tlie train he insisted on running tlie train and while lie had a ticket for Med io nl refused to give it up to tho con ductor. Officer Green took him off tlie train and lodged him in tlie city pri son till tho next morning. He had u bottle of whiskey on his person, which was taken from him. In the morning ho was himself and was per mitted to proceed on iiis way. He would not toll his uiuno and seemed sorry tho trouble had occurred. ONE BIG FOOL But He Doesn't Live in Mcdford Nor Read the Mail-Trihunc. A man in 'Connecticut gnvo a doc tor, a specialist in catarrh, .$.r)0 to onre him of this common yet most obnoxious disease. ' Tito specialist gave him a hot tie of medicine anil told him to use it. Tlie fool took the medicine home, look ono dose, put it on a shelf and miidc no further effort to follow in structions, Throe months later with (lie medi cine still on the shelf Ik- told a friend Unit the speeialiht was it fake that lie had paid him .ffiO ami still hud catarrh. 1IYOMKI (pronounce it High-cine) won't euro catarrh if you don't breathe it; it will if you hrontho it regularly. Furthermore, you don't need to give it catarrh specialist $f0 to cure you of catarrh, for tho specialist is vet to lie born who can write a bet ter prohoriptiou titan llomci. Clias. Rtnng and druggists every where guarantee Myoinei to cure cat arrh or money buck. A complete out fit which constats of n hot tie of Hyontei, a hard rubber inhaler and himple instructions for use costs on ly $1.00. Separate bottles of Hvom- ei is afterwards needed cost hut f0 cents. BRITIAN TO SPEND I mi WYOHIC, Fell. U". Discussing tho inter-state commerce nuuins sion's rate decision, Sttiyve.saiil Fish today declared that tlie railroads of tho country had reached a point whom (heir oncnitiiiLr expenses were no longer out of proportion to their Wes which already are a part of tho irross revenue. The rate decision, iio'ar'n' equipment will bo thoroughly .,;.t ii.ittm-u Mw. nliirlii nC Mui mill i tested o.iiii, ni-nvin .. j..v '- . ..... LONDON. Pel). 27. -Tho sum of $505,000 was provided for the aero nautical branch of the Urltlsh army In the military budget for 1911-1'J.t given out today. l-'lvo aeroplanes and threo dliigl- owners of railroad sliitrei held for investinontr by stopping the claims of labor for higher wages and by ending (lie claims of tlie shippers for anything upprouchilig a general re duction in rates. Ho endorsed tiio commission's declaration that tho existing rates are just. SCATTERS HUSBAND'S ASHES BROADCAST ON PACIFIC $5000 IN JEWELS FOUND IN LOST SUIT CASE SANTA ChAKA, Cul.. Feb. '27. Tho widow of Dr. Meiijiuniii Plant I orator resident physician at roisoin niiin company penitentiary, is here today after lnn-i nig scattered Iier husbands ashes broadcast on the Pacific ocean in ac cordance with hi sdying request. LOS ANOFLKS, Cnl., Feb. 27. After being thrown about like ordin ary baggage, n suit case containing $.")00() in jewels which was lost ly Mrs. Lewis Armstrong at I lie Arcade depot here on her arrival last night, was recovered. A porter accidentally misplaced the suit once and it Wi stored with the baggage of a tourist party. A special agent of the Puli- diM'ovored it. L. A. Newton, manngpr of tho local oifice of tlie Pacific Telephone and Telegraph eoinpuny will leave this city Tuesday evening for Spo kane where, having severed his con nection with the telephone company, lie will outer into the wholesale busi ness. He is succeeded Itere by J. J. Buohler, recently of Tacoma. During his term of office as mana ger here, Mr. Newton, who outno hero last Novmbor, has succeeded in build ing up tlie service of Pocific com pany to a wonderful extent. Not withstanding tho great and rapid growth of liiotown, ho hns at all limes kept the service up to the liging manner lie lias made a host standard. By his geninlity and ob of friends for himself while here, al' of whom wish him tlie success due him in his new venture. Mr. Huchlor, the now manager, is already well known to local people, having been connected with the Mcd ford office of Pacific phono before. Ho left the city two years ago and is Iransfered hero from the Tacoma office. I It? expressed himself this morning ns being "glad to get buck to God's country." will lecture at the Natatorlum at Medford, March 7th, S o'clock, on the "Power and the Elevation of Christian Womanhood," also the "Cause of the Downfall of Young Women of the Present Day." Mr. Moseley Is one of the host plat form orators, Bible student nnd minister of the gospel. He has trav eled through Europe, on the seas and In many parts of tho United States lecturing and preaching the gospel. He was a student of the Groat Brit ain school of arts. He has been mas ter machinist of one of the largest ?nglno works In Pittsburg, Pa., hav ing full charge of setting on and discharging and setting tho scale of wages. Ho was superintendent of ono of the best engine works at Clevelnnd, O. Mr. Moseley was plat form orator In tho oast In 1893-91 and won the victory In some of the great strikes. He also is a fine flute and piccolo player and tenor singer. Ho comes from the best of homes. Come and hear him. Seats on sale at Hasklns drug store. Lecture 50 cents. ' For Sale KiO acres of land for sale at $35 per acre; land one and one-hall' miles from the Med ford postoffiee; laud all good orchard land, or a fine proposition to subdivide; with terms. For further in formation address OWNER, POSTOFFICE BOX 812. WantecTto RenT We have a client who wishes to rent a seven or eight-room house on or about May 1st. The house must have four bedrooms and must bo nibodern In every re spect, and In a number ono local ity. Party will take a lease for six months or a year. -If you have anything of this descrip tion lot us hear from you. Gornetius-Garner Realty Go. I. (). O. I NOTICE. Lodge moots In the new ha,ll on Sixth street Mondny evening, Febru ary 27. A full attendance Is desired. Work in the third degree. Visiting brothers are Invited to attend. W. L. MILLER, 291 Secretary. Hasklns for Health. HUNGARIAN POLITICAL LEADER PASSES AWAY Hl'DA PFST, Feb. 127. The dea,h of Huron llauaffy ex-pieiniVr ol Hungary and lender of tho now party will in no way will affect tlie foi -tunes of the party according to men prominent in it today. Huron Hanffy died yesterday and Itis ptssago marked the cud of a stormy political life. Ho was born October 28, 18 IU and until his death. with more or less regularity boon u member of tlie Hungarian cliuinli r of deputies. Hemitfi Restores color to Gray or Faded hair Removes Dan druff and invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth Slops its falling out. Is not a dye. Sl.OOamlSOc it Drml Stiirci or iliiect upon receipt ol price and tlclcr name. Send 10c lor sample linlile - I'hilu May Specialties Co.. Newark. N.J ,11 S.A. HUl'USU ALL SUUSTITUTKS I'or Sale and Itccoiiiiiicnilcri by Leon It. HasUIiw. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Tomes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers LaukBld aTaF1','"w - COLUM Vjr t--- for oxtendliiK powers of railroad coiiiiuIhhIou to public utilities. S. II. U.2. by I.oMtor- $2500 for carrying out provluloiiH of act pro viding for touting of railroad hciiIoh, S. 11. 6S. by llHwley -$l 10.000 for maintenance for O. A. C. S. 11. ol), by llawloy $270,000 new htiltilliiKH at O. A. O. S. H. 256. by ('arson-- tRO.OOO for iiiiuev to Mtate eapltol. S. H. ass. by Locke $fi000 for fighting bubonic plague. 8. II. 07, by Abraham $t 0.000 for Htuttte of (leoi'iio II. Wlllluiim In Statuary Holt. Washington, D. C. xoncH. J. I). MeArdle will arrive In Med ford tut 25th Imit. with plans and hpuulflruiloatt for hUs bungalow and Kiting to be built on Oakdale ave nue, Mcdford Contractors are Invlt- i est to bid Mr McArdle can be Keen s t the Nash hotel HnHldnn for Health - MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. s s X s X Outfit Costs $28.90 on cas tiTius, il' ou nivlVr, and it iurliides Columbia (Iraphophone, si double Disc Columbia UVcords, 12 full selections, ami 200 Nee dles. Informal concert any hour of the day. Drop in any time. BIA raphophones M M earora iviusic McNealy & Co. 220 West Main St. St. Marks Blk. Shop i. x s Every Piece of Winter Underwear Must Be Closed Out EVERY PI ISC E of Winter Underwear in the store must be closed out and tit once. If you are looking for a bargain in ladies', misses' or boys' Vests, Pants or Union Suits, see these before you buy. Ladies' regular $1.50 Union Suits, each Ladies' regular $1.00 Union Suits, each .... Ladies' regular 75c Union Suits, each Ladies' regular GOc Union Suits, each Children's Union Suits, each .25c Boys' $1.00 and $1.25 Union Suits, each 75c ..$1.00 75c 50c 39c girls at Dr. Denton's Sleeping Carments for boys and ONE-FOURTH OFF Your choice of all of all our Boys and Misses Jersey Ribbed and Fleece Lined Vests, Pants, etc., at 25c each Ladies' heavy fleece lined, ribbed, garter top, Burson Hose, and fine all avooI cashmere Hose; 25 e to 35c values; till sizes; closing out price 19c pair, two pair for 35c Men's cotton flannel Cloves, 10c pair, .' pairs i'or 25c Hussey's Steam and Hot Water Beating If you want to be comfortable, heat your home with Hot Water. It costs j on nothing to talk with Ponting 6 Renz the only straight Heating Shop in Medford. 37 SOUTH- CENTRAL. GET THE HABIT Of calling us It you hnvo any electric fix you up In tho boat possible stylo. work of any kind. Wo can It is a Good Habit and Will Cost You Nothing Electric Construction Co. l'HOXi: MAIN 0501 10 WKST MAIN STREET s s s X X s X s Ti V V 44 -n.t.r4.rt.t.t-r-t.r.r-.r.rn.r-tr.t ! 4st.t4r4-