PAGE SEVEN You Can Find Just What You Are Looking for on This Page MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, rEPl?ORT, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1911. Y 1 Y FOR EXCHANGE. Kent Kstmo TO EXCHANGE For Medford preperly: 20 acres, unimproved, $2000; 10 acres, unimproved. $1000; 20 acres, unimproved, $1000; 18 acres, improved, $7500: 52 ucres, improved, $11,000; 30 acres, improved, $0000. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE Alediord and .suburban property, ranches, timber lands, for othor property. Address Box 199, caro Mail Tribune. if FOR EXCHANGE The finest small orchard in Roguo River Valley nt Ashland, within city limits, n lovely home, paid 10 per cent net in 1900 on $32,000, all fine fruit, well as sorted, 0 room, 2 story residence, barn, packing house; price $12,500; will exchange for Los Angeles prop erty of equal vnlue. Address E. T. Lewis, 571 Chestnut street, Ash land, Ore. 302 EXCHANGE Wu have several good Kinchuri to exchange for Med ford, Portland mid Seattle city property. List your property with us for ex change. Rogue Rivcr,Lnnil Co., 11 N. Central ave. Two 5-rooni houses for rent. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE For chick ens, range wire and wool mattress and buggy. 002 E. 9th. ictv. 293 FORfSALE OR EXCHANGE-Five-passengor 4-oylindor touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care .'Mail Tribune offico. tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE The Bunch of Grapes cigar store. Doing good business. Owner has .other interests renuiriiijr attention. No. 4 South Fir street. 292 FOR SALE OR RENT. business Pioiiertj FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general merchandise store in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Roalty Co, 200 W Main tf FOR SALE OR RENT Small tracts of land. Inquire M. M. Maine, 410 N. Ivv or Main phono 742. 305 FOR RENT OR SALE Modern seven room house with two sleeping porches. Inouire of V. II. Everhard. 909 West 0th street, phono 4771. tt FOR RENT Board and I too ins ROOM AND BOARD With Mrs. J. D. Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. 310 North Bnrtlett. BOARD With or without rooms. Mrs. ,7. Judson, 317 E. Jackson at. Phone 3712. 302 PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOM at 510 North Riverside. tf BOARD AND ROOM First class board and room, menta served fam ily vtyle. 900 E. Main street. 295 Furnished Rooms TOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients only. No. 10 N. Grape St., next to Fanners & Fruitgrow er' bank. tf FOR RENT Furnished front bed room, modern, close in. Phone 2092. 113 Laurel st. tf FOR RENT Furnshci! sleeping room; everything now and clean; reasonable price; easy walE from Main st. Only men need apply. Oleson nnd W. Hamilton sts. Phono Main 4474. t . FOR RENT 20 modern equipped rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, electric light, toilets and bnths, suitable for first-class rooming house; rooms en suito, suitable for families or modern offices. Inquire Aldcnhngeu, care Rogue River Elec tric Co. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with bath, 230 N. Central ave. Lady preferred. 291 FOR RENT At tho Cottage, mod ern furnished rooms with or with out board. Rooms equipped with private telephone sorvice, hot and cold running water, Bleeping por ches, bath nccomadations and heat if desired. 004 West 10 st. Phono call private exchange 141. tf. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms, $2, to $3 per week. Also liansekeeniii"'' rooms. 335 W. Second st. 202 FOR RENT One rurnished front bedroom. Phouc 29S1, or call t 203 S. Holly. 22' FURNISHED ROOMS for four gen tlemen, with or without board, pri ato famiiy. 312 So. Grape St, 292 FOR RENT FurnUhed rooms, close In. 100 W. 0th street, corner oi .. Fir. . . " Unfurnished Booms. 292 FOR RENT 3 pleasant unfurnUh ed looms, suitable for house koep ing. electric light. East Medford. 2U Stark street. Phone 5232. 205 IlOU" FOR RFNT House to rent five Look these up, it won't take long to blocks from Hotel Jfr-sh. Inquire -how then, Cornetius-Garner Real at. Eagle, Pharmacy. "' j1 u' 1J3 ' 'Mam bU u FOR RENT. Houses FOR RENT 5-room modern house. Pnli nn v,w,n. o r ' V..II viv Al. Vk.lllU Oil 11. FOR RENT A 5-room modem hone for rent nt $30 a month. Lo cated on paved streets, close in. E, S Tumy, 201 Gnrnett-Corey build J,'. 291 FOR RENT Good place with lots of fruit and pie plnnt producing from $300 to $000 a year with good house and barn, opposite normal school on boulevard, Ashland. John Pierson. Ashland, Or. 291 FOR RENT 0 room house, modern. Phone 4232. 202 Unfitness Rooms FOR RENT Business room ou W. Main st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 216 W. Main st. tf Offices for Kent. FOR RENT Over the postoffice with heat and light. Scb A. A: Davis, tf. FOR RENT Office rooms in Eteo tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 216 W. Main st. If Farms FOR RENT Farms from 40 ucres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general farming ranchos. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 216 West Main. tf Miscellaneous FOR RENT Large warehouse on railroad track now occupied by the Medford Grocery company, Ad dross Page & Son, Portland, Or FOR SALE. Acreage FOR SALE 5 and 10-ucre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at n. bargain, on 5 annual pay raents. Address Condor Water Power Cn FOR SALE 8 1-2 acres of superior gnrdon or alfalfa land in Talent Ore., about (5 acres in ono year old Bartlclt and D'Anjou pears. One side of tract facing on now road, A deep, sandy loam. No hard pan. Price, $525.00 nu acre. L. N. Judd, Talent, Ore. tf. FOR SALE A fine -platting proposi tion, 5 acres bordering city limits, $3000. Don't miss this, if you want to double your money. O. R. Chaffee Land Co., 10 Palm Blk. 290 Lota FOR SALE Ono corner lot 50x140 on Portland avenue, fenced side walk and city water, fruit trees Enquire W. P. Bnker, or 305 Port land ave. 290 IIIOHCROFT residence sites have the most superb view of the city, val ley and mountains. tf FOR SALE-r-Columbus avonuo addi tion, located at Second streot and Columbus avenue, good residence lots on Second street, which wil) hn paved this summer at $375.00. In sido lots at $325.00 with water and sewer in on every lot. $100 down nnd $10 a month. Come early. E. S. Tumy, 201 Gurnett-Corey BIdg. 292 FOR SALE East Side, close in lots, wo have two lots just off Main street close in, in East Medford for a short timo at $025 each! East fronts. Van Dyke Realty Co. 291 AS FOR A MONEY MAKER Wo offer for the first time a block of lots in one of the new select addi tions to Medford. This is a rare offer for one with a few hundred dollars to invest. See us Monday. Huntley-Kremcr Company, 15 N. Central avenue. Houses FOR SALE A 0-room modern house close in for $2050;. easy tonus are offered. Better take a look at this. E. S. Tumy, 201 Qumett- Corev Bldg. 201 FOR SALE We have tho properties. Wo have tho time. Wo hnvo (he inclination. Wo have tho facilities, for showing our properties, nnd as a guarantee to this, let us show you a 5-room bungalow on N. Peach St., that is thoroughly modern, is on an cast front lot, nnd hu.s water, sewcV, side walk, and streot paving in and paid for. Tho price is $3000 nnd wo can get good terms on this. Coructius-Gar-nor Roaltv Co., 133 W. Main st. tf FOR SALE Hero is another good buy. A 'I room modern bungalow, 1 block from W. Main st., on an east front lot, 50x102. Thir. is a brand new house and "ill lie finished and tinted to suit purchaser. The Price is onlv $2450. f330 down. 'the balance like rent if o doviicd. a Houses FOR SALE In offering you a 'lot in Siskiyou Heights, theie nro many things for you to consider. 1st. Uniformity of neighbors. 2nd. The view of the surrounding valley. 3rd. The size of your lot. (63x 150.) 4th. T hCprioo that we can make you. For tho next 30 days, wo can sell you your choice out of six of these lots for 50 cents on tho dollar. Cor nelius-Garner Realty Co., 133 W, Main streot. FOR SALE A good lot on Ross Court. 50x133. for $050. All im provements in, sue has water, sewer and street paving. We have this for a short time only. Some of you people who nro looking for u good lot to build on, let us show you tins Cornetius-Garner Really Co., 133 W Main street. ' FOR SALE 1 Lot, 2 room house, chicken houo and yard, fenced sidewalk, force pump, city wntcr; fruit trees, $600. 305 Portland Ave. FOR SALE Largo modern house with south and east front, 113 feot front on paved street, by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modrn; reason for se)ling, lndy of Iwiso needs a cbauo of climate; ttiis place is suitable for nico homo or first class rooming hauso; easy tonus lo right party. S tho Jackson County Realty Co., 604 West Tonth st. Wo also have largo and small tracts of improved and unimprov ed orchard Innds. Office 214 Gar net. Corey Bldg, 2nd floor. tf. FOR SALE Ono of tho most mod crn bungalows in Medford; new, front porch 10x10 ; five rooms, bnth, hall and vestibule, beamed ceiling. built-in furniture including book cnseB, writing desk, buffot, oto.; modern kitoheuctto, electric -wires nnd fixtures complete. Proporty J feet above street grade; south front, joining new school property, 702 Jackson boulevard west. See own er on property. , tf FOR SALE Now 2-roorn house $075,00; monthly pnjinents like rent. F. O. Burgess & Co., 303 E Main, opposite Kentner & Co.'s store. 201 HMALL HOUSE l2 acres garden land, city water; rent cheap; on heights. Enquire ' 115 Cottage street. 291 FOR SALE BELOW COST SHE THIS TODAY. For quick sulo I am offering my brand new bungalow at a genuine bargain. It is located on corner of North Oakdale and Hamilton sts., onlv three blocks from Main street ; it stands on the best viev lot on the west side; has blue stone porch, firo palco and foundation, beamed ceil ings, solid mahogany door, hardwood floors, largo living room and dining room, cabinet kitchen, bedrooms with closets; all woodwork finished in ma hogany and white ennniel art glass electric fixtures, large porch extend ing full length of house; have boon offoied $50 per month rent. Phone Main 1222. tf FOR SALE Two new 7 room houses. One for rent. Inquire Attorney II. A Canaday, 201 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg. 295. FOR SALE Hore is a $100 bargain jf taken at once, a good 5 room house, with screened sleeping iorch is rented for $15.00 per mouth Faces the east on Beatty street, near North Central Avenue. $1200 is the price now. $375 down, bal ance to suit. O. R. Chaffee Laud Co., 10 Palm Blk. 290 FOR SALE Business or residence, $2300 modern house on paved street in $1300 cash, balance 0 per cent. O. R. Chaffee Land Co., 10 Palm Blk. 29(5 FOR SALE by thu owner, a modern six room house, one block fiom Oakdale avenue. A big snap ior cash, if taken before March 7. Ad dress L X crtro Tribune. tf. F.OR SALE Now 5 room cottage and block, 100x200 for sale cheap if taken soon. See owner at 1417 West Eleventh or phone Home 181 K. 207 FOR SALE Three-room house largo lot or Will build to suit purchaser, pay like rent. O. M. Ro.o, 902 E. 9th. Box 522, Medford, d!5 JIIGHCROFT lesidencfl sitpx uro des tined to double and treble :n value. tf Ul'l. FT" - . . . FOR SALE FOR SALE Business Projicrty FOR SALE Choici business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa- ' ter Power Co. FOR SALE Warehouse or business property, wo have n corner 50x100 feet paving and nil other assess ments paid in full, with housu that will rent for $20 per month. Close in. , Price will double in a few months. Prico if bnrganed for at once $3500. See The Van Dvke Roalty Co. 291 Real Kstato HIGHCROFT residenoo sites nro of fered nt present price for a sho't time only. tf FOR SALE Special bargain, 20 aores, less than one mile from Ea gle Point; woven wiro fencing; laud lays nearly level and is high gradt sticky soil; 7 acres cleared, balance very easily cleared. Don't fail lo see this if you aro looking for a fine investment. Prico $1(500. C. C. Pierce, 128 East Main St.. Medford, Or. 300 FOR SALE 40 nnres Ktntntmirn lnnd for particulars. Address E. Marshall box ;W7 MciUont, ure. UU1 FOR SALE A rare chance. A sti perior traut, 5 acres, lying less than 1-3 milo distant from whori Iho high school, and Christian church ure in a stale of building; 4 acres aro now in alfalfa. First ca loam, well drained, vory deep soil, suitable for alfalfa or any kind oi fruit (No hard pan) The owner i now working alfalfa up and wil plant next week to 2 year old win ter Nollis, pnrt with Muir Elborta poneh filling, good gnrdon nnd hur ry land. A neat new foui room cottngo on it with twe closets and pantry; excellent wel 24 feet deep, sufficient to irrignti the land; all level. $1000 cash, $1, 000 in 1 year, and $1000 in i years. It is richly worth comiii. to see. L. N. Judd, exclusive agent Talent, Ore., Feb. 21, 1911. tf FOR SALE Sixty thousand noro of farm, frut and ranch land, !i one body, near, railroad in Tehnmr Couijty, California. Partly irriga bio, for sale cheap. Box 204, Ilei Bluff, Cab, or Jlox' 51 Ashland Oregon. 290 FOR SALE Ono of tho beBt frul ranches on Rogue River; 14 acres ii full bearing nnd a regular produce" tj mild from station. Good rone" tair building nud fencos. Fric reasonable, best of terms. For fur thor particulars inquire at 1012 E Main st. ' 300 Seeds and Trees. FOR SALE Peach trues, 4 to 0 feol $10 per 100; Royal Ann cherry, 4 U 0 feet, $12 per 100. Donald Nur scry Co., Donald, Or. 303 FOR SALE Com. Inquire Dr. Clnncx office, Phipps Bldg,, or phono Mail 501. tf. l'oullt-y and Kggs, FOR SALE Full blood whito Loig horn eggs. Fanner phono 5302. 302 FOR SALEPuro blood cockerel an' pullets, also pure blood Buff Or pington cockerels, John B. Huir, Woodville, Or. 291 TOR SALE Thoroughbred White Loghorn eggs for hatching froir puro bred Whito Leghorn hens which have been selected and bred to standard cockerels for the past iiino years. Greatest layers winter and summer. No birds for sale' $1.50 per setting of 15; $4 for 50 $7 per 100. John F. Miller, Jack sqnville, Or. ;n.'J FOR SALE-Eggs for hatching, $1 for $15, $5 per 100; Brown Leg horns, fine lnyors, day-old chiekF 10c each. I. A. Armstrong, Bo. 130, Medford, Or. 308 FOR SALK Full blooded barred lMyiiiottth Rock eggs for setting. Address 27 S, Central ave. 292 FOR SALE Barred Roek from sel ected laying stock, eggs $1 perl'). V. Bursell, Central Point, Ore. Phono Medford Fanners 7180. 310 FOR SALK-S. C Wh. Leghorns and White OrpinH''u- Scud us your or der now for baby chicks or hatch ing eggs for April and May deliv ery, Have already booked orders for all our March chicku and eggs. Our breeders are all trapnosted. Can give pedigree of each egg. Unquestionably tho earliest and host layers in the county. "Better birds, more eggs." Mrc. E. E., Oman. Jacksonville, Or. tf MlhcolJunootiH FOR SALE A good family driving horse, weight 1200. lbs,, and u good ranoh team, weight 2500. For sale ohoup if tukmi at once. Inquire O. R. fhnffee Laud Co., No. 10, Palm blk. n FOR SALE. Miscellaneous FOR SALE A bargain in automo biles. As good as now. Ownor pur chased larger machine. Crnter Lake Garage, Rivcrsido avonuo between Main and Eighth streots. tf. FOR SALE Emerson square piaao with pianola self player and fifteen pieces perforated music, $150. Write jock box 7, Jacksonville, Oro. 294 FOR SALE Washington coal, $S.50 per ton; Rock spring coal, $12.00 per ton. Burfidgo tho coalman, phone 1002. 291 FOR SALE A nearly now 3-horsc-power gas engine; cost $135. will sell for $90. A. If. Ware, Medford. FOR SALE Furniture, 240 South Grape streot. 292 FOR SALE A 3000 gal. galvanized tank, novcr used, $00. A. K. Ware, Medford. 202 FOR SALE Fresh cider for sale, by gallon or bnrrcl. OIL W. 9th streot. 291. FOR SALE -Some canned fresh fruit, Call up 2981. 292 FOR SALE Two sorrol mares, 3 years, old, well matched nnd broke, weight nbout 1400 lbs. each; J span dark bay mares, well matched weight nbout 1150; 2 sels good har ness; '1-in, Sludebaker wagon, good as now. Address John Pier son, Ashland, Or. 291 FOR SALE HIGHCROFT residence sites hnvo delighted everyone who has seen tho properly. tf HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male WANTED Salesmen Iu every local ity of the northwest; raonoy ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 month; choico of territory. Yakima Valloy Nursory Co., Top penish. Wash. WANTED Married man with know ledge of orchard work to take charge of fruit rnnch, nenr Jackson villc. Address caro Mall Tribune office. 291 Help Wonted Female. VANTED Woman for cooking or general work; family of four on ranch near Eagle Point. F. Pe lonze. 297 VANTED Womnn for genoral housework. Good wages. Inquire 322 S. Newtown or phone 1404. 291 SITUATIONS WANTED. iVANTED Position as foreman for ranch, 20 years' experience, thor oughly competent, reliable and striet lv temperato; all round mechanic, 45 years old and single, Bcsl of references. Address O, Mail Trjb tine. 291 SITUATION WANTED-Good ro iublo American, middle ago woman like to come to Medford; like posi tion as housekeeper. Prefer wid ower, small family. Address E. S. 1312 Macadam street, Portland, Oregon. 292 WANTED. MIhcvIIuiiooub iVANTED Six or seven room mod ern house before May 1. Reason able rent. Address Manager, care ofthisoffice. tf 'A'ANTED Driving "horco. Must bo young, gentle, and a good traveler. Phono. Farmer 7114. 291 WANTED To match good sound youn ranch horse weighing about 12,00 pounds, used to orchard work, or will sell my horse and buy team. T. II. Conger, Central Point. R. F. D. No. 1, Box 30. 292 WANTKD-To set and lake charge of young orchard; have the expeti ciieo iu pruning or cultivating, and am an eastern singlu man. Address J. M. Steele, Clou'! Del., Medford, Or. 30 1 WANTED Furnished house, five or six rooms. Moor-Ehni Co,, 212Fruit- irrowers Bank bldg. 305 WANTED To borrow $2500 for three years, 8 per cent, close in improved city properly, good se curity. Address Box 37, care Mail Tribune. t f WANTED Good second hand inou bator. Address J. II. Carkln, Mud ford, Oregon. tf. MISCELLANEOUS HIGHCROFT residence siton will bo known ns tho real "Nob Hill" of Medford. tf FOR QUICK WORK in sower dig ging, work guaranteed, see F. F. EocIob and A. G. MiiHtoe. Home phono 152R or 515 S. Grape. 202 BREEDERS ATTENTIONI-Having brought to Medford the fast pacing stallion AhIioii, record 2:12'i. will bo pleased to talk with any portion owning a good mare that thoy wish to breed to tho fast out hoipo iu southern Oregon. A. K. Ware, one mile South cf Medford. 302 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Now hotel, doing good business, good location. Address lock box 75, Butte Falls, Or. 207 i'U. u&Aiitt noiri. anu. nusinessi r n i i it hotiso nnd livery barn; one of the best paying hotels in southern Or egon. G. W. Owings, Engle Point, Oregon. tf HIGHCROFT residence sites aro des tined to double and treble in vnlue. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants I). R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kopt for it reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offico Phipps bldg., room 209. Phono 3122. Assnycr nud Anniyst EARL V. ING ELS, B. S. Best equipped assay offico in Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, water, etc., nn olyiod. Grants Pass. Architects JOHNS & TURNER. Architects nnd Buildors. Offioo 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Mnb 3471. Residence phone 744. A. P. GOODWIN, Architict, office 340, corner Front nhd Third. Attorneys COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. RoomcB. Lawyers. Of fice Medford Nationnl Bunk build ing, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM, P. MEA LEY Attor'noys-nt-lnw. Nos. 1 nnd 2, Postoffice building. A. E. REAMES Lawyor, Garnott Corey bldg. W1TIIINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. 11. F. MULKEY- Lawyor. Room 30. Jackson Co. Bank bldg. liiltiard 1'urlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hull building. A nice, cool placo to spend tho hot after noons. Hill rosters VERNE T. CANON Bill potorunc Distributor. All ordors prompt!) filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank building, Medford, Or. Collections ACCOUNTS collected iu auy part of tho world. No chargo if not col lected. Pacific Collecting Co,, 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldi:. Cigars and Tobacco IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Denlors in tobacco, cigars and Binoroks' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, EI Moritt und El Palonoiu. 212 West Main street. Fidelity and Surety bonda L. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in tho best companios. 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Furniture II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in now nnd soond-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. 10 South Fir streot. Phono Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS -Corner 8th and Holly ctrects, Mad ford. Mission furniture mudo to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstoves nnd ranges. Now and second-hand furniture. Euds' old stand, 18 W F at., South. Phono 91, Medford Ontulto Works GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main st., manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumoutnl and buildiu granite, crushed granite common brick nud pressed brick, coarse nud fino washod river snnd. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T O'Brien Contractors and manu-' faeturcre of brisk; dealors in J pressed brick and lime. Offioo in Onrnott-Corov block, room 209. 2d ' floor. Phono No. 3181 ! Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE - Cut flowers, potted plunts, shrubbory bulbs. 923 E. Mnin. Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES-Our trees nro budded, not gruftod. Our stool is not irrigated. We cuiirantee ov erything put out. Wo are not u I the trust. II. B. Pnttorson, offic removed to 116 E. Main t I ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., ino Growera ni niKh -erode nursory stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC Room aU7, Phipps bldg. HELEN M. YOCKEY, Notary Public. Bring your work to me at tho Bi'gn of yo Mail Tribune. tf riij-Niclnns nud Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, M. D., Physician and Surgoon. Special attention given to internal medioino and gen eral offico oractiee. Offico hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Offico phono 731, rosidenco phono 4542. Offico over Strnng's dru store. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD- Physicinu and Surgeon. Office 216. E. Mniu st., over Ha kins' drug store. Phono Mnin 1001 DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phy 8ioinns and surgeons, Taylor an' Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212, Offico phono 501, rosidonco phone 612. Office hours 0 a. r,i. to 8 p. m DR. F. G. CAR LOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to Rooms 410 and 4J.7, Garnctt-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 0351. DR. E. II. PORTER Diseases of womeu a specialty. Rooms 6, d. 7 8. St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Oi Phones: Offico 4001, resident 4051. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS-Prack fico limited to disensoa of tho eye, oar, noso and throat. Offico Suite 318, Qarnott-Corcy bldg. DR, ARTEMAS W. DEANE, Dentist Offico in Rinlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gub administered for ox traction of teeth, Tolophono Mam 081. Night phono 4432. DR. W. W. WICK nomeopathi. physician; residenco 203 Olson st., pnono Ainin 4474; office, rooms 3 nnd 4, St. Mark's block, phone Main 1871. DR. STEARNS-r-Physiciau and sur geon. Offico Gamott-Coroy bldg rooms 211-212, phono 1092. Res donco 113 Laurel st.. phono 2092. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD -Prnctico limited to diseases of wo men. Offico HttskiuB bldg. Phone Main 1001. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoo. Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoo. Dentists. Garnctt-Coroy bldg., suite 318, Mod- ford. Or. Both l0nos. DR. R. E. GREEN, eyo, oar, nose nnd throat. Rooms 212-213 Gar- nnott-Coroy bldg. DR. E. E. KOCH, Chiropractic dem onstrator of Psychology. Easo for all disease No drags. No knives. Phono 0701, or call at 300-307 Garnet t-Coroy blk. Hours 0 to 12; 1 to 0, and 7 to 8; by nppointmont on Sundays. CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goiters, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, pri vuto disonses and all kinds of chronic nnd nervous ailments. Stom och trouble, constipation, indiges tion, womb nnd bluddor troubles. See mo at 211 S. Front st., Med ford, Or. DR. LEROY M. GORDON-Chiro-praotio spinologist; over Medford Hnrdwaro Co., 216 E. Maiu st. Medford, Or. Priiiters and PubllsJiera MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the host equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Book binding; looso loaf systems; cut paper, otc, etc., Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW-Pxiiu tiloon. 8tenotraphio nork done muddy and well. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, 4Q2 Garnott-Corey Bldg., Medford, Or. Miss L. J. Ilingston. Tolophono Home 95. Tin Shops J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and shoot iron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G st. Road Signs. VALLEY SIGN ADVERTISING CO.'S SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phono 802. 18 Riverside Ave. Tents nnd Awnings MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING Co., makers of now, repairers of old. Both phonos 405, S. Oakdale. Unions CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAT 1810 Moots nt Smith's hall. 125 North Grape 'streot, ovory Thurs day evening promptly ni 8 o'olon All iounieYmon carpenters, ns well as loool members, urged to be pres ent. Businosa of vital Juterost o all carpenters, transacted' nt theaa mootiutra. ' 1 . i t.l i ! ' ? i V-.. . tr