r pAnra six GOOD PRICES FOR LIVESTOCK1 Prlmn Slnrrs Brinn SG.75. Hnns SR.75 " w U T i u t Sheep $4.75, Lambs $5.85 All Re ceipts at Portland Stock Yards Cleaned Up. PORTLAND UNION STOCK I YARDS. l'el. 2ft Tho receipts on this innrkeL for tlie week outline to day arc as follews: Cnlllu, 1997; calves, 52; hogR, 1009; sheep, -G018; and Iioihos, 0. One of (lie features of the week v'iir the stronglh of tlio cnltle market, prime liny fed steers bringing fyQ.'to ami jiru'es ranging around .( for niciliiun prudes. 15uycrn wore ready to buy nnd everything cleiined up at satisfactory pi ices. Tlie cow mar ket watt steady but receipts were very light. Calve4 were in a minority and quality of llmne offered was not good. The hog market was in splendid condition. Scarcity of receipts nml Ktroug demaiKl account jor prices piiid. Only 2 cam weie sold on tlio open market, one hiinging ifS.oO and tlie other, well finished Muff weigh ing 220(1, .8.75. Hiilunce of the re ceipt g were con Ira clod cnMoni stoi'U. RrcolpiK in the sheep line wore Mil) large hut prices saem to have found n level al the following quota queta quota teons: good grain fed latulrn, $7h!i0 to .Id-S,'), wethers lieiivv $l..r0 to $-1.75, yearlings $1.2.") to -1.(10, owes .t.'l.fiO (o $1.00. Everything was (loaned up and shippers seemed satisfied. In (he horuc market domain con- tinned good for drafters with increased market for delivery diiving horsey. an nnd MEDF0RD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Hertford morehantrt Potatoes -Jtl.arifJDl.fiO per o.wt. Cabbage 1Va(7Dl:ijc. Squash 85cf5-fl. Pajsnipu 1 V.'O. Califoinin lotlttoi 10e head. Carrots lVu Boots IVjc. Onions' lVfcc to 1.88. T'onrs l'6n2o Prunes Drie.l, -lo. Pumpkins Hh 2 jo. Apples 2o, Celery 7f5e(rt)$ per doren. ' Under, Eggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Hertford incrchunls Huttor Fresh ranch (roll), Hoc. iiruamory, 70o. Iiggs Fresh ranch, ,'lfio. Poultry Mixed, 10(14e: spriii'.' cliiokens, l-lfjplflo; turkeys, i7. (Prices pniil producers.) Hay Timothy, .1-1(1; alfalfa.a $H grass, $1-1; grain hay, $10. Grain Wheat $1.16 bushol; outs foM ton; barley, .f.'12 ton. Huef Cows, 'l(iJViyio; Fteers, fi(u Pork 7 Va (58(i. Void l)t eased, flc. Mutton rifJi)f)A(", lambs, 0o, (Hilling pneorf.) Rolled linilov. -1-1.75 owt.; 2 ten: limn. l 7'. n.Mldliiitrx 1 W1 nil CITY NOTICES OltDIXAXCK XO. 151. Aii ordlnanco eRtablluhlng sowar dlstrlot No. IS In the city of Med ford. Oregon, ami derinliiK the bouii i1m'1i llieieof. TUo city of Medford doth ordain an follewii: Sectiun 1. That tlio dlntilct luclml od wltlihi the lollowhiK boundaili'H In tilt oil) of .Medford, Oiogou, I l.oreby entablltilied nn and dodaiod to bo In owor dttrlct No. lit. to-wlt. Coiuiiiom-lnif at u noliit on the wiwt-' nrly bouiidm of the city of MiHlford, o'clock p. tit., for the purpose of kiiIi j.O feet due uoith fiom the uoith lluei mlttlng to the qualified electors of of ,lM(-kou utroet: thence in a north- mid city, for their approval or re oostorly dlroctlon along the corporate iJectlou, tho following entitled niuund llmltM of mild Pity to the southwoat nieht to the chnrtor of tho City of uoraor or I lie John S Miller doiiatlnu , Medrerd: luiiil elnlni: thoiice omuI along the1 l An amendment to the cluster boundary line or until city to tho went, of tho City or Medrord, providing for lino of Rhervldu inein.e. thence1 board of rislhtratlon. and Ub dutlou south aloiiB the wostorly side of Rlv-mnd tho leglstratlon of voters, oraldii Kvoutic to tho north lluo of t. An amendment to the charter Jiiekson street; thence wst along the of the City of Medfo.d .anindelng north llnu or Jackson street to the lilncd of beglnnliiK. except lag and ie serving therefrom blocks 1 nnd 2 of tho Oak Park addition to the olty or Medford. And it is hereby declined and or dered that trunk lluo sowers and lut orrtls b cmibtrtictod In said district sufficient to earn for the ilralnase thoroof, iieeordliis o sod purstiaut to tho charter or tho city ot Modrord in,., r.irauniiiir nni tnniiio. unit uHMM- Oil by th city of Medford. Oiogon. on cress or the bonded IndebtednohS or time and place, and show cause, U tlio a 1st day or Fobruary. 1911. byisatd ctt) to the extent of $!000, mid su the hae, why said construction tho followlnjc vels: Merrick ayo, Wuttlbtun to b usi'd lor the solo purpose ofhonld not bo msdo and tho cost nyo, Wortmun au Kinerlck ayo, HI ltnt ay ami iiinsr aye. , Apppovod Ftfbpuary Hist. 1911. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: I ROUT. W TISU'WU. ' City Ruoordor. : KKSOUTIOX. ! Ho it rosohed b) the city council of tlio city of Medford. Oregen: '1'Jiat it ic the intention of the coun cil to lay u 4-liKh water main on Knight atroot fiom Taft aeuue to Main on Vermont strwt, aud to h KOW tho cost thcii'oi upou the proo orG' fruntlng ou said portion of snld . . ... ..,.w...ii,, i ii,i. fm.iMiMi! nr .aid i ronor ty fTlircaS ell lumber In the ity lull In snld (iv on tho 7th day r Manli l'i 1 1. III 30 jl. m., tti WIlKU Umo all IUU - APPLES BUG HIGHER PRICES RotlUC River Ben Davis Net $1.40, i tif.. ,t. - .... a ' Ncwtowns, $i.uo; wincsaps, $z..jd ! all f. o. I), orcyon Norinwestern Exchange Has Call for More. The Noithuct Fruit Exchange - sues under date ol Portland, Oiegon, Feb. 21. the follewing: The host in formed authorities agree that Febru ary will be another month of very heavy withdrawals from cold Btor age in the large eastern centers, jt is generuly concerted that the soft, weak fruit has been cleaned up to a great extent, and as the demand continues satisfactory, the market is showing a gieat deal of slieiigth. The call for Spit.enbeigs, however, still shows rather unsatisfactory volume, and best SpitzcnboiuH arc reported r. selling in tlie New Yoik market hiosl ly around $2.25, with sonic sa'os down to $1.50, and a k-w sales of the very fanciest mark1 uj) to $2.75 for favorite sizes'. The exchange has found that tho most satisfactory demand contiiiuos to come from (he middle and south western territory, which is undeniab ly short of good fruit. The peculiar situation has developed ol re-shipment of northwestern apples fr.ua Chicago back to points faither west, and the exchange even had u request from Denver lecently, for ouotutious on northwoMern stock f. o. Ii. Chi cago. ,ci,nco last lcporl, the exchange has made the following sales, which servo to illustrate tlie strength ol the maiket: , Pieforrcd 81IH1, fjom Phoenix, Rogue River Valley, Oiegon, Febru ary 20th, .1(5 fancy Men Davis, $1.-10; 22 choice Hen Davis, $1.20; 18!) choice ." tier Dens, $1.00; :," "Culls", DOc; nil f. o. h. Oregon, lo a buyer Hi Georgia. I1...I- i ..m-i. ... ..i..., it ' J aney Goniloiis, $!.(!(); II (icniloiih, $I.:15; 27 choice W. ,,r Pouiiuuiils, l.lt."); 8 choice Spituit boigs, $1.10. All f. o. h. Oregon, to u bin or in Texas. Those are top notch piices, which aie emphasized hy tho fact that the car contains ID.'I boxes of 5 tier fruit; balance uiosllv ( 1-2 teirs. The exchange could sell u number of cUIk o apples to excellent iid vnnli.go, niitl invites growers having a supply to liM Hpecificntioiis al once. CITY NOTICES. IfBlH against the lujlag of said water lUalti on mu id port Ion of said stieot and the nBHcusmcut of the cosl thoie of upon the pioperty tioutliig theieon will be beard. The foregoing i (isolation was imss ed by ho city council of tho city of Medford on tho 2 1st day of February, 191 1, by tlio following ete: Merrick ayw, Watt ao. Woitmnn no, Minor- Ink ae, lSlfn.t too, Millar no. Appioved F(ibruury 2lHt.19tl. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Alteal: ROUT. W TIOI.FICIt. City Recoider. KKSOM'TIOX. lie it Itetiolved l the City Council of the C'Jt or Modtoid, Oiogoir That thiMM be anil lieieby Is called H siioclal election In Hiid for the Clt or Medfoid. to bv hold on tho 10th day or March. 1911, between the liouiH or 9:00 o'clock a. in. and 5:00 goc-tlon 72 theieor. proMitliiK tor an uoresso of the bonded iudebtoiluosH ot ii Id City to the extent or $0.000. in Id sum to be used for the solo pur pose or making ImptowMuouts In tlio water systum of wild city and paying lor trunk, sanitary and ktoiiu rowers, heietofore or hereattor constructed by said ctt) : u aineiulnipiit to the charter or the Ctt) ot Medford, HUiiindliiK buo llnu "rl thi'iimr m-o lilliiu for an la- t ln luioruxetiiiint of the tire ileimrt- nie.it or said ills I. An auiemiiuent to .lie chnitorj or the City o( MeiUord, aineiidtng soc-i Mrm 7! fhni-.uif in-iiv Irllnu for tile reatlon of a slukltia fund for the pur- pose of the retirement of the bonds of is.. i'Hv nt Miulfiird .. W..J "- ,,.-. 5. An uiiieudmeiit to the charter of ... ... .,.-..,.-. lb., cltv of Medrord amendlUK section i KT or said charter, pnnlillag for re- . mi ho,, ..on laic..., .u K.. y ,' ofltPl, u.orol.y and adjacent Rivr Valley, Oregon, Fobruary 21st, tiirit). 17 choice red cheeks, $l.:i."j; 8 fanoyi Section 2. The council will hear Laiivers, $l.-ll); ;i(l fiincy Newlowns, and consider any piotests against 1 on- Md ,.lwii,. vu.il,u-iiu -si .in- Mild construction and the assessing $1.00. .1(1 choice Now w is, .1.-I0, r,orly for the cost thereof 25 lancy Men Davis, $1.-10; 21 1 choice ,1( n ,m,,!tHg nt the council to bo held lien Davis, $1.10; (18 fancy Wincsaps,!. Maich 7th, 1911, at 7::U) o'clock p ' .-! in ,.lin!,.i, Wiinn.inn. -ui 7.-,. ,n lm . In the council chamber In said payiuettt of amouiit paid by pureiiaa- The foregoliiK omittance was pass era at sales of propeit fur deltu- ,d bv the cltv council or the ill) of iiueat assessments in mild ilty lu Mdfoid. Oiegon. mi the 31st day of case the i-hIo Is vacated, set aside, h'ebruar). tall, bv the following or deiiaiud id b) hid couil ttt: Mrrik aye. Wntl live, Wort- The follewliii: nntiied iieraoua at man ayo. Kuunick ae. Kifert ayo, hri-L uuiiolnted hidHtM and clerks 'of mid eloetlon First Wind J W. I.lng JudBO. n I' Uwto,, judne mi.1 ele.k. I. I. Dainon mrfge :n..l . I. i k - SiioiiUWiiia J" UeilJ Jildi. atEDFOTCD MAIL TRTBUNE, CITY NOTICES. Clins. P. Tfllcnt Judge and clerk, Win. Ulrich Judge and clerk. Third Ward: P. W. Chclgrln Judge, J. Summnrvillo judgo nnd clerk, H. ' II. Lorlmer Judge nnd dent. TM,r fniinwinir urn hereby designed as the places for holding snld elec-j Ho,,, i First Ward: Hall over nnsKinsi Drug store Hotel Nash sample oecoiiu tviuu. rooms. Third Ward City Hall. ti id riiwlim- resolved that the re- colder of said City of Medford be 'as follews: and hereby Is ordorcd to glvo notice) Section 1. K Is the Intention of of said election In the manner pro-iu)(. council to cause a lateral sower vlded by the charter In tho case of 'to ho constructed along Knight street nnnunl elections of said city. I from Taft avenuo to Grape street, The foregoing resolution wan pass-l;uui to assess the cost thereof upon ed by the city council of tho City of ino property directly benefited thoro Medford, Orogon, on tho ICth day of j,y and adjacent thereto. t.iirnnrv. 1911. by tlio following Section 2. Tho council will lieur vote .Merrick absent, Watt man nye. Emerlck aye, nye, Wort Elfcrt nye, and Miliar aye. Appioved February 10th, Kill . W. H. CANON, Attest: .Mayor. ROUT. W. TELil-l-JK, uuy uccoruui. NOTICE OF I5LKOTION. Notice Is heicby given that a spe cial election will be held In nnd for tlio city of Medford on March lOth, 1911, for tho adoption or rejection of those certain proposed charter amendments to tho charter of tho city of Medford, set forth In tho foregoing resolution. Said election to bo hold at tlio tlmo and places designated In nald resolution. ROUT. W. TEL.FER, City Recorder City of Medford. OKDIXAXCK xo. ir5. An ordinance providing for the construction of a 0-Inch lateral sow er along alloy through block 7, orig inal townslto, from a point 25 feet fiom the north lino of Third street, and for the assess ment of the cost the eof on tho prop erty directly benefited thereby and adjacent thereto, and providing a mooting of the council to consldoi protests against said construction and assessment and tho serving of the owneni of such property with no tice theieor. The city of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. It Is the Intention of tho council to cauBO a lateral sower to be constructed along allej through block 7, original townfilte. from a point 2i feet from norm mic of T i ii street, and to ushchb tin i.riHt I inreor iinoii ino nruiifriy uncci- ... . .' .. .1! ...... I niii.iiMliy. ami nu iiropunj- unm-m w. .i.. "'" "i,...(,. ...iiiw.mii tn kiiIiI sevr and lien- ..' . .. i r. .,. uij . - - - ,, .., eflted tlieiebv nie hemlij called upon to appear befoio said council at sax. time and place, and show oiiuso. If any they have, why said construction should not be mndo and the cost thereof so asBesseil. Section I!. The city recorder it hereby rt hooted to serve notice tlieie of upon the property owners alore said, liv causing throe copies of thlF ordinance to be posted In three pub He places In nald city, and said ordi nance to be published once In a dall uwBpnpor published and or genera' circulation la the city, at least ton davn before the dale of said mooting The foregoing ordinance was pasB I'd by tlio cltv council of tho city ol Medford. Oiegon, on the 2 1st day or February, 1911, by the lollowlni-' ote- Merrick ao. Watt ae, Wort man io e, Kineilcl. aye, Hlfeit aye, and Millar aye. Approved Febrtntiy 2 1st. 1911. W. H. CANON, Maor. Attest ROUT. W. TKl.l-T.R, City Recorder. OKDIXAXCK XO. ir.ll. An ordlnanco prolding for tho noiitftruetlon of a 0-lnclt lutoial sow er along Almond stieot fiom noitb line ol lot l'i, block 2, Wll leKe addition in Hast Main stieot, and foi the assess ment ot the cost theieor on the piop rt dlroctt lieuofltod tboiob. and Hdjneeiit thereto, and ptoidlng a nieotlng ot the council to consldoi protoHts aKiilnst said conjunction and HHtii'Hsuioiit and the solving or the owners or such pioporty with no tice theroor. The city or Modrord doth ordain as follews: Section t It I the intention of tho council to cutiMo a lateral sewer to be consti noted along Almond si i net trom north lino of lot 16 block S. Wllloko addition, to Hast Mulu street, and to askoss the cost theroor upon the propel ly direct!) Iieneriled tliereby and adjacent there to. Soot Ion 'J The council will hem mid consider any protests against mild construction and the assessing of snld property for the cost theroor at a nicotinic of the council to ho held March 7th, 1911. at 7 80 o'clock p hi , In the council clittiuber In said cl(, mid all pioporty owners of prop rt ad lucent to snld sower and boa- ontod thiob sre hereby called upon tn iiiiiicai- before BRiil council st said (hnniof so asseksiid Section 8 The lit) recorder U heieb) directed to hone not loo thoio- 0f upon llto pioperty ownms aforo- ul.l In- oiilialllic throil ( OPllVI Of tlllb ordinance to bo poMed in three pub - tu- pluces in said lit), and said ordl- 'ii.h.... lo l. niibllshed ome In a dally' ...I...- . . ,...-.... ..,- ... w- ,........- - -. -- - newspaper published and or general . in-uUIUin In the city, at least ten iliculatloii d before the date of snld ineetiuK sud Millar ayo. Approved Vohrtmry 81st. 1011. W 11. CANON. M.ivor. x..-t m)T, ItullI W IrUMt Ui)Rvci'ldcl fEDFORT), eREflOX, MONDAY, FEBRTTAKY 27. 1911. CITY NOTICES. ORMXAXCK NO. 157. An Ordinance providing for the "onstmctloil of nn 8-Inch lateral bow op along Knight stroet from Tdft ave nue to Grape street, and for the us- jessment of the coat thereof on the property directly benefited thereby and adjacent thereto, and providing a meeting or inc council 10 uuhhiuui proioBiH against etuu construction mm assessment and tho serving of the (owners of such property with notice 'theieor. The city of Medford doth ordain ind consider any protests against inld construction and the nsBessIng ol said property for the cost thereof at a meeting of tho council to bo hold March 7lh. 1911. at 7.30 o'clock p. in.. In the council chamber in said i lly, and all property owners of prop erty ndjacent to said Bcwor and ben efited thereby arc hereby called upon '0 appear before said council at said Mine and place, and show cause, If my thoy havo, why said construction should not bo made and tho cost thereof so assessed. Section 3. Tho city recorder 1 'lereby directed to serve notice thore- it upon tho property owners more aald, by cailBlng three copies of thle irdlnanco to bo posted In throe pub ic pfncea In snld city, and said ordl lance to bo published once In a dally lOWBprtpor published and of general "Irculatlon In the city, nt least ten layB beforo the dato of said mooting Tho foregoing ordlnanco waii pass ed by tho city council or tho city of Medfoid, Oregon, on the 21st day of Fobruniy, 1911, by tho following vete: Merrick aye, Watt aye, Wort ninn nyo, Fmorlck nye, Klfert. nyo, and Millar aye. Approved Fobruary 21st, 1911. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W TBI-iFEU. City Recorder. OKDIXAXCK XO. -1M. An ordlnanco providing for the "oiiBtructlon of a 0-lnch lateral sow ir along alley Ihrough block 20 from i point 75 foot rroin north lino of Second street, and Tor the assess ooilt or the cost thereof on the prop u'ty directly bonoflted thereby and djacent thereto, and providing n ueotlng of tho council to consider -irotests ngalnst said construction i ml assessment and tho serving of tho owners of such property will' tot Ice theroor. The city or Medford doth ordain nB follews: Section 1. It Is the intention of Mio council to cnuso a lateral sowoi 'o bo constructed along alio) 'hi ough block 20 from a point 75 'cot from north line of Second street ind to assess tho cost ehoreOf,. upon be property directly benefited Thcro y and adjacent thereto. Section 2. The 'council will heat Mid consider an) piotests against aid construction and the assessing r said property .or tlio cost thereof it a meeting of tlie council to bo held larch 7th. 1911. at 7:30 o'clock p ni.. In the council chamber In said ity, and all property owners of prop- rty adlacent to said sewer and ben illted thereby are hereby called upon o nppoar before said council at snld lino and place, and show cause, if my thoy have, why said construction ihould not bo mndo aud the cost hoi eof bo assessed. Section 3. The city lecorder is ereby directed to serve notice thero r upon tho property owners nforo ald, by causing three copies or HiIf rdlnanco to be posted In three pub Ic plnces In said city, and said ordl lance to be published once In a dull) lowspnpor published and of gonera' ii dilution In tho city, at least ten lavs boiore tho dato or said nieotlng The toiogolng oidjnnneo was pass ,1 by tho city council or the city of lodford. Oiegon. on tho 21st day of Vbruary, 1911. by tho rollowlng ole: Merrick ayo. Watt ayo, Wort nan ayo. Kinoiick ni Klfert nyo. md Millar nye. Approved February 2 1st, 1911. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROUT W. TF.DFKR. City Recoider OKDIXAXCK ,XO. in:t. An ordinance providing for tin oust ruction or a 0-lnch lateral sow r ii In ni allov tin ough block 4 from point 2f. foot noi th of north line or "'mirth mi eel, anil nip ino assess inenl or the cost thereof on the prop erty dlioctly bonettted tlieiebv and iljacent thereto, nnd providing a nieotlng of the council to consldoi u-otests imalnst said const ruction nut iiKgotfHiuoiit and the serving of tho owners or such propel ty with no tlce thereof The city of Medford doth ordain ns follews: Section 1 It Is the intention of the council to ciuiBO a lateral sewer to bo constructed along alio) thrmiKh dock I from .a point -mi foot north ot north lino of Fourth treot and to assess the cost thereof upon the property directly benefited theioby and adjacent thereto Section 3 Tho council will hear and consider anv protests against nald consti notion and the asseMtng of said pi ojiei ty for the cobi thereof in a meeting ot the council to be held March 7th. 1911. at 7 30 oMm-k p m . in the loui'.ctl chamber In said ctt). and all pioporty owners of prop erty adjacent to said sewer and ben efited thereby are huroby called upon to aiioeur botoro said council at snld time and place, and show cause, If au) they hao. why Mild construction .should not bo made and the cost thereof so assessed. Section 3 Tho city recorder Is ... . ., ., uorobv directed to soie noueo uieie- of a mm the nrotiuitv owners afoio - said, by causing throe copies of this ordinance to be posted lu throe pub - lie places lu said city, aud said oi ill- should not no ui.iue ,iuu tne cost nance to bo published once in a dail) t hoi eof so asseted. new simper published and of general Section S The city rei order is limitation in the cli at least ten hereby directed to serve notice there da) s before the dato of snld meeting of upon tho property owners afore The foregoing ordinance was pass- said, by causing three copies of this ed by tho city council of the cltv of ordinance tb be posted In three pub Medford Oregon on the 2lt dav or lie places in said city and said onll Februnrr lull liv the fulluivliif mince to be published once In u dull , it. Mi-ni.K .in- W.iti .no Won iiixVMMper published md .i neii.iui umu .ti. Liuvii-U ;c, Liuil .i)t muilatlou lu th) ut) at, Icut, Uu CITY NOTICES. aud Millar aye. Approved February 2lst, 1911. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. OKDIXAXCK NO. IB I. An ordlnanco providing lor tho construction of a G-Inch latoral sew er along alley through block 9, orig inal townslte, from the south line of Third stieet, and for the assess ment of the cost thereof on the prop erty directly benefited thereby and adjacent thereto, and providing a meetlnir of tho council to consider protests against said construction and. assessment nnd the sorving oi mu Owners or such property with notice thereof. The city of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. It Is tho intention of the council to cause a latoral sower to be constructed along alley through block 9, original towiiBite. from south line ot Third street, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property directly benefited thereby ind adjacent thereto. Section 2. Tho council will hear ind consider any protests against laid construction nnd the assessing St said property for the cost thereof it a meeting of the council to bo held March 7th, 1911, at 7:30 o'clock p. ii In the council chamber In said ilty, and all properly owners of prop erty ndjncont to said sewer and ben ifltod tliereby are hereby called upon ,o nppear beforo said council at said Mme and place, nnd show cause, R .hy thoy have, why said construction Ihould not bo mndo and the cost thereof so nssessed. Section 3. The city recorder Is loreby directed to serve notice thore f upon tho property owners afoPe laid, by causing three copies of this ordinance to bo posted In tlneo pub ic places In said city, and snld oi'dl nance to bo published once In a dally lowspnpor published and of general irctilntlon In tho city, at least ten lays before the date of said nieotlng, Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed by Die city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 2lst dny of Pebruavy, 1911, by tho following ote: Merrick nyo. Watt avo, Wort nan ayo, Emerlck aye, Elfert ayo, ind Millar aye. Approved February 21st, 1911. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. OKDIXAXCK XO. .5H. ' An ordinance providing for tho Minstructlon of nn 8-inch lateral sow--r along tirapo street from center Mno of Knight street, continued, to lecond street, and for the assessment xr the cost theroor on the property llroctly benonted thereby and adja cent thereto, and providing a meet ng or tho council to consider pro osts ngalnst said coiiBtiiiction and isscBBtnent and. tho sorving or the iwiiers or such property with notlco theroor. Tho city or Medford doth ordain )a follews: Section 1. It Is the lutmitlon of tho council to cause a lateral sovvor "o bo constructed along Grape street 'rom center line or Knight street, continued, to Second street, and to M3BCBB the cost thereof upon the prop rly directly benefited tliereby nnd ldjacent thereto. Section 2. Tho council will hear nd consider any protests against aid construction and the assessing d said property for the cost thoreof it a meeting of the council to be hold Mai eh 7th, 1911. at 7 -30 o'clock p. Si., In the council chamber In snld Mty, and all propoity owners of prop- rty ndjacent to said sower and bon- flted thereby are hereby called upon o nppoar before said council at said lino nnd place, and show cause, It ID the) have, why said consti action lioiibl not be mndo and the cost hereof so iibsessed. Section 3. The city recorder is 'oreby dliected to servo notlco tliere r upon tho property owuors nfoie ald, by causliig three copies of this rdlnanco to be posted In throo pub ic places in said city, and said ordi nance to be published once in n dally newspaper published and of general -licalatlon In the cltv, nt least ton lays beforo the dale of said meeting. Tho foregoing ordinance was pusb d b)' the city council of the cltv of Medrord. Oregon, on tho 21st day of t-'ebruary. 1011. by tho following vete: Merrick n)e, Watt a)i, Woit naii live, Emerlck a)o, Elfert aye, and Millar aye. Appioved February 21st. 1911. W. II. CANON, Mayor. AttOHt: ROUT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. ) KDlSAXCK XO. I " I). An ordinance providing for the construction of a 0-Inch lateral sew r along North D'AnJoii street fiom Second stroet to Fourth street, nnd for the assessment or the cost thereof on- tho property dlreetlv bonoflted thereby ntid adjacent thereto, nnd providing a meeting of the council to consider piotests against said con struction and assessment and the sorving of the owners of such prop erty with notice theroor. Tho city or Medrord dotli ordain as follews: Section 1. It is the Intention or the council to cause a lateral sow ot to bo constructed along North IVAn jou street from Second street to Fourth streot, and to assoss the cost thereof upon the property dlrectl) benefited thoreb.v and adjacent t hone to. Section 2 The council will hoai and consider any pioteMs against aid construction and the nt-tosslng of said propert) lor tho cost thoreor at a tnoetlrg or the council to be hold March 7th. 1911. at 7:80 o'clock p in . In tho council chamber In said city, and all propert) ownors of prop oity adjacent to said sower and ben eflted thoreby are heiebj called upon .tn appear before said council at said time and place, and show otiose. If ianv they have, wh) snld ( oust ruction CITY NOTICES. days before tho oate of Bald meeting. Ti, fnt-nenlni nnlinnnce was pass ed by tho city council of tho city ofj Medfoid, Oregon, on too -isi uuy u. February, 1911. by tho following vete: Merrick aye, Watt aye, Wort man aye, Emerlck aye, Elfert aye, and Millar aye. Approved February 21st, 1911. W. 11. CANON, .Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. OKDIXAXCK XO. 100. An ordlnanco providing for the construction of a 6-inch lateral sew er along alley through block 73. be ginning nt a point 150 feet south of Eleventh street to Twelfth street, nnd for the assessment of the cost thereof Mi the property directly ben efited thereby and adjacent thereto, and providing a mooting of the coun cil to consider protests against said construction and assessment and tho sorving of the owners of such prop erty with notice theieor. The city or Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. It Is the Intention of the council to cause a lateral sower to be constructed along alley through block 73, beginning at a nolnt 150 feet south of Eleventh street, to Twelfth street, and to as sess tho coBt theroor upon inn prop erty directly benefited tliereby and adjacent thereto. Section 2. Tho council will har And consider any protests agnlnst Bald construction and the assessing of said property for the cost thereof at a meeting of the council to be held March 7th, 1911, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., In the council chamber In said city, and all property owners of prop erty adjacent to snld Bowor nnd ben efited tliereby are hereby called upon to appear beforo said council at said time and place, and show causo, If any they have, why said construction should not be mndo and the cost thoreof so assessed. Section 3. The city recorder Is hereby directed to servo notlco there of Upon the property owners afore said, by causing three Copies of this Ordinance to be posted In three pub He places In said city, and said ordi nance to bo published once in a daily newspaper published and of general circulation In tho city, at least ton days before the date or said mooting. Tho rorcgolng ordlnalico was pass ed by tho city council of the city of ModfoPd, Oregon, on tho 21st day or February, 1911, by tho following vote: Murrlck aye. Watt aye, Woit mnn aye, Emerlck aye, Elfert ayo, and Millar ayo. Approved February 21st, 1911. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. RESOLUTION. He it resolved by the city council of tho city of Medford, Oregen: Thnt It Is the Intontlon of the coun cil to lay a 4-Inch water main on North IVAnJou streot from Second street to Jackson street, and to as sess tho cobt thoreof upon tho prop erty fronting on said porlon or said stPeet in proportion to tho fi'ontagc of said property. The council will meet nt the coun cil cbambor in the city ball In said city on the 7th dny of March, 1911, at 7:30 p. m.t at which tlmo all pro tests against tho laying or said water main on said portion of said streot and the nssessmont of the cost there of upon the property fronting there on will bo heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of the city of Medford on tho 21st day of February, 1911. by tho following Vete: Merrick ave, Watt nyo, Wortmnn nyo, Emer lck nyo. Elfort ayo, Millar nye. Approved February 21st, 1911, W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms Suites with private bath Rooms include huge closets nnd sleeping potuhes. Also hot rial cold water in connection. Rreaki'ast set veil, if desired. Reception rooms for guests. Gentlemen only. 706 S. Oaktlale Ave. MEDFORD, ORE. A description of a model home in the newly incorporat ed town of Talent, Ore., for sale Sixteen lots and over; 30 by 135; all kinds ot fruit; GG Bartlett pear trees; 23 large apple trees In prime condition; G cherry tieos; 3 poach; 3 English walnut; 1 almond; 1 large thin shell California walnut; berries, Mammoth Black, Phenomenal, Logan berry, Illmllaya Giant; raspberries and goosoborrlos; two kinds of cur rants; 15 varieties of roses; owner cleared $500 oft plnco bostdes a good living the past season. Tho place Is In a high state of cultivation. A good U-room house, Iwo porches; good woodhouse; good well at house aud bam; good number I bam; ,t deeded water right: a good abstract to tltlo; terms $5000; $2000 down; tlmo on balanco. Come and see it, or write, enclosing stamps. L. N. JUDD l Vl.l.M, OlU.t.ON City Property 2 .ots on Palm st., each 5 "'r' 2 lots, Second St., each 9 '-00 1 Inf nnlrntfl -1VO $ "' 1 lot, Crowell Addition 9 7.".0 4-roo'm modern bungalow 9100 5-room modern bungalow, close In, nlco surroundings, $1000 will handle 93000 7-room modern bungalow, on paved street, a bargain, half cash, balanco to suit $3200 8-room modern home, just com pleted, close In, owner will leave the city soon, upstairs rooms rented for $18 per month; the 5 rooms nnd bath downstairs would rent quick ly for $35 per month 9 1200 RANCHES 10 acres in Sams valley, all -cleared ready for the plow, all level, free soil, fenced; half cash, balanco terms 91000 140 acres In Illinois valley; 70 acies meadow, 14 head stock, fine buildings, on county road; $3700 caBh, balanco 5 years, 7 per cent $1)000 500 acres, oiib mile from rail road town, 3 miles of river bottom, 300 ntres under cul tivation, 100 moro cau easily be cleared; this would be an Ideal plnco to subdivide; price js $110,0.00 Call, Phone or Write C A. McARTHUR Room 3, Postofficc llulldlng. Phono 3081. For Sale i r. .nml s iniipR from Talent. fenced, timber, alfalfa and fruit land, good house, jure wator, y4 miie irom oMmni rtoo vnunt near trees, lovoly place; $2000, one-half down. This 15 acres is one oi ino iovu llest Bmall ranches in southern Oro mn Rholtarnd bv tho hills from the cold'wIndB of winter, deep, fer- tllo soil, an Ideal olaco tor neaiia. $131 Acre. Also 34 acres, l mllo from Talent. 10 nnron nt fruit, family orchard In beating: npples, Nowtowns, 12 acres, nnrtnii riiinri- 7 nnrps timber, irrigated. dwelling houso shaded by large laurel trees, plenty or water; lertiio boh; garden spot; pumping plant: terms, $13,000, $7000 each, tho balanco In payments of $1000 yonrly at G per cont. $383 Acre, Aie 9 0 nmps alfalfa and fruit land, with timber, 1 mile from Tal ent; $6500 cash down; Just think what n snap, a llttlo over $300 an aero. Where can you find near tho depot and railroad a cheapor place? 9:kk Aero. Tram lots lii the newly Incorporat ed town of Talent, Or., on tho In stallment plan. From $1.00 to . n ijoi. A fine four aero ranfch near Talent; very fertile alfaUa and fruit soil. Well watered, all fenced nnd cultivated; Peach orcahrd, young, of 160 trees bore lost year. Apple trees 36, Apri cot 1, cherry 2, English Walnuts 2, Pear 12, Plum 5, Quince 21, Neda- slne 1, Tokny nnd Malaga grapes 3 year old. Strawberries 1-2 acre Raspberries and Logans for family uso. chicken ranch, chicken house, now wood shed. Wagon shod, otc., good house, Bprlng, wator piped to house, creok runs through tho place. Only $1800 cash down. Also 17 acres, 14 ncres commer cial fruit benrlng orchard, 2 miles from Talent, $10,000, one-half on tlmo, $.080 Acre Also 80 acres flno timber. $2000, one-hulf down. $2.1 Acre. 36 acres $213 acre. Forty acres; about 3 miles from Talent und Phoenix, Ore; fruit land; 2 good springs, 5 room houso. out ulldings, sinnll fruit. 5 acres clonred; a good poultry ranch, ovor $1000 of standing timber; $1200 down, bal anco on time to suit the buyer; only S.00 an acre.. Look all over tho coun try nnd seo If you cau find a placo so cheap. Also 29 acres, orchard nnd nifnlfa land; 2 1-4 miles south of Talent, Or.; 1300 young fruit trees, apples, peaches and pears; ono acre In bear ing; houso, barn and outbuildings; nil fenced, most of It being Page wlro fenco, 19-strnnd, rabbit tight; sub-lrrlgatod and tled; $225 acre; over half down, the rest on tlmo at 7 por cont. Aisn lnndR. alfalfa nnd fruit, from 20 to 800 nores. Write, encloslug stamps, or come and eeo mo. L. N. Judd Talent, Oregon Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY PltOPrilTV I'ARMS, l-'Hl IT RANCHES 123 E. MAIN STREET. Tho ax'erago length of Hfo of a nutlve Parisian Is 2S )i-nra iKukiuB for Health. i r