r PA'GE TWO MUDl'Om) MAFL TK.N3UNJ3, MEDFORI), QTKnOX. MONDAY, VKUHV U?Y 27, 1911 ''N'.. GUNS ONLY FOR SEfOEfEK More Information Concerninn the Evans Creek Dispute Between In dustrious, Quiet and Law Abiding i , Citizens Gossips are' Grilled. PACKERS WILL MARY GRAY Campbell & Raumbach Where to Go Tonight CAN STEELHEAD MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. ""'"'" Trout Hitherto Refrifjeratcd And Shipped in Cold Storage to Etirop-1 ean Markets, to Be Put Up in Can's I Labelled "Sea Trout." ! i Mcclford'e Exclusive Picture The-; ator. Latest Lipeiased Photo- & --'',s''''s'v " -; 0mmM, To the Kdller: I noticed nn mil clc In the Mali Tribune of February 12 In roforonco to vvlint tho writer Is ploasod lo torn'i tliu rotid" on Kvnnc creek. .As tlic wrltor has liccn mis informed or h ondonvorhiK to iiiIb lead tho jiubllc, I wIbIi to malco a fovv correctlonH In tho article referred to. First, It Ih alleged that William lllllia expectorated a pint of tobacco ,1nlce In the oye of JortiHhn, the wife of W. 1). Moore, which I wIhIi to atato Ih a brazen falHohood, mh It was conclusively proven at tho trial that he was not oiiRnKcd In any alterca tion whatever with tho lady In ques tion; did not expectorate any tobac co Jnlce In her eye; did not attempt to do so, nor was ho even chewing tobneco at the time referred to. Tho wrltor also states that "ac cordltiK t the brand of etiquette lived U to along the banks of IOvans creek, one Is not In Htylo unless 'tot ing n Rim of at least a foot in length. " In reply 1 wish to say that I hhvo lived In this community for a number- of years and to my knowl edge thoro was not ono man carried a gun till tho last threo years or since "W. D. Monro moved Into tho neigh-, borhood and began carrying u gun ' mid making his threats that he was' "roIii to git" first ono then nnothor. ' Those concerned tried to linvo the! mattor settled through our courts, but falling in that and when his at-' tltudo beenmo unbearable a number i of residents whoso lives hnd been threatened by him nrmed themselves In self defense, as it was deemed nee essnry to do so. The wrltor also mnkes qtilto a "ten cent novel heroine" out of Mazol, tho IfS-ycnr-old daughter of W. D. Moore, in averting a shooting scrape, but it was proven nt tho trial Mint all sho bad to do with tho affair was that while standing In a crowd of street loungers some careless swain acel (luntally spat on her "toe," thereby raising tho young lady's ire. As far as tho much talked of "feud alism" is concerned, It Is all a farce, as most of tho residents of this com munity aro Industrious, quiet and law-abiding citizens and get along peaceably together, are not to blamo for Mio trouble as thoy are compell ed to travel along "Fifth avenue" and cannot avoid troublo, espocinlly when a man comes out, curses, makes facos, hulls rocks at tho passorsby and threatens to shoot t hum. I believe that If tho "stato" or the writer of tho two misleading articles, couiu siiKKoat sonio loKltlinatu em ployment for tho Idle, quarrelsome, fmnnle olomont that would keep (hum at homo Instead of spending their 4l... .. l... l , -.! ,.... u., w.u .iMMit i-iirniini UUM..K up in mo men anairs, aiivisiiiK nieir liuslmnils to "co shoot it out," that tho trouble In the future .might to some oxtont bo averted. In BpeakliiK of tho belligerents lift ing palled off and put under bonds to keep tho poace, as I am cnpnble of Judging, there was nothing camo up nj Mm trial to prove Mint olthor Ill ram Moore or William 1 Hills Imil dis turbed Miu "peace and dlnnlty of the state of Oregon " I Ilium .Moore whh "railroaded" throiiKh becnusu h had aftor buliiK HHsaulted and his life I threatened by W. I). Moor, wrlttwu h luttor to his fHther wnrulng hlui that iinlusB W. I) .Moore adopted a illfrer out uoursn toward the public lie would bo liable to et wlmt he de served. Tho letter had been brought into com t before and if it hud been a thrtintuuliiK letter, us It whs nisde to appear, it would seem Mint It should have been acted upon t that time, mid William lllllls simply made i Daily to dufond himself when W. D. Mooro drew a aim and said he'd shoot. If that Is disturbing the peace, we bolluvo Mint our prosecuting attorney would do llkowUd upon like proocu- tlon or in fact anyone olso and that they'd have a parfect light to do so, as "solf'prosorvatlon" is tho first law of nature." I V.. ... Sit.. I .1-11 ..! t.. iiairy inpiou was tin inenui.v twins with all pai ties coucornod audi Just why ho slinuld have huon pulld, Into tho affair we nra unaljlo to. un- dorstaiid. it aplHwiwd to an iiuUi asud olwerver something like n case of highway jobbery, but perliaiw the town of Woodvlllo needed the fluids and Mint was an easy way to obtain thorn. However, we don't class tun whole population of Woodville as "foudlsts" or robbers because of the jnattor, And again, Just why your con- Bpondunt was ho ngr to publish tUs doings" or tho pftoplo ttlou tu bniiku of Kvatis orook wUw thsis was more exulting nows at lioiu wnnlil miilrii II niiiwuii' Hint tlinra u'm boiiio pQiBonal crlovnnco to nlr. So far mm - w- wmi SIlHjInjI and TalkillJ Sketches, Direct the Isis this lCALL MADERO VILE TRAITOR Head of Revolutionary Junta, Which Controls Northern Part of Lower California Decries Insurrecto Leader. LOS ANfllSLES, Cal.. Fob. 27. IJlmoiinrliiK denornl Francis Mndoro ' as ii villainous traitor to bin country, and proclNimlng tho independence of Lower ('alitornin from ivlndoro's rnuse, La llevolticlon, the official or Mftn of the Los Aneli levolutloiiHiT j,,,,,,,, w., rn,rlB the northern psrt of th Lower California ponin Hiilu, wnt clrciilRtPil her today. In a 10,000-word article, signed by i Kleardo Klores .Mngon, itowly oloet-1 ,, lltfn(l ot (no Juta MR(eoil flayed inerclleaaly along with L. Ciult-1 onea DeLara. h promiiiout Los An-' geles lovolutlonlat, and others of Ma-, di'io's friends. I SIX HUNDRED MINERS STRIKE AT CROWS NESTJ WIN'N'IIMIM, Man.. Feb. 27. Six hundred coal miner have t;iiue on slnke at I'lMiik, Alhcrla, and Mich el, M. ('., tind il is I en red that the "hole Crow Xest distncl will be af feetcd in a tew du.s, The ntiiieo are hui( Id have about nlmiidoncil hiie of an agreement being reached ui regard lo the nuiiiiul revision u the iniuen.' schedule. LOSES HIS T0NCUJE TO SAVE HIS LIFE S' l.Ol'IK. M.... Feb. 27. - llu ahead mid cut out nn tongue; it is not worth nn thing to me u,wu." This wuk the answer Fred M a line. 'J. a victim of cancer, guc to phv sieiniiM lodav when told that his tongue would have lo be removed or he would die. .Mamie's tongue was burned mil and In has a punt rhuiuv fur reioxerv. - PLUNGE OVER CLIFF , ... . -- NTq RysjA.N RIVER, . nciAH. Cal.. Feb. -J7. After u 40 , ..i,,,,,.., , ,i, 1k1,.l(... cliff into the Kiinuiii river. C4rnr!'91 Kl a UUXCAX. Jhn Tu.vlor mid Thtxulitre Young, .in uiidortukcr, were brought here todav XOTK'IC. both wverrlv hurt. Thev were en N'otleo Is hereby given that the uu- mule Li l'olter vulley and trualod tfUned will apply to the city eouu- l heir horses to keep to I he darkness. the road in UM kj&k LM HitMll A M & lUlul a9.A.. ..A p nv auutr, nuHv i uw rraiuouia ui ffivtus ork ov become lutoxlcsl. .U. klckd their own door In and m- saultaj ih first womau tby mt. tt.thr hM ur mB hen known to rliokc bit wlfo tor Morln. "m aiuDDuit t u Woodvlllo, February tR. From the Pantnnes Circuit Wltn week. I K IS OF SILVER A. D. Oowcn to Drive First Blow on Grants Pass and Rope River Rail road and to Preside at Festivities Next Thursday. GRANTS PASS, Feb. 27.-.MuHi .ri.)(MIV wjj atlfiul the ilrniiiR . tIu. .TlI.K, H)ik(. Jn ,,, 0nmK ,. i!t ItoKim h'iver liiiilroail, wliieli eent vill iiiKi' place at (raiiis I'iisk ue.Nt Tlmrsdny, Alnrcli 2, A. I). Iiowen, til" I'orllanil, provident of (he conipaiiy nrrivetl Imlny lo prenide nt Him iVliuliei. lie will wield the muul with wliieli Hie fiisi xpike will be ilmen mtn the lie. The "P'k? w lo lie uiiule or silver aiuuirud I froiti the niitive hills, nnd arter it " rvol its purpoM. it will he present vl to the (IrniiU 'tm, Com- mereial Chili as a Mtinenir of die oeea.ioii nnd u constant reminder of die hepiniuinr nl the wmI Hint hop?- to become important raetor in Ul "''"jf "f ,11'"' ''"'"".v. I he Qnints 1u,h lfojtue River riMl wm uieorporaleil by Porlliuul aul ClrimtH Pass citiy.cnn with Hie on jcit of buiUliiiK a hue Ihrungli lite fertile Appli'Kle ami Williom. Ifivei Valle.VH toward the famous umrblii hall, of Ore iron, where it is hoped fM'Utuallv to build nnd uiatntain n Hummer resort. The eoiuitrv that will he nerved by thin line in rich in Krieultural and horticultural re pourues 11 ml ninny Here will It developed by the transportation fnci lit lew iIihI i vvill nt't'ord. Alllmiiitb Knidiug has been uudei tvnv for s.iiue tune, trnek-la.viiijf will no begin until after the eeremonie of next ThurHdny. The road il be huill on n coiurumilixelv ens grade Hud will be couipleted earl net fall. (URPKVTICRS, XOTICK. Carpenters' I'nlon, mc& is 10. Ill niHt Wodneaday, March 1st, iu I. O. O F. hall, corner Main anil I Central avenue. go I 'xotick to real ESTATE ' DIM I.. ERS. 1 hereby give uotlc tUat my prop- Mr on N'orth llartlett street has Ueeu withdrawn from iha mBri-. r" ot ,h6 rUJp f Medford. Or., at Its regular meeting on 5lareh 7. llu, for a license to sell sulrltous. vln- uua ana man iioiiors in aiisiitltiou u..S i loss than a -allot, at its m.o of i.,... Inta. t No. 31 South Front atrt. In said city, for a iwriod Qf aiv' month, ft. S. UADCUFJf ft 00. Hasklus for Ilmlth. par Iters pro Tlie trouble jttltli canning this trout hitherto has J been that the flesh lost Its nlnk color ' In boiling nnd the bones of the ver tebrae refused to soften and disinte grate, ns those of the salmon do The steelhead has heietofore been shipped in Ice lo the maikels or Ru-' rnpo hecnuso of the firm condition of' the meat nnd the excellent condition of its arrival at destination. I KxjieWmeiit Slice evsfiil. Now there promises to be a revolu- j tlon In steelhead salmon sale. Can-1 j tiers have heretofore fought hhy of .anything except tho kingly cbinook 1 and only in a limited waj and during 3"asons of extreme shortiiKe have sieclbeads been canned alonj? the Co lumbia rlvor. Last season there was cpilte a lib eral increase In tho number of cases of steolhead salmon packed along the Columbia nnd tho experiment has provou so successful that cold stor age oporators will be forced to fight to get their shnre of tho catch hore after. Samples of ennned steelhead snl mnn sont to other markets have been received with groat favor and with out exception the experts have do clured that It is the best tasting sal mon they ever came across. Mny Change Its N'nine. While tho steelhead has always been classed as a member of tho sal mon family, under tho laws of Ore gon, through the Influence or the salmon fishermen, njong with the Chi nook, sllverslde. chum, sockeyo and other varieties, there is a possibility that in creating a demand for the canned product thp name "sea trout" may be used Instead of salmon. No less an authoilty than Profes sor David Starr .Ionian of Stanford university lias made tho Matomenl that the steelhead Is not a salmon but a member of the trout family. IT this name Is sustained by the pure food officials of the national government, It will hereafter bo used by cannors in designating that arlotj. It is also likely that If the name "sea trout" Is allowed to be used that the fish will be put ii)i In fancj packages for select trade. DISSOLl'TIO.V OK PARTXEKSHIP The blacksinlth business of the firm name of Caskey and Elliott have this day beou dissolved by mutual consent, Caskey letlrlng from busi ness, which will heroafter be run by lluh Elliott, who will collect all outstanding lucounts and pay all hills contracted by tho old firm. 2il ROCK SPRIXtiS COAL. Two cars ol Uio famous Rod; Springs coal arrived this inornlin;. Phono W. .1. 11 ii rb Id go, the dravnian. and get some of this. Tho best coal lu tho west, hentluif, cooking, or fur nace. Demand has exceeded tho sup ply, but we have two cms on the track today. Atlvertlsement for Sale of Bonds. Sealed proposuls will be leeeived by tho uuderitigiied eleik of tehon! districl No. '22, .hickuon count, lire- gun, nt his oil ice at Talent, Out., up to l o'clock p. in.. April 1, 11)11, fir, the purehuse of $,J7,."0O.ll0 school, bouilk of uid school district X. 22. J These bonds me of the dmuuuina- lion of $1000 each, bear intoieM .it the rate of U per cent per annum, im.vable siunt-aiinunlly, both interest X nnd principal pa.vnblo at the uoiint.v IrenmirerV nfiiee in .Ijieksou count v, Mregon, k nt a doedgnuted bunking hoiwe in the citv of Now York m I . J option of the bidder. The bonds will bo dated at the date of delivery and mature JO e.iis i hereafter, but will lie Mibject to if. doiuptiou by stud mdiool liistnct 10 years after dute of bond. A eerliiii'd cheek of $1000 shall accompany bid in favor if school dMnct No. 'ja, Talent Jack son county. Oregon, alin.ll aceoiupany e::ch hid, which cheek will he for feited to said sehoul dutriet No . as liquidated dnmagos in ease the ladder fuds io taku and pu.v for tlic bonds ut the price stipulated in the bid. The sueeessful bidder iuut fur nish the blank bonds. The directors of distriet No. '22 re serve the right to rjut any and nil bids. All bids should be addressed to the ,.i..i. .. i. . . ..... , " " . . . 0I uw'l' N,- - .llilT . . 'U . y' "wf.n'.WM and '.!VL .i:"t!u'. "m M. k'lH.IIUHVil, uoric of btaoo District No. 32. acksou ruiuiiy, Qiotvn. ttl Now Coliimliln river pose to can sleolhend. llaaklus for Ilanlth. Medford BaKefy TODD & CO. HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY ain Street Business Property Nets Over 8 Per Cent Interest Best location. Great increase in value. Lot 50 feet by 140 feet. Splendid buy for invest ment or speculation. Special price for quick action. Address Owner, Medford P. O. BOX NO. 477. &i&wy&p-j9&frfr&&ww&&J---&j&jwj&mpp-a I J. E. ENYAItT, President F. E. MERRICK, Vlce-Preshl "it JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. The Medford Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 V SKI3 DEPOSIT HOXKS FOR ItEXT. A OEXKRAIi HAXKIXG g 2 Ml'SINKSS TRAXSAeriJI). Wo SOLICIT YOL'R 1'ATROXAGK. s 's''srs'N1N I E. M. F. Siiifjebaker Formerly Siskiyou Auto Go. This Oarage and Machine Shop Is now lu charge ot a practical auto repair man. All kinds ot autos and gas engines well and (pilckly repaired. Overhauling a specialty. Cars storod and cared for by tho month. Oil and gasollno for salo. ,28-134 S. Riverside Ave. Phone 4131 ALFALFA LAND 4 SOLANO COUNTY. CALIFORNIA Choicest dairy and alfalfa proposition In tho state, located on the mala line of the Southern Paiiflc lallroad, between Sacramento and San Kranclsco. IDEAL CLIMATE AniTNDANCE OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION Writo Us for Information DIXOX ALPALFA LAND CO, - - DIXOX, CAL. Repeat Your Medford Experience BUY GRANTS PASS PROPERTY NOW ar ZlV-JtSX?1" Elegant htiMin s louiev lot 7'xloo, close In .... !!5()0() Elegant business lot riOxlOO, clo-.e lu ST.'Ot) Another biisluest. lot, 50x100. close lu Sdiiiii) THESE PRICES TOR A Ql'ICK Tl'RX. A N. PAKSONb GRANTS PAS. ORE. References First .National Rink. Oi ints Pass Hanking & Trust Co. L. N. JUDD, REAL ESTATE AGENT Talent, Jackson County, Oregon. Midway between Medford and Ashland, in the fruit bolt of Southern Oregon. Healthy and mild climate, and pire water. Alfalfa, fruit ami timber lands from 15 aeres to SOO acres. Also lots on the instalment plan, in uowly incorporated towu of Talent, Oregou. Writo (enclosing stamps) or conic and seo ma at Talent, Oregon. V A T O If I X G T II 15 ii n h a i) Ji i x B coming to and going from this bak ery gives a view of happy faces with not a trace of dyspepsia on a single face. Don't start trying to make bread as mother used to. Buy It here, save tho labor and get better bread, and more for your money. Everything warranted lire. EL Delicatessen SOUTH CHNTKAIj AVEXUE LADY COOK IN CHARGE. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President National Bank - Garage Co. saisss I I r - r: plays. 1 One nimc No More One Dime. 0--0-001t- I 2 "NAT" THEATRE Complete chnnj'o f pro" nra Today ' Only i hown. flic best nnd Inlet films X Admission 10c. rrs,-srsr L$LTERE z The Dancer and the Voillcr. :l Singing -Talking Dancing Throughout the eastern citlosiMr, Kord has tho reputation, of being one of the greatest dancers on the American stage. .MAUV OUAV Sinking ami Talking Direct from Pantages Circuit. (Xuff Set!) X r-svrs ' NATATORIUM TODAY Holler Skating, Howling, pool, ; Itillhiids, Itlgle Shooting and Tub null Shower Ibitjis for ladles ami gentlemen. ."HKDKOUD'S AMI'S KM KXT l'ALACK. i llgll-t Inss Vaudeville ami .Moving Pictures Doors open at 7;l)0 P. M. SAXKOKD .Ml'LLEKY Presenting "THE SPIRIT CII.Y.MRER" A very clever little nlavlot In i which Miss Mullery renders four J character chango songs, opening;! in white and closing In black. ' MOVIXO" PICTURES Latest and best subjects. 4r-t. S WHEX DOWN TOWN IX AT THE DROP "NatM Confectionery ICE CREA.M, SOFT DRXIICS, COXKECTIOVERV, Ll'XCII A light, pleasnnt room, open from i a. m. to midnight. L. M. GRAM MS, Proprietor s- - S PHONE 901 wm fits i Diners send uio 1 1 your address. 1 1 New Premiums, New Scr-j-vice, New Ageut. j Put the same old stawl- nrd joods. X AGENCY GRAND UNION TEA CO. IK) TRIPP STREET Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles QENKRAL OVEKHAIILINQ & MACHINE REPAIRINQ. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PlION! MAIN 6231. Cnrnar Coutral Ave. ani 8tk St Medford, Or. s IL9S i lOTli8B " n rmrTnaaiiMMissusiaisuBMBiMMawBn ssms sssMsajiussBii-BMjjaM, j Ths most prof liable as well as ttoa most latrosUug "little Journeys" ara those made In answering clasj- ified ads V Y 9-'