,vH5!W w Medford Mail Tribune CLEARINGS Hank clearings today were WEATHER Occasional raiu or snow, liar., UD.fl; Temp., r2. FORTIETH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, FK1?RITARY 27, 1911. No. 29.1. ' W FUNB BEING RAISES FOR DYING BOY Mail Tribune Will Receive Money Food or Clothes for Destitute Vcach Family Who Are in Dire Distress From Illness and Poverty. COUNTY COURT TAKES TWO YOUNGER CHILDREN Judge Neil Will Send Them to Boys and Girls Aid Society at Port land for Care and Attention. f f4 4-f 4- 4- 4- - "4- VNACir UKLIHP FUND. -f f 4- 4- Siilisi'i'liitlou List. -f 4- In order to provide Clar- -f -f onco Veach and Bernard -4- Veach with the necessary ar- -4- tides of food and other ro- -4 4- qulrenionts that they In their 4 sick condition demand, the -f -4- undersigned donate the fol- 4 -4- lowing sums: -f -4- M. S. Johnson (collec- 4- tion $38.00 -f -4- Tlio Medford Mall Tri- -4- buno 5.00 4 4 Claude Miles H.00 4 4 4 4 Total to date J1S.00 4 4 4 444444444444444 In order to provide Clarence Veach, the 17-year-old hoy now lying almost at death's door in the cabin homo on South Front street, occupied by him, five brothers and a slater, the Med ford Mall Tribune will receivo sub scriptions of money, foodstuffs or clothes from charitably inclined per sons wishing to aid In the work of rehabilitating the family of practi cally orphaned chlldron who, through sickness and want, aro all In dlro dis tress. Despite tho fact that Dr. It. W. Stearns Is mlnlstoring dally to both Clarence and his brother. Bernard, 15 years old, who Is suffering from an attack of pnoumonia, the children aro in want for both clothes and food. According to tho Instruction of tho attending physician, Clarence should have all tho milk and eggs that ho can asslmllato, but tho family aro al ready doep in tho debt of tho trades men supplying them. Judge J. It. Neil of tho county court this mornng took Frank Veach, 7 yearn old. and Harold Vouch, 9 yours old, over to Jacksonville and will sond thorn to bo cared for at the DoV and Girls' Aid society at Port land. Tho two chlldron havo boon, sinco the (loath of tholr mothor about two months ago, almost unenrod for, hav ing boon givon only what attontlon they could command from tholr sis ter. This girl, also 111, only arose from a sick bed on tho day that Clar ence, the hoy Buffering from consump tion, became too sick to stand up. The other sick boy, Bernard, would havo been takou by Judge Nell this morning had ho boon well enough to bo moved, but as the attending physl ciun advised against his removal, he will bo left at the home on South Front street until he recovers from an attack of pneumonia. By dint of hard work the mother, until she died, supported the large family by taking In washing, but a short time before her death and just after David, the eldost boy, had bo coiiie old enough to go to work, hor health broke down. Left In debt by the father, and later thrown deeper into the mire by the expenses of the mother's funeral, David, the only boy able to work steadily, has had au uphill fight, the few dollars which he is able to erathe 0OI1,OIMnwi,,th. every month driving a grocery wagon being spent to pay the family's debts mih, nnn n....i aimoat a. soon a ho receives it. Military tojiovern Portugal A large number of persons about j LISBON, via Fuentes M Onori town have signified a willingness toj SjMluli Feb. 27. Ruling of Portugal ti.ln lto Vtnv anil tVtA miRttVAmAnt. ftf I llli .! I. ill il. . the Natatorlum has volunteer! to turn over a sbar of the receipts for .., Hv sw, , .- ,i,.--- , , some one evening to a fund, if start- ed. with ttte r6Mlt tttat tit Man tti i. line win crry uucriiuii and will receive all offers of assUt- . i BAND OF INDIANS SHOT DOWN IN FIGHT WITH NEVADA POLICE Might Killed, Four Captured and Ono of State Police Shot In llattle 10 Miles Prom Tuscarora. RENO, New, l'cb. 27. News of a battle between state police and In dians -10 miles west of. Tuscaroonn, in which eight of the lndinns were kill ed, four captured and one of the state police, Jack Ilerilo was killed, readied here today. In the fight two squaws anil two children were acci dent nly killed and one squaw and two children were captured. The band of Indians wiped out in the fight wns the one which had mur dered four wealthy stockmen in Northern Washoe County more than u month ago. Sinco then posses un dor Sheriff Ferrcll and officers of the state police have lieen constant ly on their trail, tracing them through hundreds of miles of moun tain country and canyons from the scene of the massacre at 1ittJo High Rock Canyon. AT 1 JOIH Permission From Mexican Govern ment Secured to Hold Prize Fights Five or Six Big Bouts a Year to Be Pulled Off. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Feb. 27. , Permission to hold boxing bouts at Tin Juana, just over tho Mexican border lino from San Diego, has been given to Louis Blot, tho San Fran cisco fight promoter, nccording to announcement horo today. Blot choso tho site to hold finish contests. He proposes to stage flvo or six of these each year. With the. necessary permission signed and sealed by the Mexican governor at Ensenada, Blot Is hero today on his way home. Ho said he lias three contests in view. Tho first of these Is a Moran-Wolgast match for the lightweight crotfn. Tho other two are between Sam Langford and Jack Johnson nnd Al Kaufman and the nogio champion. Tin Juana Is IS miles by street -ar from San Diego nnd because of San Diego's accessibility both by rail and by boat, Blot believes that fights would draw hotter than in Nevada. JOHNNY C0UL0N DEFEATS C0NLEY AT NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 27. -Johnny Coulon was the acknowledged king of tlie bantams today, follow-in.? his clear decision ovor Frankie Con ley in a 20 round fight here Sun day. Friends of Conlcy claimed Unit his blows lacked steam because ho had trained down too much in making 110 pounds to meet his opponent. SCENIC PROCESSIONS FOR NEW ORLEANS MARDI-GRAS NEW ORLEANS. La., Feb. 27. 'All this is folly, but thero is nothing elso that is liko it." Such was the -eutimout that today animated tho tons of thousands of merrymaker who gathoro hero for the niardi grits. Today's scenic processions and pag eants were on a scale never befo;e attempted. AUSTRALIA TO BAR EVERY BIG TRUST MELBOURNE, Australia, Feb. 27. Declaring; that tho Austlarlan gov ernment "will not permit a repeti tion of the scandals and tho merciless method of monopolies la other coun tries," the minister of trade and cus toms announced here today that tho government would at onco procoed azalnst everv trust In oneratlon in 0y ft luuiiurv uii-iuiorMiim umu iiiv presidential election in April is be-1 vei to imminent-today. Troop Mnl to BUppreM royalist outbreaks FINISH are aetinjr with grMt verity. It brents Hospital. boliexed thai Minister Machado will ,.,, ,. dictnloi-hip if Mich u ru- !!, .. 1, . -I.ll.ll-ll, li. Ml v is LEI PEOPLE RULE OR GET A REAL KING Senator Rayncr Speaks in Favor of Popular Election of United States SenatorsRather Trust the Masses Than a Legislature. BE GREATEST POLITICAL REFORM IN GENERATION If Nation Needs Slave-Masters In vest Them With Royal Power and Done With It. WASHINGTON, 1). C. Feb. 27.- If we can't govern ourselves, let it- have a king, was the meat of hi address by Rayncr of Maryland in the senate today, speaking to the resolu tion of the direct election of United States senators. "1 would rather trust the peopU than a legislature," said Rnynor, "and 1 consider that the carrying out ot this resolution will ho tho greateM political reform in a generation. "Jf the people haven't the intelli gence and the capacity to select theii own representatives, then wo had bet ter submit a constitutional amend ment and change the government t a monarchy. If the people miisl have political slave-masters, let ti invest them with royal power, for it will have been shown that tho re public is a failure. "Ono senator has said that the resolution before this chamber would wreck the constitution and fouiidci the ship of state. 1 venture to sn that no amendment will cwr be mad to (ho constitution that will impaii the spirit of that instrument. Tin ship of stato will easily weather n gale that has practically spent itseli in this chamber. It may he uccc-sarv to change pilots, to jettison part of the cargo, (he shores may be strewn with stranded hulks, but, armed with manhood ami courage, the honor of the nation and the ship of slate arc safe." TO KEEP OUI OF JAIL WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 27. -Attorney Gonoral Wlckershain today Is considering an offer by tho Duvoen Art Importing company of Now York to pay back more than ?1, 000. 000 of which they aro alleged to havo do frauded the government through un dervaluation of goods brought In from abroad. Tho Duveeus aro also said to have agrood to pay fines in the courts If thoy aro promised Immunity from tho penitentiary. It is roportod ymt United Statos District Attorney Wise of New York favors a comprom ise. ROBIN THE BANKER PLACED ON TRIAL NEW YORK, Feb. 27. Joseph Robin, foiuier millionaire hanker and promoter, faced trial on a charge of grand larceny growing out of the recent failure of his hanks. Former District Attorney William T. Joroino is representing Robin and probably will attempt to have hi client declar ed insane. FIVE CHINESE GAMBLERS QUEUES TIED TOGETHER PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 27. Find ing himself unable to handle fixe Chinese gamblers whom he had ar rested single-handed early today, Pa trolman Hurri tied their queues to gether and droe them in teams to the city handle. The celestials were released on hail to appear for trial tomorrow. . Victim of Vendetta. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 7. Shot in miv nffVnv iii 7 .VI lloiiil at rant. yesterday afternoon within the view 0f 40 persons Dominic DonelH, a laborer died early today at St. Via- The man was shot twice and the 1 jMiliee Iium- no clew im lo the identity 1 ol llle Hi. Hi ttli'did the det d. ONE MILLION DOLLARS FOR WEDDING GIFT OF SAN FRANCISCO BRIDE Will liuln Shatters All Ilecords for Bridal Miiniflcctico When lie 1 lauds Daughter Check. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Feb. 27. million dullard Tor a wedding gift. Shattering all records i'or bridal munificence, Will Irwin, a, million aire of San Francisco today handed the above neat sum in a chock to his daughter, Miss Ileleno Irwin, who tomorrow will become the bride of Tcmpleton Crocker at the Irwin resi dence here. Incidentally Mr. Crocker himself is fairly well to do. Ho has about .20,000,000. Arch Hishop Biordau will perform the ceremony. POPE'S BAN ON i Vatican Organ Says Pontiff Strong ly Disopprovcs of Innovation Wearers to he Barred From Ca tholic Churches. ROME. Feb. 27.- -Pope Pius todn is considered as .having placed "the harem skirt" under the papal ban. The Osservatorc Romano, the Vatican organ, says that the pontiff "strong ly disapproves of tho harem skirt because it is calculated to diminish the wearer's self respect and to abolish sex distinctions." The paper says that wearers of the new skirt will bo excluded from u'l Catholic churches. PLEA IS RIDICULED Burn Our Court Houses, Abolish our Statutes and Eliminate the Senate if Appeals to Sympathy Arc to Guide us Says Crawford. WASHINGTON, I). C. Feb. 27. Replying to .Senator William Lori mer's speech in his own vindication in tho senate last week, Senator Crawford of South Dakota today subjected thu "blonde boss of Chic ago" to u hitter excoriation. "Wo had hotter burn our com I houses," said Crawford, "abolish our statutes and eliminate tho son ato entirely if we aro to be guided b appeals for sympathy rather than by sworn charges against umiiienl men." Crawford defended Oovornor De noon from tho chargos of tyrann and usurpation mado against him and assorted (hat "Loriiner's wond erful, dramatic, appealing sfilo niunt wni an avoidance of tho is sue I won't say it wn n oonfefwioii. Ho did ii(. I touch upon a single vital point. It was all well enough to toll about hi meeting with ilink. Diuk,' of their selling newspapers together, of the sick man's wife, and all that hut how did Larimer gel Iho nineteen democratic votes thul elected him?" Crawford then roud a telegram from Ciovenior Dcneon, in which (In Ilinoia executive denied that he hud ovor favored Lorimor for senator. He caid Deiieeu had had no oppor tunity to reply to the charges '.f tyranny. MOTHER BURNS TO DEATH IN RESCUING HER BABE SALMON' CITY. Idaho, Feb. 27. Though she snwd her baby front death of freezing Mrs. Joseph Moodle is dead here today the victim of burns and oxxMiro as a result of ; fire which burned her cabin home near the Copixtr (ueen Mine. After Uis oiothiug had been burned from her body she crawled two mil Oh through (he deep snow to find hor husband thai he might save the baby from death. Moodle is employed s a watoiunaa at the mine. When the ctiliiu caught fire tho woman placed the infant in a ie.it nearby and then re-entered the shack t secure more lthing for it Th roof fell in and sde was badly burn id before sho cm aped. mm i 01 IRK BEGINS CONSTRUCTION 1 Queen Anne and Jackson Buildings to Be Rushed to Completion Lower Floors May Be Occupied Before Building is Ready. INCREASED ATTENDANCE SHOWS CITY'S GROWTH Our Seventeen Hundred Pupils En rolled as Against Twelve Hun dred Last Fall. Work on iho Queon Anno and Jackson public schools has been commenced, and they will he rushed to com)!elJioii. With the splendid weather conditions, a good start has been made, and it is expected to have tho lower story of each building ready for use before tho close of the present levin in order to take care of tho number of watting childron estimated lo he not less than Hot). The al tendance Inst December was 1(182, the three present schools being filled o the limit. Over 1700 pupils are enrolled now, and with adequate accomodations the total numhci would be 2000. Eighteen months ago the actual at tendance was (170, and the beginnini.' of 1!)11 showed an enrollment of 121)2. Medford's greatest growth is reflected in these figures. The new schools will be fine speci mens of architecture and cost $'.), 001) each. They will he in keeping willi the elegant buildings now in use. WILIS TO PITCH FOR SPOKANE CLUD SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 27. Ralph Willis, who pitched for Hie Oakland and San Francisco clubs last season will do the mound work for the Spo kane Indians noxt senson, Willis was purchased outright by Colin. Tho signing of Willis probably will ncan the signing of the lease of Kratzburg ir Schopp. JOHNSON WILL NOT T SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 27. That the mmiiiIo judicial committee and a mnjorilv of the supporters -i Governor' Johnson believe thai llie would fall inlo a clevorly devised trap should (hey respond to iho in ilatiou of the supremo court for an investigation of that tribunal, is the sentiment that is growing today at the cnpilnl. A prominent progrca-' sivo leader in the assembly is au thority for the statement that the nsHombly resolution culling for lb" appointment ,of a j4iut committee of seven to investigate Iho court's action in the Ruef case will be allow I'd to i omnia in oblivion in the sen ale committee. BOB CAPLES PINCHED; ASLEEP IN COURT SAN' FRAXCIKCO. Cal., Feb. 27 Sound asleep and snoring loudlv. a man who claimed to be A. R. Cables former private secretary to United States Senator Chamberlain of Ore gon, stirred Police Judgo Sliortall's court here todnv. When a bailiff "pinched" him for contempt he awoke. He presented a letter of introduction to Governor Johnson from Frauds J. Hency and was iMirmilU'd to "heat il" after n sevore reprimand. The offender claimed to have come to court lo locale a case in which he is eoinplaiul against a man who stole his overcoat and dia mond pin while he was inspeoting the gayer parts of the city. Cash for Starving Chinese. SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 37.-Cahh contributions for the relief of lb starving Chinese received by the commercial olub. totalled $1500 to day. Subscription lisl-s will be opened tin- Week li,) liew-p.ipels ill hf norlll Wi -t, L0RIMER CASE FORCES AN EXTRA SESSION TO CONSIDER RECIPROCITY Senator Crawford Kx'itkH on Blond Boss Bailey to Prevent Vote on Any IiuH)rtiiut Matter. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 27. By a vote of GO to 12 the aenato this afternoon decided to continue consid eration of the Lorlnier case, and Sen ator Crawford commenced speaking. Senator Stono announced that ho would address the senate Wednesday. Both republican nnd democratic leaders today told President Taft that an extra session of congress was In evitable If ho Is determined to got a vote on Canadian reciprocity. Senator Bailey declared ho would provent a vote on any Important mat ter until tho Lorlmer caso is settled. Tho progressive!! plan to force a voto on a permanent tariff board and tho regulars havo offered to agree If the progressives, on their part, will per mit a vote on reciprocity and on tho Lorlmor caso. As tho deinocratH la tend to filibuster against tho progres sives' plan, a tloup scorns certain. JUDGE ASKS ES Colorado Jcwist Demands Inquiry In to Charges of Corruption Made Against Him by Woman Who Says She Gave Him Money. DENVER, Col., Feb. 27. District Judge Whit ford appeared today In tho criminal court hero and demanded a grand jury investigation of filale nienls mado before a legislative com mitteo by Mrs. Margaret Miller that sho had handed Whit ford $:i.()0() iii cash three days before ho seiilencod sixteen minors to jail i'or contempt. incurred in violating an injnotion is sued by him. The statement of Mrs. Miller was made before u commit loo investiga tion of labor. Sho alleged that a man, whose name was not revealed, gave her Jf.UMil) anil asked her lo hand it to Whit ford, giving her $10 for her trouble. Sho said (his man was formerly an agent for the Mine Owners Association of Cripple Creole, assorted that hor conscience inipiied her lo appear voluntarily before (lie committee uiiil tell her story. SAILORS CAUGHT ON WAY TO AID REBELS SAN DIEGO, Cal., Feb. 27. With (he capture and return to the flagship California of five sailors, ends tin first attempt at filibustering to aid Iho Mexican rebels in lower Califoi nia. Ensign Rhondrt of (he California, Mir inarinoN, five cavalrymen and u deputy United States intu-shal ef fected thu capture south of Sun Diego. Tho ineii were taken to Coronndo mid returned to the flag-hip. TO BE BELO TUESDAY CHICAGO, 111., Feb. 27. -Tim hoi teftt municipal campaign in thu his tory of Chicago closed here today, mid tomorrow al the Mayoralty pri maries candidates will ho nominated from three democratic and four re publican aspirants. The board of elections is preparing tov handle 2."0,000 votes, the large 4 number ever east bore in an election. The hotting today favors Graham, a democrat, and Thompson, republi can. PREFERS LIFE IN JAIL TO PAYING ALIMONY 10I.A, Kans., Feb. 27. Rather than pay alimony lo his former wife, I'eler Ball deelatou ho will stay in juil the reat of uis life. He has pent about two yeara in prison since hi divorce troubles first cumo up. Mrs. Jane Hall obtained a divorce from Hull six years ago Hud he win ordered to pay her -fnim alimony. lis refused to pay and was sent to jail for contempt. Hall carried the cu to the -.nprenio court, which rulud i.u'aiust han. N TGATON EVERYONE T WRITE EAST COLONIST DAY Between 4000 and 5000 Letters Should be Mailed Inviting Immi grationGovernors Proclamation to Be Generally Observed Here. LITERATURE FURNISHED BY COMMERCIAL CLUB Event Expected to Be Great Adver tisementSchool Children all Urged to Write. Intense Intorest Is being shewn horo in Governor West's suggestion ror letter writing on March 1. Tho Commercial club is taking an nctlvo hand In tho mutter, and with tho co operation of tho public school offi cials, tho business Interests, lodges and other sources, expect to mako this tho banner campaign In Oregon, and the most effective stroko In ad vertising that has ovor been under taken In any community. Kvory loyal citizen of tho city Is urged to write, to his friends through out tho United States, and tell them ot tho Bplondld advantages In Jack son county. Tho Commercial club furnish stationery and llteraturo to all thoso who want to take advantage of this opportunity to rendor signal sorvlco to Medford. Tho low passenger rates from the east to this city which will bo on salo for 30 dayB beginning with March J0, aro expected to bring thou sands of peoplo to westorn Orogon, and Medford should havo its .full share, of thorn. Stationery and literature will bo distributed In tho dlfforont hotola and stores through tho city, and may bo had for tho asking. Manager C. A. Mnlboouf of tho Medford Comniorclal club oxpects that not less than C000 lotters will bo sent out. Special tables with sta tionery will bo provided at tho Nat atorlum and other places to facilitate . tho writing of lotters. SECRET COURT MARTIAL APPROVED BY TAFT WASHINGTON, 1). C, Feb. 27. Prosldent Tuft's approval of a secret court martial which dishonorably dismissed Captain Guy Smith of tho Fourth infantry, It Is boliovod horo, today romovos all possibility of a re trial which friends of that offlcor havo demaudod. It Is reported that tho wife of Lluuteuaiit Colonel George llarnott, who domaudod Smith's arrost, gavu tho principal testimony for tho pros ecution. It Is also said that tho "un named woman" la tho cuso Is really a child heaco tho extraordinary of forts at secroey. President Taft kept tho soutonco or the court martial for four months before approving It. INDUSTRIAL WORKERS RESTING AT KENNETT REDDING, Cal., Feb. 27. So pleased were the huudrod monibe'Vi of tho marching Industrial Workers army with the welcome givon thorn at Konuutt about 20 miles north of Redding, that they havo ducidud to romaiu at Kenuelt until Wehieeduy to recuperate before resuming thoir foot journey to Fresno. Wlum the tired Industrialists ronolt ed Keuuctt, Eagles Hall wag turned over to them au comfortable bunks were mado up on the honohoe, Sun day afternoon tho "army" nino plac ed a game of baseball against ono representing the copper smoltini; em ployes. WEAR GAY UNIFORMS FOR VICE PRESIDENT'S DANCE WASHINGTON. D. C Feb. 27. Prelimiuary to donning tho sack cloth of tho penitential season, tho foreign diplomats stationed at Washington will assume then gayost uniforms to night to take part in tho annual dip lomatic reception to bo givon by Vico President and Mrs. Sherman. Nearly nil of the miihu-t-adurs and miuisters will ho present. fa- " :('' I