1 PXGE ETGTHT MEDFOKD MATT, TRTBUNE, MEirFQ-RD, OT?ECON, KTNPAY. -FEBRUARY 26, 1911. X , ! ( , ' i iii NEW ELECTRIC MRS. WOODY DIES in COMPAHYFORMED Artlck'H of Incorporation for tho SunBot Electric Light and Power com pany wore filed in tho office of Coun ty Clerk William It. Coleman last Friday. The new company Is cap italized at $15,000, and In ita incor poration papers Ih credited with "the Rttnoratlon, manufacture, production and sale of electrical energy" aa its mission. The papers filed bore tho signa tures of W. V. Harmon, John S. Orth and S. Vilas Iieckwlth, as in corporators, but neither would dls ctifis the company nor Its prospects when approached last night. The principal office Is to be located in Medford. Tho capitalization is divided Into 150 shates of ?100 each. ,11 I Ml E EXAMINE FOR HAIL 10R1MER CASE GOES CLERK-CARRIER SOON' OVER UNTIE MONDAY Tlie I'liited State-, civil service WASHINGTON. D f, Feb. 25. ' The funeral of the late Mrs. Lou ann Woody, widow of I. N. Woody, who died at the family residence at .'01 West TonUi street Saturday, will bo held on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o clock from the First Ilaptlst church. The Rev. A. A. Holmes will officiate. Mrs. Woody, who has been a resi dent of the Rogue River valley for a number of years, was 70 years old. Tho Interment will take jilaco in the Phoenix cemetery. The Weeks & Mc Gowan company are In charge of the nrrnngements. f'oiiimtaioii announces that an ex- The Lorlmer case went over this an amination for the position of clerk ernocin until Monuoy. Senator Hal iinil earner in the post office service notifying tne chamber that he will bo hold in tliih city on March wa'd 'n8lst thc regular order. j3 Jon, (which means a consideration of the Applicants must apply to William Jcase. "even if the appropriation bills .1. Warner at the post office here on1"- ' direct to Herbert K. Ward, secro-1 IJall' declared he would force a larv eleventh civil hervico district, vote on lorlmer next week or that Seattle, Wiwli. No uplication will he W0,I(1 ,,lock a" lofilBlatlon In the be accepted after March II. .senate. Hasklns for Health. TIasklns for Healtn. LOCAL WOMAN SUES MATE FOR DIVORCE Lorn Griffith, a resident of Jnck ko:i county for more thnn a year and the mother of two small children, fil ed suit in the circuit court yesterday ifckhiK for h divorce from her hus liand Lincoln Q. Griffith, jj The complnint, which wn filed by (Mrkin nntl Taylor, attorneyH for Sirs. Griffitli, alleged desertion nnd non-support, datinc from January 'Jl, gillO. Mrs. Griffith asks the court to firaut her the custody of thoir daughter Alma, 12 yoar old, nnd asks the court lo order the defendant to contribute $10 a month towards the child's support. The other child, Huy, Ifi years old is at present with the father. COUNCIL BLUFFS WAREHOUSE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE MANY INVITED JO T OBSEQUIES OMAHA, Neb., Foil. 25. Firo of origin unknown, tonight destroyed the warehouso of tho Council Bluffs Construction company at Council Bluffs. Loss is $100,000, partially insured. Avalanche Buries Scholars. ST. PKTKKS1U1KCI, Feb. 25 or.. Sixteen school children were kill"d today when rn avalanche buried a school house at Aihga. The funeral of the late I'cter Trillion, aged 70 years, who died nt the family residence nt 528 King street last Wednesday following a brief illness will he held at tho CatliJ- lio church hero Monday morning at J 10 o'clock. Father Van Clarenhecki will officiate nnd tho interment will follow in the Jucksonvillo cemetery.' The family have extended invita-l nous to ine many iricmis ami ac quaintances of the deceased to at tend the ceremonies. Mr. Trauna, who was horn in Dcn mark came to this country with his parents ,when a child. lie fought through the civil war with the union forces nnd was u member of this loc.il post of the O. A. H. lie was also a member of the United Workmen. The Weeks & McGowau company are in charge. JOHN HAYS HAMMOND TO WITNESS CORONATION WASHINGTON. P. C. Fell. 25. -That Ambassador Whitchuv Heid will return to London was stated positi vely at the state department here to day. At the white house it was said that while President Tuft hnd decided to appoint John Hays Ham mond as a special ambassador at King George's coronation there wis no present indication that he would succeed Weill. SEE DIAMOND For Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry J. W. DIAMOND Palm Block Medford & .. . . . 2 WKLd I LIN 17 CAKL BUSCH Weight 165 Pounds, Versus L W. DYREBORG Weight, 185 Pounds Wrestling Instructor of ! Sacramento, California, Athletic Club v TWO FALLS OUT OF J THREE jl Wednesday Night ' MARCH 1st. j! Good Preliminaries jj Doors open at 7:30 o'clock J; Admission 75c; ringside $1 i f Ift tkiByi m l A lfixttokhti i HsrUfiiMstfu i a rn:..K,r. .,1 ., V.,f., h I l, V lO WI UlllV tU -.1V torium. NATATORIIM is t Why 400,000 Women Have HOOSIER Kitchen Cabinets in Their Kitchens Jiflffli ir M il E3 bt- H cy z 'LwiWrii I I " JP i iSjvvrFrfi KSp A ,THplKJL JIOUSIE sAv SPECIAL ONE MILLION WOMEN in the United States have kitchen cabi nets in their homes today. Four hun dred thousand of these women nearly one-half of the total million have the UOOS I E ft KITCHEN CABINET. Women everywhere are abolishing kit chen drudgery with this Cabinet. Why not you? The Hoosier saves you miles of steps. It saves you from reaching to high shelves. It saves you the back-breaking strain of stooping over barrels and bins. Here in one spot forty inches wide you have nine-tenths of all the articles vou use in cooking and baking. Sitting comfortably before your Hoosier Cab inet, you do your kitchen work in one half the time it now takes. The Hoosier is solid kiln-dried, three thicknesses does not twist or warp. It is built to last a lifetime. Note the pure aluminum extension tops of the Hoosier the big work table that you draw out. No other cabinet has an aluminum top. You can knead bread on the Hoosier 's pure, clean alu minum top with no fear of poisonous oxides. Come in and Let Us Demonstrate the Hoosier to You The Hoosier Manufacturing Company arc the world's largest makers of Kit chen Cabinets. Enormous production enables them to give remarkable value.' The low price is fixed by the manufac turers. We think the Hoosier gives more for the money than any one else ever thought of putting into a kitchen cabinet. In fairness to yourself come in and see if we are right before you buy. WEEKS 6 McGOWAN CO. Licensed Agent for Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets 114-124 WEST MAIN STREET. SEE OUR FEBRUARY SALE AD ON ANOTHER PAGE TODAY. Mr. Stranger: You will have missed seeing two or three of the best bar gains in the valley if you don't travel with me An especiallv attractive orchard from a commercial standpoint and general appearance is one located 42 miles from this city, consisting of 2Gio acres, 1. acres of 7 and 8-year-old Newtowns, acres of Ren Davis apples 12 or l-l years old, S acres of Bartlett, d'Anjou and Winter Nelis pears 7 and S years old, 2 acres of lull bearing anricols. Improvements and personal proper! v will aggregate approximarelv $11000, and consist of horses, hack, wagon, spray outfit, all necessary orchard tools, fine packing" house and barn, garage and a good automobile. "This is one of the highest grade and best cared for orchards in the Rogue River valley. The owner guarantees 10 per cent not profit on the orchard the first season. .,, ..., - iuuJ2 .,., -..-.-,. , ,.,..,-.TttfJM.. . Price $30,000; $10,000 Cash. Bal. in five equal annual payments Address or call on Claud Miles 215 Garnett Corey Bldg. MEDFORD & '. : : . : . ' - : - ; : -; -: ; -; - ; ; : - : : . ; ; : ' . : : : . - : ; '. : : : : : : : : : ; : : ; : : ' ; w : : : ; : : vr :i IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMVMMMMMM