MEDFOftD MATL TRTBUNE. MRDVORT), OREGON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1911. PAGE SEVEN ft FRISCO SOCIETY FIGHTS FLAMES Fifty Thousand Dollar Country Home of S. E. State, Millionaire Lumber King Destroyed Despite Efforts of Modish Heroiners. . . MM FAIR OAKS, Cnl., Feb. 25. San Francisco's millionaire set, men, wom en and servants, today risked their lives In a vain attempt to quench flames which completely destroyed the $f0.006 country home of S. E. Slade, the Pacific coast lumber king and president of the S. K. Slade Lum ber company of San Francisco. Among tho modish heroines who fought the fire were .Airs. Worthlngton Ames, Mrs. Samuel Shortrldge, Mrs. D. S. Dome, Mrs. Perry Kyro and Mrs. Clarence V. Walter. The alarm was given when pass ing motorists saw flames breaking through the roof of the Slado villa. Within 20 minutes every motor car of the score of wealthy neighbors, had bioken all speed records and brought butler and millionaire to tho scono of the fire. The daughters of Clar ence Walter, called from the golf course of the Menlo Park Country club were the organizers and leaders of a bucket; brigade. Mrs. Worthlngton Ames twice rushed through blazing timbers to tho aid of her friends, dragging two of them Kvho had been overcome with heat from tho advance of the fire. Chauffeur and belle worked side by side to revive tho victims. Within an hour after the alarm had been given the costly villa was in ashes and the smart set exhausted TO GO TOJENBLAND? Rumored That Mining Engineer May Succeed "Whltelaw Reld as Ambas sador to Court of St. James Is Very Weathly.. , . STOLEN' From my barn on Grif fin Creek, on night of February 21, bay horse and saddle; weight of horse about 1150; has warts in both oars; brand largo W; $25 rownrd. J. II. WILSON. It. F. D. 1, Box GG, Medford, Oregon. DISSOLUTION OF PAUTXEHSIII1' The blacksmith business or the firm name of Caskey and Elliott have this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Caskey retiring rrom busi ness, which will hereafter bo run by Hugh Elliott, who wjjl .collect all outstanding accounts and pay all bills contracted by the old firm. 29 1 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2.'. "If John Hays Hammond Is to succeed Mr. Held as ambasrador to the court of St. .lames, Mr. Held would cer tainly like to know something about It." This was the answer Whltelaw Reld's privnte secretary rnnilo in talk ing over the telephone today from Millbars about rumors that Hammond was soon to be appointed to the Lon don embassy. Ambassador Held was Indisposed and unable personally to answer the rumor. The appointment of Hammond to the Uritish ambassadorship would round out a meteoric career. Ho was born In San Francisco March 31, tsri. After a course in mining he was employed as consulting engineer for the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads. Later he went to South. Afrlcanmi won famo an mining irnglneer for Barney Harnato ami Qe cil Rhodes. During the reform period In the Transvaal In 1S95-996 he was one of the four leaders, and nfter'tho Jame son raid was arrested aud sentenced to death. The sentence was afterward commuted and he escaped with a fine of $125,000. Sinco his return to America Hammond has been employ ed as engineer for the duggenhelms at $SOO,00Q yearly. Hammond Is said to be worth $20,000,000. --- AT THE CHURCHES. t lt t -t- NOTICE TO HEAL ESTATE DEAL ERS. I hereby -give notice that my prop erty on North Bartlett street has been withdrawn from the market. 291 R. O. DUNCAN. Hnsklns for Heatth. Methodist Church. Methodist Church, South corner of Main anil Oakdnlo. Sunday school 10 a, rn. Preaching 11 a. m. Mrbjeel VHcvruls." G-M p. rn. Kpworth League nml Uible Study, 7:110 preach ing. Special revival services will bo held each night of the week at 7:110 p. rn. Everybody cordially invited to attend. J. 1'. Ilipps, pastor. First Christian Churr.h. Ulble school at 10 a. m. Morning1 8ervlcoht 11 o'clock. Christian En- j deavor nt 6:30 p. nr. Evening serv- Ice 7:30. At the eenlng service tho pastor will preach on the subject ' of the "Conversion of Cornelius." W. Theo. Matlock, pastor. 10 o'clock. Services will be held in the church Ash Wednesday at 10 n. rn. and 7:110 p. nr. Thursday afternoon at ' o'clock aiul Friday evening at 1 :.10 o'clock. During Lent services will be held Thursday afternoon and Friday evening of each week. Presbyterian Church. Preaching at 11 a. 111. Cloud music. Preaching nt 7:30 p. nr. Good music. Sunday school at ,10 a. m. Christian Endeavor society at G:30 p. nr. Junior Christian Endeavor society at 4:30 p. in. Evangelistic meetings commence j March 19. Rev. J. A. McVeigh is tho; SEALED INDICTMENT BY SEATTLE GRAND JURY SKATTLB, Wash., Feb. 2.-,. The grarrd jury thin nfternoon returned a Pealed iiitliehncnt ngninfel a porson whoso identity will not be announced until the warrant lias been served. HOCK SPIUXCiS COAL. Two cars 01 the famous Rock Springs coal arrived this" morning." Phone W. J. Burbldge, tho drayman, and get some of this. The best conl In the west, heating, cooking, or fur nace. Delimnd has exceeded the sup ply, but we have two cars on the track today. cvangollBt. Episcopal Church. Morning service nt 1 1 o'clock, evening service at 7:110 o'clock, by Rev. Wm. Sucks. Suudny school -it Christian Science. First Clruruh of Christ Scientist, service Sunday nt It a. in. subject of lesson sermen: "Christ Jesus.' Sunday school nt 10, tcstimoiiinl meeting Wednesday nt 7:30 p. nr. All arc welcome. Heading room hours Wednesday from 2 to f p. in. also on hour after the Sunday and Wed nesday services. Church edifice, 21 2 No. Oakdnlc avenue. Steam and Hot Water Heating If vou want to be comfortable, heat vour home, with Hot Water. Tt costs you nothing to talk with Pontine & Renz the only straight Heating Shop in Medford. 37 SOUTH CENTRAL. I -A Full Car of 1911 Stoddard Dayton Automobiles The new 1911 Models are beauties and will be on display about Wednes day. You should see these new carsthe classiest ever brought to Medford or the Coast. Call on or phone i, v ? SCOTT V. DAVIS 5 Cars of Pianos Sold During Last S s s s s s s I s s s THANKS, MR. PIANO BUYER: 1 am extremely thankful for the liberal patronage accorded me during the past short season. Five ears of fine pianos were sold, many to people who had practically de cided to buy elsewhere, but bought of me because of superior quality and lower price. I would have sold all the pianos bought in this section had the purchasers known the true facts about pianos and that I was offering far superior values. Eight pianos to my competitor's one is a fine showing, and again I express my thanks. I leave at once to visit Eastern factories I4 Ten cars of the best Pianos for Medford this year W T T rTy f Don't buy a Piano until I return, unless you have me select it while in V V II 111 the East. I Will visit some 100 factories, personally select my stock of Pianos and make terms that will enable me to sell you any Piano you may desire for at least $100 less than : any competitor yAkW!z? ?-i a iJ v 1