J ,1 PAGE SIX MEDFOKD HAIL TRIBUNE, afEDFORD, PRiggON, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1911. B ARTIST APPLE MARKET IS OVERLOOKED Hhould have some attention in tho In tow nt ,j(J Mc(1f(ml 0pcrn HouW.'n rm,nt comedy, iU one of the old credit to the eitynnd should have a 3 para to come." "Hrown's In Town" is one of the best stand bys that always plciteex and good house on their nstporforninnce. i - comedies ever written and lias ivcn never leaves a person with the blue. The Rents are on sale ut the Minimis 1 Brown's In Town. the theatre pointf public of this coun- The htoek company have played in dniR stom TlMIIffllt Hln rt1fintiii TmuLtl illi f ! !... .( ttiL,t t,,....T. P AtwHi.,1 1fWI niiiilSiinniic itnl. " STRAY SPOUSE GOES TO cm. rfloek I'ompriiy will ju-i-enl Hrmvu's cent comedy. It. however, is not formances and they have been u Ma3kins for Health. r ...w -, viiv, i'limuvMiii 9, j IIJU ilUlllUUTl j ii u l; ii Ui. till V IL" UUlUUiU 1.WA iuu twiimiuuin '. woo R NICO v t ' r ' 'i Husband Disappeared Two Years William Ellison McGufflc, Arrested In Aflo With Young Son, So Mrs. Les mclster Seeks Annulment of Mari tal Vows Asks Alimony. CluiiKiiiK that her husband, Frod orlelc W. Lemiii'Istor, with truutliiR licJr In n criiol unci Itihiimaii inniinor, nnd on April 22, 1900, with having totally illHnppoared, taking with him their ll-yoar-old son, Frederick, Mrs. Cecelia Lesmelstpr of Central Point Portland on Ashland Warrant Also Wanted in San Jose Sold "Cold Water Coffee Percolators." Williiuu Ellison Jh-Guffio, eumiiiilt etl to the county .jiiil'fmui tlio jiih tice I'oiirt in Ashland (o jiwnit this action of the rnnl jury upon ilihrgi's of obiiuniii money tinder faiHo pretonhes lias been claimed Itv lias filed suit in the circuit court) (he authorities of S'nn J.mn, Cnl., asking for an absolute divorce and who took him back to that city, lu,t the custody of their two younger clill-l week to face u charge of grand lur- ci'iiry dren. The complaint, filed in the- office of County Clerk William R. Coleman yosterday, alleges that since their mnrrlago In Hot Springs, Ark., In 1899, the defendant nnd plaintiff lutvo at all times lived together un til. In 1909, the desertion took place. The allegation contained In tho doc ument chargon tho defendnnt, who Is a photographer by profession, with having noglocted hlo family and of having subjected his wife to so much abuse that she Buffered a breakdown nrf tho result. v On tho dato of the alleged deser tion, tho complaint states, Lesmols ter cnfno to Medford with the oldest boy mid completely disappeared, Hlnro which time tho plaintiff has been forced to suppoit her two young- C. W. Wilmcrath Units of Conditions at Hamburg, Antwelp and Auster dam Where Box Apples Are Seldom Offered the Public. MeGuflie, who was arrester in Portland last December upon a war rant sworn to in Ashland, was charg ed with operating a bunko game in that city upon tho strength of ered cntials purporting to show thai he was acting as the agent of an east ern manufacturer of cold water cof fee percolators. He rented offices in tho eify and sold the agency for the niachiiio and is alleged to have spent what spare lime his rushing percolator business .iflorded him in ciieulating checks C. V. Wllmeroth, former manager of the Rogue River Fruit and Pio duco exchange, writes to Professor O'Claia under date of February 10 ,'roin Herlln, Germany, as follows re garding fruit conditions in continen tal perts: "After a n'"ith In England and Scotland and a week In Brussels, Ant-, ucrp and Amsterdam, I spent nearly' a week In Hamburg looking carefully Into apple conditions there and future prospects for our apples. "I have alwaj'B thought that the Germans were unfair when inspect ing our apples, but have changed my mind. Had nice letters of Introduc tion and hnd the pleasuro of a pleas ant hour with head doctor of tho in spection department and feel sure, 1 ilnderstniid now what thoy will take hero and vailetles and sizes that will. do the best. No Roguo apples have been shipped direct to Hamburg; in caaaninmHKaBHBaaHHBmnnHBHHHHaaiHiHMH m ii mjBKtIBi i ?tiHRnr'Tii tiff' id1 '"ii!" ii i 5 .-WmSSX&EZ-dSgS&sKSi. i2"23F3Sx3!&ZZzZ??ZmBIK I iailBSli I mm nraB I (lit mfJmmtmm, I 'WTHHHfjjJliJP L I -Ll According to Deputy Sheriff Lvle. U'llll lillliwi In Milu ..ill. I.. I.. I... .. erdilldren.Lonora, 9 years, and Paul i(,lllTitl ,,, Sl, j,, h(J js um(0)1 among his aciiuaiutanceii on a bank f,lct, box apples are little known here. " )l,,lt llH ''.'"'ical as (he place One day, however, a car of our ap- wnere the cold water percolators uut'o supposedly innnufaetitred St a n ley, (5 yon in Tho plaintiff roquostH tho court, In addition to tho severing or tho nup tial knot, to grant her tho custody or tho two younger children nnd nlHo that I.osmolstor bo ordered to con trjliuto a yearly sum of ?2I0 for their maintenance mid education. is alleged to have staked an owner ship while working in the office of a chemist llieie. MODEL ROAD TO BE BUILTJN JOSEPHINE A survey having been mude of the cotinly road from I lie Kogue River bridge to (lie Holmes corner and a blue print made to Hie same, show ing !ho necessity grade and Hie woik pies and a car of Hood Rivera bought In Liverpool wero sold tho day I left, Hamburg. ' "Home marks In each were reject ed mid marked S. J. L. fSun .lose j thcie fop- Hie larceny of a quantity of l Louse). Will show you the cata- gold and platinum, upon which lie'iogue and explain more fully on my return to Medford about April 10 "1 am not sine that I will remain In Medford, as I have other proposi tions made me under consideration, 'fills has been qultu an exponslve trip, but even so, I am very thankful I came. I thought that I knew a lit tle about conditions In these markets, but now see my en or. "Nome trial shipments have Icon made at odd times which wero only partially successful, thus giving these dealers here a rather bad opinion of our fruit, as well as causing our ship pers dlssntlsfactlon. "Just to think that Hamburg has buyers daily fioin sections represent- 1 lug over 100,000,000 population and MUST HAVE CASH TO BUY TICKETS Agent A. S. Ro-enbauni, of Hie S. P. railroad, has issued a notice to I he iifl'ecl Hint cheeks will be loiigor ho accepted nl (he ticket window of tint Southern Pacific railroad depot here from persons who are not known lo Hie clerk on duly. The notice generally to be done lo make (his follows a number of Irvinir cxiicricii- highway after (lie pattern mude by cis snffeied recently by persons who me goneral government, the work o punting until the Insl iniimle to pur grading was commenced by fonri clmse llieir ticket, have lendeiei tennis this morning and will he inish- chceU for the same onlv In Imvn Hum no box aooles on the market except ed to completion as rapidly as po-.-1 refused. A number of people have I a few badly bruised ones from Ung-I fciblc. i lost (heir trains on this account, hand suggests to me that this market I IN EVERY HOME Whore there are children, there ought lo be a Columbia Graphophone unci aslo in every home where there are no children onlv more so. See nnd hear this "J3N" model The new Tone-arm sylinder Graphophone. Medford Music SKop Mc Nealy & Co. 220 West Main St. St. Mark's Building The Columbia Grafonola "Regent" PRICE, $200.00 73uilt of finest genuine mahogany. Equipped with the Columbia "Grand" "Reproducer, interchangeable and op tional with the Columbia "Concert" Grand Reproducer. Circassian Walnut (to order) $250 'Golden Fumed, Mission, Quartered Oak, with straight legs (to order) $200 $ JTi W 14 - P iTN r-d ? I ijrana opening aa(e 01 spring Croed: MANN'S At MEDFORD'S POPULAR PRICE STORE Central Ave. Near Post Office Agents for Warner and R & G. Corsets. Standard Patterns MANN'S , $ i I I 1 9 ).00 Worth of New Spring Goods at Popular Prices j Special Prices Prevail in All Departments Monday We Mention a Few I New Suits 100 brand new Suils, made of V llu best materials; radical change in st lo; "La ugue" Jj make; al 1 ' -x j $30, $25, $22.50, $20 v I SPECIAL v 15 beautiful new Suits; made of all wool serge; in tho new New Suits and Coats New Coats v 2 shade.-; on Nile Monday. v V $15.00 100 beautiful new Coats; full length; new .shawl and tailor ed collars; till colors and sizes; at tn r !- $25, $20, $18, $15 SPECIALS CORSETS Women's eoutil Corsets; all sizes; special .Monday, pair, SPECIAL 1 beautiful new Coats in plain ami fancy colors; all sizes; on sab Monday, 50c GLOVES New chamois Cloves; all sizes; special .Monday, pair, Great Sale of White Goods 25,000 yards of new, crisp up-to-date Wash Goods on sale Monday at law prices. 25c Our celebrated K Y. L. $1.'J.") Clove; special .Mon day, pair, $1.00 $10.00 $ SKK OCR NKW LINK OF SILK AND WASH DKKSSKS. i, - - V WASH BELTS New fanc Wash Belts, with pearl buckle; special at, each, DRESS GINGHAMS L'000 yards fine Dress Ging hams; all new patterns; Vast colors; on sale .Monday, yard, 10c FLAXONS 2000 yards of Klaxons in new patterns; the best washing fabric made; worth 25c; spe cial Monday, yard, 19c TISSUES Egyptian Tissues in all col- J ors; beautiful patterns; nev- or fades; on sale Monday, a J yard, J 28c (Joocl Apron Gingham, yard 5c Double .Fold Percales, yard 10c 15c EMBROIDERIES AND LACES AT SPE CIAL LOW PRICES. 2000 yards Cambric Kinbroidorv and In sertions; 2000 yards fine Val. Lace and Insertions; values up to loe; on r sale Monday, a aro! 2000 yards, wide Cambric and Swiss Km- J broideries and insertions; up to 25c 2 lie ! values; on sale Mondav at, per yard NIGHT GOWNS $ Women's flannelette Kitfht downs; special fc, Holiday 7ft t-w " w TOWELS Kxtra I a r n e size I luck Towels; -vorth 18e; on sale , al 10c PILLOW OASES 2 and 15- inch bleaeh d IMMow Slips; wju-lh 14c li-: tn sale Moialav HOSIERY nurson" Hose for women; 25c rade; on sale Monday, iQp nair . . . XOL TABLE LINEN 60-infh Table Damask worlh tOe; on sale ronday at, OQ vard vol, OUTING FLANNEL New patterns; good I2c quality; special vLr ' IOC HOUSE DRESSES Women's G ingha in House Dresses; spec ial at, Q4 HO each JJI.tO CORSET COVERS ; W omen's faucv ; Corset Covers; 2 special, ftr f V each tttIL v 44W1W44444W W! 4-4414-4144mnZ