MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1011. PAGE FIVE Personal P. G. Ols-oii rctimiuri from u busi ness trip to eastern Oregon, Friday morning. Among those registered at Hotel Dnnlaj) Thursday and Friday wero J''. II. Ilouptmnn, W. E. Judson, M. P. Hull, J. G. Townscnc, D. K. Hognrt, H. W. Clarke. C. 11. Hclteiiinn from Portland; B. J. Hyan, Ashland; John Steelu, Woodburn, Or.; L. L. Dnrdick J. B. Wright, J. J. Blanehard, all of Medford. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and surgeon. OMIco over Strang's drug store. tr. The Medford Conservatory carries a larpic line of vocal and Instrumental sheet music in stock. Although It Is primarily Intended for the accommo dation of the conservatory students, music Is sold to all who wish It. Hale's I'lano House reports the salo of a fine player piano to the Honor able J. H. Westcrlund. Mr. and Mrs Westerlund made a careful study of players before buying and aro satis fied that they found the best the mar ket affords. Evangelistic meetings will com menco In the Presbyterian church March 19. 1911. Kev. J. A. Mc Veigh of Portland Is the evangelist. Great results arc expeqted from these meetings. Fresh oysters, clams and fish dally at Manhattan Cafe. Elmer James Rhoades and Lydla Violet Hanscom were united In mar riage by Rev. W. F. Shields at the Presbyterian manse Saturday, Febru ary 25, a,t 2:30 p. m. Tho young couplo will make their homo In Med ford. Deputy Game Warden Charles R. Gay spent Saturday In Jacksonville on business. Every person who visits tho Isis theater this week will be well repaid for their trip. New pictures, the only genuine radium screen, and very clever vaudeville. Last night saw the houso well filled from start to fin ish of tho pictures. Harry McClellan, former sheriff of Douglas county, Is spending a few days In Medford. Laugh and gain weight, win health, happiness and wealth. The Isis theater Is a real laugh starter. You'll enjoy tho pictures and high- class vaudeville tonight. , Is your iouho wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf. Who Is your tailor? "Joe" Is my tailor. H. D. Patterson, 11C E. Main, has somo nice English Hollies and all kinds of shndo trees. Rosos (all the best). Now Is a good time to plant. Drop In and see me. tf Wilson Walt returned Friday to tho O. A. C. at Corvallls to completo his studies thero. Watch for tho "Plerco," tho smooth running motorcycle tf Mrs. A. A. Unlroin Is confined to her homo on West Second street suf fering from a severe caso of diabe tes. John H. Carkln, attornoy at law, over Jackson County bank. Tho placo to eat Manhattan Cafo, North Front street. Mrs. W. II. Harris of Seven Oaks crossing was in tho city Saturday. Colonel R. C. Washburn of Table Rock was in the city Saturday to at tend a mooting of tho directorate of tho Roguo River Fruit and Produce association. Special dinner at reasonable rates. Manhattan Cafe. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggago wagon. 451 Colonel George Minis of the Sovon Oaks ranch spent Saturday In Med ford on business. Try tho new barbor shop; ovory thlng clean and Banltary; opopslto P. O. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalmer Successor to the undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company About March 1, Private Am bulance Sorvlco, Sick and Injured conveyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. W. Conklln, 3601. J. H. Butlor, 3571. and Local Grants Pass acrcago for sale A snap 32 1-2 acres, tho most beauti ful subdivision acreage In tho city, lays hljh and sightly; good modern houso and ether improvements; on main street; nil cleared; closo In; price 1G,000; terms. Address P. O. Box 580, Grants Pnss, Oregon. Phone 239 R. 300 - WEST PROCLAIMS MARCH FIRST COLONIST DAY SALEM,", Or., Feb. 25 Gov ernor West lias issued n procla mation setting aside March 1 as Colonist day, on which day all good boosters nro requested to write letters to eastern people setting forth the advantages of Oregon. SANTA FE RAILROAD TO DOUBLE TRACK LINE LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 23. Tho Santa Pe railway is about to launch a policy of progression nnd reconstruction tlint will result with in a few years in the double track ing of its system from Chicago to Los Angeles, a distance of 2208 miles, ac cording to Assistant Traffic Manager John J. Byrne, who is hero today. PRINTERS CONGRESS ELECTS OFFICERS AND ADJOURNS; PORTLAN1), Or., Feb. 25. Fol lowing the election of officers nnd choosing Los Angeles as the next place of meeting, tho Pacific Coast Printers congress adjourned its ses sion here with n banquet which last ed until nearly todny. Tho newly elected officors follews: President E. R. Morroll, Portland; vice presidents, J. A. Borden, San Frnscisco; C. V. White, Seattle; W. R. Bindon, Vancouver, B. C; A. W. Howe, Tacoma; secretary, 1. M. Rice, Los Angeles; treasurer, Joseph An derson, Sacramento. NINETY OF INDUSTRIAL WORKERS AT REDDINGS REDDING. Cal.. Feb. 23. Peace able hut determined, a baud of ninety Industrial Workers of the World reached here late this afternoon en ruotc to Fresno, where they propose to join in the fight against the "free speech" ordinance. The men nro walking and expect to reach Redding late tomorrow. No disorder has been reported.! HOTEL ARRIVALS At tho Nash R. A. Owens. Eaulo Point; Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dlx, Hutchinson; E. N. Ncsbltt, Roches ter; E. D. Cannes, San Francisco; E. M. Mattes, Chicago; R. C. McMil lan, Portland; George E. Lear, Wil lows; 11. S. Crotbler, Sjokano; J. K. Ilrower, San Francisco; II. W. Clarke, Portland; A. II. Granger, San Fran cisco; E. O. Ingle, "1915"; R. C. Washburn. Table Rock; W. 13. Car ter, Now York. At tho Monro Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Springer, Grants Pass; IC. H. Grantham and II. M. Grantham, Wil mington; Meyer Rothschild, Chica go; E. E. Uerkander, Providence; A. Gold, Chicago; E. F. Taylor, So- atile; J. P. Rums, Portland; II. W. Qulnlln, Rochester; CharleB A. Boyco, Portland; Mr. nnd Mrs, L. W. Whit ing, Medford. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Tho followlns list of letters re main uncallod for at tho postofflco at I Medford, Oregon, Wednesday, Fobru- i ary Z2: John Arnoll, Frank Hrloloy, W A nrown, C V Ilowman, J II Dormer, Mrs D A Uoone, M C Royd, Harry I) Rush, D Splnnrra Cattels, Mrs J M Chalphani, R L Davis, Ayyon Kx porlto, Fred Graham, Zumbianco Ou iseppe, Joe Hill, Henry Hall, It L Howard, Mrs Ruth Josnston, J S Jonos, W T Kelley, A Kolly, Joseph E Kirklnnd, II II I.awronce, Okoy Lan son, R I Long, J V Mend, W P Mlt- ichell, John Mnrtz, Mr Matthews, Earl Mackhenry (2), A R Mercross, J II IMoplor, Mlllor Uros. Shingle Co., ! Elmer Morris (2), F A Nichols, Dol- Ho Parker, Lena Petorson, C D Put man, Ernost C Roswell, Dud Roberts, i Mrs Edna Rudolph, Clarence Sands, Mrs R Skagnor, Frank Schlernltz lauer (2), John Stahl, William S ! Smith. Mrs William Smith, Anna R I Smith, Mr Strooter, Sr Du Sllcortro Jaca, Mrs L B Tracy, Jamos Vande Jvort, J T Watts. A R Waist, M Q Iwarnor, Alice E Wills, M II Wills, ,Mrs Adelaide Wllkenson. Parties calling for tho ahovo let ters will please Bay "advortlsod." A chargo of xmo cent will bo made upon (delivery. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. CAPTURED AFTER LONG CHASEAROUND PORTLAND, Or., Feb.' 25. After a world-wide hunt whicl, has been under way since 1S91, Uurdctte Wolf, who shot and killed his sweetheart, Dertha Morton, has been located In Calcutta, India, and will bo brought back to Portland for trial for mur der, according to District Attorney Cameron this afternoon. Wolf was a law student and was prominent socially. Ho shot tho girl because her parents had influenced her to reject him, It Is said. i Wolf sailed for South America within four hours after her death on a vessel owned by a relative. He was traced to Australia, Hongkong, Japan and finally to India. DELAY EXTRA SESSION 30 DAY INTERVENTION WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 2d. President Tuft today considered' a suggestion made by Congressmen Champ Clark nnd Oscar W. Under wood tlint thirty days bo allowed to intervene between tho end of this congress and the convening of nt extra session, and it is probable that if one is called it will meet April Jl. Clark nnd Underwood point ed out that a certain amount of time must be given to organization, either before or after the session convenes. WESTERN RAILROADS MEET NEXT WEEK CHICAGO, Ills., Feb. 23. Execu tives and attorneys for the western railroads are expected to meet hen next week to decide upon their ac tion regarding the inter-state com- mcrce commission's decision. Al indications arc that it will he accept ed without n fight. In order to np peal the case the roads must de cline to withdraw their tariffs, tluw forcing the commission to formally fix the present rates as those to In enforced for two years. PRIZE FIGHTS STOP MEETINGS OF COUNSEL KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 25. "Unless tho council stops its practice of adjourning before it hns com pleted its business to hurry to prize fights, I'm going to stop the fights Pm not opposed to the fight game, bul I will not stand for it interfering with city business." This ultimatum, delivered b Mayor Brown, today, was promptcc by the councilmcn adjourning to wit ness a prize fight before, accordinj. to the mayor, they had half completer' their work. 1- - - t " TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 44 4--4- -H HIGHCROFT residences aro selliuc daily; make your selection bei'on choice lots nro sold. AS KOK A MONEY MA KICK W offer for (lie first timo a block of lots in one of tho new select addi tions to Medford. This is a ran offer for one with n few hundred dollars to invest. See us Monday Hunlloy-Kremer Company, 15 N. Central nvenue. STUMO 7(I(J SOl'TII OAK DALE PHONE I07U. Private or class lessons In oil, wa ter color or tapestry. Orders taken. AGNES R. GRANT. Coffee Is put up under a great many different names and so many brands claims to bo tho best. fflAll wo ask is that you try tho coffeo wo soil and by all means have It "COlIE CUT," which not only means a saving, but gives you cleaner, bettor coffeo. fJRomembor, White Diamond Flour Olmstead Hibbard Ml WEST M STREET SOUTHERN PORTLAND, Ore. Feb. 25. (Special to the Mail Tribune) Southern Oregon people registered nt Portland hotels during the week as follews: From Medford Court Hall, E. P. Mnssnm, A. C. F. Artlienry, at the Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Warren, nt the Perkins; William Gcrig, at the Cornelius; Ira J. Dodge, at thu Im perial. From Roscburg T. E. Alley, Jo soph Micclli, W. B. Johnstone, nt tho Imperial; S. S. Morrison, at the Alder; A. F. Sethcr, at tho Oregon; Milton Church, at the Lenox. From Asliland Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wagner, nt the Imperial. Prom Grants Pass George C. Subeu, at t!; Cornelius. Fnm Gold Hill J. IT. Avery, at (lie Imperial. From Glcndnlc Ban Wise, at tho Oregon. From Cottage Grove R. E. Gris wold, at tho Oregon. 0GDEN REID TAKES OUT MARRIAGE LICENSE RACINE, Wis., Feb. !,-. Opden Rcid, son of Whitelaw Reid, Ameri can ambassador to the court of SI. James, arrived hero today with his intended bride, Miss Helen Miles Rogers, and took out a murringo lic ense for March M. After gotting the document, Reid returned to New York. Miss Rogers remains hero ns the guest of her brother. COMMISSION SUSPENDS COAL LINE ADVANCES WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 23. The Tnter-state conimcrco commission todny suspended rate advances vitnl ly nffecting the tap lines the coal industry in tho south and west. Ad vances on con I shipped from Wet Virginia to tho western states and middle west have been postponed un til September f. SHOE TRUST PROBED BY CANADIAN COURTS QUEBEC, Que., Feb. 25. Wliothoi the United Shoe Machinery Comimuv :s n monopoly in restraint of trade will bo determined under the Cana dian anti-trust law. Judge Cannon todny ordered nn inquiry and will inmo a committee to examine to the corporation's officials under oalh. The United Shoe Machinery Com pany's officials announced that tliey would appeal against Judge Cannon's decision. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg JVJN store that sells A look is always appreciated if you buy or not. Our time is yours. Come in for a look and ideas on SPRING WEARING APPAREL MILLION DOLLAR PLANT BLOWN UP BY BOMB CHICAGO, 111., Feb. 25.- Working, on tho theory that the explosions were caused bv labor troubles, the GRAY THERE is spring in the store atmosphere now, and new goods arc pouring in every day. You will find here values and merchandise that will in terest you throughout the whole store. Among the late arrivals comes a lot of sinking tailored Suits, mostly misses' and small ladies' sizes, in tan, light smoke and navy; sizes in this special lot run from 14 to 34; at $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 WOMEN who want something new to piece out the season or ""for all summer long, to wear with shirt waist, should see the lot of splendid Skirts. I fere are serges, panamas, in navy blue, black, brown and gray; styl ed in the popular plaited effect or plain trimmed in bands of the same ma terial. They come in misses' and smalt ladies' sizes at $3.50 and $4,75 ANOTHER lot of Corsets just received. Henderson and G. D. Corset to fit every form. CLARK'S make Hosiery, the very best hose that 25 cents can. buy. They are made of very fine lisle thread, reinforced heel and toe, double garter top, and guaranteed a perfect black; for men, women and children, 9I and only, per pair Jl RIBBONS, those dainty little dress accessories, tire priced exceedingly low for a few days only. They come in all popular colors and QR patterns; widths 80 to 150; at 25c and wyv JABOTS and Dutch Collars in a broad selection of lace, lawn and 4 Cp fancy effects 4. jL9j HP WO hundred dozen Val. Lace in edges and insertion to match ; many Afif - desirable patterns to select from; i to 1 1-4 inches vridc,doz t01 ON 111 thousand yards till linen Lace; nice new patterns; y to 3 Tp inches wide at, j'ard H EMBROIDER ED Edges; these aro imported goods and are fast wash colors' so desirable for trimming wash dresses and aprons; 6 yards to piece- OCp HUNDREDS of useful little things in Notions and Dressmakers' Needs are displayed in our notion department, center aisle, and prices unusually low. SIMMONS Cloves are carried in all staple colors; we can match any new Spring shades for you. Simmons' are. the best Q4 Off GHj C irlove for the nrice asked pXltl"wJ.i O NEW TDEA Patterns 10c Magazines 10c THE Spring styles of Florshoim Shoes are now in our stock. They are shown in all latest lasts and toes no better shoo made dr AA npllE popular styles shown in Cross Shoes for ladies are going to tf O TA J- make a great hit at p0.e)l BLACK and white wool Dress Goods is a strong f-$f 9 feature in our new spring line; prices range from de)v"pl.yeJ OUR. '15-inch white diagonal Coating Serge is receiving consider- (jf ITA able attention at, per yard $ J" When down town GRAY & MOE is the place to go U - A. ""There's a Difference When you get past the name "HAT" the differ ence begins. Begins with the fur and ends with the it. Every siep of the way, of material, every move of the skilled hatter's hand is loyal to the name "KNOX." "Different," Why? We hatters could tell you why, but you are not interested in hat making it's hat wear you want to know. Buy Knox and learn. Knox Soft Hats, $5 Knox Stiff Hats, $5 Knox Silk Hats, $8 OUR SPRING CLOTHING ARRIVING EVERY DAY Twill be to your adantage to watch our Spring Suits open up f u your sizo and pattern. police today sought tho men who set off two dynnmintc bombs Inst night in the Iroquois Iron compnny's new $1,000,000 plant now in course of construction. The company hud e.nployed no. & MOE ovuvy bit "Mtaorei Cor-Jtscri union men on sovornl big contracts and this is said to have caused ill feeling. Windows were shattered for blocks around. Hnsklns for Health. 125 Cast Main St. EDFORD, ORE. CJothiars t r . i 11 fcr to- Sfc ?1 Hatklus for Health.