Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 26, 1911, FIRST SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford Mail tkibune
The Democratic Times. Tlio Mrdford
Mail, Tlio Medford Tribune, The. South
crn OrcKOtilan, Tlio Ashland Tribune.
GEOKGE PUTNAM, IMI tor and Manager
Entcrod am Bi-cond-clfiHU matter No
vember 1, 1909, at the pontofflce ul
Medford, Oregon, under tho act or
March 8, 18TD,
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
sunscHirriow rati;.
One year, by mall 5,92
Ono month by mall 60
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Jacksonville and Cen-
tral Point .60
Sunday only, by mall, por year.... 2.00
Weekly, per year 1.60
rull rented Vlro United Frei
Tho Mall Trlbtino Is on sale at tliu
Kerry News Hlnnd, Han Krnnclnco.
Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland.
Ilowman News Co, Portland, Or.
W. O. Whitney. Heiittle, Wash.
Hotel Spokane News Stand, Spokane.
Dally average for six months ending
December 31, 1910, 2721
MEDroBD, onraow,
Metropolis of Southern Oregon nm
Northern California, and the fastest
growing city In Oregon.
Population IJ. S. census 1910; 8810,
estimated In November, 1910, 10.000.
Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed, giving finest
supply puro mountain water and six
teen miles of sticot being paved and
contracted for at n cost exceeding $1,
000,000, making u total of twenty miles
of pavement
Postofflco receipts for year ending
November 30, 1910, show a gain of 61
. per .cent.
-, Ilnnk deposits were $2,370,532, n gain
' of 22 per cent.
Banner fruit city In Orogon riogue
Itlver Spltzenberg apples won sweep
n: stakes prizo and titlo of
-' "Apple Klnir of the World"
at the National Applo Show, Spokane,
1800, and a car of Nawtowns won
rirt rilie In 1010
nt Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver, 11, C
rtoguo Itlvcr pears brought hlgliest
f prices In all markets of tho world dur
ng tho past six years.
SVrlto Commercial club. Inclosing C
cents for pontage, for tho finest commu
nity pamphlet over written
WASHINGTON, I). 0., l'YI). 2.'i.
Taking tlio stand dial the ratification
of. tho ('aiin.liuii reciprocity mcnniiro
would do gvoul liitrm to the north
wustqrn hIiiU'h, Senator AlcCiiiuhor
of North Dakota this al'lernoon de
nounced (ho proposed treaty in tlio
. "Uy ratifying that treaty," ho
said, "you will strike tho cereal and
Block intoroln of tho northwestern
6talo. a staggering hlow, hat they
will arihc and rotnrn the blow with
(tomi)oiiadcd interest
"It will not ho to tho advantage oil
iniiniifactnrei-h to ain hy reciprocity,
at this time. Tho adoption of tho
iiH'iirui'ii,v priur.pio win weiiio ine
groat fundamental policy of tho
Unitud Stilton. The logical develoi)-
moat of that policy will ho a nwilt
Htroko of retrihulivo jiiHtico to the
ninnufiietuiorK now ui'jOi'K "10
"Whoa (Jiix compact pannes every
doubt of the propriety of taking p
tho tariff propoHiiiou, Hchedule hvi
schedule and Mihjoet hv subject will
Accoiiipuiucil b Mr-. I.ydia A.
llniiNconi, tho mother of llm prom
jyoil bride, Elinor Jiuiick Khniidi'H,
and MW Ly.liu Violet llnuxeoin, both
of Medford, Kerure.l u murriagc lie
oitfti nt tho office of county clerk
William K. Column lat week.
I'lio couple were accompanied bv'
l i
tho mother of the lirde wlnwv
Kill ;iu ncccKMiii'v iii llm xuv.i .,! who Mcnteea
yoai-M old '
.VOUCH !.' ..'HINT .MlilOTl.Vt; ni'L,fi iMnrv ,hn, ,,anp.r of Ax
citKIH roits.
In tho ilUtrlrt court of the United '
SUde. for th.. dUtrlet of Orwn l!,Mlll u, ,Hl ,w v ,,,,, ,
Imnkruptcy. in the matter of j. A., ,,,,, 0M.llMlll rMr4 ,", Ute pen.o,,al
Chirluutot. a bankrupt. ....... of Haroa IVhida. the JapaneM-
To tin i-iwdtlon of J. A. OhpUiuW '
..! . . . j.
uttond, jiiosc their clalina, appoint a
trjiKtoo, examine the bankrupt, cow-
Hldoi. order intiry or eoiifirm tho
Knlo or the property or the baukrupU'
and trnnaact such other ttusliieaa as
inai' properly come before said w't-
lug. :
Hoferee In Uankruiucw.
Fohruary 21. 1811. til 1
i.i I.
Ilnskiiia for -hotiltli.
o. AMiuiuiu. in me eouuiy 01 jacaaoi. iMI ls , ,, .Mirt of ,h0 m,tVt
ami dUt. Id aforvMlil. bankrupt. H i f.eclv aduiitti-d todav the
Notice U tiereb) gteM that on the' ,..,,,, M.lltltorfc v,wj f,',,. ,.,llifi.
SI st day of Pebnwm. nil. the aahl (.Hii,,n wi,, gm mi-tivii.K and on
J. A. Oarlqulat wan duly adjudlratd u . ,,. of lh Wlljaw,
a bunkrupt. and thai the flrat meot- (UlUM, 1MliHi,, ie ,,.,.
In o hi, ..editor, will h h!d at ,, , ,,,. lV ,ws m
Uio office or the-rotf lu Mwlford. j , ,..,, , ,hp 8ihm,ion(
Orogoti ,.m the 7th day or March ,' ..., , in,,m.t, ,hm ,
1811. at a uclork In the aftornoou Wllluh,lw.,.,,,,,,,,. The impre.
nt which llm.- the aald credltura may :. ,,.,...,., , .,, ,. ...'. ,,,
GOVERNOR AVUKT lias made good.
Tho confidence shown in him by the people last
November has been more than justified.
Every effort made to undermine the rule of tho people
or to tamper with progressive legislation has been re
buffed. Governor West used the power and prestige of his
office lo dictate legislation but it was needed and merit
orious legislation in the interest of the people and would
not have been enacted without the big stick.
A cabal of peanut politicians devoted their.entire ener
gies throughout the session to embarrassing the executive
and endeavoring to thwart his program of reform. But
they found the governor as skillful a politician, as clever
at intrigue, as adroit and daring in execution as them
selves they left him master of the situation.
No governor in the history of Oregon ever swung the
ax quite so hard, lie has vetoed 72 measures, and each
veto is accompanied with a comprehensive message out
lining the reasons therefor. And no one can read these
reasons without admitting that in nearly every instance
he acted correctly.
The governor's veto of the Rogue river fish bill was
characteristic of his independence. No one, unfamiliar
with the conditions, realises the tremendous pressure
brought to bear in fa vol of the Pierce bill.
The entire commercial fishing interests of Oregon,
with their extensive financial and commercial connections,
and their legislative representation, as well as the Bower-man-Thompson
reactionaries in the legislature, were ar
rayed against the people's law and the people of Jackson
county, its defenders. But the governor stood pat for the
people, and for .Jackson county.
Governor West has been tried and found not wanting,
lie has gone down the line for Jackson county, both as
railroad commissioner and as governor and it tliere is
anything he wants from the people of this section, all he
has to do is to name it.
Hurrah for Oswald West the governor who makes
good !
THE PORTLAND ORE(iONIAN has been conducting
quite a campaign in behalf of the second-choice bill
vetoed by (lovernor West.
This alone is enough to make every progressive sus
picious. When the Orcgonian becomes a champion of re
form legislation, it is time to be on guard.
No measure that did not have for its ultimate aim the
emasculating of the Oregon system would receive a line
of commendation from the reactionary newspaper.
The avowed and onlv aim
lo strengthen party organizations, to enable the building
up of political machines. It has not given satisfaction in
either Washington or Idaho, where tried out, and efforts
for its repeal are now being made.
The bill was an tit tempt to tamper with the Oregon
plan and destroy its effectiveness to do that which the
governor and many of the legislature were pledged not
to do.
Vet because (lovernor West lives up to his campaign
promises, the torv Orcgonian,
i(.l progress in its rat 1 Ic-t rap makeup, that still worships
j,(l S(1('j,w,. sim 0- jrssemblvisni and pie-counter bossism,
tg sun 01 asseniDiyism and )i
vuiiri mil Mirii ii ii iiijm pi
. .
provenienl. lie weights down uplilt. lie wars on the pro
gressive element in the republican party and tin; democrat
ic part v. lie publicly aligns
aries who falselv profess faith in the Oregon svsteni for
ds own saUe, Did seeu lo prevent us necessary and natural
development I or t heir sakes.
It is to laugh!
That tho .InpaiiOKo honey i cl-
fectimllv laid, at IohkI until after
10i:, i. tlio oapicmmI I.elieT hero l -
day of iiiemU of tho tail itdiuim--1
trillion, follow. tho MtHtuai rati-
ri.wiu... li nii.1.1 ..' H. . ..,....
uilh the Mikado. The p.oMdeut .Vf '" " returuod luto the
... . llMll.Itt tt lll.k It.lltlll.k fClt.k .l.,..ll.l.l
cou-Uaid to believe that the settlimr nt
iiiimmiIiIv ilimirciiiiiK imcMfion uill
greatly for Ui Mlitiml striMiKth in
is U.
luiiuiiieH of the Taft regime, lm
lurhance of diplomatic relalion. xvuh
..llulil ;. ,..., .., i
lllubl.H1.Mli,ir. ,,. ;. lllliu,,' 1 l
....... . -
"-" '-- t - H' iim'i ! I". !
pic-fiit iln Itui'v in
' -
AMERICAN WILL BE today Ban Kranctoco U hi better shape
PIVEN A FAIR TRIAI '""4" "U U"'r bt,,,', sl"r,, ,he
, M "' ,niMU!Ure Husioess U boomhiK liuiul-
WASIIIN'OTOX. I), f . rYh. .' A- ru , mlti Into the Htate by
Miranre was receded at the slnle dc- lh' hunda. Watch us hustle tor
parUueut todu I row lounp.el KlUu.lh
thai I 'Id ward Hallt, ah American un-
dau irrel in Juarea. Alesieo. u a
' bjh Hii.tld be given a fair mid .to-
.partial triul.
of the second-choice bill was
that hasn't anv honest polit-
noiipn, in jhi vi.un iin-
., .
lumsell with the reaction
lie has gone back.
SAN l-'KAXl'ISCO. P' -'' "All
bl.U tHlr lor California' proniiorlt),"
8U, Coventor .lohntmn today. "Wo
,luv 8eUll, 0l. nri) , u fll,,. wav ,
',ml 80,,1(, of ,,, mvtl ,llffI(M,U w,u
mimimle problems of tlio tilo. Oov-
.,,H,,,B ,,f 'J'" l)l,,,,
I'he iloinllia
corpora tloiih
,,,,1i;h '!H' ,",,cwl ,,lu' llf",,u,l, l,f
California for decades U at an olid.
i in- tiii-iii. ) uiurr iiihii i'in uini'
' ,u r",t ' "vo no nay to
""..T'" iT
"AUrt to all (his the lUMHiilflcent
I'hj.fHl coudtllo,, of the Ute the
Uitii ' unoMunplod tide
of 'r,t "''ratlou and luwt-
"mH. h"' irn.l tU iwlft recover) of
Uuii li'Hniirtlo.i.i ri,,iii ii.iiiu ,1 .in t Mi.t I. ft.
San l''ruucUco from uenr doet ruction
ami e hau ample cause to bo hap
py 1 believe that California Is eu
icilnu on a now era. l'ortu.n fnoi
ua now."
"Is California prosiwrous" said
ltobert Lynch, secretary of the Cal
ifornia board, "is Sail c'ranclsco
prosperous? Look about and see
With the settle.ueut of the Japanese
tieaty co.niuerce will flow in here
from the orient like a flood And
'tie epoaltlow will help some Hlttlit
,our '" uU NVbtt ,he f,r ,8 J'ead: all under new who fence; can
,h Uu,, ' v added to
lwr P,M " progreea. We j
K"' l"'l"rt M. then e will be
.u n.e u. oriUe heap (... M..e
12NII), Okla., Fob. U5. Tho mostj
darlns IcldnappliiK case ever reported
lu this part of the country occurred
this afternoon at Klngflflhcr near
this city.' .Marie Hurt, aged 12. waB
seized while playing on the lawn at
hor homo nnd wheeled away In an
automobile. The child's scrcaniH
aroused tlio population and wires
were kept hot for 200 miles. The
police were notified. Mob violence
Is threatened If the kldnnppor ls
Tho child's mother was lu tho kit
chen. The neighbors saw a strange
machine enter tlio town In which
some nrrest wore three, others two,
men. There were no eye witnesses
lo the kidnapping. Tho father says
there was no demand for money nor
any letters. The only person that
he could suspect Is a vaudeville ac
tor, who while visiting the town, It
Is said, afesertcd that he would like
the child to go on tho stage, as she
has extraordinary hlstronlc ability.
Mrs. Hurt Ib prostrated nnd under
the physician's care. The family Is
wealthy and the father Is a druggist.
fContlnupil on Pmijp .t
tention of iioinhboi;. bus been attract
ed to the family nnd a movement
to remove tho nick boy to a hospital
sucuHlcd. Co i-ultation with Pi
Stem us however, brought to lirht
the fact thut ho had endeavored to
secure the admission of the boy to
the Southern Ongon hospital, hut
that that institution, beinjr already
crowded, could not accommodate him.
r.vory thing that can be done lo re
lieve his sufferings is being done foi
the bov bv Dr. Stearns, but the re
lief only to be afforded to him, and
to the other members of the orphnnei1
family will have to come from other
(Jity or" County Cnse?
County .Judge' Xeil promised 1).'.
Stcniiis tlml he would visit the fain
ily Friday but fulled to do so afu
later postponed his visit until Mon
day. lu the mean time, unle-s slice i
is found and relief afforded tho fam
ily of young children, it is not un
likely that iriepaiable damage nun
not be done to llie other members ot
the family through their enforce,
contact with the dying hoy.
The case was brought to the 'it
tcutiou of Ma.vor Canon Sntuidav
and he icuoMcd the county million
tics to look after the family, lu tin
event of the county authorities, tin
dor whose jurisdiction tiie ca-e como
delaying action. Mayor Canon stated
last nighl lliat he would act in tin
i. -Iter himself, i
Tnii. Ily Ocinoralic.l.
According to persons who havi
come into contact with the f mint
their present couditiou is due largelv
to the fact that no on" uu'inhcr
the family seem, to he invested will
authority lo regulate or control tin
others. Aller the death ol the lath
or, the mother, in her feeble eonuV
tion was unable to .siioeessfnllv cop.
vvi'h the duties, attendant upon tin
hruiiriuir up of the family, all ol
whom, with the exception of llie old
-I bov, whose ntleutioiis were en
iirilv l.iki'ii up in providing llie sm.i I
.iiuount of money with which the lam
il.v was supported, were at the an.
when thev rc.piircil constant atleii
tion. Thw the siiffeifug inoihci
could not give (hem with the resiil
lint the entire household I'uIIovm'i'
the lines of least resistance. Sine,
her death, conditions have it nn
thing, become worse. The ss((r, ol
though married but wiios( hiisb.mi
is aviii.v, is unable to uiauaue tin
timiilv vv.lh the remilt lliat the on
ditioiiH under which lhe aie ton ei
to live a.c such its to demand tin
immediate attention of the health mi
iholitics and, in the cases nt th
voitnger c'uldieii, of the appointim nt
of suitable v!imrdmus lo c,ie I'm
them during their growth.
Xotlce Is hereby given that the tin
doselxuod will apply to the cltv loan
ell of the city of Medford. Or , at
Its regular meeting on March 7. 1911
for a license to sell spirltous, Itt
oils ami malt liquors In quantities
less than a gallon at Its place of bns-
Inetss at No ;U South Front tieet
in said cli), fur a period of six
Out) hundred acres Hutto Crook
tnttom. under Irrigation, perpetual
water right. A I for app'.es or pears,
aa make big mouoy raising onions,
'elery. tomatoes and all kluds of veg
etables; big money In subdivision;
'oim a new tovvaslte and the rail-
I'm bought for ono-half the price ofj
adjelulg land, lluy rrom owner
; tad snre tho commission. Address
,nx SB. Midford. Or. '
New Spring Apparel
in Every Nook
i ?f ("ifj
t- '
V-J vll 7 1- . 1FA P. t 1
,r ll -7 I J sTV
New Spring Garments
Correctly i'nshioiH'd iMtin Tailoivd Suits Oui
showing of strictly man tailored "Stylc
Cral't" Suits for ladies is more compre
hensive nnd most complete.
A close study of the fashions from the
hest style centers of the world enables
us nt this time to present an unequnled
variety of ladies' apparel that has evok
ed much praise and admiration from all
who have inspected our line. Garments
of hiL'h cast and low cost.
Suits at From
Also a Splendid Array of
the New Coats at From
New Spring Millinery
We cordialh unite you to come and in
spect the nianv prettv stles alrendv
shown, Easter being so late you will
want an early Spring Hat.
v 222ZZ&
v .
tori 1 A
W if
f i r
r' I L
m ''
no. 5 Not a Growth
Uy Dr. Ulckcrt, Medford, Ore.
YOUR EYES arc worth more to
ju than any hook. Your surety
.tinl your success In lire depend
on your eyes, therefore take care
of them. Always hold your head
up when you read. Hold your book
fourteen Inches rrom your face.
Be sure that the Hglit Is clear and
good. Never read In a bad light.
Never read -with tho sun shining
directly on the book. Never face
the light when reading. Let the
light como from behind or over
your left shoulder. Avoid books
or pnpera printed Indistinctly or
in small typo. Hcst your eyes by
looking away from your book ev
ery few moments.
Paste this in your school hook
and refer to It often.
If you have eye troubles come
to me, and he assured of my best
efforts and ability to servo you
properly and to advlso you for
your future benefit.
Dr. Rickert
Eye Sight
Over Kent tier's.
Chase &
Coffee .
Stands at
the head
flJEveij once in a while some
of our customers are persuad
ed by solicitors or clever sales
men to try another brand of
ALWAYS come back for Ghaso
& Sanborn's Seal Urand Coffeo
40c a lb.
The Same Price
for 15 Years
The Same Quality
all the Time
flf "ii icr tiled Blue Hlhbon
Flour. ou know that it Is Just
a little hotter. If you huvo
never tried It, wo will bo pleas
ed to huvo you try ono sack
vott'll become a stondy usor.
6 Gore
(ItOCKIlV lMIOXi: 11811.