AU10SLX CITY NOTICES. OKIMXAXCE XO. 117. An ordlnnnco declaring tho assess ment on tho property benefited for tho cost or laying ft -1-inch wntor mnln on Sherman stieel from Gencsne street to Goncvn nvonuo and direct ing tho recorder to enter a stntemont thereof in the water main lien dock ot. The city of Medford doth ordnln an follew: Soctlon 1. Whoroas, tho city coun cil did heretofore, by resolution, de claro Its intention to lay a 1-Inch water main on Slidrman Btrcot from Genewc street to Geneva avenue and to nasosg tho cost thereof on the property fronting on said portion of snld street In proportion to tho front age of said property, nnd fix a time and place for hearing protests twalnst the laying of said wntor main on wild part of Raid street and the as sessment of tho cost thereof as afore said; and Whereas, paid resolution wan duly published and posted ns rculrod by section 110 of tho chartor of said city; and WHoread, a mooting of tho council ' was held at tho time and plncn fixed by tho said resolution, for tho pur pose of considering any ouch pro tests, but o protests were at said time, or at any other time made to or received liy the council to tho said laying of said water main or tho as sessment of tho cost as aforesaid, and , said council having considered tho niattor, and dooming that said water main 'ns and Is or material betioft to said cll'y, uiid that all properly to i.n tmooarofi tlmrnfor would 1)0 bene fited thereby to tho extent of the probnblo amount or the respective us " BOBBinonlH to be levied against said property, did order said main laid; and Whoroas, tho cost of said water main bns boon and hereby Is deter mined to bo tho sum of $5118.54; Now thororore, It la hereby further dotormlnod that tho proportionate share of the cost of laying said water main of each parcel of property front ing on said portion or uniii .sucei i r the amount set opposite the descrip tion or each parcel of land below, and that oach piece or parcel of land U benefited by laying of said water main to the full extent of tho amount so M opposite the description of the muno, and that tho respective nmouiiM roprosent the proportional benefits or mild water main to said respective pnrcolB or land, and also tho propor tional frontage thereof on said street, and tho council does hereby declare oach or tho parcels or property do-; oribed below to bo assessed and oach or tho snnio hereby Is assessed the amount set opposite each description Tor the cojt or laj ing said tmter nmln ASBI3SBMKNT KOIt A KOUIt-INCM WATKIt MAIN OX HUHU.MAN STUHIST KItO.U GKNUSKIO HT. TO UHNHVA AVIONUi:. Assessment No. 1 .1. W. 1 locker snillh. hot II, block 1!. Krultdnlo ad (lltlon to tho city or .Medford, Ore gon; frontago fiO foot on the north sldo of Sherman street, nnd describ ed In Vol. 70, pago 12-1, county re corder's records or .lackson county. Oregon; 50 root; rate per foot $1.1!",; amount $57..0. Assessment No. 2 10. F. Kobln hoii. hot 15, block 2, Krultdaio addi tion' 10 tho olty or Mudford, Oregon; frontago rifl feet on the north side or Sherman street, and described In Vol. 76, page &:U,, county recorder's w ordB or .tnclison county. Oregon; r.n feet; rate per root $1.15; uniount $fJ7.r.O. , , , AMVMiiiPiit No. .1-10. V. Holiln ou. Lot 111. block 2. PYiiltdnto addi tion to the city or Moiirorrt. Oregon; frontage 60 feet on the north side of Sherman street, and described In Vol. 7(5. page 5:15, county recorder's rec ords or Jni'Usou county, Oregon; r.o feet; rate per foot $1.15; amount $67.50. AssesBment Xo. 1 W. 9. Weston, hot 17. block 2, Frultdulo addition to the city or .Medford, Oregon; frontage B0 feet on tho north side or Sherman street, and described In Vol. tiO, page 369. county recorder's records oi Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reel; rate r root $1 15; amount $57.50. Assessment No. r. -W. S. Weston. Lot 18. block 2. l-'rultdnle addition to Ui city or Aledronl. Oregon; froiil nge 60 feet on the north side ot Sher man street, and described In Vol. so. page 30ft. county recorder's reran of Jackson county. Oregon; C0 root, rate jwr root $1.15; amount $57. lie AuswMiuent No. tl-M. O. Proud beut. Lot and the west 0.0 reel of lot S. block I. I'rulldnln addition to the oily or Medford, Oregon; front age 01U5 feet on the south side of Sherman street, and described In Vol 73. page Hi, county recorder's rec ords of Jocksou county. Oregon; 5.0 feet; rate per root $1.16; amount OK. 6 l. Assessment No. 7--L. CI. Porter. Lot 10, block I. i'riilldale uddltlon to the city of Hertford. Oregon; front age 60 foot on the south side of Sher man street. And described In Vol. . .. page , county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 60 feet, rate per foot $1.15; amount $57 5t Assessment No. s L. 11. I'ortei. Lot 11. block I. l-'rultdulo addition to the city of .Medford. Oregon; frontage 60 feet on the south side of Sherman street, and described la Vol. .. page ..,iiniv rnciiiiler's records of Jack son county. Oregen: 60 foel. rate per root $1 16; amount ."'7.6u. Assessment No. D - U G. Porter. lot i. block I. Krultdaio addition to the rlty or Medford. Oiegeu: front age DO feet on the south side of Hhcr man street, and described In Vol. . .. iwge . . , county recorder's records of 'Wksou county, Oregen: 50 feet; rale DOT -tOot $115; amount $57.50. Soil bn 2. And It Is hereby ordered ana Tuhluliiod that the several assess ments d the Hens thereof be enter Oil In the water main lien docket of sold city, and that i hereupon notice be given to tlie owners or repuieu i owners of said propeity, and that thej game be enforced und collided In the jnanuer proldHl by the charter or the city for the collection of amess- nionta forwie imiiroM-ninu m im-i Section 8. It l further ordered that the notice ubove provided tor be published throe limes In the tally Mall Tribune, n uowspaper published and or general circulation lu said city, in tho manner provluVi i.v ordi nance No. 360 of ald olt Tho foregoing ordlnanue . iss od by tho city counoll of th- n of Medford, Oregon, on the, " '' of Kobruary, 1011, by tho following voto; CITY NOTICES. Merrick nyo, Wntt aye, Wortman nyo, Kmorlifk ny6, -Klfert nyo, Millar nyo. Approved February 8th, 1911. W. Jf. CANON, Mayor. Attest: IIOI1T. W. TKLFEH, City Recorder. NOTICK. To tho owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel of proyerly described in tho foregoing ordinance, as nnmed llieroln, nnd In tho lion declared by said ordinance, as recorded in the docket or city liens: You aro hereby notified that, the nsBOHsmont declared by tho forego ing ordinance has boon made and the Hen therefor entered In tho city Hon docket, nnd that the Rame is due and you are hereby required to pay the Bame to the city recorder within ten days from tho service of this notice, which service Is made by publication of tho foregoing ordinance and this notice throe times In tho Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant to an ordei of tho city council of said city. ROUT. W. THLF10R, City Recorder. OIlDIXAXfiO xo. ii:j. An ordinance assessing tho prop erty adjacent to and benefited by the 8-lnch lateral sewer constructed along North D'Anlou street from Sixth street to Third street for the cost of constructing tho same nnd providing the mnnnor or carrying salt! assess ments Into run erfoct. The city or McdTord doth ordain ns follews: Section 1. Whereas, the council did heretofore provide by ordlntinc for tho serving of the owners of proji orty ddjacent to and iieneflted by tin construction or tlto lateral sower hore litgnfter described to nppoar. before said council and show cause, ir any. u'hv mild nmni'HV Hliould not, he UK dossed for the construction or said sower, nnd did fix u time ror hearing or any such protests, which notlci was L-lven In accortlntico with said ordinance more than ton ilnysy boron the beginning or tho construction or said sewer, but no protcHtn ngalnst said construction or nssessnietit or the cost thereof was made by unyoiii and snld sower was, by said coilncll ordered constructed; and, Whereas, the cost of the construc tion of said sewer has been und here by Is dotormlnod to bo tho sum ol $20-17.20; Now thororore, said city doth or dain nnd declare that each parcel ol property descr'bed bolow Is adjacent to and benefited by that certain lat ernl sewer M Inches In size, construct ed on North D'AnJou street from Sixth street to Third street, and that tho proportion ot tho cost or said sewer which each of bald pnrcels ot laud should bear, based on the bene fits derived respectively by said sev eral tracts or land Is the amount set opopslto the decrlptlou or each par eel below, that each ot said parcels t actually benefited In the amount sot opposite Its description below by the construction of said sower, and' that said several amounts represent the proportional benefits or said soveral parcolu front said sower. And each of snld naicols Is hereby assessed the amount set opposite Its description bolow for the construction or sum sewer. ASSICSSMKNT FOIl AN I0IOI1T-INCH LATKItAL SICWKR OX NORTH D'AX.IOU STR10KT FHO.M SIXTH STUKHT TO THIRD STU101CT. Assessment No. 1 - Mary 10. Wal lace. Lot 17. block 22, original town site of the city or Medfoid. Oregen: frontago 25 feet o tho east sldo Of North D'AnJou street, nnd described In Vol. 70, pago :t:i, louuty recorder records or Jackson county, Oregen: 25 teet; into pur root $1.1S; amount $20.60. Assessment No. 2 Sherman C. Godlovo. Lot Hi, block 22, original townslto ot the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 26 feet on the east side or North D'AnJou street, and des cribed in Vol. OS, page 027, count) recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 26 feet; rate per foot $1.18: amount $29.60. Assessment No. 3 Sherman (' Godlovo. Lot 15, block 22. origlnnl townslto of the city of Medford, Ore Ore eon: frontage 25 root on the oust side or North D'AnJou street, and dee .liliod In Vol. 08. imgo 027, eoun recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 26 feet; rule per foot $1.1S, amount $29.60. Assessment Xo. -I James Arm priest Lot II. block 22.- original townslto ol tho city of Medford. Ore Ore eon: frontage 25 feet on the oast side of Xorth D'AnJou street, nnd describ ed In Vol. 20. page 11, county re corder's records of Jackion county. Oregon; 26 foot; rate per foot $1.18; amount $29.50. Assessment No. 6 James Ann priest. Lot i3. block 22, original townslto or the city of Medford. Ore gon; frontage 25 root on the east side of Xorth D'AnJou street, and des crlbcil in Vol. 20. page II. count v recorder's records or Jackson county Oregon; 26 feet; rate per root f LIS. amount $29.50. Assessment Xo. tt Herthn S. llar n u in. Lot 12, block 22, original town site of the city or Medfoid. Oregon; froiituge 25 reet ; on the east side of Xorth D'AnJou street, and desert uort In Vol. 15, page 3l5tl, county re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 reel; rate per root $1.18; amount $29.50. Assessment Xo. 7. Bertha S Hsiuum. Lot II. block 3, oroglnal low untie of the city ot Medford. Ore gon; trout age 25 feet, on thu east side of North IVAllJou street, ami de scribed In volume 45, page 3 I . . coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 25 feet: rate per toot $1 IS; amount $2(.50. AsMkhtneiit No. s. Itertha 8. Uar iiuin. Lot 10. block 32: orlgtusl town uitri of the tit v Modloid. On -jcii. frou- tagf) 2r feel ou. the e.uit side of North; t) ADjou Slieei, uutt u.HTinea III vol ume 45. page 246. county lecorder's I'w.nriU nf Jackson county. Oreuoii; ;'5 feet; rales per foot $118, amount $29.50. Assessment Xo. 99 Itertha S lUriium. Lot !), block 22, orlglnul tow'uslte of the city of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 26 foH, on the eat sldo of uorth D'AnJou fit eel, and de scribed In volume 46, page 116. ,.nuttir ruAnrdsi-'u records of Jackson couuty, Oregon; 35 feet; rate per footj $1.18: amount $39.50. I Asaoshnient NO. lu. -Anna Jeffrey Lot 8, block 22. oilglnal townslto ot MMIWORI) MAlliTKimJNPilHlJLOmORFinoy. SUNDAY. IMTORTTAKY 20, J91I. CITY NOTICES. tho city or Medford, Oregon; fron tago 25 feet on the cast side of north D'AnJou street, nnd described In vol ume ."JO, pago 182, county recorder's records of .Jackson county, Oregon; 25 reef, rate per root $1.18; amount $29.50. Assessment Xo. 11. Anna .Tcrrrey. Lot 7. block 22. original townslto of tho city or Medford. Oregon; frontage 25 feet on tho oast sldo of north D'Anjou street, and described In vol ume ;i0, jingo 482, county recorder's rdcords of .Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet; rate per foot $1.18; amount $29.50. ' Ass&ssrnent No. 12. John A. Smith. Lot 18, block 215, original townslto of tho city or Medford. Ore gon; frontage 25 foot on the oast sldo of north D'AnJou street, nnd describ ed in volume US, TR. 25 N-et; iate per foot $1.1S; amount $29.50. Ascessniefit No. IS. John A. Smith. Lot 17, block 25, original townslto or tho city or Medford, Ore gon; frontago 25 feet on tho east side or Xorth D'AnJou street, and describ ed in volmno !!8, Tft.; 25 feet; rale per foot $1.18; amount; .jzy.ou. AHHOHMinont. Xo. 1 . Unrtlin, S. llnrtiiim I C. likirh 2?,. Or clll a l townslto of the f'lty or Modronl, On gon; frnntngo 25 reet on the east siue or north D'Anjou street, and describ ed in volume 31, jmgo 487, county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 25 reet; rate per foot $1.18; amount $29.50. Assessment Xo. 15. Horthn S. nnnium. Lot 15, block 23; original townslto or the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontago 25 root on the cast ildo of north D'AnJou street, and de scribed In volume 31. pago 187, county recorder's records or Jackson "nnntv. Oregen: 25 feet: into per foot $1.-18; amount $29.50. AifBi.namenr.. Nn. 10. Hcrlll.1 S. :larnum, Lot .14. block 23, origlnnl awuslte'of the city of MeiUord, Ore- 0p frontage 26 feet on the east side if norflr D'AnJou street, and uescrin il in Voluhie ill, page 487; county ro--prdor'H records or Jackson county. Oregon,' 25 teet; rate per toot $1.18; iniount $29.00. Assessment Xo. 17. John W. Chapman. Lot 13, block 23; original 'ownnlto or the city or Medford, Ore son; frontage 25 feet, on the east side if north D'AnJou street, nnd describ ed In volume 19. pngo 2S, county re order's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 root; rate per root $1.1S; .iniount $29.50. Assessment No. 18. John W. Chapman. Lot 12, block 23, original .ownslto or tho city ot Medrord, Ore Ore eon: frontago 25 foot on the east sldo it north D'AnJou street, and describ Jd In vallimo 19; liage 3S; county re order'a records or Jackson countv, Oregon; 25 feet', rate per loot $1.18; iniount $29.50. Assessment No. 19. Allda R. Miner. Lot 11; block 23; original ownslto of the city of MeiUord, Ore ion; mintage 26 reet on the east side ir north D'AnJou street, and describ ed In volume 85, pngo 155, county re--order's records or Jackson county, Oregen: 25 fuel; rate per foot $1.18; iinount $29.50. Assessment No. 20. Allda R. Miner. Lot 10, block 23; original ownslto or the city or Medford. Ore gon; fi outage 25 feet on the east sldo r north D'AnJou street and describ ed In volume 85. page 155; o.olmly econler's locords of .lackson county, Oregon; 2,5 reel; rate per root $1.1 S; fimiiut $29.60. Assessment Xo. 2 1. Allda It. Miner. Lot 9, block 23; original town lie or the city or Medrord. Oregon; rontagO 25 feet on tho east side ot north D'AnJou street, and described n volume 86; page 0 55; county ro eorder s records or Jnc.ksou county, ) regon; 26 feet; rate per foot $1.1K; iniount $29.60. Assessment No. 22. Allda R. Miner. Lot S, block 23; origlnnl townslto of tho city of Medford. Ore gon; rrontnge 25 root on tho oust Hide or north D'AnJou street,.nnd describ ed In volume 85; page 155; county -ecorder's records of Jackson county, jregon; 25 reet; rate per foot $1.1X; amount $29.50. Assessment No. 23. Allde R. Miner. Lot 7. block 22; origlnnl towu Mte of the city of Medford, Oregon; 'Mintage 25 feet on the east Side or north D'AnJou sheet and described n olumo 85: page 155; county re cordor's records oT Jackson countv, Oregon; 2ti feet; into per Toot $1.18; amount $29 50. Assessment No. 24. Llllle Pat-'oi-ROii. Lot 12. block 2 1; original ownslto of the city of .Medford, Ore gon; frontago 60 feet on tWt east dde of north D'AnJou street, nnd do wrlbeil in volume 85; page 256; county recorder's records of Jucksoti eoiinly. Oregon; 60 feet; ra:o par root ILLS; amount $69.00 Assessment Xo. 26. Lllllo Pat terson. Lot 11. block 2 1; original (ownsite or the city or Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet; on the east side of north D'AnJou shoot, and de scribed In volume S5; igo 255; county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $1.18; amount $59.00. Assessment Xo. 20. -Jesse Houck. Lot 10; block 2 I; original townslte of the city of Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 reet; on the east side ot north D'AnJou st rout and described In vol ume 76; page 535; county recorder's records of Jackson comity. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $1.1S; amount $50.00. Assessment Xo. 27.- W. S. Har num. Lot 9. block 2 1. original town site of the city or Medford, Oregou; frontage 50 feet on the entt side of north D'AnJou street ahd described hi oluiuo 22. page 3 IS. county re corder', records of Jackson count. Oregeu: 60 reel; rate per foot ft. IN; amount $59.00. Assessment Xo. 3S Anna hauler am i.nt S hloek 2 1: orialual town- site of the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet ou the east side of north D'AnJou street, and described in olunie 68; page 89; county re corder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $1.18; amount $59.00. Assessment Xo. 30- D II. Miller. Lot 1 . block 2 1 : original tow unite of the rlty of Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the east side of north D'AuJou street, and described lu vol ume 33, page 43Q; county recorder's ...uviriU nf Jackson county. Oregen: 60 feet; rate per foot HIS; amount $59.00. Assessment Xo. 30 -Aim Ira Ml)-U-r. Ll 0. Moik 2 9, oilgitml town- CITY NOTICES. site of the cty of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 fect'on the west sldo of north D'Anjou street and described In volume 54; page 342; county re corders records of JocKBon county, Oregon; 50 foot; rato per rodt $1.18; amount $59.00. Assessment No. 31. Altnlra Mll lor. Lot 5, block 29; original town slto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50 feet on the west sldo of north D'AnJou Btreet and described In volume 54; pngo 342; county re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $1.18; amount $59.00. Assessment No. 32. Almtra Mil ler. Lot 4 and north 25 reet or lot 3; block 29; original townslto or the city of Medford, Oregoh; frontago 75 foot on tho west side or north D'AnJou street and descilbed In volume 54; page 342; county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 75 reel; rate per Toot ?1.1S; amount $88,50. Assessment Xo. 33. Hertha S. Hnrnuin. Lot 2, nnd south 25 root or Jot 3. block 29; original townslto or tho city or Medrord, Oregon; frontage 75 teet on the west sldo or north I D'AnJou street, and described in vol luine 21; page 008; county recorder's records ot Jncltson county, Oregon; 75 root; rato per root $1.18; amount $88.50. Assessment Xo. 34. Ilorthii S Harnum. Lot 1; block 29; original townslto of tho city of Medford, Orc- g'ui; frontago 50 feet on the west side of north D'AnJou street and describ ed in volume 21; pago COS; county re corder's records ot Jackson county Oregon; 50 teet; rnto per root $1.18; amount $59.00. Assessment No. 35. Oregon & Cnlirornlit Lnnd Co. That portion ol the right, or way on north D'AnJou street, between Sixth street and "Fourth street, and fronting CC0 feet on tho west side of north D'Anjou street and described In volume . . 5 imgo ..; counly recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 5C0 feet! rato per root $1.1S; amount $000.80. Section 2. And It Is hereby ordored and ordlncd that said soveral assess ments and tho lions thereof bo en tered In tho Hen docket or snld city, and that thereupon notice bo given to the owners, or reputed owners, ol said property, und that the same be enforced ami collected in tho manner provided by tho charter of said cltj ror the collection of assessments foi the Improvement or streets therein Section 3. It Is further ordered that tho notlco above provided for be pub j llshcd threo times In the Daily miv Tribune, a nowsnnnor published and of Kcnaral circulation in snld city, ir the manner provided by ordinance :o 250 of said city. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford. Oregon, on tho 17th day ol January, 1911, by tho following voter Welch aye, Merrick nyo, Emerlck abs'ent, Wortman aye, Klfort aye, and Detnnior aye. Approved January IS. 1911. AV. II. CAXOX. Attest: ' Mayor. ROOT. W. TKLFKR, City Recorder. NOTICK. To tho owner, or reputod owner, of each parcel of property described In tho foregoing ordinance, as unmet' therein, und In tho Hen declared bj said ordinance, as' recorded in tin docket of city liens: Ynii are lielebv notified that the n?so8sniout declared by tho foregoing ordinance has been made and the IIpi: tlmrnfm- onloieil in the cltv lion dock et, nnd that tho same Is duo and yoi are iiereny reuuired to pny mo sanu to the city recorder within ten dny from I lie service of this notice. Wlllcl" service Is mndo by publication of the foregoing ordinance nun tins notice three times In tho Medford Mall Tri bune, mi rs mint to an order of tho clt3 council of snld city. ROUT. V. TKIjI' I'JIt, City Recorder. uksom'tionO lie it Resolved bv the City Councl' of the City of Medford, Oregen: That there be and herein- H calico 11 special elect lull ill alltl for the Cltj of Medford. to bo held on the 1 Oil day of March. 1911. between tit loins or 9.00 o'clock n. in. and 5:00 o'clock p. in., ror tho purpose of sub mitting to tho (iiinlltlod electors of said city, for tholr approval or re jection, the following entitled amend nient to the charter ot llio utty oi Medferd: 1. An ainondniont to tho chartei of the City or Medford. providing for a board or registration, and Its duties and the registration or voters. 2. An aniendnieiit to the chnrtei or the City of Medford .amndelng section 72 thereof, providing for an ncrease of the bonded Indebtedness of said City to the extent of $30,000 said sum to be used for the solo pur pose or making Improvements In the Vnier system of snld city and paying for trunk, sanitary and storm sewers . heretofore or hereafter constructed by said city. 3. An amendment to the charter or the City of Medrord. amending sec tlon 72 thereof, providing for an In itreiiHt, of the bonded Indebtedness o' aid' city to the extent of $8000, said sum to be used for the soio purpose or the Improvement of tho tire depart ment of said city. 4. An amendment (o tho charter or the City of Medfordfttiiiondlng aoo tlou 72 thereof, providing for the oatlou of a btuklng fund for tho pur pose of the retirement of the bonds of the Clt of Medford. 5. An amendment to the charter or the ill'- or Medford amending Kcctlon S7 of said charter, pi o iding for iv payment of amount paid by purchas hh hi .iitfi of iirotiortv for dellu- Uuent assessments in snld city in. case the sale U vacated, sot asiue. or declared void by any court. The following uamed persons ar horeh appointed judges and clerk of said election- First Ward: J. V. Ling Jndgo, IV T. Lawtou Judge, and clerk, L. I.. Damon Judge ami clerk. Second Ward Joe Derry Judge, Chas. P Talent Judge and clork. win. I'lrlch Judge and clork. Third Ward: P. W. CUelgrlu Judge, J. Smuuientllo judge and clerk, II. H. Lorlmer Judge and clerk. The following are hrou,y dwhjuod us the plucei for holding snld olo tlou. Plrni Ward: Hull ovor Uaaklns Drug btore. CITY NOTICES. Second Ward: Hotel Xash sample rooms. Third "Ward: City Hall. It Is further resolved that the re corder of said City of Medford bo and hereby Is ordered to glvo notlco of Bald election In thd manner pro vided by the chnrtor, In the case of annual elections of paid city. The foregoirfg resolution was pass ed by the city council of tho City or Medrord, Oregon, on tho 16th day or February, 1911,. 'by tho following vdte: Merrick abs6nt. Watt Ayo, "Wort man nyo, 'limerick nyo, Klfert aye, and Millar aye. Approved .February lGth. 1911 . r W. II. CAXOX, Attest: Mayor. RODT. V. TKLFKR, City Recorder. NOTICK OF KLKPTION. Notice is hereby jglvcn that n spe cial election will bo hold in and for the city of Medford on March 10th, 1911, for tho adoption or rejection of thoso certain proposed charter amondments to the charter of the city of Medford, set forth In tho foregoing resolution. Said election to bo held at tho time and places designated In said resolution. ROI1T. W. TKLFER, City Recorder City of Medford. KHSOIjUTIOX. Be It resolved by the city council or tho city ot Medrord,, Oregen: That It lithe intention ot the coun "II to lay it 4-Inch Water iiytlu on North D'AnJou street from Second Ureet to Jnckson street, nnd to as sess the cost thereof iiion the prop erty fronting on said porlon or said Ureet in proportion. J,o the frontage of said property. Tho council will meet at th'co'un--II chamber In tho uKyTjuir.fjf.'ifiild city on the 7th day ofWlurr.ll, i.)1 1, it 7:30 p. in., ut whloli time .all pr'o 'ests against tho laying or said watqr nain on said portion of said street md the assessment of tho cost there of upon the property fronting there in will bo heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of the city of Medford on the 21st day or February. 1911. by the following vete: Merrick iye, Walt aye, Worhnnn aye, Kmer 'ck aye, Klfert aye, Millar aye. Approved February 2lBt, 1911. W. II. CAXOX, Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TKLFKR. City Recordor. RF.SOLl'TIOX. Be it resolved by tho city council if tho city of Medford, Oregen: That It Is tho Intention ot tho coun cil to lay a 4-Inch water main on Knight streel from Tnfl avenue to Main on Vermont street, and to as ess the cost thereof upon the pron Tty fronting on snld portion of said street on proportion to the frontage of said properly. The council will meet nt tho coun II chamber in the city hall in said lty oli the 7th day or March, 1911. l 7:30 p. in., at which tlmo all pro 'csts against the laying or said water naln on snld portion or snld street md the assessment ot the cost there of upon the propeity fronting thereon will be heard, Tho roregoiug resolution was pass d by he city council or the city or Medford on the 21st tiny or February, 1911, by the following vete: Merrick lye, Wntt aye, Wortman aye, Ktner 'ck aye, Klfert aye, Millar ayo. Approvod February 21st, 1911. W. If. CAXOX, Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TKLFKR. City Recordor. ORDIXAXCK XO. M. An ordinance establishing sewor llstrict Xo. iq In. the city or Med ford, Oregon, and defining the bouii, larles thereof. The city of Medrord doth ordain is rollews: Section 1. That the district Includ ed within the following boundaries 'ii the city cf Medford, Oregon. Is lereby established as and declared lo 'je In sewer district No. 13. to-wit: Commencing at a point on tho west erly boundary of tho city of Medford, . 0 feet due north from tho north line ir Jackson street; thence In Ii north easterly direction along the corporate imltB of said city to the southwest oinor or the John S. Miller donation 'and claim; thence east along the boundary lino or said city to the woFt Mne of Rlvorsido avenue; thence eolith along the westerly side of Hl rside avenue to the north line of lackson street; thence west nlong the north Hue of Jackson street to the nlace of boginnlng. excepting and re serving therefrom blocks I and 2 of he Onk Park addition to the city of Medrord. And It is hereby declared and or deied that trunk line sowers and lat erals be constructed in said district iiirricient to care for the 'drainage thereof, according to and pursuant to the charter of tho city of Medford. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed bv the city of Medford. Oregon, on tho 21st day or February. 1911, by the following vete: Merrick aye. Watt aye, Wortman aye. Kineiick ayo, Kl fert aye and Millar aye. Approvod February 21st, 1911. W. 11. CANON. Mayor. Attesl: ROUT. W. TKLFKR. City Recorder. NOTICK. J. D. McArdlo will nrtivo In Med ford tho 26ln lust, with plans and specifications for his bungalow and garaso to bo built on Oakdale ave nue. Medford. Contractors are invit ed to bid. Mr. McArdlo can bo soon at tho Nash hotel. NOTICK. lloglnnlng April 1st. 1911, thef union scale for painters will bo $4 per liny. On that (lute the initiation feo Into locnl uulou, No. CIS. Hio tbtfrhood ot Painters & Decorators of J America, will be raised. I Tho union moots ovary Thursday! light at S p. m. lu Angle hall. C. W. HAU KINGTON. Secretary. 406 North mtrtlott St. .310 City Property i ".ot's on Palm at., oach. . . . .fi 275 2 lots, Second st., each ....$ -IOO 1 lot. Dakota ave S ' 1 lot, Crowell-Addition $ Tr.O 4-room modern bungalow. .. .$1000 5-room modern bungalow, close in, nice surroundings, $1000 will handle .. $.1000 7-room modern bungalow, on , pnved street, a bargain, half cash, balance to suit $.'200 S-rootn modern home, Just com pleted, close in, ownerl will lenvo the city soon, upstairs rooms rented for $18 per month; the 5 rooms nnd bath downstairs would rent quick ly for $35 per month. . . . .$1200 .RANCHES 40 acres In Sams valley,, all cleared ready for the plow, all level, free soil, fenced; half cash, balance terms. . . .$1000 140 acres In Illinois valley! 70 Micros meadow, 1 4 head stock, ; flno buildings, on county road; $3700 cash, balance 5 yenrs, 7 per cent $0000 500 ncres, one mllo from rail road town, 3 miles or river" bottom, 300 acres under cul tivation, 100 more can easily be cleared; this would bo an Ideal place to subdivide; price s $110,000 Call, Phono or Write C. A. McARTHUR Room '3, Postofflco Iliilldlng. Phono :t(IHl. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Lot fiOxH.'i, .1 blocks I O. $8.r)0. Knsy tonus, fl Lois nnd rentnblo house on street to lie piivod $2000, terms. Fihe lot in bungalow section, $750, snap price. Lots on West Second, 50x127, easy terms. West Walnut Park lots, $275-$350; $25 down, $10 month, C per cent Lot 50x145, 5 blocks P. 0., $850; easy ternm. 5-room bungalow, eloie lo paving", $KI00; terms. Move quick lo get this. Revornl croups of lots ut cul juice; fine chance" for conl factors. FOR EXCHANGE. 2 fine business propositions for Moi'. ford property. WANTED City nnd ranch proporty to list. flirls for general housework, 0 ranch li.uuls. Man nml wife on much; 2 woman cooks on ranch. E. F. S. MTTIEB Room 206. Piilnps Builriina. FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Largo and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 12 Fruit growers Rank Rids Who Wants a Man An A. No. 1 flro insurance man from the east; can doublo your busi ness soliciting In city of Medford and surrounding country. Do you want more business? Address IlOX SO, CAKK MAIL TKIUUNE. Pear Land Bargains 11 and l-l acres of strictly first class fruit laud about half a mllo to pavement, and a llttlo over a mile from Medford post offlco, and the town is building out in this direction, this tract being on tho macadam road to Jacksonville, nnd only a short dis tance from brick school building. This land Is all set to pears, corn ice and baniott, and arc just begin ning to boar being four years old, and right on lino or Koguo Klver Valley rnllroRd. This land will como under tho proposed ditch In case Irrigation should over bo needed. I can soil this if sale is made UUlokly at $9,000, with $4750 cash, balance four annual payments 6 per cant. If you want something good nnd dally growing bettor see this. I fit! ncres on Koguo River and 2 miles from Woodvllle, and 7 miles from Grant Pass on main traveled road, and ou olectrio lino survey. 17 1-2 acres set to bartlett, Wlntor Nollls and Anjou pears last year. About 110 acres of bottom land on river, b.tlunco sloping. Croek flows through. Good ho ii st? and barn, GO acres cultivated and seeded or will b. Outs, spoltz, alfalfa, clovor etc l-ots of flno wood on this place, and Wine red soil. Most of tho soil Is bottom mndo soil ot great depth Price $125 por aero with $3000 to $5000 cash, balauco torms at G per cent W. D. Hodgson Phone 427 J Abhlaud, Oregon FOR EXCHANGE. Kenl Estate TO EXCHANGE For Mcdfor.l preperty: 20 acres, unimproved, $2000 J 10 acres, unimproved". $Q00; 20 acres, unimproved, $1000; 18 ncres, improved, $7500; 52 ncres, improved, $11,000; 3(i ncres, improved, $0000. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE Medford and juburbnn proporty, ranches, timber lands, for Other property. Addreas Box 199, care Mnil Tribune tf FOR EXCIIANGr-Tlie finest" small orchnrd in Rogue Klver" Valley nt Ashland, within city limits, n lovely home, paid 10 per cent net in 190!) on $32,000, nil fino fruit, well as sorted, (i room, 2 story residence, barn, packing house; price $12,500; will exchange for Los Angeles prop erly of eqitul value. Address E. T. Lewis', 571 Chestnut street, Ash lund, Ore. 302 EXCHANaK Wo linve several good vnnolios fo exclinngo for Modloid, Portland und Scatllo city properly. List your properly with us for ex change. Rogue River Land Co., 1 L N. Central ave. Two 5-room houses for rent. FOR SALE 0B EXCHANGE FOK SALK OR TRADK For eh Ce cils, range wire end wool miitle s nnd liuiiiry. 902 K. Dili, ietv. 2i.'l FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five-las-sencor 4-cyIindor touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, caro Mnil Tribune office tf FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE-Tlie Hunch of Grapes cigar store. Doing good business. Owner lins oilier interests requiring nttention. No. I South Fir strceL 202 FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE Will tnko good nutomobile its first pay ment on 10 or 20 acre orchard tract, balnneo long time iit (i por cent. Address Rex 312, Medford, Ore gon 288 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For city property in Medford or near by towns, 10 and 20 acre orchnrd j roots, lmlf mile from good .town and railroad. Address Ilox 17;, Medford. 28S FOR SALE OR RENT Outness Property FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general nierchnndisn stoo in new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 mileB from Medford. Gold Rny Reulty Co, 200 W Main. tf. FOR SALE OR RENT Smnll tracts of hind. Inquire M. M. Maine, -110 N. Ivy or Main phono 742. 305 FOR RHXT OR SALH Modern seven room house with two sleeping porches, liinuire of W. II. Evorliuril. 909 Wevt 9th street, phono 4771. tf A description of a model home in the newly incorporat ed town of Talent, Ore., for sale Sixteen lols and ovor; 30 by 13"; all kinds of fruit; GO Bartlett peat trees; 25 largo apple trees in prime condition; G cherry trees; I! peach; ;i English walnut; 1 almond; 1 largo thin sholl California walnut; berries, Mammoth DIack, Phenomenal, Logan berry, Hlinllaya Giant; raspberries and Rooseborrlos; two kinds of cur rants; 15 variotles of rosos; owuor cleared $500 ofr plnco besides a good living the past season. The placo lo In a hiifh state ot cultivation. A good G-room house, two porches; good woodliouso; good well at house and burn; good number 1 barn; a deeded watertight; a good abstract to title; terms $5000; $2000 down; tlmo on balance. Come and see It, or write, enclosing stamps. L. N. JUDD TALENT, OHEGOX Pure Clear Sparkling You enn't nfford to do without this splondid, refreshing drink Call up and order a case sent t the house. The purest, most healthful drink known is SI5KIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent.