Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 26, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 10

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ra anivm
Eak B OU m Sin
Sirs. Hnrgravo ontertnined most de
lightfully In honor of lior Kiiest, Mrs.
Gill, Thursday afternoon. Tlio house
wits effectively decorated with roil
cnrnsitloiiH, ferns and putted plants.
Five hundred whb played, Mrn.
I'lrttt winning flrRt prize, n. hnnilHotnc
linnd painted plait.-, and Mrs. Trow
brldgp tlio consolation, n teapot. Very
I'lnbbrato refreshment were served.
Tlio RuofitH were: Mosdnini's (1111.
Piatt, CUrlon. Daniels, HnriiuhurK.
Sahorinurhorn, I'urdlii, Morrison,
Shourc"?, Anllo, Scott Davis, Holme,
Perry, Orr, McUownn, Albert Orr, lOil
Trowbridge, Misses Snodlror, Naylor
nnd WookH.
Tlio' Tindlos' Aid of the ChrlHtlmi
cbnr6b hold nil nniiHiially good meet
ing at the home of .Mr. QuIsHonbury
lrist week. Over HO ladleH wore prcB
cht nnd a silver offering was taken.
Diilnty rofroHhmonts voro served
during tlio afternoon.
' Mrs. KmorHoii roHlgned a proid
dont, hor place being filled by th
vice-prosldont, Alrn. .Ioiioh. Mrs. Den
'man vns oleeled vice-president to
succeed Mrs. .Ioiiok.
Tlio Missionary Kocloty will meet
with Mi'H. Seoloy this week.
Mr. John Merrill ontortalnod a
house party at bis now country homo
hi Gold Hill Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.
Conro Kloro chaperoned tlio party,
consisting of the Misses Norwood,
Mossrs. Wilson and Sprnguo Itlogol.
Tho party roturned to Medford Wod
nosduy nftornoon and wero dinner
gueBts of Mr. Wilson, and wero on
tortalnod at an after-theater suppor
by Mr. and Mrs. Floro.
ProfoGKor and Mrs. IT. G. Smith of
Albany wero tho guests of Mr. "and
Mrs. Harry Tuttle liiHt week on their
return from Ohio, whore thoy were
called by the death or Mrs. Smith's
mother. Professor Snilh Is well re
mom bored hero as former superin
tendent of schools of Mcdford.
Services will ho hold Ash Wednes
day at St. Mark's church at 10 a. in.
and 7 : :i 0 p. m.; also on Thursday
nftoruoou at l o'clock and Friday
ovonlng at 7:!10 o'clock. Sorvlcos will
bo-hold during Lent Thursday nftor
noon nt 1 o'clock and Friday ovunlng
at 7:110 o'clock each week,
Mrs. JO. 11. Davis entertained tho
Tuesday llrldgu club lust week most
dollghtfnlly. An oluborato flvo
courso luncheon was survod. Tho
color sehuniu wan yellow, Joiuiulls bo
lug most offuctlvoly used. The guests
of the oliib wore Mrs. Woodiord and
Mrs. Nye.
Mlsaea Kuthlaen and Mlldiod Ulack
onturtuliitHl the Junior Itihlo clans or
tho ProsbylerlHii cliuich si thlr home
on ICnst MmIii street Ssturdwy uftwr
iiiiuii. Gomes w.ira played and n good
lluitt wan unjuyed by nil present.
Thu Juveniles gave nuuthor of their
uoutilsr dances Muudsy ulilit nnd
M tisuwl h ery unJoyHble time w
had by everyone. These dunces will
noutluut every two weeks until lute
In thtVtMou.
Owe of the prettiest dncts oT tin
season wrh given by the Cbnutluleers
Tuwilty eveuing, 'Phe hall was Uesiu
tlfully deerted with flag of ll u
Uuiis mid ihttUtlcU-t'i were used in
Air. JoUn 8. M&nley lrt lat wk
for Chicago, where ho will be iu
elwga of the office ot th ltogue
itivor Cuiiftl company. Mn, Mmiley
ml MudHuitt Mtiule.v leave the firat
of the month.
The piny hlch U being rehearsed
by Iho Junior of the high school
wHi b jmt on frldto-.Urch 3. From
nil rsnort thf ly will be h gret
Th tuaUi of 81' Mary's stU
uwiy vu in inhibit huU wuU'le ou
W'aghlngtou's blnhday. when m ver
excellent enhiblt of eiuhroldwrlM alt4
pAtnllitg were exhibited.
The Bedford lodge of UJIk will
give two pwrfoi insuci's of "Fr Ulv
ulu" Ueginulng Mnich 7, with most
Uim1or cMt. and ftrt-cl oper
Will It uroduoed.
Mrg. Normnn uU duugbter. Kr
ljeJiii tti Tftcoius.. were guests uC Mrs.
Uwt Tjowbrldne lt weh, en route
to San Fmnclsco. ,
!rt. JHHiiey nud iu KwJly 4m
iipy wlH glUMld t)iu wuinoier wtj lir.
n.QMg'fia J"HftJ' V hlB rwck
"MlllloiiQlro How." awl i-t to
loavo town tills wook.
W mJ Wilbd
if c
from paso 1.)
Tlio woodmen or the World gave
their first ball nt tho Natalorluni
Tuesday illght. The affair wa well
attended and wn a great success so
dally and financially.
J. W. Anderson returned last wcok
from California, whoro ho has boon
undergoing treatment for hi foot,
which was severely Injured onio tlmo
Mi ft. lludgp entertained Informally
at bridge Friday nftornoon. The In
vited guest were: Mr. George Hug
ged, Mrs. Carey and Mis Hubbard
Curtis Anderson, who has been
spending his vacation with his par
ents, left last week for Culver, hid.,
where ho Is attending military school.
Dr. C. It. liny and sons loft Wed
nesday for Los Angeles, whore thoy
will meet Mrs. Ray and Miss Uay on
their return from the east.
. .
Mr. Jack Asthury loft last wuok'
for an extended trip to IOnglapd.
While there lie will attend tho cor
onation of King (loot go.
Mr. Frank Monaghnn, who has
been tlio guest of his daughter, .Mrs.
T. 10. Daniels, left Wednesday for his
home In Santa Ana.
Mrs. (!. IJ. Davis entertained In
formally at luncheon Friday. Her
guests wore Mesdames Wakoman,
Knight and I'age.
Judge Colvlg loft for Portland last
week and expects to return this week
with Mrs. C'olvlg, who Is convales
cing very rapidly.
Tho performers of tho "Military
Girl" gave an Informal supper at the
high school after thu final perform
ance Saturday.
Mr. J. 10. lOuynrt was host at a
supper at thu Nash grill after the
play Wednesday night to a party from
Gold lllll.
Miss Laura Treichlor entertained
tho Seniors of the high school Wed
nesday ((soiling at her homo ou South
The Greater Modl'ord club will hold
It rogulur IiuhIiioss meeting Monday
nftornoon, February 127, In tho club
Tho BOO club was ontortalned b
Mrs. McGowau Friday afternoon. Mrs.
Autle will bo tho hostess this week.
Mrs. Fred Oowles ha leturned to
her home at Wostaway orchard. Mr
t'owles I expected homo this week
.Mr. IhkhIU wh hoMt at a Mupper
purty WoiliiiMiliiy ovenliiK at the
Nttiih. Covers were luid for sis.
SeiiHtor II. von dor Uullou return
ed from Swloiu Inst wnuk. where he
tins been ntloiidiitK UnUlHturo.
ItepreiieiilHllvo John A. Westei
luiiil retunud TueMilny from the eh
kIou of th leiclsliUiire h( ShIoiu.
The former residents of Ohio u
urrmiKluK for a "lluekeye" day "m
Ashluud WeduesiUy, Murrti 1.
Mrs. 1'eikluH uud her niothor. Mm
1.h C'hihi'. m expected to letuin
litis week train the esst.
Mrs. D. .McKlllop of Central Point
whs the Kuest last wtk of Mn
Sbielils ami Miss Elder.
Mr On rih entertlued M dinner nt
the Nash Wednesday eveultltf Vu
trs wen laid fur ss.
Colouel Fruuk Ton Voile Is bulUlln,
u hundsotne UuukaIuw oh his pear in
i hard on Koas Lue.
Ur and Mrs. WherhiirU lve thix
Metk fur their raiuh, where they will
speud the auiuwier.
. .
Mrs. J. I.. left Weduesdu
for Minueupolls. where she euerls to
ivniulu uutil April.
Ureut pieiwitttlous are being made
by (be fire laddies fur s iltiti-v uu St
Patrick's day.
Mr. anil Mrs. W. 8. llaiuinuiid i
turned last week from a trip to bmitii
ra Uallloruta,.
alra. Muuaer of Portland Is tin'
Kiteat of her sister. Mrs- Kv.ii
Vlrjil Straui km tMWMMI tu Co.
vsiiu after vnratlAn si'nt with 1Mb tilth
Miss Allco Woodford returned on
Wednesday from a visit In Portland.
Miss Margaret Hubbard spent sev
eral dovp with Mrs, Folcer last weak.
Mr. McKlllop of Central
the week-end guest of Mrs.
Point Is
Ml Mary Deuel ontortalned a few
fi lands Informally Monday ovunlng.
Tho Thursday Afternoon Bridge
club mot with Miss Cox I(i3t week.
Mr. anil' Mr. Isaac roturnod
week from a trip to Portland.
Mis .Mabel Huff of Corvalll
visiting friends in Medford.
Mr. Ira Dodge left last woek for
short trip to Portland.
Mr. Charlos A. Malboeuf returnod
Thursday from Pendleton.
Mr Kd Haulpy returned last week
lroni a trip to Senttle.
sftf--'' "--
Mrs. Ella Cook left for Buucoiii
'I hitrwluy to isit at (he home of A.
I!. altin(isli.
.Mr,, Edwiy'd' Wijiiilt has returned
from fiweeU visit with her mother,
.Mrs. o. Walters of Humberg.
.Mrs. ClmVlui? Xickell and daughter,
Jjjifi jf;) rot3fiiei from a number
o UlollGln spent HI M Angeles. M's.
Nickcll mi uccoiiiianiod by her sif
ter, Mi. I). I). Lyltle of Napa, ('al
and her two children. The frieiuls
of All. and Airs. Nickcll will I.e.
pli-ased to' learn thut their daughter
Iiii.n coiiilct(dy recovered from the
ueideut which befell her while in Los
Airs. Charlos Cai( and Alis.-Hlcen-strup,
acvtimpiinietl by their children,
have returned to Seattle, W'a-h., in
ter hpeiuling sjecrnl weeks with rel
atives living here.
Aliss Ella Parks ot' llerncorii
isiting with liicuds liiug lure he
first of the week.
KMtiW&2 Aift
Cars for 1911
Are sure to please you in style, in value, in price.
Only a few 1011 models loft.
The Cadillac has made an enviable reputation all over
the world for reliability and economy in operating.
ir fg&riim b v2iPisJswirvMwjHfK3f. ks-s.' ?ra u
v, '
The Car That Requires no Repairs
: -:
: '
: -
114 So. Bartlett St. Medford, Oregon
Pacific Telephone 2551 Main. Home, 255.
J, H. Corrigan, Mgr, and Sales Agent.
Mrs. Anna CIhho nnd ilaughteis,
Iivn niul Nina, of KcHwiek, L'nlif'.,
were visiting friends living here on
Thurmlny. Mrs. Chase was former
ly Mi" Aimii Lilt Ie of tlri" place nnil
spent u very 'pleasant day renewing
old nc(uuintmicub.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John K. Miller en
tertained the "500" club Wednesday
evening in a delightful manner. The
decorations us well as- the lunch was
enrriod out in accordance with the
national holiday nnil following curds
the guesU were entertained by being
blind folded anil drawing cherries on
a miniature tree. Misn Nellie Collins
niul Clyde Shaw tied for first prize
in this, while the consolation fell to
.Mi's. Lpwih I'lrieh. Those of the
club who were present were: Mr. and
.Mrs. M. M. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
15. F. Collins, Mr. and Mr-.. Lewis
I'lrieli. Mis, Collins, Mi-s
CollniN Chdc .Shaw a. id H
Wil -on.,
will iwly prodiii'c desired restilt's. 'They
are made ol the purest materials under the su
pervision of a competent Chemist.
"When you use, Alarhiello you are'iidt'oxper
imentin. You are working- toward a eertaiu
result which you are sure to accomplish. Vor
instance: ' '.'.(
Whitening Cream Bleaches without irritating.
Acne Cream Clears away blackheads and pimples
Tissue Food Nonrnishes and feeds the skin.
Lettuce Cream Cleanses and purifies.'
Olive Soap Made of pure oils for sensitive skins.
Scalp Food (lets at the root of hair troubles.
Antiseptic Bleaching Lotion "Whitens the skin.
To make a quick, certain improvement, let a Marin-
ello graduate select the pi-eparatioifyoul' skin needs and
tell you how to use it. Don't experiment airy longer.
Appointments made by telephone Main 111, or by
calling at
THE MARINELLO SHOP, Room 5, Over Kontner's
--rusaasj!!jyA g
Tlte t'julillae Faetory is unable to put ont ears fast
enouiili to snpnlv the demantl. Ior thi reason we were
unable to ttt an assignment of over ril'toen ears tor the
1911 season. Of this number thu majority tire already
am- .
We would advisi nnvono conttmiplatini; buving a Oad
illue ear to arrantre Tor demonstration and to plaee his
uiilir curly, in order to get what he wauU.
Creek Motor
Miss Luona Ulrich, Mrs. Mary Mil
ler and 1'rof. J. V. Wglls substituted.
Jacksonville Personals.
Dr. I?. O. Gale maile a professional
visit hero Thursday.
Hichurd Wand came up from
flrants J'as one day thi week to
join Ids wfe, who was culled hero re
cently by tl't' serious illness of liur
mother, Mrs. Augusta Helms.
H E. llnney has finished moving
his family to Medford, his residence
now being occupied by C. J. Kenney
and family.
John 1'ernoll of lllin" i creek was
trausaetiiiL' business win! our met'
chants the latter part of the wcok.
Attorney Covert returned to hi
home at Portland Thursday evening
after a professional visit here.
Herman Offcnbuclicr and James
Buckley, stockmen from Applegat--,
were at the count v -cut Thursday.
, ywm&
tMj'tmtiifjx e4S
Car Co.
w,, y
THE SPOJrTrtro goods HOlL
The larcjest cxclus
House on the Coast.
Fire Arms, Ammnn
Bicycle, Automobile,
nnd Athletic Supplies.
Rambler, Ideal and
Bin New Catalogue,
and receive copy.
Campbell & Baumfoach j
Money on hand at all times
Medford Bakery
TOM) & CO.
Nets Over 8 Per Cent Interest
Best location. Great increase
in value. Lot 50 feet by 140
feet. Splendid buy for invest
ment or speculation. Special
-price for quick action. Address
J. E. EN'YART, Prosident J. A. PERRY. Vlco-Presldont
P. E. MERRICK, Vlca-Prasld.vit JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier
W. 11. JACJvSON, Ass't Cashier.
The Medford National Bank
Capital, $100,000.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
swi: m:i'osiT uoxss roi; ih:nt. a okmikaii iunkixr
!i- Sfudebaker
Formerly Siskiyou Auto Co.
This Gauge and Mat-hlno sin p Is now In charge ot a practical
auto npalr man. All kinds of autus and gaa englnos woll and
qu ckl repalr-'J. Oveihauhns a specialty. Cars stored and carod
for l the month. Oil and gasolino for halo.
128-134 S. Riverside Ave. Phone 4131
ss 0 4 4
Of ..illlnif us if you have any electric work of any Kind. Wo can
fix ou up iu the best possible stlo. I
It is a Good Habit and Will Cost You Nothing
Electric Construction Go.
'On K.STS2S'-
ive Sporting Goods
Wholesale and Retail,
ition, Fishing Tackle,
Hunting, Photographic
Overland Bicycles.
Send us your name
to loan on improved ranches
and fruit land.
W A T C II I X fi T II H
II It K A I) L I N K
coming to and going from this hak
ery gives a view of happy faces with
not a traco of dyspepsia on a single
face Don't start trying to mako
hread ns mother used to. Buy it
here, save the labor and get bettor
bivad. and nioro for your money.
Everything warranted urc.
SL Delicatessen
P. O. BOX NO. 477.
Garage Co. !s j