-4 V t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2-1, 1911. Personal and Local Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and surgeon. Oiflco over Strang's drug store. tf. Fresh oysters, clams and fish dally nt Manhattan Cafo. Colonel I L,. Ton Velle Is erecting a handsome bungalow upon his pear orchard on Hoss Lane. Colonol K. S,. Washburn of the Tablo Hock orchard is shipping four cars of apples that he has been hold ing for higher prices. They will net him DO cents a box more than if sold at tho opening of the shipping sea son. S. H. Duffield of Gold Hill was a Medford visitor Thursday. Is your louso wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for n hundred per cent Increase in comfort. Start living the electric life. tf. Hex II. Lampmnn 0f tho Gold Hill News spent Thursdny nfternoon In Medford. H. D. Patterson, 116 R. Main, has some nlco English Hollies and nil kinds of shade trees. Roses (all tho best). Now Is a good tlmo to plant. Drop In and seo mo. tf W. A. Hillls, the crack shot, will give an exhibition of fancy shooting Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl! gUndertakeriand Embalmer Successor to tho undertaking de partment of Mod ford Fumlturo Co. Kit OffiGG With Kir Medford Furniture Company About March 1, Private Am bulance Servlco. Sick and Injured convoyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. W. Conklln, 3601. J. II. Butto", 3571. I I nt the Rod and Gun club grounds Saturday afternoon. Watch for tho "Pierce," tho smooth running motorcycle. tf J. V. Jacob, tho Woodvlllo mer chant, spent Thursday in Medford. Mrs. Charles Nlckell nnd daugh ter have returned from a winter spent In southern California. Llttlo Miss NIsckell won fame by walking out of a six-story window In a Los Angeles hotel nnd seems little the worse for her adventure. John H. Carkln, attorney at law, over Jackson County bank. Florence Thowbrldge, the young daughter of E. J. Trowbridge, was made violently 111 Thursday evening from ptomnino poisoning caused by eating canned mackerel. She Is on tho highway io recovery. The place to eat Manhattan Cafo, North Front street. E. A Carr of Sacramento Is In tho city visiting friends. Special dinner at rensonablo rates. Manhattan Cafo. C. D. Colby has returned from a visit to the south. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. ( 45i W. II. Crlswoll has returned from a very snrcessful business trip to the towni between MedTord and Seattle, W'asl . He reports great activity all along the line. Grants Pass acreage for sale A snap 32 1-2 acres, tho most beauti ful subdivision acreage in tho city, lays high and sightly; good modern house and ether improvements; on main street; all cleared; close in; price ? 10,000; terms. Address P. O. nox 580, Grants Pass, Oregon. Phone 239 H. 300 Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Squires of Aber deen, S. D., are visiting hero. They are nccompanled by their family. Try the new barbor shop; every thing clean and sanitary; opopslto jP. O. George C. Lear of Willows, Cal., arrived in Medford last night. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Kneoland and Miss Frances Kneeland of Bay City, Mich., are visiting Medford. District Attorney B. F. Mulkey is spending a few days in Ashland on business. Mrs. A. S. Smith of Central Point is in tho city. C. E. Evans of Wilberton, N. D., Is visiting former North Dakota friends hero hi tho city. Tho mombers of tho Alcho club team from Aetnn, Cal., who played hero last night, returned to their homo this morning. F. S. Fournler, n business man from Portland, Is spending tho day in Medford. J. C. Donovan of Albany nrrlved in Medford on a visit last night. O. D. Martin, W. 11. Lynch, T. S. Johnson, A. E. Johnson and W. W. Merrlam arc members of n party of Portland business men who nrrlved hero last night. Holding forth the Inducement that "I can cook, am a good housekeeper, am middle aged and lean," a letter, written In a woman's hnnd and mail ed from Portland, Or., wns received by Manager Malboeuf of tho Com mercial club this morning. PAGE FIVE SAVED BURNING WARJTEAMER General Sooy-Smith Tells Thrilling of Thrilling Adventure Below Mem phis In Bellum Days Rescued Many From Drowning. General William Sooy-Smlth, who was General Sherman's chief of scouts during tho civil war and for many years distinguished In nrmy cir cles, tells tho following Interesting story of a Bteamer flro on tho Mis sissippi In war times: "During tlio summer of 180.'), I wns going down the Mississippi river on the steambont Hubert Cnmpbell. And when we woro about 20 miles below Memphis and in the middle of the stream our boat was set on fire by ii rebel incendiary, who was seen by people on shore to jump from the bont just before tho flames broke out nnd swim ashore. Several steam ers had been burned on the river dur ing tho preceding fivo or six weeks nnd an order had been published on our side directing tho ranking officer aboard in such cases to take com mund and direct tho efforts to be made to save life. I was nt that time (i brigadier general in our ser vice and tho ranking officer on board. "I immediately took command and first ordered tho steamer's yawl to be brought alongside the boat which iiad rounded to' and wns making Komo headway up tho stream, and was standing on her guards directed that tho women nnd the children, of whom fortunately there were no more than the yawl could carry, to be helped into tho yawl nnd carried ashore by two men nt the oars. "This was successfully accom plished. 1 then ordered the trunks, boxes nnd bales on the lower deck to bo thrown overboard and the pnssen gers, as many as they would carry, helped down upon them to be floated ashore. "There were many soldiers aboard, my orders were promptly obeyed and executed nnd perfect order en forcedthere wns no panic until the cord of the safety valvo burned off nnd permitted the steam to rush out with a hissing sound creating the im pression that the boilers woro giv ing way, which uo frightened the .re maining imsengois Unit ninny jumped ovfihonrd nnd those wom most all drowned. Hut for this stam pede 1 think we would have saved nearly all tho passengers. "Tltoso of ns who remained con tinued throwing over nil the pack ages we could handle, until there were but low of us left nnd we could move no more and had to take to tho water and trust to our ability to swim ashore. A few succeeded, others failed and wero drowned. I was not a good swimmer but remembered that we had thrown out a plank used for taking u single pnsenger nhonrd and when I ordered men to jump and tnko it they bravely declined saying they could swim out easily, and while they wero refusing the plank got away without an occupant. Look ing down the river, I caught sight ol this plank and struck out after it. I finally reached it completely exhnustcd. Laying my hand upon il. I rested until I was able to crawl onto it and paddled ashore. Abo.it half a mile below the boat T walked up tho west bank of the river to the group of passengers who hnd es caped. A few hours later a steamer came and took us aboard. "A meeting was organized nnd resolutions very complimentary to mo were passed. Pleasant ns they were my greatest gratification was and hns been that it was my privilege to aid as I did in rescuing so ninny from watery graves. "I do not remember tho exnet number of the passengers aboard but I think it was from '200 to 2f0 and tho number lost between 50 and 00." -- f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HIGIICKOl'T residences arc selling daily; make your selection before choice lots arc sold. EXCHANGE We have several good, ranches to exchange for Medford,1 Portland and Seattle city property. I List your property with us for ex-j euange. uogue uiver Laud Co., il N. Central uve. Two fi-room houses for rent. I. O. O. l NOTICE. Lodge meets In the now hall on Sixth street Monday evening, Febru ary 27. A full attendance Is desired. Work In tho third degree. Visiting brothers nro Invited to attend. W. L. MILLER, 291 Secretary. Hasklna for Health. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldir WANTED To borrow $12500 for threo years, 8 per cont, close in improved city property, good uo curity. Address Uox 37, care Mail Tribune. tf FOR RENT 1 louso to rent five blocks from Hotel Nash. iupiiro at Eagle Pharmacy. tf RREEDEHS ATTENTION! Having brought to Medford tho fast pacing stallion Ashon, record 2:12 ii, will be pleased to talk with any person owning a good inaro that they wish to breed to tho fastest horse in southern Oregon. H02 COUKTKSV AND CONSIDERATION THE WATCHWORD. In this bank for commercial conven ience. Wo watch and safeguard your business and personal Interests every way possible, give you tho se curity nnd receipt of a checking ac count, collect debts for you In distant places, loan money on dcslrnblo se curity nnd do a general banking bus iness on fair terms. Farmers & Fruit Growers Bank TOR KENT A fi-room modern house for rent nt $30 a. month. Lo cated on paved streets, close in. E. S. Tinny, 201 aarnett-Corey build ik'. 20 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE Eor chick ens, rango wire and wool mattress and buggy. 002 E. Mh, icty. 20JI Pv-4 E. M. F. Studebaker Garage Co. &s Formerly Siskiyou Auto Co, This Garago and Machlno Shop Is now In clinrgo or a practical nuto repair man. All kinds of autos and gas engines well and quickly repaired. Overhauling a specialty. Cars stored and cared for by tho month. Oil and gasollno -for sale. 128-134 S. Riverside Ave. Phone 4131 TOR SALE A nearly new Il-horse-power gas engine ; cost .flll.'i. will sell for $00. A. K. Ware, Medford. !: i FOR SALE A U000 gal. galvanized tank, never used, $(10. A. IC. Ware, Medford. 2W2 FOR SALE Two sorrel mares, II years, old, well junk-lied and broke, weight about 1-100 lbs. each; 1 span dark bay mares, well matched weight about 11C0; 2 sets good har ness; 1-in. Studebaker wagon, good as new. Address John Pier son, Ashland, Or. 291 SMALL HOUSE112 acres garden land, city water; rent cheap; un heights. Enquire 115 Cottage street. 201 About 30,000,000 words a year pass under tho sea through cnblcs Unking British nnd North American ports. FOR RENT Good place with lots of fruit and pie plant producing from $:U)0 to $000 n year with good house and barn, opposite normal school on boulevard, Aohlnnd. John Piorson. Ashland, Or. '291 Ilnsklna for Health. MEDFORD THEATRE Tuesday Feb'y 28th A COMPLETE SCENIC PRODUCTION ENTIRE ORIGINAL CAST Silver Threads BY MARTIN V. MERLE With the Great Contra Tenor RICHARD J. JOSE A Story of New England Life of Today Embracing the Songs of Old. Mr. Tosc will bo remembered by his former connec tion with minstrels, the "Old Homestead" and vaudeville. SEATS ON SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH. Grand Opening Sale of Spring Goods w i I AT I V V fHf 4 TkTTkTJO MEDFORD'S POPULAR PRICE STORE f VI Central Ave.-Near Post Office I XT SLjL M.JL 1 J. 1 bJ Agents for Warner and R & G. Corsets. Standard Patterns 9 MANN'S SCAAAAA TXT4-U f ATW c: . r i T r I S W.vrvrvs.inr yyj.lj.1 Ul iCW OMlllIJi VjUUUS UL rUUUldl JTriCeS I - Special Prices Prevail in All Departments Saturday We Mention a Few New Suits and Coats IN V ew Suits 100 brand new Suits, made of '9 the best materials; radical j change in style; "La Vogue" v j make; at py $30, $25, $22.50, $20 SPECIAL $ 15 beautiful new Suits; made $ of all wool serge; in the new v f v shades; on sale Saturday, $15.00 I Pi New Coats 100 beautiful new Coats; full length; new shawl and tailor ed collars; all colors and sizes; at linn t - $25, $20, $18, $15 SPECIALS CORSETS Women's coutil Corsets; all sizes; special Saturday, Pair, Great Sale of White Goods 25,000 yards of new, crisp up-to-date Wash Goods on sale Saturday at low prices. 5 J" 50c SPECIAL 15 beautiful new Coats in plain and fancy colors; all sizes; on sale Saturday, $10.00 GLOVES New chamois Gloves; all sizes; special Saturday, pair, 25c Our celebrated F. W. L. $1.25 Glove; special Satur day, pair, DRESS GINGHAMS 2000 yards fine Dress Ging hams; all new patterns; fast colors; on sale Saturday, a yard, 10c FLAXONS 2000 yards of Klaxons in new patterns; the best washing fabric made; worth 25c; spe cial Saturday, yard, 19c TISSUES Egyptian Tissues in all col ors; beautiful patterns; nev er fades; on salo Saturday, a yard, J 28c $1.00 ? SEE OUR NEW LINE OE SILK AND W ASH DRESSES. V WASH BELTS New fancy Wash Bolts, with pearl buckle; special at, each, 15c Good Apron Gingham, yard 5c i Double Kold Percales, yard 10c EMBROIDERIES AND LACES AT SPE CIAL LOW PRICES. V, V 2000 yards Cambric Embroidery and In sertions; 2000 yards fine Val. Lace and 5c Insertions; values up to 15c; on sale Saturday, a yard 2000 yards, wide Cambric and Swiss Em broideries and Insertions; up to 25c values; on sale Saturday at, per Hi yard Ht NIGHT GOWNS X Women's flannelette v Night Gowns; special Saturdav at 79c TOWELS Extra 1 a r g e size 7 luck Towels; worth Ific; on sale at 10c PILLOW CASES -12 and -15- inch bleach ed Pillow Slips; worth 1Hp; on sale 1Ao Saturday .. .. . A it HOSIERY "Burson" Hose for women; 25c grade; on sale Saturday, j Op imir .. AOL TABLE LINEN 00-inch Table Damask worth !0c; on sale Saturday at, OQ yard ....."" OUTING FLANNEL New patterns; good 12ic quality; special tr i9c HOUSE DRESSES Women's G ingh a m House Dresses; spec ial at, ii AQ each. .. . J1.0 CORSET COVERS $ Women ' s fancy J Corset 0 o v o r s; J special, each 25c I m i iY & w