PAGE FOim "MHIOFORD aIAIT, TF?rBlTNR, MRDFOBD, OKTCOOX, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1911. A'' Medford Mail Tribune AN INDBPKNDBNT NBWSPAPKIl J'UIlMflflHD DAIJV BXC'KPT SATUIt- DAY UY TUB MBDFOItU lMUNTIN'CJ CO. ii i ----- Tlio Democratic Times. Tlio Motlford JInll, The .Meilforil Trlliunc, The South orn OrcKiiiilnn. Tho Asliliuul Tribune. GBOIIOB PUTNAM, Bdltor and Manager A VICTORY FOR THE PEOPLE. "PEACE DOVE J3 ff SCANDALOUS! Hi D Kntorcd an seoond-olHss matter No vember 1, 1909, at thu postofflro ut Medford, Orotfon, undsr tho uct of March 3, 1S7U. Official Paper of thu City of Medford sunsomrTum uats. Ono year, by tnnll JG.00 One month by mall 60 J'or month, delivered by carrier In Medfsrd, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point GO (Inndav only, by nmll. kit year.... 2.00 Woekly. ner year 1.60 rull leaned Wlro United t'ron DlcpatchcH. BY EAR the most important decision yet rendered by the interstate eommeree commission was that handed down Thursday denying the railroads the privilege of rais-i inir rates to the entire country at their own sweet will. Jt was a great victory for the people. , The decision disapproves advances in freight rates in Evans Valley Should Not Be Judged official classification territory, aggregating the railroads an estimated increased earning of $27,000,000 yearly. It disapproves increases by the railroads in the Western i trunk line ferritfnw and proposed advances in commodity j rates, it orders the carriers in both cases to cancel their; advanced tariffs on or before March 10 and restore former I rates those now ef lective and serves formal notice that to it for protection, uo iniiBt ho low ered to tin' title of "warring tongs," "fnmily feud" mid be subjected to tlie services of a "pence dove." In the neighborhood under quo--tion in Evans creek valley the res idents are all pretty well related in one way or another, and because one brother or sister joes wronjr, it doc not fecni riht to .spread the blcm- by One of Its Residents Writes 5sU v ! the relations. The "law itmiluijr inein pers of the communiU ---' i m AAMM--1n4n nrlvnrtlplni? WOTl't brlllK . "T business. Start now and you will become -f convinced that It pays to advertise all tho 4- nine. 4 f 4f-f John B. Hillis In Reply to Pub lished Article. unless advanc-ed tariffs arc cancelled a formal order sus- Tho Mall Tribune Ih on alu at the Kerry NeWH Stand, Shu Krnnciaeo Potllund Hotel N wm Stand, Portland. IlowiDiin News Co, l'ortliind Or. W. O. Whitney, Kent tie, Wash Ilotql Spokane Newx Stand, Spokane. SWORN CIRCULATION. Dally nventK" for nIt months ending Decern bor 31. 1911), 2721 UHOrORD, OH CO Oil. Metropolis of Southern OruRon itnu Norlhern California, and the faHtuHt growlliK city in Oregon. Population V H. eulisUH 1910; 8810, catlmutrd In November, 1UI0, Klve hundred ttmiiNiitid dollar Gravity Water System completed, kIvIiik flni'st supply pure mountain water and nix teen lillleH of Htmet lieliiK paved and coutrnoted for (it n cost excuedlni; $1, 000,000, limbing u total of twenty miles of pavement Postofflco receipts for year cndlnu November ,10, 1910, dhow n gnlii of CI per cent. Dank deposits were 2,37C,C32, a nutn of 22 per cent Manner fruit city In Oregon Hosue Illvur 8plt.enber: nnples won sweep slakes prize and title of "Applo Klnff of tho World" nt the National Apple Show, Hpokune, 1909, and u car of Newtowns won rirot I'rlzo In 1910 at Canadian Internatlonul Apple Show, Vancouver, II, C. Ilogtio Itlver pears brought highest firlces In nil mnrkets of thu world dar ns tho past six years Svrlto Commercial club, InclosInK C cents for postaRo for the fluent commu nity pamphlet ever written 1 WOOM'ILLK, Or., Feb. 22. To . the Kditer: I KvilIlK Vllllfiv l((Hllfl mil lu. iliil, mil pending them and putting existing rates into operation fori by one of its residents. at least tWO years will be issued. I While ve believe in peace and The historv of the case is as follews: The Western 'H"t, and would fiKht for our Jin Trunk Line association filed rate increases with the iii-'!t'."l!('t'S!;ii":v'1 stil1 we al believe in i. .. t 4 .. . ii . c mm beinj,' called by our ndit nnino, theie Shortly afterward the eastern roads (those in the so-called official classification territory) filed advances. Shippers protested to Washington and the government filed suit against the trunk line roads under the Sherman law, charg ing conspiracy in restraint of trade, and secured a tempo are certain lights which each and every one i.-, entitled to, one of which, is the right to protect out name. It is nothing let.i than scan dalous to be dragged into company with, or to be associt'ted With the class of psoplu that constantly need ON TO JUAREZ! rary injunction at Hannibal, Mo. Shortly afterward the1 tho guardian care of a "Peace Dove railroad representatives called on President rail, and by agreement withdrew advances, while the government with held prosecution of the suit. After the law was passed the suit was dismissed by the government and the rate advance schedules refiled. Un der uie new law ine mt erst ale, commerce commission lust why the writer of the article en titled, "eace Dove Hovers Over Hvans Creek" in a former Usuo of the .Mail Tribune, wished to bring so many down to the level of tlio oni. restless dh.tuilier, why he wished to cl.iss so many who believe that the promptly suspended the rates, pending investigation as ' to1""IU! is n"'iltiur than the sword, j i i- ? i mi .i . i i ro ineir lairness. rne .siisptmsiorriias neen prolonged irom time to time while hearings wery held, in Chicago and Washington. , - .Anyone familiar with the frenzied finance of railroad history knows that the proposed rates were unjustifiable simply an effort to make the public pay for new issues of inflated securities, which in turn would be a fresh ex cuse for piling additional burdens upon the public. livery railroad in the United States is capitalized tit many times its cost, or actual investment. Jn the prelim inary organization, the stock was water, represented noth ing. In the numerous reorganiaztions since, the capital ization has been swelled without additional capital being invested, merely to keep down the percentage of profit, and to enable the manipulators to amass immense for tunes easily. 10 very fresh increase in capitalization meant fresh excuses for higher rates, another link in the endless chain taking the coin from the public. The railroads desire to make improvements, but they want the public to pay for them. They arc not satisfied with the comparatively immense profits made, but seek still more. IjJvery one of the railroads is in excellent finan cial condition and there is no reason why the public should be further mulcted for the benefit of the controlling in terests. And the talk of abandoning railroad extensions and improvements is largely a bluff to influence public opinion. The decision is of particular interest to Medford at this time because the rate question out here is being inves tigated. If the commission had allowed the increases the Pacific coast railroads would have been warranted in increasing their rates. Now they have not a leg to stand on. Medford will undoubted! v secure the reductions pe titioned for. They are fair stud reasonable and just both to the railroad and the simmers. with one who believes that the teeth, or tobacco juice, or the point of a pistol, are mightier thi.n the tongue, is, beyond our comprehension, unless he thinks that by mixing with num bers of innocent law abiding citizens, and associating tliciu with the central and prac'ically only figure, he can be elevated to ,i plain far above bis eurjtoiiinry one, and peihaps ccii:il to his neighbors. Without mentioning any nam's, there is one thing certain, and that is, that there ha been trouble h the Hvans creek valley dating back for 3 ears, and every one knows that it usually takes more than (At every shot a man fell, but ho got up again News story of the bat tle of Juarez.) Itally, noldiorx of thu legion; Pack your cameras and grips; Onward to the dreadful region Whore the roar of battle 'rips. Shoulder tripods! Forward! Dou ble! Juarez is the place to go; War is hell 7 No, lhat' a bubble -War's a moving pictuie show. J'tyhtf yu tfullnnt inpurrecloB, Chargu, yu troom of Diaz, (ihai'Ko! Jn your leclh llio grim perfeclos dleauiing teriiblo and huge. JCuep' it up until we reach you, Hall for ball ami blow for blow; ftuvo some "bloodihed," wo beHcOch you, J ''or our moving picture show. Oh, yo poor old Mo.icauoH, Know yu nothing of finance? llnd yo been Americanos, Whut a chance; oh, WHAT a chance! Why, that gorucoin, bloodless battle Would have raked in nil the dough Prom Key West to fur Seultlo ln a moving- picture show. C'hotiter Kirkins in lha ICmiiiii wcr. Advertisement (or Sale of Bonds. Scaled proposals will bo lecoivc'd by lha undersigned clerk of school district No. , Jackson county, Ore got), at his ollice at Talent, Ore., up to ! o'clock p. m., April 1, 1H11, f r the purchuMO of $'J7,oO(M)0 school bonds of Mild school district No. 22. These bonds are of the dttiiouiimt tioa of $1000 each, hour interest at tli 9 rate of 5 per cent per unnuui, jmyoblu seini-uunually, both interest mid princitwl payable at the county tTMfcmvr'M office in Jackson county. lo Ul WWr level. Oregon, m. at a designated banking! "l 'f thu roadway a heavy H,M,K.M, or., .',., , tides liouao in the oity ot New York at the," nUam will be applied aud , ruieorpornlion have have been option of the bidder. ." hi uwn o a,,..o ,i. . .!-,,,,, m , ,,, , u,,an ; over the war, and .ocall the ,,,, The bund will be dated at tin M- l h" M"',r tnwtmmit , s,.llt. H fll ,,. ilM , ., whl(. ' !....! .i-i: I of fllio l a vol In fill tliu vnlila will .. .. . .. ' .. "' Wllltll V , uiiu m wiiinj nun iuhimip .v jraj, -- ' i ung .Men - MiriMiiiu itssocia-, w ' '' ipclled i0 bear Tl iwweancr. imt win iM, niDiect to e-"" "' " "" " '"'" tion of Ccntml roiul, Dr.; location ' ie "wavv d (iejUon by said school dint net jo, ". -" " -him-iom m JOSEPHINE COUNTY FOOTBALL SQUAD UUANTS l'SS, Or . IVb 2 I Several thousand dollars will be spent In Ibis count. v for the lietter uieut of (lie county roailM. I'eiiiiuneiit linprovonieutti will lie coiiHtructed along tlu main highways, The couuj.cait. t court hiiH uuiiounccti that the first stretch of 10ml to lecetvu nttoutlon will bo the one leading from the kUh lirlilKe u cross ltoguo river to the louth iMitl of the county. A cot of henv) uiacudRiu will be aiircud upon u as wmiu aa the weather will , CENTRAL POINT CONCERNS permit lo be .ub-gradoI and brought, UECOME INnnRPfinATinwc ...ww... W,.,,I.W,.W The iiiciiibcis nf the Midlmd hcji -chool loolball sllti!ii were jester-j day piesciited by the -student bod with a beautiful uiaioou sweater KM MW l':,,ltt i'hj' nriiictiU bear on the 1ionf tlicTuilia!, "M. II. S." worked III black leltcio. 'l'liu tuitiie ludcnl body atleiided I lie prcscniaiioii which was made bv Miss t'urv. one to have a (iiarrel, and in (his partic i lar long f cries of troubles, it ap pears that one individual was tin center of each and every disturb ance, whether it be with a near neighbor or a distant one, wheth". it bo with n man or a woman, ii tact it in hard to llnd a family with in reasonable, distance that has not sui Cored from this one man's mean ness, his dishonesly, bis threats, etc Let it he understood that we do nol mean to do thiB limn an injury or v injustice, but we do mean to piote ourselves, and our name, and whe the .statutes of life .statu of Orcgm aie so loosely constructed as to al low a "peace dove" (butter called a hawk) to shake its up so thorougln.v that at the termination of his cffot wc were left in a worse cuiiiliii.u limn before this "peace dove" a(. pearcd, i is lime wo were awakened After (his wo are compelled to huvi more coals poured upon our head by tho publication of the ".condition Mdo of these troubles, it ceitainlv makes our dignity burn with a hot lor fire than ever before. Now we think it is high lime th u we look sonic steps to present t the courts, and to our friends, th, 1 ruth, that we may be liberated fro a he burden imposed upon us, embod ied in the above mentioned arlicle u, February (. If the public inuM know about (hi affair, they are entitled to a correct "lory, and as our reputation, is so , the mercy of the press, we ted tin1 unless the truth can be published it a fair, way. it will eudan gor the friendship which now eis. between tho people of Kans creel valley and the publisher of the ar judo. This is t very beriou mail in our e.ves, ami we wish to In cleared and e.hoiiorwted from u ,,,, pearanccs of association or connec tion with Ibis stamp of luunanily. t makes our blood boil to look bacf and tlie ''family j'ued' community must be one and tlio qame, on ac count of the relntipnsiiip. Calling this 'it, "fapiily faed" plas ters 11s all over, and we resent it a unjust, unkind and unbecoming. We are answering thu aiticle imblished February 20, mentioned above, tint we may Jic exempt and immune to any such clusHlicntion. Now wo trust you will publish these few lines that we may give to the public the only position avc hold in this unfortunate affair. We thank you in advance for your assist ance, which means much to us and little to you. Very respectfully and faithfully yours, JOHN 13. IIILLIS, (A resident of. Evans valley.) COSTS Ml'T A TIMKLK TO CVUK CATAItltll. How many roadors of tho Mall Tribune know thnt In Inlnnrt Austra lia where tlio mightiest of eucalyptus trees grow In abundance, that there Is no consumption, catal'rb Or dis eases of the respiratory tract. The refreshing balsam .thrown out by tbeso trees fills fho air and Ip breathed Into tho lungs by the In habitants ami all germ life Is' des troyed. If you have catarrh you cannot go to Inland Australia except at great expense, but you can breatbo right In your own homo tho samo pleas ant, soothing, healing, germ killing air you would breathe If you were living In the eucalyptus district of Australia. Just breathe IIYOMEI; It Is made from Australian eucalyptus and sci entifically combined with thymol and other antiseptics employed la the historian system. Pour a few drops of IIYOMEI In tho Inhaler and breathe It. As It misses over tho catarrh Infected mem brane It kills the germs and heals the -aw, inflamed surface. IIYOMKI Is guaranteed to euro ca 'arrh, coughs, colds, croup and sore hroat, or inonoy back. Complete out it Including inhaler $1.00. Extra bottles of IIYOMEI cost but ,"i0 cents. Sold by Cbas. Strang and druggists iveryvvbere. L. M. JUDD, REAL ESTATE AGENT Talent, Jackson County, Oregon. Midwnv between .Medford and Ashland, in the fruit belt of Southern Oregon. Healthy and mild climate, and pure water. Alfalfa, fruit and timber lands from lo acres to 800 acres. Also lots on the instalment plan, in newly incorporated town of Talent, Oregon. Write (enclosing stamps) or come and see mo at Talent, Oregon. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Sprtiying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Germany claims to make 95 per cut of tho photographic chemicals ised In the entire world. Ifasklns for Health. Wanted to Buy A fire insurance agency or an In-'-rest in one. Am a practical flro nsurance man from tho east. ddress IlOX SO, euro Mail Tribune. Repeat Your Medford Experience BUY GRANTS PASS PROPERTY NOW "rZ,Z?&V',l?Z',"'i Elegant business corner lot, 75100, close In JjioOOO Elegnnt business lot, GOxlOO. clow in $7.00 Another business lot, 50x100, c ose In $(JOOO THESE IMtlCKS rOK A Ql'ICIC TlltV. A. N. PARSONS References- Elrst National Hank, Grants Pass Hanking & Trust Co REAL ESTATE GRANTS PASS, ORE. ST' LU MBING 9 m STEAM AND HOI WATLR JltAlING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable I . .. ..--. -. . -. . lUlJtfJttJtUN QX PRICE X 11 North ) St. .Medford Ore Phone 303 WdV,,.... Ihe finest Sample Rooms in the citv. Hot Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath 9P Telephono In Etcry Room RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN Wanted to Rent Wo bao a client who wishes to u in a even or eight-room house on or about May 1st. The houso niiiMt have four rooms and must lie modern in every respect, and in a number one locality. Par ty will take a leaso for six months or a year. If1 you havo anything of this description let us hear from you. r Cornetliis-Garncr Realty G&. cm ovc sometime eoi at I'eulral I'mnt. altie of projierty. forced upon u. Kow we have In. 4UIS00; iniKtees Williimi A. lwle.' '"oujrh of lliis. It i HO tannh lend lire. ideal: llnnrv Wm- w a. Ili .) ;. :.. .i. . 'i-... lflhe policy of the court to Inumivo, wl R H, u nM . Vl of -bn.arv ..r:,' ":'', T' II.tunltoH, II. Kimuiui, I). .McKilloll,,uch a uarrclM.tHe dUpoMiion. th. i and J. t). Uaiu-MUi. ' "II within naeh have fell his , Afonn l.ninlinr .t.tiintnnv m... .:.... 1 1 fliien-. '.. 1. ...... t-.i. mm to M,id Kchooi dbiriet ko. -- w f ho prj.,, of bllhh,; -- "-;;, anii wo;uim,;t; ;;,,,,';,,,: " capital -tok, o1000 1 MieoriHiniior4.i AiHt when he has become oxeiba - A W l.w... A I - .....l II II .Inix. .....l ..... .... .. " - vn-i ii i ui ii. ii, , " nun in iiearaoit- in n j'eni after date of bond. ro '"1 bo pl"l for coniforl and A Mi-tiffed idiri.-k .. ilinfvn -hull travel to a vil itreet. It ha been i sooouiiuiny bid iu fax or Mhool district No. ', Talent Jaek-!1"" roa,i rapidly at fumli have on county. Oregon, .haJl aeeonpau ' ld tor "wcn Prpo-i -ttd , a.ieb hid. which check will l. for-1 "'In year extraordinary effort will be i Ma liquidated dawagea iu ohm the '(u tfr developing good road, bidder fail to take and pay for the throughout the rounty. bond- at tho price stipulated in tbe Mu,t th work ,hl UM DWM ),(, .done has come under the upervtstou Jlie auceesaful bidder must fur.f Uie couniy Judge, who has ueraou ih- blmik I..H1.I.. y k r the matter rather The directors of diMrict Ko. '1 re Soi've the rinht to i eject auy aud all m. All bids -hoiild be addreuaed to the olorlt of mIioi.I di-inct No. ati, ThI oii t , JtioliMon county, Oreiron, and innrkod piipo.iU fur Nclnml bid. C W SIIKHMAN. Clork of Kih ..I KiNtrict No. 'J. Jack-on Coiiaiv, Oregon, 29 Smith. .ii SCfll 111 li-. John Drew Hotter. mn at time-. ,- have "peace d.c" ohvorinjf oci u mougii we were dauifhtv elubli U'l.ennt)oro. 111. About flv ..! ...... .1...1 -. r than Mw a genera! overr m byyeara ago." g.!Sk'jl,u I, Ura: . i .J , ' ' ZmuU,i law provided; i.. tl. tho county ha , . ,,,. .., WM ,',,, wUh '" l ' ''"'"J " '. . ...ii' inn v 111 me ll'llllUT NOTIOJ3 TO Iliai. i:ST.TH Dli.l. JCltS. I hereby slvo nott that my prop-t orty ou North IJartlott hiuei Iium beeu withdrawn fro tlio maii.i-i h.enaa.edthewagc.ofaauuerviaor.l,,, aml lw,lltairlljr ,Twy moulh. hfl --- J' ' "Z VOrinc l ffered contluually wa. weak and fma,niC out whieh of h, child.c, , ::",H " . I despondent, and uuable to do my l,eek, Hl lt.v J. I). XlcArdle will arrive la Med- housework. I took Ca,ai. ami in S.7.! .! ,..'' . . ford tha H&th lunt. with ulan and .... . ...1. i. .:. ' '" ,,a " WftM-il .nut ... w .. . . ....- a..iiu 1 ikil limn a Dt apeiiricatlonn tor Itttt bungalow garage to be built on Oakdule uue, wttnlford. Contract ort ar Nt to bid. Mr. UcArdle cau at tho Naah hotel. ahead aa a reault of iu proven value PHONE 901 Old customers send me your address. New Premiums, New Ser vice, New Agent. But the same old stand ml goods. AGENCY GRAND UNION TEA CO. 110 rmi'p.sTiuM-rr ZZ-Z-Z-JJ I ALFALFA LAND" "1 SOLANO C0UMTY. CALIFORNIA Choicest dairy and alfalfa proposition in tho state, located on the KVrSclLco?0 SOl,,h,rM 1,iU'mC rai,ra,1 1,0tne" S !.aS IDEAL CLIMATK ABUNDANCK OF WATfclR FOIt IRIMGATION Write Us for Information IM.VOX ALFALFA LAXI) CO, ..i 9-4t s s DLVO.V. CAL. --', .. j Nothing Just as Good as the REXALL Remedies ! WEST S1DR PHARMAC: I EAQLE PHARIIAI'V, 100 Knt Main St. Phones: Home ti3; Pac. 232 Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Thos. Bartholomew, Pli. C, General Mqr. ; U10 KcmiII Stores w woiuaa tti' hp ,.r.... ..... , a,d worked hard all su,no..,r. I am , S, ". " . '' "IT.. ' .. " l": v- uow tn nerfeet health, and r...vo,mn,1 .... ,. ." . ' "r vm" "r ,"" "'"" ' lMt- I'ardul .0 n .UffH :"JZ -" .-r 10 gimug. I,,-, u, bieeatr ., .....7: Vwl " " . " .. "' 1 Wl,wr ""' Uve, and eem nj.ur . .7. n obe more iiun.o.tal. C'ardul has been steadily for-tnir m.... .. . . I.i. ...j .. - .. . umi uei-uuie liar- In llaakian for bagltk NV.un in the M.ul Tiiliuiie al !31 Jt. O. lil'NC.W. w.,x, bun- it-Mill.. in rental trouble. U relieves head ache, backache, womanly niUory aud 1'iith fu.h hlniiKlh Into uear Imil- i - '1 1 11 protect our, name und dignity? or ho m die name of law m duet me we tof be irot,, !,.,! ,v fj M,,IU. "' '" ' ' ' "''' -lute' ot im hi- U. !,,lu k ''., .. ,d Ul UUK'i to JlJH.ll Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this spleudid, refresbiuc driuk. Call up nnd order a case sent to tho iioiixe. The purest, most healthful drink known is SIvSKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C BIGHAM, Agent. -uo nest .Mam Street I Phenes: Home A3; Pae. -1011 i X I s s Mctlforil, Ore. ''"-f--'-,,..M, 1 , A 1 i s J I The QUAKER NURSERYMAN I i . I, I! 1 Everything in the Nursery Line See the nice Fnglish Hollies. U1 kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only M10 most perfect plants), nnd full lino of penv, peach, apple, apricot, prunes, etc., etc. lino j Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 238i Res. Phone 2493 1 Lz w I j Sf T Vv V