Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 24, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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In Fastest Game Ever Played on
"Nat" Floor, and Before the Lat
est Audience, the Mcdford
School Team Defeated Alclio Boys.
: me
r " ---- .
1 j i
kjux orresponaents
As the result of (ho fnMel srnnio
of bnsketlmll uvor soon in this rity,
Medford high school team Inst night
ilufcntcd a team from the Alcho club
of Aetna, Cnlif., by n "core of 'Jl to
12. Tlie game wns played on the
Jsntatonuiu floor.
The Alcho club team, chnmpions
of northern California, went into the
gnino confident of victory but were
bitterly disappointed in their judg
ment Nof the local boys long before
the end of the first half, when the
wQyo stood live to nil in favor of
Medford. Enrlv in the second half,
the Alcho club boys forced the play
ing and at one time when the score
stood 0 to 7 in their fnvor, stood
an even chance of winning u vic
tory. Mcdford came back strong, how
eevr, and, aftor ovenini; un the score.
forged abend until the final gong
when they were victors by a margin
of nine points.
The line-up for Medford was
Strang and Kuder, forwards; Chil
ders, center; Seoggins and Withing
ton,i guards, Hadclif replaced
Strong in the second half and Ware
and i'ord tool; the places of the two
The Alcho club was represented bv
Howell iind Findlay. forwards; Har
ris, center; Young and Messner
Hall was referee. ,
There will bo a meeting of the
Greater Bedford club on Monday aft
ernoon at 2:30 at the hall In Nata
toriuni bullillni;. A full atteiulanro
la dcHircd.
Harry M. Pcrnoll, Known to Oregon
Fans as "JutT Married at Grants
PassIs Pitcher Now for Detroit
TigersWent East last Night. ,
Sundry Civil Dill Has $3000 for
Roads in Crater Lake Park as
Well as Amount for Mdeford's
Federal Building.
In the marrine at (livtitr. l'aw WASHINGTON, n. ci PolK 2l.
ycterdav of llarrv H. Pernoll , I To jmndry ulvll 1,111, which hns dub.
,,. , , ' , , , ed tho house, carries the following
Mis Lotta DeAnnond of tins c.ty, 0reRon Uemg. ContlllInB ork
the baseball wotld witnessed the con- tho public building at Albany, 810,
orion of ojie of the best' "south-, 000; alto and commencing buildings
paw" pitchers in the country to tho,Ilt Tho Dalles, $1(5.000; Medford.
ranks f the benedicts. $20,000: Pendleton, ?:tr,.00; sltea at
1W1. .i. i. 1..t,. !(., i.vil'ortlnnd. goOO.OOO; RoMlMirg, S10,-
the sobriquet of "Jud," is one of tlie000: "MnnoincntS to jetty in Suis
pilchers for the Detroit Timers, and rlr; ' rond8 nt Crater
within a few hours after his mar- LnJ? Prk. 5J000.
nnge veeterdav bo ami his bride, "7 ?;,, T ." '"
took an cast bound train for Ito-., "' SI ""T ''
troit, later to go to San Antonio.. "" """. V"," I , "
Texas, when- ,l.,d will liaiu for the 00; P"" ""''' J?"" J. ,-
coming season with the other mom- J' fT.L rM''
hers of bis team. ' 01ym,,la' ?t,'000-
Jud is an Oregon "discovery,'' bis
first good ball boinir played while
a member uf the Giants Pass (cam Clius. Slning Knous What Is Making
several years ago. lie was taken) s Clean Scalp..
from that team by Walter McCrodie. In order to i Id your scalp of filthy
of Poitland, and later released w I cinndrtiff ,ou must kill tho germ
Aberdeen where bis playing attract
ed the attention of Huijhey Jen
nings of the Tigers, and his service
were bartered fur and secured.
Mm. I'm noil is a sister of the
Messrs. DeAnnond, attorneys, of this
NO MOKH iamm:i'it.
Dell Secretly Released.
SAN DIKCIO, Cnl., Feb. 24. Ac
cording to ii telephone report fioiu
Tin Juana, Mexico, today, Harry
Doll, American, had in the Cuurtol
there, has been secretly released.
town Im Aiperlca, that Is gunrai
by Cha8."'straiiK to eradicate
Work in first degree.
W. M. -MlTLLKIt, Secretary.
TJiciU is. a hair dressing called Pails
Ian Sago which Is now told in every
aiiK to eradicate dan
druff. Ktrm fnllliu' hull- millttlnrr liiitr
' ' " l
and scalp Itch In two weeks, or mon-i
oy hack.
If you have dnndruff get a largo i0 '
cent bottle today and rid yonisolf of
It. Hcinembor that If dandruff goring j
are not destroyed In time, tho hair
will siiiely fall out and baldness will
follow. '
"1 have used Parisian Sago and
like It cry much as a dandruff cure i
and scalp cleaner. My hair is very
much better than it was before."
Mrs. E. A. nean, Concord, X. 11.,
June S 1010
Mi', and Mrs. Lorn Hughes of Fern
Valley visited Ashland Sunday.
Q. A. Moiso of West Talent was
down to Phoenix last Tuesday.
G. A. Hovor of Valley View or
chards shipped a car of apples last
Mrs. J. 13. Hoary of North Talent
wns visiting nor father, A. Pride
gar of Medford, Tuesday.
Mrs. S. 1 McDonald of North Tal
ent Is quite 111. Her nioco enmo up
f i oni Grants Pass to he with her.
Mr. and Mia. Joe Under were Tal
ent visitors Tuesday.
C. Carey was at Talent Tuesday
after a load of lumber.
Mr. and Mrs. J E. Roberts wore
visiting Mrs. Roberts' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. 11. Houston, last Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Hughes of
Foru Valley were at Ashland Sun
day visiting Mr. Hughes' mother.
Mrs. J. M. Hose Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. A. S. Parry, this weak.
Hud Engrain and family of Wood
vilio are visiting at the homo of Wil
les Chandler of North Talent.
Geoigo Roberts of North Talent
loft Monday for Myrtle Crook to j
visit his son, Prank Roberts.
Mis. C. E! McClaln left Monday j
for her homo at Myrtlo Creole.
Miss Efflo Wolss of Medford has
been visiting friends in Ashland and
Phoenix this week.
Androw Calhoun of Rocky Foul
orchards was up in North Talent
.1. E- Roberts and family wore vis
iting Mrs. Roberts' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Houston, last Sunday.
Mrs. Jack Wright arrived from
Zenla.'O., last Thursday to attend
her brother's funeral at Phoenix.
Mrs. C. L. Gant left Thursday eve
ning for her old home in Massachu
A. I). Huston nnd wife, nftor vis
iting menus aero iwo woeus, return
ed to tholr homo at Weed, Cal., Wed
nesday evening.
Miss Irene Wilson, Miss Sarah
Wright, Miss Mary Olson, S. M. Cald
well and Frank Caldwell, Walter
Roblnott, wero Medford visitors on
Fred Harrows spoilt Thursday at
Ksthor Pankey, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Gay, Mrs. Maple, Mr. aid Mrs. Mad
den, Mrs. Slmpklns, Mrs. Good and
son, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kahlor, Ed
Kahlor, James Shields, A. M. Tcr
rill, W. E. Price wero Medford vis
itors Thursday.
Real estate matters aro looking
up in Central Point. Many stran
xors nre hero each day looking ovor
city lots and making imiulrics in re
gard to prices etc.
Mrs. Dow of Iowa Is visiting Mrs.
W. J. Harvey.
Tho Central Point Junior club is
planning to have a picnic In the near
(By A. C. ITowlett.)
Tablots. DnigglDts refund money if
it fails to euro. E. W. GROVE'S alg
naturo is on each box. 25c.
Slnco my last II. M. Cobs has been
out and b'rought with hiiii Mrs. II.
II. Gage and T. S. Gngo to look" over
two tracts of land. Thoy went on
horseback in tho forenoon and plan
ned to go with a rig In tho afternoon
to look at another pleco, but tho rain
stopped them and they promised to
eonio again In the near future.
A. U. Zimmerman, ono of our lead
ing merchants, has taken n partner
Into business with him, Miss Anna
Vorllng, and thoy are increasing their
stock of goods and meeting tho rush
as It tomes on, and our other mer
chants nre planning to build this
spring nnd already tho mechanics aro
busy In their various lines.
ux-saeriu Joscpn under was a
pleasant caller a fow nights ago.
Warren King of Montana, who
'with his family, Is visiting his moth-Jor-inlaw,
Mrs. Stought of Phoenix,
was a pleasant cnllor ror two nights.
Mr. King Is a natlvo of Jacksonville,
Or., and his father was ono of tho
i pioneer stage drivers about a half
century ago and ono of tho romarka
j bio things connected with his career
as stage driver was that ho was nev
er successfully hold up on tho road.
Ills quick wit or forethought always
enabled htm to pull through.
Mr. Dltsworth and Luther East
came out from Medford, procured
two saddlo homes hero and tho next
day went to tho Dltsworth ranch near
Tho city dads hold a meeting and
took the- oath of off Ico and sworo In
tho other officers, but as yet have
done nothing of especial Interest to
tho general reader that T havo heard
of, for as yet I am confined to tho
house with tho grip, and havo to
got nows as best I can oy Inquiry,
tolophonc, otc., but I hopo to bo able
to bo on the run again very soon.
Sponklng of tho telephone, our
contral offlco has been moved from
the Zimmerman store Into a small
building adjoining and tho lino from
Rrownnboro to, Englo Point bus been
extended to tho depot, so that tho
farmers along tho Hues can coiumu
nlcato with tho agent with regard to
frolght, cars, shipping fruit nnd bus
iness in general.
Smith, Clngcado and Smith gave a
masked ball on tho 11th that proved
to be quite a pleasant affair. Thero
was a good attendnnco and tho sup
per served by Mrs. G. II. Daley gavo
general satisfaction,
Mr. AVhlto of Derby spent tho
night with us and reports that ho
and his fnthor-In-law, Mr. Mclntyro,
havo a contract to cut a largo quan
tity or wood for tio P. & E. R. R.
Co. along tho right ot way, and Mr.
Thomson was here a fow nights ngo
engaging men to cut wood along tho
right of way still further on towards
Ilutto Falls.
10. J. Ryan and wlfo ot ABhland
wero hero tho first ot tho week so
liciting for A. Schilling & Co. They
spent tho day with us and Mr. Ryan
predicts a glorious future for Eagle
Point. Ho seems to think that by
the tlmo tho P. & E. connects with
tho Oregon Trunk that thoro will bo
a big payroll here, as wo havo overy
facility for manufacturing enter
prises. W. J. Chlldrcth is having tho foun
dation for his now blacksmith shop
laid ami In tho courso of a short
tlmo ho will havo moved from tho
old Btand outsldo of tho corporate
limits Into the business contor.
A. L. Wllllnms of Kansns spent tho
night hero on his way to visit friends
In Ilutto Falls. Ho expressed hlmsolf
as well pleased with our surround
ings and especially our beautiful cli
mate. 1 understand that thero is a num
bor of lots changing bands, but as
thero Is nothing deflnlto, that is but
little money paid and fow, If any,
deeds given, I will havo more to say
on that subject later.
Wo came near having to record a
gonulno flro In our town Tuesday. It
appears that a spark from tho flro
In tho Xlmmcrrnan storo lit on some
dry substance on tho roof and tho
wind wns blowing quito strong. Be
foro It was discovered tho bluzo was
well jmder way, but fortunately no
damago waB done.
Hasklns for Health.
Restores color to Gray or
Faded hair Removes Dan
druff and invigorates the Scalp
Promotes a luxuriant,
healthy hair growth Stops its
falling out. Is not a dye.
$1.00 and 50e t I)ru4 Slorei or direct imnti
rrccipt i)l price and dealer ntme. Send Vie tor
simple untile, I'lnio my Special
lici Co.,
For Sale anil Ileconnncnded by Leon
11. Hawkins.
i K'k,"" 'A - "
.r wh
,'f 'fcL-
Jr j ..-iWliiJ.f- .4
jy h w civ
?X: " KKCi!-& a&X ?C3
T .R &s M 3 V. 'Vfe Er
The "SUNKIST" SpeciaSj, Mpving at Express Train
3TJ CX. II ..... .t
Is mr
,jir , rZ
I'ggO'.'s-.'affoyEaiiHifT zzzxt tvks
THOUSAND Boxes of Famous "
.ffl 10
9 m ormging
tr j&jKHJLPnmtrjg:ngEynirmT?:r v.' u li-.-saaarajt'azusasgic sssizsaxxi-
wmm s&jhw wa ss"ik?hsi
-i -j
' -FZjt.'
Another big sale of "Sunkist" oranges
will buuin Monday next, continuing till
the close of the week.
These special safes, which are held from
time to time, are proving immensely popular.
Nearly everybody now knows the excel
lence of "Sunkist" oranges and they look for
ward with great interest to these announce
ments. If you and your people have never
eaten "Sunkist" orangej, please try them.
Until you do so, jou cm not imagine the
delicious taste ot fresh picked, tree
ripened oranges.
Spscial "Sunkist" Train
Two uiant locomotives, pul'rtng
48 refrigerator cars laden with fre&h-pickcd.tree-riponed
oranges the ae-
lectcrop of 5.0C0 groves-will
boon arrive from California.
So carefully have
these oranges
ra m o irti kii m n ra a v a
w" msmvesk mi mmf Mmk
a so? a t&nu$wi& irtaau miviwf'&vi taiu Njim n
't -i vju L.u.".n.,:,.tainir.-Tfl
m-t-tntMimmMrrnvwm tve mfr.TATWJ.MOt'
xraurjiKix! :.:u.i: Agtatiatja ?Mtt&-.ii:.naiuiu?&iZL!Z2BZJ:rivnzzzi-sz
mip$v&z: -N. v... v
.mm&0'i r
ca,ii.-a-iijV -j-piTf"S3 v : v
-rtMiil '7.jtLafeA.--A..i'Sl.-'VO'.jr.7i.TA TW f . 1
Twr -&&gmfflgffl,
Af Awmtk.-"3rKf"Ai
.v". L SKfH,r-7'fi!.lr.
U ( "&&ii
Keep the
Dates in
Mind Week
OEiday? Feb. 27
.W tw .xarabaiar -r . ! IUI I iub w a
tmSi .SSMi.vt''' J
-Vvu v tm'j-j?
'Kl IftrtV'JWWO!L:V
been picked; so rigidly were thoy inspected
and graded; :o rapidly are t! cy being trans
ported, that the people of this vicinity will
le able to secure oranges as fresh, sweet
and wholesome as cm be bought in Los
Angeles or San Francisco.
Your dealer and all other local dealers
will be supplied with "Sunlcist" oranges
from the "Sunkist" Special Train.
"Sunkist" is the Perfect
"Sunkist" is nut a speciea or variety of
oranges it is a certain grade or quality,
the choicest of each of five thousand Cali
fornia Orange Fanners, who produce G09& of
the state's entire crop. Tlu'y pack all their
perfect oranges under the one irime, "Sun
kist," and ship them Ivast Ly special fast
Every "Sunkist" orange is firm, solid
and sound. It is picked Ly . gloved hand.
No orange that falls to the ground or be
comes bruised or damaged in any other
way, ever bears the "Sutikist" name.
Cheapest You Can Buy
"Sunkist"orangv-s are not only the finest
flavored, freshest and mc t healthful of all
oranges, but they arc actually the least costly
you can buy. lieing seedless,
fibroless and tbin-skmned, the
percentage of waste is ex
tremely t,mall. The tender,
luscious pulp comprises b'
of the orange.
So it means economy to
buy "Sunkist" orange.
Buy "SunkLit" by the
box. You can obtain a
worth-while reduction on a
box from your dealer. Because of their
excellent condition "Sunkist" oranges
keep better than others.
Many Ways to Serve Them
Or.'ni; 'i Are the nwit appclirtn jtuiil iioiirI''!i
hifj tii-ids ot o can sTe ut 1' in iheMi k
room between meals In SaIwJ9, kou, bliii'lms
and ptiddiugti.
There in no limit to tlio number of cxcullont
dlsliosof which "SuukUt" oraiiRos form tlitt btibls.
Doctors Recommend Them
It is very uniisiif I to find n food that people
like mid cnu s ifciy cat 1.3 much of hi tliev tiku.Hc
Lf'Htlmg tlivi(-i.tns b.iy that toiouutir.ut the
me.ils unit other hmy Xoodv wo ct, 0110 should
cat oran'is libeuJI, . It is a uiiivcisnlly known
fact cnt.jfo juiio it an ccullcnt food for the
In. linu'lls. 'ii c for run-down nerve. Nobet
tcrlaxauvoth.mi.ouu'', npeoraiigisi an be found.
There Are "Sunkssfc" Lemons
The letter grade of letn
onsuro nowpneked iu"Sun
1. 'it "wrappers, lly calling
for "Suuklat" lotuutv , you
n v id the l.iud that mo
thick -sk.'iued, pithy uml in
sinid. Tha"" l"in
011 coi)tv.ius j0 n:oto juica
than any other louion.
S ave Your "Sunlcist" Wrappers
Hv f ivinj.' vour '"unkist" oriai;e and lemon
wnipjcis V" tun easily 1. 1( of guniiiiio
Rogers or uii;o b)ooi)B, dis ert spoons nnd fn it
knives. 'I he pattern b uhowu uro new 1111
styles, di-siciiLd uxi li.sivcly for un. '1 hey are u .
attrititivu and stylish un money cm buy. All uro
Kouers quality, Btuni'.ird A-No. 1 plate and are
fully gtiurtnutd b tie r.iai it No advertising
appean. on .uiy of our prLiiiuini';
Road on the right the dtcr!ption of these
valuable premium and how to get them.
a 1 v
I 1
ill ,11
uuuionwiairMiitnrnuMu " M- rw riciw miiimii ii mjimwij XLiM.w
1 nut in niniTniMiifnTwiiiMii nw 1 mimsii n 1 n iiiimiiiw iw ii smhmmmi
?SUmm Ftemiums
Rogers Orange
Spoon Free
Tho picture
F.liowy our new
1011 di sign,
"Sunkiut" Or
ntvu Spoon, ac
tual h(zc; buing
a gcmunL Rog
ers product and
of th Intent
atyU. This
spoon will bo
put king,
etc., pnpald,
on receipt of
12 "Stuil.lit"
wrapjicrti and
jjc. 1'ircaui
so H.tibviidli
''Stinl lot"
wrapprn and
1J ccntK,
Notice! jSL.
U kll
if w
Valuable Dcojcrt
Spoon Free
The p let uro
shows our now 1U11
design, Uessort
Spoon, actual size.
It is of the sanio
excellent quality
and bountiful de
elin aa the orango
spofn, but being
larger ami heavier
is mora valuable.
b.'i:t to )ou on re-c-ipt
of 2t "Sun
l.ijt" wrnnnern
and 20c additional
l,-or e.icli addition
al (Insert spoon
knd21 "Suukist"
wrappers and
0 ceuts.
Thii Fntit
Knife Free
Our 1911
Knifo h shown
hero, actual size.
It Is made of
special tem
pered steclbeav-llyBilver-plated.
Pully guaran
teed by manu
facturers, Wm,
Rogers & Son.
Sent to you on
receipt of 21
wrappers and
20c. For each
additional knife
send 21 "Sun
kist" wrappers
uud 20 ceuU.
The California Fruit Growers' Exdsasage
34 Cleric Street, CHICAGO, ILL.
"tlTTN-n.n pB M" I MB lliritiMunirrT mw -! nrTri ! iii Hna ri 111 Iff I DlSUW
riTT i ii 'rr-rrmkrwtu w r fiTini iiri mtii i hiTnrTir" i
() i n'l re
miu mc up
tu2Icpj AM
Lciul cu -coat
8 1 urn P i . on
amount, j.bovo 21c, send post ofHco monev
order, express money order or bank draft.
Do not tend ensh. Make your money order
or di..ft paablo to Tho California Fruit
Grower.' l.xJungu, nud address yonr let
ters t TI j California Fruit Growers Ex
ch trio, J CI ;rk Street, Chicago, III.
Yo.uau seuirothetse premiums with"Sun-
II iiirih... ' O . . ., ' 1.. 1 I !...,...
wi.iprxn, "Red Hall" orango wrappers;, or nn&J
ivi i iuii luiiinii wiU)vrn. Ji yon will
in ike It a point to buy only "Sunkist" and
"Red I! dP'orangeaand lemons, you will uot
only irtt the finost fruits that irrow. ceo-
nomkally priced, but you will soon havo enowh wrappers to secor a
eompieio tei 01 mo oeaucuui bxomi nnu knives ucro suown
& Hlbbard, 133 West Main St.
en urocerv 10. OA ouuui vc-
Warner, Wortman & Gore, Inc. Main, near Bartiett st.