MEDFOTCD MATL TRTBFNE, MDFCmD, OftEOON, TUESDAY. FEBT?TTAT?Y 21, mil. PAGE STX A SUMMARY ROLL CALL OF SESSION1 FOR PYTHIAHS REACH SUMMIT ASHLAND PEAK JUNIOR CLASS Mediord Theatre Tucastda8yPFt21, GNORES TRAIN T 1 :. M BUCK A HI t v What Legislature Really Accom plislictl in Way of Maklntj New Laws Laryo Appropriations hut Some Meritorious Measures. Addreses by Prominent Members of Lorifje to Be Followed by Music, Response and Vaudeville Specialty Acts. WodnoHdny night ut tliolr Castle OOO.OOO. I'rlnrlpiil anions t ho onae lUPiitR wpr the good roads lawn, ox tunalon of tlio nowcr of Hit' rnllroud (toin mission to all public utility eor liorntlon, second choluo In primary noniliiftlloiiK, placliiB tlio slato printer ' (in a flat Bnlury, providing a state inircliasliiK bonid, irohlbltlng a mil arlod statu officer fionr furnishing HiippIliM to tlio state, creating tho of flco of nsslstant secretary of state, providing a motliod for creating new counties and appropriating $20,000 to, bo disbursed by a state Immigra tion ngont in exploiting officially tlio resources of the slate. Provision lias buun made for n noiiimlsslon to rovlso tlio Judicial sys tem of tlio stnto and to recommend niicli subjects of loglslatlou to tlio 191 a legislative session as may be dconicd necessary. Anotlier commls hIoi'i will confer with the state board df lax cominlsslonors and submit to nW next legls'laturo necessary legis lation on' tlio subject of taxation. Miliary Iiicioiim's Proposed. Tlio legislature also passed n bill creating tlio office of county attorney In tlio sovornl counties, abolishing the offlco of district attorney. At the muno tlmo another bill was passed Increasing tlio salaries of tlio circuit Judges of tlio state from ?:i0()0 to $1010 por annum. A general re vision of tho insurance and Irriga tion codes of the state was made and tlio efficiency of theso Important de partmontH in the statu govornmont promoted thereby. A comprehensive la.w for tho licen sing and regulating of automobiles recolved tho approval or both houses and is lioforo tho governor. Tlio statu banking law, has been nnipllfied In many Important respects guaranteeing to depositors greater piotoctlon. Among other Important (ihanges In tills law Is tho provision by which nil private banks shall bo examined by experienced bank ex aminers under tlio direction of tho superintendent of banks at least twlco annually. Tho only bill to bo forced through the legislature over tlio veto of (lovernor West was that of Hiirh niinn f Houglas abolishing tlio whip ping post. Klcctlon Laws Amended. Aside from tho passage of Speaker Husk's hill, requiring oluctors to de signate their second choice In prl ifttiry nominating elections for every (ffflce for which there are more than twlco thu number of candidates foi tlio offlco to bo filed, other laws amendatory of tho election laws of the state were passed. One provides for tlio rotation of names on tho of flolal ballot in all primary nominat ing elections. Another requires that tlio polls bo kept open all day In pri mary oloctlons. Whllo a reapportionment bill, ro dUtrtctiiiK the statu into Senatorial ami roureaeiititllve dlatrlrts. was not imaaed, the loglalaturo did iwlUtiict the ataW info coimroatdoiiul districts, .making .Multnomah the third district. TI10 PI rat congressional district un der tltta bilt, which Is before the governor, consists of the counties ol VMteru Oregon, excepting Mult no tkuli alon), while the swond congrwi alouHl district is made up or all or ths couutlwi wast of the Cascades. ('oiuiiiirioneih Chosen at Largo Hy the provisions of h bill Intro duced by tho reapportionment com mltle In the bouse, the thro iiioiu bars of the rullruad coin mission her aftsr will lw elet-tetl from tho alata at large, but one of the commissioners U to l slotted from oaaU'in Ore gou. Liberal approprlatloiia were made for thtt state's wluciUloiiHl Institutions tha aula unlveralty receiving $703, 000 and the Oregon agiiculturul col lege JC.70.000 for thu etisulng t ypars. lu addition to voting thej qtte nomittl school at Monmouth. for a dormitory, a law was IMUskI for paylwg th actual travel Iqr oxpeiises of students attending thin institution who live more than 100 miles away from Monmouth Thai wrtlf list ln pluu as to twai'liers was gpprovod through tire enactment of auulhei law, whila HuuHHgl4UlVUUl. erMitliig (ounty boarila of wlueaflou and providing tor the employment of guuervUmy luutiiiitor of the schools Of the larger counties of the alat al so paasfd both houses. Corporal loin. Uit'le Attention The coi pom i Ions did not oacap? without ititivluK smo attention. Aithlu from the Muiurke hill, placing thiMO utHititx under i he coutrol and SALEM. Oio., Feb. 2 1. Legisla tive appropriations totaled dvor $5,-' Hall the local lodge of Knights of Pythias will hold their annual roll call In commemoration of the 17th nnnlvorsnry of the founding of the order. There will be addresses by the pronilnont lnonibers of tho order, music and responses jiikI lu addition an Innovation will bo Introduced. The Marjorlo Mnndevlllo Company has been engaged to furnish three short sketches, something that has never been attempted by any lodge or or gnulatlon In this city. All Knights, whether members locally or visitors aro urged to bo present and bring their ladles. A light banquet will bo served. The committee on arrangements report all In readiness for a splendid time. The program will bo oue of the finest over attempted. . Crosses Track in Front of Jackson ville Limited and Browsed Calmly On While Trainload of Passentjcrs Watch Him Deer Are Very Tame. Less Important bills require local agents to post the time of nil pas senger trains and another requites railroads to publish tliolr timetables In tho newspapers. The hortlcvulttirnl interest of the state were not neglected, an appro priation of $ in, 000 being made for eradicating fruit pests. This is in addition to a standing appropriation for the state board of horticulture. Anotlier bill was passed establishing a standard sl.o for apple and pear boxes. Other bills wore enacted pro hibiting adulteration of chemicals usod In spraying solutions. Health to bo Otiurricri. An Increased appropriation of $25, 000 annually was provided for the protection of the livestock Interests of the state and for the eradication of tho diseases with which this in dustry is ussnlled. Human kind is al so furnished increased protection through tho annual appropriation of $ in, 000 for the state hoard of health In Its efforts to stamp out typhoid fever epidemics and other malignant diseases. A further appropriation of $5000 was made for fighting the bu bonic plague. ' The Initiative and referendum and other laws en.'fctod hy the people were not amended or added to, not '.'xceptlng the local option law. One 'aw was passed, however, which pro hibits tlio use of liquor on railway trains. Through the creation of the state board of game and fish commission us, the game and fish interests of tho state aie consolidated under oue board. In addition to this Important change, the gamo laws of the state as they apply to nearly every county lu the statu were amended lu im portant particulars, all looking to the preservation of tho game. One Im portant enactment was the hill pro tecting Chinese pheasants for the en duing two years. Hours of Labor Itcgulntcil. While the labor orgaulatlons did not get all that they asked, tlio legis lature imssed a bill limiting the hours of trainmen to 1 1 hours In any one day and the hours or dispatchers to nine hours lu any 24. Another bill provides that boys under IS years old shall not be employed hs messenger bo between the hours or 10 p. m. mid 5 a. m. Still another bill of In terest to labor was that by Reynolds, exempting small manufacturing eon eerna from the operation of the fac tory Inspection law, While thu eight hour law was kill ed lu the house, the employers' com pensation act, designed to relieve the laboring men of the state, was uUo defeated lu the same body through the fight that vvus uinde against it bv representatives of orgaulzed lnboi WOODMEN ENTERTAIN AT DANCE TONIGHT The O V. will give the first so I'litl affair ut vvhUh they have been hoktH iliU vcar at the Natatorlum to tUitlit It will consist of a ball and lei.'ptluii and will lake place lu the main ball loom. I'liHhciiKPrs on the curly morning trull! Horn Jacksonville .vionni.v were licnteil to a close view ol :i magnificent buck deer, which ran oijt of the woods ubout u mile this side of tlio county scut, crossed the truck just ahead of the train anil, jumping the fence into the old Shultz pustule calmly browned tlio bunch grusb there uppareiitly indif ferent to the proximity of n trnin Niiul of people. Owing- to the close observance of the cloned season, the deer in tho mountains iiround Jacksonville are becoming unusually tiiine, several of them having upproncliod almost to tho back doors of a number of rnii'.'li houses, SEEKS TRACT HERE FOR FARMER COLONY 0. M. Hostel of Cent ml Point bus been retained by u colony of on st ern funnel's to seek for them a suit able tract of from limit)1 to MOD acres in the Hogue l(iver valley upon which they can locate. The letter received from Mv. Ho st ul this morning eontiiins the infor mation that the colony "does not de sire any rought bind or other prop erty that is not worth every dollur that its sale will bring into the val ley." ' The coniiiiiiniculion has be:'ii turned over to thu Commercial club. Party of Four On Skees Successful in Climbfntj Siskiyous Wonderful Views Secured Heavy Snows Reported. MRS. W. C. IN MAN 'SERIOUSLY ILL As the result of information re ceived this morning to the effect that her mother, Mrs. V. ('. Ininiin, is seriously ill ut her home in Hugene Mrs. Arthur Brown will leuve for tlio university city on the evening train today. f Ashlnnd Tidings.) Four out of party of six, navlgnt- Ing on skees, reached the summit of Mount Ashlnnd yesterday. Messrs. Koutledge, Prodoiisen, Nyby and Chan. Watson were tho aucccssrul ones, Nyni Long and his son going about tlMoo-fonrths of tho way, then retracing their steps. It was a beau tiful day and the party report a wonderful view from tho summit. Also found threo feet of Bnovv on the southern exposure of tho mountain, an unusual occurrence. While freezing at that altitude, tho wind was not very strong until the very apex of tho'summlt was reached, when they tarried but a few minutes, returning lu struggling formation to Long's. Prodonson led the retreat ing column and made the slide from the saddle down to Long's In one hour and firteon minutes, reaching there In time to liave supper prepared tor the entire company. They started fioin Long's yester day morning at 5:20 o'clock, taking a number of excoptlonally fine views on the way. They got back to town at 11 o'clock last night. The tolescopo kept In reserve down town wns brought Into requisition yesterday by Fred Tracy, who clear ly discerned Prodonson and Xyby as they reached the summit, the white mantle In that vicinity affording a striking background for tlio pur poses of identification. Including skees, blankets, etc., each Individual of tho party "toted" a weight ap proximately 25 pounds. High School Juniors Preparing to Present "The Magistrate" on March 3 Have Chosen One of the Funniest of Farces. "The Magistrate," n three net com edy Is the offering of the Junior class or the High School this year. The date selected tor the presentation Is Friday, March 3rd. Great rivalry exists between tho Seniors and Juniors, but tho Juniors have the better o tho right so far in choosing a comedy of the type of tho "Magistrate." Nothing could bo .funnier. The predicaments In which a dig nified justice of the peace is forced Into by bis step-son nmko screams or laughter. Mr. Fred Carlylo the coach is busy every day rehearsing the Juniors and and splendid success is anticipated. Kvery person In Medford and vicinity will enjoy hearing Rev. Wm. Parsons,D. D. of the Third Presbyterian Church or Portland In his instructive and humorous lecture "The Making of the Constitution" AUSPICKS IMtlMHVTKIMAX "MILVS CIjI'II" REV. PARSONS is a noted Chautauqua lecturer and this is a masterpiece. Reserved seat sale Monday at 10 a. in. at ITaskins' Tickets exchanged lor reserved scats. MH0 """vyRB 4vNttik, drug store NOTICE. Beginning April 1st. 1911. tho union scalo Tor painters will bo $ I per day. On that date, tho initiation fee into local union, No. C4-3, Bro therhood of Painters & Decorators or America, will bo raised. The union meets every Thursday night at S p. m. in Angle hall. C. W. HARRINGTON, Secretary. 105 North Bartlett St. 310 Pl'KE RICH lll.OOB ("has. Stang Sells n description Unit Means Vigor, Vim, Vitality Because MI-O-NA causes the blood to get better and more nourishment it Is at all times a valuable tonic. It puts vigor Into the muscles, clears up the Improperly nourished brain and makes strong nerves that will stand tho severest test. Men who reel that their vitality Is slipping away; that tlnf. vim and en ergy that thoy rorinurly put Into all tliolr work Is lacking; that ambitious impulses and clover Ideas do not come as they used to aro tho kind of men that nood MI-O-NA. Those aro the kind of men that a mouth's treatmont will put lu Hue shape. Besides being a peerless remedy for Indigestion MI-O-NA Is a most pronounced tonic. It makes the skin clear and clean; it puts color lu the cheeks and causes dull eyes to brigh ten. If you have that blue, discontented feeling through the day and pass restless ulKhts, trying unsuccessfully to net n refreshing sleep, take -a month's treatment of MI-O-NA stom ach tablets, and bring thu sunshine Into your Hie tliut henlth i.ud hap piness always bring. MI-O-NA coats but 50 cents at Clius. Strang ami druggists every where. (iuaiHiiteed to cure indiges tion and Immediately relievo ull stoiuuch inlseiy. or money back. HuHkliiH for Health. Advertisement for Sale of Bonds. Healed proposals will be received by the undersigned clerk of school district No. 1'2, .Inckhon county, Ore gon, ut his office ut Talent, Ore, up to 4 o'clock p. in., April 1, ' 11)11, f r the purchase of $'-!7,'ri().()() school bonds of sniil school district No. '22. Thee bonds are of the denomina tion of .1000 each, bear interest at the rate of f per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, both interest and principal payable nt the county treasurer's office in Jackson county, Oregon, ns ut a designated banking house hi the city of New York nt the option of the bidder. The bonds will be duted at the date of delivery and mature 'J0 year thereafter, but will be subject to o dcmptioii by snid fcCdiool district 10 year after date of bond. A certified check in favor u" school district No. 2'2, Talent Jack son coupty, Oregon, sliull nccompanv ei'cb bid, which check will be for feited to said school district No. '22 as liquidated dumage.s in ease the bidder fails (0 take ami pay for the bonds nt tile price stipiiluted in the bid. The Miccpssful bidder must fur nish the blank bonds. The directors of district Xo. '2'2 re serve the ri;ht to reject any and .'II bids. All bids hhoiibl be addressed to the clerk of school district No. '22, Tnl j onl, Jackson county, Oregon, and marked proposals lor school buN. ( W SlIEKMAX. Clerk of School District Xo. 22. Juckson County, Oregon. JH1 NOTICE To lb 3 real estate men will meet tonight at the Commercial Club room at the Natatorlum at S p in. All re quested to be present, i NOTICE To whom it inny cencern: This Is to certify that tho firm of Cnskoy & Elliott blacksmith, have dlsolved partnership, Casky retiring from the firm. Elliott will assume all dobts and all Indebted to the firm will pay him. 2 89 Hnsklns for Honltn. Medford Theatre Wednesday, Feb'y 22 nd The Famous German Comedian MAX DILL late of K0LB and DlLL u in a magnificent production of "Lonesome' Town" 50 PEOPLE 50 Scats on Sale Monday Feb. 20tH 'rNrrN'' The Mission Block corner or West Main and IJ. Sts., is where Dr. Hlckert's most in viting and up to dato Optical Of flco Is located. Here you may have your eyes scientifically testod and glasses properly fitted to correct all re fractive errors, without tho use ot drops. E. M. F. Sfudebaker Garage Co. V Formerly Siskiyou Auto Co. This Garage and Machine Shop Is now In charge or a practical auto repair man. All kinds of autos and gas engines well and quickly repaired. Overhauling a specialty. Cars stored and cared for by the mouth. Oil and gasoline tor sale. 128-134 S. Riverside Ave. Phone 4131 2 You can hear the COLUMBIA CRAPHOPHONE any hour of the clay at the MEDFORD MUSIC SHOP Mc.Vealy X- Co. yji West Main St. W A T C II I X G T 11 K II K i: A l h I X K coining to and going from this bak ery gives a view of happy faces with not a tiaco or dyspepsia on a single race. Don't start trying to mako bread as mothor used to. Buy it litre, biive the labor and get hotter bread, and more ror your money, livery thing warranted uro. Medford Bakery (El Delicatessen TODD At CO. SOIT1I CKXTKAL AVHXL'K HOMK-MNDK PIKS AND P VSTRY LADY COOK IN CHARGE. Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BOND3 Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. rs''--......1. "CHANTECLER" CLUB TO "HOP" AT NAT TONIGHT The "Clianti'Clei " dub will be hosts at niart dame to be nlveu In the mull ball 1 00111 of the Natatorlum to night. "JUVENILES" DANCED MONDAY EVENING The "Juvenile' dancing dub nave a dance in mo biunii tutu room u( tin- ragiilatlon ut the luilioi.d cutuwUuUuU) Natatorlum last nlnht The ufflui was 11 bill 'H laM'd I'lohiblifug dUct'l-1 well atteuded and the utulc wan initiation '"' "baling by rallromla. good. 4vMUior bill b Caraon provldai lor. - ileuutdiiK ull water power In tho aiatr ' Ilaikttis fur Uoalth. Have You a Bank Account ? It' not, why m.t opi-ii oiu with tho JACKSON COlXTY HANK I The fact that we have hot 11 in business twenty two years and that we have thrown steadily during all that time and that we have at all tiuies uiven our customers tho best of treatment and service is the reason that wo have at all times received the confidence and support of a largo portion of the'unod people if .Medford and vicinity. Capital and surplus 22 years ago, $25,000.00 Capital and surplus, 1911, $105,000.00. Safe doposit boxes to rent. The Jackson County Bank 1 1 H. B. PATTERSOI ! j ; The QUAKER NURSERYMAN II I 1 VAWTKK. l'ifv.d. ..t li K I I MM I , Vnv lV-i..,! C W Mi DON VI. 1. Cashier Everything in the Nursery Line See tho nice English Hollies. All kinds of shade trees, shrubbery', rosos (only the most perfect plants), and full line of pear, poach, apple, apricot, prunes, etc., etc. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381- Res. Phone 2493 s X s ' ' 'I ' ' '. vV ? Hl Ull & -4 X . JL U -fc-A.-