Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 21, 1911, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford Mail Tribune'
1 t - ii i in it j i i i . . . I it. .. t !..1..i ...
Tlio Democratic Times, Tlie Medford! SlOllS. I llil V WW ()l lilt' (.'llCl'L'V JUICI UlllC OI IMC ICglSlillUrS
lUlllli A lit) M(.lliUIU i IHIUIll-f lilt) OWUlll
t. T I3ANUT polities and obstruction tactics conlributcd to
A destroy the ciTcctivcncss of the recent legislative ses-
orn 6reBonlnn, The Ashland' Tribuno.
OKOIIOE Pt'TNAM. Eilltnr nnrt Mnnncpr
Entered ns econdclasa matter No
vctnber 1, 1909, at tho poslofflco ut
Medford, OrKon, under tho net of
March 3. 1S79.
Offloial Paper of tho City of Medford.
One year, by mail 16,00
One month by mall E0
Per month, delivered by carrier in
Mmlf.inl. JackflOnvillit and Cen
tral Point CO
Kunday only, by mall, jor year.... 2.00
Weekly. Per year 1.60
Victor R. Gardner, Head of Depart
ment of Horticulture at University
of Maine, Succeeds Prof. C. A.
Cole at State, Agricultural College.
Tnll X,eaeod Wire United Fre
The Mall Tribune Ih on nala at the
lerry News Stand, San Francloco.
Portland Hotel NeWH Stand, Portland.
Howman Nown Co., Portland, Or.
W. o. wiillnoy, Seattle, wnsii.
Molil Spokano Nowm Stand. Spokane.
Ewonn cincur.ATiou.
Dally nverupo for hIx monthn ending
December 31, 1U10, 27J1
Illustrations and Syllabus on Poultry
Culture Loaned or Sold Outright
to Public School Teachers All
" About ftfie Hen.
LEC1E, CORVALLIS, Or., Fel). 21.
Victor R. Gardner, head of the de
partment of horticulture at the Uni
versity oMnjiic agricultural colore,
has just been appointed professor of
pomolopy at O. A. C, to succeed
Prof. ('. A. Cole, resigned, and will
arrive in Corvallis March 11 to take
up his itibtructuipDiil jlntio.s.
J'rof. Gardner has had his train
ing under three of the five iiu
tliorilicK on horticulture, having had
hi: mnchelor's degree from Michi-
not lie charged. Most of the annroijriations were demand
ed by the tfi'cat growth of the state and its institutions,
and while five million dollars seems a great sum for two
years, Oregon has become a five million dollar state.
LEGE, Corvallis, Ore., Feb. 21. Tho
production and mnrkotlng of oggs
nnd fowls Is taught by lantern-slide
lectures by tho U. S. ilopartniont of
agriculture which Iiiih just Issued a
second edition of tho locturo sylla
hus on tho 8ii!)Ject propurod by Prof.
.JamcH Dryden of tho poultry depurt
niont at tho agricultural coIIoko, Tho
syllabus, with Home forty-flvo Illus
trative allilcs, Is loaned or sold out
right to public kchool teuchors, farm
ors, Instltuto lecturers, and others
who wlBh to propnro tboinsolves to
give addresses on tho subject.
Kri; production, tho breeds and
laying capacity, housing of fowls,
feeding chlckeno, Incubators and
breeders, fattening, and marketing
nro fioiiio of tho subjects covered by
Prof. Dryden In tho syllabus. Ho
dlscussus.too, tho unexcelled ntit
I rltlvo (juallty of tho egg, for both
tho slolc and the well; tho Imposs!-
blllty of producing a successful Hiib
ntltulo or adultoriint1und tho usu of
eggs In tho arts, as In furnishing (ho
albumen for photographic papers.
"Undoslrablo flavors may bo de
tect oil In the ogg aftor feeding the
lions heavily on foods of strong or
high riavor, "says J'rof. Dryden in
t,ho syllabus. "Onions give undoslr
able flavor, and If tho hen eats them
In sufficient quantity tho okkb will
bu until for use. No beef scrap ex
cept that of good quality should bo
fed tho lions. It has alio been shown
that curtain foods affect tho color
of tho ogg, as alfalfa, for Instance,
which, wheti red liberally, gives high
colored yolks. Palo yolk usually
Indicate a lack or ki'ooii rood In the
liou'u diet.
"LnylitK caiwclty varies greatly
among Individual lions. Experiment
station irooords show that hunt vary
frjjni iftOiegga 1 year to none at all.
Lurifo ltroedn. such as llntliina.
Coehlm, and Liiiik)iuiihv should not
MOjMpl for (HK production; they are
chiefly ror providing largo chickens
for table purpowa. A medium slsod
breed, such as tbu Plymouth Uock or
Wyandotte, Is usually wisest for the
averagt) farm where fowls are kepi
for ho i lie nt.
"Tlio flock should be renewed hv
ory two yeart, since the limit of profl
table oim production Is probably two
laying years. In eaao of apodal
brawling stock it will pay to keep
thwu lougr. for breeding purposes.
"The main coualderaUuit In build
ing K)ultry housH Is (lie health of
the fowls. It Is not dealraule to keep
more tluftt 100 lu one colony Iioiiih.
It la eeeeutlal thaw there should be
cUpluus aupply of fresh air at all
time but (here should bo no drafts
or (void lr on the fowls tu night. Lut
ttunperature Is not iiixMMHtarily tu
jurlous but oxtrtunes of both heat
ami cold should be avoided. The
was spent in the effort to embarrass the administration.
fJ'ay "Bowei'inari, leader of assembly forces, which com
)rised a majority of the members, wasted his splendid
talents in paying off old grudges. It was never the merits
ot measures that concerned him, but the possibility of re
venge lor some real or fancied political slight.
The (jiiesiion of whether or not legislation was bene
ficial, was not considered. Jt was mainly, whether or not
it would discredit the members of the state board, and
around this pett' object, revolved the oratorical efforts of
the session.
(Jovernor West proved more resourceful and m.asterful
than the opposition. None of thenneasures introduced to
cripple his administration lived to adorn the statute books,
ftvery politieal move was adroitly checkmated, and aside
from having assisted at tho funeral of sojne worthy meas
ures, the assembly following has accomplished nothing ex
cept to strengthen the administration in the hearts of the
people. J lis numerous vetoes will still further intrench
A I iMInt ittitii miiviiT I ii trwil t I if i t 1 I iint i s t iiMiininri i I
ill Wilt; v um nui-llL UIVISIIM. UIU 1UV JICU MHIICCS Ul ....:..1..14 1 ..n.. . -inn- ....
revenue provided. However reckless extravagance can-,it.r it. j. ne,iriek, author of the
JicM oinuogrupli on grapes ever pub
lished; his master's decree at tho
Iowa State Agricultural college at
Ames, in 111(17, under S. A. Jleach,
author of "The Apples of New York,"
considered a masterpiece of its kind;
"and also considerable work under S.
W. Fletcher of the Virginia agricul
tural experiment station, one of the
host known horticulturists of Amer
ica. At Ames, during his graduate
study, Air. Gardner wnc instructor in
horticulture, a position which he later
occupied at the AlacUonald college dt
iueiioc, (.annua. In 1111)8 lie was
called to AHuiio as assistant profes
sor, and the year following was
given a full professorship and the
acting demrship of the college. He
has therefore had wide experience
in instructional work, opportunity tu
prove his executive ability, and fre
quent ehnneo to show his powers as
a lecturer in his addresses to grange
meetings, fanners' institutes, and
fruitgrowers' association meetings.
Prof. C. I. Lewis, head of the 0.
A. 0. horticulture department, in dis
cussing the appointment of Prof
Gardner, expressed the opinion that
the northwest is peculiarly futuiinte
in being able to iuterot men of such
calibre and to draw them to Oregon
to give their ability toward build
ing up the horticultural interests of
the state.
Buy Your
Flower & Vegetable
from tho pcoplo who can say Wo
know our seeds are good because we
hayo tested them; Wo are thqse peo
ple. Cut flowers and all kinds of pot
tod plants.
J. T, nitOADLEY & CO.
Corner Cth and Central; Greenhouse
near city reservoir. P. O. Box 521.
Phones Store 14 CI Main, Greenhouse
5181 Main.
TO the fanner, fruitgrower and outside residents, .Med
ford 's greatest deficiency is a public hitching rack,
where teams can be left without resorting to livery stables.
The city's lot on Riverside avenue is now used for this
purpose. It is entirely inadequate, mire, a foot or more in
depth, covers the surface. Jt does not begin to be large,
1 f use of this lot is cout inued, it should be macadamized,
so that a fanner will not go over his shoe tops and a horse
over his ankles in mud. More nicks should also be pro
vided. ':.J!frp
This one space is not large enough. Additional ground
should be secured, jmacadamized and racked. Part of the
railroad right-of-way might be obtained, or other idle land
near the businesssecfion.
This is a subject of vital interest to the country dweller,
and it is up to the city council and the merchants assoc
iation to see that this needed convenience is provided.
Durliifl the Next Five Years This Im
menso Sum Will Be Expended by
the Hnrrlman Lines in Double
Tracking and Other Improvements.
NKW YOliK. Feb. til. It devel
oped recently that instead of upend
ing '1w7,(l()0,0()0 for improvements on
tho L'nion l'acifie and Southern l'a
eil'io railroad, controlled ly the llar
rimuii interests, a sum of almot(
twice Hint umoiint is to he expended
by both roads in the next five year.
I'rohiiliuil Lovett of bolh roads, ad
mitted that .f7r,(J()n,(U)l) would he
pcnt for double tracking. I lis see
rotary, Alexander Millar, htm ac
knowledged that both roads would
xpeud ninny ui'iiKons besides fur
brunch linck and o.touioiiH.
"We hae spent million, for this
purpoMt in the past lew years and
intedd to continue these expenditure.-,"
hiiid .Mr. .Millar.
"AlorU of I his work has been ilouc
in MeMco and Oregon on the South
Mcctiuii of Board of Directors Held
Recently in Chicago Results In Set
ting Aside of $1,250,000 for Ad
vertising This Year.
ern Pacific hut will be curried on in )W ,, K, s(
other territories. u. total amount i,,, (.iiro mlay ,-,
One and a ipiarter milieu dollar
for advertising (he resources of 10,
000 milcb of railroad in one year is
the answer of tint directors of the
I'nioii Pacific and Southern l'acifie
iVstcin to the calamity howler. This
remarkable appropriation, the lai
et by far in the history of railroad
advertising, spells prosperity in cap
ital letter, for I he I'niled States in
the nelx twelvemonth, for this stand
in favor of aggressive hut judicious
advertising has not beon taken with
out careful and oonsicoutious' weigh
ing of the business, the crops, the
emigration, the rale decesioii and all
kindred problems which have direct
healing upon railroad.piul, incidental
ly, upon national prosperity.
The passenger depresentutives f
inu v moil ami nuuiuorii caciiic s-s-
rl Line met
lor e.teii'ioiiM and
tittiiiiiii .111.1
., . --' ...,........,, ,,,,
oilier iinnrov e-1 ,i:. I...I n... .:
, , ,-..,,,,,.,..,,. , ". i nun uii,ii mi- c.Nueimiiuro oi
next five ears."
BKWN. I'Yb. 21. Tu counteract
minors (nut U health is senoiislv
lie has so far rccoxeicd from hut
recent illness that today he worked
'H.'J.'iO.OllO in advertising the faeili-
ties offered by these railioad sys
j tenth and Ihe industrial oportiinities
i offered by the communities 'and
, country they serve during the present
I iur.
Thel.L'.'iO.OOO that will be hi):it
us iiKii m.s iifiiiiu is seriously. I'.,, ...i-, ,,,;,.. i ,, ., . ,
,; i... ,..,i, . , ioi urn ei tising, suid one of the uvi h
ured Kaiser ilhelm is showing1 ..ns,..,.! i,,i-..; .. i -r
. . ... . ..." oineials ot (lie I uioii l'acifie vester-
clr tu public as much a isissible. ; .i... ......n ,, , ,- , . , . .
i, , ,. , .. i l,,M. vvill bv divided between the
with a show of hi
illQtt urctUblf way of ovvrcoutiuiihhiit the ktiixci
thUt tllfflcult)' In to leave one emi u(
the Iioum Urgtly ojmju. ,
"Tub reeding or fowl dttpopiU
largely uu the nlace Ju ..hlcli tlioy
are kept. Whero tlioy huvo th lib-
orty of the field, tbe question U
luioii and Southern Pacific, the Utt -
1 1' I' LUltlllltr llll'.ln.l'il'll, ..,.! ill., ('...,
ohl eueiv.v ttud ....... i..... ,:r.i... ... .i.
,...ii...J;..M... iii ..!...:..:.... ..!..' '""'"i" oi i ue umouiii. ,
.....v., .-,. iii" jjii,! nn iiiun """ lulVc
cverv precuuium to prevent a return
of the seveer eoold nud tuiiarrhitl
the eiHpnv ivmHs
wits in a verv ser
ious coinhiinu have been pciKislttt.
LONDON. ..b. i. The H.huo
rgc share of it will he devoted to
new: puper advertising. .Most of it,
of course, will he sjH'iit in tlt 1'nited
Stales, hut a considerable siuu will
he used in s-lmwiujf Hi,. popltf of oth
er countries the ndvuniugtni of Irving
in the v.'estvm iwH of thene Unitud
Th advertising for each of the
liues ctMiiiHiiig t!u- system will be
huudled from titoir iespetive inn-
Givc Orrinc and Destroy All Desire
for Whisky and Beer Can Be
Given Secretly Try It
at Our Expense.
Wo are in earnest when we ask
you to try OlfKINK at our expense
Wo will give your money hack, il
aftor a trial you fail to get results
from OltltlXti. This is a very gen
erous offer. It gives the wives nix
mothers of those who drink to ex
cess uu opportunity to try the OH
UIN'K treatment. It also shows om
confidence iu the merits of OUHINM
Olt'lvMNK is recognized as the host
and most successful remedy tin
world has ever known for drunken
ness or the so-called lupior Habit
It is a very simplu treatment, can Ik
given in the home without publicity
or loss of time fioni business, am'
at n sinnll price. Read the follow
ing letter form Dr. Nolle. Sth and
liuco Sts., Philadelphia. It will tell
you about some of the wonderful re
sults from the OlfUIXK treatment:
'1 have had a remarkable case ol
inebriae.v under my personal observa
tion. The patient drank heavily f.i
1," j ours and reached a degradci
condition, which causci? the breakiui.
up of his- family and separation fron
hi; wife. Kvery hope was given ii
of ever saving the man from hi
strong desire for drink, and onlv
a mother's interest finally persuaded
him to vduntnrilv tuke tieatment foi
his disontiod condition. It was m
Itlt'iiMirc to recoiuine'id ORItlN'K
your liquor hahii aure, mid the treat
ment was taken fiiUlifully. This wa
two years ago and the patient is now
in a UcHlth.v condition and still no
stniiis from the use of stimulants
1 have sold OKU''K for a nuinbei
of yours ttud have alwavs found n
to he satisfactory. I believe yyi
have an eeeptiouallv good treatiuetu
for this disease."
OHKMNK is prepared in two tonus
No. I, secret tiealuieat, a isiwdet
ahsoluielv ta-tele and odorless,
given seereilv m food or diinl., OK
RINK Nj. v, in pHl form, u foi
lltone who desire to' tuke oluntar
treatment. OK MIX 12 costs 0nl. 1
a box. Write for Free OKKINF
Real Estate
A flno tract, quarter of a mile from
Talent, 8-room house, good barn;
300 trees. Price $4,000; terms
Good business opoprtunitics and lo
cations, all paying.
A GC-acre tract, 5-room house 'and
large barn, 3 miles from Talent,
partly cleared and lots of good
wood on place; must be sold soon;
will go for $fl00.
A CO-acro tract, water to Irrigate
same; has a 5-room house and barn
to hold G head of Worses, Imple
ments to run the place, .and a wag
on. This place put up 30 tons of
hay last year, andr no water was
used. Price, $3000 half down.
A 74-ncrc tract, 2 1-2 miles from Tal
ent; good 8-room houso and largo
bam; 8 acres under ditch and In
alfalfa and garden land; 34 acres
under plow, and trees; 20 acres of
orchard, of which 5 acres are in
bearing; good terms and easy pay
ments. A 14 1-3 acre tract, lies entirely In
city limits; has 9-room plastered
house, good barn, woll and power
for Irrigation of whole-tract. Part
ly set of. trees', easy terms.
For plenty of other bargains call
or address
G.A. Gardner
L N. JUDD, KfcAL tMAu: Aunm
Talent, Jackson County, Oregon.
Midway between Medford and Ashland, in the fruit
belt of Southern Oregon. JJealthy and nuld climate,
and pure water. Alfalfa, fruit and timber lands from
15 acres to 800 acres. Also lots on the instalment
plan, in newly incorporated town of Talent, Oregon.
Write (enclosing stamps) or come and see me at
Talent, Oregon.
Medford Iron Works
E. G. Trowbridge, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
. .,'..... ......I..... .. ,1... ,11 .1 i' t'lfll iift'i.m nli.l lli.i nuilihidJ. ...Ill .
Illlirh Blmnllflod- tlu.rn Itinv ulll itlnk i-wiri1 whwih Ul nil- I none IClKirit'U ..-.. .m. ...... wans ill eo
UU h lrg proportion of their food. li1 ,h I)uk'" d VUnuai has ob- lrUi with local boards of trade ll"klet ( mailed in plain sealed en
No ut rule can Im laid down m to! ,uud ',l'' of absence from iii n,,d cummoroiMl elubi. and will cover' vUm) to OKK1XK CO., G.t2 Orriue
ratlpiu. but a kuowledg of some of ' w,d uud will sH-ud a month or I1"1 ,,",'' "Krioulttue, but all lines of, uildmu. Wushiugtou, I). ( Olv'KINF
" ' J ...... . I. t '. I 1. . ' . illllllwIlO, 11 Li.,L .. .11 I. . I. I J 1 . .1 I 1.1 H...A I . I 1 t
the lieiieral Diliulnles of foods aud """ ' i nut i linen niates visiniii: Ibe "- n nui m neipitn 10 uie p-"iumriiueii Niiti u ior sale tu
fOBdlngs will help the piutltryntAii to, "iiv f Ihe late Semtliir F.lkitts of ',"''iinti.v.
avoid mUtuKoii. Kxerclae U Jii m1 'mi ' 1- U is remitted in
necoasnry lu the production of emit! ' ,"uu' tll'' , duke and Mis Kath- trlCKet Clinm)l0lt Demi.
.t . . . . uimi.t ItlLiiik. 1.. L.A..kl M.t..d..4..
(iK is fpod. If the weather U such11"1' M vv been rocotioiloil ttud
Hint a lurw proportlou of UHture'n: ul '""M" "' ruuwuwl engagement
food is covered, difforvui methods
nro nocoKsary if gg aro to b nteut'
od. Accosa to u at raw staek or a
plid ot clean t,tiw uu thv floor uf
if f
MKI.UOrilNK, Feb. 21. George
Mtirdock. faiuous" cricket plaer of
Auairalla la daad harm imuv vi.ii
I kit uatlLUtt' kouon will Iwa a Ikmi.mi.i.. 1.1.
" " "7 """ ' - - iMmmp nita aw WIH WStM Vk wag
may aooii be omially announced.
IIV in 4roia l( t;i iiii i
in u.''
inis ctlv li l.cou . llaskms. Med
ford, Or.
Rebecca's Attention!
All member me urged to be pres
ent at lodge hull tonight. Kegulnr
tueetUig win be follawod by a ban
que, a good time Ic aurtHl all. Conn
.-tttro4 itrlckea bjr au epllaptlc fit and dtci Jor u social avwolwa-
For Sale
.1!? ncres, 3 miles from Talent,
fenced, timber, alfalfa and fruit lrrnd,
i?ood house, pure water, J4 mile from
school, 300 young pear trees, lovely
place; $2000, one-half down.
This 15 acres is one of tho love
liest small ranches in southern Ore
tjon. Sheltored by tho hills from
the cold winds of winter, deep, for
tllo soil, an ideal placo for health.
91SI1 Acre.
Also 31 acres, l mllo from Talent,
12 acres of fruit, family orchard in
bearing: apples, Xowtowns, 12 acres,
peach filled; 7 acres timber. Irrigated,
dwelling houso shaded by largo laurol
trees, plenty of water: fcrtllo soil;
warden spot; pumping plant; terms,
$13,000, $7000 each, tho balanco in
uayinents of $1000 yearly at C per
HMHll Acre.
Also 20 acres alfalfa ami fruit
land,' with timber, 1 mllo from Tnl
"nt; $i",r00 cash down; Just think
what a snap, a Httlo over $300 an
acre. Whoro can you find near tho
dopot and railroad a chcapor placo?
$:W5 Acre.
Town lots in the novvly Incorporat
ed town of Talent, Or., cm tho In
stallment plan.
Front $1.-0 to $500 a Lot.
A flno four aero ranch near Talent;
very fertllo alfalfa and fruit soil. Well
watorcd, all fenced and cultivated;
Peach orcahrd, young, ot 1G0 trees
bore Inst year. Apple troes 36, Apri
cot 1, cherry 2, English Walnuts 2,
Pear 12. IMum 5, Quince 21, Neda-
slue 1,
Tokay and Malaga grapes 3 year
pld. Strawborrlos 1-2 aero Itaspborrlos
and Logans for family use. chicken
ranch, chicken house, now wood
Wagon shed, etc., good house,
spring, water piped to houso, creok
runs through tho place. Only J1S00
cash down.
Also 17 acres, 11 acres commer
cial fruit bearing orchard, 2 miles
from Talent; $10,000, one-half on
I) Acre.
Also SO acros flno timber, $2000,
ono-hulf down.
iS-." Acre.
Sti acres S-lrt acre.
Forty acros; about 3 miles from
Talent and Phoenix. Ore.; fruit land;
2 good springs, Ti-room house, out
ulldlngs. small fruit. 5 acres cleared;
good poultry ranch, over $1000 of
standing timber; $1200 down, bal
ance on tlmo to suit tho buyer; only
") an acr.. Look all over tho coun
try and see If you can find a placo
so cheap.
Also 29 acres, orchard and alfalfa'
land; 2 1-t miles south of Talent.1
Or.; 1300 young fruit treos, apples. 1
peaches and pears; ono aero In boar-
Ing; house, barn and outbulldlugs; ,
ill fenced, most of tt being Page
wire fonco, 19-strand, rabbit tlght;l
sub-Irrigated and tiled; S . acre; I
oer half down, the rest on tlmo at,
7 per cout. ,
Also lands, alfalfa and fruit, from,
20 to S00 acres. Write enclosing1
stamps, or come and sue me. !
L. N. Judd
Repeat Your Medford Experience BUY GRANTS
A choice acreage tract inside the city, only $300 per acre.
A choice acreage tract just outside the city, only $200 per acre.
Another choice acreage tract Just outside tho city, only $150 per acre.
A choice business corner, 50x100, only $S00O. with Improvements.
References: First National Bank, Grants Pass Banking & Truest. Co.
All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable 2
11 North D St.. Medford Ore Phone 303
Che finest
Sample Rooms
in the city.
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
Hotel Moore
Telephone in Every Room
" " Proprietors.
Choicest dairy and alfalfa proposition In the state, located on tho
mnln line of tho Southern Pacific railroad, between Sacramento and
San Francisco.
Write Us for Information
Nothing Just as Good as the REXALL Remedies
100 East Mnin St.
Phenes: Home 03; Pac. 232
200 West Mnin Street
Phenes: Home 43; Pac, .1041
Eagle Drug Co., Inc.
Ttios. Bartholomew, Pli. C, General Mgr. '
Tho Rexall Stores Medford, Ore.
20 Acres for $600
Near Medford. 20 Ch south of N. E.
Cor. Sec. 23 Twp. 38 S., R. 2 w!
May be worth $6000. I have not seen
it. If you want it for $600 advise
quick.-- A. A. MEHAFFEY, Klamath
Falls, Oregon.
50 H. P.
It is a car of ral bautythe handsoniMt car in America in th
opinion of many motorists. With ls repair expense than any car
on the market. Prlco IS500 to $2900 Agents wanted in Jos-nh.
iue, Klfttnath and Uk coutuh. Catalogues or donioiihtratlon Call
or write
E. B. Waterman
X h
y if
Y $
Um oUmim. j Hialtai for hai
Talent, Oregon