Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 21, 1911, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Hank clearing today were
Fair Today nnd Wednesday
Mar. 00.20 Temp. 00
$2 1, 10 Loo
STo. 286.
Building of Battleships Consideration
for Betraying to Argentina Confi
dential Information in Possession
of Government Bureaus.-
Admiral Garcia Claims Carte Blanche
to All Information in Posses
sion of Navy Department.
WASHINGTON. D. C. Fob. 21.
That the secrets of the American
navy have been trailed for two bat
tleship contracts!, chief beneficiary
of which is Charles M. Schwab's
Hetheloni Steol Company, Is the sen
sational chargo brought hero today
'against Secretary of State Knox nnd
Secretary Meer of the navy.
The two ships, the building of
which was obtained for American?
by the alleged bargain, aro now In
course of construction for Argentina,
one nt tho yards of tho Fore River
company at Qulncy, Mass., and the
other at the yards of tho New York
Ship Uuildlng company. The plans
and drawings of the United States
navy department and tho brains of
Uncle Sam's oxports aro being used
In their construction.
It was because of tho promise of
open nnd free access to the secrets
of the American navy by the state de
partment that the contract for the
warships came hero, It Is charged.
Now tho navy department has been
called upon to make good tho prom
ise. Onco the ships are built there
Is no guaranty that their guns may
not ho turned against tho stars and
stripes, say thoso protesting against
the action, for they might be sold,
or by capture, fall Into tho hands
of any nation possibly Germany or
Japan. Thus It is charged, for a
'single contract the millions spent on
the development of the American
navy are practically placed at the
8ui Ice of a possible enemy.
When Argentina decided to build
two drondnniightft bids were nsked
from the whole world. Tho bidding
was finally narrowed down, to the
English, German and American bids
In the latter of which Charles M.
Schwab's stool works woro greatly
Intel osted. Secretary Knox was for
merly attornoy for Schwab.
While the contracts woro still "up
In tho nir" United States Minister
Sliorrlll nt Uuonos Ayros Intervened
and by pledging tho socrots of tho
American uuyy, it is nssorted, turn
ed tho "scuYo's In favor of the United
States bidders and tho contracts
came to this country."
All requests to Socrotary Knox to
explain tho transaction have boon
met with a noto saying the secrolary
declined to bo Interview oil on tho
NKW YORK. Fob. 21. Quoiiod on
Washington roports that American
naval secrets had boon plodgtyl and
woro being used In tho construction
of tho Argentine dieadnnughts horo
mid in Massachusetts as a part of
tho bargain by which tho contracts
were given to America, Admiral Gnr
ola, chief of the Argontlno commis
sion In chargo of tho construction
of tho war vossols, today freely ad
mitted that It was tho lnfluonco of
the state dopaitment which secured
tho contracts for tho United Statos.
"I met Secrotary Knox In Wash
ington," he said, "and was Introduc
ed to Socrotary Meyer. I was in
formed that confidential relations
had been established between' tho
United States and Argentina. The
relations are extraordinary. Tho
United States Minister, Mr. Sherrlll.
nt Huenos Ayres, obtained remark
able concessions from your govern
ment. We have carte blanche to all
Information your navy department
has and are free to call for drawiugs,
devices or expert advice. We can
also use your proving grounds for
testing our guns. We have been al
lowpd to put our naval officers ou
board your ships to study your uavy
aod methods. These new sll.s will
be mors powerful than any la your
navy Indeed. Ulan any Is the
Kosiiinpllon of Through Traffic on
Mexican Italh-oads Brings News
of Insurrection
EL PASO, Texas Feb. 21. Willi
tlie resumption of through traffic on
Mexican railroads, n train crow
brought word here today that GOOD
insurrei'tos nre scattered through
out the provinces of Southern Chi
huahua nnd Durniigo. According to
the railroad men there are from 300
to GOO in each Ijuul and the entire
force is marching towaid Chihua
hua. Two federal deserters who anivod
here today declared tlmt General Na
varro's force was in a pitiable condi
tion. Many of (lie soldiers are with
out shoes they said, and have been
forced to march barefooted through
sleet and snow. ProwMonul l'resi
dent Madeio's force camped last
night nt Ahittuudn.
VICTORIA, I. C, Feb. 21. O.-er
.2000 wii" collected in the Chinese
quarter in the hist 21 hours for n
famino fund to he cabled to the Red
Cross society nt Shanghai for relief
of (lie famine sliiokcn Chinese in the
An Hni disttict. The .subscription is
being ( continued nnd efforts will he by the Chinese to raise money
at other points throughout Canada
Mother Provincial Arrives to Inspect
Location and Complete Preliminary
Plans Brings Architect to Draw
Elevations for Big Building.
For the purposo of looking over
tho site on Nob Hill, for tho $100,
000 hospital to bo erected thero by
tho Sistois of Mercy and Providence,
the Mother Provincial f this district
with he'i: juarters at St. Vincent's
hospital in Poitland, and Sister Wcn
ceslaus. of tho order and Robert F
Togen. nn nrchltect, canio to Medford
Inst night nnd spent today at the
location, tlxlng among other things,
the site for the Inundry. the flist
of the hospital buildings to be erect
Mr. Togen. tho architect chosen by
tho Sisters has hnd considerable ex
perience In building himllar institu
tions and it is expected that after
coinpletlirg the preliminary work
hero today, ho will have tho plans
for tho Btructuio completed within
ii short tint .
The Mother Provincial and Slstor
Woncoslnus. who while bore woro tho
guests of the Slstors at St. Mary's
academy, will roturn to Portland to
"Wo will have the laundry build
ing put up first" said tho Mother
Piovlnclal told n lopresontntlvo of
tho Mail Trlbuno this morning, "and
will make of that the living ipiar
tors until the ronialndor of tho hos
pital Is completed. When finished
tho institution will have a capacity
of about 75 bods and a personnel of
probably 120."
"It Is more than provable that n
training school for nurses will be
nttnehod" she continued, "If a suf
ficient number of young ladlos horo
show a disposition to learn tho pro
fession of nurse."
NEW YORK, Feb. 21. Walter K
Tichonor, dontUt, stood for alleged
ill tteatment from his wite until she
began, ho says, taking knie, scis-i
sors, hatpiiia nnd "other deadly
won pons." to lud witli her, with the
threat thut she would do him bodily
harm. And then he kicked. Today
he is suing for diwuoo. Mrs. Tiohe
nor denies the charges ami assorts
that her liiuhand threatened to take
her life if he did not Iee home.
KANSAS CITY, II".. Feb. 21.- j
President Franklin of the Interna-
tionul iroihtihiioil of Iloilennalers
..aid toduy that the New York Central
railroad wax the only road aftected.
by the boilermakerw' strike, lie an-;
nonneed that 2000 meu would be out!
by tonight. '
Senate Will Vote on llinois Senator
According to Notice Served by
Burrows Beveridge Speaking This
Afternoon Upon Case.
Agreement to Be Ratified Before Ad
journment Heyhurn Expected
to Lead Opposition.
WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 21.
Tho senate probably will vote on the
Loiimor ense tomorrow, according to
notice served In the upper house by
Senator Harrow's today. Harrows
announced that Immediately follow
ing Senator Lorlmer's personal state
ment tomorrow he would demand a
Senator noveiidgo spoke on the
Lorlmer case this afternoon.
Following a conference this af
ternoon with President Taft, Sen
ator Carter of Montana announced
that the Canndlan reciprocity agree
ment would be ratified before tho
senate adjourned.
As Idaho Is lined up solidly ngnlnst
tho measure, Senator Heyhurn Is ex
pected to lead tho opposition when
tho bill Is brought up in tho senate
for final action.
Representative Gaines of West
Virginia today endeavored to force
tho house ways and means conimlt
teo to consider a "icclproclty niensurc
which provides for absolute free
trade between Cnnndn and tho United
States for a period of twenty years.
The bill- requires both countries to
adopt the same customs duties upon
products of other countries.
The committee adjourned leaving
the inensure pending.
Secret Session of Grand Jury Inves
tigating Corruption in Police De
partmentPatrolmen Accused of
Collecting Tribute.
SEATTLK. Wash, Fob. 21. Tho
socrot session of tho grand Jury that
Is Investigating tho charges of cor
ruption and giaft in tho police de
partment under formor Chief Wap
pensteln today havo several saloon
keepers bofoio It, and It Is said that
Gideon Tuppor, suloonkoopor, will be
compollod to give bond bofoic ho will
permitted to leave tho city. -Tapper
Is said to huve boon an officer of tho
Northern Club, a big gambling on
toiprlbo that flourished horo 'last
spring when Gill was mayor.
A number of pollcomen havo boon
cnllod boforo tho grand Jury and It
said thut these men aro accused of
having collected logular wookly tri
bute from the unfortunates bolow the
doad lino and to huvo tuniod It over
to tholr superiors.
Chief of Police Dannlck, who was
a pollco captain under Wnpponstoln
was bofor tho grand Jury today.
DKS MOISTS, I.i. IVb 21 -Go-ernor
H. F. Carroll appeared person
ally bofoie the state assembly today
and read his veto of the Oregon pri
mary bill which the democrats and
progressive lepubllcaus bad passed.
Tbe governor said he feared the law
inlicht result In democrats controlling
the btate at tbe next election.
WASHINGTON, 1. ('.. Feb. 21.
The house committee of postof floes
and poatroads this afternoon favor
ably reported the Gallinger ship sub
sidy bill. C'biua, Japan and the
PbilipfinM were stricken from tit
pruU' iont of tbe bill m committee.
Master of Organization Notifies Sen
ate Finance Committee That Pin
posed Agreement With Canada
, WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb., 21. -Declaring
that iutioductioii of the
i Canadian looiprooity measure trt
ready had caused n 1 eduction of
'seen cents in the price of wheat
j representatives of fanners and mas
ter granges, headed by N. J. Dntch-
eldor, master of the National grango,
today notified tho senate linanee
committee that their organizations
would fight tho hill to a finish.
"The treaty is decidedly unfair to
Hie American farmer," said Hntchcl
der today. "It is u .pig-handled af
fair with Canada owning tho jug and
tho United Stales the handle. The
fanners will endure fice trade in
products nnd continued protection lo
inanufiictiirers but thev will not
stand for Ihe roeiprocit tieiitj."
NKW YORK, Feb. 21. With of
flcal verification today of the re
port that tho Gould holdings of Mis
souri Pnclflc had been offered for
salo at something above $70 a share,
It Is generally believed heie that
George J. Gould shortly will retire
from nctlve business. Tho railroad
holdings of tho Gould family approxi
mate $100,000,000.
Removal of Marquis Katsura De
manded in Diet Alleged to Be
Responsible for Growth of An
archy in Empire.
TOKIO, Fob. 21. Impeachment of
the Japanese cabinet headed by Mar
quis Katsura was domniided In the
diet today.
Introduced by the constitutional
nationalist party, a resolution was
placed boforo that body declaring the
cabinet responsible for tho growth
of anaichy hi Japuu nnd for a ser
ious schism among Its people grow
ing out of tho contests of a now
school textbook which practically at
tacks the right of the Mikado to his
throne. Great excitement exists
thiougnout tho country as a result
of the latter complication and tho
blttornoss cngondcied, It Is feared,
may havo serious tonseqiioiicos.
Tho accusation of responsibility
for tho growth of socialism and anar
chism In tho omplre is based In gen
oral terms. Tho Kntsurn administra
tion Is bitterly cousin oil for too severe
roprosslvo ineasuios and paitlcularly
for tho oxecutlon of Donjlro Kotoku,
tho socialist and his partisans, the
constitutionalists maintaining that
too gieat sovoiity only feeds tho
flames of socialism and will result
In its rapid growth.
Tho other, nnd tho moro serious
chargo, against Katsura and his cabi
net. Is based on conditions poeullnr
to Japan. In the Kutsuia ministry's
now school textbook on Japanoso na
tional history a feud dating back to
tho l f t It. ci'iituiy Is io-oponoil.
LONDON, Feb. -'1.- The LonN
eto bill lodiu w.i-, introduced in
the house of commons by Punier
Asipiilh. In spouking to tho hiibp-ct
of the introduction of tho ineasuie
he declared that an iinpiucudcutcd
situation would rio if tho lords' le
jootion of tho 1U0U budget wont un
uhallougud. He said:
"If you loavo this powor in the
lords' hands' it will rcvolittioni.u con
stitutional practice, enabling tho
lords to force the re-iigimtion of the
ministry by rejceiiui; finance hills."
Ho called the reje tion of tho 1000
budget the "moot stupendous polit
ical blunder oer perpetrated."
"On that fatal duy," ho said, "the
loids kuuw that they had oominittud
political suicide. The Liberals aro
not not in favor of obilifchintf the sao
ond eitainber; thev merely wth U
remedy the oi of unlimited ulo."
No Extra Scsion of Congress Say
Money Kings .Who Arc Bringing
Great Pressure to Bear Upon Pres
ident to Prevent Further Agitation
No Indication as to How Taft Re
gards Pica for Legislators to Be
Permitted to Go Home.
WASHINGTON. 1). C, Feb. 21.
Fearful of business disturbance If
an extra session of congress is call
ed, agents of the money kings today
nio bringing tho gientcst possible
piessuro to bear on President Taft
to induce him to foiego his declar
ed purpobo, no matter what tho ac
tion of' congress on reciprocity and
his other pot piojects.
"Let us have a rest," Is tho plaint
to the ptesldent. "Wo don't want an
extra session. It will keep business
in a turmoil, becauso tho democrats
aro apt to stint anything when they
hold of the reins of government. We
want a tariff rest until Doeoinbor
No Indication has yot been ghen
us to how President Taft regards the
nlea of "big business," but It Is
known that every resourco of tho In
terests Is being brought Into play
to Induce him to allow tho legislators
to go quietly homo, even If his re
clproclty program Is not endorsed.
Mission Lodging House Burns.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Feb. 21
Scores of lives were
when fire today gutted u lodging
house in the .Mission, (lie tenants
Hoeing U Ihe streets, scantily clad.
Rebel Troops Occupy narrow Pass
and Prepare to March South To
wards Capital Bull Ring Fortified
at Tia Juana.
CALKXICO, Cnl., Fob. 21. As a
preliminary move to an adviinio on
KiiHonada, tho capital of lower Cali
fornia, lohel troops under General
I.eyva and General Horthold today
occupied Pic actios Pass, a narrow de
file directly south or bore. A party
of 10 Insurroctos took tho pass, moot
ing with no opposition fioui federal
outposts who woro loportod In the
vicinity. It was expected that tho
federals would place every obstacle
possible in tho path of tho lobols be
tween Mexican and Kiwnndu.
Tho inosoniont of tho full rebel
arm toward Kusounda will start prob
ably tomoirow, nccorclliiK to General
I.eyva. One or two other pusses will
havo lo bo scouted fully to piovont
an ambush bofoio tho main body of
tioops onteis.
In the last few days tho Mexican
fedcials at Tla Juana have thrown up
IniuMtworkH m omul tho old bull
ilng nnd aie prepared to make ie
hlshincc tin re If lusurKiiuts appear
dotai lniK'iif Is believed to bo cut
the wa fi"ni C.ilexlio, evidently
bound fti 1 ii' H'id.1
NHVV YORK, Fib Jl Tin prop
osition to combine tin- Bell "in! n-
dependent intoici-ts has not beeu
dropped, it ua leaned today that
a "ueulloiuim'o" agreement will be
made and that lutwcuttiiiK and un
necessary competition will be abol
ished. l(epreentntictf of both in
tern U conferred today m the of
fices of J. I', Alortfuii. Such a oom
binatioii would not be iu violation of
the Sherman law, it i said.
States in Afflduxlt That Heiress Was
Abducted December til and Is Con-
I need She Has Keen Murdered.
NKW YORK, Feb. 21. Affidavit
thut he believes his daughter, Dor
othy Arnold, the missing Now York
hen ess, has been murdered wus made
here today for District Attorney
Whitman by Francis H. Arnold, the
millionaire father of the girl.
Arnold, urging action by tin New
York autlioiities, swore that ho had
information to the effect Hint his
daughter was kidnapped on Fifth
nveniio on December 12 last, and de
clines he is convinced thai she wis
later murdered and her body dis
posed of,
"1 am firmly convinced that my
daughter has been killed," Arnold
said after his interview with (he dis
trict attorney, "and I will spend
every dollar I hlive in the world to
luenge her denth."
SPOKANF. Wash.. Feb. 21. llei-
berl W. Counter, u jeweler foimerly
u resident of iMiiinenpoli.s, and where
his family is said to now leside com
mitted suicide early today by shoot-
tngg. He has been living m Spokinio
tor lour years.
Aoquiiintinieos uscrihe his deed lo
worry oir family affairs.
Five Days Hunt After Murderers of
Four Prominent Nevada Stockmen
Ends With Aborigines Being Sur
rounded Battle Is Expected.
ltHNO, Nov., Fob. 21. Death by
tho bullets of outraged frontiersmen,
It Is expected horo, will bo tho fato
within 2 1 bonis of tho band of In
dians who murdered four piomluout
stockmen In tho wilds of AVashoo
County soino tlino ago. Three posses
today are closing In on tho baud,
which now Is in the Jackson Moun
tains, heading for tho Pluto Indian
it'servatlon at Pyramid Lake.
After a five days hunt over moun
tain trallB after tho murderers, Cap
tain Donnelly of tho state pollco, who,
with Sheriff Forroll and twenty-two
men, took up tho pursuit ns soon ns
the cilmo was discovered, has com
municated tho fact that the end of
his long chase Is at hnnil. Captain
Donnelly sent a courier from Qiiluu
HIvor, thirty-six miles, to Amos, from
whoie ho telephoned to Sheriff Lamb
of Wlnneiniicca, who within an hour
led a second posso to cut off tho In
dians from tho reserve. Tho news
was thou sent to Pyramid Lake and
tho stato pollco thero made up a third
posso to block tho led skin's rotroat.
There Is llttlo doubt that a buttle
will como within a very fow hours.
Coroner Loo Davis and Surgeon S.
IC. MoiiIboii anivod today fiom tho
country whero tho inassacio occuried.
Thoy report that near tho scono of tho
killing Captain Donnelly's posso found
a deseited camp of the Indians strong-
1) foitlflod and with a look out stat
ioned high uii on tho mouiitalu-sldo,
which coininaiidod all approaches for
miles. Thoio was ovorj evidence
that tho camp had not long been
evacuated, and the posso believed that
tho Indians had decamped only a
shoit time before their arrival.
WAS1I1NOTON, I). ('., Feb. 21. -War
witli Japan within tliu next ton
mouth wax piedietud ill tho hoime
today by Representative Richmond
I' Ilobbou. During a speech in fa
vor of n definitive constructive poli
cy of defense, he declined that Ja
pan now is financially pi opined for
war, and thut tho United Status, be
line long, will bo forced to make uu
cxh.uistini; strtiift-lu with the Japa
nese, ending in probable disaster.
NOOALFS, An., Fib. 21.- Fhu
ally cold se..ther in the mountains
near Nogalen, whero Mexican sol
diers aie entrenched bus reunited in
a doaeii cu es of bickuess and caused
several desertions, according to re
I mi its received here today. Qua sul
dier died from exposure,
Interstate Commerce Commission
Rules That Western Shippers
Should Receive Use of Refrigera
tor Cars Without Additional Cost.
Thousands of Dollars Saved Annu
ally to Fruitgrowers of Pa
cific Coast by Decision.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 21.
Hy tho decision today of tho Inter
stato comnicico commission In ruling
that western shippers should rccelvo
tho uso of refrigerator cars when
over asked without additional cost,
hundreds of thousands of dollars
will bo saved annually to tho fruit
groweis of the Pacific Coast.
Tho commission sustained every
contention niiulo by tho fruit grow
ers and denounced the oxtra charges
niiulo by tho rallroadB for prc-cool-lug
facilities as unreasonable and un
just. Tho decision renders practically
useless tho pro-cooling plants of tho
Santo Fo and Southern Puclflc, cost
ing more tl'iun $r00,000 each.
Tho new court of comnicrco ro
ceived its first big cuso today when
western ruilioada appealed from tho
decision of tho interstate commerce
commission declaring that switching
ohnrijeri exacted lit Sun Francisco
nnd Loh Angeles woro unreasonable.
1 'eliding n decision, tho commission
postponed the reductions ordered un
til Muy 1.
LOS ANOHLF.S, Cnl., Fob. 21.
Friends of W. II. Holmes, a magazine
writer; J. II. McDonald, u soldier of
fortune, and Ferdinand Pnloiunres, nn
Insurgent officer today bombarded
Senator LiiFollotte, Chump Clark
and Victor L. Horgor with tolegrams
urging them to exert their lnfluonco
to obtain tho rolenso of tho three nion
J mm tho United States Army prison
at Caloxlco.
The matter probably will bo settled
by the state department, ns It Is un
derstood that tho Mexican government
has oxpiossly requested that the pris
oners bo hold. Palmares nnd Hoi-
lues crossed tho border from Mexi
can for medical treatment. McDon
ald, wounded, was brought over by
United States soldiers.'
VANCOl'VFR, II. C, Feb. 21.--With
Jpl'J.OOO pledged at a iihisb moot
ing lust night committee of citizens
toduy begun nu active campaign to
mid mote to the fund which is to bo
used lo aid tho famine victims of
An appeal to ;.ll citiyons of the oity
in the form of u resolution, was pub
lished in tho nwspnpors toduy and it
was piedieted that sevornl thoiiBUiid
moro would he added to the sum be
bore nightfall.
POSTON. Mass., Fob. 21. Wrest
ling fans aie undecided today wheth
er Frank Gotclt made n hotter show
ing against "Ainerh us" In tholr
match hero last night than did George
Hackonschinldt leceutly. Gntch lost
his match, falling to throw his man
twice In the hour allotted, but so did
Uackonschuildt. Gotch secured tho
first fall In 50 minutes and 35 sec
onds. It took Iliickenscbiutdt a min
ute longer.
imiSMISKTON, Wash., Feb. 21
liecause his safe wus robbed of $2,200
by one of his clerkB, Assistant Pay
master E. H. Wilson, Unltod Statos
Navy w ho Is attached to the navy yard
here, will be reduced two numbers iu
rank. This is said to bo the sontunco
today determined upon by tho court
martial. Paymaster WUou was pay
officer of the Philadelphia when tho
thott occurred.