u anCDFORD MATL TRTBrNR, MTCDFORD, ORTCCiON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1011, PAGE SIX 4 M bMl 'i ! . .. V I J! - . JUL APPLE BOX IS EVANS SHU IS ITAiAlZEDi SEEKING SCRAP Law Passed Establishes Size of Box Challenge Issued by Portland Llght- Satisfactory to Growers Intro duced by Westerlund Can Better Estimate Season's Pack Now. weijiht Still Unanswered Will Fight at 133 or Will Give and Take Has Fought 27 and Only Lost 3. "Thin standard applo box prescrib ed In tlio bill Unit has panned the loglehituto is the Htandard now for Hrltlnh Colmnbln, Wellington, Ida ho, Montana ninl Oregon," hiiIi Jtep reauimtlvu Westerlund, Introducer of the inomnire, In an Interview In Port Innd papurti. ' "Thin in the box desired by the growon as ngnhiHt the box doiu'rlb od In tho Lafoan bill, which wan de feated In congress. Tlio Lafean box Is tho one doslrod In tho oast. These men object to our box bemuse they; Huy that It docs not contain quite a1 eisimiH. biiBhol. Hii, as a matter of fact, our box contains aB near u bushel as foiiHlblo In making the fine ai pack that has muilu Oregon famous That pack has largo inmlo our applo Industry tho hiiccosh that It Ih and tho jjrowors Insist on having a Htand ard slzo box which will nluo kee) tho pack up to tho standard. "Orogou has boon behlinl tlio rest of tho northwest states In this re spect and our bill now puts iib on tlio sanio piano. "Tho special box provided Is some what larger and may bo used by the growors who prefer It, and that .imondmcnt was perfectly satisfactory to us, as added In tho senate." Representative Westerlund Bald that growers had given virtually unanimous approval of tho standard box, as Incorporated In tho bill. Gov ernor West has not yGl determined his action as to tho Westerlund bill. DeHjnlo Hie liberal challenge i1 hiiuiI to local rin aspirant Home week ago liy Hobby Kvitno of l'ort laml, no local "hope" lias as yet tak en up the gauntlet, witli tliu i'chuII that Hobby iH sorely dmuppointcd. Tlio challenge which him lain in (lie Mail Iribuno olfico for two week, will be returned unless taken up soon. Kwuih fight at l.'t.'l pounds but i willing to be liberal in the matter of weight. He ha fought 'J." fights in hi- tunc anil ha, ln-4 but three dc- W 1 ROBBINS IS POISON VICTIM As the Result of Eating Canned Sal mon, W. A. Rabbins is Stricken With Attack of Ptominc Poisoniitfj. Is Able to Sit Up Today. -iBENEDICI-BAICu T I FAULT! FLUE IS CAUSE OF BLAZE S The fire department turned out Hbortly niter U o'clock yesterday at lernooii to uxlingiiish a Hiuull blaze, originated in a, sooly line, in the Jeffries residence at Fifth and Fir til route. Tho alarm, a "still," wiib answered by Chief Amman and nine member of tlie department. Although tho engine wan taken to the Hceno, the firemen put out (he blaze with a small garden ho.io, played 'through a hole ehopp'id through tliu roof. The damage i estimated at .$100. The Married .Men .nil the Single .Men will contest nr mperionly on the bowling n I Icy h of I lie Nntnloritim thi.s evening at 7:110 o'clock. The teams are made up from among the best players in tho regular city league teams, an aggregation where individual scorcK of 'J00 are not con sidered "real good." The captain of the .Married Men will be O. ,1. I'allon, while his son, M. L. Hut ton wil lend off for tho batchelors. I.V TWO .MIXUTKS. "JUVENILES" TO IE AT " T" l.'asy and Quickest Way to I Ironic lTp a Cold. If you want Instant relief from cold In head or chest, or from acuto ca tarrh, try this: Into a bowl of boiling hot water pour a teaspoonful of 11YO.MI3I (pro nounce It lllgh-o-mi!). hold your head over tho bowl and cover head and bowl with towel. Then breathe tho pleasant, pentratlng, antiseptic va por deep Into the lungs, over tho soro raw, tender membrane, ( and moRt gratifying relief will come In a few minutes. Druggists everywhere wlll sell a bottle of IIYOMI2I for 50 cents. Ask for extra bottle llyoniel Inhalont. Don't bo stubborn. Don't bo pre judiced. There Is not a particle of morphine, cocaine or any Injurious or habit rormlng drug In IIYOMIJI. (live It a trial at ('has. Strang'i risk, lie Knaranteos It. It Is made of eucalyptus and other grand anti septics. It will chase away the mis ery of catarrh or any affliction of the nose and throat In a few minutes. You can get a trial sample free liv writing llooth's llyoniel Co. Ilurfalo N Y. As I he result of eating a quantify of canned salmon litht 'Monday, V. A. Jtoubin.-, i.-, suffering from a se vere attack of ptomaine poisoning. Mrs. Nobbing uanovvly escaped a similar nttnokj butIt i believed that, all hough site too ale of the salmon, she must have missed that portion of the can containing the poisoned fish. Mr. HobbiiiH was first taken sick late Monday night and on Wednesday was forced In remain in bed. A phy sician was summoned and today the patient was able to sit up. McCREDIE'S CLUB STARTS TRAINING THIS WEEK l'OKTI.ANI), Or.. Feb. 20. Wal'cr McCreilie manager of the Portland team, will leave Wednesday night for Santa Maria, Calif., where his 101 L club will slnil training Satur day. Accompany McCicdio there will be Hupps, tSein, Sealon, Hyan and a number of local newspaper coiTosfmejilx. I Twenty-four men report at Runt.i Maria, ,!i (urduy afternoon. Bill MATCH ATNATTONIGHT Basket Ball Teams to Meet On "Nat- atorium" Floor Tonight to Decide Superiority Contest Will Be Hot One as Great Rivalry Exists. The regular Medl-rd basketball team will meet the A-blend city' team in u bff-ketball match on the floor of the Xutiitoriuui tonight at 7::iU o'clock. Holli leairifi, which arc much heav ier than the high school teams arc snecdv and should nut up a go-id game. They hao mot before and arc keen rivals Jor superior imnoic and the local boys arc c mlident that, playing on their own uioiind in the Natatorium building, tin can put the Ashland bo.Vf to mat. POCKET FLASK ENDS IN FARMER'S DEATH F.HDOUA, Iowa. F.-li. JO. -Holu-t Pinsk, ji furiner heaxiug near Hub hard, Iowa, is dead a- the re-ult ol one of the most peculiar aeoidenls ever recorded in this locality. Piu.-.k. while climbing into hi buggy, broke a flask of whisky in hi- pocket, sat urating hi- clothing. Hater when hi lruclv a match his ololbiag took fire Hasklns for Health The "IMPROVED imperial" Columbia (Disc) Graphophone Informal concert any hour of tho day. Drop In my time. Medford Music Shop Mo.VK.UXV .V- CO. Jilil West .Main Street Vflpr i. k3h 'limizxs'SUi. SB ?gs"MS i cTmMyi L'B mmk ri?ffWVTJ A-Ti! TYPE B Y price: $65 The Jiiwiuilo Dancing club wil bold Olio of it lejjiilui' "hops" in the Mtiull ball room of tho Natatoriuui Ulis ovenlug. Tho dnucOK are nigular foal ares ,.f the elub and are foremost among the pnloitniniiienlM patronised 'by Me.l fotdV Mieiul et. The uNluloriuin seven-piece or chesttH will furnish the music. POLK AND COMPANY TO ISSUES MEDF0RD DIRECTORY ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phono Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark A Snap! V. .1. 1onl ill Portland, rcpie-ciii it' H. .. Polk & Co.. tho big ilnvc lory puhlisliois, i- in the city work inn; on the now Jackson counts di rectory to lie issued May 1. This book will contain a complete list ,. ttlt residents of Mcilionl and otli'r towiiM in the county, ulli their bu-i iwmm and homo nllrpsso ; nl-n .1 wmplete list of all tuxpavors m tlie county, with itssiNhi'd Miluation ami pootoffice address, inicclanciai 1 1 formation, such as lodges, ehtuvli"-. Ktieiellcs, etc. It will also gie a mi iwt ceiiitiiit if the oily at the pros, eat lime. Polk ' Co. have a rouita tton. Directory publishing is nut m exM'riaient with llioni. Tlair wmk is uocurato, sM'lmg, inili.ils, ml tli't'sfct's, fio , tti t alt ttliiloly tmii'i'i NEW MANAGER FOR DUAL GAS PLANT Thomas P. Petoh, tor 1 years ItlUiltmur of the Kurokii (Calif, ) t,i l)ajit, has anivod in Motlford to take uUiJ of tho Kotruo Wixor fls mm UlUiy JllHMt for Metlfunl ami A -n IUILK Air. Poteh ! aciompiiuiotl b, lis wlfo and W'll Uiako his hoiiic In 1. Dollerniakers' Strike. JJOSTGN, Miitw., Fob. -JO. lt'-i , , nud Albany hoiluriimkora -nH 1.. i1hi In svinnathv with UlO Phio I"1'1 erauikurs who went out Up5 inoim Sou'iity nieii wro tUUm'Qu " ITftBkliiH for TIonllTi. Van Dyke Realty Co. cn pitoi'i ki IMtMS, I III IT H MPS ilm 1:. m i si'iu:io'r. Hi.-. Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to do without this gploudiil, refreshing ilnnk Call up aud ortUr 11 casf sunt to the hoiiko. The purost, most healthful drink known u SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. DIGHAM, Agent. 9 We wil put on sale hore for tomorrow, Tuesday, about 500 pieces of fancy China, worth $2.00 to $4.00 each (see our east window), at, your choice, $1.50 .each Underwear Specials We are closing out our entiro lino of boys', ladies' and misses' Underwear in vests, pants and union suits; if you want a bargain, come in and seo them. Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments for Children Everybody knows what these are. Wo have most all sizes in thorn that we are closing out at about 1-3 Less Than Regular Price Men's and Boys Gloves Mon's and boys' leather Work Gloves; 50c and $1.00 a pair; host values in the city. Mon's and boys' tight fitting knit wrist cloth Gloves; good quality; 10c pair, 3 for 25c iliisseyfs SHEARER GIVES . "STAG" PARTY Medico Entertains Men Friends at His Home on South Central Party Well Attended Cards and Conversation Followed by Supper Dr. .1. E. Shearer entertained a number, of men friends at Ills home on South Central avenue last night al a "stag" card party and supper. Among Dioro present wore William CJorlg, K. D. Ellw'ood, O. M. Murphy, V. W. Effort, J. H. Wright, Frank Hurgcss, W. F. QiiiHenberry, J. Wold, and Itouert W. Telfer. The oarly portion of the evening was Bpent In card playing. A supper followed. What Should the Fate of a Knocker B? Earthquake in Tuscany. HO.MH. Feb. 'JO. Telegraph lines. destroyed by yesterday's earthquake i were put in repair today and reports of the slight damage from the shoek were receied here. The damage iiii the provinees of Tuscany was heavy. j I Wo can't say that a man Inherits the knocking propensities for in the boyhood days of men whoarc 35 or 10 years old such a thing or condi tion Chl not exist. It '. one of the undesirable modern things that came with some of the good things wo have. Hut this much to say. when a man has to resort to knocking to sell goods It won't be long before, the sheriff will padlock his place of busi ness. The man is sour on himself and the world and the public Is In the same mood. But men all wo have now has been made whit It Is because some sklllo headed person has con tinually called people's attention to It. The American people are so built that they wish to bo shown, and when you attempt to knock a thing that is the one great thing they most de sire and will have at any cost, Lisen! Some shallow brained clerk in some business in Mcdford has been knock ing the Toledo Range. Poor fool, ho does not know that there an inside and outside the city of Mcdford more Toledo Hanges than all other makes combined and they aro giving perfect satisfaction. If they were not we would buy them back, for wo guar antee satisfaction and wo have more money invested In the rtail hardware business than any other one firm In this city, county or southern Oregon. We can always tell when someone 13 knocking Toledo Hanges, for just then wo are unable to ship thorn In as fast as they go out. Wo would just like to impress this on tho mind of tho people of Mcdford that If you get it from the Oarnett-Corey Hardware company and it Is not just as you think it should bo, you can get your money back for the asking. Now try this Just to see if It won't WjV. If 'ou wish to know the truth about Toledo Ranges, Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes, 1000 Washers and anything in the hard ware line, come to us. We have tho reputation for telling facts. We had that reputation where wo last did business, aiifl no one can accuse us of knocking what our competitor htiB to sell. Try a bill at Garnetl-Coroy Hardware Co. store and yet your money's worth. NOT I CIC. .1. I). MrArdlo will arrive in Mcd ford the :25th Inst, with plans and specifications for his bungalow and garage to lie built on Oakdale ave nue. Medford. Contractors arc invit ed to bid. Mr. McArdle can be seen at the Nash hotel. t I Have You a Ban Account ? Jf not, why not open one with the JACKSON COUNTY BANK? The fact that we have been in business twenty two years and that we have grown steadily during all that time and that we have at all times given our customers the best of treatment and service is the reason that we have at all times received the confidence and support of a large portion of the good people of Bedford and vicinity. Capital and surplus 22 years ago, $25,000.00 Capital and surplus, 1911, $165,000.00. Safe deposit boxes to rent. The Jackson County Bank W. I. VAWTER, President G. It. MNDLKY, We Piesidei.t C W McDOXALD, Cashier "HnYT-Si "R n TT i - THIS RECENT ADDITION TO MEDFORD EMBRACES THIRTY - EIGHT ACRES OF WHAT HAS LONG BEEN KNOWN AS PROBABLY THE FINEST PIECE OF VIEW PROPERTY WITHIN THE HALF MILE LIMIT OF THIS CITY. IT LIES A LITTLE NORTH OF EAST MAIN STREET AND ABOUT HALF A MILE EAST OF RIVERSIDE AVENUE. TO IKKT the wishes of a number our leading citizens, whnronteniplate orect iug a better class of homes in the near future, and who have frequently expressed a desire to obtain a portion of this particular tract, it has finally been subdivided on liberal, picturesque lines, under the supervision of an engineer entirely familiar with the best methods of laying off this character of high-grade properly into un usuallv large residence sites. IN !MAK1N(! thisj'our'first announcement of the opportunity now presented, we desire to state that we are offering but a limited number of lots at this time, to provide for the further improvement of the property grading, curbing, ' cement walks, tree planting, etc. When the requisite number have been disposed of, the remainder will either be withdrawn or price sharply advanced. VK WISH to emphasize the fact that the primary object in opening up and im proving this piece of property is not a speculative one, but rather to provide a con enicnt, select residence section for those, desiring a better class of suburban homes. J The average area in these lots is over 12,000 square feet, or double the size of the ordinary city residence lot. Considering this fact in connection with the manv other attractive features, a very moderate price has been placed upon same, at this preliminary offering, and which will be readily appreciated by those who X have once seen the property. J A special building restriction insures the erection of the right character of improvements. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS RELATIVE TO PRICES, TERMS, ETC., YOU ARE RESPECTFULLY REFERRED TO ANY OF THE LEADING REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Among those who have already selected sites with view of erecting homes the com ing summer inrty be mentioned Mr. John D.tOlwell Dr. F. C. Page Prof. P. J. O'Gara Mr. Alfred T. Williams Mr. H. C. Stoddard Mr. J. R Tomlin Mr. S. Vilas Beckwith Mr. E. B. Davis Mr. Geo. Putnam Mr. C. M. Boynton Mr. Win, Gerig Mr. C. E. Whisler Mr. A. C. Abrams HIGHCROFT ADDITION INC. JNO. D. OLWELL, President P. W. HAMILL. Fiscal Aeent A. CONRO FIERO, Secietiry and Treasurer. i