BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORISON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 15)11. PAGE VtVE NEW LETTUCE IS NOW ON STANDS Early California Lettuce Is Quoted by Local Produce Men at 10 Cents Per Head The First "Early" to Arrive More to Follow Soon. California lottuce, at 10 cents a head, is the lutet-l addition to the list of products on snlo at the local stnnds. This tasty green is to he had in quantities and is the first of tlie early produce received from the Golden state. Eugs still remain the same but are predicted to bo due for a fall in price soon. With the breaking up of the winter .California produce may be expected at any time. The season there, like here has been delayed by the cold winter. MEDFORD MARKETS. (Prices paid by Mcdford merchants. Potatoes $l.35(i?1.50 per cwt. ' Cabbage 11c Squash 85e(ti)$l. Parsnips iyc. California lettuce 10c head. Carrots l'fcc. Beets lV2c Onions lM-c to 1.85. Pears lJ22c. Prunes Dried, 4o. Pumpkins 812 JjC Apples 2c. Celery 75c$l per dozen. Hotter, Eggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Mcdford merchants Butter Fresh ranch (roll), 05c creamery, 70c. Kirk's Fresh ranch, 35c. Poultry Mixed, 1014c: spring chickens, 14lGc; turkeys, 7c. (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $10; nlfalfa.a $14: grass, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Wheat $1.15 bushel; oats. $34 ton; barley, $32 ton. Beef Cows, 441c; steers, 5 5Vnc. Pork 7Vo8c. Veal Dressed, 9c. Mutton 55Vc', lambs, Gc. (Selling prjees.) Rolled barley, $1.75 cwt.; $32 ton; bran; $1.75; middlings, .31.85(3)1.90. FOR EXCHANGE. Hunt Kstnto TO EXCHANGE For Mcdford preperty: 20 acres, unimproved, $2000; 10 acres, unimproved. $10Q0; 20 acres," unimproved, $1000; 18 acres, improved, $7500; 52 acres, improved, $11,000; 3(i acre3, improved, $0000. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE Medford and .suburban property, ranches, timbei lands, for other property. Address Box 11)9, care Mail Tribune. H FOR EXCHANGE The finest small orchard in Roguo River Valley nl Ashland, within city limits, a lovely home, paid 10 per cent net in 190'.! on $32,000, all fino fruit, well as sorted, G room, 2 story residence, bum, packing house; price $12,500; will exchange for Los Angeles prop erty of equal value. Address E. T. Lewis. 571 Chestnut street, Ash land, Ore. 302 FOR EXCHANGE Apnrtmpnt hoiwo in Seattle, net income $575 month. Mcdford. Ownors only neod apply. Biltner & Clark, 207 Phipps blk Mcdford. Or. 2S8 TO EXCHANGE Good well located residence lot for driving team. Hum phrcy, room 3, Adkins block. 287 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FORtSALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-cyIinder touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune offico. tf FOR KALE OH EXCHANGE For real estate, four horse power gas liuo, suitablo for pumping, sprayiii,', sawing wood or hoisting, running presently nt Hoot building. Inquire for ,1. M. Boyd, Northeast corner of Main and Riverside avenue. 28.0 FOR SALE OR RENT. ISu.siiu-.vs Property FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general merchandise ston' in new town with $15,000 month'.v payroll, 'on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co 200 W Main tf FOR SALE OH HENT Small tracts of land. Inquire M. M. Maine, 410 N. Ivy or Main phone 742, 305 FOR RENT OH SALE-Modei . even room house with two sleeping Mi'flua Innitifi' nt Y. II. Elt'iliun. (JOi) We-t Ulh street, phone 4771. I' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE New hotol, doing good huH.icsi;, good locution. Address look box 75. Butte FulU, Or. 297 FOR SALE Lunch collator, sloo'-. on-h resri-ter, etc. ('.til Siiniuu'rlin, 122 North Ivy street. 2t PRICES PAID , FOR APPLES Oregon Ncwtowns Dring From Ten to Eleven Shillings in Liverpool Red Apples Sell in New York for $2.50 Per Box. SroucI & Day Issue tho following under date of New York, February 11: The market In Liverpool now as per cable just received from L. Con nolly & Co., Is as ollews: Ncwtowns California 4-tier 7b Gd to 7s 9d; 4 1-2-tler, Vs to 7s 3d; Ore gon, 10s lid, poor condition, Ss. We .have no cable from London today. One car of Watsonville Ncwtowns, 1-ticr, sold here at auction this morn ing a few at SI. 70, but the bulk at $1.G5, ajail we do not think the fruit was of the highest grade, pretty ripe. Of red apples from tho northwest two or three cars daily are taken out of cold storage and put on tho Eric wharf, which sell all the way from $1.50 to $2.50, according to the fruit and tho pack, color, style, etc. Some good firm varieties o,f other red ap ples are in better demand than tho Spitzenbergs and of course tho latter are getting pretty ripe, naturally so, being mostly large. Tho total shipments of box ap ples for tho past few weeks have been as follews: January 14; 37.S00; January 21, Its, 000; January 2S, 34,500; Keb- uary 1, 30,500; February 11, 26,200. Raskins for health LOST. LOST On Main street yesterday two rings, six keys. Please return to Mail Tribune. 28(i LOST On Main street, between North Orange and York and com pany's office. Ladies pin set with opal matrix. Leave at 27 North Orange street and receive reward. 28G FOR RENT. Hoard nutl ltoonis FIRST CLASS' BOARD With or without room. Mrs. J. L. Stone, No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farm ers and Fruit Growers Bank. tf. ROOM AND BOARD With Mrs. J. D. Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. "310 North. Bartlctt. BOARD With or without rooms. Mrs. J. Judson, 317 E. Jackson st. Phono 3712. 302 Furnished Kooius FOR RENT Furnshcd sleeping room; everything now and cloan; reasonable price; easy walK from Main st. Only men need apply. Oleson and W. "Hamilton sts. Phone Main 4474. tf FOR RENT 20 modorn equipped rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, electric light, toilets and baths, suitablo for first-class rooming house; rooms en suite, suitable foi families or modem offices. Inquire) Aldonhngen, care Roguo River Elco ric Co. tf FOR RENT Furnished front bed room, suitable for man and wife or two gentlcmnn, with board. Inquire ' 90G West Eleventh or phono 117 R Home phone. 2SG FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with bath, 230 N. Central ave. Lady preferred. 201 FOR RENT At the Cottage, mod ern furnished rooms wilh or with out board. Rooms equipped with private telephono service, hot and cold running water, sleeping por ches, bath aecomadations and boat if' donircd. G04 West 10 st. Phone call private exchange 141. tf. The Cumberland FURNISHED ROOMS s Suites with private bath JRooms include largo closets aud sleopjng porches. Also hot and cold water in connection. (nreakfast served if desired. flReception rooms for guests. (jCJontleiuen only. 706 S. Oakdale Ave. Medford, Ore. FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRTIT LANDS Laim aud Small Tracts MOOIt-EHNI 00. ;212 Fruitgrowers Dank Bldg: FOR RENT. l'urnlslied liooms FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, banrd next door. 345 N. Bartlctt. tf Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms at 405 S. Oakdale. Phone Main 1(114. , 28(5 FOR HENT Housekeeping rooms at 45 N. Bnrtlett st. 28(! I OR RENT Modern apartment or three rooms, large bath room and ' . n I screened porch, completely furnish ed, including hicA attd silver. Very close in. Prico $35.00, tinll.nnly be tween 2 and 5 p. m. Call 132 North Ivy; must be oeen to bo appreciat ed. 2S9 FOR RENT Two light housekeeping room, close in. Inquire 334 W. Gth sL 28G Houses FOR RENT Furnished five room bungalow, modorn, close in. Inquire 519 South Holly. 28G FOR RENT Good 0 room house, $15. Humphrey, room 3, Adkins. block. 280 FOR RENT House on 114 Portinnd nve. Inquire at Palace hotel. 2S4 FOR RENT 5-room modern hou3e. Call GO N. Orange st. tf lluslness llooins FOR HENT New building, 10x20, suitable for carpenter shop or barn. Inquire foot of A) 285 FOR. RENT-rBusincss room on W. ,Mnin st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf Orflcis"for Kent. FOR RENT Over the postoffieo with heat and light. See A. A. Davis, tf. FOR RENT Offico rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Ray Reoltv Co.. 2l0 W. Main st. If FOR RENT A largo heated offico plenty of hot water and baths fur nished free to roomers at 133 W. Main st. 288 Farms FOR RENT Farms from JO acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, gnrden lands, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co. 210 Went Main tf Miscellaneous run nvjisii iiigii grade piano 111 family with no children for $3.00 I1fl 1k1rt1 per month and moving. Phone 3401 ti. FOR SALE. Acreage FOR SALE 5 and 10-acro tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE 30 acres red fruit land 4Vs miles from Medford; will set to any kind of fruit and furnish trccn and will caro for tho orchard for five years for $250 nn aero.; will clear and plant for $200 por acre. Land ns it is $125 por acre. II. E. Bowman, Jacksonville, Ore gon. 285 FOR SALE One-half aero ground, small houso in Northwest Medford. on Alder street, $750 cash. Call or nddress E. W. Scott, 04 3rd St.. Ashland, Or. 287 Lots FOR SALE Ono corner lot 50x1-10 on Portland avenue, fenced side walk aiu city water, fruit treos Enquire W. P. Baker, or 305 Port land ave. 290 FOR SALE-Onc lot in Wnlnut park, closo to paving, 00x125; lay perfectly; on your own torms. Bitt nor & Clerk. tf FOR SALE$200 each, $10.00 down and $10.00 per month; 12 nice high building lots, only 300 feet from North Central pavement. Inquiro at O. R. Chaffeo Land Co., Palm build ing. tf. LOT FOR SALE Big bargain, beau tiful lot on Ross Court, high and dry, paved street, water, gas and sewer. Just the Jot to build your homo on. V. II. Dawson, 133 Wot Main , telephono 0031. t f . FOR SALE $800 cash, one of the best located lots on the east side, cement side walk and all improve ments paid. Van Dyke Realty Co. 285 FOR SALT'. 3 lots op wofct Second streot, $150 each, water and sowor. $75 cash and $15 por mouth. Van Dyke Realty Co. 23.1 FOR SALE $950 building lot 911 South Orange truot, bolwei'u 10th ami Main. Inquire at No. 4 South Orange. . . 280 FINEST roideiiue lot in the city at lowest price on easiest tonn, buy from owner. Humphrey, room 3, Ad kins block. 'i87 SPLENDID LOTS, close to nrr school on west Ja-kou streot, $300, easy iyimint lJau, pricu adhuno April 1, 1911, tfrVut improvement out our wny, ivatiug; new sojioo!; Midewiillftt and etc., pavement cost v.111 nollting, ri nmiii'. Iliiuqiliri'V 287 i FOR SALE Lots SPLENDID lots in Hill View, $300; easy payments; see owner. Hunl phroy. 287 Houses $1025 is n half payment on 11 modern seven room house, close in, balance comes easy. You will like the house when you look it over and I will bo glad to show it to you. E. S. Tinny, in, n u n. ....... iii.i.. nor. ,.,--, ; '. r :: 0H SALE A splendid new , room S -II .....,1...... ... . 1 i !.. it... liousc, :;ii iiiuui-iu, i-iisi ntnu in uiu best residence district, very close in 01 east sidej small payment, bal- anco easy terms. FOR SALE Good new 4 room bungalow, very close in, easy terms, see owner. Humphrey, room 3, Ad kins block. 2S7 FOR SALE Brand new, nicely fur nished, well arranged, modern five riTtim bungalow, close in. Price $2300, onsy terms. V. II. Dawson, 133 West Main, telephone 0031. tf. FOR SALE Large moduru house with south and cast front, 113 feet front on paved street, by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly niodrn; renson for selling, lady of huso needs n change of climate; this place is suitable for nice homo or first class rooming housn; easy terms tt right party. So tho Jacksoi. County Realty Co., 004 West Tont'l. st. Wo also Imvo largo and small tracts of improved and unimprov ed orchard lands. Offico 214 Gar net. Corey Bldg. 2nd floor tf. FOR SALE One of the most mod ern bungalows in Medford; new, front porch 10x10 J fivo rooms, bath, ball and vestibule, beamed ceiling, built-in furniture including book cases, writing desk, buffet, etc.; modern kitcheirettu, elcctrio wires nnd fixtures complete. Property 1 feet above street grade; south front, joining now achool property, 702 Jackson boulevard west. Seo own or on properly. tf FOR SALE $1350 buys modern house, new; $G00 cash, balance 1 year, 10 per cent. Address 1XX, Medford Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE $850 buys a modern bungalow, that is rented for $22.50 per month. Balance of $800 due in one year at 8 per cent. See us nt once. Van Dyke Realty Co. 285 I'Uit saijU .fiuuu buys a seven room newly built houso just four blocks from Washington school, on large lot. Owner must sell nnd will make terms. E. S. Tinny, 201 Gar- nott-Corey Bldg. 285 Jtiisiuess Property F Oli SALE Chiiifii husinuss nroti urt.y at u uuruiii, un long nine; 1 A .T.l n .1 tt.. easy terms. iuiurcsH tjouoor an tor Pownr Co ' FOR SALE The very best, closest in; ware house properly, 011 paved street, adjoining tho Medford Groc ery house, sido track, full length; situated on corner South Front and 11th streets, buy from owner. Hum phrey, room 3, Adkins block. 28(i Heal IMjiIo FOR SALE Ono of the best fruit ranches on Rogue River; 14 acres in full bearing and a regular producer. y. mile from station. Good road, fair building nnd fences. A'rice reasonable, best of terms. For fur ther particulars inquiro at 1012 E. Main st. 300 FOR SALE Attention, buyer and homes-eckcr, 100 acre.",, Williams creek valley on proposed survey of h'o Grants Pass and Rogue River It. R., 40 acres in cultivation, 120 acres bottom laud, balance honched. $35 por aore. Land under irriga tion; water right goos wilh the place. Address- Dan II. Heran, 107 Of It st., Grants Pass, Or. 288 FOR SALE 40 acres stuinpugo land for particulars. Address E. Marshall ' box 377 Medford, Ore. 291 AN INCOME PRODUCER Forty acres within ono and one-bidf mile of shipping station, embracing ten acres of bearing young Newtown applos, with pear tree fillers .tt one way only; seven acres in Anjou and Hartlott M'ars,7u wound year's growth; ten in'ies in alfalfa which produced 35 tons fine hay last sea son. Balance uncleared. Good hav barn on premises and fino building silo but no dwelling. Tvv good water rights in connection. Firal clnss fruit land ami adapted to hur ries, giirdeu truck or small fruit of any kind, while young orchard is maturing. Cheapest tract on market at price, $"18,000. Good terms. See Itoguu Rivor Land Co., No. 11 North Central Avenue. Three good lierpom houses- for rent. tf. .Miscellaneous FQR SALE -New Drophond Whito sowing machine, choap. Call 111 Contra! uveuue, over Miliuury store, 280 FOR SALE-(heap, now crown drop head sewing inuohiue. Call at 100 Almond street. 385 FOR SALE Jersey oow, fresh. Ad dross m 31. care Mail Tribune of iice. 2bV FOR SALE. Miscellaneous FOR SALE Corn at k;aacs raneji. tf. FOR SALE Peach (rocs, 4 to G feet, $10 per 100; Royal Ann cliorry, 4 to G feet, $12 por 100. Donald Nur sery Co., Donald, Or. 303 FOR SALE Full blood whito Leig hom eggs. Farmer phone 5392. 302 SINGER and Wheeler & Wiison sow ing machines for sale or rent; sup plies and repairs for all kinds. Everything guaranteed. Offico at Alliu's Storo. Phone 0043. FOR SALE Corn. Inquiro Dr. Clancy office, Phipps Bldg., or phono Main 501. tf. FOR SALE 2 or 3 horso disc liar how. Call nt Medford Book Store. tf. FOR SALE A bargain in automo biles. As good as now. Owner pur chased larger machine. Crater Lake Garage, Riverside avenue between Main and Eighth streets. tf. FOR SALE Emerson squnre piano with pianola self player and fifteen pieces perforated music, $150. Write lock box 7, Jacksonville, Ore. 294 FOR SALE Shingle mill; 24 inch surfneer, sticker and turning lathe, Address Mrs. D. Sharp R. 1, bo. 00 Woodvillc, Ore. 285 FOR SALE Early siuirisp sped pi latoes. Inquire C. M. Purkr, P. O. Box 834, Medford. Phono 4524. 1, i-Z L FOR SALE Smyth .Premier type writer No. 4, good as new. Price $30. Address II. C. Stoltzo, Medford, Or., R. F. D. No. 1. 280 FOR SALE Clean seed wheat 2 cents per lb., 21- miles southwest of Medford. E. J. Walz. 28G FOR SALE Comparatively now Faiihanks-Morso spray outfit com plete; engine, pump, tank, tower, hose nul nozzle. R. B. Wilson, Mcdford, Or. tf FOR SALE Bay horso five years old, weight about 1050, rides or drives; light team and single har ness, and man's saddle. Also ladies saddle, practically now. 503 S. Oakdale. Phono 0021. 285 FOR SALE Whito Leghorn cock rels, $1.50 each, also White Leghorn eggs, $l00 setting; $5.00 hundred A. W. McPhcrson, phono 7111. 2 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, $1 per 15, $500 per 100. Brown Leg horns, fine layers. I. A. Armstrong, Box 138, Medford. 30S FOR' SALE Wood delivered to any place in tho city oak or fir, at $9 por cord. Call Main 51. 285 FOR SALE Washington coal, $8.50 per ton; Rock spring coal, '$12.00 per (on. Burfidgo tho coalman, phone 1002. 291 FOR SALE A number of full blood White Leghorn roostern. Call at 515 Wont Second or phone Gill. 280 FOR SALE Fnnco boards, fence 4iou'.s, fence wire, a farm mare. Foi balo at Thnju Oaks Orchards, three miles south of Medford. tf. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male WANTED HosponsiUlo contractor dosires to exchange labor for a lot. Address C. A. M., 344 N. ,Barllott, city. . 280 WANTED Salesmen' in every local ity of tho northwest; money uiH vanced weekly; many muko ovoi $1000 month; choioo of territory Yakima Valley Nursory Co., Top nenish. Wash. 1 L WANTED Expjrionced man to trim 21) acres bearing apple orchard. Phone Main 1171. ('. li. Webb. 2H5 Help Wanted Kcmule. WANTED Apprentice girls. Inquire at Rundlett Sisters, 103 North ('an tral avenue. 280 WANTED- Competent woman fi-i genaral house work and plain cook ing in small family. Apply 429 North Central. 280 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED- -Position by experienced bookkoepor and stenographer. Ad dress II. W., care Mail Tribune. 28'i WANTED Wahiiig and ironing by tho hour, uUo house cluaning. Ad dress- 511 Eut Main. 290 WANTED Position by oxpuridnurd bookkeeper or would accept posi tion iitt clerk. Phone No. Main I79-. 2SG WANTED A Kfiitle and honest Jap miose, wishes position as hou.e work in first class family, the poo plu must be kind and gentle, start to work from March 1st. Addre-,. box 19 euro Mail Tribune office. 285 MISCELLANEOUS UXCAVATING-To let MveavHtinl Ii. cunt ra avenue, Apply 201! HnoM-vclt ji. RANTED. Mlsccllnncotii WANTED Six or seven room mod ern house before May 1. Rcason ablt) rent. Address Manager, care of this office. tf WANTED I do housccleaniug by day, hours or week. Yama. Tel. Main G051. ' WANTED I or G horse power stonm engine and boiler, will buy or lease, price or terms. Hall Bros. Trail Oreggn. 290 WANTED To rent steam hoisting engine for grading. Apply 20(1 Roosevelt avenue. Phono 5401. 280 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants 1). R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for i reasonable, figure; your business solicited. Offico Phipps bldg., room 209. Phone 3122. AssMiyer and Analyst EARL V. 1NGELS, B. S. Best equipped assay offico in Oregon; food products, Boils, fertilizers, sprny products, water, clc, an alyzed. Grants Pass. Architects LOOK. READ AND THINK I will draw plans, make estimator build your houso tosuit you; will take ns part pay hogs, cows, fur niture, fruit, ncrenge, or city lots in any desirable location, or will take your notes on terms to suit. I also have a nico home, 1(10 acres im proved down S. E., will cxohaiiRo for lots or acroaggo bore of same value. Call at 112 S. Riverside any day, after 7 p. 111. or phono 3032 nt 0:30 p. m., or drop me card stating your wants nnd needs V. A. Lovelace, Contractor nnd Builder. IOIINS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residcnco phone 744. A. P. GOODWIN, Architict, offico 340, corner Front and Third. Attorneys COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, O. L. Roames. Lawyors. Of fice Mcdford National Bank build ing, socoud floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-nt-Iaw. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoffieo building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnott Coroy bldg. WITTHNGTON & KELLY Lawyors, Palm building. B. F. MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30. Jackson Co. Bank bldg. "liflliiu-i! Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A uisa, cool place to spoud tho hot uftov- HOOtlB. lllll Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster anv Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Dank building, Medford, Or. Collections ACCOUNTS colleotoTm nnjTpart of tho world. No chargo if not col lected. Pacific Collecting Co., 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Cigars and Tobacco IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokohouso -Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smoreks' supplies. Exclusive ngent? of Lewis Singlo Binder, EI Moritt and El Pnloncia. 212 West Mnm street., I'ldc'lily and Surety liondi L. L. SMALL, bonds of nil kinds in tho best companies. 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Furniture II. F. WILSON & CO., doalors in now und sv.?oud-haud furniture and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. 1G South Fir streot. Phono Main 3101. MISSION FUHNITURL WORKS Corner 8th and Holly ctrcets, Med ford. Mission furniture mudo to order. Cabinet work of all kinds A trial ordor solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstoves and ranges. Now and second-hand furniture Ends' old stand, 18 W F st., South. Phono 91, Mcdford (Jranlto Works GOLD HAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main st., manufacturers nnd deal ers in gmonuinentnl nnd buildin granite, oruslied grnnito common brick and prossod briok, course and fine washed rivnr sand MEDFORD BRICK CO.-G00." W. Priddv, O. D. Nnglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors nnd manu- fucturors of bri?k; denlors in prossod brick aud lime. Offioo in Garnett-Corov block, room 209: 2d floor. Phono No. Hi 81 .Notary I'liMitf NOTARY PUBLIC Room 207. Phlnps bjdg. NOTARY I'URFJC Mail 'fribiin office. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSB Cut flowers, potted plants, shrubbery , bulbil. 923 E. Jlnin, Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our tiees nro budded, hot grafted. Our stok is not irrigated. Wo guarantco ev erything put out. Wo are not in the trust. II. B. Pattorson, offico removed to 110 E. Main st ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers nigh grado nursery slock. Offico 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. Physicians and Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to internal modicinn nnd gen eral offico practice. Offico hours, 10 lo 12, 2 to 4. Offico phono 731, rcsidenco phono 4542. Offico over Strang's drug store. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD- Physician and Surgeon. Offico 210 E. .Main at., over Has kins' drug store. Phono Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY-Ph sicinns and surgeons, Taylor nnfi Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, residonco phono 012. Office hours 9 a. nt. lo 3 n. m. DR. F. G. CAR LOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostcopnthie physicians. Moved to Rooms 410 and 4 7, Garnott-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 0351 DR. E. II. PQRT.ER Discivses of women a specialty. Rooms 6, 0, 7 8. St. Mark's bldg., Mcdford, Oi Phones: Office 4901, residenct 4951. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS-PraT tico limited to discasos of the eye, ear, noso nnd throat Offico Suite 318. Garnott-Coroy bldg. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE, Dentist Office in Rinllo bldg., 123 F. Main. Gas administered for ex traction of tooth. Telephono Mnm 081. Night phono 4432. DR. W. W. "WICK-IIomoopathi. physicinn; residence 203 Olson bt. phono Main' 4474; offico, rooms 3 and 4 St. Mnrk'a block, phone Main 1871. DR. STEARNS Phy8ician und sur geon. Offico Garnott-Coroy bldg. rooms 211-212, phono 1092. Rosi doneo 113 Laurel st.. ph one 2092 DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Practico limited to diseases of wo men. Offico Ilaskins' bldg. Phone Main 1001. Dr. W. M. Vnn Scoyoa, Dr. C. C. Vnn Scoyoc. Dentists. Gnrnotl-Corey bldg., suito 318, Med- ford. Or. Roth Phones-. DR. R. E. GREEN, eyo, onr, nose and throat. Rooms 212-213 Gar-nnott-Corey bldg. DR. E. E. KOCH, Chiropractic dem onstrator of Psychology. Ease for all disease. No drugs. No knites Phono (1701, or call at 300-.'f7 Garnett-Core.y blk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to G, and 7 to 8; by appointment on bundays. CHOW YOUNO'S Chinese medicines will cltro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goiters, throat and lu,g trouble, deafness, paralysis, pri vate diseases and all kinds of chronic nnd nervous nilnients. Stom ach trouble, constipaliQii, indiges tion, womb and bladdor troubles. Soo mo nt 241 S. Front st., Med ford, Or. DR. LEHOY M. GORDON Chiro praotio spinologist; over Mcdford Hardwaro Co., 210 E. Main st., Medford, Or. Printers and I'lildlshers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has t!i best equipped job offioo in South. orn Oregon; Book binding; loo.d leuf systems; cut paper, etc, ed , Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Stonograpliers ELLA M. GUANYAW Palai itltsk StonoArapkio work done, anici'y and wo. FUBL1C STENOGRAPHER, 4)2 Garnott-Corey Hldjr., Medford, Or. Mms L. J. Ilingston. Telephone Home 95. Tin Sbojw J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and shoot iron ware on hand and mndts to ordor. 128 North G st. Rend Signs. VALLEY SIGN ADVERTISING CO.'S SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phono 802. 18 Rivomd Avo. Tents and Awnings MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING Co., makors of new, repairni of old. Both phones 405, S. Oakdale. Uulnuii CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Moots nt Smith's ImJl. 138 North Grupo streot, ovory Thurs day ovening promptly at 8 o'oloolc. All .journeymen onrpenUrs, as well as local mombcrs, nrgod to ba prs ont. Rubuiobs of vital iatareRt to all carpontnrs transacted at these, mootiuuti. I? f w